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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 18
WW 1 3
Crit WW 1 1/3 HP, Slowed
WW 1 2
Mino 11
Swing and a miss
WW 2 15
Mino 12
Hit Mino 4/5 HP
WW 3

She followed Rolas' advice, coming in low with the spear, which surprised her and allowed her to score a debilitating hit, the blade of her spear passing through the Werewolf's thigh and back across it's chest as she spun, her momentum allowing her to continue spinning away from the almost immediately downed clone. It wasn't wounded as such, but it certainly acted like it, now limping and recoiling, red spots showing where she had struck, glowing softly. As her spin carried her away, Mino was struck by a paw from behind, feeling the pain of claws tearing at her back and through her shirt, but no real wound was caused, her back showing angry red claw marks glowing softly. But it had felt real... The third creature had continued to try and get close, but after seeing how badly injured the first had been, it kept it's distance, trying to get behind her the entire time, wary eyes on the spear in her hands.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The adrenaline started to kick in for Mino as she had easily managed to debilitate the first wolf, using her spear she immediately tried to do the same to the werewolf that had backed away from her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 6
WW 2
Hit WW 2 2/3
WW 2 14
Mino 10
Hit Mino 3/5
Mino 8
WW 1 4
Hit, Kill
WW 3 3
Mino 20
Crit fail, counter attack, WW3 2/3
Mino 7
WW 3 11

Spinning again, a motion Mino was becoming incredibly used to, She lashed out at the creature backing away, drawing a wound across its chest as the blow carried through to a thrust into the already injured creature, causing it to fade away, defeated as Mino was struck again from behind. Attacking again and missing, She spun the spear against her body to avoid a clumsy attack from the third only to strike it sharply on the nose with the butt of her weapon, the follow up swing missing before she resettled into a stance that just felt... Right. Legs wide, spear held in both hands shoulder width apart. She was learning, and quickly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was getting used to her combat style now, managing to banish one of the beasts and injure another, in a prime position to attack again, she decided to try something non-predictable and lash out with the hilt of the spear, hoping to stun them so she could immediately follow up.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 15
WW 2 11
Hit 1/3
WW 2 5
Mino 10
WW 3 8
Mino 15
Mino 7
WW 3 6
Hit 1/3

It was going beautifully now, her attack struck perfectly, the butt of the spear striking the creature in the chest as she turned her entire body, leading with her shoulders to bring the blade of the spear across it's chest again, forcing it farther back and it's clumsy counter attack to miss., instinctively following the momentum of her move, Mino continued turning, the claws of the 3rd Werewolf felt brushing against her shirt as she brought the butt of her spear up again this time as a simple feint as the weapon made a full rotation, the blade lancing through it's leg. Constantly moving the weapon now, never stopping, Mino had no problem seeing both were on their last legs and she had no problem following them at all.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Another spin attack had badly damaged the remaining two wolves, inspiring Mino with renewed confidence to attack again, this time trying to take the werewolves by surprise, she used a good amount of strength to jump and slam her hilt into the werewolves stomach, hopefully knocking the werewolf onto the ground, where she would land ontop of it and drive the spears blade into the werewolves head.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

WW 2

WW 2 10
Mino 10
Draw, both take damage, Kill, Mino 2/5 HP

Mino 14
WW 3 9

Mino's attack went wide as the werewolf side stepped only to step in and catch the blade across it's chest again as Mino took a raking slash to her ribs, gods above that hurt! Staggering back, Mino instinctively brought the butt of the spear up and an angle behind her, and her Rolas shout in sudden pain as she reverted to her usual form, the butt catching her in the shoulder, and Mino was very glad it hadn't been the blade. But still, Rolas was clapping as was Sarah while Ryan watched before standing and walking forward, making a tiny adjustment to her stance and nodding. "Well Done." he said quietly before moving back to sit.

Mino has learned Whirlwind Style. Also don't forget that Mino has a spell.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Smirking as she had won the fight, Mino asked "I think im ready for the disadvantage fight", keeping her spear ready.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"Are you sure dear~?" Charlotte said, floating down behind her as Rolas reached into her pocket space and tossed the witch a bottle. "So this is it~ Tassadar's latest creation..." the witch whispered before tossing it to Mino. "Drink it, The goal this time? Don't lose control... Wait for it to take effect, and then strip." Charlotte said, laying her hat to the side before moving towards Rolas and holding out her hand, which the succubus actually bit, pulling something brightly glowing and red from the witches body, and Mino could practically see her glowing with power again. Looking at her with a grin, Rolas split into 3 people again, and then morphed, in her places standing something Mino hadn't seen before. Her skin was now a soft blue and her eyes now had slits for pupils, a single tendril sprouting from the right arm on each as they started moving again, waiting for the coating to slide into place, the exact same as before, leaving her holes vulnerable and her mouth open as her body warmed up a little. Rolas would only start after Mino had stripped and nodded.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino did as she was told, feeling the familiar gel slide into place as she got her spear ready, this time she would attempt to use that new magic she gained, attempting to use it on the...thing infront of her.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 14
Blue 1 4
Hit Blue 1 2/4 Mino MP 1/2
Blue 1 5
Mino 18
Crit fail Blue 1 1/4
Blue 2 10
Mino 7
Mouth penetrated 2/10 AP -1 to rolls
Mino 7
Blue 2
Blue 2 loses pen, 3/4
Mino 14
Blue 3 14
Tie, Folds penetrated Blue 3 3/4 Mino AP 4/10

Mino's spell went off without a hitch, causing the first of the creatures to stagger to the side as it's left arm fell useless to it's side, a large, angry red line showing across it, it was a powerful spell. It didn't carry a lot of physical force however and didn't manage to halt it's sudden lunge as it's tendril slipped easily into Mino's mouth, making her blush and gasp as it slid down her throat to thrust for a moment before Mino pulled away, the tendril slipping free as she dealt a harsh blow with her spear to its stomach, making it fall away from her clutching its midriff. She didn't even see the next attack coming but reacted anyway as a bolt of pleasure shot up her spine, the third creatures hand felt on her inner thigh from behind her as the tendril shot deep into her folds, drawing a hungry moan from her as her inner walls clenched around it, her spear spinning to slap the creature across the chest, forcing it back, the tendril slipping from her yet again even as her body started to warm up. Thankfully, one creature was already close to being completely defeated again, but her lust was starting to get hard to ignore, and she realised just how badly at a disadvantage it was that she was so easily slid into, her body always reacting strongly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The battle was continuing like normal, pleasure shot up Minos spine each time she was quickly penetrated, but she managed to quickly whip around and fend off the assailant each time, this time she tried using the same hilt strike into stab technique on the monster that kept attacking her from behind.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 1
Blue 1 12
Crit fail, Penetrated in the tuckus, AP 6/10
Blue 1 3
Mino 20
Crit fail, dead
Blue 2 19
MIno 12
Penetrated in the mouth 8/10 AP
Mino 15
Blue 2 16
Can't get the tendril out.
Blue 3 14
Mino 9
Penetrated in the slit again. 10/10. Mino loses, prepare for gangbang

Mino just wasn't fast enough. Her first strike was thrown off as the damage creature proved it was far faster then it looked spinning behind her to slip it's tendril into her pucker with next to no resistance, the gel making sure that only intense pleasure radiated from the contact as Mino let out a lewd moan. However, in it's attempt to keep it's grip, Mino backhanded it, knocking it out. As it fell, she turned only to receive another tendril in her mouth as it coiled around her neck from behind to slip into her mouth, which the gel made sure could not be closed, another moan slipping from around the length as this time she couldn't slip it, starting to thrash and twist her hips, her open folds wet as the last stepped forward and pushed it's tendril straight into her waiting slit, the orgasm she was immediately forced into making her drop her spear and scream around the tendril in her throat in bliss, pleasure washing over her as she lost control, and the battle. When she recovered, she'd find not 1, but 3 very hungry Rolas' all staring at her, nursing their dicks and grinning at her. "Well well well... That's how you did, Well~! But now... Brunch" The one in the middle said.

Stepping forward, She pushed her length straight into her mouth, starting to thrust and moan hungrily as the other two moved, one slipping under her while the other lifted her hips. As the one underneath her began to lick and tease her nipples, her hot lips settling over the hard peaks, she was lowered onto its length, her folds greedily pulling on it as her body immediately tried to milk it, her body shaking in pleasure even before the third held her hips and roughly penetrated her ass, all beginning to thrust in unison, Rolas drinking in her pleasure as if from a water fall, the three forcing as much pleasure on Mino as possible...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Caught out by a few attacks, Mino eventually found herself easily beaten as tendrils slipped into her mouth and pucker, on the ground, panting and tired, Mino realised that Rolas was probably going to be very very hungry, lowered onto one Mino, she was forced to lie ontop of her as the other two penetrated her asshole and her mouth respectively, Mino giving out small muffled moans of pleasure and making swallowing sounds as she tried to cope, she was thoroughly pounded by all three of the Rolas, her bodies folds clenching around the dicks trying to milk them as she tried to catch her breath while she was forced to suck off one of the Rolas, eventually she couldnt handle it as she gave a meek little squeal and reached a orgasm making her entire body twitch with delight.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

They were far from done with her, Rolas starving even as all three shuddered in delight as she came, the extra pleasure feeding them all the more as the continued to thrust, not bothering to be subtle, or gentle since her bodies current... "Disadvantage" Made being gentle utterly unnecessary, her body easily taking it all as she was slammed straight into another climax before all three pulled out and came across her face, chest, and back, the warm sticky feeling of their spunk on her sensitive body only driving her lust a little higher, feeling dirty and used by her mistress. Forcefully grabbing her legs and spreading them, Rolas seemed to be talking to Sarah for a moment, who obediently ran off, only to return a short moment later with a few things. One a long coil of rope, the other what looked like several stakes. While one took the items, the other two bent Mino's legs over her chest, one thrusting into her mouth while the other lapped at her folds. The one holding the odd items talking to Charlotte who smirked, and then shoo'ed Ryan and Sarah away who obediently left.

Charlotte, muttering a few words, chuckled as the Rolas in front of her shrank down to only 3 or 4 inches tall, handing her the thin, and what turned out to be strong, silk rope, and then set her down on Mino's slit. Holding the rope while the others held her immobile, Mino watched as the tiny Rolas moved over her pucker, before scrambling inside her rear, the feel of her moving deeper inside her driving her wild with pleasure. And she only kept going, watching more and more of the rope disappear into her as the tiny woman within her kept moving, the other two resuming to tease her slit. After what felt like almost a full minute of the teasing motions inside her body, she felt Rolas crawling up her throat before hopping out of her mouth, the rope still firmly held. Grinning widely, the task of holding Mino down became a one Rolas job as the other set about hammering the stakes into the ground and wrapping the excess rope from her pucker around them as the tiny Rolas grew back to full size. Reaching into her dimensional pocket, Rolas retrieved a ballgag and simply tied the rope around it, before the other pulled it tight, the rope sliding through her to pull the large ball into her mouth.

Now completely unable to resist anyone of them until she was released, Mino had her left leg tied to her arm as she was rolled onto her side, forcing her leg to stay raised while her other arm and leg were bound to the stakes as well, forcing her right leg out straight along with her other arm. Admiring the ropework for a moment, and watching Mino Squirm, they each began to take turns pounding her slit, pushing her into climax after climax after climax as each one came into her slit, Charlotte keeping careful watch on the time with a pocket watch. After she had been filled with seed 7 more times, did the witch raise her arm, the Rolas' all forming back into one and the rope cut, slid from her as Rolas beamed widely. "I do love~~~ My rope"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

On cue, Mino reached another orgasm as did the clones of Rolas, spurting their seed all over Mino and leaving her looking like a little sex toy, her lewd personality coming back, Mino had herself penetrated again by the remaining two Rolas, while the third one was shrunk down and used to create a strange all the way through bondage technique on Mino, keeping her tied to the ground and unable to move as she was roughly pounded into again, feeding these clones several more times until the witch raised her hand for them to stop, Mino was freed as excess cum dripped out of lower lips, her mouth and her ass hole, panting and recovering on the ground, Mino gave a lusty smile to the three Rolas as she sat up.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"I feel much better~" Rolas said, forming back into a single person again as she patted Mino's head. "And you've greatly improved... Did you enjoy our little rope trick there My little Mino?" She asked, her dick shrinking away again, although the sight of Mino covered in cum definitely keeping her interested. It turned out she had only released her because her coating began to fall away again, leaving her normal ungelled her, but the Succubus was definitely up for more fun if the lusty spearwoman was...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Sitting up and being petted, Mino smiled, noticing her dick shrinking away, Mino decided to seize the moment and suddenly crawl forward, hugging Rolas around her waist, Mino had no problem suddenely sucking on Rolas dick, stopping it from shrinking as it returned to its normal size, Mino obediently sucked at it, Rolas gave out a gasp of pleasure as she watched her little slave suck away at her dick, placing her hands on her head and forcing her forward with each suck, Mino almost deep throating her dick several times as Rolas pleasure climbed higher and higher, eventually reaching a orgasm as she held onto Minos head tight, Mino making gulping and swallowing noises as she swallowed Rolas seed, pulling away, Mino smiled, the feeling of the warm cum inside her making her pretty much addicted to it now, she teased the head of Rolas dick again with her tongue, sensually saying "Ah mistresses thick cum~ The finest she could offer to me...", Mino continued to lick the ejaculate still on Rolas dick, cleaning it as she looked up at Rolas and winked.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas let out a surprised Gasp as Mino was far from sated herself, lunging forward to suck her off hungrily one last time, swallowing every drop of her cum as Rolas bucked and moaned, before Mino backed away, licking away any excess from her cock as she winked at her, proclaiming her Mistress' cum the finest in the land as Rolas recovered, Charlotte watching in amused silence wondering what she would do next. "well... we'll take that as a yes for the complicated rope work" She said chuckling softly even as Rolas tried to put her member away again, her folds wet and aching.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Trying to put her member away again, Mino fell into another lustful state as she suddenely had Rolas on the ground, sitting on her face, Mino gripped her member again with her hand, starting to rub and stroke at her dick, while Rolas built up arousal caused her to lick at Minos pussy while she gave her a hand job, while her own arousal rose Mino was making almost deft work of pleasuring Rolas, bringing her to another tiring orgasm as Mino stopped gripping Rolas dick, cum on her hand, as Rolas tried to get up, Mino made a tut and turned around, penetrating herself on Rolas, with a somewhat greedy smile on her face, Mino said in a frighteningly dominating tone "Ah~! You only stop when i say you can stop~!", the lands sex having gotten to her, Mino started to bounce on Rolas member, giving a moan and yelp of pleasure each time she felt Rolas dick thrust deeper into her, her entire mind concentrated on exhausting herself and Rolas, eventually bringing herself and Rolas to a simultaneous orgasm as Rolas shot her seed into Minos waiting womb, who gave out a squeal of delight, finally getting off of Rolas and letting her hide her dick again, while Mino sat cross legged, smiling in satisfaction.