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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

"That would explain why we couldn't find it then, it had moved realms. That's exceedingly rare, must have been something to do with it's previous owner. Very well, follow me." Shimmer said before turning and leading them down an unbelievably long staircase and into what looked to be a massive artificial cavern. It was lit by a series of glowing red and orange lanterns that were hung across the walls and even along the ceiling. How they had gotten them up that far was a mystery, until Mino looked over to see a dwarf with a crossbow, literally shooting another lantern up to further illuminate the very back of the cavern. The Cavern itself was maybe 300 yards in each direction, and filled with a series of large tents and small fences. It was much like a military camp, and after the general confusion around her died down, it became much easier to navigate.

The dwarves themselves gave Shimmer a wide berth, and after a short discussion with a dwarf at one of the tents, he came back with a long knife made of silver from end to end which he handed to Sarah. "Only certain weapons can harm the supernatural, and blades such as this one are rare and difficult to make, Do not lose it." He said seriously before leading them to an enclosed circle were several dwarves were fighting. Mino recognized Grimmlock, who noticed her, he seemed to be the master at arms here and upon recognition, walked over. "She's come for some training Master Grimmlock" Shimmer said, before taking a seat nearby. Grimmlock just continued to stare at her, expecting her to speak.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino was taken down to the caverns to her intended destination, Sarah was handed a silver knife which she seemed a bit eager to use, regardless she was taken down to a fighting circle for her training, looking around she saw Grimmlock again, smiling weakly she hesitantly waved and said "H-Hi g-grimmlock....id l-like some t-training p-please..." very shyly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grimmlock seemed to cover his face with his palm as Mino took her spear and then proceeded to act like anything but a fighter. Still, he humored her and went to go get a spear of his own. "Alright then lass, attack me if ye ken, I need to see watcha know about the craft."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding, Mino used the knowledge of the Whirlwind fighting style she picked up in the realm before Albion to her advantage, immediately unleashing a barrage of slashes, horizontal, diagonal and vertical, if they were blocked repeadetely she would then attempt to sweep Grimmlock with her spear.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Grimmlock showed a slightly surprised look as he spun his own spear around to counter the odd and agressive style, each blow turned neatly before the sweep was stopped cold as he planted the butt of his spear in the ground. "Not bad lass, not bad at all. Now I think I know what I'm working with."

Retrieving his spear, Grimmlock walked away a bit, and started to spin the weapon around him before snapping it out much like Mino had. "Momentum is a great thing Lass, but there's something about it that ken get ye into a great deal o trouble. After one er two blows, the motions can become predictable. However, you will not tire as quickly." Speaking, this time he balanced the weapon in his center, the polearm held laterally across his body before he tilted it slightly. "Each motion changes the center o gravity and this can be used as well. but as I showed you, sometimes Strength and Leverage are more important then momentum and speed." Changing his grip on the spear so that his hands were farther apart, he walked up to a dummy within the field, and with one short motion, tore a huge gash across it's chest. "Our bodies work as coiled springs, so ye ken put a great deal o power into a short brutal strike. but it tires you out quickly, ye need to make it count." He added as he turned, and with another lightning strike that seemed to have no motion before hand, he cleaved the dummy clean in two.

Technique Learned. Hammer Blow. +1 to attack damage and hit, burns MP.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino watched as Grimmlock explained a new technique to her, she looked like she was going to enjoy this new technique, she wanted to test this technique herself, going over to a dummy, she mimiced the stance that grimmlock had taken, putting all her power into one powerful swing to hopefully leave a nice big gash in the dummy infront of her like grimmlock had.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The ability that Grimmlock had taught her immediately felt strange to her, because her spear had started to hum in her hands, and as the blow followed, she found out why. The spear had reacted to the dwarven technique and had drawn on her own magic, causing a burst of air, the only spell she knew, to flow around the blade, and completely and utterly destroy the core of the dummy she had attacked, drawing a low whistle from Grimmlock. "That be the skylance alright, and you really did find it. Colour me impressed lass. That blade is of Dwarven make, and reacts as such. If you learn more magic later, you can choose which will flow through the blade..." Nodding at her ability appreciatively, because regardless of the magical help, the strike had been perfect, Grimmlock went back to training the other dwarves, shouting about how he'd better not see a human girl outdoing full grown dwarven men. which was nonetheless hysterical to Sarah who broke into a fit of giggles.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It seemed learning this new technique had brought up a new nature of the spear, smiling, Mino learned that she could channel magic into the spear, Grimmlock seemed satisfied with her training and walked off, saying a small remark that made both Mino and Sarah giggle with almost child like glee, holstering her spear, Mino pat Sarah on the head and tried her very best to sound determined "R-Right! O-off to the outskirts of the town!" even though the way she said it sounded more cute than passionate, the two left the tunnels to go outside the town, Mino taking a good look around first.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Shimmer was only too happy to lead them back out, wishing them both luck as they were escorted back into town. The town itself was just as lively as before, and reaching the outskirts presented no problem at all. Outside the town was rolling green hills as far as she could see, and further out was what appeared to be a massive forest to the east. There were roads at each compass point for north south east and west, and the village itself seemed to be nestled in a little valley all on it's own that lead north and south.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Looking around, Mino immediately set her sights on the forest, patting Sarah again she started the long hike eastward to get to the large forest, getting her spear drawn once again just in case.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The hike was pleasant, although the air was a little nippy and it looked like it was going to rain later tonight as Sarah walked alongside her silently and just lifted her face, breathing the air in deeply. Heading into the forest, the world changed from day to night almost immediately, the large oak and ash trees towering over them drowning the world in shadow. The leaves were still green, but starting to turn a soft gold in places, it seemed the season here was the beginning of fall.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Entering the forest, Mino looked around and marveled at the fact it almost seemed like it had turned to night, looking around, she remained wary and was reminded of the forest she landed in when her plane had crashed, only now she wasn't jumping at every little sound, she simply walked around for a bit, remaining wary and getting slightly bored.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Boredom probably wasn't the best idea, as Gestalt had specifically warned her to be careful, especially within the confines of the forest, and it wasn't long before those shadows she wasn't jumping at, began to become more defined, and were definitely moving around her, Sarah clutching at Mino and whining as she looked around, raising her knife. "I don't like it here Mino..."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

By now Mino had noticed that shadows she were jumping at were becoming more defined, noticing they were being watched, Mino stopped and drew her spear, looking at Sarah, then back at the shadows, she waited until they had moved again, then she would take a gamble and rushed where she thought they would appear, attempting to get a first strike in.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Drawing her weapon only seemed to make the shadows more agitated, and Sarah raised her knife in front of her. Watching the shadows, trying to figure out where they would strike first and attacking, Mino was surprised when her lunge met something that only counted as partially solid, a loud unholy scream filling the air. Sarah however didn't have that kind of luck as she moaned softly and dropped her blade, her arms hanging useless at her side as she stared at a pair of bright, candle like eyes between the trees, starting to walk slowly towards whatever was there. A better look at Mino's opponent showed that it was in fact, a living shadow, a vague humanoid form with black tendrils like smoke behind it as it pushed itself off the spear and back into the shadows again, moving around her like the wind, trying to find an opening.

Mino 16
Shade 10

Shade 20
Sarah 9
Sarah has been hypnotized. Status, Docile, Enthralled.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino managed to get a good hit on whatever was waiting for her, however she realised this was one of the enemies she was warned about, a shade, she could assume as much from Sarah completely losing touch with what was happening, sighing in annoyance, she was pushed back and attempted to perform the same technique, trying to get at the shade and trying to land a solid hit on it.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 9
Shade 20

Shade 4
Mino 10

Sarah 16
Shade 9

Despite Mino's best attempts to land another hit on the creature, she found that it was just as good at avoiding her as she was at predicting it's movments and several tense moments passed where a strange dance went on with partners only ending up back where they'd started, except for little Sarah, who had managed to shake off the worst of her affliction, and was even know trying to get back control of her legs...
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Thankfully Sarah had managed to get herself out of the affliction that had been plaguing her, however Mino still couldnt get a decent hit off on the shade, the two circled each other each trying to find a opening, eventually Mino couldnt take much more and she threw herself at the shade again, trying to land more slashes and blows.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Shade 7
Mino 5
Mino 13
Shade 10
Free of a temporary Enthrall
Sarah 16
Shade 2 17
Swing and a miss
Shade 2 5
Sarah 20

Mino's wild dash in was stopped cold as she finally saw the bright eyes of the creature she was fighting, like endless pools of fire that made her knees buckle temporarily as her mind blanked, she couldn't remember why she was fighting, and then a flash ran through her mind of all her friends, and she shook herself loose, only to find that her opponent was once again drifting back through the shadows. These were dangerous opponents...

Sarah was having less luck, or so it seemed, caught once again, the Shade must have done something wrong in getting her attention, because she suddenly cut loose with an animal like howl and buried the silver dagger in the center of it's body, making it twist and writhe as black smoke poured from the wound before it vanished and reformed again. Both creatures seemed just a little smaller now, as if physically they weren't very tough. They just had to hold out a little longer....
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was almost caught in one of the creatures hypnosis, but she managed to shake it off before it got worse, Sarah managed to land a perfect hit on the enemy before they retreated again, gripping her spear, she attempted to use the new technique she learned from Grimmlock to end it, a sort of coup de grace if you wanted to be fancy.