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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As she got ready to fight the oncoming... thing, Kylie would hear what sounded like a growl of some sort as it steadily closed in on them. Suddenly she would hear another sound coming from behind her, signifying that there were two of whatever it was coming for them.

"Just stay calm Kylie dear. I'll do my best to protect you from them. But I may not be able to protect you from two at once, so be careful to not get grabbed, because they won't let you go easily," Delilah said to Kylie, looking ready to fight even though she had no weapon to speak of.

After only ten more seconds or so of waiting for whatever it was coming for them, Kylie would see a large greenish creature shambling towards her through the trees, and it actually looked plant like in nature. It was large, at least ten feet tall, and it had a large round body, with four large thick tentacles sticking out from it, two on either side. It had what appeared to be a large mouth on the top of it, that opened up and out came a number of tentacles of different sizes.

The things began shambling towards them both now, with Delilah looking a bit worried while they did. "Well I didn't expect them to be quite this big... they're usually only about six or seven feet tall at most. This is going to be tough for us," Delilah said, glancing from one of the tall creatures to the other.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was a little too awestruck to simply shoot, staring up at the creatures and not really hearing Delilah as she spoke, also looking at the things that had crashed through the woods. Enormous with 4 exterior tendrils and a mouth on top filled with an uncountable number of others, Kylie dug through her wisdom and came up with the perfect solution. "We we're headed this way right!" She said pointing, before seizing Delilah's hand and looking at her. "I know exactly what to do! RUN LIKE HELL!" She shouted before tearing into the jungle, holding onto Delilah tightly, shouting a chorus of "Shit Shit Shit Shit" As she moved.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

[Escape roll takes up both of their turns as they're both trying to run together and whatnot... and failed fucking horribly, go figure. All they had to do was roll higher than the enemy on opposed d20 rolls, and they rolled... drumroll... a 2 vs an 18.]

Ochu 1 - 1 vs 10 Delilah, missed
Ochu 2 - 15 vs 2 Kylie, hit

"Good idea Kylie, RUN!" Delilah agreed with Kylie, holding tightly to her hand with her own as they tried to run in the general direction they'd been going.

Before they could get away from the things however one of the strange creatures slammed all four of its tentacles in front of them, blocking their path. The other one began shambling up behind them, effectively cutting off any avenue of escape unless they wished to go straight through the trees. Before they could even think of trying to escape though, Kylie saw the things sweep their tentacles at the two of them, with Delilah managing to jump over the ones aimed at her, as they went for her ankles. However, Kylie found herself hit in the side with one of the thing's large tentacles, knocking her away from Delilah so that they weren't back to back any longer.

"Kylie... just try and hold on okay. I'll try and take care of this one so I can help you, just try and not let it grab you like I said earlier," Delilah called out to Kylie after her companion was knocked a few feet away from her.

Kylie - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10
Delilah - FP: 5/5, MP: 3/3, AP: 0/10

Ochu 1 - FP: 7/7
Ochu 2 - FP: 5/5
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie had her escape attempt rudely ruined by a mixture of bad luck and a specific creatures entire too agile prehensile limbs. Muttering a curse as she was struck in the side, she nodded at Delilah's statement before grabbing her bow, knocking an arrow, drawing to full and firing at the nearest creature. It all happened so naturally, that she was surprised herself at her ability to actually use the weapon as her arrow rocketed through the air, whistling towards her target.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 14 vs 17 Ochu 2, miss
Delilah - 12 vs 11 Ochu 1, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg

Ochu 1 - 1 v 7 Delilah, miss
Ochu 2 - 17 vs 16 Kylie, hit for 1 FP dmg

Kylie - 3 vs 16 Ochu 2, miss
Delilah - 5 vs 4 Ochu 1, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg

Ochu 1 - 2 vs 6 Delilah, miss
Ochu 2 - 16 vs 1 Kylie, crit hit for 2 FP dmg and grappled

Kylie's arrow sailed past her foe and landed with a resounding thunk in a tree behind it, missing her mark just barely. Delilah, Kylie would notice out of the corner of her eye was attempting to fight barehanded apparently. But then, just as it looked like Delilah was going to try and punch the thing, she instead swung her fist out and opened her hand, where she muttered something under her breath that Kylie couldn't make out. Suddenly, from her hand erupted a small ball of fire, burning the thing quite badly in the process and making it rethink how it wanted to come at her.

"These things Kylie... they're called ochu's! They like to grab women like us and pull them inside, and they won't stop until they've either been killed or until they've gotten their prey," Delilah called out to her friend, her worried look still there.

The ochu tangling with Delilah came in, yet the because of its burns it wasn't able to get a successful attack off on the beauty as she ducked under its incoming tentacle lash. Kylie however wasn't as successful in dodging the tentacles, as her opponent swung its own tentacles at her, slamming her into a nearby tree, even as she was pulling another arrow from her quiver.

Kylie launched her second arrow at the plant creature, this one missing even more so than the other did, flying off and hitting the ground over near the one Delilah was fighting. Delilah meanwhile blast another little fireball at her foe, the thing flailing about in pain as it cried out, her magic attack burning the thing quite a bit.

Delilah's foe was still reeling from her fire magic, apparently the fire being too much for it to manage a good solid hit on her as she nimbly evaded it. The ochu that Kylie was fighting swung its tentacles in a great sweeping arc at her, one of them catching her right across the face, bumping the back of her head against the tree she was standing beside at that point. Before she could even blink, Kylie would feel another of the tentacles wrap around her ankles and pull them together, causing her to fall over as it began pulling and tugging her in towards it.

"Damn... hang on Kylie, I'm hurrying. Just keep fighting!" Delilah shouted to her blue haired friend, trying to hurry as quickly as she could.

Kylie - FP: 1/5, AP: 0/10
Delilah - FP: 5/5, MP: 1/3, AP: 0/10

Ochu 1 - FP: 3/7
Ochu 2 - FP: 5/5
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Managing somehow to miraculously keep a grip on her bow as the Ochu grabbed her ankles and began to drag her towards it, Kylie raised herself into a sitting position to quickly fire another shot at the creature, remembering the sight of the creature's mouth and wanting nothing to do with that whatsoever. After firing her shot, she began to twist and writhe, her hands casting the bow aside to instead reach for just an arrow, taking it to stab at the tendrils wrapped around her ankles, trying to free herself.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 7 vs 4 Ochu 2, hit, but wasn't able to force it to let her go
Delilah - 19 vs 3 Ochu 1, crit hit with magic for 3 FP dmg, killing the thing

Ochu 2 - 20 vs 12 Kylie, hit and knocked out of the battle

Delilah - 18 vs 11 Ochu 2, hits but can't free Kylie from it

Ochu 2 - Engulfed Kylie and is raping her inside of it with many tentacles, so she can't see what's going on any longer, so end of battle technically... but Delilah ended up pulling a win out of it for them both so... kind of victory.

As Kylie was being dragged towards the large plant creature by its tentacles, she was able to get a good shot off with her bow, the arrow slamming into its body and causing it to let out a screech of pain. Delilah saw Kylie being dragged in by the plant creature and turned back towards her foe and cried out an incantation and from her extended hand erupted a larger fireball than before, the thing slamming into her plant foe and roasting the thing on the spot.

The plant creature that had Kylie continued dragging her towards it, slamming one of its thicker tentacles into her stomach, knocking the breath out of her and causing her strength to fade completely and she could no longer struggle against the tentacles. Delilah rushed to her aid as soon as she'd dealt with her foe, slamming her fist into the thing's tentacles, yet is unable to force them to release Kylie any.

The tentacles dragged the limp human girl towards the creature a little more, then lifted her into the air where its tentacles pulled all of her clothing off within about 5 seconds, and then it lowered her down into its open mouth, where many tentacles stretched out and coiled about her body and pulled her inside, the last sight she was able to see was Delilah trying to conjure enough magic to blast the thing again.

After that Kylie's vision blurred and she could see nothing but darkness, while many tentacles writhed around against her skin, tickling and caressing her body. Before long, Kylie felt a tentacle rubbing at her lower lips, seeking entry, while a couple of more coiled about and squeezed her breasts, the tips of them tickling her nipples and the pleasure from that forcing a lewd moan from her that she couldn't suppress. Soon enough she felt the tentacle rubbing her lower lips gently slipping into her moist honeypot where it began thrusting in and out, stirring her up. The two tentacles at her breasts she felt move away slightly for a few seconds, then she felt something engulf the ends of both breasts as it began sucking on them.

After a short while she would feel another tentacle poking at her backdoor, secreting some sort of aphrodisiac fluid that lubed it up perfectly for the tentacle to just slide in painlessly and effortlessly. After that, the tentacle in her pussy and the one in her pucker began pistoning into her, the one in her pussy slamming forward as deep as it could before pulling back, while the one in her pucker slammed forward as the other pulled out. They quickly sped up in intensity and After only a couple of minutes inside the plant creature she felt herself fast approaching orgasm. She simply couldn't hold it back as her orgasm washed over her, the pleasure unbearable as the aphrodisiac coursed through her veins, driving her wild with lust. She would feel the thing pumping its seed into her pussy and ass, while several more tentacles spurted it all over her body and the tentacles began rubbing it in like lotion.

Suddenly as the creature ran its tentacles across her body, she felt the creature shudder as the interior got warmer and warmer until finally the thing spit her back out, the tentacles falling out of her orifices which were dripping wet with its greenish seed as she landed on the ground outside of it. She would see Delilah standing there with her arm outstretched towards the creature, the Ochu as she'd called them burning and withering into ash.

Kylie's blue haired friend quickly came over to her side and pulled her head into her lap and began wiping the copious amounts of the greenish fluid from her body. However Kylie would feel the lust in her mind still there after what the Ochu had done to her, and Delilah was looking so much more beautiful than before.

"Kylie dear, are you alright? I'm so sorry that I wasn't faster in saving you from that Ochu. Did it put any of its seedlings into you dear?" Delilah asked Kylie, pulling her into a hug and apologizing.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie gave a shocked gasp as the tentacle slammed into her stomach, her entire body going limp even as the battle raged on around her, Delilah showing an impressive command of flame that awed her even as the creature dragged her into it's waiting maw. Darkness engulfed her even as she felt the multitude of tendrils within the creature caressed up her body, making her twitch and try to struggle utterly in vain as the strange touch of the unseen tendrils drifted over her body. Still unable to draw a proper breath, Kylie was unable to scream as the molestation disgusted and excited her at once, her body warring with her mind as the pleasure became harder to deny, her nipples hardening and her slit moistening as she was rubbed and touched all over.

She arched her back and tried to twist her hips away as she felt the tip of a tendril pressing at her lower lips, knowing what was coming and unable to stop it, if anything more excited then before as she struggled and moaned within the Ochu. The penetration was enough, her will to fight lost out as her inner walls rippled around the invading length and pleasure shot through her body like liquid fire, her hips involuntarily starting to buck against the tendril as it began to thrust. Inside the warmth of the creature, Kylie's body finally betrayed her and her rear was sought next, the tendril slipping into her ass with little trouble at all, slickened by the slime of the creature and the twin lengths pumping into her soon brought her to a screaming orgasm before she was filled and covered with the creatures seed and the Ochu began to stroke it into her skin, driving her lust higher before the light of day blinded her and the creature let her go. It seemed Delilah had won in the end.

Held in the blue haired girls lap, looking up at her, Kylie could only shake her head as she was questioned, staring at the beautiful woman in a lust filled haze that demanded she do more even as she tried to bite down and control herself. The small tremors of pleasure from her rape still coursing through her body as she didn't trust herself to move or speak lest she throw herself on the woman and take her just as the Ochu had raped Kylie... It was so tempting, but it was wrong, she had to hold out.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah seemed to understand Kylie's plight and before the young blue haired human could do anything else, Delilah began singing again, this time more softly and the tune more gentle and relaxed. The song drifting into her ears made Kylie's burning lust begin to cool down somewhat, and Delilah continued singing until she saw that Kylie was calmed down a bit. By the time Delilah was through with her song, Kylie's lust had cooled down a great deal, though she was still sopping wet down between her legs and her nipples were still hard enough to cut glass, but at least she wasn't so out of it that she was about to attack Delilah to get relief.

"Kylie dear, please speak to me now. Are you alright? Can you forgive me for not being faster?" Delilah said, gently caressing Kylie's head and pushing her hair from her eyes.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie let herself fall into the song, glad Delilah had recognized the problem so quickly and done something to cool the lust pounding through her body enough to give her back her control. As Delilah looked down at her asking her to speak, and asking for forgiveness, Kylie was a little saddened. "I'm... I'm fine, and don't worry about it. I'm all alone here without you, you did what you could" She said finally, smiling up at the girl before extricating herself from Delilah's lap and stretching. "Lets keep moving" She said, trying not to look directly at Delilah because she was still hornier then a squirrel in spring.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"If you say so, I still feel bad about not saving you sooner though," Delilah said as Kylie got back up, not looking totally convinced that she did the right thing in dealing with her foe before saving Kylie.

When Kylie said they should keep on moving, Delilah nodded, who was smirking slightly about something. She didn't speak about whatever it was yet though, focusing on leading Kylie through some more of the fairly dense jungle. After nearly half an hour or so, Kylie's lust was starting to cool quite a bit more, though she'd probably still be unable to turn it away if Delilah or someone grabbed her and began playing with her any. "It's not too much further now dear, only twenty more minutes or so at most. But I need to ask. Are you still horny any after earlier?" Delilah said, bluntly speaking her mind and possibly embarrassing Kylie some.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie looked at Delilah with slightly widened eyes and a raised eyebrow at the unexpected question before turning away say she didn't have to look directly at the beautiful woman. "Yea, I am... Why...." She said a little suspiciously, wondering what kind of mood Delilah was in and what that little question had to do in regards to where they were going and the friends they were meeting. This was starting to get a little strange but the thoughts were soon put aside as the jungle itself returned to being relaxing and amazing all at the same time. That didn't mean that Kylie was stupid enough to put away her bow however, still listening to the surrounding area intently in case more of the crazy green tentacle bearing rapists showed up.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well it could have... a bit of an impact on my friends. They may wish to... attempt to relieve you of your stress. Hmm... let me ask you Kylie. Do you know what I am exactly?" Delilah asked Kylie, holding her hand as they walked on through the jungle, looking as if she didn't have a care in the world at the moment other than talking to Kylie. Delilah didn't look to be in a bad mood or anything either, merely as if she was worried about something, likely what she'd just asked Kylie as she was clenching Kylie's hand a little bit while they walked. The jungle it seemed was back to normal for the moment, giving Kylie time to think about what Delilah had just said and come up with an answer if she wished.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie stopped, and then proceeded to walk around Delilah in one of the most peculiar manners anyone could ever treat another person, hand on her chin, a corncob pipe blowing bubbles and a magnifying glass seeming to appear out of thin air for no apparent reason as she looked Delilah over, occassionally blowing bubbles and "Hrm"ing a lot as she moved. "Beautiful voice, haunting even, quite haunting, humanoid, can throw fireballs Hrm.... HRM...!"

Continuing to walk around her, she gave Delilah the occasional light poke, before pinching herself to remind her that she was awake and this was real before clapping her hands. At the sound of her clapping the pipe and the magnifying glass vanished into thin air. "Given that I was just raped by something with tentacles, and you can throw fire, and there was a crashed ship at sea which I still don't properly remember, and every time you sing the world just seems like a better place or I simply can't control myself, you... Have to be a Siren..." Kylie said smiling. Even she thought the answer was a tad insane.

"Now Delilah, I know you have NO IDEA!!! what I am, so I'll tell you! I'm a libra, I enjoy long walks on the beach, moonlit dinners, apparently archery, and apparently I REALLY like beautiful women, also I don't appear to mind tentacles all that much either... that's confusing in and of itself, at least I know my own name... As for your question... No, I don't mind that overly much as long as they ask first I suppose... or don't... I'm honestly still horny enough that saying no is pretty much out of the question..."

Having apparently answered everything she had been asked, and several things she most certainly wasn't, Kylie grabbed Delilah's hand and gave it a squeeze, smiling widely and blushing right up to her ears. "Unless of course I'm wrong and you're actually a fat italian opera singer in an AMAZING disguise..." She said suddenly pulling back a little and raising her eyebrow questioningly. "That would be impressive on it's own... How did you fit into such a small disguise..."
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie let go of her hand and began walking around her, Delilah stopped and watched, looking slightly... amused, as Kylie seemed to be deducing what she was exactly. When Kylie poked her, Delilah giggled ticklishly at her touch, smiling a little after Kylie clapped her hands and her imaginary items disappeared and she listened to Kylie say she had to be a Siren.

"Yes Kylie, I'm a Siren, obviously with magical abilities," Delilah said, looking pleased that Kylie had figured out she was a Siren.

After that, Delilah listened to Kylie's ranting and raving with quite the scared look on her face, her eyes as wide as saucers as Kylie took her hands for a moment and spoke some more, then let them go again with a suspicious look. For nearly half a minute or so, Delilah merely stared at the young blue haired human, as if she were too stunned to speak at the moment.

"Kylie... are uh... are you quite alright? Have you got a fever or something?" Delilah asked Kylie in a worried tone after she finally found her voice, putting a hand to Kylie's forehead and finding that she didn't have a fever as she suspected. She continued speaking a moment later, still in a worried tone, "Also, I assure you that I'm not a fat... Italian opera singer I believe you said in disguise. I'm really not even sure what an Italian is to be honest. Are they horrible monsters? And my friends may or may not ask, it depends on their mood really."
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Me? I'm fine, just dandy even!" Kylie said smiling, seemingly for the most part back to normal. "If we delay for too long your friends might become worried." She added, thinking for a moment. "If I seem a tad strange... I did just get raped by a giant moving plant that lotion'ed me with tentacle cum so... That may have something to do with it."

Still smiling and stretching about a little, Kylie took a moment to see if her clothing had survived the encounter, if it had then she would put it back on, if it hadn't however then she would simply have to do without it seemed. Regardless, she had answered posed questions, and seemed to be quite alright to move on if slightly shaken and still suffering a little from the aftereffects of the aphrodisaic within the Ochus
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Okay then... I understand what you're saying. The first time I was grabbed by something and raped I was kind of... hysterical and very paranoid for a couple of weeks afterwards," Delilah said, grabbing Kylie's hand again and giving it a gentle squeeze, trying to give her support to Kylie as much as possible.

After that, Kylie was able to fin her clothing relatively easy, with pretty much all of it still intact. The only damage to any of it was her shirt being a little torn around the waist. Once she had her clothing all back on, Delilah took her hand again and began leading her through the jungle again. "An Ochu's aphrodisiac cum will make a person horny as hell for hours, regardless of how much you get on you. And the worst part about it is that it's just as powerful when they rub it all over you as if you swallow it or get it pumped inside of you. And it should only take us a few more minutes to get to the meeting place," Delilah said as they walked on, easily able to tell that Kylie was still affected by the aphrodisiac cum of the Ochu. It appeared that Kylie would have a little time to ask anything else she wanted to know before they got to the meeting place Delilah spoke of.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled and nodded, still blushing and quietly thinking about things as they walked, happy to have her clothing back, although fabric in general proved to be damned evil sometimes when she moved the wrong way. Looking at Delilah, Kylie looked at her for a moment. "So, if you're a Siren, then are your friends other Sirens?" She asked, pretty much the only question on her mind being what manner of friends a Siren would even have.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well first off let me explain about the meeting place, it's mainly something more of a camp or village of sorts where a lot of us denizens of this place gather on occasion. But it's constantly inhabited by some of the shifter races who protect it, and the place is called Feynrial. Amongst the ones we'll possibly find are sirens though, Then there are some nymphs and other fey beings, mostly elves. Those are the most likely ones we'll see is fey beings, other than them though we'll probably see a few other humans such as yourself, probably a couple of succubi among several others, and if we're lucky we may even see an angel or two, because they frequent the place on occasion to trade and whatnot. But you'll definitely see some of the shifter tribes though, like the okami, the neko and such," Delilah explained as they went on, seemingly very long winded and smiling happily as she talked, appearing to enjoy speaking of the place they were heading.

Not too long after that they managed to make their way to the outskirts of a village, with several huts and houses of different kinds around them as they got closer. "Now I'm meeting my friends here to have lunch, and dinner later tonight because they're having a big feast and a festival of sorts around the village," Delilah said, giving a little more information to Kylie as they walked up to what appeared to be a wooden gate in a palisade like wall. There were three guards standing at it keeping watch, two females and a male, one okami girl and a male, and a neko girl. As soon as they got close enough one of them stepped forward, the neko girl.

"Halt, who goes there?" the lady guard that stepped forward challenged them, holding her hand up to stop them and holding her spear in her hand.

"It is I Delilah my friends, and I've brought a friend that could probably use a place to stay in the village if possible, as I doubt the jungle is a good place for a human such as herself," Delilah answered the guard woman, bowing her head slightly.

The neko lady guard looked closely at them both, taking a sniff at Kylie as she got closer to her. "You've been grabbed by an Ochu haven't you?" she asked, looking curiously at Kylie and waiting for her to reply, probably waiting to see how she'll act before letting her in.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened carefully to everything Delilah was saying even though her mind was reeling a bit, the fey? No way, those were fairy tales and legends and... How did she know that they weren't supposed to exist... Shrugging more to herself, when they arrived at the village, Kylie was greeted by a cat lady who was asking entirely too many questions. Normally, questions were handled in a somewhat brilliant manner and answered quickly and succinctly. This time however, Kylie was entirely too busy staring at a woman with fluffy cat ears and a tail.

Shaking herself from being too rude, Kylie nodded. "Yup, and raped, and covered in cum. I've had better days." She said, smiling, resisting the urge to simply Squeee loudly and pounce on the woman to scratch her ears which she was certain would not go over well. This was entirely too much, first a Siren and then beast people, and possibly other things all within a village that to her limited knowledge and memory shouldn't exist, but most certainly did.

Looking at Delilah at somewhat of a loss, Kylie's natural outgoing nature warred with her awe and reserve of the place and finally words managed to come out. The problem with any war however, internal or otherwise, was that the ability to communicate always got fucked left right and sideways. So while Kylie may have meant to have said something entirely normal and intelligible, what came out was... "Wow... Ears.... Tail? must be... And others.. and Delilah..." Looking like she was going to faint on the spot, Kylie swayed a little, looked at Delilah, smiled like this was all entirely too overwhelming all at once and said. "Help? Explain me"

And then she immediately did exactly what she didn't want to do, the overwhelmed blue haired girl who seemed to have miraculously taken so many things in stride all at once including magic, combat, rape, and then creatures from legend, cracked, and passed out on the spot, falling forward to hit the ground with a hard splat.