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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As soon as Giselle was untied, her arms flopped out from behind her where she lay on her stomach next to Kylie, her left arm bumping into Kylie as she was released. She groaned a little bit as she was set free as well, especially when Kylie shook her to wake her up, the young siren rolling over and stirring a little.

"W-What time is it? I'm still tired," Giselle asked, complaining that she was still tired as she snuggled up against Kylie, where the blue haired human girl would feel, and if she'd pulled the blankets down, then she would see it as well, that Giselle had morning wood, but it didn't seem all that bad on her that she would need some relief, unless Kylie wanted to be mean that is. Giselle opened her eyes a little and looked up at Kylie and then gave her a little smile as she wrapped an arm around her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled and snuggled up to Giselle behind her so she wouldn't have to worry about the dick flying at half mast, removing temptation and so on. "It's about 9:40 am, and we can't just laze about all day." She said kissing her gently. "Come on, up and at em." She said standing up and giving her rear a playful swat. "We have breakfast to eat and exploring to do and probably people to talk to as well. And a collar to buy, almost forgot that." She added grinning.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle lay there as Kylie snuggled up behind her, enjoying the warmth of her lover as she relaxed. "Oh why can't we just lay here and be lazy? Especially after last night, because I feel so good," Giselle said, returning Kylie's kiss, giggling when the human girl spanked her butt.

Giselle rolled over after a second or two while Kylie was speaking again, her half hard member swaying coming within inches of Kylie when she did. "Oh okay, I did promise to take you exploring for a while after all didn't I. And I am pretty damn hungry too, and... wait what? A collar?" Giselle began saying, giving a double take at Kylie as she asked about the collar, raising up to a sitting position in the bed with a suspicious yet curious look on her face.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie grinned and winked. "Yup, for you, you DID agree to be all mine last night in your little frenzy so you and me are like this" She said holding up her fingers and crossing them, a goofie look smacked all over her face. "And, you wont have to worry about going 6 months without getting any with me around, promise~" She said laughing. Stretching, Kylie dropped to the floor and started doing some basic exercises, including pushups, situps, rotations, and some jumping jacks just to get moving, because there was nothing like morning Cals before breakfast while she waited for Giselle to get ready.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"F-For me? A collar? W-What if I d-don't want to wear a collar?" Giselle asked, looking a little frightened at Kylie's words as the human girl started doing her morning exercises.

While Kylie did her exercising, Giselle got up and went to the bathroom, and after doing her morning business, she hurried on into the kitchen, her face beet red the entire time. By the time Kylie was done with her exercising, Giselle was already cooking some breakfast, doing pancakes, bacon, eggs, and potatoes. Kylie would see while she cooked, Giselle was still blushing a bit from what she'd told her earlier upon first waking.

"B-Breakfast will b-be ready in a f-few minutes Kylie, s-so you've got enough t-time to go and get washed up if you want. Also, could you get a couple of plates out of the cabinet over there, and a couple of cups for the juice here?" Giselle told Kylie when she came into the room, pointing at a cabinet to her left which once Kylie looked into it she'd see a stack of plates and a few cups sitting inside.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie finished her exercises and darted into the kitchen, full of energy and getting everything Giselle needed before kissing her on the cheek. "I'm teasing you goof, though... Maybe i'm not~" She said before dashing off to the bathroom to clean up. After that it was back into the kitchen for breakfast, still laughing at the thought and getting Giselle to calm down. "Not gonna make you do anything you don't want to Giselle, Relax~" She said soothingly, now properly hungry and still occasionally stretching. "Besides~ Despite any reservations you had, you enjoyed yourself plenty last night~" She added with a sly little wink.

Giselle was just fun to tease in general because she was shy and always reacted the same way, blushing and questioning. Poor thing, with her condition it was no wonder but still, Kylie was going to go the extra mile to get her to calm down and trust her more. besides, she was probably going to be here for awhile and friends were important. "So is there anything you have to do today while we're out and about? Or are you as free as I am?" Kylie asked curiously, waiting for breakfast.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle smiled when Kylie kissed her on the cheek and blushed a bit more when she spoke again. When Kylie returned to the kitchen, Giselle had breakfast ready and the plates both full of food, and their cups filled with orange juice. "Well... I didn't think you were really serious about the collar, but I did really enjoy last night, and I... wouldn't mind it if that's what you wanted Kylie," Giselle said after Kylie returned from washing up and doing her own morning business, ending her words in barely a whisper.

After sitting down and starting to eat, Giselle finally seemed to stop blushing, as the prospect of food seemed to bring her out of her shy state. Giselle almost immediately started stuffing her face and after Kylie spoke again, she glanced back up at her, a piece of egg hanging off the corner of her lip. "No, I don't have anything in particular that I need to do today, other than just kind of roam around and see who needs help and what I can do to help them," Giselle replied, not noticing the little piece of egg on the corner of her lips.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"So really we just have the day to ourselves then? Fun! So.. what should we do first? You're like my official guide to the sights and sounds of the island/continent whose name I still don't know!" Kylie said grinning, sticking out her finger to nab the bit of egg hanging from Giselle's lip to pop into her own mouth before utterly decimating her own meal. Grinning across the table, Kylie couldn't help but giggle, looking outside the window at the landscape and just grinning. It was lucky in it's own way to find this place, it seemed peaceful for the most part in the most random unpeaceful exciting way, which although assbackwards for logic, made a kind of demented sense.

"And then we can meet up with everyone again and I can continue to delight, confuse, and amaze them. Also, we need to tease your oldest sister because I think it would be hilarious and maybe find some sugar... Hrm... Do I expose the village to the horror that is me on a sugar high...hehehe"

The words were once again coming in a tangled rush as Kylie only managed to get more and more excited about the day ahead, soon fidgeting in her chair before standing and charging around the house restlessly before FINALLY running outside the house to run around it until she had calmed down, which would last until either Giselle came out and stopped her, or until about noon... whichever came first.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well something may come up that somebody needs some help, but other than that yeah we've got the entire day to ourselves. If someone needs help though then it'd most likely be up on the notice board, which we can check out if you'd like," Giselle said with a smile, giggling a little when Kylie wiped the piece of egg off her lip and ate it and blushing a little also. "Thanks, I didn't even realize that was there," Giselle added a few moments after Kylie wiped the egg from her lip, taking a napkin and wiping the last remaining crumbs away.

As the two continued eating and Kylie talked some more, Giselle merely listened in until she finished before replying to her, eating destroying what was left of her food in the meantime. "Well teasing Tina is fun I have to admit, so yeah we can do that later on tonight," Giselle said after Kylie finished talking and when she got up and when she got up and ran out of the house, Giselle jumped up and followed her out with a worried look on her face, saying, "W-Wait Kylie, where are you going?"

Giselle would wait until Kylie ran back around the house before stepping in front of her, holding her hands out and when Kylie got close, Giselle would wrap her arms around Kylie, stopping her from running any more, or at least trying to do so.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was just running, she didn't really have a reason, so when Giselle followed her out, and then tried to stop her, the siren found herself scooped up and tossed onto Kylie's shoulders as she continued running for a bit before turning towards the village. "I need a reason to run?" She asked laughing at a far more sedate walk then the crazy sprinting that had started. "I'm excitable... So... I ran so I could try and calm down, all that energy to burn off you know!?" She added, still laughing, letting Giselle down if she wanted, but otherwise continuing towards the village without a care in the world, thankfully dressed.

Life was turning out to be fairly good, so when she placed Giselle on the ground again, it was with a smile. "Well? Today you are the fearless leader! Lead on!" She said pointing ahead with a doofy smile on her face for a moment, before breaking into a fit of giggles. "There's all these things to do and daylight is burning, lets not waste such a pretty day~" She said, dancing ahead a bit and urging Giselle on.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie scooped Giselle up, the young siren giggled while Kylie carried her a ways, not struggling to get free and waiting for Kylie to set her down. Apparently Giselle didn't care if Kylie carried her around, so only after a minute or two did she slip off of Kylie's shoulder to walk again. "Well not that I care all that much about it, but don't burn off too much energy, cause you might need it later," Giselle said after getting down off of Kylie, giggling a little as she took the lead again towards the village when Kylie told her to lead on, smiling at her new lover with a cute little blush on her cheeks as she leaned over while walking and wrapped an arm around Kylie's to hold onto her while they walked.

A few short minutes later, they made it to the village proper, where Giselle led Kylie towards the village square, where the market stalls had been the day before when Delilah showed her around. "Let's check the notice board to see if anyone needs some help with anything before we do anything else okay, we might find ourselves something neat to do," Giselle said, leading Kylie over to the large wooden board that had several scraps of paper tacked or nailed to it.

When they got close enough to see some of the pieces of paper on the board, the two would see a few different things that people needed doing, mostly mundane things that weren't worth their time, however they did find three that appealed to Giselle at least. "Let's see, bring the alchemist a couple of bottles of alraune nectar, that one could be fun. Or help a couple of the hunting parties locate something nice for the feast tomorrow tonight for the festival. Or we could go see the village elder about what she wants someone to do," Giselle said to Kylie, pulling three specific sheets of paper loos from the board and looking at them closely, the last saying something about the village elder needed to speak with someone about doing something important for her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie thought laboriously for a moment before 2+2 finally added up to 5 in her head, which was PERFECT! And then she reminded herself that it was supposed to be 3 sir, and took all three pieces of paper. "Alright! We'll need rabbits! for these two" She said holding up the Alraune and hunting papers, "And I have no idea about this one but if we stand here any longer I'm going to start singing spontaneously and people will confuse my voice for yours and that would just be embarrassing for all parties involved" Kylie said starting to laugh before adopting an incredibly serious expression. "Rabbits...."

Suddenly peering around, Kylie would settle for either an actual rabbit, or something that ate vegetables as voraciously as a rabbit, or a rabbit girl, or something along those lines. Granted the plan in her mind was probably insane, but insanity always worked out in the end it seemed, and that was what was Amazing about spending 5 minutes inside Kylie's mind. 3 sir!, 3.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Why would we need rabbits? No you know what, never mind, I won't ask. We could try the alraune thing first, unless you'd rather try either of the others. Alraune are usually pretty nice about things and will just give it to us in exchange for something," Giselle said to Kylie, not understanding what she meant by needing rabbits or anything, though it didn't seem as if she cared about it really.

With that, unless Kylie had any objections, then Giselle would lead Kylie off back to her house where she'd get her things. Once armed and everything, Giselle would look back over to Kylie and wink, then she'd lead her off into the woods leading down the same path she'd taken her the night before, however this time she started down the opposite path from last night.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"We need rabbits to coerce the plant people with! and to defeat any ochus... nothing destroys veggies like a rabbit" Kylie explained, following Giselle anyway with a huge smile on her face, seemingly utterly content with the situation regardless. "Buuut you know more then I do, but bunnies are fluffy and cute to with their fluffy tails and floppy ears" Kylie added, hopping around Giselle like a rabbit as they moved and remembering to at least retrieve and restring her bow just in case. Kylie's mind had gone from it's incredibly overrun state to a complete blank, humming to herself as she thought about, literally, nothing. She was like someone with a broken switch in their head that only worked right about half the time and anyone looking would probably say that her personality went through wide swings, when it was just different parts of her coming out at different times.

However, now was job time, so they were going to do a job, and that demanded that Kylie cede to the person with more experience in these matters. Hopefully the Alraune weren't like the Ochu's and by all accounts they weren't. They seemed to be far more level headed. But... what exactly did that mean? It didn't matter.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I don't think we'll need any rabbits, but we could get us a viera shifter when we get back to have some fun with us if you'd like, they're always fun and... very fertile," Giselle said as they walked on, giggling and looking like she liked the idea of having sex with a viera.

After a short time, Giselle led Kylie to a bit of a clearing in the brush, much like the one from last night, but a bit larger. Inside this clearing there was a large stream and also in the clearing, Kylie could see several girls with varying skin colors, some green, some pink, some blue, and some red. All of the females were milling about, some of them cooling their feet in the stream and or swimming in it, some laying on plants with vines connecting them to the plant, and some were standing around as if on guard. The majority of the ones standing guard were the red skinned ones, while the blue ones were the ones lazing about on their plants, the green ones were the ones sitting on the edge of the stream, while the pink ones were skinny dipping in the stream.

"Here we are Kylie, this is the closest of all the alraune settlements. Just play it cool and we can get out without having to fight the red ones, they're the protectors of the rest... kind of like shepherds in a way," Giselle said, explaining some things to Kylie as they came closer into what could be seen as a alraune camp. She continued after taking a breath and a drink of water, "The pink ones are kind of like walking aphrodisiacs in a way, as they're always filled with lust and are horny. The blue ones are mostly lazy and stuff, but they'll get up and fight, or have sex when the need or want to. The green ones are your average alraune, filled with aspects of all the other kinds, save the black alraune, they're evil. So if you ever run into one of them then run okay."

"Ah hello there miss siren. How may we help you today? Would you like some alraune seedlings to plant in your gardens?" a green alraune said as she walked up to them, sounding rather hopeful that they'd take some seedlings, this one looking rather matronly like, as if she were the mother of all the rest in a way. She looked almost like a middle aged human woman in the face, around 35 or so, had black hair to go with her green skin, and her body looked very sexy despite her face looking older, she had breasts around Kylie's size and a nice squeezable ass as well, her body had curves in all the right places also.

"Huh... oh no... well we may get some later. But first, we were sent to get a couple of bottles of alruane nectar from you all. If that's okay of course. Can you give us some perhaps?" Giselle replied to the matronly alraune, her eyes darting around at the pink alraune skinny dipping in the stream and eying their bodies. Giselle was unaware that Kylie could easily notice her eying the naked alraune.

"Well... I could, but a price must be paid for the nectar, as we can't just give it away for free every time, we must get some form of payment out of it to use to trade with the village. Would you two be so kind as to take care of something for us?" the alraune replied, asking them if they minded doing something for them in return.

Giselle glanced over at Kylie, giving her a look as if asking if she still wanted to do this one or not, then turned to the alraune again. "Well it depends on what that something might be," Giselle said.

"I'd like for you two, if you don't mind that is, to find the black alraune that has been terrorizing our gardens. She's been eating our seedlings just after they sprout and there hasn't been a new alraune in just over a fortnight now. The poor little things are too scared to sprout now because of that fiendish thing. She's been coming from the east and hitting the eastern gardens late at night, but we know where she resides. Her plant is just beyond that hill in the distance there, it lies next to a little pond. She's usually asleep in the daytime, so you'll probably catch her by surprise if you're careful," the matronly alraune said, sounding very sad and worried as she pointed to the east where Giselle and Kylie saw a hill just over the treeline, which wouldn't be all that hard to get to. After they had gotten a decent look, the matronly alraune turned back to the two and continued, giving them a bit of a naughty wink, "Once you've taken care of her we'll give you not only the two bottles of nectar you require, but we'll give you something else also,"

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"So what you're telling us, is that your children cannot grow as long as this evil creature is still nearby? Alright, then it has to die." Kylie said rather coldly, her eyes taking a hard and disinterested glint for a moment, as if two stones had replaced the soft and usually expressive orbs that saw the world around her. This had her right and pissed off, which was impressive given that until that request had been made, she had been listening attentively to everything Giselle had said and eyeing the alraune herself as they enjoyed where they were. It was painfully clear to everyone looking at her now however that all thoughts of lust had been driven from her mind by the situation because now she had a job to do. "I'll personally see that it is taken care of" She said bitterly, turning away from the Alraunes and pulling her shirt off, tearing several long strips of cloth from the bottom of it and starting to tie them around her arrows.

"Giselle, we need a few things to make this go smoothly and efficiently, it isn't something we can stand to allow continuance, nor is it a situation where mercy or understanding is necessary. You have hunters, and that means you most likely use the pelts for several things, I can't see your group being the kind to waste anything. Oil, or Lye would both suffice for destroying plant matter and I have no interest in leaving this thing alive to torment anything, especially the young any longer. Come." She said quietly, turning even as she bound the strips around the heads of several arrows, and starting to walk back towards Giselle's house.

It was as if a strange and disquieting calm had come over the strange girl, that a merciless and predatory aspect had risen in her unbidden to handle the situation they were now in. "A torch or lantern will also be necessary" She added, starting to move into a long loping jog, not wanting to waste any time as she moved. They had the opportunity to properly prepare for this, to waste it would be the height of foolishness.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Alright then Kylie, let's go. And thank you for telling us about this miss, we'll handle that vile creature for you, don't you worry about a thing okay," Giselle said, first to Kylie and then to the matronly alraune as she followed Kylie back to her house.

"Thank you two, thank you so much," the matronly alraune called out to them as they left, waving goodbye to them.

They ran into nothing along the way, probably because anything that had a mind to attack them was scared off at the anger wafting off of Kylie, with Giselle not looking much happier at the moment. As soon as they got back to her house, Giselle rushed inside and got the necessary things that Kylie required, bringing her lantern out that was full of oil and lit, though she kept it turned down low to save it until they got to where they were going, and Kylie would see a couple of torches in Giselle's pack now as well. As soon as they were ready to leave, Giselle led the way at a fairly quick trot, nearly jogging the entire way.

Along the way they were again untroubled by anything and after nearly an hour of quick traveling, they found themselves at the base of the hill that was pointed out to them. Once there, Giselle held a finger up to her lips and looked at Kylie, giving her the hush hush look to be quiet as they began their ascent of the hill. When they reached the top of it, Giselle and Kylie saw below them a small clearing in the distance, which looked all of half a mile away or so. In the midst of that clearing they saw a small pond with a large black looking plant in the middle of it, and though there was nothing moving down in the clearing they knew instinctively that was the thing they sought.

"Okay Kylie, as soon as we get close enough for you to take a shot, I'll fix the lantern up so you can light your arrows up while I move in and stab the bitch. Sound good to you?" Giselle whispered to Kylie, kneeling down and pulling her close so nothing overheard them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was completely silent as they acquired everything they needed, only using about half of the oil in the lantern to soak the rag tipped arrows in the highly flammable substance as they moved, making a careful note of the torches as well as another weapon they could use. This was not going to be a nice negotiation, or anything other then what she had in mind, which was a brutal and unforgiving attack on a creature that didn't deserve to live anymore. It's fellows had already decided it's fate, and they had been appointed as the executioner.

Nodding at Giselle as she laid out a fairly basic plan, Kylie took out the 5 ragged arrows, all soaked in oil, and laid them upon the ground at her feet as she kneeled down and took careful aim with the first, "Light two lanterns and place them at my left and right, and then start moving. I'll start this off and between the arrows, and the light from the torch, the bitch should be completely focused on me while you move in. Be quiet and careful" She said, her eyes never leaving her target as the actions were taken. As soon as the first torch was lit, Kylie would light her arrow, and send the flaming projectile at her target, the natural carbon based oil being resistant to dousing by water unless the projectile was completely submerged.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After making it to the hill and whispering her plan to Kylie, Giselle listened to Kylie's reply as the human girl drenched the tips of her arrows into the lantern oil to set them aflame and use against their foe. Giselle lit the two lanterns like Kylie asked her to and set them aside for her. As they made their way quietly down the hill, Giselle and Kylie soon heard a squealing sound and as they came into view of their target, they saw a half a dozen little alraune sproutlings, all of them about a foot tall or so, all of them trapped in a little wooden cage, well all of them save one as the larger than usual black alraune was pulling one of them out and eying it hungrily as she held it in her hands. The little alraune was thrashing around desperately and squealing in a terrified tone, trying to get free as the large black alraune brought her up to her mouth, looking like she was about to eat the little green alraune.

"Oh gods... Kylie, we've got to hurry before she eats the little one there. Come one," Giselle said urgently to Kylie and rushed down the hill the rest of the way straight at the black alraune to begin their attack, running as fast as she could to get there before the little one was eaten.

Before Giselle could get there though, the black alraune had the baby green one up to her mouth and was about to bite down on her around the waist when the little green alraune grabbed her captor's hand and bit down right into the black alraune's hand, hard enough to bring blood, or sap... or whatever alraune bled anyway. The black alruane threw her head back and howled in pain, then slung the little green alraune away from her in anger. The little green alraune cried out again in her terrified squeal as she flew through the air, where she slammed into the side of a large tree and then fell to the ground, where she didn't move after landing. The rest of the little alraune, of various colors, were all crying in the little wooden cage that was barely large enough to contain them all as they were cramped up in there like animals in a cage.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded before she saw what happened, and then something inside her broke, her gaze glazed over for a moment before her eyes took on a hard, almost dead look to them. "Go. Now" She said, her voice clipped as her eye twitched just once before she raised her arms like a machine and arrows moved through the torches to light before starting to fly from her bow in an efficient rain of fire and death. Memories were pouring into her mind at the sight of the situation and at the rising of her own bloodlust, wait, no bloodlust wasn't the right word. This was cold, calculating, This was a Hunger for Justice, primal and harsh justice. The sight of dead men and women rising before her eyes as well as a feeling that each deserved their fate, at her hands, that the bow in her hands was older then she was, that it was her duty to do this, that the creature below her had just signed it's death warrant and she was here to deliver... She delivered Death, Kylie had been an assassin before everything had happened, she had crashed the ship, the captain had been her target and it was the only way, she had been found out. Between the rush of emotions and memories, Kylie found her hand and eye unusually steady.

It was the cold focus of a hunter seeing her prey, the Alraune had inadvertantly chosen her enemy poorly... Although such thoughs paled in comparison to the blazing arrows whistling through the air with deadly purpose.