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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Fleeing was always the smart choice when you were outmatched, either through sheer power or just shit luck, it was an inevitable truth of the universe that sometimes things just didn't go your way and Kylie was glad she had fled as the tendrils branched down both hallways and right to the surface of the water, though unwilling to follow her under it... interesting.

Noting the possible weakness for later, Kylie was forced to head further into the depths of the ship, past slowly rotting wood and several bodies. The knowledge that she had done this herself didn't bother her in the slightest, though she did give a slightly sorrowful, apologetic look to the corpse nailed to the wall, very few deserved to die like that. Regrettable as it was, and most certainly something she hadn't wished on anyone, Kylie stayed focus as she popped back into an air pocket for another lungful.

Moving more quickly now, Kylie noticed a door to her right, still underwater, but with something metal glimmering softly inside, noting this as possibly what she was after, Kylie headed into the room, curious and cautious.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After taking another deep breath in one of the air pockets closer to the underwater door, Kylie submerged herself again and started down into the deepest depths of the ship, heading for the glint of metal she'd seen by the light that was shining through the water and into the window. Knowing she didn't have much more time until nightfall, Kylie could tell she needed to hurry in here. Moving into the room, Kylie saw it wasn't the armory like she'd thought and apparently was a treasure room of sorts, as there was gold inside of it, along with other treasures that the village may like to see. In the back right corner of the room Kylie would see a treasure chest, which upon opening it she'd see a tiara inside that had a large ruby set in the golden thing around the forehead part, as well as a pair of gauntlets that she recognized for some reason, which were gilded metal of some sort that didn't look like steel, and looked more like a white metal of some sort.

Before she was able to see what exactly the two things were though, Kylie would hear yet another thud behind her and upon turning around in the water again, she would see what looked to be like a kraken, though this one much smaller, as if it were a baby kraken. The thing had come out of the left corner of the room out from under a pile of gold, which was now strewn across the whole room, so it wasn't blocking the door, and it didn't look overly strong, but she was in its territory while underwater, and it had the advantage, plus she only had about a minute or two of air remaining in her lungs, so this would have to be fast.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Treasure, now that was odd, and fortuitous. With this, Kylie could afford to have a massive home built not just for her, but for anyone in serious trouble, as well as start a business and see that the kindness the village had shown her was returned, and any wealth she accrued could be set towards helping these new people in her life who had given so readily. It was almost like a dream, until she saw the gauntlets... That wasn't normal metal, that was.... Something else entirely, Kylie KNEW she knew what these were, that they were incredibly important, and that she didn't dare chance losing them again.

She heard the thud just as she pulled them onto her own hands, turning to see a squid, or giant octopus... Cephalopod. Thind with too many limbs. Why did they always have too many limbs and probably a sucky mouth and other things... But Kylie had no air, a mountain of treasure, a slime up above, memories to handle and recover and an armory to find. This was no time to be pissing around. Spinning in the water, Kylie pulled her daggers free in her now gauntleted fists, and kicked off the wall towards the creature, both blades being brought to bare upon her new enemy...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 20 vs 6 Bk, hit
Baby kraken - 11 vs 17 Kylie, miss

Kylie - 12 vs 4 Bk, hit
Baby kraken - 3 vs 13 Kylie, miss

Quickly grabbing and putting the gauntlets on just as she heard the thud behind her, Kylie swung her daggers from their sheaths as she turned to see the baby kraken. Then, kicking off of the wall, Kylie went towards the creature as its tentacles whipped around at her, with her dodging and weaving through them in the water almost like a dolphin or something, where she then swung her daggers at it, cutting into its body some as its blood began to cloud into the water. The baby kraken began flailing its tentacles about in an attempt to hit her, yet failed miserably in the process as Kylie managed to evade the thing, despite being underwater and being less maneuverable.

After the thing missed her the first time, Kylie followed up her attack and kicked off the opposite wall towards the thing, however this time as she went in, the thing batted the dagger out of her right hand, where it flexed her hand just right and out came a hidden blade from her gauntlets, which stabbed into the thing's tentacle as she flailed her arm, cutting the limb deeply and rendering it useless in the process. The thing flailed again at her, its many tentacles coming at her in an attempt to grab her, but again Kylie was too fast for it despite being underwater, her body swiveling left and right just out of reach of the long tentacles. She felt herself down to about at most a full minute left of air, her maneuvers emptying her lungs more than she'd otherwise have spent by just floating underwater.

Kylie - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10, Air: 8/10 (spends 1 Air point per attack and 2 for being hit)
Baby kraken - FP: 3/5
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was both athletic, and flexible, long years of conditioning and training coming to the fore as she used the walls, floor, and ceiling to bound around the room, taking heavy advantage of her near weightless state to move far faster then she had any right to, adapting to the situation she was in quickly and striking not 1, but 2 blows, one with a hidden weapon within the odd gauntlet on her left hand that gave her another peace of the puzzle. These were hers, they belonged to her, made for her, Specifically for her and they felt less like a special armour and weapon and more like her natural hands.

She had to continue taking advantage, and she knew that the rest of the mysteries these weapons held would probably come to her in her sleep when her mind was less focused and her injuries started to wane, but for now she was running out of air, and had treasure to collect, which meant this creature, regrettable as it was, would have to die or flee, and Kylie took special care to make sure that she never blocked off its route through the door should it decide she was more then it could chew as she bounded off the wall to the floor and kicked off from the corner, a dagger in one hand, the hidden blade within the other...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 12 vs 14 Bk, miss
Baby kraken - 2 vs 20 Kylie, crit miss and counter for 2 FP dmg on it

Kylie - 10 vs 6 Bk, hit and killed ending the battle for Kylie.

Bounding off the wall again and then at the creature again, Kylie missed it as she went past on her third attack, the thing managing to finally evade the nimble girl. Then it swung out and grabbed her leg, apparently not wanting to back off and flee like she wanted it to do, however that turned out to be a bad idea, as when it pulled her in towards it, Kylie stabbed it with both her dagger and hidden blade, then she pushed it away from her, and she could tell just by the amount of the blood pouring out into the water that it was near death, and that it was also squealing in pain.

Once it was forced away from her, Kylie took her chance and swam after the thing, where she was easily able to stab her dagger straight into the thing, where she wrenched the blade through some of its form and cut it open, leaving the thing dead. With the thing dead, Kylie would find herself almost completely out of air now, and she would have to rush out to get some more air before coming back down and looting the room of some of its treasures.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It was down, with her penchant for close quarters combat, grappling her without controlling her wrists was tantamount to suicide as the inexperienced creature found out as she quickly killed it, wounding it in a vicious counter attack before following for the quick kill rather then letting the creature bleed to death slowly in the ocean's depths. Seeing it was done, and wrenching her dagger free, Kylie immediately headed back to the nearest pocket of air, near the last intersection where she could almost stand, breathing in large gulps of the life giving substance as she pondered her next move. There would be no collecting ALL of the treasure right now, she had no way to carry it, and the blood in the water would call predators, no... She needed to grab a few choice pieces, and head back to shore as fast as possible.

having calmed down, but with adrenaline still coursing through her veins, Kylie headed back to the room to collect the Tiara specifically, her dropped dagger, and anything small and especially finely wrought, rings, pendants, cut gems and the like as she sheathed her daggers and decided to rely on the gauntlets for protection for the time being.

Taking her few valuable pieces back into a place with OXYGEN so she could look at them properly, Kylie spent the most amount of time looking at the Tiara, going over it with her hands carefully and examining the large stone set in it's center, a blood red ruby of impressive size... It wasn't normal was what her gut said, and like the gauntlets, she placed it upon her own head for a moment, wondering if there was magic involved here. If nothing happened, she would take her trinkets, and leave, making a beeline for shore, home, and the Alraune to sleep and think in peace.

However, that damned slime was upstairs, and would probably take her newly acquired shinies, or destroy them... So rather then leave the way she came, Kylie moved to the large break in the hull caused by the coral reef, heading out of the ship that way and staying underwater for as long as possible.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Swimming frantically back to get to one of the air pockets, Kylie's lungs burning badly as she surfaced. Then, taking another deep breath, she went back down into the water and grabbed a few things from the room. Now that she was calmed down after that fight, Kylie was able to hold her breath longer as she grabbed the tiara from the chest she'd found the gauntlets in, the dagger knocked from her hand, and she was able to find a little satchel inside the room as well which she was able to use and stuff in quite a few various rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and pendants in terms of jewelry, as well as a few diamonds, rubies, emeralds, sapphires, aquamarines, pearls, and in the chest with the tiara and gauntlets she also saw a trio of quite rare black pearls sitting there, which she stuff into the satchel as well. After gathering all of that, she would find she had a bit more room for other things if she wished so she was able to grab another ring, this one a platinum band with a beautifully cut heart shaped diamond set in it that looked about a 3 carrot diamond or so, it looked like a very nicely made engagement ring, as did several of the other gold ones she'd grabbed that had slightly smaller diamonds in them, the other jewelry she'd gotten had all manner of stones in them, from garnets to diamonds.

Heading on back out to where she could sit inside of the large room, Kylie took the tiara out and looked at the deep dark blood red ruby set in it and tried to tell if it was magical in nature or not. Setting it on her head, Kylie wouldn't really feel any different, but the gut feeling that it was magical in some way was likely right, but there was hint of some magical properties within it, she could feel it, but maybe there was something else she had to do before it showed itself. Before she slipped it back off, Kylie would be able to feel something... it felt like a focused thought of something trying to find its prey. The only thing around her that she knew of that would be hunting for prey would be the giant slime upstairs, so that would give her a bit of an idea as to what it did.

Knowing the giant slime was upstairs and waiting for her, Kylie headed for the flooring where the reef was sticking through it, and she easily found a way down through it and out, so holding her breath for nearly 3 full minutes and almost drowning herself in the process, Kylie swam her way out with all of her goodies, eventually making her way to the shore where the rest of her stuff was waiting for her. The sky was fast getting darker and she would be able to tell that she only had about 30 minutes left of daylight, as she noticed the sun setting on the horizon now. The question now was where to go. Should she go and stay at Delilah's island, or should she attempt to make it back to the alraune camp? Regardless it seemed as if she wouldn't get to see Giselle tonight, nor Delilah or Tina or anyone else to talk with about Giselle.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was blown away, figuratively and literally at the sheer amount of wealth she had managed to acquire in such a short amount of time. But there was a slight problem, Ugly the wonderblob was upstairs, and she suspected the tiara had told her so in it's own way, there was more to that odd piece of jewelry then met the eye...

Shrugging as she fingered through her satchel of goodies, Kylie's eye was most caught by the pearls of all things, her mind wandering distractedly for a moment as she rolled one of the smooth, round objects in her hand and all the excitement this little venture had garnered... Her sleep was going to be troubled tonight, she fucking knew it.

Heading to the split in the hull, Kylie did indeed find a way out, and if not for her own training and ability to take some serious pain, she would have almost certainly drowned as the count in her head that let her hold her breath for that long crested 180 and she almost blacked out, surfacing explosively from the water and heaving for air, both the satchel, and everything else she was carrying making the trip to shore a true and proper pain in the ass, gold was fucking heavy.

But made it she did, and that was what mattered. She had a half hour left before night descended completely, and as badly as she wanted to head back RIGHT now, it was a poor choice. However, there was her bow, her true weapon, she had her gauntlets, her daggers, a sack full of loot and a chance to rest as well as an item she suspected would see her through the darkness without fail if she trusted it...

Slipping the Tiara on again, Kylie focused very hard on her surroundings, closing her eyes and panning her head as if she could see, as if scanning for life or anything else she could find, when you had a magic item that didn't seem to kill you, then you experimented until you had the right of it, because any advantage, no matter how small, meant the difference between life and death, a literal razor's edge.

If she couldn't get the thing to do at least that, she would determine she had NO safe way to get back to the village, and she was entirely too tired to run. Add in the fact that getting attacked could cost her her hard won loot, and you had a losing prospect. However, getting abducted in your sleep wasn't much better of an option, so she did something that nothing would expect her to do, Kylie rested, and she waited for darkness to fall completely, still focusing on the Tiara and letting time pass, taking the neutral option as the others simply didn't benefit her.

If she had been normal, then what she was about to try would be insanity, but it wasn't, Kylie was at home in the dark as any other predator, and after a chance to rest, she'd be at top form again, a charming murderess in the night.

It was probably a few hours into true night when Kylie finally rose, shouldering everything as she got dressed again and locked the satchel to both her shoulder, and her belt to lessen the chances of dropping it, because she would die before giving up what she had, as she began to make her way back towards the village. Not as the jogging athletic warrior, but as the cunning shade in the night, darting from shadow to shadow with deliberate purpose and practiced grace...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Focusing on the surrounding area after placing the tiara on her head again, Kylie was able to feel certain things that she would never have been able to before. She saw a bird sitting in a tree looking at her, and felt curiosity and fear, then before she could look around at another animal to check it out suddenly flashes off her past appeared in her mind's eye. She was being handed three pictures, one was the gauntlets and a note attached to the picture read payment for the lady assassin, and then she looked at the other picture that had the tiara on it that said recovery by the lady assassin, and the third was a picture of the captain with the note saying kill on it. Then more images flashed through to her boarding the ship at a port, disguised as a traveler being ferried as she paid the captain for allowing her to board the ship. Then again her mind flashed and she found herself sneaking in the middle of the night down into the treasure room of the ship where she peeked inside of the chest to see the three black pearls, the tiara, and the pair of assassin's gauntlets, which were obviously magical in some way themselves by the looks of them anyway. However she wasn't to take them that night, as she suddenly heard someone coming into the room and she quickly slipped behind the door and exited through it when the person came inside.

She got another mental image, though this one was more a memory than an image, as she remembered talking in it. She was talking to a man that wore a white suit with a hood on it and she couldn't make out his face very well until he raised up when she spoke to him, asking what the tiara actually was and why it was so important. "Because Kylie... it let's the wearer feel the emotions of people and creatures around them, in the wrong hands it could be dangerous, as they could use it against someone. The person who contracted us to get this tiara is going to hide it away from the one's the people on that ship are taking it to. But... if something were to happen on this mission, I want you to take that tiara and keep it safe, use it if you must to stay alive, but don't abuse it's power Kylie, we don't abuse power like that for personal gain, and we don't hurt innocents, those are our two main creeds. I know you remember that Kylie, but you've been getting more and more volatile lately for some reason, I just... I worry about you is all, because you've bee a good friend all these years. Just be careful on this one okay, I've got a feeling that it'll be a hard one," the man said to her in her memory, warning her of several things and looking quite worried about her and her apparently recent increased temper. Kylie replied to the man in her memory that she would be just fine and not to worry about her, that she could take care of herself and that she'd never abuse the power of any kind.

Then suddenly the memory vanished from sight as her vision came back to her, and she felt the sudden need to sit down and rest for a little while, as her legs were wobbly and nearly gave out on her. Though it worked out as a good thing, since she was going to rest until later into the night anyway, so that she could move more stealthily back to the village.


A few hours later, Kylie awakened after her nap, looking up at the moon and finding that by the position of it she'd only slept for about 3 hours or so, maybe 4 it was hard to tell. After shouldering all of her equipment and making sure it was all strapped on properly, Kylie headed on out back towards the village, being very careful and quiet along the way. The tiara was letting her feel the almost dead quiet of the night, as most everything was asleep now, which made using its power that much easier to control for the untrained girl.

As she made her way forward and was around halfway back to the village after almost an hour and forty five minutes or so, Kylie suddenly felt something's emotions near her, and it had to be fairly close. She felt the same thing she'd felt about the giant slime on the ship, like something hunting for its prey. Turning to her left she would see what appeared to be a large jaguar stalking through the jungle, smelling for prey and following the scent it had. This was different than a regular jaguar though, this one had a pair of tentacles on its back that looked a bit menacing, and it also looked as if it smelled her from the way it moved. Kylie could hear running water a little ways off to her right though, indicating the stream that ran near the village and through the alraune camp. She could try and make it lose her scent by getting into that water, though there was no telling if she could get there before it either found her or if there was something in the water that would attack her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The memories struck her. Hard, She knew her vocation, her loyalty, and creeds far more dear to her then any person she had known contact with, the laws she governed her own actions by and the mission she had been assigned to complete. And it was in her own hands, literally accomplished subconsciously, and in it's own way that was a major win. Granted these items were probably at least partially safe in the wreckage until someone came looking for them, but now they were once again safely in her hands, and her orders were to keep the Tiara safe at any cost. Kylie had a feeling it would probably be a long time before she saw her family again, and although not related by blood, she knew in her heart that that was what the white hooded man was. Never trade blood for gold... They didn't kill for money.

Refocusing after that mental onslaught took some effort, but Kylie found, having been dealt no serious injury from her encounters so far, was basically in top form at least for a few hours anyway, she could certainly pull this off. And it was with that mindset, that she started to make her way into the jungle, still hearin faint echos in her mind of what was just beyond the veil for her, lying behind the injury, or something else...

Through shadow and silver moonlight she moved, coming into view for split seconds at a time before simply vanishing into the night again as she went from tree to tree and hollow to hollow, the Tiara proving a mighty tool indeed, and no wonder people were worried it could be abused, it most certainly could. She had remembered what the man had said about her unstable temper as well, and knew there was a frightfully painful memory tied in there somewhere that would explain it, because dwelling on it filled her with anger, and surprisingly, Fear.

It was of course in this odd state of moving like a wraith and trying to puzzle things out that Kylie caught up on the signal from her persuer, warned by the Tiara that something fancied itself hunting her, which was laughable... It was an animal, SHE was a Predator, she hunted Men and this cat would be no different. Noticing it was a ways off, and desperately trying to catch her scent, Kylie realised the sudden impulse for combat was foolish, and brought on by both fatigue and instability with the recent revelations from before, but now she knew what she had to do.

She could move for the river, and possibly into more danger, but the water would clear her scent, OR, and this would work just as well, but would take a little time, she could give the creature something to chase, Really chase... Drawing an arrow as silently as a feather across silk, Kylie pressed the arrowhead into her arm, drawing a slight amount of blood, increasing her scent, but notably absent of fear or other pheromones, and repeated the process as she moved two more times, soon holding 3 arrows all tipped with her own blood.

Knocking them all, Kylie slowly and quietly drew them back as she moved, this shot was not about accuracy, but about muddling her signal as if she was being pursued by hounds, and there were certainly ways to do that easily, though they didn't work for long. If this creatures nose was really sensitive, then this was going to be confusing as hell for it. Turning, Kylie then fired the three arrows at three angles behind her, the scent of her blood trailing not with her steps now, but in an additional 3 directions, meaning the cat now had to track 4 scents, not one, and all of them were moving, and quickly. Although Kylie darted up a nearby tree, pulling her shirt away in the risen position, and pressing her blood against the silk, before dropping it at the base of the tree, making sure that the blood dripping from her arm continued to fall from her perch down onto the shirt, marking that as her location rather then where she actually was. And then... She waited.

Sitting at the ready in the tree, Kylie kept track of the creature with the Tiara, her eyes, and her ears, Waiting for the creature to take the bait, to investigate the scent below her, an arrow knocked to her powerful bow and ready. As soon as the creature got close enough, Kylie was going to make it regret confusing her for prey with a solid steel barb from the heavens...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie stealth attack successful, deals 3 FP dmg to her foe

Kylie - 7 vs 3 Db, hit
Displacer beast - 14 vs 12 Kylie, hit and grappled Kylie

Taking the three arrows, Kylie made a little cut on her arm and smeared a bit of her blood on the three arrows, which she fired off in three different directions behind her where the strange jaguar was following to throw it off her scent a little bit and then she climbed up a good sturdy tree that could easily hold her. This seemed to have worked a bit as she could see the shadow of the beast as it came towards her position just as she shot the arrows, where it then stopped suddenly and looked confused as hell as it turned its head about and looked around in the different directions the arrows had gone, which easily gave her the time to climb the tree she'd chosen and prepare her trap.

Kylie would feel the thing's confusion thanks to the tiara's power, it seemed like it was so confused that it now suddenly had 4 different things to try and track that it didn't know what to do, it was quite honestly stumped at this predicament as it bounded off towards where one of the arrows went. She could just barely feel it when it got to where the arrow was, sniffing around for her and only finding the arrow, then it went on to where one of the other arrows were and still didn't find her. Then she felt its emotions again and felt a slight bit of anger and annoyance that it hadn't found her yet. As it came closer to her position, she could feel its exhilaration at maybe finding its prey. When the thing came into view of her, Kylie readied one of her solid steel arrows with the barbed tips on them, then, when she got a clear shot at it when it was right under her and sniffing the piece of silk her blood was on, she let loose with her arrow, which struck her foe dead in the side, causing it to yowl in pain.

Before she could knock another arrow though the tree limb she was sitting in creaked a little before cracking and snapping, causing her to plummet to the ground below. She managed to amazingly enough land on her feet, just like a sly cat, where the oversized cat she was facing was waiting for her. Kylie was easily able to get her daggers out though once on the ground where she was able to slash the beast that she'd landed almost right next to. The thing then tried to knock her feet out from under her with its tentacles, and managed to do so, grabbing hold of her ankles with one of its long thick tentacles and trying to force her to remain on the ground as it began dragging her closer to it.

Kylie - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10, grappled -1 to attacks
Displacer beast - FP: 2/6, grappling Kylie
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

A sly grin cracked Kylie's features as the plan worked as anticipated and her ruse gave her a perfect shot with her wicked arrow, meant to sever with indiscriminate purpose flashed into her predator turned prey, and an easy kill seemed within her reach right up until murphy and his damned law struck, the branch she was own creaking with just enough warning before it broke for Kylie to land on her feet, her arm shooting out to steady herself against the trunk on the way down.

Now face to face with the creature, Kylie's dagger flashed out and her opening blow drew yet another ragged wound on the large cat before its tendrils lashed out and seized one of her ankles, yanking her to the ground and starting do drag her towardss it.

Cursing loudly, Kylie arched forward and slashed out at the tendril holding her with both daggers, crossing as they passed, looking to free herself by force.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 19 vs 14 Db, hit and broke free
Displacer beast - 1 vs 12 Kylie, miss

Kylie - 3 vs 2 Db, hit and killed

Kylie was able to swing her daggers around and slice the tentacle dragging her towards the beast, forcing it to release her in the process as it howled in pain as it did so. The beast then tried to grab her yet again with the other tentacle, yet she was too quick for it and it merely hit the ground where she'd been laying as she did a nice feat of acrobatics and rolled backwards, then flipped back up to her feet as the thing moved in at her. Then just as it got to her it jumped into the air, trying to land on top of her as she easily stepped to the side and stabbed it with both daggers right through its chest, ending its life.

Once it was dead, Kylie could see that her steel arrow was undamaged though stuck in the thing a bit, but shouldn't be too hard to get out. And she also had the cut in her arm to bandage up some to prevent infection or anything else from smelling it and coming after her. By her reckoning she should be about halfway back to the alraune village, where she could soon rest and relax for the rest of the night, the thoughts of Giselle and what might be wrong with her likely coming to mind as she finished up here.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It was over, the threat was dead thanks to a bit of planning and some quick thinking and quicker moves. Pulling her daggers from the creature, Kylie moved to put her shirt back on before retrieving her arrow. Kneeling, Kylie decided she didn't want another annoying encounter late at night today, too pissed off and tired and confused about a lot of things to give much creed to things like decency or hygiene.

Kneeling next to the corpse, Kylie stuck her hand in the still bleeding chest wound, and smeered it's blood over her face and into her hair, masking her own scent with that of this creatures, before she pulled out one of it's fangs as a kind of trophy. It was a rather beautiful tooth to be honest, and hers by right. The jungle would see to cleaning up the corpse.

And it was like this, in the dead of night, smelling of some large jungle cat and covered in blood, that she started moving back to the camp, no longer sneaking, but walking as if she owned the place, acting like the top of the food chain and doesn't afraid of anything.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wrenching her daggers free of the now dead displacer beast, Kylie slid her shirt back down over her shoulders and then pulled her arrow free, though that took a minute or two of trying. Jabbing her hand into the thing's chest where the wound was, she pulled out a hand covered in blood, which she then smeared all over her face and into her hair, using its blood to mask her scent and make other things in the area steer clear of her once it smelled the blood on her. She ended up having to cut out the fang from the thing as her trophy, but it didn't take all that long to do.

Leaving the corpse behind, Kylie started on back to the alraune camp, the scent of displacer beast all over her. With her new scent, Kylie was able to make relatively good time and made her way back to the camp without any further trouble, with most of the creatures that lurked the jungles at night steering clear of her. It had taken her about another hour to get back, but when she did make it back to the camp, she found that the majority of the alraune were sleeping, though some of the red ones were still standing guard, and the place she'd chosen for herself had been cleaned up a little bit and a tent set up for her, even a bedroll had been fixed for her on the ground inside the tent, with some bedding underneath it to make her comfortable.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

It worked, the smell of the beast allowing her to get to safety without anymore trouble. Waving at the red Alraune, she made her way to the stream first and cleaned off, taking her time as she scrubbed the blood from her clothes and her skin, as well as the salt from the ocean. It had been a productive night.

Not bothering with any more pleasantries, Kylie made her way to her spot, which had been made up for her in a very kind way, before disarming herself, save for her gauntlets, and flopping onto the bedroll, passing out before she even hit the ground.

Nightmares plagued Kylie throughout the night, Grissly flashes, disconnected and broken, until a memory tore through her mind like a bolt of lightning, finding herself strapped to a chair and helpless, stripped completely, her skin burning with different wounds, cuts and burns, her mouth held open as something was forced down her throat after hours of torture, the pain, the unbearable pain that was letting her hold out, defend someone important... all faded away in a feeling of euphoria, and the tortured and battered assassin found she could no long avoid answering questions, realising that the torture had just been for fun before her mind blanked, and she started talking, her mind not her own under the effect of the drug...

That night... her brother had died that night, working another job she was supposed to be helping on before she had been overwhelmed and captured, tortured before this foul drug was forced down her throat, and she had betrayed his location, being cut down before he'd even had a chance...

The next flashes were of the bloody vengeance she took from her captors as she waited for the right chance to slip her cage, each death at her hands relished with brutal efficiency as she killed them all, each and every one before moving on to the target, the fat nobleman slob thinking he was safe as she cut his throat in his sleep, and stared into his eyes as he bled his last before the memories faded and she awoke with a violent start, her hidden blades snapping out at an enemy that wasn't there as she looked around the grove, sense slowly coming back to her.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

(Yay Kylie has more backstory now.)

After getting back to the alraune camp, Kylie laid down in her bedroll after cleaning herself up in the stream as well as cleaning her clothing up, then disarming herself just before she laid down for sleep. She was barely down onto the bedroll before she was out, her consciousness fading quickly.


For the first little while Kylie had no dreams at all, as her body was simply so tired that it didn't dream any. However, a ways into her slumber, Kylie began dreaming... dreaming of her past. In her dream, she found herself tied to a chair, her body naked and defenseless, and she was covered in cuts and bruises that ached so badly she nearly fainted from the pain. She was forced to drink something after she'd been tortured for hours on end by a pair of men that used such cruel devices to hurt her, to make her talk. However when they forced the potion down her throat, her pain completely faded and was replaced with the drugged euphoric bliss, and then she was asked the questions again which she answered wholeheartedly without a second thought about them. She was asked where her companions were, where she was supposed to meet them, and she told them exactly where they were, making her wonder why they bothered torturing her in the first place... almost as if it'd been for their own amusement more so than to get her to talk.

She'd lost not only her brother that night to her own failure, but she'd also lost several friends that meant a lot to her, friends she'd known for years and had trained to be an assassin with. Her brother though... he'd died gruesomely before he even had the chance to defend himself as he'd been resting, only one person had survived the attack on the meeting place and he'd been wounded badly in the process.

Then the dream switched gears and she found herself waking back up and slipping free of her bindings, where she then slipped out of the cell she'd been in by snatching the key from the guard when he came to check and see where she'd gone, and then snapping his neck like a twig. Once out of her cell, Kylie had gone on a brutal rampage around the manse she'd been held captive in, killing all of the guards inside the place before they could even get their weapons out. Some begged for mercy, some didn't, but she gave none whatsoever, taking whatever weapons she came across and absolutely wrecking the place as she made her way upstairs to the bedroom of the man that had held her captive, where she slit his throat. His gurgling death throes brought a smile to her face as she saw the look of fear in his eyes, and she reveled in his death just as the dreams faded away and she awoke with a start that nearly gave her a heart attack as she was ready to fight whatever came at her.

Around her she saw the alraune camp spread out before her, mostly still asleep as it was still early in the morning. While she regained her senses about her, her vision faded once again as another vision slammed into her mind, this one not much different than the dreams. It took place as she got out of the manse of the man she'd killed, and in fact this vision started quite literally where the other left off. She had just killed the fat slob and watched him die, and she... liked every second of it. After that she left the house, setting it ablaze as did, burning it to the ground with him and all of the dead guards, so nobody would ever figure out what had happened. After she left there she headed back to the base where her friends and fellow assassins stayed at, where she was informed by the leader she remembered from her vision yesterday of her brother's death as well as all but one of the ones that were with him. As soon as he told her what had happened exactly, Kylie broke down and started sobbing, unable to hold back her tears any longer, where her leader grabbed her and held her while she let it all out as he tried to console her.

She sobbed for nearly an hour nonstop while her leader and several of her friends consoled her as best they could. The pain though... the pain of losing her brother ran deep, mainly because she was the reason he was dead, but finally after an hour of crying she was able to finally stop. The pain of losing her brother was great, but she knew that she had to keep on going, to keep living on in his memory. "I know it hurts Kylie... but you can't stop... nearly all of us have lost someone close to us like that... I lost my wife remember, and our child, but I knew I couldn't quit. She wouldn't want me to quit and I know that," he told her, barely holding tears back in his eyes as he saw her in the state she was in, her crying like that with her body so badly beaten and battered.

Kylie slowly looked up at him with tears in her eyes as he gently caressed her cheek. While he did this, she suddenly remembered the man's name... Cosimo... Cosimo D'Artesia, and he was the leader of the assassins guild in her old home. He raised her and her brother from the time they lost their parents when Kylie was 5 years old, and he cared as much for her and her brother as he could possibly care about his own child, whom he'd lost when she was a baby along with his wife, before they had met him. And she now understood somewhat what was said to her by him in her vision yesterday, when he was giving her the briefing about the tiara she now had.

After Cosimo had finished speaking to her in the vision, it whizzed forwards a day or so where they were laying her beloved brother to rest. He was only two years older than she was, and though she cried her eyes out as she lay a single rose on his grave, Kylie knew that what Cosimo told her was true, she couldn't give up and she had to keep going for not only her sake, but for her brother's as well. She wasn't the only one there either at her brother's funeral, every single one of her fellow assassins were there as well, bidding farewell to their friend, which eased Kylie's heart considerably, knowing that she wasn't alone in grieving for his loss. All of them apologized to Kylie for her loss, which she thanked each and every one of them for their support as the memory of the funeral faded out and she found herself back in the alraune camp again.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie snapped awake, thinking that reality would grant her a reprieve, but she was wrong, still reeling from the onslaught of memories the ship had triggered, and her own troubled dreams, Kylie found herself thrown headfirst into another one, different aspects of that night pounding through her mind, her adoptive father, her brother, the others she had lost that night and the battering she had taken before a grissly vengeance before the funeral was laid out before her eyes amongst what was a family in it's own way.

Trained from childhood, literally by the head of the order, Kylie knew her skill had been without peer until that night when she'd made a mistake at the worst possible moment and paid for it dearly, as her father said they all had at some point, but that didn't make it any better, and Kylie found that hard part of her soul that let her excel with this unique skillset, and a part of her heart turned to ice.

It was interesting as she stood, and dressed herself before reverently readorning herself with the tools of her profession that had become tantamount to religion to her during her life. There were still huge blanks in her memories, but they were starting to fold back into place, and the most important piece was now hers... Her Identity. Slipping back into old habits, Kylie looked around, a cold and calculating hunter that could hardly be called human... until her eyes settled on the small island, and she found her heart again... Emotions warring for dominance over years of strict control, before she moved over to the island, sat next to the tiny life she had saved with her friend and lover Giselle, and she wept, quietly, the tears of a scarred soul in the throws of repair.

Kylie made a decision there on the island with the child, she wasn't leaving, or returning to her family. They would find out she was alive, certainly, she would tell them herself in her own way, but this was her home now more then ever and it was devoid of anyone like her to truly protect it, no silent guardian watching over the lives of others as they moved about with their friends and families and the futures they were building for themselves. And now, she was here to serve that purpose, and maybe to heal herself in the process and be happy rather then servient.

Standing slowly, Kylie looked down at the sleeping child, before turning, and leaving as silently as she had come, wiping the tears from her eyes as she shouldered her bow, checked her weapons and her treasure, and looked at the Tiara. Decision or not, the task set to her would be done in it's entirety today, once and for all. No one would be able to abuse this treasure for their own gain, a last act for a family she now severed ties with. It was simply a fallicy to think she was capable of protecting the Tiara from all seekers, it couldn't be done, not realistically, and she was only human, she would eventually abuse the item herself.

Sighing sadly, Kylie stretched sore muscles and picked up the fang from the cat, the first of many little trophies, and made her way to Giselle's house, where she had promised her friend she would be in the morning. Now ready to face her friends properly, and probably forgive Hazel after a chat... Maybe... Gods Kylie hoped Hazel wasn't a bitch about this... It would really piss her off.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After her vision finished and she got herself reoriented and everything, Kylie redressed, fixing up all of her equipment once more and feeling very well rested despite the nightmares she'd had. Moving over to the little island with the little alraune, Kylie began crying in silence while sitting there. While she was crying, she would see the little one stirring a little bit, but she continued to sleep on after a moment. She looked a lot better now than she did the day before, and may wake up later hopefully since she looks so much better now.

Deciding that this island was her home now and that she'd see her foster father again some day, as well as the rest of her brothers and sisters of the guild, but that would likely be a ways off for now, and this island needed someone of her skill and training to protect it. Plus being here was soothing to her, it would maybe, just maybe help to heal her own heart in the process of her deciding to live here, at least that was her hope anyway. Getting her things back together and shouldering her backpack and getting the tiara which she wasn't sure if she could keep from abusing the power of herself, Kylie stared down at the little alraune for a few moments before she prepared to set off. After stretching her sore muscles a bit and grabbing her trophy she'd almost forgotten, she began heading for Giselle's house, where she'd promised to meet that morning with her friend/lover.

After half an hour or so, Kylie made her way to the entrance to the village, hoping while she walked that Hazel would be civil about things so they could talk. Upon entering the village, she found three guards there who nodded at her while she passed by them, seeming a little tense about something. This likely worried her a little bit as she made her way to the edge of the village where Giselle's house was. As she neared the house though, Kylie would hear the singing of a siren once again, however this time the song was much different, because as soon as she began to hear the singing she began feeling a sense of worry, followed by sorrow and regret. It was almost as if the entire area was filled with all of those feelings, and the closer she got to the house, the more it would fill her heart with dread that something bad had happened.

Also just so you know what all Kylie has in her inventory so far:

12 bottles of alraune nectar. (drinking or applying to a creature's body by rubbing it on them will increase their AP by 3 and then has a 50% chance of increasing it by 1 per turn until they've had an orgasm, and can be applied to weapons to coat either one blade for a battle, or 10 arrows.)
1 potion of healing. (fully heals all FP when drunk)
1 bottle of succubus essence. (drinking causes the drinker to instantly take 10 AP dmg, can also be applied to weapons)
20 regular wood arrows.
10 steel arrows. (gives a 50% chance of +1 FP dmg with every shot)
1 platinum engagement ring with a heartshaped astral diamond set in it. (worth a lot of money, and is a gift item)
1 pair of mythril hidden blade gauntlets. (+1 to attack and defense rolls when only wielding these weapons)
1 tiara of empathy.
1 Displacer beast fang. (just a fluff item really, but you never know it may come into play one day)
2 daggers
3 black pearls (a gift item)

1 satchel filled with various kinds of jewelry and many different gemstones. (as there are lot of different kinds things in here the prices will vary, I haven't decided exactly how much there is inside of the satchel yet though)

Gold: 400