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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, testing the balance of her "Blade", found the weight to be so light that where a first she had been nervous, now she was confident. She had a plan.

Looking Maria up and down as she took a stance, Kylie held up a finger, before pulling her gauntlets off, and tossing them off to the side, along with her bow. Once her weapons had all been safely set aside, only then did Kylie return to the fight. Watching Maria start to circle her, Kylie raised an eyebrow.

Fun thing about sparring. Everyone learns something. she muttered, before she dropped into a crouch, and jumped backwards a good 6 feet, and damn she was quick. As she landed, Maria would probably realize only fractions of a second too late what Kylie was planning, though that was also simply a chance as she'd never witnessed Kylie fighting seriously.

With her feet back, weight on her toes, Kylie entered what was actually a dagger's combat style that Gestalt had shown her, and drilled her in, religiously. It was called Drift Step and it had fit her, because it followed the same steps that an archer would use in close combat and it directly violated most things associated with proper fighting. With almost explosive force, all the strength in Kylie's legs, augmented and otherwise, propelled her forward towards Maria in a move so aggressive that anyone else would think it suicidally insane.

Less then half her height, so bundled to the ground was her coiled body, that Kylie flew towards Maria, and then passed her entirely, her eyes following the motions of the longer blade as she used the drow long knife purely defensively, looking only to deflect any incoming blow long enough for Kylie to slide passed her. As wood struck wood, Kylie let the motion push her out, using it to spin rapidly as the blade shot out in a wide arc and the drift step started.

Drift stepping, the act of staying as close to someone, and as off balance as possible. It forced the person using the style to tumble almost constantly, presenting an incredibly difficult target to hit as the motions were both quick, and unpredictable. Watching her footwork would provide no insights as all her weight was intentionally offset, and her feet were twisting and sliding furiously to shift herself around Maria like a hornet, refusing to let herself be forced back simply by letting the Vryloka's blows turn her rather then scare her, or move her away.

This would never work with a longer, heavier weapon, but with something weighing barely more then one of her steel daggers... well. Use every advantage you had, and this was no exception as Kylie suddenly leaned back, and then forward again, another turn showing her fist flying out instead of her blade, the back of her hand coming around as the blade was tucked down, and then thrust forward at the end, the assassin still trying with every ounce of effort she had to make something happen in her favor, to give a proper measure of her skill. It would shame Gestalt's teaching to do anything less...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 4 vs 6 Maria, miss

Maria - 6 vs 1 Kylie, hit

Kylie - 5 vs 12 Maria, miss

Maria - 14 vs 6 Kylie, hit

Maria did indeed wait for Kylie to get ready, bowing her head respectfully and watching Kylie take off what she was going to, Hazel came over and took it for her, setting it beside Maria's real katana on the back porch. Around them there was virtually nothing to interfere, the ground here being perfectly flat with no obstructions, as if it'd been fixed that way for training purposes. When Kylie was back and ready, Maria nodded to her, indicating that she was ready when Kylie was as she dropped back into her stance and started going around in half circles around Kylie, back and forth.

"Come on you two, fight already, stop pacing back and forth," Miu called out to them both, where Maria ignored her completely, focused solely on Kylie at the moment and not even glancing over at Miu.

Then, when Kylie jumped back after muttering what she did and darted forward at her, Maria jumped into the air over Kylie's head, turning a front flip as she did and swinging her wooden sword down at her as she went, the sound of wood clacking on wood echoing in the backyard around them, Maria's move possible not something Kylie would have expected, as it did put some distance between them again. As Kylie stopped and came back towards Maria, the vryloka was ready for her, almost matching her move for move as she started to backpedal some away from Kylie, swinging her wooded sword not in an effort to try and hit Kylie, but more to just keep her at a further distance. Then, just as Kylie managed to push a bit closer to her, Maria, seeing that she wasn't going to scare Kylie back with just her reach simply stopped backpedaling and she threw her right leg up high into the air, the tip of her foot connecting with Kylie's chin just enough to make her head tilt back slightly, though not so hard of course that it would break it, where Maria then spun on the tips of her own toes and brought her wooden sword around into Kylie's left hip, where Maria then dove away very quickly, tumbling off to her left and springing back to her feet like a gymnast, the vryloka obviously having incredible balance to have pulled off that sort of maneuver.

As Kylie darted forward at Maria again, Maria moved in to meet her rather than backpedal away, where when Kylie reared back and brought her fist out with the wooden blade tucked down, Maria then time stepped in even closer where she used the hilt of her wooden blade to turn Kylie's when she thrust her blade forward at the end of her movement, causing Kylie to miss. Maria's move threw Kylie's timing off just enough to work it against her and in Maria's favor as the vryloka spun around Kylie and slapped her sharply across the butt with her wooden blade. After the blow, when Kylie turned around enough to spot Maria, she'd see that Maria was already well enough away from her to attack without moving, the priestess having tumbled away again and looking more than ready for Kylie, though she had no confident look on her face, merely an emotionless glare.

Kylie - FP: 4/6, AP: 0/10

Maria - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria was fast, and she kept her eyes open... Pity. After Kylie found that Maria could almost keep up with her, but was nearly as acrobatic as well, she was admittedly a little taken aback, not expecting it. She'd always seen most swordsman as clumsy in comparison, but that was more as they were guardsmen or nobles, targets, not skilled and dedicated combatants.

The blows she received for her gamble stung, but they weren't enough to stop her, not with these little wooden blades, though Maria's kick sent her into a frenzy as soon as their last movement was 'finished' and Kylie took another blow to her rear.

Viewing the weapon she was holding now as simply something to be used, and not something to be trusted, Kylie changed her tactics up. Pointing the blade down as she returned Maria's look, the assassin took a short glance around for any terrain she could use, and was disappointed at the flat ground. No cover, a heads up fight, she was at a sore disadvantage here. She'd have to do something she'd know the priestess she was fighting had never seen before. She'd obviously dealt with quick fighters good on their feet, and she was damned good with that blade.

Rather then charging, Kylie let her anger cool into a dark ember rather then the rage it had threatened to be for a second, and Thought. Maria was counting on her range being limited by... roughly a foot worth of blade, 12 inches... She could make that up...

Stalking straight towards Maria, Kylie locked eyes with her own, trying to read her as she took step, after step... 10 feet... 6 feet... Now! Pivoting hard on her left foot, Kylie lashed out with the blade and bunching her shoulders, her eyes following Maria every fraction of every second, looking for the block, or the dodge... where was it...

As soon as Maria made her counter, Kylie would angle the tip of the blade, either around Maria's own, or towards where the priestess had dodged, and slam the pommel of her blade with her palm, rocketing it towards her chest in a short throw to force another move out of Maria, and then once again, Kylie was in point blank. Whether her blow had struck or not, she had only needed Maria to shift her arms as she dove in, and set her hands working furiously, striking out with her palms as if she were still wearing her gauntlets towards Maria's chest and stomach, making the priestess either give ground, or take a blow as she couldn't block both of Kylie's strikes at once, at this range, that 3 foot + blade was simply too long to allow it, and although maria could Almost keep up with her, now that Kylie was striking two times at once, and nearly double the speed, it was simply impossible.

After the move, Kylie would disengage rather then press, rolling and dragging her hand under her to throw a shower of dirt up where she had been as she retrieved her sword, and went back to following Maria.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie - 14 vs 5 Maria, hit

Maria - 15 vs 5 Kylie, hit

Kylie - 16 vs 6 Maria, hit

Maria - 19 vs 12 Kylie, hit

As Kylie came in at Maria again after their first round of attacks at each other, Kylie would find that Maria was indeed unable to prevent her from landing one of her blows, even though she easily turned the wooden blade Kylie sent flying towards her, batting it aside where it landed about 7 or 8 feet behind and to the left a bit of her. However, Maria spun her sword quite amazingly in close tight quarters, spinning it with both hands from the hilt where it stopped Kylie's palm from connecting with her stomach, though she seemed to not mind allowing Kylie's other to hit her chest, as if she knew she wouldn't be able to dodge it. Maria's sword spinning though wasn't without a bonus for her as when she spun it and batted Kylie's right hand away from her stomach, she continued quickly spinning her wooden sword around as Kylie struck her chest, her hand slamming right into one of Maria's breasts which cushioned the blow a little bit so Kylie knew she hadn't hurt Maria badly with her increased strength. As she was hit, Maria spun her body around to the left, going with the force of the blow and letting the momentum Kylie gave her spin her the rest of the way, where her wooden sword slammed right into the side of Kylie head, knocking her away from Maria but not hard enough to knock her out... the blow seemingly coming from Kylie's own attack in a sense, which probably pissed her off somewhat and letting her know that Maria was not afraid of taking a hit obviously from that bout.

When Kylie went for her weapon, Maria was hot on her heels, moving in behind her. So when Kylie had retrieved her wooden long knife, she was forced on the defensive where she'd be able to get a good hit in with her long knife on Maria's side, but Maria kept coming, keeping the pressure up on Kylie and managing to spin around her again, landing another blow right across Kylie's ass, making her butt cheeks jiggle deliciously as she did. The both of them were winded a bit and Kylie would see Maria panting slightly from the exhilarating battle between them both, and she'd also see Maria had a slight smile on her face, like she'd finally found someone new to spar with on her level or something. The two of them were now facing off again at about 8 feet apart, with Maria switching her stance up a bit and digging her feet into the dirt a bit, her toes clenching slightly Kylie could see.

"Whoo, come on you two, keep it up," Miu cried, crouching on the backporch of the temple and bouncing slightly.

"Your fighting style is... different than the Kunoichi of Endan, Kylie. It's... very exhilarating fighting someone new who I know I won't beaten with a single blow," Maria said to Kylie as they stood there facing off again, a look of joy in Maria's eyes.

Kylie - FP: 2/6, AP: 0/10

Maria - FP: 4/6, AP: 0/10

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's gamble paid off rather well, and she took away the knowledge that Maria would have sorely regretted taking those blows in a real fight. Smarting from the counter attacks she had received in the exchange, Kylie was still frustrated. The only real victory she'd taken from this so far, hadn't even been with the weapon she was supposed to be learning, but from a weapon she wasn't even wielding!

My fighting style is desperate, 1 weapon instead of 4, nowhere to hide or run, no distance, no advantage, this is the worst possible scenario for me Kylie answered, though she was smiling as well. Fighting in general was a frowned upon practice, you only did it when you needed to. Most of the time your target dropped after a single strike, because the strike was well placed, timed, and unexpected. This... This was chaos, at least to her.

Seeing Maria change her stance up, Kylie opted for a change in tactics as well. Holding her sword down and out, Kylie squared her weight on her toes and then... nothing. Refusing to move from her spot, not to pace, or shift, or walk, Kylie simply waited, only turning if she absolutely had to to keep Maria in sight. Kylie had been unable to make any kind of advantage being either close or at angles that would make Maria's longer blade a problem. The only thing left was to react as Maria struck, moving only after she had committed to her own attack.

When Maria attacked her next, Kylie would watch the blade, and her arms, and dodge before stepping in for a short stab, before bouncing back, and holding the same, nearly motionless position.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria - 5 vs 15 Kylie, miss

Kylie - 10 vs 15 Maria, miss

Maria - 13 vs 6 Kylie, hit

Kylie - 16 vs 20 Maria, miss

"I see, well I hope to have the opportunity to teach you that this can also be a good situation for you, as your enemy will have nowhere to go either. So that you won't be at a disadvantage from now on after this," Maria said with a nod, where she began circling Kylie again,forcing Kylie to turn to keep her eye on her as she did a complete circle around her before stopping and turning to go the other direction, seeming to be waiting to see if Kylie was going to make another move.

After seeing that Kylie wasn't going to make another attack against her first, Maria nodded with a smile, as if she was glad Kylie had done such a thing. "Good, you're already learning then if you've stopped attacking me. Forcing me to move in is the best possible strategy because you're making me fight on your terms more so than before, which is what you should always try for in my opinion," Maria said, sounding rather glad and even a little proud about this.

With that Maria began to move in, heading straight for Kylie, where she sidestepped to the left at the last second before making her attack run on Kylie, where she swung at Kylie in a horizontal arc right at her chest like a batter would to hit a baseball. Kylie was easily able to dodge the blow by ducking underneath it, where she would see an opportunity to retaliate against Maria, but as she jabbed her wooden long knife in at Maria the priestess was able to block it with the hilt of her wooden sword as she twirled around.

Maria then continued to spin around Kylie, ducking around Kylie's left side and smacking her across the right thigh with her wooden sword, making it sting a bit from the hit as she backed away some, where Kylie attacked again, with Maria leaning back so far that by all rights she should've fallen down, but she'd thrown her wooden blade back and over her head where she caught herself with the tip of it sticking into the ground slightly, holding her weight up as she pushed Kylie back with her foot a bit before pushing herself back up to a standing position. Her chest heaving a bit now from all of the exertion, Maria looked to be having the time of her life as sweat was forming on her cheeks, neck, and chest where it was exposed, her cheeks slightly red from all of it too.

Kylie - FP: 1/6, AP: 0/10

Maria - FP: 4/6, AP: 0/10

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Despite anything said, about tactics or otherwise, again it seemed as if Kylie had made a mistake as the only thing she received was another beating from a more experienced opponent. Huffing, angry, and bruised, Kylie bowed stiffly and held out the wooden blade. That's enough for now, if we continue I'm going to reach for a real weapon. Kylie said, biting down on her temper hard before this turned into something more then a friendly lesson.

Stretching, and taking a deep breath, Kylie took her time in replacing her gauntlets on her hands, checking the blades several times, and then re-shouldering her bow and quiver.

Nodding at Maria again, Kylie had remembered seeing a place for cutting wood around one side of the temple, and headed there now to relax. Taking several logs and setting them in front of trees, Kylie drew her bow, forced her breathing to relax, and started letting steels fly.

With a loud crack, each arrow struck a different log, damaging most of the arrows, but splitting each log down the center into perfectly usable firewood and embedding the arrow deep into a tree. On a whim, Kylie would turn and draw a regular wooden shaft from her quiver, and set it to string, before simply testing the draw on her bow. Pulling back to full draw, Kylie sighted the simple arrow at a tree, fired, and... With a sound like thunder crackling in the distance, the wooden arrow exploded, the impact too great for such a light shaft to handle, and indeed, Kylie hadn't even been certain the arrow would survive in the air, let alone the impact.

Inspecting the tree, Kylie found however, that the arrowhead had indeed penetrated. At least Alan's vials would work... In this way, practicing what she was good at, and making several trips back and forth, Kylie cooled off until she was certain she wasn't going to snap. Part of learning she supposed... still, it wasn't wise to continue 'training' when you were wondering what your opponents blood would look like running down your arms.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Very well then Kylie, if that's your wish then of course we can stop. But remember, we weren't fighting to win, just to see where we both stood in comparison to one another. Also... I'm kind of glad you wanted to stop, because I think you cracked a rib when you hit my side with that long knife a few moments ago," Maria replied, looking a little relieved before falling to one knee and clutching her left side as she finished speaking, clenching her wooden sword a bit as she went down. "You are really strong Kylie, been a while since I was actually hurt by someone in a sparring match," Maria added from where she was kneeling now.

Amara came out to check on Maria while Kylie stalked off to cool down some by shooting her bow at some logs, which she easily found some worth shooting at. Amara helped Maria over to the porch, where if Kylie glanced over there she would see that Maria's side was already turning black and purple from the blow to it that she'd dealt her. "Aye you do have a cracked rib Maria, but the one under it is actually broken. Kylie is physically a lot stronger than I thought she was to say the least," Amara said as she checked Maria out, where she placed both of her hands gingerly over the place on her side in question and began to push forth her healing magics, mending the cracked and broken bones. Kylie might be at least a little satisfied to know that Maria and Amara both believed her to be physically stronger than she actually was thanks to the potion and all.

Hazel followed Kylie around the side of the temple a ways while Amara and Miu helped Maria out, just watching her shoot her bow at the targets she'd set up for herself. Kylie did indeed manage to damage a few of her steel arrows, though only the heads really, which could be easily replaced as they screwed down onto the arrow itself and weren't just fixed directly onto the things, meaning the arrows themselves were a little better built than she might have originally thought, and though they each went into the tree behind the log she'd shot, pretty much all of them could be pulled out with a bit of effort. The last one she shot though went so deep into the tree it hit that was not retrievable, at least it wouldn't be until the tree was cut down, as it had buried so deep inside of it that she'd need a real giant to pull it out and not just the partial strength of one thanks to the potion she'd drunk, which was still working and would for at least another hour or two. When she shot her wooden arrow at the tree, Kylie would see and hear it crack as it left her bowstring, and when it hit the tree itself, the wooden shaft of the arrow literally exploded into pieces, leaving only a very small piece of wood left with the arrow head stuck deep enough in the tree that it wouldn't be retrieved unless the tree were cut down, just like her other steel arrow.

"So... you feel better yet? It wouldn't do to kill Maria when she's going to help you train and get better at fighting opponents like her I think. Come on, let's go have another glass of tea, it'll help calm you down some more before you head on to see Hope and the other little alraune in their village," Hazel asked as Kylie cooled down some more, not speaking until Kylie looked like she'd calmed down enough to keep from screaming out and or attacking her, offering another glass of tea to the young assassin.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded as Maria and Amara set about fixing the injuries, putting their doubts to rest about her strength immediately. I'm not, I've been under the effects of a potion since this morning. I'd asked Alan for something to increase my speed and strength to shorten the trip, and to hold off the stresses of sparring. I had not intended to injure you like that, you have my sincere apologies. Kylie said, before heading off to shoot.

Upon her destressing, Kylie would inspect the targets, and smile. Her bow was every bit as powerful as she had hoped, and remembered. And even better, she could retrieve the arrowshafts, if not the heads.

Having not noticed Hazel this entire time, kylie stiffened at her words, before depositing the armful of fire wood she had 'chopped', and setting it aside. I know Hazel, I know! it's just... There's a reason the sparring with Gestalt tapered off after a bit, my temper gets the better of me, and you know the Rose, we use real blades. I don't want to kill or hurt anyone here, so I bowed out before it got the better of me. I'm shocked Maria was injured, that wasn't intentional... really. Kylie said softly, sliding her bow back onto her shoulders. She was still happy she could still shoot with the best of them, and with this behemoth, at incredible range...

Following Hazel for that tea, Kylie was back to her old self again rather quickly, and when she came upon Maria again, she'd wince. I am sorry, I didn't... *sigh* I should speak to Alan about something a little less intense I think. I'll always back away before my temper gets the best of me Maria, just give me the space I need when I do. It's better now then it used to be by leaps and bounds, I assure you. Thank you for the match. Kylie whispered, sipping on any offered beverage slowly as she forced a smile, and went about sorting out the damaged arrows, from the salvagable ones..
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I'll be fine Kylie, don't worry about me, and I was wondering why you were so strong now when you weren't or at least didn't seem quite that strong before, it makes no matter though really, because I consider that match a draw myself, this is just another training injury, of which I have plenty," Maria said to Kylie as the young assassin went off to leave Amara to heal Maria, the vryloka obviously not angry about the injury.


"Hmhm, Kylie don't worry about it, I'm sure she's just fine and doesn't hold a grudge, she's not the type to do so honestly. But maybe that's something else you can work on while you're here, your temper I mean. There's plenty of exercises you could learn from Yuki that she does to keep her temper in check, when she's not wearing the charm necklace that she's got on, so maybe she should be your next sparring partner, someone who's normally got as bad if not a worse temper than you do," Hazel said to Kylie as she wrapped an arm around her neck and pulled her over, squishing her face against her large breasts again as she giggled that slightly annoying little giggle of her's.

Once back inside of the temple, they'd find Maria sitting with her robes untied and pulled down while Amara rubbed some sort of lotion over the spot she'd cracked and broken a couple of her ribs, which thankfully had been healed it seemed from the looks of the spot she'd hit, which was no longer black and purple, but now slightly red. "Now Maria you need to put some more of this on before you go to sleep okay, and you should be mostly healed up by tomorrow morning," Amara said to Maria as Kylie came in, the lotion she was rubbing onto the spot being a soft blue, which as soon as it touched Maria's skin she tensed up a bit and looked like she was trying very hard not to yelp out, though it didn't seem she was in much pain really.

"D-Don't worry Kylie, and cheer up, I'll be just fine in a couple of days, and Yuki can help you about the temper thing if you'd like, she knows all sorts of techniques to keep her temper in check, that don't involve her charm and stuff I mean. Besides, now we know where we stand. You need much training on how to fight with no cover on open ground to say the least, but if we'd been in more favorable conditions for you and how you normally fight, I'd say I wouldn't have fared quite as well as I did, you'd probably have beaten me most likely if I had to guess, but we'll leave that for another day I think... gods that's cold," Maria said to Kylie, again just kind of waving her worry off as if it didn't bother her much really about being hurt, her body shivering a little bit as she looked down at Amara while she applied the lotion, which caused her large breasts to jiggle some in their bra as they weren't covered by her robes any more.

Sitting down for another glass of tea, Kylie found that half of her arrowheads were damaged and would need to be taken back to be repaired, but none of the steel arrows themselves were damaged other than the heads on some. The tea did help calm Kylie down some more, the taste being different than the last tea they'd drunk earlier as it was a different blend, which just kind of relaxed Kylie a bit better than the other, and it seemed to be doing the same for the others as well, but not so much that they wouldn't be able to get up and fight at a moments notice of course. "So Kylie, are you done training for now, or what? I'm ready to go and meet your alraune friends if you wanted to go ahead and go there, though if you'd rather train some more than I could show you some forms and stuff to practice for open ground fighting, until that potion you drank runs out at least I mean," Maria said after drinking all of her tea, looking over at Kylie to see what she wished to do now.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

You see, that's the problem, we're never really taught to "fight" we're taught to ambush. It's not a question of winning for us, but staying alive since so much of our actual teachings go into staying hidden. Most encounters on favorable ground for an assassin never last longer then 1 blow really. Kylie said in way of explanation. Usually, if we're found out by a target, the actual options are run, hide, or try and finish it regardless, and the last is usually something more on the side of desperation then anything else. It's the lesson that anyone, no matter how skilled, or defended, can be gotten to if enough time and preparation is put into it. I mean honestly, if you were a target, hypothetically speaking, open combat wouldn't even be considered. There would be days or more of simply observing and planning and preparing, and even then? A direct confrontation would simply be a sign that something went very wrong. Kylie continued, sipping on her tea and thinking.

As for my temper, it's not something I can't control, it's just I can't learn anything while I'm thinking on the way I'd do things, rather then what someone is trying to teach me. When I struck with my hands, all thought of actual sword play went out the window and I attacked as if I had my gauntlets on, which was the real problem. Kylie again continued, thinking things over.

Better to take things one step at a time, cool off, and clear my head when I need it before resuming, and as for that match, that was most certainly not a draw. Had it been real, I'd have been killed in the first exchange, a blade that long does not inflict gentle wounds.

Still Kylie found herself annoyed, the idea of waiting to counter in an open fight was so against what she knew that it riled her something fierce. It was always attack attack attack, never stop pressing or pushing. She had patience, even knew how to wait, but that wasn't for fighting, that was for killing, for baiting, for that one perfect blow, and generally when your opponent didn't even know they were in any danger. And even worse, waiting like that for a more experienced opponent was suicidal, it was only something she'd do if she had some other advantage, a poison or a real plan. Even her equipment was based around it, the idea of your opponent tossing aside their weapon suddenly was so surprising to most that it gave her the perfect opening to use something like her gauntlets or her daggers to their fullest for one brief moment, and that was all she'd ever really needed, her blades were rarely just steel. In fact, that had been a curiosity of her being here for quite awhile now.

Here, before we leave, just as a mental exercise. Kylie said, thinking about the river herself and the sisters had crossed following Giselle and the succubi, If I told you you had to engage, And defeat 100 men at a river or in the jungle, and you had to do it alone, what would you do? You're training would be to find a chokepoint I assume? Try and funnel them all? What about traps? Explosives? Poisons, gasses, night time killings, poisoned meals, fallen trees, skirmishing, and even maybe planting evidence for official involvement, would any of those cross your mind as not only possible, but viable? The idea of actually presenting myself would never cross my mind, I'd spend whatever time I had looking for the perfect weapon, the perfect tactic, and the best moment to employ them both. Assume you had a week to prepare, how would you do it? That's 168 hours for me to lay any traps, find any gear, and arrange the battlefield before hand solely to my advantage. Maybe I'd draw a large nest of creatures into the battle as a diversion, maybe it would be me waiting upwind upon a ridge to drop barrels of toxic dust straight into the marching lines. There's no glory, no honor to it, but it's the way I've been taught. This open combat is so strange to me that I just find myself confused and frustrated because it's so against what I do know. Kylie said, thinking, her head bobbing back and forth as she did so, and glancing around.

When you get far into the teachings, it gets even more complicated, because then you're in the realm of what you want the killing to look like. Was it a message? An accident? A warning? an example? The CoralSeeker I engineered to look as accidental as possible, it took me several days of sneaking into the right places to see the charts and find the reef, another several to sabotage the keel. Another full day to find something to cause enough of a commotion to draw the captain out, and 12 hours to both implement it, And reach the crows nest to take advantage without anyone seeing me. Then there was the escape plan, which did not work out. The damned lifeboat I needed was broken and the pitching of the ship threw me out into open water, I'm lucky I'm alive. And over the course of that entire job, the most threatening enemy I actually fought, was the water at night. All the acrobatics we're taught are not for fighting, though they can be used that way, they're actually for running away, for surviving in places and conditions that others can't. Flexibility to hide in the right places, muscle tone and endurance for long pursuits. So we use shorter blades and more underhanded tactics. Even better if we use weapons that no one even realizes are lethal until it's too late, like these. Kylie finished, actually showing everyone the blades that hid within her gauntlets, thin, razor sharp, long and narrow, before they snicked back into hiding.

Those palm strikes would never have been lethal without these, if you didn't know I had them, would you have done everything you could to avoid my hands? Or simply tried to take advantage that I was no longer wielding a weapon? Kylie finally posed to Maria. I'm grateful, I really am, I need this training badly, so I'm trying things that go against the way I think, I'll be easily frustrated for awhile yet, patience will see me through it though. As for training with Yuki... well, I'd love that, but I don't think anger management will be on the menu, my temper is not a blinding rage, it's actually very cold and methodical, quite helpful in reality, the last thing I need is to lose that edge, it's seen me through so much. Kylie finished, draining her tea.

On to happier things though friends! We have tiny alraune children to snuggle, and yes Maria, it would be nice, and I'd like you all to meet Hope. She's the most precious adorable little thing. Kylie giggled, standing and stretching, already ready to go and eager to see her adopted daughter. She'd promised to visit her, and by all that was holy, she would.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, I see. Well it's always good to branch out in a sense to other things, because that way, if you're ever in the situations you spoke of, you'll be ready and able to defend yourself if no escape route is available to you. And now that I know what those gauntlets have in them exactly I know why you used your palms on me instead of your fists, so I'm glad it was only a sparring match even more so, because if it'd been your blades hitting me instead of your palms, my guts would likely have been laying at your feet because of that potion you drank," Maria said, nodding her head as she did so and as Amara finished rubbing the lotion on her side, where she then set the jar of the stuff onto the low sitting table after putting the lid back on. "As for the scenario though... given a week to prepare I would make a series of traps and funnel them to where I want them to go, though I would never attack in daylight unless I knew I could get away quickly after taking a few out. If I had no time to prepare other than a few minutes warning that they were on their way though, then I would lure them as far from the town as possible and get them to give chase into a cavern of some sort where the monsters would help me deal with them, probably the mine if I had to choose one close by. I try to fight as honorably as I can yes, and with you I did, but against an enemy that I know means to do me harm as well as the town and its people, I would do whatever I had to in order to win, no matter how dirty the tactics are. We priests and priestesses on this island, well those of us that are trained to fight at least, we're taught to defend the island and its people no matter what. You get the idea I think," Maria went on to say, explaining what she'd do in either situation of the hypothetical scenario Kylie presented to her.

"Aye I would do the same thing, because were all taught to do that no matter what, even if we have to die to protect everyone, our sacrifices are more than worth it," Miu said, nodding her head in a not as playful tone.

"Don't get them wrong though Kylie, the priests and priestesses aren't fanatics, they won't give their lives unless there is no other choice. But they will die to protect the people of this island, no matter who it is they must fight, they will stand their ground as best they can. It is what they are trained for, and they are given three choices to turn back when making the final steps to becoming a warrior priest or priestess of the island, so that they know what is being asked of them. It takes upwards to six years of training to become a full warrior priest or priestess, sometimes longer if there's something they haven't quite mastered," Amara said to Kylie, telling that the priestesses weren't fanatical in the way they fought to protect the island, but more it was just they were dedicated to it.

"Anyway though, I think that's a wonderful idea, going to see these little alraune. If Hope is as precious as you say then I would love to meet her. I love children and when I'm in town during the day the young ones always come out to see me," Maria said once Kylie was ready to go on, with Miu also bouncing up and saying she wanted to go too.

With that, the three of them went on, with Hazel and Amara bidding them farewell for the time being. The trip over to the alraune village was rather uneventful for the most part, though on the way over they did have a few of the children Maria spoke of cluster around the three of them, mostly Maria, but a couple came closer to Kylie and Miu too. The kids all asked Maria if she would come and play with them, but she told them that unfortunately she had things to do at the moment, but that as soon as she was done then she would play with them. The kids all were a little disappointed with Maria's answer, but they nonetheless stopped bothering her about it, especially when she promised to come back and play later. Other than that nothing else really happened to hinder their trip out to the alraune village, and when they arrived, the red alraune on the outskirts challenged them as always, these all being different than the ones Kylie encountered the last time.

Once they made their way into the village proper, Kylie would see the gaggle of alraune children spread out all over the village, some over at one area and some in another. Kylie would find Hope sitting perched up in a tree, the same one in fact that she'd been climbing in the day before, though this time she was a couple of limbs higher up, and she seemed to be looking around for something in particular as she was scanning the entire village. When she turned around enough to spot Kylie coming across towards her where she sat, Hope immediately brightened up and began lowering herself down as quick as her little tentacles would allow, her whole body swinging back and forth like a pendulum as she came down, until she swung right into Kylie's arms, her little tentacles releasing their hold on the tree.

"M-Mama... love you," Hope said in her adorable little voice, her unhurt arm wrapping around Kylie's neck as far as it could reach as the pair of tentacles she'd used to swing herself down coiled around Kylie in a tight hug.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie let heavy matters rest as they headed to the alraune village, humming as they walked and smiling as the children from their village came out to see Maria. As they all sulked a little when she shooed them along, Kylie couldn't help herself, giggling as they continued. Once more the path to the alraune themselves was free and clear, the reds most likely keeping it that way so that visitors could get back and forth without issue, commerce between the two not all that uncommon.

Making a mental note to send the Alraune nectar she had over to Alan, since he'd asked for it, Kylie was nothing but smiles as they wandered in passed the reds themselves with a friendly wave, and made a beeline for the young ones.

Hope was back in her tree, the rest of the children were off being hooligans, and their various caretakers were here and there tending to the youngest as before, Kylie taking a deep, happy breath, and holding out her arms for little Hope.

Snagging the little green troublemaker, Kylie spun her around in their hug and kissed her head. Mama loves you two you little hooligan. Have you been a good girl for Ayane? Kylie asked, tickling the little tentacled child as she did so and puffing out her cheeks.

After getting her answer, Kylie would turn with her little chest bound bundle, and pointed at the Priestesses. That's Maria, and that's Miu, friends of Mama's who came to see you, go say hi. Kylie said, beckoning them over as Hope went about her own little hellos, Kylie laughing with a wide grin the entire time.

Holding her fingers to her lips, Kylie blew a whistle, and looked around at the other children. Oi! Where are all my hugs!? She cried out, laughing as she made her presence known to the other little ones, waiting for the inevitable shower of affection that was certain to follow, and laughing uproariously as Maria and Miu were caught in the crossfire. Careful you two, by the way, the little ones like to go diving into clothing, and Maria, well, you have Toys in there, so... Have fun? Kylie giggled, not bothering to finish the hilarious thought of what would happen if the alraune children found those various piercings. They were hard enough to extricate as it was!

Look around as she sat on the ground, Hope cradled in her lap, Kylie wondered where Ayane had scampered off to, where there was Hope, there was Ayane, that was almost a certainty... But where...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hope, has been an extremely good girl... when she wants to be that is," Ayane said from Kylie's right, coming out of one of the tents as she spoke, carrying what appeared to be a little dress intended for Hope, who Kylie would just now would have noticed was naked and didn't seem to have a care in the world about it as she tickled the little thing, with Hope cackling and squirming around in Kylie's arms, her good leg kicking around and bumping against Kylie's stomach. "This little devil has been mostly good, but when she wants to do something she just does it really. Now come here you so I can put these clothes on you," Ayane added, scooping Hope out of Kylie's hands where the little thing struggled futilely against Ayane, who wrestled her into the little blue sundress fit to her small size after a minute or so before handing her back to Kylie.

Hope just kind of looked at the clothing she was now in as one of her tentacles picked at it a little. After a few seconds she looked almost like she were about to just tear it off of her with her tentacles, but when Ayane warned her not to take the little dress off or rip it or she'd be in trouble, then Hope sulked a little but stopped messing with it and instead returned to hugging Kylie. "Mama, love," Hope said as she hugged Kylie again. When Kylie turned Hope around and directed her to Maria and Miu, she waved at them with her good hand. "Hi, y-you... p-pwetty," Hope said as she waved, pointing at Maria as she spoke, then she pointed at Miu and giggled. "Kitty," Hope added as she giggled at Miu.

When Kylie whistled for the other little alraune, the majority of them didn't disappoint and washed towards them like a wave, some of them already starting to crawl into Miu's clothing where they soon had the neko bouncing around a little before she face planted beautifully and rolled around with about a dozen little alraune pouring out of her robes, her and all of the alraune giggling and cackling madly, though it didn't seem to both Miu much really, even though some were poking and prodding at her breasts and butt mostly, but Miu didn't let them prod her crotch any even if she didn't seem to mind. Maria however heard what Kylie had said, but before she could really do anything to prevent the little ones that were already climbing up the outside of her robes, she had a couple trying to worm their way down between her large breasts, the pair of pink ones giggling as they were smushed in Maria's tit flesh. She didn't seem to mind too much about that, though there were more that wormed their way up the legs of her robes and into her clothing proper, where Maria untied her robes and pulled them open, where Kylie could see the pair of pink ones that went down between her breasts were looking curiously at the bellybutton ring Maria had. One of them poked it, then the other grabbed it and pulled gently on it, making Maria giggle slightly, but also wince a bit. The rest of the alraune had indeed found most of Maria's other piercings and were curiously prodding at them, a couple of curious red ones that were slightly larger than the rest having pulled Maria's bra down to expose her mammaries for them all to see and were poking and pulling at Maria's nipple rings, making her gasp and give a cute little eek. Her reactions made the little alraune braver and happier, the lot of them believing they were tickling her or something most likely going through their heads.

"N-No you little devils, come on, you c-can't do that to my piercings. P-Please stop little ones," Maria pleaded with the little alraune, who just pulled and prodded all the harder.

A few of the other little ones swarmed around Kylie as she sat down and placed Hope in her lap, where they mostly just started climbing all over her and giggling as they hugged her and whatnot, with the inevitable happening as one of brave little blue alraune attempted to squirm her little butt down into Kylie's clothing in the same way the two little pink ones did to Maria. Hope however would have none of it and grabbed her with a pair of her little tentacles where she removed the little blue problem before she could climb down into Kylie's clothing. "N-No... m-my mama," Hope said as she gently set the little blue alraune, who was only about as big as she was, down on the ground, where she seemed to have gotten the hint and merely went back to climbing up Kylie's front again where she hugged Kylie. Hope on the other hand had glanced over at Maria who was still being swarmed by little alraune more so than Kylie or Miu, where Hope brightened up some more and stared at Maria's chest, almost in a daze. "Pwetty... shiny. Mine, want it," Hope said with a little gasp as a pair of her little tentacles quickly shot forth and looped around Maria's nipple rings while the two red ones were still trying to figure out what they were, where Hope then tugged on them a little harder than the red ones were doing with their hands.

"Eek! N-No Hope... l-let go. Oh no, they're getting hard," Maria whimpered, whining that her nipples were getting hard on her as she looked almost like Hope had her on a leash as she leaned forward a little bit when Hope pulled on her nipple rings.

Ayane, who had sat down next to Kylie, seemed to be enjoying the show with what was happening to Maria and was laughing like mad herself, having laid back on the ground in the process, so she wasn't even looking at Maria any longer, meaning that she'd be no help probably in getting the priestesses free from the alraune flood that had buried them. Hope continued tugging on Maria's nipple rings, which in turn tugged on her nipples, causing Maria to slowly make her way over to Kylie and Hope on her hands and knees, the sight actually quite funny looking as it was almost as if she were doing it on command for Hope, who giggled each time she pulled and Maria responded in such a way with a whine as she moved closer again. Miu in the meantime seemed to have her situation under control for the most part, just patiently letting the alraune poke and prod until they were through and whatnot before moving one so that the next could get her turn. "Hah... I'm glad I came with you Kylie, these little ones are precious," Miu said, heaving a pleasant sigh.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, seeming fairly immune to the proddings of the little Alraune as Hope took it upon herself to claim her, was laughing along with Ayane as Maria took the brunt of the assault. Half stripped and soon at the alraune's mercy, Kylie could only snigger and watch as Hope was transfixed by the priestesses' piercings, and snagged them. Actually dragging Maria along by her nipples, the poor woman on her hands and knees, and crawling towards them with each pull, Hope was too focused on the pretties to realize what she was doing, or the implications. Kylie however was Not, and was already giving Maria a mischievous look that promised some kind of teasing later.

Mmmm Yes Hope, they are pretty aren't they. I'm not sure you can have them though, Maria is pretty attached to them. Kylie said, grinning like a cat at the quip before finally deciding that mercy was in order... kind of. What Kylie ACTUALLY wanted to do and anyone watching be damned, was entirely different.

Sighing, Kylie stroked Hope's little head. That's enough sweetheart, Let Maria go before something happens. Something was directed at what could only be Maria's rising arousal, and the off chance that one of the evil little imps managed to locate another certain piercing that would certainly have the priestess not only begging for mercy, but helpless, and twitching her way towards some unwanted stress relief. Smiling at the thought, Kylie shoved it aside and reached over to unhook Hope's tendrils from Maria's nipple piercings, though she most certainly let her finger tips linger for a moment longer then was proper, smiling innocently the entire time.

Yes Miu, they certainly are precious, and a complete handful and a half. Fun though, and I love them all, though little Hope here is all mine, aren't you you little imp. And the rest of you tiny monsters, that's enough poking and prodding for now, wriggle your little leafy butts out of Miu and Maria's clothes, that's good children, come on now and behave. Kylie said, before calling to the other children.

Well Ayane, now that comedy hour seems to be over, or at least taking a break, how have things been while I've been gone. Hope seems to be mending up nicely, and I'm sure work on the house has started, though that will take time. Have you heard any rumors about farther north? Or the surrounding jungle? Anything strange? I was thinking of hitting up the bounty board to get some work in, but then figured it would be easier to just ask you folks if you needed anything. Also, Alan would like some Nectar, I know I have some that I can give him but I'm sure he needs all he can get.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Hope was able to pull and tug on the nipple rings a few more times before Kylie stopped her, forcing Maria to come closer each time she did so. When Kylie did make to stop Hope though, the little green alraune whined a bit and refused to release Maria at first, only doing so when Kylie pulled her little tentacles loose. "Uhhh... m-my shiny," Hope whined before Kylie pulled her tendrils loose from Maria, who didn't seem to realize that Kylie was purposely lingering in her touches as she released Hope's tendrils from her nipple piercings, but looked extremely relieved when she was freed.

"T-Thank you Kylie, for releasing me from the little devil there. Now Hope you can't do that, those are attached to me like your little tentacles are to you," Maria said, first thanking Kylie and then turning to Hope with a slightly embarrassed and scolding look as she wagged her finger at the little curious alraune. "I mean they are pretty I know, but you can't just grab them like that okay," Maria added.

"Kylie you should have let Hope keep going, and whispered to her to tell Maria to giddy up, because those little tentacles make perfect reins to say the least I think," Miu whispered to Kylie as Maria was scolding Hope a little bit about grabbing her nipple rings, the neko giggling a bit as the little alraune inside of her clothing were crawling out with a couple of smaller ones like Hope were aided by Miu herself, who kissed them both on their little heads as they giggled.

Maria had gotten her robes back up and on along with her bra, where she sighed softly and rubbed her nipples a bit through her clothing, while Miu scooped Hope up from Kylie if she allowed her to, where she kissed her on her little green head and Hope returned the affection with a hug from both her good arm and her tendrils. Miu then had an evil grin on her face for some reason as Kylie spoke to Ayane, who'd recovered from her laughing fit she'd gone into and listened to Kylie.

"Well there's not much we really need around here to be honest, well nothing we can't handle ourselves anyway. As for rumors to the north... well we've gotten some messages from our kin up that way about some things going on around Tear Cove, something about a few ships from Crimea docking at the harbor for some reason or another, but other than that there's not been much in the way of suspicious activities up that way. There has been something a ways to the east, about a day's travel that we believe to be another black alraune, but so long as she stays over there then it's okay really. We've been trying to bait her closer to the village here to lead her into a trap so we can eradicate her before she can cause any trouble, but don't worry about the children, none of them are allowed anywhere alone now and are always watched by at least two or more guards, one to stand her ground and hold of whatever enemy is attacking while the other brings the little ones back here, but that's only if they leave the camp which is rare enough as it is really," Ayane said to Kylie before stopping to take up a little cup that had some orange juice in it, which she drank some of before looking back to Kylie. "As for the nectar... well we trade it from time to time with Feynrial, but if we're to give you more than you've already gotten then we'll need at least a little something in return. We could use some metal tools for weaponry, woodcutting, and other tools to keep the gardens well kept, along with some wood for building, we're thinking of expanding the housing we have some more so the little ones will have a more protected place to live in, with some glass as well for windows for the buildings. Hell we may just try and build some walls of some sort like Feynrial has around it, but for now we'll just focus on the houses and tools I think," Ayane went on to say, letting Kylie know some things that they needed and would be willing to trade for the nectar.

If Kylie looked over at Miu, she'd have Hope on her shoulder pointing at Maria's back and butt, motioning for her to whip her tentacles out at the vryloka priestess, where Hope did so and spanked Maria's butt with one. Not hard mind you, but enough for Maria to notice. She turned around and looked at Miu who grinned maliciously at her as Hope cackled out loud and Miu began to chase Maria around the general area, with Hope spanking her across the butt every few steps when Miu caught up enough for her to. "M-Miu stop that, you'll corrupt her into doing bad things," Maria cried at Miu, who laughed.

"Aw hell Maria, she's a kid, she's already corrupted to a point, now spank her again Hope," Miu laughed, pointing at Maria's butt again, where Hope spanked her one more, making Maria eek as she ran more, the three of them making large circles around where Kylie and Ayane were sitting, many of the smaller alraune sitting down and laughing at the three as they went, seeming to take a lot of joy in the spectacle while Ayane seemed to just be trying to ignore it for the moment as she told Kylie what their village needed, trying to keep a straight face the whole time but not succeeding completely in the process.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Miu, as much as we would have both loved to see that at Maria's expense, and truly, it would have been hilarious, we'd have never gotten Hope off her new horsey! Kylie said, laughing at the idea.

Most of what Ayane said was pretty much lost on the assassin, either being gossip, or not worrisome when compared to ships from Crimea docking. That could be a problem, and it only shortened the length Kylie had before her trip to Tear Cover. Which was now slated for tomorrow.

We can certainly see about building materials. I'll talk to my architect about it and what can be spared. There are other ingredients Alan needs that you would be better at gathering then I would. And with the budget he has, such things would be trivial matters. So no worries there, we can have housing up in no time for you Ayane. Kylie answered, glancing at the show no going on with Miu and Hope chasing Maria around.

Don't look at me, I already saved you once, against my better judgement. You only get one freebie. Kylie said, laughing at the spectacle and urging Hope on. Get er! If you catch her Mamma and Miu will see about Maria giving you a ride! Kylie shouted, the horsey idea still not abandoned, but rather, Kylie wanting to enjoy the look on Maria's face, and Miu's, when the actual plan was revealed.

Come on Miu! I know you're faster then that! Hope needs her Ride! Kylie added, still giggling wildly from her spot on the ground with Ayane.

Well, honestly Ayane, I've got so many things on my mind right now, that what I'll do is tell Alan what he can do for you about ingredients, and tell him to use his budget. It should work out marvelously. I'll be leaving the village here tomorrow for Tear Cove. Crimean ships do not bode well. But they could also be an incredibly opportunity for me, so I can't let it pass me by. Kylie finished for Ayane, looking back at the matriarch for a moment.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"K-Kylie, don't encourage them please, Miu is already bad enough as it is," Maria cried out at Kylie as she encouraged Hope and Miu onward, the vryloka priestess yelping out again as another smack landed on her rear.

"Come here Maria, we'll catch you yet," Miu cried after Maria, winking at Kylie before running a little faster where Hope cackled again as she managed to spank Maria twice in one go before Miu purposely fell back some.

"Well just as much wood as can be spared would be good for us, or at least the tools, we can cut our own wood from around here, because we have plenty of it as you can see. Because the little ones need lots of sunlight to survive and grow properly, and their gardens are based at the top of the hill there behind me for the most part, but there's some over there in the clearing next to the stream. But if you're heading up that way, maybe you could take something up there for me and pick something up even, hang on a minute and I'll go and get it," Ayane said before getting up and heading over to one of the three fixed buildings there at the village.

Miu and Hope in the meantime had caught up to Maria again, where Miu grabbed Maria from behind around her waist while Hope coiled all four of her little tentacles around her, pulling herself up onto Maria's shoulders where she hugged Maria and smiled at the vryloka priestess as the same two little tentacles began poking and prodding at her breasts again to try and find the shiny rings. "Oh how can I say no to that face... (sighs)... alright then, just don't pull and tug so hard please, okay little one," Maria said with a sigh, untying her robes again and slowly pulling them down and then her bra off for Hope to grab hold.

Hope looped her little tentacles through the rings again as she giggled again, with Maria whimpering a little bit in the process as she got down on her hands and knees again, looking resigned to her fate at this point. "Alright now Hope, say giddy up horsey... okay sweetie pie," Miu whispered to Hope, who giggled again.

"G-Giddy up... p-pwetty horsey," Hope said, giggling as she gently pulled on Maria's nipple rings, where Maria began crawling around, making sure to bounce Hope a little bit in the process. "Weeeeee! Bouncy," Hope cried as Maria bounced her a couple of times, seeming to get into her role as Hope's horsey a little bit and smiling that Hope was having so much fun, the little alraune cackling and waving her arms around every time Maria bounced her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Of course Ayane, I understand, when I send him here with a note with instructions to give you anything you need, everything should flow smoothly. Feynrial would do well to help of their own accord and I'll see to it they do, even if I have to bludgeon them with the 'Request" Kylie answered, watching the truly rediculous show.

It continued, Maria unable to escape the obviously faster Miu, and unable to react aggressively because Hope was there. Who could fight that adorable little face. Maria finally gave up, after Miu and Hope had caught her, and the little one had snared her, her robe opened and she dropped down, Hope immediately snagging her nipple rings and proceeding to use them as reigns, riding the priestess around with a great deal of joy as Maria played along, bouncing the giggling little alraune around and even managing to enjoy herself.

Grinning wickedly as they got closer, Kylie leaned in next to Maria and whispered so only she could hear. Don't worry Maria, I'll find some time to play with you two. I bet you'd love to be my horsey for a little while, and don't fret, I know where that other little ring you have is, I bet a little tugging on that would have you more then willing for a little fun... Kylie teased, dropping a viper fast lick with the tip of her tongue behind Maria's ear before leaning back and acting as if nothing had happened.

With business mostly settled, and the children and adults entertained, Kylie just relaxed, and watched the entertainment, thinking about Maria in bed, and then it was Maria and Giselle, and then it was a host of other perverted things. But regardless, Maria was losing her so called virginity tonight, and Kylie would only be too happy to make sure it was an experience to remember.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria kept bouncing Hope around a bit, with the little alraune giggling and cackling at each bounce, though she was tugging on Maria's rings enough a few times to make her whimper, her nipples stiffening a bit in the process. When Kylie leaned in and whispered to Maria, the vryloka priestess audibly gulped at the young assassin's words, her eyes wide as well, and she blushed when Kylie licked her behind her ear. Before she could say anything or do anything however, Hope tugged on her reins again and Maria started bouncing about some more, with Miu laughing at the spectacle as well.

Ayane came back out shortly thereafter, bearing a case that had something inside. "This is some alraune pollen from our pink alraune, makes a good aphrodisiac when mixed in with food or drink or other things, and there's also some red alraune thorns in here, some blue alraune root juice, and a little bit of the green alraune nectar, we're sending some to Tear Cove to trade with a man called Samuel, he's a trader that comes to the island from time to time and should be there right now, if he's not then just bring the stuff back and I'll have someone head back up there sometime later. But if he is, then I have a list of things in the case that we could get from him, some alchemical reagents that we use for rituals as well as some magical items and tools," Ayane said as she handed Kylie the case, explaining what was inside and whatnot and who she'd be taking it to. "If you don't mind taking if for me that is Kylie. I can have someone else take it later if you'd rather not bother with it yourself, but it would be a great help indeed since you're heading up there anyway and all," Ayane added, giving Kylie the option of not accepting her request.

Maria in the meantime had finished her horsey ride for Hope, who begged her to do it again, to which Maria sighed and looked pleadingly to Kylie and Miu for help, as she seemed like she didn't want to tell Hope no for some reason... likely fear that she'd spank her some more or tug on her nipple rings most likely. If Kylie attempted to remove Hope however for Maria, then the little alraune would do so without too much of a fight, seeming to have gotten her fill of the horsey ride.