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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's eyes narrowed dangerously as Kagome belittled her role in the slaying of the Kraken, when in fact, Kylie had done the brunt of the work, Tina only managing to land the killing blow... Shrugging it off though, Kylie responded with a simple Ask Tina if you think I'm lying, she'll tell you the same. As for the Guardian, what~? You afraid? The mighty huntress scared of a basement? Here, let me show you what you're missing then. That Panther obviously must not have been as big as you said though. Kylie replied, returning Kagome's insult with her own, as she walked over to her satchel, and pulled out the one thing that she knew Kagome Would not ignore.

Holding out her hand, Kylie revealed the almost Fist sized, softly glowing sample, from her satchel, an Astral Diamond. Pulsing softly with it's own, dim inner light, Kylie held out a Gem to Kagome that could not be counterfitted. Exquisitely cut, almost Holy in the reverence such currency was shown, Kylie just grinned as she gestured at the door again.

This is only a small sample of what we found that day. If you're saying I'm a Liar, then by all means, Prove me wrong, go see for yourself. I would never have figured a hunter like you afraid of the dark... Kylie said, now blatantly throwing the challenge out to Kagome, literally putting her honor on the line, and all but calling her a liar and a coward herself... But letting Kagome see what she was missing, the true hallmark of Wealth, the gem that could never be ignored...

That said if Kagome opened the door, and seemed to have second thoughts about it, Kylie would sneak up behind her just as quickly, and shove her down the stairs, calling out Bob~! before shutting the door with a wicked little grin and waiting to hear the sounds of her victory.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I'm not scared, but I know to be careful of anything, and the panther I fought was bigger than me, that I have three witnesses to speak in my defense on," Kagome replied, still obviously cautious and hesitant about going downstairs.

When Kagome saw the astral diamond though that Kylie produced, her eyes lit up like fireworks. "Now I never said you were a liar Kylie, I just said that I know how good Tina is in a fight, meaning I don't know what you're capable of, so I'm skeptical that you were able to actually help her take one on is all. And I'm certainly not afraid of the dark considering I can see better in it than you can, but I'll take a look, because I'm curious just how much treasure you actually got from that ship you spoke of. But I swear if whatever you have guarding it hurts me I'll kill it," Kagome replied when basically dared to go downstairs to the basement, though she gave a warning of her own to Kylie in return.

With that Kagome cautiously went down the steps after opening the door, looking around as she went. Assuming Kylie shut the door and trusted Bob to handle himself, she would overhear a loud eek come from down there and sounds of some struggling before a muffled moan came after that. When Kylie did finally go on down after a couple of minutes to check on things, she'd see Kagome's clothing torn to shreds strewn all across the basement floor, with Kagome in the same predicament that Palla was in, being pounded by the two pink tentacles, one in either lower hole while she was forced to deepthroat a third smaller regular tentacle.

There were some coins of various types kicked across the basement, making it obvious that Kagome had struggled, and Bob was being rather rough with her as well, pounding both her holes harshly while the one in her mouth was causing her to gag on it, and he also had a tentacle wrapped around her neck and was squeezing slightly because she was still struggling against his hold to get free. Kagome's face was red, both with embarrassment as well as lack of oxygen, and it was obvious that if Bob kept going at the pace he was going with the neko that he'd choke her out before he was done. Kylie would see Bob spanking Kagome as well, as if punishing her for not letting him do what he wanted without a fight. Moments later Kagome bit down on the tentacle in her mouth in an attempt to get free, only to apparently piss Bob off as he struck her hard across the lower back and her ass, bringing a muffled cry from the neko and leaving a small red welt across where she was hit.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, waiting for that moan, grinned and opened the door, heading downstairs with a little smile on her face as she took her sweet time getting down. Once there, Kylie looked at the scene with open joy, before bouncing over in front of the pair and grinning.

Bob, There's no reason to be quite that rough, please lighten up just a little, she was nice enough to come down here after all. There's no reason she shouldn't enjoy this. If you're nice enough, she might come back for more, like Miu, who I'm sure will come back to see you, she already said she would. Now, do as I say and be a little more gentle with my friend here. Kylie said sternly as she saw Kagome choke.

Shaking her head, Kylie ran a hand down one of Bob's tendrils to bring the Darkmantle back into the moment and remind him she was here. Well Kagome, there is a great deal more to me then meets the eye, I assure you. Like my friend here! Liked me so much he agreed to stay, and I'm certainly happy to have him. Now, I'm sure if you promise not to bite him again, I'm sure Bob can make this a great deal more enjoyable, but I'm not having him let you go either, and I promise you, if anything happens to him while I'm gone? Well... Let's just make sure that doesn't happen... Kylie said, making her thoughts on Kagome's last statement more then clear.

Bob dear, just swallow her, and make sure she Enjoys everything as much as you do, no hitting, no choking... Unless she bites you again, then she entirely deserves it. Kagome Hun, I'll make sure Giselle has a bath for you when he's finished, you'll need it. Kylie said, staying just long to ensure Bob did as he was told, there was no call to be hurting Kagome, she wasn't strong enough to struggle free, that much was blatantly obvious, and when Bob was through, she'd probably need help leaving the basement.

Heading upstairs, Kylie wandered into the living room and clapped her hands. Kagome is the winner~! She found the Surprise~! And she'll be leaving with the special prize to! None of my Treasure, and All of Bob's current brood! Mainly because at this point I doubt I could stop him again... Then they'd probably just wind up half and half, with me trying to lug my own half to Tear Cove... Though I doubt Kagome will let me tempt her into an underground room with a shiny trinket ever again... Kylie said, grinning as if this was not only completely normal, but perfectly acceptable! And to her, it was.

Alright then, Thank you everyone, it was wonderful to see you all again, really. Thank you for coming, Delilah, Giselle, thanks again for the amazing meal to, you really did outdo yourselves. Kylie continued, swooping in on everyone for a hard hug, and in Giselle's case, one last, long kiss. Take care of yourself Love, there wont be a night that passes where I wont think of you. Kylie said, kissing her on the forehead as well, before packing herself up, making sure all her weapons were in place, and heading for the door.

Oh! Hazel! When we're done and headed to Hespera, I hope you can show me and Giselle some interesting sights! I'm sure we're both excited about that trip. Wish me luck, if I have my way, our little village here will have never been more prosperous. Kylie said finally, leaving everyone to their various activities, and starting the trek to meet up with Ilyana... They had a journey to get started, and Kylie was already itching for it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bob continued choking Kagome for a few seconds after Kylie told him to stop, until Kagome started going slack from lack of oxygen, where he finally eased up and released her neck and even pulled the tentacle out of her mouth. The neko was left panting profusely, barely able to catch her breath even as Bob continued pounding her holes, still a bit harshly, and he spanked her a few more times as well, though not quite as hard as before since Kylie ordered him to ease up on Kagome.

"W-Why? You said... g-guarded yes... but not that I'd... be raped half to death," Kagome panted, looking quite ragged and out of breath still. "I... I won't bite anymore... if he doesn't strike me or choke me again... I only bit down... because he was choking me though... it scared me. What would you have done in my position? But if he keeps hurting me... I swear when I do get free he'll pay for it, and you better not try and stop me, because he'll deserve it," Kagome went on to say, finally catching her breath a bit as she did.

Bob did as told after that and swallowed her into himself, which was much easier than he'd done with Kylie the other day, as he was larger now than before. With that she'd heard some muffled moans from within Bob, though Kagome was true to her word and didn't seem to be struggling any, though after a few seconds more she'd heard Kagome's voice straining with a muffled grunt of pain, and then a bit more struggling happened inside and Kylie heard Kagome again. "H-He hit me again quite hard for no reason Kylie! I didn't struggle one bit until he did," Kagome's muffled voice came from within Bob, demanding an answer as to why he'd spanked her again.

Bob's eyes looked over at Kylie with a slightly innocent look, though Kagome surely wouldn't lie about it considering the situation and the fact that she did agree not to bite or struggle anymore. Another word from Kylie though and there would be no more harshness from Bob, nor any other complaints from Kagome, though Kylie would be unsure as to what the two might do once she was gone of course. When she returned upstairs, Kylie would see all heads turn to her as she clapped her hands and spoke, with Giselle, Delilah, and Tina all shaking their heads from side to side, while the others all just stared at her a bit.

"Kylie... you did know that Kagome was supposed to go out on a hunting trip tomorrow with her group didn't you?" Ilyana asked, her eyebrows raised a bit.

"Yeah and she'll probably not thank you for this even if it does feel good, because she's never birthed anything before, at least to my knowledge," Hazel added with a nod of her head. "Though I suppose it's too late to stop it now, unless you'd allow one of us to just kill it before it finishes up with her that is, which I doubt you would. But you shouldn't have just tricked her into it, if you'd have asked she might have said yes, but as you said I doubt she'd be willing to do it again later now," Hazel added knowingly, seeming quite sure she was right about what Kagome's reaction would be.

When all was said and done and everything and she bid farewell to them all and came around hugging everyone, they all hugged her back, and in Giselle's case returned the kiss with a smile. "I'll be fine, but you be careful out there too, and bring me back something nice too," Giselle told her after the kiss.

"Of course, I know a few good places you can go to for some fun. We just went into summer about three weeks or so ago, so by the time you're heading on down there will or should be plenty of the good summer attractions still open. Would you want a beach house for the two of you, or what? I believe Elise and I... and the others of course, will be staying at either the Lotus or Neris manors down there, which are great big places. We could get you a room with us if you'd like," Hazel replied about the trip to Hespera, sounding eager for Kylie to get back so they could all go.

Regardless, once all was said and done and Kylie out the door, she'd make her way to the temple where she'd meet up with the other Ilyana, who was ready to go and at the gate as she said she'd be, her bow fixed into a holster over her back. "So you ready to go Kylie? I certainly hope so, because we'll need to be ready for anything. Let me take point through the night alright, I've got night eyes much better than a human's could ever hope to be," Ilyana said before gesturing towards the northern gates and leading the way towards them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded at Kagome, though she didn't look apologetic, she did explain herself. Bob, stop for a moment. Kagome, this isn't out of Malice, or anything of the sort, in fact I fully plan to pay you, and well for this so please, although the situation isn't Ideal for you, enjoy it. Bob needed to lay his brood, and Palla, although willing to tussle with him, wasn't willing to accept that because she's leaving on the journey to Tear Cove. Bob stopped, but only barely, if I didn't find someone suitable, Bob would most likely have acted outside of my control simply out of need and I couldn't have that, but well, someone more understanding in the end? From within my circle of friends? Despite it all, there were worse options. Be pissed at me all you like, Bob is simply acting on his needs based on what he is, and apart from that, He's also my friend. He wont hurt you, if he does, I'll punish him myself. As for your payment, Tell Giselle and she'll see to it you get 1200 Gold pieces when it's over. I'm not kidding about that either. Kylie told her, before gesturing for Bob to continue, watching her be swallowed up with a grin.

When Bob struck her again though, Kylie glared at him, looking him dead in the eye. She's not a plaything, She's a friend, Stop it, she obviously doesn't like it. Kylie said, leaving it at that.

Once upstairs, Kylie looked puzzled by everyone's statements, shrugging at them all. Simply a conflict of need, though I may need to change the spirit of my pranks... a little. Fine, from now on, I'll ask honestly, no matter how funny I might find the situation. However, my menagerie, it's sure to grow, will be enter at your own risk. That said, I wont trick anyone in there again. Kylie said, looking like she meant it, but again, not like she was sorry in the slightest, and she wasn't. It seemed some of those closer to her had forgotten parts of her nature and put her into a box with other normal people, that was obviously a mistake. However, those closest to her were not only not surprised, but not willing to chew her out for it either, simply accepting it as part of who she was.

Considering everything as done, Kylie headed out, meeting up with Ilyana and listening. Nodding at her response, Kylie took a moment before sighing Grrr, you're right, you're right. Much as I love to be in the thick of things. Either way, lets get started, I've been chomping at the bit ever since I planned this. It's gonna be amazing!!! Kylie cried, starting off into the jungle as the sun set without a care in the world. Armed to the teeth, but without any worries.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I-If you're leaving town though... t-then if he hurts me again I will repay him in kind, as you won't be here to do it. Just l-letting you know that I... don't take kindly... to being hurt," Kagome told Kylie before she left, making it clear it she was hurt any more then she would have satisfaction for it. "And I'd better get something... out of this. B-Because this... interferes with my... job of hunting for food... for the town," Kagome added seriously just before she was swallowed.


"Good, because not everyone is going to be happy with having to bear a clutch of eggs for just anything, and some people don't want to have children at all right now of any kind, and some even have someone they wish to remain faithful to," Hazel told Kylie with a happy smile that she understood what she was getting at, at least a little bit anyway. "Like myself actually, despite what I say and act like, I'm very faithful to Elise, so I won't allow anything to have my pussy save her, though she has said that she doesn't care if I conjure my own dick and have fun that way instead, since I can't sire children that way," Hazel went on to say.

"Aye you shouldn't trick people into it I think, but that's just me talking. And also if I receive complaints about it Kylie, and if your guardian hurts people, then I'll be forced to take some sort of action at least, or I'll lose my position as a guard captain for the town and someone else would be put in my place. Hell it'd bring shame to my family's name and I don't want that for Shaela," Ilyana said, not sounding mean or anything about it, but more like she didn't wish to be forced into something against someone she didn't wish to fight.


When she and Ilyana set off from the temple and made their way to the north gates, the priestess nodded to the trio of guards, two men and a woman this time, all holding long wooden spears with steel heads, and a hatchet on either hip, obviously ready for a fight if anything comes for their position. After setting forth from the town, the girls made rather good time northwards along the paths leading that way, and by midnight they'd gotten a few good miles from town without much incident.

"Well, what say we take a break here for a bit," Ilyana said as they made their way to a clearing outside the town, nearly a couple of leagues away now and well on their way to Tear Cove.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, humming happily as she walked with Ilyana, not sparing the guards another glance, was on cloud nine, a kind of heaven for her as she did the only thing her wanderlust demanded she do, Travel. And she was! Finally! It was going to be amazing!

They didn't encounter anything this near the town, even at night, and made good time, crossing several leagues as they moved with Ilyana taking point. Though, When Ilyana mentioned wanting a break, Kylie looked at her like she was crazy.

Thinking about it, Kylie shrugged and sat down right where she was, looking around into the night with a smile as she listened to everything in the background. Fine, but we shouldn't let too much of the night slip away, and catch our rest during the day, when watches are easier, and the nastier stuff is also sleeping... Kylie mentioned, reaching into her pack for a piece of jerky before flopping down to look straight up at the moon, still humming.

Why did you decide to come with me in the end? Kylie asked Ilyana, curious.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well I figured you'd want to take a half hour rest considering we've been going for nearly four hours straight give or take, so we could catch our breath and get a drink or two," Ilyana said with a shrug of her shoulders, obviously not intending to make this their camp for the night and rest of the day. "Besides, it's not the larger beasts I'm scared of in these parts, it's the smaller venomous snakes and spiders that we might stumble into in the dark, which is one reason I'm skeptical of moving at night, because while I can see them, you can't see them until they're right on top of you, and then you're in deep shit," Ilyana added seriously, not looking scared in the least bit of the larger creatures that had a hankering for women and breeding with said women.

Sitting there next to Kylie, Ilyana took a few drinks of water from her waterskin and nibbled on some jerky herself. When asked why she decided to come along with Kylie, Ilyana glanced over at her travel companion with a thoughtful look on her face. "Hmm, well there's a couple of reasons. Firstly you're interesting, and secondly I feel that traveling with you is the best thing for me to do right now, it's where I feel that I'm needed," Ilyana replied to the question of why she decided to come with her.

After about 15 to 20 minutes Ilyana was standing back up and stretching to prepare to move on, waiting for Kylie to do the same when she was ready to keep going. After that they were able to travel through until an hour or so before dawn, where Ilyana stopped again at another decent clearing about another 2 to 2 and a half leagues beyond their first rest stop point. They did almost have a mishap of Kylie nearly stumbling right into one of the poisonous snakes that Ilyana mentioned, but the drow girl quickly notched one of her expendable wooden arrows on her bow and caught the thing right through its head.

"Well we've got dinner now... or breakfast, whichever way you wanna look at it really, and it saves us from wasting travel rations when we don't got to," Ilyana said after picking up the snake, which was about a good 3 feet long round about, nearly a mile away from the clearing where she'd call for another stop to make camp for the morning.

"This is as good a place as any to make camp I think, and we've got good running water over there with that stream that we can get for cleaning up and drinking after we've boiled away any parasites that might be in it," Ilyana said once they arrived at the clearing, which was really only a patch of area that there were no trees amidst the sea of trees around them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Noting the snake as Ilyana shot it, Kylie grinned and looked at it carefully after they made camp, the sun starting to rise, and more proper light flooding the area, making Kylie squint as her eyes tried to readjust. Taking her knife, Kylie tested the edge before severing the snakes head and tossing away the body. She was after the glands.

Using her blade, and a stick to force the jaws apart, Kylie used the stick to draw the fangs out before ripping off the bottom jaw, she only needed the top, and this was childs play.

Taking her arrows, she selected five that seemed to hold a slightly keener edge, just luckier in the forging, and proceeded to puncture one of the glands, liberally drenching the arrowheads in the snakes venom, using far more then the snake would ever use in a single bite, before setting them aside to dry in the sunlight, tilted up slightly.

Taking one of her vials that Alan had given her for her arrows, as she had brought them with, Kylie used the fang on the other gland to milk the venom into the vial carefully, before closing it and tightening the cap. Wrapping this up carefully in several large leaves, and then a swath of cloth, Kylie gently tucked it in to her quiver, for use later, the venom would keep, sealed in there for the trip. Confident she now had properly poisoned arrows, Kylie marked each of them by tying thin strips of thin cloth around the base of the arrows, near the fletching, marking each one of them for her by touch, so she could retrieve them without being able to see them. When they were dried, she would place them back into her quiver, glad to have something that could probably drop a horse in it's tracks.

And like that Ilyana, We have increased our killing ability 10 fold. she said happily, starting to fetch water as it was a safe bet to wash her hands anyway, so they could boil it off, have a drink refill their waterskins, and cook if they wanted. Snake was pretty good...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ilyana caught the snake's body when Kylie tossed it, looking a bit annoyed that she'd just toss it away when it was good food. While Kylie fixed her arrows up how she wanted them, Ilyana set about getting some ground cleared off, with Kylie being able to help while her arrows dried. Once they had a spot cleared off good enough, they'd easily get their tent set up as the sun was rising up over the horizon. Once their tent was set up, Ilyana asked Kylie to gather some firewood while she skinned the snake and clean it, since Kylie needed to wash her hands anyway after handling the venom of the thing's fangs.

After a while they had their fire going, their snake cooking, and some water boiling to refill their waterskins with shortly after it had cooled back down. When the food was done cooking, the two were able to sit back and relax after a long night of traveling and eat something good and warm. "So why did you want to go to Tear Cove exactly? I mean it's quite far just to go on a whim after all, plus it can get a bit dangerous along the way if you don't know the area well." Ilyana asked as they sat there and ate their cooked snake, seeming to want to chat while they ate to pass the time.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, helping get everything set up, sat in silence as the snake was cooked, waiting for her arrows to properly dry and smelling the scent of slowly roasting meat.

Looking up as Ilyana asked her why she was making this trip, Kylie shrugged I need things that can only be found there, certain gear, and the like. But more importantly, Business. I want to create a series of companies, or buy them out, so I can take the wealth I do have, and insure that there's always a steady income, both for my projects, and more importantly, for Giselle and our future family. For all the gold I have, it wont last forever... And I have a war to wage myself, and that will take gold as well... Kylie answered, shrugging again.

Taking her food, Kylie ate quickly, enjoying the taste, but not really concerning herself with it beyond sustenance for the journey. As much as she appreciated Ilyana's want to enjoy better food, Kylie would have been completely content with the rations they had. She'd take better, but she wasn't going to make it a priority.

As for going on foot like this, I wanted to see more of the island, the jungle, and the creatures here. This part at least, was entirely selfish. It also makes for decent training. Kylie continued with a yawn. Her meal was quickly finished, and Kylie was admittedly tired. If Ilyana didn't have anything else to say outside her answer, Kylie would make smalltalk as she drifted off to sleep, without a care in the world.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well just don't be too surprised or upset if not many of the businesses in Tear Cove are willing to sell their places to you, because some of them make pretty good money as it is and might no want to take the risk of someone they don't know running their businesses. Just saying," Ilyana said as they ate their cooked snake. "And this war you're waging... I do hope it's not going to cause our home here any problems, at least nothing that you can't handle and anyway," she added.

"We should be safe enough to sleep at the same time since we're sleeping in the day, though I don't need as much sleep as you do, so I'll be up before most likely just in case," Ilyana said before getting ready to sleep, letting Kylie finish up eating while she got their bedrolls fixed out inside the tent.

Whenever Kylie was ready to go on to sleep, she'd find Ilyana already in her bedroll going to sleep herself, and would be able to follow suit at her leisure. Once she was asleep they would indeed have no trouble as Ilyana had said. When Kylie woke back up she'd find Ilyana already awake and preparing them some midday breakfast in the form of a bit of their travel rations, along with a few coconuts that Ilyana had found from somewhere nearby.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

If they don't sell. I'll find a way to make them. I have no interest in failing a war that will impact most major countries because of someone elses greed or whims. As for our home, no, it shouldn't be anything I can't handle. So don't worry about it. Kylie answered succinctly, showing no qualms whatsoever about using less then honest means to get what she wanted or needed.

Everyone had a price, the question was whether it needed to be in Gold, or Blood. And oftentimes, those two currencies walked hand in hand. If she went down in history as ruthless and heartless, so be it.

Sleeping soundly, and waking quickly, Kylie was surprised that Ilyana moving around hadn't roused her early, but didn't think on it too much. This was hard traveling, she was bound to need her rest moreso then if she was simply putzing around town.

Rubbing her abdomen for a moment, Kylie smiled at the memory, and hoped Kagome and Bob had reached some kind of understanding, she'd be more then happy with that sum of gold, and fuck her hunting trip, her plans took a higher priority to herself, as it should be. For all her talk about her future with Giselle, and caring for their children, adopted and otherwise, none of that took precedence currently over the situation, the undead hunting her, the artifact she needed to find, and the blood she would need to spill. Everything else was secondary, because the future wasn't safe until everything else was handled.

Eating whatever was for breakfast, apparently whatever Ilyana had decided to cook, which in all fairness couldn't be too complicated given their supplies, Kylie focused more on the coconut, using her knife to grind a hole into it's shell to drink the water, and then smashing it apart to enjoy the meat. She'd eat everything else, but coconuts were delicious.

Eager to get back underway, as they did have another 13+ Nights of this trip, Kylie had her food down in a flash, and was already moving to get stretched out, packed up, and ready to go, breaking camp while Ilyana finished her meal, and setting off immediately as soon as they were ready to go, not saying a word.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie woke and came on out and began eating, Ilyana joined her looking much less tired than the night before, which told Kylie that Ilyana why she would have preferred to stay back in town for an extra day. Once they'd eaten and everything, Ilyana and Kylie would be able to get their things together with relative ease and no interruptions.

Setting off again, the two had no real trouble along the road for that day, nor the next day for that matter. However on the third day and fourth night they had a quite heavy rainstorm come their way that lasted all through the day and most of the night, making headway difficult on anywhere but the main path north. On their fourth day and fifth night out the weather let up a bit on them, though it continued raining just not as hard as earlier the evening before.

"Damn this rain, makes moving in this jungle and rainforest area hard as hell. You wanna stop for now and try to wait it out Kylie?" Ilyana said as they stopped on the fifth morning out, seeming to want to stop for a time and try to wait out the rain, which might be a good idea considering their feet were getting stuck in the mud occasionally as they went along the path.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was happy to be moving, but their progress was soon slowed, and then all but brought to a halt on the 5th day by a persistent storm. Kylie knew that rain like this was common in such heavily jungled areas, long periods going both dry and wet for full seasons. But so far, her stay on the island had not met with rain, and the persistent soaking of the ground was starting to give them trouble.

As much as she would have like to press on, Ilyana was right, and Kylie nodded as they made camp quickly, Kylie going out of her way to get a fire going by using long sticks, and wide leaves to give the area she was trying to set ablaze, burning properly. This met with predictable failure, and Kylie sighed before moving under a larger tree, and using the protection from that to finally get one lit.

Kylie wasted no time after that, Insisting Ilyana strip down for now, so she could get their clothing dry. I agree though Ilyana, we should wait it out at this point, or were going to get stuck in a way we can't easily get out of. And I don't much like the idea of being buried in a mudslide either. Come on then, Out of the wet clothes and into the tent, I'll dry them out here by the fire and then swap with you.

Although being cold wasn't a problem because of where they were, being wet was still miserable, and if Ilyana refused, Kylie would just do it herself, sitting out by the flames and very carefully using the fire to dry her clothing. Once it was dry, Kylie wouldn't put it on, instead stowing it in her pack where it would stay dry until the rained stopped. Granted, she looked insane, naked, bow and quiver on her back, mythril gauntlets covering her hands and wrists, but o well. She could fight naked, didn't bother her at all. And as an added blessing, the rain water didn't need boiling, so they could drink their fill safely...

And then they waited, for however long it took, for the rain to finally abate, and another day still for the ground to dry... Marching through mud was still annoying, and Kylie didn't want to.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah, damned weather doesn't seem to like us right now I think," Ilyana said as she glanced up at the cloudy sky.

Helping Kylie get their tent set up under a large tree, Ilyana agreed on getting out of their wet clothes to keep from catching a cold, as it was still possible despite the heat. Handing her clothes to Kylie, Ilyana pulled a couple of towels out of her backpack and handed one to Kylie to dry up with, then she got out a fresh change of clothes to slip into once she was dry, advising Kylie to go ahead and do the same when she was dry too.

Once Ilyana was redressed, she'd fix up a couple of rain catches in the form of their pots and pans used for cooking, which she used to refill their waterskins when they started filling up good, while handing a bowl of it to Kylie to sip on while they sat around and watched the rain from the safety of their large tree and tent, which Ilyana had set with the back to the tree and the tent flaps opened up. The rain lasted a while longer, nearly another 4 hours, and while the girls were asleep, or at least Ilyana was anyway, saying that she'd go ahead and grab some while the rain continued.

When time came for them to set off again, it was finally without the rain beating down on them the whole way, though the ground was still a bit wet despite them waiting a bit extra for it to dry. After another day's march, the girls came to a large river that they'd need to cross, which was obviously the one that ran down to the coast she'd washed up on. "Alrighty, there's a ferry somewhere around here if I remember correctly, but it's been a while since I came this way and used it so I don't rightly remember if it's upstream or downstream from here honestly," Ilyana said when they came to the ferry after moving on through the night after the rain, the sun rising in the distance as they stood there at the river bank.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie did the same, sleeping the rain away with Ilyana after getting dried off and redressed, their clothing now properly stored away and dry, and a great deal of good usable water available for them to top off with.

When it finally did stop, and they were able to continue, Kylie trudged along, obviously miserable in the oppressive humidity caused by the drying ground. She didn't mind rain, rain was nice and cool... But the day after with the sun high... That was miserable. That was god cursed and like a punishment for receiving a gift from the skies.

Another days marching passed, and the blessing of traveling through the night was made loud and clear to both of them on the second half of that day, when the sun vanished and the humidity did with it, cooler air a blessing. Still, in the early hours of the morning, maybe an hour left before it was time to bed down, they hit the River. Listening to Ilyana, Kylie shrugged and regarded the river itself.

We have the weapons for a forced Fording if we want, the question is if we have enough rope. Though I'm in no mood to get ALL of our gear wet. Thankfully, the area around river beds to my knowledge is pretty flat and consistent with the water level, rising upwards towards the center of landmass... So logically, if we climb a tree, and look around, we should be able to spot the ferry if we're close. if we don't, then we know we're far off and should probably use the last of this day to find it on foot. I'd guess it's upstream, nearer inland and closer to any actual villages and thus, the people that would maintain it. Kylie said after thinking for a moment, and immediately starting to scramble up the nearest tall tree, hoping to spot it.

If she couldn't, then she'd head back down and shrug, before starting to walk upstream, checking inland like her hunch demanded.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye I don't want to try and cross the river around here, because there have been rumors of stingrays in the rivers on occasion around these parts, and I don't want to tangle with one of those while trying to swim this thing, nor do I wanna risk falling in while trying to raft across, because we aren't gonna swing across that's for sure. Shouldn't be any crocodiles around here though thankfully, because hunters go after them a lot in these parts, at least around the populated areas of the island," Ilyana said as they looked up and down the river from the edge after getting down to the river proper, where they saw it was quite wide, though just how wide was tough to tell from the ground. "Here I'll boost you up, I think it might be upstream from here like you said, but wouldn't hurt to look downstream too," Ilyana added as she took Kylie's pack for her and boosted her up to a low hanging branch.

After climbing the tree she'd chosen to climb, which was quite tall to say the least and towered over a few other trees, Kylie could see a good 2 to 3 miles or more along the river before it curved behind trees too much to really notice a ferry. From up there she could see that the river where they were at was a good quarter mile across at least, so swimming it was not really an option at this point. Looking downstream gave her no sight of the ferry crossing, but upriver she did manage to spot it, the ferry itself on its way back from the northern shores of the river and about a league away give or take.

"You see anything up there Kylie?" Ilyana asked, calling up the tree to Kylie for what she could see. When Kylie came back down Ilyana would help her of course, listening to what she had seen while up there overlooking the area.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yup! Found it! It's about a league away Kylie shouted down to Ilyana as soon as she spotted it. When she got down from the tree, Kylie just immediately started off in the direction of the ferry. Rivers had other things in them then just stingrays...

Like Fish...

Marching on, hoping to just push through this leg of the journey, get across the river, and THEN get some sleep, Kylie wouldn't stop until they'd made it. Stupid rivers... she thought, making a mental note to build a fucking bridge here.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Good good, that'll make getting across much easier now that we know where it's at," Ilyana called as she helped Kylie back down.

Once she was down and ready to move on, Ilyana headed off with her upstream for the ferry. When the pair of them arrived at the ferry after an hour or so of walking, seeing nothing much along the way save a few fish splashing out of the water a bit among other animals doing animal things, they found the ferry just getting back and docking. There was an inn built at the rivers edge along with a small settlement of sorts with a few houses around it, though it didn't look like there was more than perhaps 2 or 3 dozen people living here give or take.

Looking around as they came up into the small village, Kylie would see a few human and elven men and women, and a couple of okami men helping to crew and pull the ship in to dock. Around the village Kylie saw a couple of kitsune girls outside of the inn hanging laundry on a clothesline, a couple of snake lamia slithering off of the boat after it docked, both of whom had large backpacks on and a small wagon of goods, likely heading south to Feynrial to sell their goods. Over by the river banks were a couple of monster women that Kylie hadn't seen before now in Feynrial, a couple of driders that had fishing nets made out of their own spider silk from the looks of it after getting a slightly closer look. If they headed for the Inn then they'd see a neko woman manning the counter, while in the tavern portion built onto the Inn was a human man running the place.

"Wanna stop and get a drink first and rest ourselves a few minutes? I doubt that they'll wanna make another ferry crossing right after getting back without at least a bit of rest first," Ilyana asked, suggesting they head to the tavern for a few minutes before they try and cross the river. Plus there was the rest of the little village here to explore of course, so they could go and do that as well to see what other different races might be around, though the place wasn't all that large so they might not find any that Kylie hasn't seen before. They would see a watermill near where the two drider women were though with their fishing nets, with a human man running the place and cutting up wood.
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