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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, staying calm, this having NOT been her first birth, and promising to be both shorter, and likely easier then her massive egg drop, didn't even think about it overmuch, letting her breathing deepen as Ilyana coached her through it, and their new friends actually assisted.

An hour came and went, the sound of cracking eggshell as Kylie felt their newest arrival break himself free sending a little thrill through Kylie's spine despite the discomfort, though huggy and grabby were being distracting enough with their prodding. Kylie just let them, she only had one job at the moment, everything else was secondary.

The odd feeling of the birth threw Kylie for a moment as the darkmantle actually started to work itself free, the sensation not overly painful, but certainly strange to her, and she was grateful when it was over, Kylie immediately reaching out for the little creature and guiding it to her chest on instinct alone. Looking down at it as it did indeed start to suckle, Kylie smiled softly and stroked the little squid, very happy.

That's right little one, no stress, no problems, just a meal, and someone to take care of you for now. I've got you. Kylie whispered, nodding at Ilyana to sit her up slowly and carefully, not worried about the mess she was really, just mopping herself up as best she could, and tolerating any cleaning Ilyana wanted to do.

Giggling as ilyana sent the huggers off to actually gather firewood, Kylie beamed at them as they did so, and thanked them as well, though she didn't let them scuttle all over her for kisses, or lean down to offer them, instead tilting a little to show them the new arrival if they were curious as she thought of a name. Bob had been a bit of a joke, but it had made him unique, he answered to it, and was content with their arrangement. But this little guy was the first in Kylie's care, and it was special for her, unusually so.

You, my little friend... what shall I call you... Hrm... she whispered down to it as she thought about it, finally making up her mind. Wraith. That's your name, my little Wraith. she finally said, staying where she was, drinking her water with her free hand. Kylie, waiting until everyone was settled, and everything was taken care of, looked around. It was her turn for watch.

She wouldn't climb the tree, Ilyana was right, that was foolish. She needed another decent spot. Spotting some underbrush against the tree she had been in, Kylie wandered over to it, checking it for problems, snakes, insects, anything that would ruin it as a spot, and finding it acceptable, Kylie sat down with her back to the tree, remaining very still, and very quiet, once again knocking a toxic arrow, and waiting, keeping Wraith close to her, letting him suckle, and sleep on her for now.

Go ahead Ilyana, it's my turn for watch, I'll be fine. she said from her new spot, not perfectly hidden, but not bad either so long as she stayed still and quiet. She could shoot from here, and maneuver, using the tree as a barrier if need be. It could certainly be worse...

Once more Kylie would stand guard over Ilyana in her sleep, waiting out the hours. She was tired, but she wasn't exhausted, and she saw the time through just fine, still on alert. Wraith knew what he needed, and who his caretaker was, he wouldn't stray, and even if he did, Kylie would gently steer him back for now.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Wraith huh... heh well he is black as night and all, save the little tentacles it seems, which all look pink and or red... well one of them is red at least," Ilyana said with a chuckle as Kylie named the baby darkmantle. "Alright but be careful, and scream if you need help just like you told me. I might be heavily pregnant and can barely move, but with a bow like mine I won't need to move but a couple of feet at most to get a clear shot on anything around," Ilyana told Kylie, heading on inside and laying her bow next to her along with her quiver.

Two of the four critters followed her, James and Grabby, while the other two remained outside the tent, Huggy in the tree right above Kylie and Grippy on the ground near the campfire, laying there but raising up every few minutes to look around. Wraith as she'd named him didn't try to really go much of anywhere save to her other breast, at least not for a while anyway. He did attempt to hover away from her after an hour, though as she was ready to scoop him back up he didn't get far. He kept getting out of Kylie's lap though and was restless after a while, hovering next to her and swatting playfully at the jungle insects buzzing around her and catching quite a few which were quickly eaten, mostly flies and mosquitoes, though at one point there was a large green moth like bug that came right for Kylie's face and Wraith darted up and smacked it out of the air before it managed to hit her, then he went over and picked it up and brought it over to Kylie, setting the dead bug in her lap and looking up at her. Wraith's tentacles were miniature versions of Bob's really and could only reach about a foot at most rather than the nearly 12 or more feet Bob's could reach, and Wraith was about as large as a Pomeranian dog.

After about 6 hours or so, Kylie would see Ilyana stirring and starting to wake, with James and Grabby switching positions with Huggy and Grippy around halfway, the four critters seeming to be quite intelligent and knowing that while the girls needed to be protected that they too needed rest themselves yet they couldn't all do so at once. A few minutes after she woke up, Kylie saw Ilyana exit the tent and stretch,her belly a bit larger and fuller looking than it was before she went to sleep, indicating that the little critters inside her womb were growing nicely and would be coming out soon hopefully so they could continue onwards.

"Hey, you wanna go ahead and get some rest Kylie? I know you must be tired after all. Or would you like a bite to eat first, I think that there's still some of that bacon left over and a few potatoes from earlier unless our four little friends didn't get into it while I was asleep that is, and of course if you want that. I can make myself something here in a few minutes, since I'll probably be going into labor sometime later in the evening, hopefully after you wake back up," Ilyana asked Kylie, pointing at a covered plate that had the remainder of the food from before on it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie smiled when Ilyana pointed out she could still fight, answering her statement by holding up the toxic barb she had nocked on her arrow. I know you can still fight Ilyana, but if I do this right, we wont need to find out. she said, shooing Ilyana to go lay down while the huggers performed their own changing of the guard, taking rest in shifts just like the girls while Kylie got herself in her spot, and Wraith kept feeding.

Watching the little guy float around curiously, Kylie had to remind herself that it was still just an infant and needed her to look out for it. She wasn't Bob, but she would try damnit. Trying to scoop the little guy back up whenever he wandered too far away, Kylie couldn't help but giggle as Wraith chased around and ate insects, flailing his tentacles around and swatting them out of the air.

When Wraith acted in her defense against the evils of large green moths, Kylie giggled as he set it in her lap and looked at her expectantly. Reaching out, Kylie drew him into a proper hug, and kissed his little head, before offering the moth up for him to eat as well, enjoying the curious little creature a great deal.

as Ilyana rose and asked if she was hungry at all, Kylie just waved her off. You eat it, I'll eat when I wake up, don't worry about it. Kylie said, smiling. She had been, like before, chewing on small amounts of her jerky and hardtack during the 6 hours Ilyana had been asleep, grazing rather then eating. She'd eat a proper meal after catching some rest.

Getting up and stretching, Kylie went over to the tent, ushered Wraith inside with her, and promptly passed out on her back, letting Wraith continue to lay solitary claim to her chesticles, her magic milk jugs, her mammaries of justice? Tits. Tits was easier. Chuckling at the odd thoughts, Kylie quickly drifted off again, and slept.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith took the green moth when Kylie offered it back to him and devoured it along with the other small insects he swatted down. He did attempt to hover away from her several more times until Ilyana woke up, but every time he was ushered back by Kylie, or one of their new little friends who shooed him back over to Kylie. After Ilyana woke and offered the remainder of the food to Kylie, the drow girl shrugged her shoulders when Kylie told her to go ahead and eat it that she'd get something later.

"Alright, if you say so Kylie, keeps it from going to waste at least. Get you some sleep, and same as usual, and if I go into labor expect to get glomped in the face by one of our little helpers here," Ilyana said, taking the plate of food and heating it up over the fire to eat.

Wraith followed Kylie a bit reluctantly, obviously no wanting to bed down yet, but if Kylie ushered him on inside seriously then he'd follow without any resistance and busy himself picking and prodding at various things throughout the tent to sate his curiosity. As she conked out, Kylie would feel Wraith climbing up onto her chest again and nursing on her breasts as she dozed off while the little huggers made another changing of the guard.

A while later when she woke back up, well rested after all of the action before, she found Wraith was nowhere to be seen in the tent with her, though she would hear Ilyana giggling playfully about something. "You're adorable Wraith, we might need to hang you up over our bedrolls inside the tent while we sleep as our living mosquito net or something," Ilyana said outside the tent.

When Kylie exited the tent she'd see Wraith had snatched another flying bug out of the air and laid it in Ilyana's lap. "Kylie will be up in a few minutes most likely, so why don't you grab her a nice big one too hmm," Ilyana suggested to the young darkmantle where it floated up into the air a little bit and began chasing another of the big green moths around like it had gotten for Kylie before she'd gone to sleep, his small tentacles flailing around as he went, and Ilyana meanwhile was in the process of preparing some food for herself and Kylie apparently if the amount she was making was any indication.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith, apparently untired, caused Kylie to sigh as she laid down to sleep, gesturing towards Ilyana. Alright Wraith, go play, just make sure to listen to Ilyana to. she said, before drifting off to sleep just in time to feel Wraith starting to nurse again, squirming under her shirt.

Waking up, Kylie was overcome with a brief moment of panic, before hearing the giggling and poking her head out of the tent. Wraith was fine, still playing with the bugs and Ilyana. Nodding at her friend, Kylie laughed as Wraith went moth hunting again, even as she went to handle her business and then get some water.

Looking at Ilyana cooking another large meal, Kylie just shrugged, if she wanted to cook, that was fine, they had more then enough emergency food in Kylie's pack anyway, and both were competent shots, hunting wouldn't be too big a problem in a pinch.

Patting the huggers as they scampered around, Kylie gently scooped Wraith out of the air and gave him a hug and a kiss, before letting him keep playing and retrieving her bow. Just waiting to pop now huh? And then we'll be covered in little huggers and can be on our way. Think they'll all stay with us? Or just these 4? Kylie asked, wondering how insane the sight would be when they walked into Tear Cove. I mean, if they all stick around, we can ambush the others when we arrive with a whole army of them! she added sniggering at the thought.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye pretty much, hopefully won't be too much longer now. Though it could take as much as another day I guess. Let's hope not though. Because I think if my belly gets any bigger than it is now I'll explode," Ilyana said jokingly, gently rubbing her belly as she cooked. "I... don't know if they'll remain... at least not all of them anyway. They grow fairly quickly, like over a few days they'll make it to about half the size of these ones. They might all stay, but it's not like our four little friends here will force them to once they feel they're old enough to make it on their own," Ilyana said as Kylie went off to do her business and get her face washed up.

"They'll probably mostly go off on their own after a week or two I think, and unless we make them come into Tear Cove with us then they'll most likely remain just outside and skulk about until we leave. I know a place they can hole up for a while though while we're there. Or we could leave them at the lamia village up ahead, might be for the best I think if we do when we get there. Because they've seem to get along well with the various monsters around fairly easily without any real trouble," Ilyana said after Kylie returned, having thought about it for a few minutes.

After about two hours, and after they'd eaten and were relaxing a bit, Ilyana suddenly grasped her stomach and let out a gasp of pain, clenching her other hand into a fist as she sat up. "Ahhh shit... about time. I don't know how many it'll be Kylie, so this could take quite a while... I'm not entirely sure. F-Fuck me sideways... a-and not literally you four, I'll have to pinch you if you do right now or right after," Ilyana said after a few moments, propping herself up against the tree their tent was next to and spreading her legs apart. "Alright, you know what to do don't you? Towels and water, set a dry towel under me for them to come out on so they don't get dirty or anything, or get me dirty either. I think you get the idea," Ilyana asked after a few more moments, her eyes clamping shut as Kylie hurried off to do everything she'd need to do quickly.

Wraith would stay put if Kylie told him to while their four new friends clustered around Ilyana and waited. Once Kylie returned and helped Ilyana get prepared and set up for the birthing, the drow girl waited for a few minutes before starting to push the small hugger things out one by one, all of which were pulled out and guided up to Ilyana's breasts for a minute or two by either Kylie or the other four, where they suckled a bit before being moved off so the rest could get up there. After an hour or a little more, Ilyana had birthed out 23 of the new little critters, which were scuttling about a little unsteadily around them, and though they were trying to scuttle away they were ushered back by the larger ones.

"Gods finally, feels like I just lost thirty pounds or more. Please no more knocking me up quite that much little guys, that's very hard to endure you know," Ilyana said as she collapsed back against the tree she was resting against, where Kylie could help to clean her up afterwards while the new critters roamed about the camp. Wraith meanwhile floated next to Kylie the whole time and while she was helping Ilyana to get cleaned up he plopped down on her head like a hat and rested there for the time being, seeming to have finally tired himself out as his tentacles limply fell down around him and made Kylie look like she was wearing a hat with dreadlocks hanging down the sides of it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, giggling at the thought of the lamia village having to deal with their little huggy friends, suddenly dropped what she was doing to flail around in a panic as Ilyana went into labor, running back and forth for no reason before Ilyana reminded her there was a brain between her ears.

Rushing around to get what they needed, Kylie chuckled to herself as Wraith flopped onto her head to rest even as the requisite towels were placed, the clean water was retrieved, and Ilyana's clothing was promptly yanked off and tossed aside... and then it started and Kylie was a little jealous about how quickly this process went compared to the HOUR or MORE that Wraith had taken to birth. Cocking her eyebrow in an accusatory manner at her hat as she continued to help the little ones to Ilyana's chest, Kylie whuffed and continued working.

23.... 23 flappy grab monsters were birthed, all of them trying to scurry away on unsteady legs before being herded back by the original 4. 27..... 27.. Kylie was just going to call them facehuggers, because that's what they did. That or tailfuckers... or Ilyana's Bane... Whatever. Getting Ilyana cleaned up while she was busy nursing, Kylie flopped down beside her when it was done, tossing the towel into the wash pan to soak while they watched the little ones goof around. Well... there they are, the price for the most thorough fucking you've had in awhile. Kylie said, stifling another giggle as she watched a couple of the newborns pounce Grabby, rolling around.

On the Brightside, we're good to travel again, on the downside, I think the babysitting fee at the Lamia village just went up. Kylie continued with a yawn, ready to get a full 8 hours in with Ilyana before they had to start traveling in earnest once more. Well, shall we get some rest and get packed up and ready to move out when we wake? Kylie asked her.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah... it was pretty damned thorough wasn't it. Though who's fault was that? Not mine if I recall correctly. The only thing I can say about it though is... ow. It might not look like it, but that really hurt. You're lucky it was only Wraith there for you, twenty three... just... ouch," Ilyana replied when Kylie mentioned the price for her thorough fucking she'd gotten.

Ilyana sat there leaning against the tree while Kylie continued, just nodding her head in agreement about moving on after some rest. "Aye, some rest would do us both some good I think. And today I think I'll get myself more than just six hours or sleep or so," Ilyana said after Kylie was done speaking, letting the last little critter suckle her milk and move off to scurry about the camp. "They might be monsters of sorts, but they're still young and they're my young regardless of how I look at it. But the lamia up ahead will take good care of them, they only refuse to take on the actual dangerous monsters and whatnot really," she added, wiping her brow with a rag as she sat up a bit.

With Kylie's help, Ilyana got back into the tent and laid down, looking over at the four named critters and smiling at them. "Heh, you four helped to bring them into the world, so you get to help take care of them for now, because I'm in no shape whatsoever to do so really. Herd them on into the tent with us though and it'll make it easier to keep an eye on them alright little guys. Besides they'll need sleep soon too themselves and shouldn't stay up for long. So while we're all out keep us safe and wake Kylie and then me if something tries to give us a rude awakening," Ilyana said to the four of them, nudging a couple of the newborns into the tent with her foot as they went.

Some of them didn't want to come in, but were forcefully herded back by the other three while James as Kylie had dubbed him stood guard at the entrance to the tent and prevented their escape, and once they were all inside, two of the four stayed within to keep the peace while the other two remained outside. Ilyana meanwhile just smiled as she was swarmed by several of the younglings, giggling ticklishly when they went across a ticklish area. Finally though the little ones calmed down a bit and seemed to understand that Ilyana or mommy to them was trying to sleep, so they left her alone to do so. A few others did the same to Kylie, with one poking a bit at Wraith until he lazily swatted a tentacle at it and slipped down into Kylie's shirt between her breasts for some peace and quiet. Soon enough though after Ilyana was sound asleep, the small critters died down a bit and one by one curled up somewhere in the tent and conked out along with Ilyana and Wraith, with Kylie going to bed whenever she wished to do so really.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Heh, I wouldn't be too curious about Wraith when he's tired little ones, he's bigger then you. Kylie said impishly before the young darkmantle wriggled down into her shirt to hide. Laying down on her back, weapons in easy reach, Kylie was perfectly fine with this plan, and passed out almost immediately, not a care in the world so long as she was as well armed as she was. Even if they wound up losing the actual fight, Kylie doubted anything would actually survive the next few minutes, even if she had to use the poisoned arrows as daggers, or coat the blades of her gauntlets. She'd let nothing survive injuring their odd assortment of "children". And on that grim, but comforting thought, Kylie drifted off to sleep, prepared to pack up camp and move on as soon as they both woke up.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Despite Kylie's words a couple of the newborns were still curious about Wraith and just what he was, and got a couple of more swats as he made his way into Kylie's shirt for his peace and quiet. The swats drew out a bit of playfulness from the pair the prodded at him but they stopped when he was in Kylie's shirt and left him alone. Other than that they had no real trouble while they rested, with Kylie able to fall asleep rather quickly despite the commotion around her, which died down soon enough just as she conked out herself.

After a good night's... well day's sleep rather, the girls awakened to the assortment of young huggers scuttling about the tent, with Kylie opening her eyes to see Ilyana already awake, though it didn't look as though she'd been awake for too long really. The little huggers had been taking turns on her breasts for milk it looked like, as the drow girl had her robes pulled down to reveal them. "Hey there, ready to get packed up? Soon as these little ones finish up I'll be ready to get up. They kind of pounced me when I started waking up and I've been sitting here doing this for about thirty minutes now, just letting them all take turns drinking some," Ilyana said before the last one hopped off her chest.

With that Ilyana got up with Kylie, got washed up and did her business before helping to get their camp packed up and ready to move. Soon enough they were off, with Ilyana getting the newborn huggers gathered up and put them all into her's and Kylie's backpacks so they wouldn't get away from them, while Wraith stayed on Kylie's head, and the other four scuttled along the ground and hopped through the trees as they kept up with them. They made fairly good time, and though they didn't encounter much that might harm them along the way, they ended up having to stop every little bit because of one of the newborn huggers managing to squirm its way out of one of their packs after a time.

After a day or so more of travel, they came to a more traveled and well kept road, and halfway through their second night from birthing Wraith and the others, they were set upon by two large lamias who slithered along with spears in hand and blocked their way. "Halt... who goes there?" one of them said, a redheaded one with average sized breasts.

"It is I, Ilyana, priestess of Kord. I am traveling to Tear Cove with my friend here Kylie," Ilyana replied, answering the challenge and raising a hand to show they meant no harm.

"Ah friend Ilyana, it has been some time since you came this way. Welcome, and enter our town. Some of the little ones have been asking when you'd be back through," the redhead lamia said before moving out of the way so that they could move on past.

Thanking her before they moved on, Ilyana led the way on down the road, and after another mile or two they saw lights in the distance that marked the edge of the lamia settlement. It was set up similar to Feynrial or any other town really, though the houses were all larger than normal to allow easier movement by the snake women obviously. Heading for a quite large building, Ilyana told Kylie that it was the town's Inn and that they could get a room there to rest in before going to talk to the matriarch of the lamia here about taking the newborn huggers off their hands so they weren't trying to take care of all of them along the way to Tear Cove.

"Welcome welcome, ah Ilyana good to see you again love. Same room as last time? Or would you like a double room perhaps for the both of you?" the innkeeper said when she saw Ilyana and Kylie entering, apparently knowing Ilyana.

"Ah Hera, good to see you too, and yes get us a double room please," Ilyana said as she made her way over to the lamia innkeeper woman, kissing her on both cheeks as Hera returned said kisses before Ilyana paid the woman some gold pieces and led Kylie up to their room after Hera gave her the key to it.

( )

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, waking up slowly, rolled over to glance at Ilyana, muttering a garbled gmrning as she yawned and stretched a little, Wraith the squidhat still nestled between her breasts. Smiling as she stroked him a little, Wraith promptly perked up and drifted up to the top of her head. Her nipples were a little tender, he must have nursed again at some point. Not too surprising.

Giggling as he found his perch, Kylie watched Ilyana leave to take care of business before doing the same and starting to break camp, still groggy. It had been a crazy few days. Everything was done fairly quickly and they were back on the road. Traveling for another day, Kylie and Ilyana made decent time, except for occasional stops to reacquire Ilyana's more rambunctious munchkin huggers as they slipped out of their packs to look around, though the original four were quick in helping round them back up.

Laughing at the hilarity of the situation, Kylie stopped and drew her bow, an arrow already nocked as two lamias approached, saying guardish like things. Relaxing as Ilyana made the introductions, Kylie put her weapon away and replaced Wraith on her head, the little guy getting nervous at her sudden movement and diving back between her tits.

Following Ilyana to the village without bothering to introduce herself, still not the most social of creatures, Kylie looked around at everything and just chuckled. Things were a little bigger because snake people but the real benefit was the upcoming Inn. Soft beds....

This was also officially the halfway point or so, they were getting there slowly but surely. Once again Ilyana did the brunt of the speaking, but Kylie had to reach out and scoop Wraith back up as he noticed the innkeepers bulging mammaries and made a play for them, Kylie grinning as she pushed him down into her shirt, there were breasts there for him to play with, though they weren't massive doomknockers.

Double room huh Ilyana? Don't want to try and share a bed with me and 24 some odd critters? Wait... 28 counting the big ones. Kylie said giggling, heading with her up to the room where she closed the door and promptly unleashed all the children to burn off their pent up energy by playing in the room. alright, go on, play, just stay in here and behave she said sternly, watching them scatter, some of them playing king of the hill on one of the pillows, the current king dancing the odd little 2 legged jig before another one glomped him, and an opportunistic third took his place and wrestled with yet another for dominance, Wraith watching above them before picking the current victor up and rushing around the room with him before dropping him on Ilyana, almost like saying "Hey, you lost this. Give me a cookie."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, a young darkmantle eh. It's alright he can come over here and see me if he wants. But alas I don't have any milk for him right now," Hera said with a chuckle before they went on upstairs and when Wraith made for her big tits as Kylie stopped him.

After they got on upstairs and released the little huggers all into the room, with Kylie and Ilyana seeing that there were two full sized beds, they spread out and did much as Kylie imagined they would, some playing king of the hill on the pillows of Kylie's bed while some others just scuttled about and looked around, poking and prodding various things. The four adult ones bounded up onto Ilyana's bed as Wraith dropped the one on Ilyana's head, where she pulled the little hugger off and set it down to scurry around the room some more. Ilyana pat Wraith on the head before he went on back to Kylie, then she undressed down to her panties and bra before hopping in the bed.

"If you want a bite to eat before bed Kylie just go talk to Hera and she'll whip you something up, I'm gonna go ahead and get some sleep for now though. Seeya in the morning. And kids... go to sleep, mommy's tired," Ilyana said to Kylie, then called around the room a little louder to the young huggers, all of which stopped what they were doing and looked at her before going back to their playtime. Ilyana sighed and rolled over on the bed facing away from the whole debacle of younglings and their play, while the adult huggers all cuddled up with her and they all conked out, with the younglings soon doing the same not long after.

Kylie was free to go around if she wished and wasn't too tired or anything, though it was still fairly early in the morning right now, she could still get breakfast if she wished, because it seemed that Hera was awake and didn't seem to have been up for too long.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, giggling as everyone tried to bed down, Mainly Ilyana and her four multi-limbed husbands, took Ilyana up on the offer and headed downstairs, whistling at Wraith to get his attention before he took his place on her head again, he was a curious little thing, he'd like the chance to look around a bit.

Heading downstairs, Kylie looked around for Hera, Wraith once again whooshing across the room to smack straight into her chest, Kylie slapping a palm to her forehead before sitting down, she could handle it. Smiling at her, Kylie nodded. Yup, little darkmantle, born just a few days ago. I was only carrying the one egg, the rest, and the original, are back in feynrial while I'm on this trip. The rest of his siblings are all waiting inside another friend of mine growing and waiting to hatch at the normal pace. Kylie answered, watching her young derpsquid flit around the room, looking at various things, and even finding a bug or two.

But while Ilyana is sleeping, I'm hungry and could use a good drink, so breakfast would be wonderful, and anything for him if you have it, so far he's only been interested in milk, and bugs. And a more talented insect slayer I have never seen. Wraith dear, that shiny isn't yours, put it back. Kylie said as Wraith found a spoon, holding it up and looking at it curiously, before floating around and looking for more silverware, soon a vast arsenal of spoons and forks held in his tendrils to poke at things with.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Before heading on downstairs, the four adult huggers all kind of just fainted on or around Ilyana as she lay there herself, with her pulling James as Kylie had named him up and squished him between her breasts like a teddy bear to sleep with. Once Kylie was downstairs and Wraith zoomed at Hera, the lamia caught him with a giggle and let him slam right into her large boobies. His small tentacles poked and prodded at Hera's kimono and inside of it a bit, with her not seeming to care much about it and letting it happen.

"Hmhm, he's adorable," Hera said, nodding as Kylie explained where the rest of the brood of little darkmantles were. "And very good indeed at catching bugs, could use him to catch some of the ones that slip in and get where I can't get to them," the lamia added with a chuckle as she released Wraith and he spotted a cockroach scurrying about in the corner of the room near the door and shot across the room and snatched it up, bringing it over to Kylie and showing it to her as if demanding a pat on the head for getting it.

Regardless of if she patted him or not, Wraith munched it down and then spotted some silverware around from what appeared to have been Hera's breakfast as there was an empty plate on the main desk. "And don't worry about him, he'll go for something other than milk in... oh I guess a month or so. They grow slowly at first, but after a year or so they'll be fairly large after hitting adulthood. Once knew of one around here that was like a boulder floating around, with tentacles about twenty feet long at least, could breed for hours before he was satisfied and often took at least half a dozen lamias and or other assorted peoples to do it. Gosh he was one helluva good fuck, too bad he died a couple of years back. We think his heart finally just gave out from old age, though he'd been around for a good ten years or so before that happened. But oooooh could he reach places that nobody else could," Hera said, reminiscing about the past a bit before shaking her head and bringing herself back to the present. "Sorry about that, remembering old times and all. What'll you have for breakfast sweetie? Bacon, eggs, toast, and potatoes? That's pretty much the normal average breakfast around here really, plus I've already got the potatoes and bacon made, just gotta heat them up," Hera said after a few moments, sighing a bit as she did.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, laughing as Wraith captured a cockroach, patted Wraith on the head before he snapped it up, giggling as she listened to Hera, she apparently knew a lot more about them then she did. Though really, she had never been too interested about the peculiars, just happy she had a friend. Now she was learning, she found more of it more interesting then she had originally anticipated.

Sighing as Hera told her to just let him enjoy himself, Kylie nodded, watching him play around with things as she accepted the offer of breakfast. Yea, they do get big. Bob lives in my basement at the moment, bathing in coins all day. I'm not entirely sure how big he's really gotten, but I know he's huge. He was big enough when I met him, but now if I'd have to guess, his main body is larger then a good sized horse, a Floating Boulder, as you said. Maybe I'll have Alan look into taking proper care of him if they have heart conditions as they get older. Who knows though. I'm just fond of them as creatures in general, sex aside they're smart, and friendly for the most part. I think they just get aggressive because lets face it, they're normally not greeted all that kindly by most. They look a little scary to normal people. Kylie said, thinking on it a little as she dug into her meal.

Honestly, I want to domesticate them in Feynrial and see about getting that mine there opened up, have them help out a little, keep it clear of more troublesome things, you know. Maybe give them a tumble as payment once in awhile Kylie added, laughing at the idea.

We're heading up to tear cove for business, and we met the huggers you saw along the way, and well, they won. So we're actually hoping someone around here can care for the little ones while we go, we can't take care of 20+ of the little guys in a place that size, they're bound to get into trouble. Kylie finished, finishing her meal and leaning back, finding it amusing that Ilyana had remembered to sleep in her under-things this time.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yeah he's fine, just so long as he doesn't get into my food stocks, my personal things, or bother the other guests then he can roam about pretty much wherever he likes. But I believe our darkmantle friend around here was just old and it was his time to go, and what a way to go, bathing about nine cute girls of various races in his seed and pumping them full of eggs. I'm not entirely sure how long they live for naturally to be honest, though I suspect about ten to fifteen years is very old for them. Plus he had a lot of sex, so I don't think he'd complain that he had a bad life if he could talk. Hell your Bob probably came from Sebastian... that was what we named him, and he had a lot of eggs over the years that went all across the island," Hera said as she motioned for Kylie to follow her into the kitchen as she slithered along and made some scrambled eggs and toast to go along with the other things she'd mentioned as she heated them back up and got Kylie a plate of it all ready to eat.

"Hmm, domesticating them is tough, but if you stick at it then you'll be a good monster breeder. The mine would be good with them deep inside of it to keep it cleared of anything worse, but they shouldn't be doing anything to the miners since I guarantee you most of those would be men, who likely wouldn't want to have fun in that way with a mass of tentacles. Hell some girls likely wouldn't want to, not me mind you, but I wouldn't be one of your miners though hmhm," Hera said, ending with a giggle as she washed some dishes while Kylie ate her food.

Wraith snatched up a couple of more bugs here and there as Kylie ate, though once he'd done that he was bored and flopped back down on Kylie's head like a hat while she finished up eating. "Twenty? Jeez, yeah you'll definitely want to find someone to take them off your hands from here then. There's a few breeders in town that would likely be happy to do that for you if you want I'm sure, for a price of course," Hera said as Kylie finished up with her breakfast and she took her plate and cleaned it up and set it aside.

Heading on back into the main room, Hera looked around and saw nobody about, so she headed on into the den and gestured for Kylie to follow, carrying herself a mug of coffee and offering some to Kylie too before they left the kitchen. Once in the den, Hera curled her tail around a bit and sat down on one of the 3 large sofas in there. Wraith meanwhile lifted off of Kylie's head once they got in the den and floated up to a spiderweb at the ceiling in one of the corners of the room and began looking curiously at it and the small creature that was up there in it. He didn't really bother it since it wasn't really doing anything itself and was all curled up facing away and asleep it seemed, but he did get rather close to it and the spider suddenly woke and turned around to look at him where Kylie saw it wasn't just a spider... it was a tiny drider that had about a 6 or 7 inch leg span when they were spread out fully, and she was about 4 inches tall. She let out a frightened little eek and tumbled out of her little web, though she managed to spurt out a strand of webbing to catch herself thankfully before she fell and got hurt.

"EEK! I... Itsha monshtur... p-pwease d-don't eat me," the little drider cried as she flailed her little arms and legs around, which only served to wind herself up in her strand of web that was holding her up until she'd tied a couple of her spider legs against her body and one of her arms to her side.

Wraith hovered right in front of the little thing and curiously poked her with a tentacle right in her human like belly, making her tremble with fear, yet giggle ticklishly. "N-No... ish gonna e-eat me. I... I'm too wittle... I... I taste like poopy," she cried again, still squirming around and only tying herself up worse in her own webbing.

"Oh Diana sweetie, why were you up there? Come, you should be with your mother to sleep, not in the den where just anything could happen to you," Hera asked the little drider as she sipped her coffee and leaned over to set it down on the nearby table, glancing to see if Kylie was going to reach up and get her down since she was closer and it she'd easily be able to reach both Diana and Wraith if she stood in the chair next to the sofa they were both sitting in. Though if Kylie didn't move to get Diana within a few seconds then she'd do so herself and pull her down safely.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, following Hera into the den as she thought about all the little huggers that were sure to cause more problems then little Wraith, watched him float up to a small web in the corner of the room. Seemed a spider was about to get eaten as well, another bug to the Feed the Darkmantle Fund.

Until it started screaming in a tiny adorable voice about monsters. Smacking herself in the forehead hard enough to leave a mark, Kylie got up and stared in disbelief as a drider no bigger then her fist managed to get tangled up in it's own silk as she flailed around in a panic.

No Wraith, that's not a normal bug, you can't eat it. Kylie said to the darkmantle, affixing him back on top of her head before reaching out and scooping up the little drider, starting to pick at the silk she'd tangled herself up in. Hold still little one, he's not going to eat you, he's like you, just a little young thing, and he's plenty friendly, stop wriggling, you're itty bitty. Kylie said, sticking her tongue out of the corner of her mouth as she untangled the little.. Diana, it was a Diana.

Successfully rescuing Diana from the attempted tickling, Kylie set Diana down in her lap and looked at her, Wraith probably doing the same... again. He looks a little scary, but he's nice. I'm sure you look a little odd to him to now just relax. Hera is right? Why are you out here all by yourself? Kylie asked, curious that such a tiny thing would be out on it's own. sleeping no less! Her mother was probably losing her mind right now.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Diana squirmed about a bit more despite Kylie's words until she began untying her after placing Wraith on her head. Once she had her down, which took a bit of doing to say the least, Diana looked up at Kylie from her lap, with Wraith looking down at the little thing from Kylie's head quite curious about just what she was. Diana trembled when she noticed Wraith on top of Kylie's head and backed up a couple of steps until she reached the edge of Kylie's knees and nearly slipped out of her lap.

"The good web spots all got taken... s-sho I did what mommy does and made my own web to sweep in," Diana said a little clearer now that she wasn't so distressed and thinking she was about to be eaten, and looking quite proud of her web she'd made. Peering up at Kylie and Wraith, Diana looked worried that that young darkmantle might pounce on her at any given moment. "You promish dat he won't hurt me?" the little drider asked worriedly.

"Diana, your mother is probably worried about you don't you think. So why don't you head on back up there with her and let her know that you're alright sweetie, and when your mother and sisters all get up then I'll get some breakfast for you," Hera told Diana, who hung her head a bit as she was scolded, but she nodded her head that she understood and began making her way upstairs after hopping out of Kylie's lap and onto the floor.

She crawled up the wall at the steps and went sideways up them so she wouldn't have to climb each and every step, then made her way out of sight towards her mother's room up there. "Hmhm, that little devil has been doing things like that for the last few days, all rambunctious and brave, or at least trying to be. She's going to be a little adventurer one day I'm sure," Hera said with a giggle before going back to her coffee.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As long as she stays out of trouble, certainly Kylie said with a giggle as the little thing made her hasty way back to her mother, where she was supposed to be from the beginning. She was adorable.

Looking up at the web, Kylie giggled. She did a good job with that though. it's a shame Wraith disturbed her sleep. Still, he's as curious as he is rambunctious. Kylie said, relaxing with a soft sigh.

Still, it's nothing like the spectacle upstairs with Ilyana, she's currently sleeping with 4 adult huggers, and 23 younger ones. It's somewhere between cute and hilarious. Jumpy little bastards caught us out to rights, but proved intelligent enough, so... well. we couldn't really leave them. They were unusually helpful, even protective, and have continued to be. I'm really rather fond of them. Kylie continued.

Drinking her coffee, Kylie pondered exactly what to do. Tell me, what do you know of Tear Cove? I'm looking to do a great deal of business, but Im admittedly new here, and was hoping you'd have the time to give me some real information about what I'm walking into. Please don't leave out anything, the dark side of the city holds interests for me as much as the light.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh I'm sure she will be, shouldn't have to worry about her too much. Besides she's still young so it'll be a good long while before she heads out into the wide world like that," Hera said as she took another sip of her coffee. "And aye she did do a good job with her web considering how young she is. I'm a bit amazed at how good she did it really. But you can't blame... Wraith you said, you can't blame him that much if he's only a few days old and all," she added.

Listening to Kylie speak of how many of the huggers there actually were made the lamia's eyes go wide in shock. "Twenty seven? Goodness that poor girl. No wonder she wanted to go straight to sleep as soon as you got here. And despite what they are, those creatures are quite smart considering, though not quite as much as a human or elf or whatnot," Hera replied before being asked about Tear Cove. "Hmm, well I've never actually been there myself to be honest, so I couldn't really tell you too much save what I've been told by travelers. The dark side of the place is unknown to me, though I know a couple of the merchants that travel around from there, it would really depend on the kind of business you're looking to get into though there I think," she added, looking sincerely unsure about what to really tell Kylie about Tear Cove.

A minute or two later a bit of clattering could be heard coming from the top of the steps and then a bunch of giggling from several voices came along with some skittering. Looking over at the steps Kylie would be able to count off a total of 20 little driders with Diana included all around the same size she was making their way down the steps and along the wall they were attached to, while a larger drider made her way down behind them sighing a bit and shaking her head slightly. "Ah Trisha, awake I see. I'll get some breakfast ready for you, just come on in and take a load off while I get it ready," Hera said to the adult drider as she came down, with the drider bowing her head slightly in thanks.

"Alright girls, stay in here now okay, miss Hera is going to make breakfast," the adult drider called to the children before looking over at Kylie and making her way over to her, with the little driders all letting out a "YAY!" of joy at the prospect of food. "Good morning, I'm Trisha. Diana said that there was a human down here that helped her out a few minutes ago. Thank you for helping her, she can be a handful sometimes... well they all can really, but she really likes to go off on her own a lot, so it worries me to no end honestly," Trisha said as she introduced herself to Kylie. The little driders were all mostly playing around the room, spraying their silk at each other and wrestling about and playing tag, though Diana had begun to make her way back up to her web at the ceiling, climbing the wall as if it were nothing.