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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Tear cove? very interesting... I thought she was just with the guard. This could be fun, could even have some more company on the road. Kylie said perking up a little.

Heading back up with Ilyana, Kylie lightly punched her in the shoulder with a laugh when she heard Ilyana's riposte. True enough, but they liked you enough to go on for hours~ I've already been claimed by a monster. Kylie said giggling, Laughing loudly as the huggers made it known they had been missed, Kylie reaching up to stroke them gently.

Mmmm, Not tonight little ones, well, not for me anyway, I've got a date with a spider. Ilyana though~? Surprise her later, you know she likes it. Kylie said with an evil little grin, before sticking her tongue out and getting carefully into bed with Wraith.


Hrm... wah? Eileen? Woo! Kylie said groggily as Hera woke her up, giving her the news. Standing and stretching, Kylie smiled happily and bothered to get straightened up before coming downstairs, looking for her new friend... or lover... or both. Who knew, the night was young.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Jeez Kylie don't tell them that, I'll end up with more little huggers in my belly. And I'd really like to avoid that if possible," Ilyana said, only half serious, likely about not getting knocked up again.

The girls weren't disturbed by their little friends amazingly while they slept, well other than them sliding their tails down in between the girls legs and against their crotches, but nothing more than that. Almost as if they were fixing their tails around to protect them somewhat while they slept.


Ilyana was still stretching and getting out of bed by the time Kylie had finished doing so and was on her way downstairs to find Eileen. Hera remained and helped Ilyana get up while Kylie went on, having to hop over Hera's tail since it was right in the middle of the hallway. When Kylie made her way down to the tavern which Hera directed her to as she went out, she'd spot Eileen in there along with a few other patrons, two of which were at the table with the drider lady, who had her bow slung over her back and a longsword fixed up around her human like waist.

"Ah there's the ogre slayer Kylie. Come I have a drink for you here," Eileen called to Kylie when she saw her, gesturing Kylie over to her table with the other two, one of which was the elf man that was out earlier, while the other was an eladrin woman that was clearly a mage of some sort Kylie could tell just from her robes.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie waved cheerfully when Eileen greeted her. Yup! hello guys! I'm glad Eileen made it out to see me, but she brought friends as well! Wonderful! If I haven't met you yet, I'm Kylie, I'm also a bit scatter brained. Kylie said happily, bouncing over to the group and sitting down, wondering what this drink was... and why it was waiting for her...

Taking the offered drink, Kylie took a long pull, wondering what it was. What can I say, I needed a thrill, seriously bad habit of mine. But we have the mighty adventurer Eileen, a fellow guardsman, and... A mage~! Well Eileen, this is quite the interesting little group you brought along. Kylie continued, just being her usual happy self, though she was a little disappointed Eileen had not come alone... Curses, she'd have to try harder.

Eileen, By the way, before I forget, Hera told me you're from Tear Cove, which is where I'm headed oddly enough for some business. What's it like? no one else seems to know and it's been crazy trying to get good information.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When she sat down at the only open chair at the table, Eileen slid the glass of whatever she had ready for her over. When Kylie took a drink, she'd feel as if her throat was just set on fire and would be forced to cough a couple of times. Eileen giggled a bit at her along with the other two.

"That's Netherworld scotch there, burns like hell all the way down, but burns smooth. And not good to take big drinks of if you're not used to it," Eileen said with a chuckle.

"My name miss Kylie... is Lucian. Lucian Celedor. Eileen, myself, and Valenae here are all adventurers. I'm from Crimea proper, Valenae's from Eldana, which is north of Crimea, and Eileen's from Tear Cove," the elven man said as he took a sip of his own scotch.

"Valenae Sovathra, I'm a mage with the guild that was sent over this way to help out when and where I could," the eldarin girl said, shaking Kylie's hand when she was done coughing from the scotch.

Lucian was obviously a ranger if his gear said anything, a longbow slung over his shoulder much like Kylie's original bow when she first arrived here on the island, and Valenae had a wooden quarterstaff and what appeared to be a wand to help channel her magics. "Aye I'm from Tear Cove though Kylie. Hera mentioned something about you were heading that way. Tear Cove is... a fairly peaceful place all things considered. Porter's tavern is a good place if you want a drink or information though, and he's a good guy, used to be an adventurer himself before he retired, spends his time now serving drinks to us younger crop and helps the guild master with sorting stuff out since that's where the guild makes its main base here on the island. The main harbor there is also where you can find a lot of interesting things out since it's where this ships come in at and whatnot. There's a couple of good clothing shops, a really good dwarven smith that even has adamantine if you have a fancy for it... and the money to afford it because it is rather expensive," Eileen told Kylie about Tear Cove. "Really though the best thing is to experience it yourself I'd have to say. I was actually planning on heading back up that way soon myself, if you're going I might go sooner rather than later though," she added with a shrug of her shoulders.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

A pleasure Lucian, Valenae. Kylie said, before sampling the liquid in her glass and being utterly shocked by the strength of it. Looking at the glass like it had bitten her, Kylie laughed. I'd heard of Netherworld Scotch, but never tried it before. Whoever told you I'm a whisky drinker deserves a glass, because gods be damned this is delicious. Kylie said, shivering delightfully as she took another, more controlled drink, closing her eyes as she let the whisky sit on her tongue, basking in the fiery taste, before swallowing.

Glancing around at everyone as she listened, Kylie nodded. Adventurer's Guild huh? never had much occasion to visit one myself, but I'd heard good things. My own guild was a bit more... entrenched. So we never moved around much, but we had the city to take care of. I'm from Garrelia originially, but I've had dealings with Crimea as well. It was really an insane stroke of luck that I ended up here at all. But I've found it all wonderful, it's so much more relaxed then capitol life, the jungle is simpler. Besides! I never got the chance to battle creatures like Ogres and Minotaurs back home, so that's just another added bonus! Kylie said happily, sipping on her drink again as she relaxed.

Perking up as Eileen said she might find a reason to leave earlier, more then hinting that she could travel with her and Ilyana, Kylie nodded. yes, As I said, me and Ilyana, a Warrior Priestess from Feynrial are headed out tomorrow whenever it's convenient. We certainly wouldn't mind the company, we already picked up 4 strays on the way here. Strange little hugger creatures, friendly though.... very friendly Kylie finished, glancing off into space with a slightly shocked look on her face, before giggling.

Speaking of which, I seem to have forgotten one of my little friends was on board... as it were. Kylie said, opening her shirt a little bit and drawing Wraith out to settle on her head, she had felt the little guy squirming around, having forgotten entirely he had gone to sleep. Everyone, meet Wraith, my fellow ogre slayer, poked him right in the eye he did! Kylie said giggling, kissing the tiny darkmantle affectionately before he undoubtedly started to fiddle with something... there was too much going on not to, and an abundance of new breasts to poke at.

Covering the top of her glass as Wraith went to investigate her scotch, Kylie drew him up a little and shook her head, this drink wasn't for tasting or sharing yet. Getting the message clearly enough, Wraith quickly grew bored with glass, and went on to more tiny squiddy things as the others talked.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye it is good, but burns like hell... literally, hmhm," Eileen said with a chuckle. "And yeah our island is a wonderful place isn't it. Wouldn't want to call anywhere else home," she added, taking another sip of her scotch.

"Huggers huh... they are dreadful little critters if they ambush you... especially us women," Valenae said with a shudder, obviously knowing what they were and not liking them from the looks of it.

Wraith had still been snoozing away in Kylie's shirt and continued doing so even after she drew him out and placed him on her head, making it look as if Kylie merely had a hat on her head. After a few moments though he woke on up and floated off her head, indeed going straight for her scotch in an attempt to taste the liquid inside the glass, and looking disappointed when Kylie refused to let him do so. When he realized that he wouldn't be tasting the scotch, Wraith floated back up onto her head and decided to continue his nap from earlier while Kylie continued talking with the others.

"Hmhm, a little darkmantle eh. They are quite friendly considering... well when they're around humans and whatnot like us from the time they hatch at least that is," Eileen said with an amused look on her face as Wraith went back up to Kylie's head.

"Hate to say it Kylie, but I'm... honestly not too fond of the more monster like creatures around that people are domesticating more and more. Sorry, just... personal reasons," Lucian said with an apologetic look on his face, and he didn't seem in a rush to state his reasons. Valenae meanwhile looked curiously at Wraith, seeming intrigued with something about him, though what that was Kylie couldn't tell without asking her.

( )

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled helplessly as Valenae said she wasn't overly fond of the huggers, Kylie giving her an apologetic shrug before saying I'm... a bit of a slut, I'm very fond of sex in general... I've had worse experiences hahaha without even the slightest hint of a blush. Honestly, if Men were half as good in bed as some of the creatures around here, I'd change my opinion, but who hasn't had a seriously disappointing lay hahahaha. They may be monsters, or creatures, but they have staying power, I have to give them that much. Kylie continued, before Wraith essentially pouted over not being allowed to try her scotch.

Taking another drink, Kylie Hmmmm'd happily as she enjoyed the flavor before the fire, before swallowing as Eileen spoke and Valenae looked like she'd enjoy nothing more then a chance to look at Wraith closer. Taking the stubborn snoozer off of her head, Kylie gently woke him back up with a kiss, before pointing at Valenae. Go on little one, she wants to say Hi, we can't be rude. she said softly, encouraging him to go meet her at least.

Lucian however didn't seem to approve of Wraith at all, though he didn't give his reasons, prompting Kylie to try and change the light of the situation as a whole by gesturing very gently towards Eileen. Seeing them as Monsters, is a little unfair in my opinion. They're just creatures, Humans, Elves, Driders, Everything is technically an animal, and I mean absolutely no offense, but many people I've met would see Eileen as a monster without any chance for her to defend herself, or even prove she has a heart like any sentient animal like a human or anything else. But if we dumb it down a little farther, Dogs are nothing but domesticated wolves, cats follow similarly as do many pets. I'm sure you have perfectly normal reasons, but... I feel if a creature exhibits true intelligence, then it's emotions, thoughts, and actions should all be judged. Take the huggers, and the darkmantles. Wraith's father Bob is not only intelligent enough to understand me entirely, but can joke around on my level, he's very intelligent, and very protective, I couldn't think of him as anything less then family. He's not as domesticated as Wraith will be certainly, but I assure you, there's a thinking mind behind his eyes. Believe me Lucian, You're all adventurers, anyone who knows me will tell you flat out I'm an accomplished killer but I try and hold life as sacred as I can for that very reason even if it seems counter-intuitive.

Finished saying her peace, Kylie blushed up to her ears, before looking at the table Sorry... Didn't mean to preach there... she said in way of apology, but she couldn't be done there, not yet. Returning her gaze to Lucian's, she spoke again, her voice holding a hard edge of past pains Humans have done far more monstrous things to me and the people I care about, then any creature I've met here...

Still, I'm being a killjoy, lets not spoil the mood! Tell me o Grand adventurers, about your grand exploits, and I shall share my own~! She said happily, before glancing at Eileen. O I will whisk your very pretty friend away for my own diabolical means... She finished darkly, before laughing. She had no idea if she was funny, but apparently most other people thought she was... Maybe she was just funny looking.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I'm not very fond of the huggers... well... because every time I've encountered them they've tried to rape me. And I don't wish to be raped," Valenae said about the huggers, giving a shudder as she obviously remembered a previous encounter with them.

Valenae did take an interest in Wraith though when Kylie coaxed him off of her head where he floated over to her and flopped down right in front of her on the table. She studied him closely, leaning in close where a little tentacle lightly bopped her on the nose, making her giggle a little bit before tickling him back in retaliation, which made his tentacles flail about a bit and also served to wake him up the rest of the way at least.

"Creatures yes... they are just creatures or animals if you would just as we are. And I will agree that it's wrong to judge them all as mindless monsters. And I'll also agree that some people would judge Eileen and her kind, as well as the lamia and whatnot as monsters as well. Many in Adravan do so, and absolutely detest the devils that live here in the mortal world now. Hell they've pretty much called a couple of crusades against them, both thankfully ending in failure. I just have had bad experiences in the past with some of these creatures is all, and I don't want to see another decent person like yourself make a mistake," Lucian said, still not giving his actual reasons, though he seemed sincere enough in his worries for her well being from the looks of it, and seeming to understand Kylie's point of view as well even if he didn't agree totally with it. "But yes, let's move on to brighter things, I don't wish to dwell on the past if that's alright. But you can rest easy knowing that I won't harm any of the creatures that are with you... unless they try to harm me or those that I care about first that is at least," Lucian assured Kylie, glancing over at Valenae who now had Wraith plopped down on her head like a hat, smirking a bit at the scene.

"Aye, we've been all over the island, together and separately, and with other people as well, but mostly together since we're a team for the most part. We once fought a group of the northern minotaurs with a few others to make a full squad of adventurers. They'd come down to raid this town in fact when we caught them on the side paths, they had a full score of them while we had only fifteen, but we caught them in an ambush in a good spot for it, took out a little over a dozen of them before they backed off and retreated, while we only lost four ourselves, with another two of ours getting pretty badly wounded, but they survived nonetheless thankfully," Eileen said to change the subject when Kylie mentioned wanting to know of some of their exploits in adventuring. "We've also tackled some other fairly dangerous things together, while I myself have gone up against some more... naughty opponents before myself... hah they were fun. But that's something to talk about behind closed doors, not in front of a crowd," she added with a sigh as she remembered one of her encounters and seemed to have liked whatever it was.

Looking around, Kylie would see a few other patrons in there now, with a couple of the nearby tables having people at them as well as Eileen blushed slightly about the solo encounters she spoke of. As Kylie likely attempted to ask about said encounters anyway, she'd see Ilyana and Hera both coming back downstairs now, where the former came to their table and pulled up a chair while the latter went back to her counter in the Inn and kitchens area while the female high elven barkeep poured drinks and sent them off to their respective tables. It seemed that this was the main gathering place for the evenings antics in this town for at least some of the people here anyway.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well Valenae, What if they bought you dinner first? Kylie said giggling as she had her fun with Wraith, soon managing to get him as her own squid hat for the time being. On that hilarious side note... I should try and train one to bring people flowers and just release it, see if the trend kicks on with the others hahahaha. Imagine, no more sudden face glomps, but instead it skitters out and hands you a bundle of daffodils, and sees if you're interested. If nothing else it'd make you smile. Kylie said, laughing at the insanity.

Listening to Lucian, Kylie nodded. I can certainly understand that Lucian, and yes, past pain is not for such a light hearted moment. That said, all the breeders around here have to be as crazy as I am, so bring it on world! Kylie said triumphantly, smacking a goofy grin on her face as she looked at Lucian, trying to coax a smile from the dour archer.

Next was the telling of the great minotaur battle, Kylie nodding approvingly of the ambush tactics, Eileen was a competent fighter and leader it seemed. Ambushes are a great way to even the odds, as are traps and misdirection, hit em fast and hard. And from what I've heard of northern minotaurs, and the one I killed, you did a damned good thing. Slavers can be a real problem... Kylie said, giggling as Eileen mentioned her own more... interesting encounters with a cute blush, Kylie nudging her leg under the table with a sly little smile.

Ahh Ilyana! Come over! Kylie said enthusiastically, waving like an idiot as the priestess made herself known and came over to join them. Finishing her scotch, Kylie introduced Ilyana to everyone one at a time, still pestering Eileen with her foot now and again as she ordered everyone's drinks and paid for this round herself, another glass of scotch being set in front of herself and Eileen.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

After she spoke up again Kylie did actually manage to bring a smile and chuckle out of Lucian despite whatever happened in his past. "Ha, only one problem with that though on this island unfortunately Kylie or I'd support you wholeheartedly," Lucian said, waiting for Kylie to ask what that was before continuing. "That problem would be the fact that half of the flowers around the island that the little darkmantles would grab might turn out to be something that tries to snatch the ladies up themselves and tries to rape them... which means more work for the guild actually. No you know what I'll support and drink to that, if you can really teach them to do something like that that is," he went on to say, stating he'd support her doing this especially since it'd mean more work for him and the guild.

"Hmhm, about the minotaurs though it didn't help them much that there were a couple of other driders with our group, and together we managed to block off the path right behind them with some webbing and made them trip up some. As I said though we managed to drive'em off easy enough. Really me and the other two driders could have easily handled them all alone, but we'd have had to pick them off one by one until they got to a more manageable number for just the three of us," Eileen said as she tried to keep Kylie from asking about her more interesting encounter, looking quite proud of herself and boasting a bit most likely just to impress Kylie with her battle prowess.

When Ilyana sat down with them and Kylie continued playing footsie under the table with Eileen, the drider blushed again slightly and played back a bit, tickling Kylie's leg with her two front spidery legs in retaliation. Ilyana shook hands with everyone there, with Valenae smiling over at her, apparently knowing her from sometime in the past. "Been a while Ilyana. How you doing? Alright I hope," Valenae said to Ilyana.

"Aye I'm fine Val. You doing good too?" Ilyana replied as she took her glass sipping on the scotch and savoring the taste of it, the kick not appearing to bother her in the least bit.

Valenae nodded and said that she was just fine as the rest of the drinks were passed out, with her taking her own and sipping at it. "Have you ever ridden on the back of a drider before Kylie? We can carry a heavy load on our backs even while climbing trees and walls and whatnot," Eileen asked Kylie suddenly while the others chatted, having scooted around the table over next to her since Valenae and Lucian were both to her left and Ilyana had just sat down to Kylie's right.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie raised her glass as Lucian supported her antics, making a mental note to find these grabby flowers just to be a pain in the ass! Then it shall be done! Let's hope hilarity ensues and lets you stay busy then Lucian hahahaha

Kylie giggled as Eileen told her more of the ambush, nodding appreciatively. Yup, that would have been the way to do it, I'd have done much the same. All in all, bloody well done, and yes, the Minotaurs don't seem to do much thinking when they're all riled up... she said, remembering her own hunt with Miu, hoping the feral priestess was recovering quickly.

Watching Ilyana get reacquainted with everyone she apparently already knew, mostly Valenae, getting a smile from Kylie before stifling a giggle as Eileen scooted closer and retaliated with her own legs, doing nothing but encouraging Kylie to continue her under the table flirtations with gusto, though she was sorely outmatched.

When Eileen asked her if she'd ever ridden Drider back, Kylie raised her eyebrows a little in surprise. No, I haven't, I hadn't even entertained the thought before. All I ever thought about Driders happened randomly, usually with me getting into some kind of trouble, until I met Trisha and her children. I have yet to encounter anything as cute as my adopted daughter Hope, before meeting the tiny driders. But riding one? That... that actually sounds like a lot of fun hahaha. And just imagine! I'm an archer like Ilyana, we even use similar weapons! I could ride around on your back like a little guard tower! Kylie said laughing at the idea.

We would be the terror of our enemies everywhere!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well not too busy please, don't wanna burn myself out or anything," Lucian chuckled and took another drink at what Kylie said.

"Aye they don't think too hard on much of anything really now that I think of it, at least the northern tribe doesn't anyway. The southern tribe are fairly nice all things considered, although they can be a bit harsh at times," Eileen commented about the minotaurs.


"Ha, I've got more legs to play footsie with, you can't defeat me, I am the queen of footsie," Eileen giggled as their footsie battle escalated and Eileen quickly took the victory with upping her game with two of her legs for either one of Kylie's.

"Aye that was my line of thought there actually, we driders... well we adventurer ones anyway, and those that are soldiers for whatever army they serve nowadays other than just the drow before the sundering ended and everything... anyway back on topic. We'll often have a rider on our backs that's good with a bow while we protect them, the lamia sometimes do the same save with gnomes of halflings since it's harder for them to have a rider and whatnot because they're lower to the ground. We don't like having gunners on our backs though, especially when they try to shoot forward, the powder blows back in our eyes and the sound deafens us a bit, making it tougher for us to fight," Eileen said with a giggle as one of her spidery legs managed to get Kylie's foot out of her boot where she used the spidery bristles on it to tickle the bottom of Kylie's foot a bit. "Heh, just never try and ride on a centaurs back, they don't like that. Something like a sacred type of thing for them that the only one they'll let ride them is their true master or something, I honestly don't know that's just something I once heard from a friend," she added about centaurs.

Looking over at Ilyana who was still chatting and catching up with Valenae, Eileen smiled before looking back at Kylie. "You wanna take a walk with me? Well a ride rather for you. Might give me a chance to talk about that one encounter I was too embarrassed to talk about in front of Val. Since it was partly her fault it happened after all," Eileen said in a low tone to Kylie, leaning down to do so.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as the mighty footsie war continued, Kylie trying her damnedest to win anyway. It was more fun that way. Laughing as Eileen talked about the odd tactic, Kylie would have replied with a smart ass comment if she wasn't so intent on winning, or rather, escaping from Eileen's legs, only to lose her boot!

Getting her foot tickled, Kylie had to bite her lip to keep from squealing out in surprise, trying not to make too much of a scene though she was close enough she could have gotten away with much worse... or better.

Squirming in her seat, Kylie tried to get herself back together, before reaching under the table and tickling Eileen's hips in retaliation for a moment. So no gunners, and Try to ride a centaur anyway just to be a pain in the ass, Got it. May even be worth the kicking if it winds up funny enough. Challenge Accepted. as for riding bareback on a Drider, I think the fun would be in being able to just go places without all the trouble of the acrobatics involved in free climbing. I'm very good, but I can't run along a ceiling, color me jealous, but how would I manage to stay on your back upside down? Kylie said laughing, before leaning in for only Eileen or avoid reaching around to tease you the entire time~ she whispered with a wink.

While Val and Ilyana got to talking, and Lucian seemed to be enjoying his drink and even talking to a passing man who knew him well enough, another guard from the look of things, Eileen asked if she'd like to get out of here.

Nodding, Kylie giggled again Yes, lets, and O? That sounds like quite the story, lets go then, and you can regale me with the details. Kylie said, catfacing for a moment as she stood, following Eileen and just following her instructions if there were any.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Seriously don't try to ride a centaur without their permission at least, they really don't like it and you might get a hoof in the ass for your troubles. And those can really hurt," Eileen said seriously for a moment before going back to the teasing Eileen. "And don't worry, I got a way to... keep you on my back securely enough that you won't fall... or be able to tease me," Eileen then giggled to her quietly, lightly tickling Kylie under her chin as she released her foot from the tickling it was enduring.

Eileen gestured Kylie to the door before following, downing the last of her drink before doing so and telling the others she and Kylie would be back shortly and were going to get some fresh air. Once outside, Kylie would find herself scooped up by Eileen and placed on her spidery back, where a strand of spider silk was shot out around her waist that went on and around to Eileen's waist. She winked at Kylie as she finished attaching it around them both. "There we go, that ought to hold you if I decide to climb any trees, just put your arms around my waist also if I start to climb anything in a hurry and you won't jostle around any," Eileen said once Kylie's spider silk seat belt was put onto her pretty much. "For now though you won't need to hold on, unless you just want to, I wouldn't mind either way. But we're here to relax so you can just turn around and lean back against my back if you like and relax," she added with another wink.

After a little while they had made their way to the road leading down next to the farms, with Eileen whistling along the way and giving their drinks time to settle a bit before she talked. "I'll take you up to a high tree and we can talk, might have to shoo away a couple of nosy harpies though. Gods do they love to gossip around here," Eileen said as they came down the road towards a very large tree on the edges of one of the farms, which easily overlooked the entirety of the town.

Nodding to Kylie to grab hold of her and hold on, Eileen started up the tree easier than Kylie could have ever climbed the thing even if she'd had a ladder to do it with. Once she got to the top, Eileen perched on one of the tree limbs and looked out over the town and surrounding woods. "Best seat in town. Wouldn't you say?" Eileen said with a smile as she glanced over at Kylie, who's spider silk belt was tied off to the tree as well as Eileen to keep her from falling.

"Now my tale... now that we're alone for the moment. It happened three and a half years ago or so now, give or take. I was with Val and she said why don't we visit this one fey village in the woods on our way through so we don't gotta sleep in the wild another night, because she's... honestly a bit prissy about that kind of thing, doesn't like sleeping on the ground even in a bedroll. Anyway though... we stopped there, against my better judgement. Now these fey were mostly nymphs mind you, and sirens and the like, and these in particular had never seen a drider before, at least a non hostile one towards them and a friend of an eladrin to boot. Anyway, the nymphs and sirens who are just as lusty as nymphs... well they wanted to throw a party, which they do like every night, and they started singing and dancing and everything and... hah... as you can expect I was seduced along with Val, because I drank the ambrosia," Eileen began her tale, sighing as she stopped to take a breath and shake her head a bit.

"They'd never seen a drider before as I said, and definitely hadn't seen one of our... well breeding tools. They... teased me to spark a reaction from it and soon had me hard as a rock and I soon had a face full of nymph ass that I couldn't resist while about eight other nymphs and sirens all teased me all over. I don't think I've cum more over all the other years of my life than that night alone. Their singing and the fact that if you're just around nymphs in general you get kind of horny, especially if they sing any along with the sirens who know literally songs that make you horny. Long story short, they teased a lot of eggs out of me that night and I didn't even know I had any to give at the time, hadn't known I was ready for eggs yet honestly. And the fact that their singing was making me so damned horny I couldn't stop producing more and more," Eileen continued, shuddering for a moment before glancing over at Kylie with a blush. "My poor thing was so damned sore the next morning I could barely move... but damn it was good and worth it, because not a pussy in my pavilion was untouched. I looked around after I woke up in this big old pavilion like tent they'd set up for me cause I'm so big and all, saw about a dozen and a half women laying around me all with full bellies and another dozen laying there with white crotches. And guess who I notice also laying there between a pair of lusty sirens? Val, also with a full belly. She drank that ambrosia too and couldn't stop herself, or me when I was so damn riled up like that. They later told me that after the first three nymphs had their turns and they saw my thing hadn't gone down any, that a couple of more stepped forth to tame the beast they'd set free, but weren't enough and I kind of rampaged a bit and tied at least two dozen of them down with my silk and had my way with them all. Gods it was glorious... so glorious in fact they invited me to come back whenever I wanted to give them more baby driders, most of whom were sent back home, stayed there, or were sent to the fey realm to live there so that I didn't single handedly overrun the island with baby driders, as adorable and awesome as that'd be to have under my belt," she then said, shuddering again as she remembered it all and gave Kylie the gory details she'd asked for.

"We stayed there until Val was able to birth the eggs and we could move on, but hell it takes at least three to four days for drider eggs to be ready to birth out of a woman's womb like that and another week and a half for them to hatch, and those damned nymphs seduced me another time two nights before we left, but thankfully they made sure not to sing any songs to make me so fertile and go into a breeding frenzy like that and we just fucked all night long until my thing wouldn't stand anymore, which can take quite a while to say the least," Eileen ended her story, licking her lips as she did so. "Now you see why I didn't want to talk about it in front of Val, because she'd have zapped my ass with a lightning bolt if I started talking about it so openly in any old tavern. But damn it'd be worth getting zapped a hundred times by her to lay some more eggs in that sweet little pussy of hers again. Since I didn't really get to enjoy it last time, at least in a way that I can remember anyway," she added with a giggle.

"I've also been ambushed by some mischievous succubi, not evil mind you, just mischievous... so much to the point I gave up some more eggs to them because of that damn essence of theirs that makes you so damn horny. Took every egg I had which I didn't even know I was ready to lay at the time, was at the beginning of last year or so. But they were quite nice actually, even stayed with me until I could move again after the fucking they gave me," Eileen said after taking out a flask from one of her pouches on her belt and taking a swig, then offering it to Kylie for a drink. "More of that scotch from before, to help relax some more," she added when offering Kylie the flask.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled and blushed a little as Eileen got her up onto her back, eeping as her silk came into play as a kind of seat belt. hiding her pout that more wasn't involved, Kylie ran her hands along the silk and cooed softly. Wow, this is so soft, and smooth... It's wonderful, it's so unfair that you can just... Make this! she said, wrapping her arms around Eileen's waste and humming happily.

Nodding as Eileen told her the plan, Kylie giggled as she rode her newest friend for awhile, before the world flipped on itself, and Kylie eeped and laughed as she clung tightly to Eileen as she climbed, until they were at the trees peak, the assassin only able to agree with Eileen as she looked out over the jungle and the village, impressed.

next came a tale that had Kylie giggling madly, from beginning to end, until Eileen pointed out that Val had wound up just as stuffed as the fey had, causing Kylie to cackle with laughter. Ooo my god, that's hilarious, and more then a little hot, not going to lie. The succubi... not really my think, I don't like their essence over much. But the fey, yea, that I can relate. And why would Valenae mind? I personally love the feeling of eggs. Kylie said, suddenly blushing.

Well, said that out loud, damnit. Too late, it's just... the feeling of them moving in, and then through... it's so... different, you can probably guess where Wraith came from, he's got plenty of siblings near to hatching I gather by now, and then some. The basement is kind of our territory, it's very much enter at your own risk hahahaha. taking the offered flask and enjoying the drink, Kylie already had a decent buzz going, loosening her lips something impressively, already launching into a tale of her own!

Honestly, I was so interested in the more... amorous creatures on this island, that I went out with my lover Giselle, a Siren, to go find something to play with. We wound up in a cave, and when we were grabbed by Bob for the first time, he tried to swallow us both, and we actually wound up fighting over who he got to enjoy! I won, and after a slightly disappointing first round, I shamefully prompted him to keep going... Mainly because Giselle teased me. The second time around though... Ooo my, just wow... I didn't have much brain left to think with by the time I noticed this different tentacle he'd hidden the first time, and I was already bound up and limp, so all I could do was watch, and feel as he pushed it into me and started up again. It was heaven, or I thought it was, until I saw a bulge and realized what was happening. Again, not a damn thing I could do about it, and that honestly made it even more exciting, I couldn't even call out... And that set my hair on end as I got to watch his eggs get closer and closer, before feeling them... I was so full by the time he had finished that Giselle had to help me get back home... Which lasted all of about 5 minutes, before Bob decided I needed a ride, and took me back home. And he hasn't left the house since hahaha, he lives in the basement and doesn't have to worry about a thing in a house full of nymphs and sirens and me. Last I knew he was dropping another brood into a Neko just before I left. Kylie said, telling her own story about Bob the darkmantle as she clung to Eileen's back.

Throughout the telling, Kylie had left her arms around Eileen's waist, her fingers slipping into her top to brush and scrap along her stomach and abs. Leaning in, Kylie kissed the back of her neck gently, having to stretch a little to reach it, she was drunk.

Eileen... I don't want to relax... You'll have to make me. she teased, biting Eileen's earlobe gently and tugging just a little. All the storytelling had left Kylie more then ready for just about anything, and she was certain Eileen was somewhere in the same area. They were in private, and Eileen had just learned she had someone who not only wanted to enjoy her eggs, but wanted her to completely use her. How talented are you with this silk of yours~ We're still outside, better decide, and I'm a screamer, better make sure I stay nice and quiet or something will hear us~ she continued, teasing Eileen before giving a low throaty moan into her ear.

She had no idea if she was being too forward, but after what amounted to three glasses of very, very good scotch, and seeing a compatible lover, Kylie didn't care.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye I can guess where he came from, and the reason Val doesn't like it known too much is because she loved every second of it before and I'm sure she'd love it again. At least that's what the fey girls all told me before she woke back up the morning after I kind of went crazy on the ambrosia. About the succubi... I love them, very stretchy and can take my whole thing unless they're really young that is, but if they're too young I won't try anything of course. Drider eggs though are fairly easy to handle though, so you'd enjoy them a lot more than any other kinds of eggs I think," Eileen said to Kylie with a wink before hushing up and listening to Kylie's tale of when she first met Bob a couple of weeks or so ago.

When Kylie was through talking about Bob and whatnot, Eileen laughed a bit about her tale. She didn't seem bothered by Kylie's hands roaming underneath her shirt a bit either from the looks of it. Looking back over her shoulder at Kylie when she continued talking and mentioned not wanting to relax just yet, Eileen's eyes brightened ever so slightly enough for Kylie to notice. "Are you sure you really want a creature like me though Kylie? I mean we did only just meet after all. But... if you really wanna have some fun I've got just the thing... if you're up for it that is," Eileen asked curiously, seeming to doubt Kylie's sincerity somewhat still. "Also... if you really must know... I'm extremely talented with my silk," she added in a lusty tone as if enticing Kylie.

If Kylie assured her she was sincere and wanted to really have some fun, Eileen would smile at her and lean back enough to kiss her on the lips before spinning a bit more silk out and around Kylie's legs, lashing them to the tree so Kylie wouldn't fall as she gently set her down on the branch they'd been sitting on. Eileen then moved around a bit further down the tree where the limbs and whatnot were more full and thicker, where she began spinning a large hammock made from just her silk, which she attached to the tree securely.

With that, she crawled back up to Kylie and pulled her loose from the webbing holding her to the tree, then kissed her full on the lips again, her tongue slipping into Kylie's mouth and allowing Kylie's into her own, where Kylie would feel her fangs inside. Smiling at Kylie, Eileen crawled back down and laid her down on the hammock, then began tying her down to it with her legs spread wide, while her hands were bound down to the hammock above her head together, then lastly she tied her body itself down in three different spots, one around her belly, one right under her breasts, and the third right above her breasts. Then she put a bit of silk around Kylie's head that was like rope which she used to gag Kylie to keep her from screaming out and embarrassing herself if she didn't want to worry about that.

"Now my little fly is all caught in my web. But my little fly doesn't have to worry about any eggs, because I don't got any... this time," Eileen cooed in Kylie's ear with a chuckle.

Kylie would notice Eileen's large member underneath her spidery body which was red in color and quite large to say the least, easily an inch or two larger than Giselle's, and it looked as if it had little nubs all up and down the length of it to cause greater pleasure to the one it was entering. "Don't worry, I won't pound too hard into you, don't want to hurt my little fly now do I," Eileen giggled before putting more webbing around Kylie's head to cover her eyes like a blindfold, then... she did nothing for a few moments, though Kylie could feel Eileen's hands after about twenty seconds or so begin to slip her clothes out of the way enough for her to have fun without them getting in the way. "You're quite beautiful Kylie. Did I tell you that before?" Eileen added, nibbling on Kylie's ear with one of her fangs before kissing her again deeply, and if Kylie wanted to back out of this now... then now was the time.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled as Eileen talked about the succubi being stretchy, having not known that, at all, but finding it hilarious. As she continued her teasing, she was thrilled to see that Eileen was eager as well, more then happy to use Kylie for their mutual pleasure. If you're eggs are so wonderful, then you've told me nothing that would discourage me. Kylie said, giggling as she continued to kiss and tug on Eileen's ear.

Though, Eileen herself seemed unsure, as if Kylie couldn't be serious about wanting her as a lover. If I wasn't serious, I'd have never asked, you are beautiful and I wouldn't have it any other way. Now stop worrying and kiss me properly before I bite you. she said with the same lusty undertone to her voice, moaning into Eileen's lips as they kissed, though Kylie eeped and giggled as Eileen bound her legs to the tree so she wouldn't fall. Falling intentionally so she could swing by her ankles from the tree, laughing as she smiled at Eileen.

Watching Eileen build her hammock, Kylie shuddered with pent up arousal, watching Eileen spin her silk swiftly and skillfully. She would not go wanting tonight and she knew it. As it was finished, Kylie smiled as Eileen climbed back up to her, answering her kiss hungrily, their tongues meeting in a passionate and slick embrace for several long moments, Kylie moaning into the Drider's lips as her tongue found her fangs, playing with their tips before the kiss finally broke, Kylie panting softly as she looked into Eileen's eyes, nodding gently.

Being taken down, Kylie was placed on the almost impossibly smooth swathe of silk and restrained. As Eileen pulled her legs apart, Kylie couldn't hide the lewd Moan that spilled from her lips, her hips twitching as her ankles were pinned down to the hammock, able to move, but not close. As her wrists were bound together, and then her hands woven into tight mittens to keep her from picking at the silk, Kylie's hips started to roll gently, the assassin biting her lower lip before she was gagged, the sticky silk changed for the stronger, non adhering fibers as it was pulled between her lips. Mmmmm Kylie breathed, tugging playfully on her bindings, putting up the show of weakly struggling as Eileen spoke to her, calling her her little trapped fly.

A blindfold was soon added, Kylie left in the dark as she twisted and pulled slightly, completely stuck. Untouched for several long seconds, Kylie gasped as she felt Eileen's fingers on her skin, the Drider starting to shift her clothing out of the way. She hadn't noticed Eileen's impressive length, so it would be a delightful surprise to her, but her next words brought a blush to her face. She knew she was attractive, but very few people ever bothered to say so. As the drider's fingers toyed with her tight abs and toned thighs, it was no wonder. Despite her odd habits, Kylie was in fact, in incredible shape, holding the powerful and compact body of a dedicated athlete or fighter, every curve and contour of her flesh and muscles heightened and shown off by her bodies natural shape.

As the gag was removed, Kylie returned Eileen's kiss again, groaning with barely restrained carnal appetite, there was No backing out now, Kylie would be more upset then Eileen if that happened. Bound, exposed, and ready, Eileen would find it impossible to not notice just how wet Kylie had become, her torso bared to the Drider as she wriggled playfully again.

When the kiss broke, Kylie almost pouted, but she all but sang with joy as Eileen held reached back and soon held up a thick wad of her silk and brushed her lips.. Opening her mouth wide, she gurgled happily as the Drider slid it into her mouth, surprised and delighted, her tongue all but glued to the bottom of her mouth and her cries nearly silenced to moans and quiet whimpers. As the silk dried in place, Kylie's mouth was frozen in it's shape, her jaws spread slightly, and she bucked her hips desperately for more as her mouth was wrapped over as well... No one would overhear them. Kylie was as helpless now as she had ever been, and the rush it sent through her blood and bones had her shuddering with almost uncontainable desire.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I... I hope I don't hurt you because I'm so big. If I do... just do something to let me know okay," Eileen said, hesitating to get truly started before saying this at least, which let Kylie know pretty much right there that Eileen would be careful.

With that Eileen leaned in and Kylie would feel her spidery fangs nip at her neck a bit, not enough to draw blood, yet enough that Kylie could feel the prick of the tips of them. Soon enough Kylie would feel Eileen's tongue licking up from her stomach to her left breast, then she went back down and repeated this and went up to her other breast, her tongue ending at Kylie's nipples. She did this a few times until Kylie's nipples were hard enough to cut glass where she'd feel a nip on them too.

Once she had Kylie warmed up to her liking, Eileen proceeded to move about a bit more where she fixed Kylie's blindfold around a bit so that she could see just barely under the bottom of it, where Kylie would then see Eileen's large reddish member on the underside of Eileen's large spidery abdomen, looking almost like a stinger actually. Dragging her member up Kylie's leg from the bottom of her left foot, Eileen made sure it caressed Kylie's inner thighs as it made its journey to her crotch, where her tip gently brushed across Kylie's folds. Kylie could hear Eileen let out a soft gasp as this happened, then she'd feel Eileen slowly penetrating her folds, easing her large member into Kylie until she had about half of it inside, where Kylie would feel small soft bumps up and down Eileen's length that added to the pleasure that much more.

"Oh gods... you're so tight Kylie... t-too tight almost. Even had I the eggs to fill you with I wouldn't want to, so that I don't risk stretching you so that you'll always stay this tight," Eileen said as she began slowly thrusting in and out, staying at half her length at the most for now.

After about 2 or 3 minutes, Eileen had picked up the pace a bit, drawing them both to a sweet mutual release that they both knew the other would enjoy immensely, her member throbbing inside Kylie's depths so much that it seemed almost as if she had been in need of some relief already herself. Another minute or so in, Kylie would feel Eileen give her a very deep thrust, bringing the tip of her ovipositor dick right up against Kylie's womb as she was filled almost as completely as she could possibly be filled by Eileen. The drider on top of her suddenly pulled the blindfold off and looked directly into Kylie's eyes, leaning her human section down low enough while she continued thrusting to kiss Kylie on the cheek.

"C-Cumming... c-can't hold it any more. Gotta cum..." Eileen panted, trailing off as she knocked away at Kylie a dozen more times with deep thrusts before bottoming out.

Kylie would feel a torrent of Eileen's sticky seed rush into her tight quivering folds as Eileen's eyes crossed from the power of her own orgasm and she let out a loud lewd moan of her own a bit before stifling it with one of her hands, grabbing the blindfold Kylie had had on her which she'd laid aside and stuffing it in her own mouth to muffle her moans as she pulled out of Kylie and continued spurting, obviously able to produce a lot because of her size. While Eileen's orgasm struck her, Kylie's hit her as well almost at the same time Eileen's began, and as Kylie was coming down off of her orgasmic high, she'd feel Eileen pulling out and watch her orgasm keep going with a few more shots of her seed. After Eileen's orgasm finally finished up and she rubbed her dick up from Kylie's soft petals and across her belly to coax the last dregs of her seed out, Kylie would see the drider's spidery legs quaking a bit before she collapsed, thankfully at Kylie's feet and not on top of her.

"W-Wow... that was good. Never had a human before. I Always go for nymphs and succubi for the most part, and a couple of other fey creatures... and elves of all kinds, because they're all stretchy and I'm fairly sure I won't hurt them with my size unless I get really rough. Hell I've even had a centaur girl before just to see what it was like. You're completely different from any of the other girls" Eileen said, laying her human part down on the web beside Kylie as she brought her front right most of her spidery legs up and pulled the webbing loose from Kylie's wrists to free her arms, though she left her legs tied down for now along with her waist and chest, but also removed the gag so Kylie could talk back now that they were taking a breather before maybe going again, as Kylie could see Eileen's member was still hard and ready to go, twitching a time or two as she lay there.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was shaking with lust, giving Eileen quite the show as she squirmed around in her restraints, the muffled whimpers and mewls the only things escaping her lips. If Eileen became confused and though Kylie was actually trying to escape, her dripping wet folds and the way her hips continued to buck, while her back arched with desire would set her straight.

Kylie was blind, helpless, and muffled, unable even to call out for help, exactly as she truly enjoyed, and it was SO HARD to make her other lovers understand. Sometimes you didn't need words, if anything, Kylie's inability to speak made her expressions and muffled sounds all the more intimate. Hazel would understand she was certain, and Eileen certainly would now.

As Kylie felt Eileen's tongue begin it's first pass up her body, Kylie squealed and tensed, shuddering deliciously as her nerves lit up with pleasure, Eileen's tongue finding her nipple drawing a long, lewd moan from Kylie's sealed lips.

Each pass that Eileen made had Kylie jumping and tugging at her bondage, the silk holding her fast as the Drider made certain that Kylie not only wanted it, that she would beg for it if she could. She had felt Eileen's fangs, both on her neck, and elsewhere, wondering what exactly rested within them, but when she felt them against her nipples, Kylie shivered and whimpered, her hips rolling insistently. She was more then ready.

As Eileen repositioned the blindfold, Kylie peeked, as intended, and finally got a look at what she was in for, the large, nub covered... ovipositor? it had to be, approaching her slowly, Eileen moving on top of her as it began to slide along the inside of her thighs. Shivering, Kylie grew completely still until she felt the heat of Eileen's tip brushing against her petals, her own gasp matching the Driders, before Kylie arched her back as she began to work it in.

Eileen was right, Kylie was tight, and it showed as her hips rolled to try and help the drider enter her, soon enough Kylie groaning in bliss and grunting slightly as Eileen's slick member managed to push into her. Kylie arched her back hard, as far as her bindings in the hammock would allow, whimpering and mewling in bliss as Eileen filled her depths completely, stretching her slightly.

The almost timid, shallow thrusting was it's own form of torment, Kylie bucking her hips desperately for Eileen to pick up the pace, grunting and moaning as the Drider took her finally. Neither lasted for long, Kylie's release triggered almost as soon as the Drider mentioned her own peak approaching, and driving her thick member deep into the assassin, pushing against her cervix before adopting a fevered pounding into the bound woman that had Kylie screaming in pleasure, her nectar gushing around the ovipositor before the Drider met her own peak, and treated kylie to being more filled with the liquid heat of another's cum then she had ever been, the sensation unlike anything else.

Suddenly she could see again, Eileen had stolen her blindfold! That Cad! Having to silence her own cries of pleasure, Eileen had shoved her blindfold into her own mouth. Hey! That was HER blindfold! You didn't just take other peoples blindfolds! It was rude!

Still, Kylie let her jaw relax after Eileen basically just collapsed and removed her gag. Licking her lips, Kylie giggled. That was good, Mmm you are good with your silk, but I'm not nearly sated yet... and neither are you from the looks of things... Kylie whispered, her freed hands drifting along Eileen's cheeks as she kissed her again softly.

Don't stop now, if I'm your first human, you'd better enjoy it as much as you can~ Kylie continued, giggling again as she rubbed her half bound body against the Drider's, still tugging on her legs playfully. No matter what Eileen said, she wanted more, she'd left Kylie locked wide open and vulnerable...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh you'd better believe I'm going to enjoy you as much as I can Kylie, just taking a breather. We Driders... our orgasms are... very intense. But I don't intend on stopping just yet by any means," Eileen said as she lay there next to her, with Kylie's playful tugs on her spidery legs making her giggle a bit.

After a couple of minutes, Eileen replaced Kylie's gag and asked if she wished her to replace the blindfold, doing so if Kylie wished her to, but not if she either said no or didn't answer at all about it. Then she pulled Kylie loose from the webbing and turned her over, re-webbing her down to the web hammock on her stomach, with her ass high in the air, one strand of silk wrapped around the lower section of her waist that was keeping her ass suspended in the air as the silk attached to a higher branch to do so. Giggling like a schoolgirl, Eileen then webbed Kylie's wrists back down, one to either side but in a position so she could grasp the hammock to help her ride the pleasure out, and her ankles were webbed down so that her legs were spread good and wide to allow for easier access by the drider's large member.

"Alright Kylie... get ready... because here... I... come," Eileen grunted as she slid back inside of Kylie, letting out a moan that she didn't bother muffling this time.

Eileen thrust in an out of Kylie at a fairly average pace at the start this round, panting up a storm as she went, and causing Kylie untold amounts of pleasure. Despite how sensitive she was from just cumming not long before, Eileen managed to hold out a bit longer this time around and was able to keep going, though her spidery legs were quivering Kylie could tell just from how much the hammock was shuddering. Eileen's moans and groans filled the air along with Kylie's muffled ones, and soon enough Kylie would hear a couple of light squawks coming from nearby somewhere, though if Kylie had opted to get her blindfold back she wouldn't be able to tell where.

"Oh dammit... s-stupid harpies... always gotta come and peek when someone's around having sex... as bad as succubi with that," Eileen panted as she pounded away, with Kylie able to hear a couple of more squawks as Eileen finished talking, her panting and thrusting getting more erratic in the meantime as if she were trying to finish up quickly to keep from being caught with her pants down as it were.

After about 5 to 10 minutes or so, Eileen let out another loud lewd moan and Kylie felt her pussy being filled to the brim again with Eileen's seed, causing her belly to swell slightly from the sheer amount of it. "F-Fuck me... t-that feels so fucking good Kylie. Oh to hell with it... I don't care if anyone hears me anymore, you feel too damn good to bother," Eileen said, hesitating for only a moment before admitting how much she was enjoying herself and not seeming to care any longer that they were obviously being watched.

Eileen pulled Kylie's blindfold back off, had she decided to take it back on when they started going again that is, where Kylie would see Eileen's eyes totally glazed over with lust at the moment if she looked over her shoulder at her, the drider completely lost in the heat of the moment. If Kylie looked around any she'd notice a few harpies in some of the lower branches and a couple in the ones above them, all of them content to just watching the show for now.

Eileen didn't stop, or even allow Kylie a break after her second orgasm and just continued on to bring them right on to their next orgasms, which Eileen's third came only 3 or 4 short minutes after her previous one, and Kylie could feel her third coming along nicely too, but she wasn't there just yet... though she was getting closer. "Hah... hah... yes... fucking yes. C-Can't wait until... I get... some more eggs... you'll make a... wonderful mother for my little ones," Eileen panted to Kylie after her third orgasm finished up, with her pulling out and drenching Kylie's backside with a torrent of her seed while fingering Kylie to finish her off for the third time tonight while she rested a bit herself.