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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie wriggled down into the covers of the bed that Eileen had made for them all the night before, which Palla was sleeping soundly in, the young pregnant human would soon feel an arm drape across her as Palla snuggled up behind her, pressing her pregnant belly against Kylie's back and if Kylie looked over her shoulder she'd see a pleasant and actually happy smile on Palla's face.

"Hmhm, well Kylie... if you didn't spread your legs like peanut butter for everything then you might not be pregnant every time you turn around," Delilah said to Kylie before heading out to bring her some food and drink, sticking her tongue out at her. "And I'd say there's plenty of room or will be, besides you left Giselle in charge of things while you're away right. My little sister is quite smart and if I know her then she's almost positive that you'd be bringing more people back, so she's most likely already spoken with the guys you contracted to build the place to go over the plans again to make it bigger and add in some more rooms, as well as make the cellar bigger. Let's just say that I trust sis to know that she'd probably need to do this," Delilah went on to say, seeming to be quite sure that Giselle would plan ahead for Kylie to bring more people back to live with them most likely.

Delilah left her at that and returned a few minutes later with a tray of food and some water and orange juice to choose for drink. "Hey, here you go Kylie, some fruit, bread, and a little lunch meat... some thin sliced ham to be exact. Hey Palla... wake up alright, it's lunchtime," Delilah said, to Kylie and then Palla as she shook the latter to wake her up, where she stretched and grabbed a cup of water from the tray and drank some down to wet her throat.

"Mmm... oh hey Kylie. You resting too? I... hmhm, I kinda feel nice... and tingly all over too," Palla said as she raised up to sit next to Kylie, both of their swollen bellies touching slightly as they sat beside one another and picked at the fruit and stuff Delilah brought them. "I wonder if... if they'll call me mom or mommy? I... hope they do," the goliath girl added, softly caressing her belly with her left hand while reaching around Kylie's back to lay her right hand on Kylie's which she then started caressing as well.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I don't spread like peanut butter! I don't even like peanuts. And yes, I'm a slut, as if ANYONE didn't know that already. Even Giselle knows that. She is smart, very smart, and I love her more then anything... But... She isn't here, and Sex is too good to pass up. Does that make me terrible? I don't think so. I can feel it when her and Maria pass the time, that Vryloka is as insatiable as we are. Kylie answered, sticking out her tongue back at Delilah as she cuddles up to Palla. She was a snuggler, it was true.

When Delilah returned with blessed sustenance, Kylie ate her share a little more slowly then usual, thinking about things. If she kept this up No amount of fingers in the world would keep up with Hope's siblings. She idly wondered if Alraunes were good in bed, of all the things she had laid and been laid by, she's never had sex with a plantwoman. How odd that it had never occurred to her. Hell, Bob had gotten closer to that then she had and she'd already adopted one!

Feeling Palla wake up, Kylie giggled, helping her sit up as she ate as well, giggling a little harder as Palla felt up her belly. It's interesting to be sure, And you're so Mom material. Stern and strict. I'm momma... I think Giselle is a Mommy, sweet and with more then enough love to go around... I miss Hope.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well Kylie I've seen how wet you get, so maybe spread like just plain butter is a better thing to say instead of peanut butter. Either way though that doesn't make you a terrible person. I mean hell if sis gets to have Maria and whoever else, then you should get to have your fun with whoever and whatever as well. But I know that Giselle will love you no matter what, because I've not seen her this happy in a while to be honest... so just keep doing what you're doing and all will be fine I'm sure," Delilah said, winking at Kylie before she went to get the refreshments.

While she was gone if Kylie checked her ring, she would feel Giselle was actually having some fun at that very moment, likely with Maria if she had to guess. Whoever it was with though she was going at it hot and heavy and just before Delilah returned she felt an increase in Giselle's emotions indicating a massive amount of pleasure just spiked through her, all but saying she'd just climaxed. Imagining what was going on in her head, Kylie would likely see Giselle sitting there on their bed with Maria in her lap bouncing the beautiful vryloka woman and happily impaling her on her big hot hard dick while Maria shook her head this way and that as she enjoyed herself and squealed loud enough to fill the whole house with their passionate moans.


"Aw, I want to be the nice and sweet mommy though, I'm not that strict and or stern," Palla said, whining a little at Kylie's words, though she didn't stop caressing their bellies. "And don't worry, we'll be heading home soon enough... well as soon as you're ready anyway," she added, laying her head over on Kylie's shoulder while they continued sitting there eating.

"So how do you feel Kylie? I've been told that drider eggs make a woman feel pleasant and just relatively good all over until they birth them. But I'm not entirely sure since I've never been impregnated with their eggs," Delilah asked Kylie curiously.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I'm sure you'll be fine Palla Kylie said laughing, having just been teasing as she leaned back, smiling as Giselle had her fun and blinking to herself as she felt her cum. Still giggling, Kylie looked up at Delilah again.

I haven't noticed much, but I'm all bubbly like usual so maybe I'm just my usual self? Palla is all giddy though, so I bet you're right. The surest way is to find a Drider if you really wanna know dear Delilah Kylie answered, laughing and sticking out her tongue again as she relaxed, letting Palla lean on her, a couple of mother hens in a nest acting like children.

Honestly, apart from one talk with Asha proper, and finishing the chore for Oren, and we should be good to go, maybe just one more day all told. And yes, I'll be taking a carriage back. I had my fun in the jungle. And then it's the birthing, and then off to Hespera with Giselle for what should mostly be a hot and heavy honeymoon of sorts. Then probably back home for the wedding, because fuck proper orders for things. and then I'm not sure. I haven't planned all that far ahead.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, not sure if we all should be pregnant for the journey back Kylie, or I might just do that. And I thought you were going to take a portal back since it would be safer? Not that it matters much or anything, but I suppose since I'll need to bring the carriage back anyway it doesn't matter much. But with more people nothing will likely mess with us along the way, even if a couple of you are pregnant," Delilah replied to Kylie, tapping her chin with her index finger.

"Well even pregnant I can still swing my weapon, not too tough to do so really. And if we run into anything along the way that wants to attack, I'll bash its skull in so it can't hurt my babies, or those of my friends," Palla said incredibly protectively as she wrapped her arms around Kylie and hugged her close, almost like a bit sister that intended on protecting her baby sister no matter what... so, much like Tina was with Giselle and Delilah really.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

O yeah... portal... Yes. That is much faster Kylie said, laughing before wriggling around in palla's hug, giggling as she squirmed. Her whole family was NUTS! It was PERFECT!

And the portal let her see hope and Giselle that much faster.. and it wasn't like it would really cost her anything. Stuff in Hespera for Oren would probably be expensive, but portal trips? Pffft.

Before too long, Kylie wriggled back under the blankets, mumbling about other people getting to nap and it was her turn. She didn't have to do nothing, and she wasn't. She slipped into a peaceful nap quicker then she had expected.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm... I believe the teleportation circle here in Tear Cove is a large one, which means we could probably fit the carriage through it. I'll go check on that while you two nap some more. I'll leave a wake up call for an hour or two from now for you," Delilah said, heading off to do what she'd said and leaving the two in there to rest some more.

Palla slipped down with Kylie and snuggled up behind her, falling to sleep nearly as quickly as she herself did. While they slept, Kylie had a dream of being back in her new home and coming into the bedroom to find Giselle atop Maria knocking away happily just before noticing Kylie, where she turned and smiled at her and gestured her over to the bed. Once there, Kylie would be pulled down onto the bed, where Giselle caressed her pregnant belly while thrusting away into Maria who wrapped her legs around Giselle and forced her to cum inside, with Maria screaming out. "F-FUCK YES GISELLE... KNOCK ME UP JUST LIKE KYLIE, MAKE ME A MOTHER TOO!" Maria cried, with Kylie noticing that Giselle filled the vryloka girl up so much her seed was leaking out around her length.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded, slipping off to sleep. When she had her dream though, she giggled, before making a mental note to make sure the vryloka drank a birth control draft. The only random love child Giselle would be having was hers. That was Her baby gravy.

Pondering the sanctity of her seemingly often filled womb here, Kylie decided to take Delilah's words to heart, and maybe close her legs for awhile. There was fun, and then there was too much fun, and Kylie had crossed that line at some point, probably when she'd inadvertently gotten a bunch of other people knocked up WITH her.... Yea.... Time to cool it a little... maybe...

Waking up whenever her wake up call arrived, Kylie wriggled out of her blanket pile with bleary eyes, looking around and stroking Wraith who was at her chest again. You eat like you were starved. she muttered, smiling down at the little darkmantle.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was woken by a young elven woman who was giving them their wake up call, stating it was 2 hours since they were told to come and wake her and Palla and that it was just after 2:00 pm. After she left and Kylie looked down at Wraith, he just looked innocently at Kylie when she woke and said what she did, seemingly curious as to what she was getting at as he went back to drinking his fill.

"Mmm, I don't wanna get up, but all the same I don't want to sleep on and on or I won't be able to sleep tonight," Palla mumbled as she stretched, laying next to Kylie still as her bulging belly rubbed against Kylie's a bit while she stretched and yawned.

Palla got up and went to the bathroom, after a little bit of struggling to climb up at first, but soon enough she would manage to get up on her own unless Kylie offered a bit of help to the goliath girl get up. Either way once she was up Palla went to the bathroom and did what she needed to do before coming back and sitting back down beside Kylie. "Well... what to do now hmm? I suppose we can't really go around and do a whole lot whilst we're bearing Eileen's eggs and whatnot, so... yeah," Palla asked, looking down at their bellies, with her's not being quite as large as Kylie's, but mainly because she was a larger woman, but she was no less pregnant. "Hey Kylie... is Eileen... a good person? I just don't want... well my first children to have a bad father or papa or whatever she'd prefer to be called. And... I was still wanting Giselle's, because she's so strong, having endured what all she has. I mean, I know she's your lover and all, but still, s-she's got a lot of stamina a-and she obviously wants children. I need to prove myself to you both and truly become part of the family," she went on to say, muttering the last sentence as a bit of an afterthought it seemed and not realizing she'd done so just loud enough for Kylie to overhear her. The goliath girl was obviously attracted to Giselle, likely because of Giselle's size and all, or rather the size of her dick. It was up to Kylie of course how she responded while Wraith released Kylie's breast and floated over to Palla and landed on her shoulder, caressing her cheek with one of his little tentacles.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Good person? Eileen's a wonderful person, you don't have to worry on that count. Kylie answered, her eyebrows having raised in a very "Meep?" like expression for a moment at the question. As for Giselle's children? Sorry, the first lovebaby that comes out of that woman is going in me. She's going to be my wife after all. But after? I really don't mind. And being part of the family? I don't mind that either. My family just keeps on growing and growing, I'm used to an insane dysfunctional family. I was part of an assassin's guild remember? And an orphan to boot. Everyone in the Rose is family. Even Hikari, who as we speak, is still probably having her brains fucked out thanks to our little duel. Kylie continued, before heading to the bathroom herself.

Wraith was free to do as he pleased without interference overly much from her, unless he was doing something dangerous, like trying to poke her knives again. Kylie for her part wasn't all that interested in doing anything, there was always something juicy in her dreams. Primarily a need to get back home and feed Maria a birth control omelet or 3.

coming back, stretching and waddling around, Kylie was primarily hungry, again, but decided to wait for dinner and a proper meal, fishing an apple out of her traveling supplies and devouring it quickly, tossing one to Palla.

You're right though, there isn't too much we can get away with while we're pregnant, and I'm alright with that. I have to maybe go meet Asha later, the herbalist, but I'm not entirely sure yet. May need to be a little more well known first. So really I'm just waiting on a weapon order and an answer from Oren, which, if Eileen is good, will be a solid Yes soon enough.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"That's sad, I didn't really know my parents much either. Dad got killed fighting some of the northern minotaurs and mom was kinda distant for the most part, though considering I was the youngest and by far the smallest of five other brothers and sisters to contend with all the time it was small wonder she had little time for me. Oh thanks," Palla replied, catching the apple that Kylie tossed her and taking a bite into the thing. "Heh, you'd be surprised what you could get away with back in the goliath village while you're pregnant. I've seen some women being able to get away with knocking the total shit out of some of the men there if one of them said something to one of the pregnant girls. This one poor guy, he was kinda handsome and was pretty young, not much older than myself. I wouldn't have minded trying to get a hold of him honestly, but anyway, he told this one pregnant gal she was looking a bit fat, and I and everyone else there at the tavern there just about knew what he meant, that her boobs were looking larger than usual. She hit him so hard she broke his nose and knocked out like... gods four teeth, with her first punch mind you. The second punch came with her full mug of ale she was sipping on and she broke that on the side of his head. He never looked handsome again really, but he never called her fat again, or anyone else for that matter," Palla went on to say, unable to stifle a few giggles as she spoke.

After that, Palla would pass the time with Kylie chatting about various things, which was actually one of the first times Kylie had been able to speak with the larger goliath girl without her being a bit fiery, instead seeming... quite calm and content. It was almost as if pregnancy had temporarily pacified the strong and normally hot headed goliath girl. About an hour after the two had woken from their naps, a knock on the door brought them out of their conversation as Palla called out for whoever it was to come on in, and through the door came Ilyana, Scarlett, and Angela.

"Hey you two, you feeling alright?" Ilyana asked as they came in and shut the door, all three of their bellies still well rounded with Eileen's younglings.

"Aye we're doing just fine. How about you three?" Palla answered and then asked, at which Ilyana nodded along with Angela who looked indifferent about her pregnancy, while Scarlett blushed as red as her name.

"Yeah, Scarlett here has been having some worries about things, and Angela and I have been helping to soothe them. She's worried she'll never be able to marry after this or anything like that," Ilyana then said, wrapping an arm around Scarlett's neck and using the other to gently caress her belly, which caused the half orc girl fidget a bit ticklishly.

"Yeah Eileen's big old spidery butt needs a good spanking I think. Damn girl has enough stamina sex wise to knock out a damned succubus just about," Angela said with a chuckle.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled as Palla told her about the Goliath village, it sounded pretty close to the Rose really, with squabbles breaking out all the time, and prowess dictating to some degree what you could get away with. Members were constantly stealing from each other, quoting the common nearby thieves guild adage; "If you're stolen from, you deserve to be." Meaning that simply put, if a thief was good enough, to pull one over on one of their fellows, it meant that fellow needed more training, and to learn from the experience. It became good practice for the assassins and it gave the younger members a way to get back at eachother without a duel every other day, though those were common as well, much to the same end as Herself and Hikari, with the win often going to the most prepared or cunning, with very little in the rules apart from a day being declared.

There was the occasional martial bout in duels, but in Garellia at least, those were the rarest, most often a more subtle way was taken, then again, Kylie was completely unfamiliar with the Crimean way, and it could very well be that Hikari really hadn't seen any such tactic coming. It would be a good learning experience.

As the others came in, Kylie finished her apple, flicking the seeds across the room like little bullets, before waving cheerfully.

Worries? About being able to marry? Scarlett hun, don't be ridiculous. I'm getting married back in feynrial and this is the SECOND full brood of eggs I've carried WHILE engaged. You have nothing to worry about. As for Stamina Angela... yes. She took all 5 of us in more ways then one before she was through and I wouldn't have been surprised if she had more to give. Not that any of us really complained... or were able to complain. That was a good night. Besides Scarlett, when you see em, you wont be able to let them go. I've seen cute before, and only one other little angel is closer to Disgustingly cute then baby driders. You need to relax and rest. she said, giggling slightly, an amused smile curling the corners of her lips.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, true I guess. I mean yeah I've had some good fun with her before, but I've never seen her so addled with lust like that before that she couldn't stop herself from just pounding us all raw and laying eggs in all of us," Angela said, chuckling a bit as they talked of Eileen.

"Kylie's right Scarlett, you need to unwind some and just not worry so much about it. There's plenty of men out there that'd love a hottie like you. You just gotta go out and find them, and if they'd worry themselves over that then they aren't worth the trouble," Ilyana said to her friend, patting her shoulder as they came over and sat on the web bed Eileen had left hanging there for them all. "And besides, I've born baby driders before now myself, and Kylie's right they are adorable. And the little ones are so lovable and cuddly. You'll be just fine," she added with a smile.

"Okay... if you all say so. I just... thought my first child would be with my husband,[/COLOR]" Scarlett said, blushing and looking down at her feet as she sat on the side of the web bed with Ilyana and Angela to either side, where they both patted her back and stroked her hair.

"A child is a child Scarlett, you should never disrespect the life you bear within you. Everything happens for a reason remember," Palla said in a positive tone as she moved over, reaching around her and hugging her from behind while she caressed Scarlett's bulging belly gently, trying to cheer her up more, the fact that they were all doing so seemingly working for the young paladin.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled as everyone did their best to make Scarlett feel better, before hearing what Palla said and perking up, bringing over the cuddly sleep DoomSquiddling Wraith, and setting him very gently in Scarlett's cleavage. He is Wraith, a baby darkmantle you've already met. And he is the cuddliest little troublemaker I've ever met. Hope isn't even my birth child, and she's curious, and full of her own shenanigans. Little Driders? You're gonna turn into a puddle of motherly affection and stress instantly. now cuddle the baby and smile. She said, rubbing her own belly and wriggling back into her blanket nest, poking her head out. And Now I am Warm. she muttered to herself momentarily, before perking back into the conversation.

As for men... Men are overrated. Monsters... now those are a great deal more fun, don't complain nearly as much, and don't try to apologize with anything other then a really good fuck, or something so funny you can't stay angry... at least in my experience. Kylie continued, perfectly content to be the wise old blanket hermit on the mountain.

NOW! I've heard tales of strange bunny people, and other monsters and monstery plants and all kinds of things I haven't seen or met and want to just to cause mischief, I have a vacation to plan, eggs to birth, a very large darkmantle to check in on, a Kagome to toss back into the basement with that very same darkmantle, and weapons to retrieve. Trust me O paladin of the BattleBringer. You are gonna be just fine. Even more to my point of relaxing, it's not like you had any control over the situation, Eileen made sure of that, so all you can realistically do is lean back, sigh, figure shit happens, and enjoy the ride. That's all life is, a crazy ass ride that you should make the most of. Kylie continued on her rant, not even sure if anyone was still listening, though it spoke volumes to her ability to get into trouble without the usual crippling guilt, stress, or remorse.... or empathy... or any kind of restraint...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Wraith was placed between her breasts, Scarlett just kind of looked down at him for a moment as he coiled a couple of tentacles down into her clothing and around her breasts, which caused her to blush a good bit, but she didn't try to stop him as he did as Kylie said and cuddled against her. "A-Alright... I'll try... I guess. I mean, I'm not going to terminate the pregnancy, I'd kick my own ass before I did that. But... I just wasn't ready for it now, you know. And... I thought I'd have a boyfriend or two at least before I even considered children," Scarlett said as she was surrounded by friendly faces, all of whom gave their morale support to her. "You're right though, it's not like I can go back in time and stop it from happening really. I kinda wish though that Eileen had not taken my virginity obviously, but then again it wasn't all that bad an outcome I suppose... it... did kind of feel good... I guess," she added, blushing as deeply as her name again.

"That's right honey, you've got a big round belly now, but the sex was good, so that ought to be enough to make up for it. I mean driders are pretty darn good in bed, because they just got so much stamina," Ilyana said with a smile, hugging her friend from behind. "And as Kylie says, the little driders are just too damned adorable to make it bad. Besides hon, I and the others all heard you moaning up a storm last night too, and you stopped struggling and allowed her to continue pounding your tight little pussy and ass for all their worth. So you obviously enjoyed it more than disliking it," she added, kissing Scarlett on the cheek in a friendly manner, her words and all their affections seeming to cheer her up quite a bit now thankfully.

Wraith in the meantime squeezed Scarlett's breasts a bit and looked up as if saying, "Come on pop those boobies out for me, I'm starving," but when he did manage to worm his way down into her clothing enough to latch onto a nipple, it caused her to gasp as she looked down at him while he began suckling, managing to find some milk in there amazingly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched Wraith, raising an eyebrow before Scarlett gasped and she started giggling. Gah, the little troublemaker is always hungry. At least he's gentle. I suppose everyone's breasts might be starting to get sore if we're all lactating now... Well... I suppose he can just make the rounds on us for a few days hahaha.

As for virginity? I can't rightfully...... Wait no, I was 16 when I lost mine. On a job. Best way to get to a target was to get into his bed, what we hadn't counted on was that I'd get tied down to the bed. Not gonna lie... Scared the hell out of me at first, but that was a good night now that I look back on it. At the time it just made the job much much easier when I got loose. No one spanks me damnit.... Even if I moan like a whore when they do Kylie said, looking off into space, before starting to laugh.

Honestly, my opinion might be a bit off though, I just recollected using my virginity as a weapon.... Nor was that the only time I used my legs to get me closer to someone. I feel for your lost virginity, but it was only ever important to me until I'd lost it. Now I take pleasure where I can find it, because I'm sure you know Scarlett, the world is full of pain. Take what you can get. Kylie continued, before getting dressed.

NOW! are you all as hungry as I am? Because if so, tell me what you want, I'm headed down to grab some food. It's on me.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye the world is full of pain, and that's one of my duties, to ease as much of said pain as I possibly can. I mean... yeah I'd have liked to keep my virginity, for that right person, whoever he was... o-or she. But it's not going to hinder my ability to protect people. Though the pregnancy however... that's kinda going to interfere with that some, but... she wasn't herself and I know her aunt Nina very well. I can't really hold it against her when we've had to suppress driders before when they get drunk and stuff like that. So I know how they can sometimes get when they're like that," Scarlett said after Kylie was done talking, still blushing a bit, but apparently their words had gotten through to her and she wasn't so worries anymore. "I'm more worried about my position more than anything though. I mean... if I have to fight... if I'm needed to help fight... I won't be able to. And I really can lose my position for being unable to perform my duties. I just hope that these little ones come out before I have to go into battle again," she added, making it obvious now what she was most worried about to the others.

"Oh silly, if the temple priestesses put in some good words for you it's not like they can really dismiss you or anything," Ilyana assured her with a pat on her shoulder. "And you do too like being spanked you slutty girl you. You'd lay there and let Eileen spank you until you came if she wanted to," she added to Kylie, winking at her.

When Kylie got up and dressed and asked who all was hungry, they all nodded and got up to join her downstairs. Eileen still wasn't back yet, but as they were going downstairs they ran into Delilah coming back from what she'd been doing and she decided to join them for dinner. "Oh Kylie, I spoke with the ladies at the temple and they'll have someone trained in rituals and stuff to make us a portal back to Feynrial. I paid them enough for the ritual and a bit more for their services in doing this for us, and they said just whenever we need them to do so just let them know and they'll open it for us, so when you're ready to head on back we can go," Delilah said as they sat down for dinner, with the pregnant ladies all ordering plenty to eat, looking very hungry.

While they were eating, Eileen came scuttling back in and noticed them in the tavern area and came in there. "Hey girls, you all feeling alright?" she asked them all, the look of a worry wart on her face, to which all of them nodded and everything to alleviate. "And Kylie... I was able to find some of those, but not a whole lot. Doubtful it'd be enough for a full coat of it, but I brought what I could and they're being fixed up for us as we speak. I'll head out tomorrow too and hunt some more for you, so don't worry about it alright, I'll make sure you have those before we leave," she added to Kylie on the matter of the minks she went out hunting for her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie waved cheerfully as Delilah joined them, ordering some more meat for wraith since he was still always hungry, and whatever was easiest on the menu, turning out to be a couple sandwiches and an entire jug of orange juice, once again on her insane fruit kick. At least her vagina probably tasted like fruit at this point with her diet. Tucking In as she listened, Kylie nodded. Thanks Delilah, should make the return trip nice and simple then. she said, going back to her food and cutting up Wraith's meal while she was at it.

If the little scamp decided to abandon the breasts of Scarlett, which was really just a maybe, or any of the other tits around the table full of milk, Kylie would let him eat his fill. Otherwise, the plate would sit until he took it, or she did.

Seeing Eileen come in as well, Kylie shooed her hands around Stop fussing you big goof. We're all fine, just hungry all the time, and waddling like a bunch of mother geese. Ahh, you found some? Excellent! And that would be perfect, thank you Eileen. Besides, I'm sure the little bastards are a pain in the ass to catch. But anything to bring Oren around. If we get this done, then the greedy gadget maker wont have any more arguments to bring around. And... I already got the supplies sent to Alan... New designs... I wanted to see if I could recruit Asha, but she really does seem too firmly entrenched and less interested in money, and more her work. I mean, the only offer I could bring her would be financial freedom, she'd only have to worry about her research, let an underling run the store. But I doubt she'd appreciate working for someone elses benefit, and doubtfully in medicines and more dubious requests. Kylie mused, still eating before draining glass after glass of orange juice and asking for a refill on her jug.

Rubbing her belly happily, Kylie wondered if all this sugar was going to mean her driders were all going to be spazzes.... that could be hilarious. or trouble. or hilarious trouble.

I'm also curious as to how Hikari is doing.... I should really go check on them... if you'll excuse me... Kylie said, finishing her meal and standing, heading to Brianna's room with her OJ Jug and glass still in hand and a half finished sandwich in her mouth, knocking on the door before finishing the meal swiftly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye it will make it easier, and it won't be so tough on you all and your backs having to sleep on the cold hard ground and stuff," Delilah replied with a nod to Kylie as they all made their orders.

Wraith released Scarlett's breasts after the smell of meat wafted into his nose... or whatever passed for his nose anyway. There was a bit of everything really, though the meat that was there was mostly pulled beef this time more so than anything else, but there was a bit of pork. Wraith began digging into the food Kylie had set aside after he let go of Scarlett, seeming quite happy about the food.

"I gotta fuss over you all, after what I did and all auntie Nina would tan my hide if I didn't. And it's doubtful you'll buy out Asha, she's not really concerned with money gain and just uses what she makes to get more basic reagents and stuff like that and components. She makes some medicines though I know, couldn't tell you what all she does make however," Eileen said to Kylie after she was done talking, winking as she went over to the bar and ordered herself something to eat too.

"Well let's not worry about work or buying someone's shops out or anything like that and let's just enjoy dinner alright girls," Delilah said as they all dug into their dishes.


After dinner was done and Kylie decided to go check up on Hikari, the others nodded and told her that they would all be staying there for a while and chatting with each other and maybe playing some card games of some sort to pass the time until they were all ready for bed after their food settled. After getting upstairs, Kylie knocked on the door as she finished her food. She was answered soon after by a naked drow woman who after a few moments look she noticed was Lyria, her hair disheveled and she looked like she'd had some fun too.

"Oh... Kylie, wasn't expecting you. What'cha need?" Lyria said as she greeted her, and peeking inside Kylie would hear a soft moan coming from the bathroom.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bah Kylie answered Delilah, waving her hand dismissively. My mind goes a mile a minute, I have to be thinking about something, and if I think about Giselle, it's only about how much I miss her and Hope right now, so I keep busy, that's all. she explained.

Once she'd knocked on the door of Brianna's room, Kylie poured herself another glass of OJ while she waited and drank it down, giggling as Lyria answered completely nude.

I'm just fine Lyria, I was just popping by to make sure Hikari was alright, I admittedly had to use more catnip then I'd wanted to, so I'm understandably worried, though from the looks of things, she's handling just fine hahaha. And with a pair of succubi to help wear her out, I'm sure Brianna is managing as well. One way or another. Just, tell Hikari and Brianna that if they need anything they can always get in touch, and if they hear anything interesting after I head out in a few days, they can get to me through Hazel back in Feynrial. If nothing else, Elise knows who that is. But other then that, I'll leave you all to it if you'd rather. Here, I'm sure people are getting plenty thirsty. She said, handing the jug of orange juice over.

If she was invited in, she'd of course enter, though for whatever reason they would want to speak with her, she was unsure. But otherwise, she would head back to the common area with her friends for the remainder of the night before heading to bed.