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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"O-Okay then mistress, I leave it in your capable hands. Since mine are a bit... useless at the moment," Maria said in a slightly shaky voice as she struggled to sit up without the pleasure overwhelming her, then Kylie would see her stick her tongue out at her playfully as she seemed to have lightened up and relaxed as a smile formed on her lips.

While Kylie picked out Maria's clothes, Maria looked at her gloves, obviously trying to figure out how to take them off if the need arose, but she didn't try to do so. When Kylie warned her not to try and use her teeth to break free from the gloves, Maria gulped. "I... I won't. But... what if I need to pee... or, you know?" Maria replied quickly, though blushing a bit as Kylie finished getting her into her clothing she'd gotten out for her.

Maria watched as Kylie got herself into her sexy outfit that Giselle liked so much, gulping a bit herself at just how good Kylie looked in it. When Kylie fixed the leash around Maria's neck, the priestess pouted a little and whined softly, but didn't stop her, very obviously enjoying herself at this point despite her earlier reluctance and whatnot. She did moan with most every step, but she put on a brave face and tried to hold them back. When they got to the bottom of the steps, Maria gulped and looked around to see if any of the children were within sight of her and looking her way. Seeing a couple of the little lamias slithering their way and heading past them, Maria held in her moans, not wanting to disturb them or make them wonder what was happening to her. They didn't pay the two of them too much mind as they went past, only waving and smiling up at them as they did, and thankfully not stopping to stare, which might have caused Maria to faint, Kylie thought.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Just think Maria, slick, needy, wide open for anything that wants to play with you... But you're missing just one... last... thing. she said, heading down to the basement, but looking for the others, Bob likely to immediately notice the situation.

Kylie however was not interested in bequeathing her new plaything to Bob, but instead was digging around in her potion supply, before coming up with 2. Bob was free to prod, tease, and molest all he liked, but trying to grab Maria would earn him a swat and a No. Maybe later, this is Giselle's toy. she'd say, letting Maria know her situation, before grabbing a bottle of scotch as well, and heading for the kitchen.

Once there, She'd pour the glasses, and dose them, Maria's with an Okami, and herself with a Neko, putting a straw in Maria's as well as a little umbrella just to make everything better, because nothing was as good as it could be without a tiny umbrella. Drink up she said, making sure Maria's drink wasn't strong enough to get her Lit, but a little relaxation would be good. As for other things, you can just tell me, and I'll help. You can ask Mistress for anything. she teased, wondering when Giselle would get back from Brandi's from her errand to see the Chaos.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Y-Yeah... but... I want Giselle... she's the best," Maria said softly as the little lamias went past where she followed Kylie along towards the basement.

Tina and Selara were in the kitchen where most of the rest of the little lamias were at getting some lunch, save a couple of more in the living room slithering around. Lively little things they were, and eagerly getting into everything it seemed as the little blonde one from before had her head poking over one of the wastebaskets in the living room to see what was in it. Passing by the duo and their many children, Tina simply raised an eyebrow and smirked a bit at Maria and Kylie.

"Don't corrupt my children please Kylie. Last thing I need if for them to learn that kind of stuff too early in life," Tina said, though she did burst into a fit of giggles as Selara prepared some little sandwiches for the little lamias, passing them out and making them all gather over to her where she set them up on the dining table to eat.

Upon entering the basement, with Maria holding her moans back until Kylie had shut the basement door behind them and not moving forward no matter what until she had, so she could moan without bothering the children. Bob immediately investigated by sliding a couple of tentacles over to them, one going between both of their legs and gently rubbing against their pussies, where he seemed to have noticed Maria's lack of panties before a couple of more began to come out towards the priestess, with Maria gulping and taking a step back only to moan and nearly stumble. Bob did try to get a bit more frisky with Maria, a tentacle sliding up under her crotch rope and against her asshole to prod, which Maria whimpered at.

"N-No Bob... please, not my ass," Maria whined, squirming her hips around to try and get away from his tentacles, as a couple of others gently coiled around and tugged her threads, with what Kylie could only take as a look of glee in his big eye as he teased Maria.

He stopped though when Kylie swatted him away from Maria, his tentacles retreating a bit until she went back to gathering her potions, where they went back to teasing her threads and rubbing against her lower holes with the tips of the tentacles, tickling both holes. By the time she was done getting the potions how she wanted them and came back to Maria, the young priestess's legs were shaking and she looked about to collapse, but Bob was holding her up and obediently not fucking her brains out, even though his instincts told him to take this lovely juicy morsel in front of him.

"W-Well... maybe a favor. You got to do all this stuff to me today. So... do I get to get some revenge maybe?" Maria said slowly as she took her drink in both hands since that was the only way she could really drink it, where her mouth found the straw and sucked it down quickly, thankful for the drink since her throat was a little dry from all that moaning she'd been doing.


Meanwhile upstairs in the bedroom, the big knotted dildo that Kylie had strapped up to the bed's headboard was hanging there still, dripping Maria's juices onto their pillows. It looked so lonely and sad there all alone like that, but it looked well satisfied at least. Delilah noticed it there when she came past their bedroom and came over to the bed to get a look at it, curious about what it was doing there. She leaned in and ran her tongue up the underside of it, getting a taste of Maria's juices that drenched it.

"Hmm... not Kylie's... so gotta be Maria's. Poor thing, Kylie made her take you all the way up in that tight little pussy of Maria's didn't she? But you got one helluva fun time out of it I'll bet. Maria's really tight. I hope your knot didn't hurt her any, but I'm sure Kylie helped to make sure that didn't happen. I'm sorry though, I don't know what kind of knot Kylie used here. Don't worry though, they'll be back soon, and Kylie will get you down then and make sure you're put to good use again I'm sure," Delilah said, petting the dildo a couple of times before kissing the head of it, and then she left, shutting the door behind her.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Bob was free to molest all he liked, but that was all. And then maria was spared from his further attentions after Maria asked about revenge, Kylie turning and nodding rather emphatically. Absolutely, With much gusto and enthusiasm as soon as my own poor pussy is back up to fighting shape. she answered without a hint of hesitation, thanking Bob for behaving by deepthroating a tendril for him as a tease, before getting Maria set up with her drink.

Once it was gone, Kylie cooed softly as her own swishy neko tail slid out, along with pointy cat ears, and Maria found out she had a bushy okami tail that wouldn't stop swinging around, and would betray her feelings and emotions Immediately.

Heading back on up, Kylie stuck her tongue out at Tina Don't worry any, they don't understand any of it and wont for a long while. Besides, I can't make love to Giselle like I want to, so she's getting something special. she said, gesturing up and down at Maria and her current predicament. But then maria was mostly spared form being paraded around by being sit down while Kylie got her a snack, and a proper glass of orange juice, tucking a fork into her mitt under a strap to eat with, while getting a glass for herself as well, pulled pork leftover quickly reheated and set before Maria to get something real in her stomach.


Meanwhile, upstairs, the knotted toy was indeed feeling sorry for itself, before the Middle Siren came to check on it, filling it with Joy. Maybe it would get used again!

Sadly, that was not meant to be, but Delilah's promises that Kylie would Never just abandon it without purpose restored it's hope, standing proud, jutting out from the headboard like the king of all dicks. Prepared, READY TO SERVE!

With a more positive outlook on not-life. The proud dildo stood at attention, waiting for it's chance.


Back Downstairs, Maria was figuring out how to eat, Tina was likely drooling at the display, Selara was probably indifferent, or doing something rude with her tail to Maria, and they were all waiting to see the look on Giselle's face.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Maria nodded in thanks at Kylie's agreeing to let her get a bit of revenge in some way later on, once she'd recovered. A minute later, their tails and ears sprouted out, with Maria's wolf tail wagging happily behind her as she wriggled her hips and caused more pleasure. Each time she moaned and had a burst of pleasure, Maria's tail wagged a bit faster and more eagerly, betraying her completely to Kylie.

Heading back up, a bit slowly in Maria's case, they saw Tina and Selara both there still watching their children, all of them now by the looks of it, eating their lunch. When Kylie spoke to Tina about what she'd said before on their way down, Tina raised an eyebrow. "I hope so, don't want the corrupted yet at least. Because if they do then we'll have a bunch of lamia's all wanting to have a go with all of us," Tina replied, sticking her tongue out at Kylie and winking at her.

Maria thanked Kylie when she got some food out for her, taking careful sips of her orange juice and eating her food as best she could while sitting there, taking care not to move her body around to cause pleasure. Tina was ogling Maria a little bit, the priestess's ample breasts perfect for the harness Kylie had her in. Selara was staring a bit too, with Kylie noticing the adult lamia licking her lips a bit hungrily as she ogled Maria herself. Oh what a night that would be, Giselle taking her front and Selara taking her back, not stopping until Maria had fainted from the pleasure.

Giselle came back about 20 minutes later or so, where she called into the kitchen from the front door as she closed it behind her. "Hey everyone, I'm home. Took that over to Brandi and caught her just before she left for a late lunch," Giselle called out to them, coming to the kitchen.

When she entered, she waved at everyone, doing a double take at Kylie and Maria and visibly and audibly gulping as she beheld the two. Her eyes fluttered ever so softly as she stared at her two lovers, where she moved over to them and kissed Kylie and then Maria, embracing them both as she did and pulling both to their feet, or just Maria if Kylie was already standing, and drawing a soft moan from Maria because of the movement. "Um... what's the occasion you two? I don't think I've seen Maria in regular clothing... ever. I must say Maria you look... gorgeous in that. And you look gorgeous too Kylie, you know I like that outfit on you," Giselle said, her trousers tenting by the time she'd kissed them both and spoke, the bulge pressing against both Kylie and Maria as she pulled them against her to block it from the sight of the little lamias, while Maria's cheeks flushed at her words.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

I'll have to remember that Tina, bribe them with candy into my little army. she teased, helping Maria get her meal in as they waited for Giselle.

When she did arrive, Kylie was pulled from her fantasies as she heard Giselle call out from the front, before finally coming back and letting her jaw drop as she had to do a double take at everything. Kylie returned the kiss eagerly, moaning softly before Maria got her kiss as well.

No occasion, just a special night for you now that I'm back. Maria here needed a little coaxing, but she's a bit more... open, now. she said, grinning at the word.

She's a good little pet, do whatever you like, but she gets to wear her harness and collar all day. Pets don't have hands, she's just a plaything for you. Isn't that right Maria. she said, turning her gaze to regard Maria, still holding her leash.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aww... you two came up with this for little old me? Thank you both," Giselle said, kissing them both again while Maria blushed and Kylie likely giggled.

"Y-Yes mistress... I'm a good pet. Mistress's beloved is my mistress as well if she wants to be. Pet will... b-be your plaything until you set her free. And yes, Pet is more open than she was before," Maria said, her words directed at both Kylie and Giselle as she sat there, blushing profusely but obviously enjoying the whole thing as her tail betrayed her yet again.

"Hmhm, such a good Pet. I might have to give our cute little Pet a treat soon if she keeps up such good behavior," Giselle said, immediately falling into character as Maria's other master along with Kylie as she reached up and petted Maria's head, which made Maria's ears twitch a little while her tail wagged even more than before. "Tell me Pet, what would most like me to do right now, hmm?" Giselle then asked Maria, tickling the underside of Maria's chin with her index finger, which made Maria giggle and squirm before she nuzzled against Giselle's hand, which caressed her cheek.

"Pet would like... her mistresses to... p-play with her. Pet is her mistresses plaything, so... p-play with her... please," Maria replied, squirming around more and moaning softly as she leaned against Giselle, with Kylie noticing Maria's toes curling ever so slightly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched with a smile, Selara and Tina were likely drooling over this as well. Maria acting like a good little submissive while every motion tormented her, her tail acting as a perfect indicator of her actual interest without mercy.

Kylie only nodded at her request though, and looked to Giselle, handing her the leash. Whatever shall we do Lover?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmm, what indeed Kylie," Giselle said with a smirk as she happily took the leash, tapping her chin with her index finger as she thought for a few moments. "Ah, I got it. Why don't we take our Pet upstairs and... hmm. Selara dear, do you want to have some fun? I wouldn't mind too much, just so long as you don't put any eggs in her," Giselle then said, grinning at Selara who blushed a bit.

"O-Okay, sure... I'd love to. We can have Delilah come down and watch the kids while they nap, and Tina can join in too," Selara said, giggling with a lust filled look in her eyes at the mere thought of getting to have Maria.

"Hey sis, come here a minute," Tina called to Delilah, who came in quickly and asked what was wrong. "Nothing the matter really. But can you watch the kids for us please? Selara and I are going to have some fun with Kylie, Giselle, and Maria upstairs. So...think you can handle that?" she added, giving Delilah a smile.

"Sure, go on and knock yourselves out," Delilah said with a wink.

"W-Would mistress please carry Pet upstairs so Pet doesn't have to suffer?" Maria asked Giselle, pawing at her with her gloved hands.

"Of course your mistress will carry you so you needn't suffer. You've been such a good Pet for me, and I don't want my Pet here to suffer," Giselle said with a smile, gently lifting Maria up in her arms and carrying her like a princess as she winked at Kylie, carrying Maria upstairs as the rest followed.

When they arrived in the bedroom, Giselle, Tina, and Selara all gave a quizzical look at the knotted dildo still standing proudly at attention and ready for more action. "That was how Pet was loosening up earlier for her other mistress," Maria said to them all as she blushed and rubbed her cheek against Giselle's breasts, mostly directed at Giselle of course.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie waved at Delilah as she came in, playing the role of babysitter willingly while Maria asked to be carried, Kylie popping an eyebrow, before Giselle granted the request. Nicer then I am, I was thinking about having her walk a lap around town. she teased, following the party for what was likely to be something of a gangbang, something of an orgy. No real telling. Sadly, Kylie's holes were offlimits. But Selara had a snakelike tongue... they'd think of something.

Her neko ears swiveled as she thought about things. Grinning as they all looked at the dildo she'd left stuck to the headboard.

O yes, that. Tina, you have quite the selection. It was so much fun watching Maria get stuck on that. Even more fun watching her get off as she tried to get off. Kylie explained, moving to run a finger around the knot and looking at Maria.

But it's Giselle's turn to play~ I'm still eager to see what she'll do... and more eager to see what you two will do. she said, stepping off to the side to peel her clothing away, revealing the lingerie underneath. it was like she'd dropped fresh meat in front of tigers with Maria, but she was a meal they could only taste.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh believe me, I was thinking about a lap around town too. But I feel that might be just a bit too much for her first time all bound up like this. And I'd hate to have Maria's... I mean, our little Pet's heart stop on her when everyone saw her like this," Giselle said with a giggle, looking very tempted to do that very thing, but when Maria trembled in fear she simply smiled and pet her head. "But I'm not going to do that just yet honey, I know you're still opening up and stuff, so I don't want to overdo it just yet," she added as she pet Maria.

After getting upstairs and after Maria and Kylie both spoke of the dildo, Tina raised an eyebrow and giggled. "I see you've been in my toy box again Kylie. Heh you haven't seen my best toy chest yet, I may let you have a look after we get done in here," Tina said with a smirk, winking at Kylie. "But only if you promise to properly clean them up and maintain them, and then put them up when you're done. "And I like variety in my toys. When it comes to the real thing I'm happy with one though, and this is my one," Tina added with a grin as she reached down to Selara's crotch and grasped the lamia's ovipositor dick which Selara already had out, with the lamia's eyes fluttering.

"Oh I'm going to play good, and don't you worry sweetie, you won't be left out any either. You might need to take it easy for a couple of days, but that doesn't mean I can't pleasure you in other ways, hmhm. In the meantime though, Pet, you can please Selara and I, to get us ready for action," Giselle said to Kylie and then Giselle as she turned to her and guided her over to the bed by her leash, where she sat down and pulled Maria down onto her knees in front of her as she slipped her clothes off.

Selara sat down next to her on the bed, curling her tail up on the floor next to her, where she removed her loincloth top and bottom she was wearing and revealed her ovipositor dick, which was all ready for Maria. "Well... since you can't really use her hands just yet too much Maria, I want you to take turns sucking us both off until we cum... m'kay. If you do that like a good little pet, then I'll give you a treat after we're all done and everything," Giselle said with a smile, petting Maria again as the young priestess went for Giselle first, eagerly and happily taking the head of her dick in her mouth where she began slurping and licking on it like a lollipop.

"Well, she can still play with mine while sucking you off I think, just use both hands dear," Selara said, gently pulling both of Maria's hands up and wrapping them as best she could with the gloves on them around her length, where Maria began stroking her shaft, eliciting a soft moan from Selara.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie giggled at Tina, shaking her head. It's a good collection. she admitted, before taking a hard backseat to everything going on and taking a seat, crossing her legs and simply watching.

Giselle and Selara it seemed wanted to try Maria's mouth like she'd done earlier, though now Maria had what she really wanted, a nice dick in her mouth to play with. Though, watching her stroke of the lamia gently in her mittens was quite nice as well, Kylie treated to the show of 4 women all enjoying themselves, one elected by herself to be a good little cum dumpster for the day.

You know though Giselle, she already ran quite the sprint through town in nothing but her harness, long story, but I think she gave everyone a free show. she said, giggling from her place in her chair, her cat tail curling up into her lap comfortably as her ears twitched.

Maria's tail was going completely batshit, so happy was she to have Giselle in her maw, Kylie a little impressed with how enamored she'd become with her fiancé, listening to her happy sounds as she put her impressive tongue to work.


The BedDong was pleased, as promised by the nice Siren earlier, More had come to play, it had not been abandoned or forgotten. Even it's master Tina gave it a caress, causing it's little dickish heart to soar. If it could dance, it would.


Kylie meanwhile was just waiting for Giselle and Selara to pop, giving their little Pet a good long drink to think on before the main even started, Tina seeming to be pondering something instead. Probably her more impressive toybox. There was no telling.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Did she now? Well then we may have to take that walk sooner rather than later maybe. And I like the additions for you and Maria honey, excellent choice for Maria by the way too, now I know just how much she likes what I'm doing to her," Giselle replied when Kylie mentioned Maria's sprint through town while mostly naked, while Maria's tail wagged back and forth like crazy as she knelt there before the two large dicks she now had to herself.

Tina meanwhile had moved over to the toy box and was rummaging around in it, where she tapped Kylie on the shoulder and winked, motioning her over to her position while Maria tended to the two dicks in the room, well, minus the other one that Tina had given a couple of kisses and licks to make it feel nice too, and to remind it that it wasn't forgotten. "Hey look... maybe we should add a little... mystery to Maria's situation. What do you say?" Tina whispered, holding up a black cotton blindfold as well as a feather tickler to show Kylie as she winked again and smirked. "You can tickle her feet and whatnot while she's sucking them off," Tina then whispered, suggesting something Kylie could do with the tickler as she took the blindfold and started over to the three on or beside the bed, where Maria was deepthroating Giselle's shaft and gagging a bit on it, most likely as she wasn't properly trained how to not do so yet.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie headed over to Tina, chuckling quietly as she was handed a tickler while the siren fished out a blindfold. That's just mean... she whispered, watching Tina head over to blindfold maria while she worked herself down as far as she could on Giselle's cock.

Yes, the tail's a nice touch isn't it, like a lie detector or sorts. Can't fake the way that thing is wagging. she answered, laughing as she headed over behind Maria after she was blindfolded, running it along the sole of her foot, doing just as Tina asked with an evil grin.

From there it was a long pause, before she attacked her left side instead, and then her arm. Another long pause, and then she went after Maria's neck, always giving her a break, making her wait for the next one, trying to guess where it would come from while her own motions tugged her nipples and clit gently, the threads doing their jobs perfectly.

She'd be so horny and addled by the time anyone got to shoving a real cock in her, that she'd cum right then and there, if she didn't cum on the floor around Giselle's length.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"And... gotcha, with this sweetie pie, you'll feel double the pleasure I think... because it'll enhance your sense of touch to make up for the fact you have no sight," Tina said as she slipped the blindfold down over Maria's eyes while Maria deepthroated Giselle on that specific time, catching the priestess by surprise as the blindfold was placed over her face, her tail wagging madly behind her despite the whine she let out.

When Kylie's tickler slid up her foot, Maria jumped a bit with a gasp, her blindfolded face having a surprised expression on it. Her tail was betraying her again and wagging even more madly than before, indicating she liked the tickle. Each time Kylie moved to another spot to tickle, Maria jumped a bit, though she dutifully kept sucking Giselle and stroking Selara. After a minute or so of this, Maria moaned a little around Giselle's dick before lifting off of it and switching to sucking Selara off now, working the lamia's ovipositor cock just as good as she had Giselle's. When she switched to Selara, Maria let out a muffled startled yelp as Selara placed her hand on the back of Maria's head and pulled her all the way down to the base just as Tina directed Kylie to slide the feather tickler right up across Maria's butt cheeks. At this, Maria shuddered and came thanks to all the teasing and stimulation she was receiving, her folds quivering along with the rest of her as her breasts jiggled deliciously.

"Ooooh yeah, cum for us Maria, you know you want to. And then you'll be so horny and ready for us our dicks will just slide in like a hot knife through butter. Gods it'll be fantastic, for you and us," Giselle said with a smile, petting Maria again as the priestess switched back to her to suck on again.

After another minute or so, Giselle shifted around so she was sitting right up against Selara so their shafts were rubbing against one another, where Maria licked up both of them one after the other while one hand stroked across either shaft. This quickly finished off the two and brought them to climax, their seed gushing up their lengths and spurting out all over Maria's blindfolded face, drenching her hair as well in the process. Maria sat there in a bit of a daze as both of them unloaded their seed onto her face and then her chest. Maria was a bit out of breath after that, her face with a blissful expression on her face.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

And then Maria popped on the floor. Kylie idly wondered to herself in her lingerie, if there'd be anything left of Maria when they were done with her. At least she knew she'd probably be out of it for a couple hours.


HeadrestSirWangsAlot watched the unfolding scene. And it could appreciate what was going on, it could appreciate it's name changing every time it contemplated itself in the second and third person. But it couldn't appreciate that it was in fact, contemplating at all.

Twas a shame though. His little friend moaning on the floor and now covered in cum. She needed deepthroat training. He was already there. Maybe the first mistress would see to it.


But the fun was far from over and Kylie was already grinning. There were 2 dicks and 4 women for Maria to please, after already having been through the ringer with Kylie. It would certainly be interesting. As Giselle and Selara came, Kylie reached around Maria, her fingers hooking into her harness on the front, tugging up gently every couple seconds, starting to make her climb towards her peak all over again, wanting her to need to be filled, wanting to see her whine and beg for it.

She was close, she wanted it, Kylie knew she did, she just needed to toss aside that last tiny bit of pride.
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Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There was a small wet spot on the floor from Maria's juices dripping from her folds in the aftermath of her orgasm Kylie could see. Maria was panting a good bit as the dicks were rubbed against either cheek as she licked the girls seed from their shafts. When Kylie reached around Maria and tugged on the threads, Maria arched her back and squealed, taking Giselle's rod in her mouth again and sucking hard on it and making Giselle tense up as she gave another spurt of seed at the end of her climax.

"Oh gods... Maria you're so good," Giselle said, caressing Maria's hair and stroking her seed drenched cheek.

"I... I want you Giselle... please... f-fuck me. I need to cum so bad," Maria said, seeming to have given in the rest of the way as Kylie tugged on her threads.

Giselle smiled and winked at Kylie, Tina, and Selara, where she then lifted Maria to her feet, who's knees were trembling so much she could barely manage to stand up fully. "Alright then, I'm going to fuck you good and deep Maria... just come here, lay back, and spread your legs for me okay," Giselle said, scooping Maria up and laying her down on the bed and making her get into the doggystyle position. "Okay sweetie, you ready for me?" Giselle then asked, gesturing to Selara to slid up behind Maria and take her place, smirking a bit as she did.

"Y-Yes Giselle... please... I need you so bad. I... I don't even care if you get me pregnant... just please fuck me... c-cum inside me... I want to feel it warming me up. A-And as soon as Kylie's better you can get her pregnant too and we'll be so close... like sisters... I've never had a sister before... w-well aside from the other priestesses," Maria panted, almost crazed from the need for sex.

"Alright then, get ready... because here... I... come!" Giselle said, where Selara thrust into Maria's slick folds, hilting on her first thrust before sliding back out and going to town on Maria.

"Oh gods... y-yes Giselle... pound me hard and deep... I want it so bad!" Maria cried out, thinking it was Giselle fucking her when it was really Selara.

Giselle in the meantime lay down on the foot of the bed and patted her lap, where Tina hopped on and immediately moved to sink her pussy to impale herself on Giselle's hot hard dick, while Giselle took Kylie's hand and motioned her to sit down on her face, smirking as she did. When Kylie got down into her position, Giselle's tongue lashed out across Kylie's flower several times before slipping inside of Kylie's slit as far as it could. Tina was happily impaling herself over and over and moaning from the pleasure, while Maria moaned like a sex crazed addict as Selara pounded her from behind, the whole room turning into an orgy.

Maria's face was positioned so it was right next to the dildo attached to the headboard, and after a minute or so Maria felt it poke against her cheek and she instinctively opened her mouth and went for it, taking as much into her mouth as possible and giving it some more action which made it happy, as Delilah's words rang true and it was getting action again.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie thought it was a little mean to have Maria fooled, though she seemed so desperate for it that it hardly mattered, completely lost in her lust as Giselle got her into position on her hands and knees, and Selara drove into her spread cunny, the harness holding her wide for the Lamia who took every advantage.

As Maria all but begged to be fucked harder and faster, Selara was only too happy to take up the offer, but Giselle had something else in mind, laying down where Tina hopped up and sank straight down on her dick.

Kylie was perfectly happy to just let them have their fun, but Giselle motioned for her to join, the human assassin slipping carefully into place, before lowering herself down on Giselle's lips, groaning in pleasure as she started to lap at her, Kylie panting softly as she watched Tina bounce away on her sister, Kylie leaning in swiftly to kiss her, her hands slipping over Tina's thighs to steady her as she rolled her hips against Giselle's tongue.

She was a bit jealous that she couldn't have a dick herself, but turning her head after she broke the kiss with a soft gasp and a long, drawn out moan as her fiancé licked her, she saw Maria, eyes lidded slightly, finally noticing the cock jutting out of the headboard.

Mmm, o gods, Maria, that's a good girl, keep sucking on that toy, no matter what, that's where your mouth belongs until I say otherwise she commanded, listening to Maria moan and gasp around the toy she was suckling her own juices from, watching her lips reach the knot.

Deciding on something though, since Maria had a habit of sometimes not obeying commands, Kylie slid off of Giselle with a wink, getting out the Vryloka's leash for her collar, and doing much the same with it, tying Maria off to the headboard so no matter what, she couldn't pull back far enough to pull the fake cock from her mouth, only able to slide back and forth along it.

Once that was down, she moved back to Giselle, furiously rolling her hips against her fiancé's wonderful, hot, slick tongue, leaning in to wrap her lips around Tina's nipple, moaning into her chest.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle, Selara, and Tina all three smirked at Kylie when she climbed off of Giselle's face and fixed up Maria's leash so that she couldn't completely pull away from the dildo, so that she always had at least the head of it in her mouth. Once Kylie was back in her seat on Giselle's face, her fiance began licking her deeply again, the tip of her tongue flicking across her sensitive nub every now and then to increase Kylie's pleasure as much as possible. Tina moaned lewdly Kylie could see, her eyes crossing and rolling up into her head as she slammed herself down hard one last time onto Giselle's dick and came hard, her moan turning into a squeal in the process.

Selara soon followed with a good orgasm of her own, slamming forward into Maria one last hard time as she flooded Maria's pussy with her seed, pressing Maria forward in the process. Maria came too along with Selara, but her muffled moan was turned into a choking gag as Selara was pressing Maria a bit too hard forward onto the toy, her mouth spreading around that bulge ever so slightly as the rest of the dildo was lodged in her throat. Giselle, who hadn't came herself yet, reached out and grasped Selara's arm that was closer to her and got the lamia's attention and pulled her back a bit so she didn't choke Maria out with that dildo.

Seeing what she was doing, Selara gasped a bit and quickly pulled Maria back so the dildo was as little in her mouth as possible to allow her to breathe easy again. As soon as Selara had done this, Giselle dug her face back into Kylie's pussy, her tongue delving into the young assassin's slit as deep as it could as the futanari siren sister swirled around inside of her, hitting everywhere as much as possible. Tina leaned forward and pulled Kylie into a kiss while they both rolled their hips back and forth, one hand drifting down to tease Kylie's clit while the other groped Kylie's tits. Kylie's pleasure quickly began building more and more as she had the eldest and youngest of the three siren sisters pleasuring her, and Giselle moaned some more herself as Tina's hips slapped repeatedly down into her own.

Soon enough, Kylie couldn't hold back her pleasure any longer and felt a powerful orgasm washing over her just as Tina came again too as she lifted off of Giselle and stroked her youngest sister to completion. Giselle's orgasm came mere seconds after Kylie's, with Tina pulling one of Kylie's hands down to grasp it and help her stroke Giselle to finish her off as Giselle's seed spurted out, mostly landing back down on her belly and chest, but a decent amount landed on Kylie and Tina in various places. Maria in the meantime came herself, squeezing perfectly around Selara and coaxing her to climax a second time very quickly.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There it was, that delightful sound as Kylie could hear as she rode her lover's face, Maria whimpering, moaning, and gasping around the cock in her mouth. And, with every roll of her hips, Giselle hit another sensitive spot within her, driving her higher and higher. Though, she had to grin around Tina's breast as her tongue wrapped around her nipple right up until she came.

Pulled up into a proper kiss however, Kylie wasn't far behind, with Tina helping to throw her over the edge, Kylie trying to keep herself from screaming for Delilah and the children's sake by biting her lip, her peak passing with a fluttering of her eyes and a deep, throaty moan, body twitching and shuddering above Giselle.

But her lover still hadn't cum. Turning her attention fully to Giselle, she only barely registered that Selara had at some point pushed Maria forward to choke around the cock she was leashed to, which was cruel, but good, the whole point was to train her. She could be an accomplished warrior and a perfect submissive little fucktoy at the same time.

So good Kylie... and she was, she was definitely Jealous of where Maria was right now in this orgy, shaking her head a little with a smirk as Tina and Kylie moved to stroking Giselle off to finish her, her release getting everywhere.

Sighing with pleasure as Giselle came, Kylie pulled herself off of her again, if only to lean down and kiss her deeply, hungrily, moaning into her lips for several long moments while she continued to listen to Maria squeal, moan, gasp, groan, and whimper around the toy while Selara enjoyed her.

Pulling free, Kylie just smiled down at jealous, before leaning in to whisper. Don't worry about Maria, she's not in any danger. I choked around the first dick in my throat too. she said, biting Giselle's ear while she was free to think on that, to think on Kylie swallowing her dick. But she was all sexed out for now, mainly because she couldn't have the member in the room that she wanted today, though she was certain Maria and Giselle would help her with that tomorrow. Maria had asked for revenge after all...

Turning her attention to Selara and Maria, Kylie moved up next to Maria, if only to torment her a little by whispering in her ear, and torment her a lot by raking her fingers along her side, her middle finger hooking into her harness every time she brushed over it to pull it.

Mmm, such a good girl. Cum again for me, she me how much you love this. she whispered, licking and biting at Maria's neck while she tugged the harness to drive her further along her bliss in time with whoever got to fuck her next. Do you like this training~ she continued to tease, helping Maria along to personally find the limit of her mouth on the toy, making a mental note of it, and tugging her to it at the depth of every thrust. Just think how good Giselle will feel when you can take her all the way in, think how lovely the sound of her screaming in bliss will be every time you do.

Kylie was now spotter, trainer, and spectator all at once, the other three free to do whatever they pleased while she took it upon herself to make sure their Plaything was perfectly safe and happy.