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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Haha, the wink meant nothing special young one. And I merely thought you might be curious enough to look around. You humans are generally very curious about us dragons after all," Kaal said, actually laughing mirthfully as Kylie rolled off the bed.

Moving towards the side rooms since the vast majority of the main chamber was the coinage, with Kaal close behind to likely see her reactions, Kylie saw in the first room she went into a large collection of very old texts, books, and other assorted historical pieces. Kylie even recognized a couple of old scrolls from Garellia, as everything was sorted by the country it had been collected from. "I like... nay, I love history. It's such a fascinating thing. Most of my horde is ancient and rare artifacts from all over the world, many of which were gifts from either my elders, my friends, or on the rare occasion my lovers in more recent years," Kaal said as Kylie saw the stuff in the first side room.

The second side room was a large library which had at least a dozen large bookshelves on it. "I have spellbooks and ritual books, old and new, and I know many spells too. But there are others that know much more than I, this is a paltry sum compared to my mother's own horde. She has such a wealth of knowledge in hers it's nearly unimaginable. Several of her rarest pieces were gifts from the great archmage Merrick, who is likely one of if not the best known wizard since the great Mordenkainen himself," Kaal said as he walked around, running a hand along one bookshelf. "My draconic family has always been on the side of good, and we share our knowledge with all whom need it," he added with a pleased look.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie Ooooood and ahhhhhhd appropriately until she saw the library... and drooled. History is nice, can be very nice... is usually just a reminder of past mistakes and miserable fuckups of whatever species it's attached to though. Like hunting dragons... Reeaaally don't understand that, and that's not me sucking up. I seriously don't get it. she said, walking into the library.

So I take it it wouldn't be a stretch for you to have old tomes on the more forbidden magics and tattoos associated with them. Because I actually have rather dire need of such things. My soon to be wife... I have to come to terms with her living 500 years more then I, to live half a millennia without me... I plan on inking the solution into my flesh and bones. Quite literally... Along with some more useful tools. It would be useful to transcend what I already am... To escape the disease that is humanity... And seeing as much wickedness as I have..... I know that's all we are. A short lived pestilence bringing destruction, waste, an pain wherever we go... even among ourselves, without purpose or reason. she said, muttering at the end as she started going over the books.

Though if Kaal even realized the danger in giving her such access to such an impressive storehouse of magic, untalented as far as she knew... then he'd likely take her home. That moment when humanity reached towards the first flame and turned it into life and death. Life for themselves, Ruin for everything else.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, well many chromatic dragons are hunted because they are evil. And tattoos I have a few, though likely nothing very forbidden. As for forbidden magics, I might have a few tomes. Yet unless you're a mage you wouldn't be able to use them and would only end up hurting both yourself and those you love when trying to. But... that is a noble goal I must say, to ensure your loved ones mustn't live without you for so long a time," Kaal said, looking back to his books and scrolls. "I can't guarantee you that I would have something such as that, but... I can look. Inking a tattoo into your flesh though to give longer life likely isn't nearly as easy as other ways though. I... do know of a few of people who could help, my mother for one. But she's in a faraway land from here," Kaal added as Kylie looked through some of the books, at least half of which were in languages she didn't understand.

Of the ones she did understand their language, Kylie saw most of those were spellbooks of old wizards and the like, yet there was one that was in a small wooden case with a glass top that allowed one to see through it. This one looked not incredibly old, yet it was obviously valuable, at least to Kaal.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

A shame. It would seem... or rather I'd hoped the founders of my order... and the ones that came before, weren't as good at keeping secrets as they are. I know what I'm looking for exists, read whispers of it, just... passing phrases, footnotes... The smallest clues, but I never had the chance to even try and piece them together, never considered I may have a need to... she said, delicately running her fingers along the spines of many books, before spotting the case.

Kaal, what is that? she asked, stopping and turning to stare at it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Oh but of course immortality rituals exist. And that my dear... is a gift from the archmage Merrick Greenleaf himself for my one hundredth birthday," Kaal replied to Kylie, where as she got a closer look at the book in the glass topped case, she saw it read "Spells and Rituals. Codex of the Archmage", and at the bottom in gold ink it was signed "Merrick Greenleaf"

"He told me that it was some of his signature and self made spells and rituals that were to help shape the future of Midgar or something like that. He placed a magical lock on the case and told me that one day when I was strong enough that I would be able to open it. And when I could open it, that I could learn some of his more powerful spells and rituals that he himself invented," Kaal said, looking at the case as if it were his most prized possession.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Interesting. Shame you can't open it though. I'm looking for a Codex myself, though I doubt this is the same one. Very interesting collection, I know a Siren who would kill to get into such a library, if a certain kind hearted young Dragon wouldn't mind preening a little in pride over a fellow mage show it all the proper respect. Kylie said, chuckling at the idea of Delilah losing her mind over it.

Sighing for now though, Kylie was more interested in going home and she headed back out of the room. Regardless, if you're willing, I'd love that ride back. And if you wouldn't mind company, I'd like to come back some time.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye, but I will be able to eventually, that I know. And... I'm not a stingy dragon who hoards the ancient histories of our world for only myself. If your siren friend would like, she may come to here and take a look, and since she's a mage then all the better in my opinion. For it will give me someone to talk to about magics who actually understands everything about it," Kaal said with a chuckle, looking amused and actually kind of giddy at the thought of having a mage to talk to.

"Of course young one, I don't mind giving you a ride to your home... which I'm assuming is Feynrial, and if you think you can make your way back I wouldn't mind some company from time to time, and wouldn't mind it if you brought any historical pieces with you that you think I might like, or gold too... gold can be useful. Give my best to good sir Alan too if you wouldn't mind, tell him Kaal says hello and thanks again, he'll know what you mean. He helped me a while back when I was... as you humans call it, in a bit of a pickle," Kaal answered her, following her back out to the main chamber before shifting back into his dragon form right before her eyes, his large wings and tail swishing and flapping slightly. "I assume you want the wyvern you took down too. It was a good and fair kill, and wyverns have good scales to make armor that even dwarven smiths love to get their hands on, and that venom would be good to collect too most likely. And... what may I call you young one? You never actually told me your name," Kaal went on to say as he walked over and grasped Kylie's wyvern before crouching enough for her to climb up onto his back once more when she'd collected her gear.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ahh, She'll love that then, it'll be nice to have visitors to chat with. And of course I can make my way back. I'll have you know I'm a pink hairless monkey. she said, giggling as they made their way back to the cave entrance.

Of course I want the kill, don't be silly. And o, I'm sorry I never introduced myself did I hahaha. I'm Kylie. And I'm sure Alan will be thrilled. she said, scrambling up onto his back as they got ready to leave.

To the Village! O Mighty Scaled Historian! she cried, laughing cheerfully.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Ha, here we go. Hope you didn't eat a big dinner and aren't afraid of heights. Because this time I'm going a bit higher than before. And I'm pleased to have met you Kylie, my new fahdon," Kaal called out before flapping his wings mightily as he lifted them both up along with the wyvern corpse and flew out of the hidden cave, the spray of water from the waterfall drenching Kylie again as they went.

True to his word, Kaal flew high, going well up above the treeline unlike before. He was easily a good 100 meters up at one point, the wind whipping through Kylie's hair and hitting her face. "Hold your arms out to the sides Kylie, the mortals I've flown before always love doing that, they say it feels wonderful. Worry not though, I will not let my new fahdon fall," Kaal called over his shoulder to Kylie.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was already ahead of him in enjoying her flight, enjoying the rush of air, but she was too busy trying to figure out what a fahdon was. So instead she held on and just enjoyed a real birds eye view of the island, or at least her part of it as they traveled.

As they approached the village, Kaal got ready to dive and told Kylie to stick her arms out, Kylie shrugging and doing it, whooping loudly as they plummeted back to the ground, Kylie wondering if Kagome had managed to kill a Wyvern yet....
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

In the distance, Kylie could see the lights burning brightly from Feynrial, as well as the smoke rising in the night sky. "I can go higher if you like fahdon, just tell me and it shall be done. And... where should I put you and your kill down at? I'm assuming you'd like it at your home, but I don't really know where that is," Kaal called over his shoulder at Kylie, flying higher if Kylie said she'd like to go higher.

Either way, they soon approached the town and assuming he was given directions, Kaal took her home, though if he didn't get any directions he would fly her towards the temple instead. "Did you enjoy the flight? I can fly you again if you like," he asked upon setting Kylie down, either in her backyard at their house or on the hill behind the temple near where the shrines all were.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The hill at the temple would be fine. I have someone I need to talk to. Tonight cleared my head, cooled my temper. Thank you for that Kaal. And yes, I'd love to fly again, it's incredible. she said, hopping down once they arrived, standing rather proudly next to her kill, patting the corpse of the wyvern.

Good night all things considered. And I rang the doorbell as loud as possible here, Had a Dragon drop me off. Thanks Kaal. By the way, what does Fahdon mean? she asked, tilting her head, wondering if Maria was still in hiding.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm... indeed flying is incredible. And very well, I know where the temple is so that makes it easier. And I can take you flying anytime you'd like fahdon," Kaal replied as he glided in for a landing, dropping the dead wyvern down just before touching down. "What had your temper flaring though if I might ask? And fahdon is friend, for you have made one tonight in helping me. I hate to admit it, but three wyverns would have been tough even for a dragon. I may not have managed it if I was unlucky," he went on to ask curiously, tilting his head a bit at Kylie as he spoke.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
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Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Just a misunderstanding between lovers, I'd set up something special for my fiancé, and a third, one we've invited often to our bed, and indeed, earlier that day, interfered. Due to the situation, I couldn't protest until my anger had gotten the best of me, And I put the fear into her in a way I regret now. She's new to this part of life, I should have let that temper my anger before I went off like I did. Now I have to repair the bridge I may have burnt... I have problems controlling that side of myself... in my older life, I could solve so many problems with a blade, now I have to let that part go in a way I'm not quite ready for. It scares me, makes me angry when I shouldn't be she admitted, explaining the situation to Kaal.

When she got the meaning of Fahdon, she smiled, nodding. A friend is always a good thing. And don't think about it so much, I evened the odds a little is all, balanced the scales. That's my calling. Take care Kaal, I'm gonna sit here for a moment, and think. See if I can maybe find a way to approach my friend without scaring her again. But this! she said, patting the wyvern again.

This is bragging rights over another friend who fancies herself a better hunter then myself... And that simply wont do now will it. she said with a wink, hopping up on the corpse with a huff, and perching there, looking out at the temple proper, and then to the waterfall.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Mmm... dragons have bad tempers sometimes as well, and many, especially the younger dragons have trouble keeping said tempers in check. Some are exceptions though, such as myself," Kaal said with a nod of his head. "Indeed, friends are good to have. And brag about this kill to all, for it was a good kill, and not something most humans take down without help," he went on to say with a chuckle.

"Take care my fahdon, I hope to see you again. And... I hope you make up with your friend and lover," Kaal told Kylie before bowing his head slightly and flapping his wings mightily and taking to the sky again, heading for his lair.

Sitting there atop her wyvern, Kylie saw the temple grounds before her and it looked quite peaceful to say the least. She could see the waterfall flowing slowly over the edge of the top of the hill, the candles burning at each of the covered shrines, and the smoke rising from the temple itself. It was a rather quiet night all things considered, the wind was blowing softly through the trees, causing the leaves to rustle slightly. Kylie could do virtually anything she wished from here really, and unless she caught Kaal before he left, the dragon would head on back to his lair, leaving her and her kill there at the temple.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well, she knew where she was, she knew there was a hotspring nearby, she knew there was a dead wyvern... and lotsa lotsa shrines. Sitting there, enjoying the quiet, Kylie wondered who would be awake at the temple at this hour.

Kagome was on Maria duty tonight, watching out for her because she was tucked behind the waterfall, and Aya was on Ilyana duty tonight, because her fellow archer was due to pop soon as well and spill forth a bazillion spider eggs. Kagome had likely noticed her, Aya probably wouldn't have. And tonight was pretty, she'd just wait, looking up at the stars.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

There was a light on in the temple itself from what Kylie could see through one of the windows, and she was fairly certain that was likely Aya watching over Ilyana. Kagome on the other hand was a neko after all, so it would be tough to figure out just where she was even in the best of times. Looking up at the stars, Kylie saw Kaal high above going past her line of sight, spreading his wings out wide to give her a bit of a show as he flew on.

After about ten minutes or so, Kylie heard footsteps approach, with whoever they belonged to not trying to stay quiet. Looking over she saw it was Kagome standing there, an eyebrow raised as she looked up at Kylie on her perch. "So... you had some fun I see. How in the hell did you get a wyvern?" Kagome said, walking around the carcass and looking up at Kylie curiously.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie's ears twitched as she heard someone approach, spending her ten minutes just looking up into space, wondering if somewhere, at some point, maybe a bald French man would explore the stars... let it be so. But Kagome was asking her things.

Sitting up, she pointed to the myriad arrows sticking out of the body.I shot it... a lot. she answered. Saw a dragon in a bit of a pinch and decided to help out. I took on one, he took on the other two. And then he helped carry it here. Nice guy. she said, sticking out her tongue before sliding off the Wyvern and grinning.

But I figured now that my heads all clear, I should check in on Maria, make sure she's alright. Show this off a little.... maybe figure out what to do with it before just hacking it apart for scales and bones and it's stinger...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Nice... an amazing kill indeed. Hells bells though, looks like you absolutely riddled it with arrows. Hope you didn't get hurt any taking something this big on alone," Kagome said, going around another time and taking in what it looked like exactly and bending over a bit to look at the thing's tail stinger.

When Kylie mentioned checking on Maria, Kagome stood back up and looked at her. "She's been crying under the waterfall since you came by earlier. Wouldn't come out no matter how much I tried. All she'd say was 'I'm sorry' or 'She hates me now, I can't go back' over and over. She's asleep right now though, I got a blanket under there without it getting drenched and covered her up right before you flew down," Kagome said with a sad look on her face. "I dunno what you said or did to her, but it's got her scared as hell. It might be best if she doesn't came back to your all's house for a while if you're that angry," she added with a shrug, obviously worried for Maria's well being.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Honestly I think everyone BUT Giselle is overreacting to it. And Maria is more fragile then I thought. That's why I'm here though, to help put it right before it gets any worse. As for the flying handbag, I got stung a couple times but I'm alright. I'm gonna go snap Maria out of her funk. Kylie said, hopping down and thumping Kagome on the shoulder.

Honestly, never taken one of these before, not Entirely sure what to do with it... she called back over her shoulder, heading for the waterfall. She was still damp from the OTHER waterfall she'd gone through tonight... twice.

Heading in, quiet as a mouse, Kylie set all her weapons aside, gauntlets, knives, arrows, however many of those were left anyway, and slipped into the little cubby behind the falls, looking down at the sleeping priestess and gingerly slipping her head up into her lap, stroking her hair.

Maria.... sweetheart she whispered softly, just stroking her hair. They'd talk when she woke up.