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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Just wow doesn't entirely sum it up I don't think honey. But let's get us a bit of rest first okay, our dear sweet scylla mistress is going to go find us some food I think. Aren't you dear?" Giselle giggled, snuggling up to Kylie for a nap herself while the scylla was gone. "We had a couple of decently sized fish up on the shore you pulled us down from. That barracuda and a snapper. Those would be plenty for all of us here, and it'll keep them from going to waste in the sun at least. And as a gift for us, you can help us catch another one of either when we head home. Deal?" Giselle went on to say.

"V-Very well, that's fine with me. I can easily get you another snapper and barracuda. Those aren't tough to hunt as they're so big and stuff," the brunette scylla said, blushing about her earlier comment that threw the whole room into a fit of laughter. "And sister, do watch over them for me please while I'm gone," she added to the redhead scylla.

"Of course sis, don't worry about them, I'll keep an eye on them in case they need anything. Hurry back though, and I'll get to cooking those fish for us," the redhead said to her brunette haired sister, waving her on as she made sure the two elves in her nest were sound asleep still before moving over to Kylie and Giselle and doting over them a bit to make sure they were comfortable and warm and whatnot.

The redhead fixed what looked like a blanket over the two of them and kissed them both on the cheek. "Thank you both for not hurting my little sister. She can be... quite eager and everything. I prefer asking consent of my egg bearers instead of basically fishing for them," the redhead told them both. "So get you some rest for now dearies, because it'll take at least a good hour for her to get that stuff and bring it back, and then for me to cook it all so that you two can eat it," she added, a couple of tentacles caressing their cheeks affectionately.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well, I didn't expect to catch a fucking with that pole. Or children. A boot or a crate I'd have taken, but this is ridiculous. And I suppose. I'mma take a nap. she answered, yawning, and curling up. Besides, if someone picks up my weapons without knowing. They're likely to poison themselves. she mumbled, just curled up with Giselle in an octopus nest....

She was curled up with her fiancé. Her fiancé who had a dick, but was a woman. In a nest, both of them about to lay eggs. In a Nest. Made by Octopi. Octopi that were related to her fiancé. Octopi Women. Kylie's ears were starting to smoke.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, sorry honey. I should have warned you about the scyllas that are around here. There aren't a whole lot of them about, but enough that we got to be careful of getting fished back by them. And I think your stuff will be alright, as not many know about that fishing spot except me and my sisters, and now you of course," Giselle said softly as she snuggled up with Kylie.

Giselle was being quite affectionate with Kylie, one hand sliding around and groping the young human's butt, while the other stroked her hair gently as she kissed Kylie's neck and cheeks. While she did this, Giselle also hummed a soft beautiful tune that relaxed Kylie little by little, releasing any anger she still had in her heart about this.

"Don't be grumpy honey. This is a happy time, plus it gives us some time together too without my sisters, or Palla, or any of the others. Because she'll leave us alone if we wish it. Is there anything you'd like to talk about while we're relaxing here?" Giselle whispered in Kylie's ear, kissing her on the lips when she finished speaking.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie let it all go. There was no point in staying mad at this point and Giselle's singing always calmed her down. There was something to be said for being in a family of Sirens. Delilah's singing was literally enchanting. Giselle's was soothing. And Tina's seemed to be inspiring. As if coming from her heart in a purer tone then either. It was part of what made Tina special, and Kylie had to admire that her rage and strength was just as pure as her voice.

Curled up with Giselle, Kylie hmmmed along. When asked however, she shrugged. I'm not really sure. I mean.... I suppose you've learned more about me today then the entirety of the time you've known me... And that isn't really fair to you. Is there anything you'd like to know? I'll share if I can.... since I don't have anywhere I can run... I mean, we could talk about Maria, or your sisters, or anything on the island, but that doesn't seem to be what you really want to talk about. Kylie mused, just relaxing in Giselle's arms.

Wait until you see our children though.... I already have. In a dream of prophets and smoke. That little drawing I hid in the treasure pile doesn't do it justice...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Seeing that Kylie was calming down now, Giselle smiled and snuggled up against her and kissed her on the lips again. "You cheater, getting dreams and visions about our babies. How many did we have, hmm? But I wasn't wanting to talk about anything specific, just if you wanted to talk then I wouldn't mind. I always enjoy talking with you honey, I hope you know that," Giselle said softly, smiling at Kylie's mention of seeing their future children already. "But, I suppose that I can go speak to Maria and see how she is today, when we get home of course that is. Hmm... maybe that could work, I wonder," Giselle went on to say, seemingly forming a plan of some sort in her mind apparently.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Go send Bob to pick her up, He can be a messenger squid, and since she can't argue with him, she can't say no or run away. It's the perfect plan. Kylie said, laughing.

As for the visions, I could do without honestly. When I got my memories back, I got little snippets of other things as well. That's all. And I know you do hun, I'm just not super big on idle conversation, it's another thing I'm getting used to. I dunno, I mean, we haven't seen Selara the elf or Bella in awhile, and I met basically the whole adventurer's guild here when they helped with the wyvern. We could probably get easy jobs there on that kills reputation alone. Let alone the Black Alraune or the Succubi. This new little family of ours has tackled some pretty impressive things here already. Maybe we can go demon hunting with Amara next time. That could be fun. BUT! we need to get Delilah out to see Kaal. They really would get along, and he seems confident, but he's lonely. It was pretty evident. Kylie mused, lounging.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, I may just do that. But I think I got a better idea that'll work just as good if not better," Giselle replied with a giggle, smiling at Kylie as she finished speaking.

"As for getting Delilah out to see that dragon, Kaal you called him, I'd say that would be easy enough surely, especially if he comes around again any," Giselle said about her sister meeting the dragon Kylie had met the night before. "And maybe we can go do a job or something tomorrow, if you'd like of course. There's always something that needs doing. But let's get some sleep while we can, our scylla will be back before long most likely," she added as she laid her head down and closing her eyes.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Sleep it is. Kylie agreed, curling up and closing her eyes as well. Waiting to be woken by whatever fresh disaster this day had to give.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

About and hour and a half later, Kylie woke to the smell of cooked fish and found Giselle was sitting up already, while the brunette scylla had returned and the redhead one was bringing over a few rather large pieces of cooked fish to them wrapped in seaweed that Giselle took a bite into and nodded approvingly. "Mmm, that's actually very good," Giselle said as she took a bite of the cooked fish.

"I'm glad you like it Giselle, thank you. And good, it looks like Kylie is awake now too, so she can eat as well and keep her strength up," the redhead scylla said with a smile, looking quite pleased at the praise from Giselle.

There was another scylla in there now too, a blonde one, and in her nest was a neko girl and an okami girl, both of whom looked like they had had an incredibly time and looked all tuckered out and full of eggs as they snuggled up to the blonde scylla, who snuggled them back lovingly. A plate carved from a seashell was placed in front of Kylie by the redhead scylla, with a couple of large pieces of the cooked seaweed wrapped fish, and a cup carved from a conch shell was set down with fresh clean water in it.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't say anything as the smell woke her, having a rather pleasant dream about chasing a target through the city at night. But then she remembered she wasn't in the city. She was on an island, full of crazies. In a cave. Full of octopus girl eggs.

Why. Why was this a thing?

Why did her vagina like this thing?

Sighing, she drank the water first, waving offhandedly at everyone as she yawned.

Naps are never as long as you want them to be. There should be an island where you can just sleep all day everyday and live in your dreams. she muttered.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, I'm sure we could build a resort or something here near the beaches that is like that. A place to relax, no matter who you are, and we'd cater to our patrons every desire. That would be a nice place maybe. What do you think sweetie?" Giselle said, looking quite happy all things considered as she ate her fish.

The fish Kylie found was actually quite delicious. Not quite as good as Giselle's cooking, but close. It perked her back up as well quite a bit after she'd been so tired from her nap. Giselle giggled as the brunette scylla caressed her belly with one of her tentacles, while another moved around and slid up Giselle's length, which made her gasp softly and look at the brunette scylla with a raised eyebrow.

"This belongs to Kylie first hon. Sorry, but she's my fiancee and I love her with all my heart," Giselle said, almost teasingly as she scooted up next to Kylie and hugged her.

"Aw, don't tease me like that. Your dick is the best I've ever had," the brunette scylla said, pouting at Kylie's fiance.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Indeed yon dickthief. That's mine, besides, lusting after family isn't kosher you know. Kylie teased, grinning like a cat for a moment. Besides, the worlds a big place. There will be other dick, a whole forest of dicks in all the colors of the rainbow. Indeed, a Double Rainbow Cornucopia of Cock. she continued, spreading her arms wide.

Still, she patted her own belly. Besides, what am I? Old Liver? I'm quite proud of my body thank you. Prouder of Giselle's, she's not covered in scars, but I happen to think I'm quite the looker. she stated, mocking offense even as she finished her fish and belched in a very unladylike manner that seemed like it could shake the cave.

Kylie the Wyvern Slayer, Friend of Dragons, is a sexy bitch. No two ways about it. she stated proudly, thumping her chest.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, aye there's plenty of other dicks out there. And I think I may know of the perfect one for you the next time it's time for breeding again. I'll come back to the shore from time to time to fish, so don't go pulling me in without my permission, or I won't let you meet the one I'm talking about," Giselle said with a giggle.

"Heh, I do have my share of scars honey, but they're on the inside. And you are quite a looker, it was one of the things that attracted me to you. So sexy you definitely are, but you're not a bitch. You can be one though when you wanna be, or when your temper gets the better of you," Giselle said after a few moments, chuckling at Kylie as she leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.

"Well, may I ask your permission then Kylie? To play with your fiance's dick again I mean, if you're both okay with it that is. It was... divine," the brunette scylla asked politely, leaning in close and kissing Kylie on the cheek.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

If she's alright with it, I don't see why not. Have fun you two. Kylie said simply, shrugging with a laugh. Kylie had been out and about getting knocked up by everything with the will, she wasn't in any position to say otherwise.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Even I need rest though. I mean... you did milk me pretty good earlier hon. Besides, you've already given us your eggs. What else could you need, hmm?" Giselle said, smirking as she winked at Kylie.

"Well, I don't really need any more really, but... it did feel really good and all. Though I'd rather keep my babies safe and sound in that belly of yours," the brunette scylla said, rubbing Giselle's belly and Kylie's before kissing both again and laying her head on Kylie's for the time being.

"We can rest some more until it's time for them to come out then. And maybe if you really need it when we wake back up I wouldn't mind giving you another ride," Giselle told her, snuggling close to Kylie and laying back with her. "Shouldn't take but another three or four hours tops for these little eggs to come out," she added.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Yes, I agree with the grand plan of more naps. I've never argued naps. naps are one of the grandest things a person can engage in. It's like traveling in time. You close your eyes, and when you open them again, you're in the future. It's like magic, but for magical simpletons. Kylie mused aloud, purring happily as everyone snuggled up and she closed her eyes, her belly full, her womb full, and all things aside, in a cave with Giselle and perfectly alright like that.

At least this pregnancy lasted less then a day. The last two had been fucking WEEKS! her brain couldn't handle that...
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Aye, but let's rest for now sweetie. I'm a bit tired despite the nap. That's one thing these eggs will do is make you sluggish and tired, to ensure you don't try and leave the nest," Giselle said as she closed her eyes and snuggled Kylie.


Kylie woke back up three hours later almost on the dot with a kick in her belly, and when she opened her eyes she'd see that Giselle was already awake with her legs spread wide, grunts spilling from her lips. Kylie had just finished her dream of chasing down a couple of Viera with Giselle, which ended with the duo catching the Viera and both of the Viera being taken by Giselle while Kylie did whatever she liked, which was mostly teasing them.

"O-Oh fuck. I... I'm c-cumming again... AAH!" Giselle panted out before squealing lewdly, a long thick rope of her cum spurting out of her fully erect shaft as one of the scylla eggs popped out of her.

"There you go hon, that's number seven. Keep pushing okay and they'll all be out soon," the brunette scylla said, several tentacles holding Giselle down so she didn't thrash around too much and maybe slam her belly into the floor while another picked up the freshly laid egg and set it aside with a small pile of them.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie woke up groggily, and pissed off that there wasn't still a Viera licking her pussy.... That had been nice. But a kick to her gut from the inside had her attention as her own labor started, the combination of the dream, and of Giselle cumming right in front of her being the first thing she saw making her a little slicker then she should have been.

Shuddering and leaning back as she rolled over, she decided her back was probably a terrible position for this, given Giselle needing to be held down, and instead laid on her front, ass raised as she started to push gently and wait, shuddering.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't have to wait for long before she felt her contractions quicken, and then... pleasure bowled her over as she pushed, the first egg popping free quickly as an orgasm shot through Kylie like lightning with the brunette scylla noticing that she was awake and moving tentacles to help keep her in place so she didn't hurt herself or the unborn eggs. Giselle had another orgasm with fresh ropes of her seed spurting out of her cock and splashing all over the tentacles that were tickling and stroking it to help milk it out of her.

"Hold on dearies, I'm here for you both, just hold onto me," the brunette scylla told them both softly, caressing their cheeks as she had several tentacles hold Kylie's belly gently as they coiled about her and held her lovingly.

"Oh gods it's so good Kylie. F-Fuck yes, gonna c-cum again. YES!" Giselle said, reaching over and gently grasping Kylie's left hand with her right hand as Kylie watched while another huge rope of cum spurted out of her dick, the end of which landed in the water nearly 10 feet away.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie wasn't really listening to anything, moaning up her own storm as each egg worked itself free of her body, though she did think all the seed Giselle was shooting into the air was a bit of a waste. Surely there was someone there willing to suck a dick. Silly squidwomen.

Her first orgasm hit with her first egg, and then the second...... and then her brain shut off. Because it was not needed.

Counting was hard.