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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Delilah stared flatly at Kylie when she mentioned cancelling the Hespera trip, looking like she was about to say something before Kylie smiled and whacked her with her foxy tail. "Was about to say you can stay with your mole people or whatever the hell if you want, but I am going to Hespera. Because I need a vacation," Delilah said, pinching Kylie's ass before heading back into the living room where she'd apparently been reading a book.

"Yeah, won't take too long though, or shouldn't. I need to decide on which bathing suit to take," Giselle said, mumbling to herself as she walked upstairs to start their packing.

Wraith clung to Kylie's tail as she swung him around on it when he came up from the basement. It took him a couple of minutes to understand that Kylie had a tail now, but he seemed to like it as she swung him around on it. Maria took a seat next to Delilah while Kylie did that, watching her with Wraith and smiling.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie could only giggle as Wraith stayed stuck to her tail, playing with him while Giselle said something about picking a bathing suit, and Kylie who had swum naked up till now, deciding that would probably be fine and if not she'd just have to buy one when they got there because she didn't care.

She was basically packed, which meant, throw some clothes haphazardly into a bag, carry all her weapons, another bag of just flat cash, and... good to go.

Eventually, while waiting, Kylie's hips still rubbing as she squirmed occasionally, Kylie tried to transfer Wraith to Maria's tail by flailing him at her rear end and seeing what he did.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Wraith moved over to Maria's tail, where she swished him back and forth too, giggling as he clung to her white furry appendage. Maria let out a little squeal when Wraith worked his way down her tail and glomped onto her left butt cheek as she sat on the sofa on her knees with her butt sticking out towards Kylie. "H-Hey, no Wraith. That's my... *sigh*... oh okay. No sense in trying to tell you to stop when you've found something you obviously like," Maria began saying before sighing mid sentence and just letting him grope her butt to his hearts content.

He did grope her quite a bit, his smaller tentacles rubbing and pinching her soft fleshy rear end. Maria's ass was a but more pronounced than Kylie's and larger, so there was plenty more for Wraith to grab and play with, and he seemed to be loving it. Within a minute of having his fun, Wraith was beating on both of Maria's butt cheeks like bongo drums and his large single eye had a look of joy in it Kylie could see. Even Maria couldn't help but giggle a little bit at his actions and was shaking her butt back and forth in time with his baps to it.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie laughed as Wraith jumped to Maria's tail, before a rousing game of Butt Bongos was played, leaving Kylie with her face in her hands trying to hide her snorting laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation, worse, how happy Wraith seemed to be.

Like em a bit bigger Wraith? she asked him through giggles, her ears twitching and her tail wrapped around her waist where she finally noticed it was holding her skirt up, causing her to swing it back and low immediately with a blush, wondering if she'd managed to flash the entire town.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"I'd say he does. Just look at him go," Maria said, unable to contain her laughter now as he went to town on her butt with his tentacles.

Kylie couldn't be sure about whether or not she flashed the entire town on their way back. But she could be certain that if she did, then Maria did as well, as her tail had been swishing back and forth the same way.

As Wraith continued drumming her ass, Maria just shook her head at him and smiled. All of a sudden though, Maria squealed again and Kylie could see that Wraith was curiously attempting to poke one of his tentacles into the priestess's asshole. "EEK! No no, that's not... come on Wraith, don't do that," Maria yelped at him.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie continued laughing until Maria eeked and jumped, Wraith apparently getting a little more curious then she wanted, to which Kylie responded by doing absolutely nothing. You know? I have no idea when they get interested in that kind of stuff. Bob isn't big on talking, but he took the time to show the little ones me getting fucked completely sideways, so who knows. Kylie said conversationally.

Besides, you have hands. she said, calling Maria out on that as well. Besides Wraith, the other one is a little further in between her thighs, look a little lower. she teased, leaning back on the couch.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"They probably learned it from him yeah. If I had to guess. I mean they've watched him fuck everyone else down there silly too. It was bound to happen sooner or later," Delilah said smirking at Maria's predicament.

"I... I know that Kylie. But..." Maria began saying, pausing as she bit her bottom lip, her hips quivering as Wraith probed a tiny bit deeper until Maria clenched her cheeks enough to prevent him from going any further.

Maria threw a hand over her mouth and let out a muffled squeal when Wraith reached a little lower down and started tugging on the shiny little ring on Maria's clit. When he couldn't get it off with just a little pull, he tugged harder, wrapping around her clit as he did. When he still couldn't pull it loose, Wraith looked up at Kylie and then poked at Maria's clit again as he looked back at it, a look that basically said, "Why won't the shiny thing come off?"

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie just laughed, watching the insanity unfold again at Maria's expense, Wraith tugging on her proper piercing several times before looking at her like. "I want it... why is it stuck?"

Wraith honey, that's a piercing, they don't come off. she said simply, watching Maria squirm as she kept saying no, but her body and actions continued to scream yes at the top of their lungs, with the priestess making no moves to stop him and squealing through her fingers while he explored.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Teasing and pleasuring Maria with no clear knowledge that he actually was, Wraith noticed Maria's juices wetting her folds and touched one of his little feelers against her lower lips. He held up one of his tentacles towards Kylie, as if asking what it was, and then being curious he tasted it. He seemed to like it as he took another taste, and then another, and then he dipped his little tentacle into Maria's slit.

"F-Fuck me..." was all Maria managed to say, her pussy twitching around Wraith's small tentacles as they tickled her inside and out.

He kept it up, seeming to know that whatever he was doing was producing more of the tasty juice, and also that it seemed to be enjoyable for Maria. Soon enough, he drove Maria to climax and she couldn't help but collapse against the sofa. "O-Okay Kylie... t-take him please, b-before he wears me out. I... I want Giselle to do that, and I know you do too," Maria panted softly after she came, her cheeks pink with arousal.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie raised her eyebrow as Wraith got his first taste of Maria's juices, immediately moving to try to get more in the obvious way right up until Maria came right in front of her and Delilah.

He wont wear you out... now... after he shows all his siblings.... That's a different story. Kylie said, though she reached down to gently pull him away.

Mmm, not today, go play with your brothers downstairs. Kylie said, saving Maria from having the little darkmantle Molest her further.

So, now that you've cum... you get to be even more sensitive for that little ring of yours huh... It's a bit more unbearable, and you'd done so well getting used to it for awhile... Poor you. Kylie teased, leaning back as they waited for Giselle to do whatever she was gonna do, for about 50 more seconds.... At which point, Kylie went upstairs to undress and flop through her lingerie, until she got bored with That, and then proceeded to catalog everything in the toybox.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When Kylie pulled Wraith away from Maria, he didn't want to let go, but did after a bit of coaxing. He floated back downstairs for the time being with the other darkmantles, though he did get one last little flick of his tentacles on Maria's clit and her slit to grab more of her juices, which he took with him as he scurried off.

"Thanks, a-and yeah it's really sensitive right now. I hope Giselle takes these off after tonight. If she doesn't... I might go crazy," Maria said after Wraith was gone and Kylie spoke again.

Maria got up when Kylie did and followed her upstairs, though a little wobbly on her feet. When they got into the bedroom, Kylie saw Giselle was finishing up with packing and looked up to smile at them when they entered. "Oh hey, was just about to come back down and start on dinner. I was thinking about a roast tonight, since it's early enough to have it done for dinnertime," Giselle said, heading out and kissing the two on her way out.

When Kylie looked in the toy box after rummaging through her lingerie, she found a few things missing, and nowhere to be seen. "What are you looking for?" Maria asked curiously, the arousal very apparent in her voice.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Mmm, sounds good love. Be right down. Kylie answered Giselle, returning the kiss cheerfully before setting about her rummagings, which didn't really have an immediate purpose... but things were missing...

Nothing in particular. Was just getting bored, and since tossing you to the mercy of Wraith and all his siblings would get in the way of Giselle... Needed to find a new plan Kylie said, tail swishing around mischievously behind her

Why, are you hoping I'll find something to bury inside you for awhile~? Kylie asked slyly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well take your time, it won't be done for a while," Giselle told Kylie and Maria as she went down.

"Oh I see. That would get in the way of what Giselle might want of us tonight," Maria said softly, looking curiously at Kylie as she rummaged through her lingerie. "N-No, I wasn't hoping that," Maria then said incredulously when Kylie asked if she were hoping Kylie would find something to bury her in, blushing furiously though as she spoke.

Maria's tail was swishing about behind her while she sat on the bed watching Kylie. She looked a little apprehensive about something, likely what Giselle might have in store for them. She was trying to not let it show all that much though, Kylie could tell.


Some time later, dinner was ready and Kylie saw a large pan with at least three slabs of roast meat in it, along with many potatoes, onions, carrots, and other vegetables that she'd added in or cooked separately. "Dinner is served. Hope you all like it. My first time using Wyvern meat really for this," Giselle said, letting Kylie know that her fiance was putting the meat she'd brought to good use.

Everyone dug in, and when Kylie took her first bite of the wyvern meat, she'd find it was delicious. Everything about the dinner was delicious, and Giselle she saw looked very happy that everyone was enjoying the food she'd cooked for them.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Uh huh, you'd love that right now. Kylie said, fighting her denial with blatant honesty as she rummaged. So... Giselle already had done her planning. Curses.

Once the call for dinner came up, Maria and Kylie both headed down to find the small feast laid out, as per usual. What was not usual however, was the smell of the meat, which had Kylie licking her lips in a very predatory fashion, and her folds quivered as the mix of predatory hunger and her lust sent a shiver down her spine.

The first bite was much the same, and had the same reaction as she remembered the fight with the wyvern, not in pieces, but every. single. moment. With every taste she relived the combat that had set her head and shoulders above other solo warriors in this area, and others as well... It was a heady, intoxicating feeling. Even if it had almost claimed her life, she had done what many others wouldn't even have dared... And she was eating what she had brought down from the skies that night.

Her eyes were shining with her pleasure as she took her sweet time with every bite of the meat, rather then her usual inhalation of her food, much to Giselle's pleasure, and there was another look in her eyes as well for Giselle. She was going to fuck her brains straight out of her head tonight. Her mood and her body were primed for nothing less, and if the time had allowed a hunt, she'd have gone after something to top even a wyvern. Her blood was running hot and it showed not in a rush, but in the slow, careful, methodical way she took apart her meal.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As dinner went on, Kylie saw Palla stuffing her face with everything in reach, the goliath girl showing a massive appetite for what Giselle had cooked. It looked as if the food was loosening everyone's inhibitions too, as while they ate, Tina was loosening the house robe she was wearing to reveal her breasts, sweat glistening on them, and Maria did a few moments after that. Whatever was going on, Kylie could tell it wasn't a drug of any sort.

Looking around, she saw nothing around them that seemed off right away, though after a few moments she did notice that the candles on the table were a different color than usual. Other than that though nothing was different about the kitchen at all. Giselle too was loosening her own clothing up, as were most of the others. After a couple of more minutes of eating, Kylie saw Selara taking off the shirt she was wearing and setting it on the back of Tina's seat whom she was sitting next to, where she then took a napkin and wiped under her breasts.

"Whew it's warm in here," Giselle said, wiping her brow with her own napkin.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie watched everyone else intrigued. It had to be the meat... or the candles... Looking at everyone stripping down, complaining of being hot, Kylie's meal now dead, her plate empty, Kylie picked up one of the candles and sniffed the wax, before licking it.

So it was either the meat, or the candles, either way, she didn't care overmuch, everyone was losing clothing rapidly, which was a good thing, and her tail was waggling around, which was another good thing, but now she was on a bit more of an alert as her tufted ears flattened along her head and she glared around.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

The scent from the candles Kylie found was similar, but not exactly to that of succubus essence. It had the smell, but not the same effects. The taste was very similar to what a rose smelled like. As she inspected one of the candles, Kylie noticed Maria slipping out of her priestess robes, her own fluffy tail swishing about happily behind her as she finished off her food.

The little lamias were giggling like crazy at Tina and Selara both, with a few looking hungrily at Tina's breasts for the milk that remained in them. It didn't seem that the scent coming from the candles was affecting them though thankfully. "Come on little ones, finish your dinner and mommy will read you a story," Tina told them, seeming to come to her senses a little bit as she pulled her robes back around herself some, though her breasts were still exposed for the most part.

Dinner continued until everyone was done eating, and as soon as their plates were cleaned, Tina and Selara both took their little ones out and into the living room, where Tina sat down on the sofa and read them a story as they piled in around her. Kylie wasn't sure if the little lamia could actually understand what she was telling them or not, but it was adorable to watch to say the least.

While Tina and Selara did that, Giselle looked over at Delilah all of a sudden and then to the candles. "Oh who put the sexy fun time candles out? I didn't even notice them until just now," Giselle asked, sighing softly as she blew the flames out on each of the candles.

Of the remaining people at the table, Palla raised her hand and blushed. "I... I did Giselle. What do they do?" Palla replied in a sheepish tone, looking a little worried.

"They're infused with a small amount of succubus essence, some elven love potion, and a few other things to help set the mood. They don't do what the succubus essence does altogether though, so you needn't worry too much Kylie. But they do help set the mood like I said, so after dinner or something like that, you'll be really riled up," Giselle explained, not looking angry, but looking almost as if she had her work cut out for her. "Hazel gave them to us. Because she makes them a lot herself, and loves giving them out to people. She just thinks that everyone should have a lot of sex all the time and feel wonderful," she added, smirking a little as she spoke about Hazel and where the candles came from.

With that, Giselle got up and took Kylie's hand, and then Maria's, where she then led them out of the kitchen and headed upstairs, leaving the plates where they were and not worrying about them. Maria's tail was swishing about behind her just as much as Kylie's was, the look of lust in her eyes very evident and letting Kylie know that as soon as they got into the bedroom that she'd have the greatest ally she could ever want against Giselle to get those trousers off of her.

As soon as they entered the bedroom, unless Kylie jumped Giselle first, Maria would do so, tackling her to the bed and pressing her lips against Giselle's. If Maria managed to get the initiative there, Kylie would see the bulge in Giselle's trousers as Maria straddled the futanari siren's waist.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie could just facepalm at the explanation of the candles, and Palla's guilt in the situation, making a mental note that Palla's nose was likely not the best. But... hulk smash and all that. But... all that paled in the sudden mad dash upstairs, but even more amusing, was the outright ambush Maria initiated as soon as Kylie had shut the door. Looking at the bed, she'd see Maria straddling a Giselle she'd obviously tackled, the pair kissing... and Giselle's pants vulnerable.

Stepping forward, not willing to waste this glorious chance for Giselle dick, Kylie grabbed her trousers tightly, and then gave an almighty yank, hauling them down Giselle's legs and tossing them aside. Her underwear coming off along with them was just a bonus.

Leaving Giselle now pantless and Maria alone for a moment, Kylie took the time to pull off her own clothing and stretch. Giselle still had a plan... what plan she didn't know, but it was a plan either way, and Giselle.... well.

Moving around to the other side of the bed, Kylie reached between Maria's legs and angled Giselle straight up into her soaking snatch, if only to break the noisy makeout session, before lunging forward and kissing Maria herself, scooting forward to straddle Giselle's face as she pressed her kiss, moaning into Maria's lips hungrily before dropping her slick folds onto Giselle's mouth. O HOW THE TABLES HAD TURNED!!!
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle gasped as Kylie tugged her trousers down, where her cock bounced free, already fully erect and ready for action. Maria didn't waste time and lifted her hips up, where she then impaled herself upon Giselle's large shaft, letting out a deep moan as she did so. Giselle moaned as well and Kylie could see her fiance's hands gripping Maria's hips as she hilted inside of her.

"F-Fuck yes... YES! Kiss me Kylie!" Maria cried out as Kylie mounted Giselle's face, where Giselle began licking as deeply inside of Kylie as her tongue would go.

"Oh fuck it all. I had a plan, but to hell with that. I'm too damn horny now thanks to Palla and those damned candles," Giselle said, pulling away from Kylie's slit only long enough to speak before diving back in to slurp some more.

It seemed that Kylie and Maria had Giselle all to themselves, and now she was theirs and not the other way around. Maria returned Kylie's kisses anytime Kylie leaned in to kiss her, her tongue wrestling and sometimes winning against Kylie. Giselle was being completely overwhelmed by the two of them, and both Maria and Kylie neither one showed no signs of slowing down or stopping to give Giselle the chance to get them off of her so she could do whatever her plan had been.

Courage Wolf

The Admin who is Raid Boss
RP Moderator
Nov 21, 2008
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie was only too happy to oblige, only snorting in amusement at Giselle's words before moaning loudly as her fiancé's tongue went to work, both Kylie and Maria likely close to their first peaks already because of the rings they were wearing.

But... Kylie didn't want Giselle's plan to go to waste... that would be a waste of a plan... you didn't waste plans. Moaning even as she pressed her folds to Giselle's lips, her inner walls spasming around her tongue, Kylie waited until both she and Maria had reached their first orgasms, before pouncing Maria and kissing her, straddling her like Maria had Giselle.

No reason to waste a plan... I know we finished before you did Giselle. she teased, shaking her ass at her lover teasingly, tail flopping around randomly, ears perked up with mischief.