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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

When the crotch of her latex cocoon finally came off enough for Giselle to remove her toys, Kylie couldn't suppress a moan and a gasp as her folds were left quivering with need... need for Giselle to fill them so full she couldn't move. Giselle didn't even need words from Kylie, as soon as her legs spread, Kylie saw Giselle moving to penetrate her with a single swift and deep thrust.

"Oh sweetie, I don't care about that as much as I care about you. Now everyone gets to see just how much we love each other. And I'll be gentle, because I know you've got to be exhausted," Giselle cooed softly in Kylie's ear.

Giselle gently pulled Kylie over to the pillows, with the others all around watching in anticipation, and all of them now free from their bindings it seemed. "Poor Giselle's been pent up for the last hour or so. The spider things put a cock ring on her after she came inside of all of us about two or three times a piece, almost like they wanted to save the rest of her stuff for you," Maria said, having taken off her collar for now.

Giselle was indeed very gently, her hips bumping against Kylie as she thrust slowly in and out of the young human. Kylie could tell that Giselle had indeed been pent up for the last hour or so because she not only had the cock ring to show it, but she was also throbbing inside of her to show it as well. Giselle was already panting heavily, looking quite tired herself, but not stopping, and soon enough Kylie felt an orgasm starting to get very close. She could tell Giselle's orgasm was close as well, and Maria was sitting just next to Giselle and had a hand on Giselle's dick, her thumb and forefinger pinching the latex thread around her shaft. Giselle picked up the pace enough so that their skin was slapping and echoing around the room, and Giselle cried out suddenly just as Kylie's peak reached her also.

"O-OH FUCK YES! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH KYLIE!" Giselle cried out just as Maria tugged the cock ring loose enough for Giselle to reach her peak.

Kylie felt the flames in her loins immediately quenched as Giselle's seed poured into her. Spurt after spurt filling her womb up until it was forced to stretch simply to accommodate the sheer amount of it all. Kylie's tattoo on her belly, the special one, began glowing brightly, and looking down while she came, she noticed Giselle's special one was glowing as well just as brightly. Kylie instinctively knew that Giselle's seed wasn't going to be stopped this time, that no potion, nor prayer, nor even a wish from the most powerful magical being in existence would stop it from taking root this time. As their bodies spasmed and their eyes crossed from the sheer overload of pleasure from their lovemaking, not sex, the others all gasped upon seeing the tattoos glowing.

Giselle didn't pull out until she'd finally emptied her seed completely inside of Kylie, and when she did pull out she collapsed next to Kylie on her back, her right hand clenched around Kylie's left hand. "I love you so much Kylie. We should get married while we're here. The temple of Sehanine does weddings all the time," Giselle said softly before she rolled over and pulled Kylie against her, kissing her on the lips as she held Kylie close.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie didn't know what to do or say, simply wrap her arms around Giselle, the others seeing her own devotion in that she didn't react to any of them. Didn't look, didn't listen, simply kept her eyes on Giselle, gasping softly and moaning as Giselle slid into her. They made love there with Maria in charge of the cockring apparently there until Kylie was arching and whimpering, approaching her peak.

Then the ring was pulled off, snapping, and Giselle flooded her, Kylie screaming in complete and total ecstasy. There was nothing to compare to the raw power of the orgasm that tore through her. Not the monsters earlier, not eggs or tentacles or anything. Just that raw liquid heat that was pouring into her from Giselle. The tattoos Glowing. Both of them

Sehanine had gotten her wish, and Kylie had to admit that it was her secret wish as well, the last hour spent with her blindfold nothing but Giselle doing exactly this, of being pregnant with her child... That was how deep this need ran, and she screamed out her acceptance, joy, and pleasure so readily that her throat was raw by the end of it as the orgasms faded, the others gasping in slight shock as they paid witness to what could only be assured conception.

As Giselle spoke about being married, Kylie nodded, rolling with Giselle and nuzzling her neck, tears of happiness in her eyes. The first time Kylie had cried like this in front of Giselle. Only having done it once before in abject terror. Never joy. Something she'd never shown shining through the human woman to her soon to be partner for life.

Yes. Yes. Always Yes Giselle. It was Yes when I asked you before, it's yes now. It always will be. she muttered, kissing Giselle for several long moments as she came down.

When she did, she was sweaty, full, and shockingly, no longer horny. Instead filled with an incredible warmth. Surrounded by friends and family now, holding Giselle as Giselle held her in a sweet embrace that lasted until even Kylie had to admit, grudgingly...... that she needed to pee. The others likely giggling uncontrollably while Kylie flopped towards the bathroom.

Once that was done though, she put Maria's collar back on and patted her head. Just get used to it. We'll get you a wedding ring as well. Kylie said, shrugging, knowing full well she had jewelry in her horde back home, it simply wasn't as spendable as all the coins.

But then she was attached to Giselle for another moment, moaning in a deep kiss, before turning and seeing about getting her anti-monster-plugs back in, and getting dressed. Well? lets go to the lighthouse. I'm sure it's getting later if it's been hours, and Elise will be showing early if I know her to scope it out. We're both a little nervous about this meeting, for different reasons. Kylie said, glowing with an everpresent smile on her face while her hand drifted over the tattoo on her belly. To the rest of you deviants.... Bridesmaids. Ilyana. Tina, you're Giselle's big scary older sister. So sorry, Groomsman. she said, laughing, before turning to Giselle. I'm stealing Delilah for a Bridesmaid. She was the first person i met on the Island. Mine. And I'll need one more wont I... she said, turning slowly to grin at Angela. You wouldn't happen to know how to get Hazel a message would you? I want Gestalt here for it. Cosimo too. she said.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle held Kylie as close as she possibly could without squeezing the wind out of her, a look of nothing but pure love for Kylie in her eyes. When she felt the urge to go piss, Giselle giggled and let her up, admitting that she too needed to relieve herself and went to the other bathroom, where she slammed the door shut behind her in her haste to get there.

After a few minutes were spent cleaning themselves up, Kylie met Giselle back in the bedroom with the others, who seemed to have already gone and dealt with their own bathroom matters before Kylie awakened. When Kylie slipped Maria's collar back over the vryloka priestess, the poor thing whined, but didn't try and take it off right now. "Aw, I thought I was done with it for now?" Maria asked, looking up at Kylie with dewy eyes.

"Alright hon, we'll get going then to the lighthouse," Giselle said softly, looking both proud and tired at the same time, but also eager to meet Elise. "I don't think you'll need those though, look," Giselle added to Kylie when she made to put her plugs back in, where Kylie would see that Giselle's semen had dried up already and wasn't leaking out of her womb anymore.

"Hey, I am not a groomsman you little..." Tina began saying before smirking at Kylie and winking. "I know some who could be groomsmen though," she then said knowingly to Kylie, meaning the two tentacled creature things in the water from before.

"Me, no I barely know Hazel," Angela said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I can, but if you're wanting to send a message back to your homeland then I doubt whoever you're sending it to would be awake enough to make a trip here. The Netherworld is about six hours behind remember, so it may be about six in the evening here, but it'd be midnight or later back in your homeland most likely. If you're wanting them here for the wedding, then I can have Hazel do that here shortly or in the morning, as I doubt you'll get married tomorrow, because you'll want to let the temple know ahead of time so they can prepare, then there's invitations to those you want there, and everything else. But I need to clean up before I do anything else, so if you'll excuse me please," Ilyana said, heading for one of the bathrooms now herself.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie reached out a hand and snagged Ilyana as she nodded and tossed away the plugs, and by tossed, set them down next to her own leash on the bedside table. No trust me. THIS is when they're most likely to be awake and able to travel. So please, as a favor, I'd owe you one. Kylie said, wanting badly to see her own family in all fairness, having missed them quite a bit, and it showed on her face.

Once that was said, she geared up properly. Not like she was going out for a walk, but for a job. Blades, Belts, Gauntlets, Bow, Arrows, Poisons. Everything, taking great care in how she dressed, as long as her black cloak, and not taking anything less then being fully prepared as acceptable. Her little slime clothing was placed back in it's case, and then she was ready to meet with Elise.

If Giselle was likeways ready, she'd start out, looking truly like a member of her profession for those who knew what to look for. And probably not to anyone's worry because if they could tell what she was, then seeing her would make them feel safer. It was when they couldn't see her that there was danger. If anything she radiated that.

And it was off to the Lighthouse of Destiny.


Much further away, two figures were camping, a halfling looking up suddenly at the crescent moon, and smiling widely, a hand reaching up to close her fist around it. It's Starting. she said quietly, her large companion sleeping peacefully while she kept her own vigil, laughing to herself quietly as stars started to align. As they'd been made to long ago. One Grand Experiment had died before his time, but the other was flourishing, and now. Breeding. Perfect. Everything was Perfect. Fate had been Cemented into it's roles as the gods danced around eachother. It had been kept hidden from the Fatespinner for this long, but now, with a new life joining the world. Well, the threads would tell the truth, and Already, she could feel the Raven Queen's outrage that despite her apparent victory long ago with the Death of Reginald Verenial Myranstross, The lord of Magic was still tampering with her threads. And this time, She'd make sure that her vengeance was Terrible to all to behold. Chesire could feel the creeping ice of Winter in it's truest form coming over an assassin's life as Summer began to Wane. Everything Had it's Season.... Everything.

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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ilyana stopped and looked to Kylie and nodded after a few moments. "Alright, I'll talk to her. But I'm still getting cleaned up first. Can't go see a queen like this, even if I know she wouldn't care one way or the other," Ilyana replied before heading to the bathroom.

Giselle was also ready by the time Kylie had finished dressing and gearing up, looking even more eager the closer time came to leave. When Kylie was ready, Giselle set out with her, smiling and staying near Kylie, but not cramping her style any if she wanted to walk alone and look all badassed.


When they reached the lighthouse, Kylie saw it was shining out over the ocean, and the harbor with each turn. She could see the ships at anchor, with quite a few warships actually, and there were a few out at sea she could tell too just in the distance. Kylie had two options, one was climb the outside of the lighthouse, which she had already done once before, or to climb the stairs inside as Giselle had done and was doing now as she walked inside.

Kylie couldn't see the top of the lighthouse right now, but she was certain there would be more than just herself and Giselle up there soon enough.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie kept Giselle close, nuzzling and kissing and otherwise being a clingy idiot which completely ruined any planned badassery. Until they reached the lighthouse and one figure dropped from the stone to the sand in front of them, while another slunk from around the side, both wearing large cloaks, but their hands slid free, all 4 limbs shining with mithril before they turned their palms towards the pair and 4 blades slid slowly out.

Kylie tensed, and immediately moved Giselle behind her, but they reached up and pulled back their hoods, Gestalt and Cosimo standing there. But the air was still full of menace and Kylie wasn't sure why, before Gestalt strode forward, slipping into the stance of their order and drawing two longswords from sheathes crossing his back, blades held flat and level. It was the stance of the Scales. One blade was Mercy. The other was Wrath. You did not run from Death.

His graying hair was still cropped short, and his eyes, grey and hard regarded her, Kylie tensing but not reacting yet, if only stepping forward a half step counted, Giselle staying wisely silent. The beach was completely deserted.

Cosimo was the one who spoke, he'd already put his cowl back up. We are here to deliver Reginald's last Will and Testament, as well as the only possession he granted to one Kylie Vilanya Myranstross, Assassin of the Order of the Steel Rose, and Heir Apparent as Matriarch of the Garellian branch by order of the current Patriarch, Cosimo Many Faced. he said cooly, Kylie's face contorting with anger. But she didn't speak to her superiors. Not in anger. And Giselle could see she wanted to, Badly. She wanted to scream and rage and shout, but she wou... No, it was Back. She couldn't. She couldn't speak. her voice had been stolen for the first time in months. And if she looked closer, she could see the shimmers of sorcery. There was something deeper within Kylie that seemed to want to protect not from the men, but from herself. Silencing her voice.

Gestalt still did nothing, standing there patiently, while Cosimo continued.
Betrothed of Kylie. Please stand Back. This is her Final Trial for the one thing she has always wanted of her Arms Master Gestalt. Access to the Vault. he said, but Giselle refused. She was speaking to Kylie, but Kylie couldn't hear her through the blood pounding in her ears. Last Words. Last Will. Last Gift. From her Brother. As well as daring to speak her full name. Hazel however landed behind Giselle, and gently peeled her away from Kylie, whispering that it would be alright. Stay calm Giselle. No matter what happens. Stay calm for her. She'll be alright. but you're about to see a part of her that she has never shown you. Not even at the heights of her anger have you seen what lurks under her skin. Hazel whispered to her.

And then Kylie saw it. In Gestalts forward hand, his body standing turned to her slightly, the long blade that her brother had used. Well oiled and cared for, but his nonetheless, And how she had searched the streets for that blade. How she had punished EVERYONE who'd had a hand in his death. How that terrible night still haunted her dreams Without pause.

Kylie's ice.. Finally broke. The bonds on her soul shattered, as Gestalt turned and tossed the second blade to her. If ye want it Lass.... Take it. I'll accept nothing less! Gestalt Cried, his stance holding firm, a master of bladecraft. Maria had followed, and now watched from a distance with Giselle, held back by Hazel. Maria was commenting on kylie's lack of long blade skills, but Gestalt scoffed. Kylie was holding a plain longsword, the favored weapon of Garellian soldiery and nobility alike, and she was shaking. Literally shaking with rage. That was when it all broke. She tossed her other weapons aside, still unable to speak, all of them, except her gauntlets, and took her stance. And then the tunic she was wearing Exploded away from her back, as the tattoo there flared to life despite all the warnings to the contrary, and Giselle got to see Kylie's intense rage for the first real time in her life.

It was a flurry, a true Blur of motion that even the sword trained Priestess had trouble completely following, such was the speed that Kylie launched herself at Gestalt, the sword snapping out to smash against his raised guard harshly, but the weapons master turned with the blow and came up high to sweep across her back in a tight, but efficient and fully lethal motion. But Kylie flipped where she was, turning the blade under her body to snap it up into a high guard, steel ringing on steel before pivoting and cutting a wide ring around herself, forcing Gestalt back two paces. But then they were hammering at eachother. Maria would recognize the fighting style, and seeing a Master of it, know it's name. It was the Dance of the Falling Petals. The Dueling style of Garellian mercenaries and Kylie and Gestalt spun around eachother furiously. Blades snapped against eachother and whistled through air in two orbs of shimmering steel, moonlight reflecting off the blades as they stepped, turned, struck, and counterstepped, and now, Now kylie was keeping pace far better then she had with Maria before. And she was doing it without her magical enhancements... So far. Until the air shrunk around her and she was behind Gestalt. But the old man had seen it coming somehow and she had to roll away as he thrust his sword behind him and turned to spin again in another downward slash exactly where Kylie would be.

This was truly a Duel. There'd be a clear winner and loser here and Kylie was too far gone in her rage to care about warnings, problems, or anything, such was the intense focus of her anger at her Family right now. It was one thing to be told how much Reggie had meant to her, But another entirely to see how powerful the response was when that memory was tested or denied. And Kylie was screaming now, Each blow more powerful then the last, each step quicker, tighter, nastier, more underhanded, But Gestalt kept pace with her as they dueled. The blades were coming together now so often that it sounded like a tuning fork. A steady vibration in the air. Kylie was using everything she had at her disposal now, Burning through the Magic in the air in this enriched place, as well as the ability of her already tired muscles to keep up. But her body was forcing it, The strain was showing, but the fury would not fade and so her body obeyed her mind and soul and met Gestalt again and again before Finally. Gestalt lept back, and bleeding cut showing on his cheek.

Kylie was panting now, hard, and her tattoo was bleeding. but her body wasn't rejecting the Tattoo or the magic. Nor was it showing signs of collapse. She could continue, but Gestalt wouldn't have it, And Hazel finally said the words that Giselle, now crying silently, had been dying to hear. Sing for her... Bring her back. And Giselle did, tilting her head back and singing as a Siren was meant to, the flames of Kylie's fury dying down to mere embers as she fell to one knee, panting. Gestalt came to her then, and laid the blade at her feet, along with it's scabbard. It was a beautiful blade. Simple, but wonderful. She had often oiled and cared for it for Reggie. The hilt was worn Cherry wood, and hardened Brass, the Blade a fine tapering Mithril that had taken chunks out of her own sword, or rather, the blade Gestalt had given her. Gestalt didn't say anything, simply reaching out to stroke her hair. It's yours little bird. It's all yours. I'm so happy you're getting married. This old man has never been prouder. he said softly, wiping the tears from her eyes with his other hand. And then he leaned in. His last words to you. Little Bird. "Remember to Smile." he said quietly, though everyone heard him in the stifling silence that had filled the air after Giselle's song stopped.

Kylie was sobbing silently, nodding, before picking up the sword and it's scabbard, wiping the blade in the tattered remains of her shirt, before sheathing it and setting it across her back. Hazel let Maria and Giselle go then, who both Flew to Kylie's side, Giselle hugging her protectively and stroking her hair, while Maria had retrieved Kylie's long knives and was standing between Kylie and the pair of men, who were coming.
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Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As the pair dropped from seemingly nowhere in front of them both, Giselle readied herself for a fight, as neither of the figured before them seemed to be Elise, nor could be as they were too large of build and too manly looking. "Wait who are you even supposed to be? If you want to fight her, you'll have to fight me too. We fight together," Giselle said before Hazel floated down and hugged her from behind.

"She needs to do this without interference," Hazel murmured in Giselle's ear, to which Giselle began to calm slightly, but looked no less tense and as if she were about to jump into the fray.

In the lighthouse doorway, Kylie saw another pair of figures, one completely shrouded in pure shadow that prevented her from even making out their gender, while the other was cloaked in what was obviously an invisibility cloak. The two figures were watching the fight progress as Kylie's fury was deepening with each swing of her weapons. Despite her fury, Kylie could feel the intensity of their eyes as they watched over the fight from their positions. High up on the top of the lighthouse, Kylie saw another figure, her eyes making out that it was much smaller than the rest, but no less ominous.

As Kylie's fury was starting to overpower the young human assassin, Giselle was able to literally sense it as it happened, her eyes glistening with tears as she watched her beloved whom she'd just literally proposed to barely an hour before if that much. When Hazel whispered in Giselle's ear to bring Kylie back to them before her fury stole her away from them forever, Giselle sobbed and fell to her knees, where as soon as her voice began to sing, Kylie's fury washed away, oozing out of her as if it were a disease that her body was cleansing itself of.

"So do just that Little Bird, remember to smile. He may be gone from us now, but he will always be in here, and in here," Gestalt told Kylie as he and Cosimo both held her, poking first at her forehead, and then her chest right over her heart.

"Oh Kylie, are you okay love?" Giselle asked as soon as she was able to get to Kylie's side, her arms wrapping around her and refusing to let go no matter what happened now. "It's beautiful Kylie, your brother's blade. But not as beautiful as you," Giselle went on to say softly as she watched Kylie sheath the thing.

"And now we must finish what began so long ago. One was destroyed, and two remain. Their existence must be erased for you to be able to live without fear Kylie," a woman said, the one in the cloak of invisibility. She walked over to Kylie, stepping past Maria who simply stood there in awe and fear as the woman removed her hood and knelt just in front of Kylie and pulled her into a tight hug. "I am so... so sorry Kylie. I am so foolish. I thought doing it this way would work, but as my own past has shown, it didn't. I... I hope that you can forgive me, but I'll understand if you can't, or won't," the woman went on to say, with Kylie knowing that it was Elise as she saw her face.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie prepared for the worst. For the hammer to fall, for the blade to drop. For anything other then what happened. She was hugged. And apologized to. by someone who could only be Elise. Kylie could only nod, her muscles burning with fatigue and her limbs heavy with outright exhaustion. The old man was tough.

She didn't hug Elise back though, she didn't know her well enough, but she could accept the apology at least. As it had been given without having to be asked.

I'll forgive, but I wont forget Elise. I've forgotten too much already she said quietly, reaching out to pat Maria on the leg. it's alright. They're friends. Giselle, Maria. My adoptive Fathers I'd guess you'd call them. Cosimo and Gestalt. she said, gesturing at the men.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"And I wouldn't ask you to forget, not ever again Kylie," Elise said as she pulled back a little, where Kylie saw tears in her eyes.

"Um... hi there I guess. I suppose one of you would be the one to give Kylie away at the wedding then?" Giselle said, still refusing to release Kylie.

"Hello there Giselle. Yes I know who you are. I may be old and don't get around as much as I used to, but I am still well informed," Cosimo said with a chuckle, taking Giselle's hand and kissing it like the gentleman that Kylie knew he was to in public.

Gestalt looked over his shoulder at the other figure in the lighthouse doorway, who seemed to nod but didn't move, while the one high above didn't move either and maintained their perch up there. "Kylie, do you wish to erase that which you fear? That which haunts you and shall until it is faced down," Elise asked Kylie suddenly before producing a small vial and a dagger. "If so, then we shall summon it, and before this day is over, it will haunt you no more. You are strong enough to face your fear, you made that perfectly clear to me moments ago when you fought Gestalt. You need but face it calmly and logically, and you shall again be victorious. And you need not face your fear alone. You should never face it alone, for alone you will fall. But together... together you shall always prevail," Elise went on to say, patting Kylie's head and brushing her hair aside as she awaited Kylie's answer.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie listened quietly, smirking a bit and 'Tssh'ing as Cosimo played the nobleman and gentleman, before Elise spoke again, talking abou..... She realized what they meant now and the blood drained from her face for a bit, before she finally let out a shuddering breath, and nodded. Let's be done with it then. An end to the chase. she muttered, standing slowly, stiffly, and in obvious pain, but standing nonetheless.

Her bow didn't have enough arrows, she'd never gone to the blacksmith. Her long knives were a good choice, and she did requisition them back from Maria, but drew the sword, holding the familiar weapon to her at least firmly, one of her knives in her free hand. That was if Elise didn't do anything insane first.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

As Kylie seemed to almost fret over not having any arrows, Elise produced a dozen mythril arrows from under her cloak and handed them to Kylie. Kylie saw that they had mythril heads on them and were all different in some small way. One had what appeared to be a drill head on the end of it for the arrowhead, with the arrow itself made so that it spun in mid flight and would be able to literally drill into its target with enough force that it couldn't be pulled out and would constantly hinder them.

"They're perfectly balanced for a bow of your kind, because as your luck would have it... I use a bow similar enough to yours that they can use the same kind of arrow, hmhm," Elise said, pulling her own bow up and showing that it was the same size as Kylie's.

"Don't worry Little Bird, she knows what she's doing, and I trust her. And you know me, I don't trust anyone that hasn't earned it," Gestalt said softly, looking over his shoulder again at the other two figures that Kylie hadn't seen yet.

"Drink this here, it'll give you enough strength with which to finish this. Just, don't try and do anything strenuous tomorrow okay, because you'll be sore," Elise told Kylie about the vial, urging her to drink it. "Now Hazel, stay back with everyone else not involved in this. I'm sure that these things won't be coming alone, so support from the back and take out anything that comes with them, if anything else does that is," she then told Hazel before standing up and drawing a pentagram on the ground at the foot of the lighthouse, and then a circle around that, and another larger pentagram just on the edges of that circle.

"We need a drop of your blood Kylie. Drip it in the center pentagram and then step back and let Elise do the rest," the figure from the doorway said, a female voice, which let Kylie know it was a woman at least.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie took the offered arrows and picked up her own bow, as well as the quiver, filling it, before doing as she was directed and moving to slide a hand along her bleeding back, drinking the potion quickly enough, and squeezing her fist over the summoning circle, before dancing back as she was given enough energy to continue, the sword snapping back into it's sheeth while she drew her bow and knocked an arrow, another held in her teeth.

Her legs were bent, her breathing slowed, and her mind sharpened. It would be terrifying to face down monsters that had murdered half her branch... But it would be over, one way or another.

And so she waited, giving herself plenty of space to aim and move, all her weapons at hand and ready. Now or never it seemed. Which was funny to her because she'd be okay with Never as well. Just let the mindless things forget she existed and let her avenge her mother on the mage that summoned them in the first place.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Elise... you didn't really think you were going to try something like this without me knowing did you?" A man called out as he and several others walked up the path to the lighthouse.

He had a grim look on his face, and Kylie saw another slightly younger man standing just to the left of the one who spoke. Kylie recognized the one standing next to the one in the lead as James, the one who'd climbed the lighthouse with her before. He was in a different outfit this time though, one that had much purple in it that Kylie knew meant royalty. Kylie slightly recognized the man who'd called out to Elise also, but she couldn't place him perfectly. Two of the ones with the man in front that Kylie noticed would fill her with incredible fear, and for good reason, as they were Pitfiends, which were literally only one step down from archdevils themselves. One of them flanked either side of both James and the other man. Merrick was another that Kylie noticed following along behind them.

"Um... no no, I wasn't trying to do this without your knowledge Andy," Elise said quickly, looking over to Hazel for support.

"Mhm, I'm sure. You do know that I know you Elise. We've been friends for longer than even most elves have lived," the man, whose name Kylie recognized and now her mind placed him as one of those there in Celestia with her on that fateful day.

Andrew walked over to Kylie and placed a hand gently on her shoulder. "This is your fight, but I won't have any Atropal's running loose in my realm. So don't hold back, and don't lose. I'll kick your ass myself if you do. After I kick those Atropal's asses that is," Andrew told Kylie smirking a bit at her before backing off so that Kylie was there alone with Elise beside her, and Hazel not too far behind with Gestalt and Cosimo.

Elise stepped forward again and began to speak an incantation under her breath in a language that Kylie didn't recognize, her left hand holding Kylie's right as she did. "Conjuro te esse interiturum. Conjuro te maledictionem exsequi incumbit Kylie Vilanya," Elise said at the end of her incantation, where a dark purple and yellowish light poured forth from from the pentagrams, and Kylie saw that which brought her so much fear, not one, but two of them in fact.

"Do not give in to fear Kylie, no matter what happens," Elise whispered to Kylie, showing no fear herself and narrowing her eyes.

As the two Atropal's came forth from the summoning circle, straight towards Kylie, the shadowy figure in the doorway sprang forth, moving so fast that Kylie barely even registered that she had moved before she was on the Atropal further back, a mace coming down right into the back of its head followed by a long kukri slashing its stomach as it spun to face its attacker. It roared at her, and Kylie heard Giselle gasp before she started to step forward, only to have Hazel and Maria hold her back.

The second Atropal lunged at Kylie, nearly before she could react, and just as it reached for Kylie and Elise, the loud crack of a rifle sounded from the top of the tower. Elise then looked over at Kylie and nodded, giving Kylie the go ahead to fire at her leisure, or attack in melee if she wished.

(Go ahead and make your choice of fighting style for now. It's a boss type fight, so go all out however you like. :p)
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie steeled herself, until the gates opened, one arrow knocked to her bow, another held in her teeth, ready to do this. Until they actually came through and that horrible night came back to her, still so fresh in her own mind thanks to Elise's meddling with her memories then with years of fading to help her. No, it was all there, crystal clarity. Unyielding, Unforgiving. The look on her mother's face as she rotted to death against the wall, struggling, choking, fading... And it almost Killed her.

The second beast, Kylie was too fixated on it to even catch the interference from the surrounding parties, but whatever they had done had given her just enough of a chance to regain her mental footing, and she leapt backwards, her arms snapping apart in a full draw across her chest mid air, gaining 4 foot, just enough room, before the string lashed forward before she touched the ground, the arrow screaming the 10 feet or so towards the atropal before she hit the sand, sliding as she spat the second arrow into her hand, knocked, and fired.

A half step back turned into a hard leap into the air, turning sideways as she twisted to grab a third arrow and another vicious snapshot, looking to draw the Atropal with her like a kite on a string while she bled it, trusting in her footing and acrobatics now then raw power to keep her standing. That was the true game here, keeping her feet. But she was slowly angling the path towards the surf. The Atropal floated, it didn't walk, it flew in a sense, if she could draw it out into the water which was simply more ground for her, she could keep the battle from spilling into the city or her companions. The support she could now see was primarily ranged, and the light house would get a better angle over the flat water as well rather then the slope of the sand.

She didn't have a lot of arrows, but she knew she wanted the battle itself out on the water where her friends would be safe and they could exercise more freedom in their tactics.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie: 17 vs 17 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg
Elise: 19 vs 16 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg
Shadow Woman: 16 vs 5 Atropal B, hit for 1 FP dmg

Atropal A: 14 vs 18 Kylie, miss
Atropal B: 12 vs 5 Shadow Woman, hit for 1 FP dmg

Kylie: 7 vs 7 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg
Elise: 19 vs 10 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg
Shadow Woman: 10 vs 1 Atropal B, hit for 1 FP dmg

Atropal A: 8 vs 7 Kylie, hit for 1 FP dmg, grapple failed
Atropal B: 5 vs 9 Shadow Woman, miss

Firing her first arrow right alongside Elise, Kylie's and Elise's both struck their target right in the mid torso, yet the Atropal being a powerful abomination wasn't deterred by a mere couple of arrows. The woman shrouded in shadow spun around as her opponent turned to deal with her, swinging her mace again and batting it right in the face with a hard strike, flinging bits of decayed skin off of it and to the side where Kylie could see. Kylie could tell that neither of the women with her feared these things, simply from the way their movements came.

The Atropal focused on Kylie floated towards her and lunged again, trying to grab her obviously just as the other had done her mother so many years ago. Luckily for Kylie, she wasn't stricken with fear to the point that she couldn't dodge the incoming strike against her. The shadow woman however wasn't so lucky and her Atropal opponent slammed its clawed hand into her side. She grunted softly and continued to spin, darting to the side before the thing could grab her.

Elise noticed what Kylie was trying to do as she did a sort of fighting withdrawal to lure the thing down towards the water. Upon noticing this, Elise put her bow away and drew a pair of swords, the one in her right being a slender rapier with a golden handle that was very obviously magical, and the other was a longsword that Elise suddenly twitched her hand around the handle of and the blade sprang to life with a bright white light. The Atropal turned to look at Elise as she stepped up next to Kylie, with Elise waving the sword at the creature and nodding to Kylie. "You keep firing, I'll keep him distracted," Elise whispered to Kylie, where the two steadily made their way down towards the beach, and once they were on even ground again, with the thing following them all the way down, Kylie saw an opening to shoot.

Rolling to the side a bit, Kylie fired another arrow that flew true and struck the abomination in the shoulder, and Elise spun and slashed at the Atropal's side. The shadowed woman dove at the other Atropal, slamming into her with her feet and smacking it on the top of the head with her mace before flipping in the air and landing perfectly as the creature tumbled down the hillside to the beach itself, which around here wasn't overly large.

The Atropal with Kylie and Elise again went for Kylie, and Kylie got up close and personal more than she'd have liked as the things clawed hand swung at at her, catching her in the side. Its claws left a couple of shallow, and a couple of deeper cuts on Kylie, but she wasn't grabbed by the thing thankfully, as it had reached for her, but Elise cut it off by slashing both of her swords at it and hacking at its arm pretty good.

The other Atropal lunged for the shadowed woman, who easily dodged its incoming attack this time without much trouble. "Foolish fiend, thinking it would be that easy to hit me again. Today your soul is mine, and hers," the shadowed woman said in a very cold tone.

Kylie - FP: 5/6, AP: 0/10
Elise - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?
Shadow Woman - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?

Atropal A - FP: ?/?, doesn't look too very hurt, but noticeably so
Atropal B - FP: ?/?, looks only a tiny bit hurt
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

She wasn't going to be able to simply outrun it it seemed, not with such a slow tactic, and it constantly wanted to grab her. She wasn't entirely sure what to do with it, and she wasn't doing enough damage to bring it down quickly.

The best she could think to do was to get some distance and get moving so quickly into a blow that she'd be impossible to grip. She'd already tested her magic too much for another teleport. She could tell that alone in her gut. There was only so much you pushed your luck.

Elise! Switch! Kylie shouted as she pulled three arrows from her quiver and leapt backwards into a roll to get as much space she could, ripping all three shots off quickly to give Elise some room before her bow was thrown back around her shoulders and she pulled her knives, already crouched into the start of a sprint.

She tossed aside what was left of her fear and went into her run, plotting the blows out into her mind and showing where her skills lay. 5 feet away at full speed she rolled low, both blades in her hands before lauching herself up, spinning viciously to score as many cuts in the atropals back as she could after rolling passed, coming out of the hard acrobatic motion with a kick as she threw one of her knives to free a hand before finishing the turn by grabbing the hilt of her brother's sword, tearing it free to flash in the moonlight, since with her kick it was the only weapon that could still strike, and swinging it around with the motion of her spin to land one last slash as well as continue to swing her around to land far enough away, rolling as she slid the sword back into it's scabbard and danced backwards along the sand again, redrawing her bow.

They had to keep splitting the monsters attention. For now. This would come to a head depending on which fell first. She was down to 6 arrows and already turning to sprint away rather then dance towards the water as she redrew her bow.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie: 15 vs 4 Atropal A, hit for 3 FP dmg (because three shots in one and I did three rolls and this was the average of them all.)
Elise: 19 vs 2 Atropal A, crit strike for 3 FP dmg and dazed the Atropal, giving it a -2 on its next turn for all rolls.
Shadowed woman: 14 vs 9 Atropal B, hit for 1 FP dmg

Atropal A: 2 vs 4 Kylie, miss
Atropal B: 1 vs 20 Shadowed woman, crit miss and countered for 4 FP dmg

Kylie: 15 vs 12 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg
Elise: 7 vs 3 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg
Shadowed woman: 14 vs 7 Atropal B, hit for 1 FP dmg

Atropal A: 5 vs 2 Kylie, hit for 1 FP dmg, and grabbed her arm
Atropal B: 12 vs 20 Shadowed woman, miss

As Kylie strung all three of her arrows and fired, all three slammed into the beast's chest, knocking it back a little. Elise didn't even need to be told anything by Kylie as she spun around and flipped back, switching positions with Kylie and pulling her bow out in one fluid motion, where she fired off an arrow to support Kylie now and nailed the Atropal right in the face. The shadowed woman flipped in at the other Atropal, smashing her mace down on the thing's head.

The Atropal Kylie switched out to face swung at her again, barely missing her with its clawed hand, while the other one utterly missed the shadowed woman and got punished big time for it as she slammed her mace right into the thing's face, crushing what passed for its nose and then spinning around and sweeping its legs out from under it and slamming the mace down onto its stomach as it fell, crushing it into the ground.

Kylie was able to follow up on the one Elise had shot with her arrow and gave it a good cut on its torso, where she could tell that she was slowly wearing it down bit by bit with Elise's help. Elise fired another arrow at the Atropal and hit it in the leg, mainly as Kylie was kind of in her line of fire and prevented her from shooting elsewhere at that point. The shadowed woman spun around and jumped into the air, where she slammed her mace down onto her Atropal's chest, crushing bone from the sounds of it as it howled out a horrid screech that nearly deafened Kylie.

This gave her Atropal opponent time to grab her wrist, where she would feel the cold touch of it on her as it slashed its claws across the same arm with its other hand. The other Atropal was in dire straits it looked like however, as the shadowed woman was really giving it a pounding, and not in the sexual way as she smashed her mace down onto it repeatedly, the thing just barely managing to get back up as it kicked at her and managed to pull back.

Kylie - FP: 4/6, AP: 0/10, grabbed by her wrist by Atropal A
Elise - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?
Shadow Woman - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?

Atropal A - FP: ?/?, Looks quite hurt now, but still in the fight
Atropal B - FP: ?/?, looks very hurt now, but still able to fight for the most part
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie, her wrist grabbed used the beasts enormous strength to her advantage by slamming her other hidden blade into It's wrist and then letting all her weight fall on that arm as she swung her legs up and kicked at it's elbow, looking to free herself explosively.

If she could get lose she'd follow up with another switch out with Elise, rolling back her way and letting the barrage from her bow resume while Elise took to the melee. If she couldn't then she'd try again, using the hidden blade in her gauntlet as a prybar, looking to destroy the things arm or slash through it's hand.

If still she couldn't get free Then it would be like holding on to a wildcat while she waited for Elise to support her. She was trusting in it, redrawing her long knife to keep hacking at it's hand and even it's fingers, knowing at the very least the gauntlet she was wearing would protect her own hand from the blade.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie: 16 vs 15 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP and broke free
Elise: 12 vs 8 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP
Shadowed Woman: 20 vs 4 Atropal B, crit hit for 4 FP dmg

Atropal A: 9 vs 16 Elise, miss
Atropal B: 18 vs 14 Shadowed woman, hit for 1 FP dmg

Kylie: 18 vs 12 Atropal A, hit for 1 FP dmg
Elise: 6 vs 14 Atropal A, miss
Shadowed Woman: 4 vs 16 Atropal B, miss

Atropal A: 16 vs 18 Elise, miss
Atropal B: 2 vs 19 Shadowed woman, crit miss and countered for 3 FP dmg

Kylie just managed to wriggle free from the Atropal that held her, but it didn't make it easy, and as she finally managed to prize its hand off of her wrist with her other hand, she shot out the hidden blade in that same gauntlet, which pierced the thing's hand and straight through its own wrist, where she jerked the blade to the right and tore out a chunk of the thing's arm. Elise was on the ball and literally rolled in and slashed her rapier up the thing's torso to follow up on Kylie's attack, giving the young human assassin the chance to back off that she needed. The shadow woman ducked and spun around, kicking a leg out and tripping the other Atropal down again where she slammed her mace down onto its chest again, shattering more bone and shearing more skin away.

Kylie's and Elise's Atropal opponent was hurt obviously, and Kylie was hurt a bit too, but the Atropal was hurt more. It tried to slash at Elise this time to get her out of the way, but Elise was too fast for it and darted out of the way easily. The other Atropal went after the other woman again after it managed to get up, where it did succeed in slashing her, knocking her hood aside and Kylie saw that she was a Vryloka like Maria, though a bit more dark skinned with a tan, but looking much more experienced simply by the look in her eyes.

"You fucking bastard," the shadowed woman growled, baring her vampiric fangs which were more prominent than Maria's were.

"Need some help Evangeline?" Elise called out as she dodged the Atropal again.

The other woman, whose name Kylie recognized as the one that the Raven Queen had told her to seek out for poisons and such, shot Elise a look that would have likely scared anyone else, but Elise merely chuckled.

Kylie's next shot from her bow struck true and gave Elise an opening, yet she missed unfortunately as the Atropal literally stumbled back away from her, which threw Elise's attack off a bit. Evangeline missed her attack as well unfortunately, but the Atropals both failed to strike Elise and Evangeline, with Evangeline managing to counter her foe and bashing her mace into its back as she spun around behind it, where Kylie saw it was on its last legs now from the looks of it.

Kylie - FP: 4/6, AP: 0/10,
Elise - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?
Evangeline - FP: ?/?, AP: ?/?

Atropal A - FP: ?/?, Looks very hurt now, but still able to keep up the fight
Atropal B - FP: ?/?, looks incredibly hurt now and on its last legs, but still able to fight somehow despite its oozing wounds
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Two arrows left. All the fuck piss shit balls. Drawing them both as Elise took to the melee again, Kylie instead turned towards Evangeline's crippled opponent and loosed in that direction at it's head since it wasn't paying any attention to her, before firing her last at her own opponent and being forced to move into the melee again because she was simply out of ammo.

So she went low, looking to make a running pass at it's legs with her knives, while Elise went high for more vital areas. But they were winning.