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Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Yes mama, Hope be good. And make sisses be good too," Hope said as she was scooped up by Kylie, running off to keep playing with the others as soon as she was down again.

"Well I know one thing we could go and do, and just be very careful with doing it, hmhm," Giselle said, winking at Kylie before she smiled wide. "We haven't paid any visits to the giant honey bees hive yet, and I do know that the tavern is running a little low on honey for their mead. Heard it from Delilah a couple of days ago. And speaking of sis, she's not in town right now just so you know. She's seeing Kaal as far as I know," she went on to say.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Good, he's cute, Maybe she'll finally get laid. Kylie joked, turning instead to follow Giselle since she wanted to go to the giant beehive. Cos... why the fuck not.

Honey huh? is it that hard to get? she asked, following Giselle since she was the only one who knew where they were going.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Mmm, it can be if there's a lot of them nearby, but if we're lucky then there's just be a couple of drones that won't give us much trouble. But if we end up against more than that then we could be in trouble, hmhm. But they never hurt anyone before, other than a little sting on the butt to chase us out, and their venom isn't deadly despite their size. Painful maybe, but not deadly," Giselle said as they walked off, with Giselle blowing the little ones all a kiss.

"If the Thriae lived closer to here, then it'd be a lot easier to get honey from them. Because they're sentient and actually trade with people. Well sometimes they do anyway. Their honey tastes a lot better too I think. And their better honey can give anyone who drinks or eats it on something a euphoric and almost orgasmic feeling," Giselle said with a smirk. "Maybe we can head up to one of their nests one day. It could be fun. But not today. Oh and we'll need some buckets to collect it too," she added.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie nodded, taking mental notes as they walked, Presumably to somewhere that had buckets, like to town. Or maybe there was a stash of honey collecting stuff nearby with a little sign that read "Abandon all hope and/or Virginity those who enter here" As a bit of humor. She didn't know. They'd talked about collecting honey before but the closest Kylie had ever actually come to it was that scene the blindfold had given her of Giselle using her as a distraction, which immediately got her squirming for a few seconds before she focused.

Buckets? Holy hell, how much of the stuff is there? Kylie asked, poking at her slime dress curiously cos it still felt like she was wearing wriggly jello.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle led Kylie along to the southwest of town to what looked like a small cabin that was built with a small cellar. "It's used as a hunting cabin, but honey collectors use it all the time for this very thing. There's like... a hundred buckets here or so that we can choose from. Some big, some small, because not only Feynrial comes to collect the honey. The alraune do all the time. It's why Hope came out at the mention of honey earlier I'd say," Giselle explained as they went inside the cabin.

Giselle walked to the kitchen and through a small door that opened up to lead down into the cellar. Giselle handed up a total of four buckets to Kylie, all with lids that locked down on top. "These should do. They don't need a whole whole lot for the mead and other stuff, but they always like having the extra," Giselle said as she handed them up to Kylie, who saw each bucket was about five gallons. "And yeah there's a lot of honey in that nest. There's enough in there to fill up all of these buckets about ten times over, at least," she added.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

So... we flop them all into a bag of holding, and then we fill them... All... Kylie said, looking a little crazy but starting to scoop up obscene amounts of buckets! I WILL HAVE ALL THE BUCKETS! I SHALL BE THE BUCKET QUEEN! she cackled, breaking into a fit of giggles. Seriously though, why not. We'll honey up the whole damned town and add to my vast and obscene fortune! Kylie said, laughing before they headed out towards the place of bees and honey... and bees!!! THE BEES!!!
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Well we generally don't like to take a whole lot in case the alraune need some, or anyone else that wants to go in and brave the hive to get some. Plus there's the bees themselves too. We're not sure, but we figure taking too much pisses them off and that they tolerate us because we don't take too much," Giselle said, pinching Kylie on the butt before plopping a bucket down over Kylie's head like a helmet. "Come on, it's this way. There's a path from here that leads all the way to the hive. And you'll know it when you see it, because it's pretty damn big. I'm surprised you didn't see it when you were with Kaal that night honestly," she added as she lead the way towards the hive.

After about twenty minutes or so, Kylie saw a large mound of various material that rose high into the air before them. The thing stretched at least a hundred feet into the air if not more, and there were several entrances they could enter from. The most well traveled path was obviously the one Giselle headed for, being a large entrance that was about as twice the size of a large set of double doors. "The best honey is at the top, so obviously the hardest to get. But most people can usually just walk in and get some honey from the lowest reaches without any trouble so long as they don't start anything and go up beyond the second floor," Giselle said softly as they walked inside.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Ooo fine. Since I've been Helmeted. You know, you could just use me as a distraction and get all the honey. Kylie said, sticking her tongue out before they headed out.

When they got there, she saw the hive and her jaw dropped, and not because Giselle made her do it. It was fuckin Hooge.

heading towards the entrance, kylie nodded. So... see how high we can get? or play it safe and get the ucky honey. Kylie whispered back, looking around the interior of the hive curiously.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle giggled as Kylie stuck her tongue out and simply wrapped an arm around her as they walked. "Well, that's one plan yes. Could be a good one to use maybe," Giselle said to Kylie.


"Hmm, well some of the best mead the tavern ever had was made with honey from the seventh floor, and as far as I know there's like... fifteen to twenty floors in here, from the looks of it anyway. That's just rumors though, as nobody's ever been beyond the tenth to my knowledge. They um... catch girls and lay eggs in them after the fourth floor, and if you're unlucky they take you upstairs a bit further to the eighth or ninth floor to stick you to the wall until the eggs come out, at which point they release you and set you outside the hive at the entrance. Some brave girls come here and get captured on purpose and let them lay eggs in them just to get at the better honey, because after birthing the eggs they let you lay there and rest a while and usually leave you alone," Giselle replied, explaining how some of the higher quality honey is gathered sometimes. "I... heh, I came here with Tina and Delilah once and we were gonna sneak through, but Delilah whispered to me that we ought to push Tina into a group of them so they would focus on her, while we gathered honey. Tina was a little pissed afterwards, but we got seventh floor honey for ourselves, like five buckets full. Oh and I meant there was enough honey in here to fill up all of those buckets ten times over on the floors I've been to. So... I brought a few extras, because I know you wanted to," Giselle went on to say with a naughty grin as she mentioned what they had done to Tina, before showing Kylie another four extra buckets
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie chuckled as Giselle told her story, sneaking up through the hive. Well. If no one's ever done it. I say we at least try. Kylie said, giving a bit of a stretch. Im prrrretty sneaky. she added, wondering at this odd challenge of get up high and get honey or wind up stuck to a wall.... Bit of a win win really... And you got honey either way.

Wondering at that, Kylie looked for the way up and of course for all the supposed BEES that were supposed to be here. Cos BEEEES! THE BEEEES!

But she had a bucket in each head, mighty weapons indeed!
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, alright then. Let's see what we can do in here," Giselle said with a giggle as she wrapped an arm around Kylie.

They needn't crouch apparently on the first floor or two from the way Giselle moved, gathering enough to fill one bucket on the first floor. One of the bee drones buzzed past them as they stood there gathering it, with Giselle glancing at it warily before continuing. "Well he seemed alright at least," Giselle murmured before leading the way upstairs to the second floor, where she walked a little tense about the floor as she gathered the honey from that floor in a bucket too, putting the lid on it and into their bag of holding to exchange for a couple of others.

As they moved up to the third floor, Giselle smiled softly and looked over at Kylie before crouching a bit. "Now we need to be a bit more careful. If the drones see us, they shouldn't think too much about it and let us go about our way. It's the sentries we need to worry about now. They're the ones that try and catch girls they see taking honey. And if you see a big orange colored bee, hide, they're the ones we call the Racers. They're fast and nobody escapes them, and they'll carry you off higher up to be bred by the Breeders," Giselle whispered to Kylie.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

You realize that this is gonna be like a hobby of mine now until I get all the way to the top right? Kylie whispered back as they hit the third floor, crouching low and thankful that once again, she hadn't bothered with her boots. Silence was Golden. Giselle however was not so quiet, though she was trying. She'd have to work with her on that if her fiance wanted to learn. That was up to her.

Still, she kept her eyes open, and silently vowed to smack the shit out of a racer with her dual wielded buckets if need be. No reason to make it easy. At least she hadn't come in her covered in weapons... Dead bees would make future honey gathering hard.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Heh, I'd expect nothing less honestly honey. I know how competitive you are and I know you like to be the top dog. A few good punches should do the trick though if one of them comes at you trying to grab you," Giselle replied with a chuckle as they moved on.

Giselle stepped softly, or as much as she could rather, as they moved along. The corridors wound around in odd patterns, but it was relatively easy to find their way back to the passageway down thankfully, and Giselle seemed to know the way up at least. Kylie saw the path leading up just ahead, but Giselle went past it and around another corner to the honey cache of the third floor. she motioned for Kylie to follow her and made a few hand gestures that told Kylie to keep an eye out for her while she gathered the stuff.

In the distance down the hall back to the path up, Kylie saw a slightly larger honey bee that didn't look like a drone, but it wasn't orange at least. It was coming towards them slowly, and it obviously saw Kylie, but since it didn't see her gathering honey herself it didn't make a beeline for her... heh a beeline.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Using herself as a kind of physical privacy screen for Giselle while she gathered the honey, Giselle apparently wanting to gather a little bit of honey from each floor, which was fine since this seemed to be working out fairly well, and they could bag the full buckets without having to carry them around. Once Giselle was done it was time to head onwards and upwards. Why? because why the fuck not. They were already there and Kylie wanted to see more.

Also this place was kind of awesome, all the twisting tunnels and hive things that Kylie was just having fun. It was like some kind of bee filled maze.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Once we get to the fifth floor, that's when it gets worrisome. There'll definitely be at least one Racer per floor then, and then the Sentries start getting more frisky if they see you near the honey instead of just gathering it," Giselle whispered, sighing softly as she put the bucket into their bag as the Sentry went by them.

They headed upstairs to the next floor, with Giselle remaining crouched the entire time. "The Sentries won't necessarily take you upstairs. Sometimes they'll just have their fun and plant a couple of eggs inside you if they don't feel like taking you up there. Some of them have been known to do that. Hmhm, I remember this one time with my angel girlfriend I told you about. We both came here because she was a little curious. And the poor thing got stuffed so full of eggs I had to carry her out because we got jumped by like a dozen Sentries while gathering honey from the third floor," Giselle whispered, giggling as she mentioned one particular time she'd come here.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Well we're goin to the very top for the bestest honey ever! Kylie answered, sneaking all sneaky like with Giselle cos sneaky.

Apparently there'd be racers all over now, 1 per floor, and the sentries were apparently hornier. It would be fun. But playing wallblock wouldn't work anymore either. itll be interesting.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

"Hmhm, alright then, let's go for it," Giselle whispered back with a giggle, deciding to go for the gold with Kylie as they continued along the path up.

As they made their way around, they came to a fork that Giselle stopped at. "Oh shit, I don't remember this fork here. What the hell, did they remodel the damn place?" Giselle whispered suddenly, not knowing the path here for some reason. "Fuck it, right it is," she added before heading right, which turned out to be the right way as a trio of Sentries buzzed past from the opposite direction Kylie saw behind them.

They made their way upstairs to the next floor after gathering a bit of the honey on that floor, and they came face to face with a duo of Sentries right at the top of the ramp leading up to the fifth floor. Giselle stopped cold and didn't move, motioning for Kylie to stay still too. The two buzzed over the girls and one got right down in Kylie's face before poking at her with its stinger, not actually stinging her exactly, but more testing her it seemed.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Kylie froze as Giselle did on the 5th floor, not moving a muscle while the bee poked at her, Which was hilarious because she was pretty confident she could just port behind them and leave them terribly confused.... But that would leave Giselle alone with two confused and horny bees...... Which might be fun... If giselle didn't have the power to make her legs stop working. Less fun. Still funny though

It was this rush of thoughts that kept her body from moving as she was poked at, wondering what they'd do while they seemed to test them. Which was bad because Kylie had always been bad at math. If she had 15 arrows, and shot 2 of them, she didn't know how many she had left. She still had arrows. Math was stupid, she was out of arrows when she couldn't grab any anymore. Which meant if she could yank an arrow out of an enemy and keep shooting it, well, then 15 - 2 was still 15 cos she was PRETTTY sure she could get those two back... kinda... Fuck math.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

Giselle remained still as well, waiting for the Sentry bee to move along after it poked Kylie a couple of more times, deciding that she wasn't a threat or anything... or something like that. "Whew, thought they were going to give you a sting. Dunno what they were doing though honestly. Haven't seen them do that before myself," Giselle whispered to Kylie.

They set off through the fifth floor and looked around as they went, their steps as silent as possible. After a minute or two in, they heard a louder deeper buzzing sound as they rounded a corner, where Kylie saw one of the Racer's that Giselle warned her about buzzing in a larger chamber of sorts. "Shit, have to find another way around," Giselle whispered, backtracking and coming around to the same chamber from another direction, which had a couple of places they could move through the chamber and hide behind along the way if they wanted to attempt sneaking past. "In for a penny, in for a pound I say. We've come too far to just puss out you know," Giselle whispered to Kylie with a wink.
Re: Kylie (Courage Wolf)

They hadn't been caught yet and Kylie just giggled as the sentries left them alone while they moved on. But then they managed to find one of the big racers and it was doing loopdyloops in a chamber for no raison.

As Giselle said they'd come too far to puss out, Kylie just smiled and shook her head, she could tell Giselle was having fun now and so was she. She should leave her weapons behind more often. She made more friends that way anyway. To the tops! For the bestest honies! omnomnom hunney.

But the Racer looked kinda cuddly all things considered. Too bad it was a giant rape bug or she'd try to hug something that fluffy. She also wondered idly how Kaal was doing with Delilah. But eh, she'd ask her that when they got back.