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Crimson Queen (Mirchie)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Mirchell felt as if she'd been traveling for years, and while that might be true, it was nonetheless fairly tiring, and the near constant encounters with the grey invaders and their reptilian servants had long worn out their welcome. The simplistic swarming tactics employed by the foul, slimy creatures that made up the brunt of the invader's foot soldiers was hardly a challenge, and the ambush tactics favored by the creatures that the humans had dubbed hunters were hardly new to her after fighting stalkers in Hell for so long. The ones leading the aliens, the more colorful slimes and the cultists and even the floating creatures, made up a bit more of a challenge courtesy of their magical talents, and the latter she had learned to avoid given the sheer potency of their magics, easily rivaling those of a lord or lady of Hell, but they were hardly subtle or nuanced combatants.

Fortunately, today she had come upon a scene of her work done for her, thus saving her the trouble of killing a half dozen of the stealthy lizardmen. Unfortunately, they had also already skinned the creatures, taking the only actually valuable part of them, but at least she wouldn't have to kill the things herself. They looked to have been killed with hand weapons judging by the slashing and stabbing wounds present on all six corpses, and since they were in a clearing it was likely that the group had been an ambush party that had gotten more than they'd bargained for.

She'd more or less been wandering this area, her last lead on a way back to her fell homelands once more having proven to be a bust. She'd been told by a wandering magician about a cult allegedly in a town near here, but when she had arrived the place had been overrun by the aliens. No luck there and after traveling halfway across the country to the North East to boot, but it had been better than the last five or so leads she'd gotten, as it seemed that Mirchell was in the minority regarding those who desired to find a way to go to Hell. Now, without any other options, she was back to searching once more, or perhaps attempting another journey to Acheron, where her kin had refused her any help on returning home at every juncture.

Frustrated once more, Mirchell heard a sudden ruckus off in the distance, down the road that she'd been traveling and away from the widened clearing in which she had found the corpses. She was only a few miles outside of the town that she'd found desolated, and whatever was happening was on the way that she'd been going anyway, but she could proceed at whatever pace and in whatever direction she wanted. Her wings offered a great deal of freedom in that respect.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

The albino demoness's armoured feet clanked to a halt, and a frown spread over her grey features as she surveyed the messy clearing. Her nostrils flared, and she set off on a wide approach, nosing through the shrubbery on the side of the clearing by habit, waiting for some small noise to attract the attention of her large ears so she could pounce at it. However, when it became obvious that the culprits had long left the scene, she let out a sigh, faintly-glowing red eyes closing for a few moments, and then she turned, placing her palm upon the handle of her greatsword, pushing the blade up and behind her as she approached the slain beasties, to keep it out of the way as she knelt down, gingerly turning one of the corpses over.

Giving a distasteful sniff that nothing had been left for her, Mirchell paused, and then closed her eyes, wondering if these ones had any souls left, or if they had yet fled this world. So disappointing really. Deprived of a fight, salvage, and a meal all at the same time. Grimacing, fangs glinting in the sunlight, the winged demoness straightened back up to her feet, stretching her arms slightly, until her large, pointed ears picked up the sounds of other creatures off in the distance. She paused, a curious gaze upon her demonic features as she tilted her head slightly, long ears swivelling a little to get a better perception of the noise, before her lips curled into a grin. There was no point flying yet, not really, a waste of energy, though perhaps if the noises reached a climax...

These thoughts wandering almost aimlessly around her head, Mirchell turned back to the path leading deeper into the woodland, and her armoured feet crushed bloodied grass beneath them as she put on a brisk pace back down the path, the happy feeling of potential conflict bubbling up in her chest. At least this land had more variation than her home, where blasted deserts and ruins provided little in the way of visual stimulation. The mortal lands were so full of life, though she had long-gotten-used-to the heady scents of the trees and foliage on her travels.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Heading along the road, Mirchell began to recognize the telltale signs of combat coming from up ahead. The aliens made little noise themselves, but the soft squishing noises that their flesh emitted when a blade went through it was something that she'd long become familiar with. When she broke through the treeline, Mirchell came upon a wide clearing that had likely once been a farm, though now it was a field of ashes. The farmhouse itself could be seen off in the distance, burning, but in the fields the demoness immediately spotted movement.

The charred crops were littered with corpses. Mostly greys and hunters, in the dozens, but there were a few mortal corpses as well. Three men and a woman, along with about six children by the looks of them, though it was difficult for the demoness to tell given the charred state of the bodies. The humans were nearest to her, likely having perished attempting to flee the field as it burned, and a trail of dead aliens that had been killed by a blade drew her attention naturally by way of their direction to the figure at the center.

An angel spun there, a blood-soaked sword in each hand, amidst what little was left of the alien force that had likely been the death of this village. As Mirchell arrived on the scene, she was busy dispatching the last of the aliens even as the quartet of remaining hunters charged her all at once. Her wings wide and high, the angel spun twice, decapitating and disemboweling each of the aliens with a single motion, before coming to a halt. White robe soaked in blood, the angel stood in place, heaving from exertion as she surveyed the carnage, and then she turned about slowly and fixed her gaze on Mirchell, a single bright blue eye appraising her, the other eye covered by a patch and thus invisible if it was present at all. "Demon," she grumbled audibly, "Have you come here to die too?"
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell's red eyes gave off a faint glow as she wandered through the forest path, eventually emerging into the deadened farmstead. She tilted her horned head to one side, long ears twitching and swivelling slightly towards the angel as she dispatched the aliens with such remorseless efficiency. The demoness came to a halt, her ornate armour glinting dully in the light as she tossed a glance about the blackened corpses. "Mhm... It looks like you were too late, angel. Did any of them make it out alive?" she said in a low, almost teasing tone, a sly grin spreading across her lips as she stepped forwards, shifting her weight onto the back leg slightly, and placing her right hand at her hip, where the hilt of her sword rested.

Without bothering to wait for the angel's reply, she looked around again, it was clear that nothing was living any longer on this forsaken place, bar herself and the tired beasty in front of her. Her long, black tail flicked from side to side agitatedly, and she could feel her mouth moisten as she turned back to the glowing angel, moving her hand up onto the pommel of her sword, tilting it forwards to ready the weapon, loosening it in it's sheath. "Sure is a shame, don't you think? All this wanton destruction, tsk." she continued, before letting loose a comical yawn, very clearly uninterested in the fate of the family who once owned the withered farmstead, though her glowing eyes never left the angel, flicking to different parts of her body. Missing eye. Wings. Two swords. The skill to use them. Hunched. Tired. Used too much energy killing the aliens. She knew well enough that these so-called Holy denizens were powerful, and she had no wish to provoke the wrath of their race, but on the other hand, it felt like a good challenge, and she longed to sample the blood and soul of such a creature, a thought which drove her to tilt her head in the other direction, grey skin shimmering as if feverish in the sunlight, long ears swivelling to capture every bit of movement from the angel's direction, her eyes never leaving her dangerous form.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The angel's glowing gaze flitted to the corpses that were more or less at Mirchell's feet, "Too late.... Yes.... No, I have found none alive." There was a definite sense of despair in her voice, and the angel's shoulders slumped. Mirchell's display was met with a steady glare, but if the angel was going to give in to her taunting, she would have to do better than that. Following her casual reference to the devastated village and her ensuing yawn, the angel looked affronted, and raised her voice as she demanded; "There is nothing here for you to scavenge, parasite. Name your foul purpose here and be judged, or draw steel and die on your back. I am not in a gaming mood this day."

While Mirchell knew well that angels were incredibly dangerous, the prospect of combat with one was still an understandably enticing one. Even so, a bit of caution on her part was likely a good idea, as she had heard tales of some of her lesser kin who had felled an angel, and attempted to consume their souls only to be burned out from within. While she might be a good bit more powerful than them, trying to consume something larger than herself in the spiritual sense would cause her to suffer a similar fate. Whether or not this angel qualified for such was impossible for her to determine, however.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell shifted her footing about, kicking over one of the burnt corpses, and tilting her horned head, an inquisitive expression crossing her features as she tried to decipher some sort of detail in the ruined face. It was a fleeting thought though, and she quickly dismissed the notion. Her long ears twitched slightly as the angel raised her voice, and she raised a white eyebrow. "Scavenge? Parasite? You have me mistaken. What I wanted is already dead, so my interest fades, angel. Do not presume to take such authority over -me-, my purpose is less foul than I am certain you would like to believe." she called out, snickering to herself as she looked around, glowing red eyes narrowing, and her nostrils flared as she sniffed the air. It was almost as if she could smell the despair emanating from the Holy avenger.

The demoness' hand remained upon the hilt of her sword, though she made no move to draw it yet, simply drumming her fingers upon the grip and pommel as she made to walk in a shallow circle around the angel, looking for the path that would lead her onwards, but she couldn't resist grinning as she spoke. "Such a pity though, like this those corpses are even more worthless than when they walked and breathed. Who could believe it possible?" she mused slyly, giggling to herself as she turned towards the path, though her long ears did swivel backwards some, so she could hear the Angel well enough to at least guess at her intentions. Mirchell however, tensed her arms and legs, and licked her drying lips, she knew what she wanted, she wanted to sample the angel's delectable essence. She wasn't afraid, but she did feel caution tugging her back from whipping out her sword. It was a challenge, and she was loath to walk away from it, it would give her something of a title to survive it, she mused to herself.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"I call you what you are, regardless of your pretensions to a higher position than your role in the universe has allotted you. And if your purpose is not malignant, then you will have no problem in divulging it, parasite!" the angel shot back immediately, having watched Mirchell defile one of the corpses of the dead so callously with a steadily growing scowl. Whether her would-be opponent knew it or not, she was practically wearing her righteous anger at the deaths of the humans here on her shoulder. Though she despaired, it made the angel know less dangerous, and Mirchell's words increasingly edged the woman towards a fight. She took a step toward the demoness, her arms going out wide as if she were preparing to charge, but the open stance revealed blood staining the woman's robe on her left side, running downwards in a manner that could only signal that the angel was already wounded.

Despite her injury, the angel's footwork moved to match Mirchell's as the demoness moved to circle her. "I grow tired of your arrogance and your disrespect, cretin!" the angel declared loudly, "Reveal your purpose here, or draw steel and die where you stand. Though you might not be responsible for the loss of these souls, your countenance tastes as ill as the foul beasts that did the deed! Now tell me what you want here or draw, that we might end this game!"
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell winced slightly, her pride stung by the angel's insistence in the matter. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, feel her hands clench up into fists, if only for a moment before she forced the muscles to relax again. "And here I was led to believe that your race held some form of benevolence and respect for others, angel. My apologies for having been mistaken upon the matter." she sneered, lifting her right hand from the handle of her sword, and instead reaching across with the left. Her features had turned towards a scowl though, and the albino let her legs slide a little further apart, bending the knees somewhat, while the large wings behind her back part-way extended, as if stretching the muscles tied into them, and then folded away again at her shoulders. Her faintly glowing red eyes wandered over the angel's form, taking note of the beasties injury, and tilting her head to one side, making no small show of watching the blood flow, and then turning her gaze back to the angel to twist her expression into a leer. Behind her, the long black tail flicked about, portraying the demoness' agitation as her injured pride turned to anger.

Baring her sharp teeth, Mirchell let out a low growl from the back of her throat, barely contained in her mouth as her wings began to stretch again. "I did not intend to be an issue for you cretin, or those insects you protect. Not yet. As much as it would give you fuel for your delicious anger, angel, my purpose is murder, but neither yours, nor these, ah... Farmers, despite being too late to do so. I seek information to help me, and obviously the dead cannot provide it, nor would I dignify you with my own questions, angel. Anyone who attempts to prevent my quest, is merely collateral damage. Is that what you wish to be, angel?" she sneered coldly, while her greyed hand clenched about the leather-bound grip of her greatsword, the weapon creaking slightly as she loosened it in it's sheath.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 81/87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Lightly Injured

Perception (angel) : Failure
Perception (Mirchell) : Failure

Casting (???) : Success.
Attack: Automatic Hit.
Damage: 1 + 1 + 9 = 11 * 3 = 33 damage, 6 on Mirchell and 15 on the angel.

Mirchell's sneered insult didn't do much for the angel's mood, and as Mirchell adopted her ready pose the woman tensed in preparation to charge, her posture shifting forward and her arms and wings spread out until they were fully extended. Even so, she waited long enough for Mirchell to say her piece, and though the look of disgust on her face hadn't shifted, the angel did not attack afterwards. Slowly, she eased away from her readied state while watching Mirchell warily, likely in case the demoness opted to begin hostilities herself. "Information for some dread purpose no doubt.... But I cannot slay you if your purpose is as you say, much as I might like to," she said grudgingly, "The knowledge that you seek, whatever it is, cannot be found here. Not anymore. You would be better served to take your foul countenance else-"

The angel didn't get the chance to finish her sentence. An orb of fire shot suddenly into the space between angel and demon and exploded, sending both Mirchell and her opposite hurtling backwards. Mirchell landed on the other side of the road, on her back. She managed to fold her wings and keep any delicate bones from breaking, and the flames had barely even singed her through her armor and her own natural resistance to fire. When she managed to reorient herself after the explosion, she saw that the angel was already (or still) on her feet, and had turned in the direction from which the fireball had come. Following her gaze or her lead, Mirchell saw a large grey monstrosity floating towards them from over the embers of the burning human homestead. It was vaguely humanoid, but a skirt of tentacles came down from where the waist would be on a natural creature, writhing and coated in slime, and its arms were longer and thinner than they should have been. It was faceless, its head little more than a sphere of grey flesh, and Mirchell recognized one of the beings that led the aliens, dubbed elder lords by some.

With the coming of the alien spellcaster, the angel's attentions had been diverted completely from Mirchell, but the creature floating toward them would hardly differentiate between the two of them. It was still about sixty feet from them, but was coming closer as if it expected an easy conquest.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell tilted her head to one side as the angel was speaking, doing her best to adopt an innocent expression, something she did not do all too well with. She licked her lips though, showing off the fangs which glinted in her jaw. Her eyebrows arched slightly, face reddening slightly, patience was a virtue she lacked, and what little she owned had been rapidly worn away.

Luckily, in some ways at least, a distraction presented itself, Mirchell barely had time to twist her head to see the fireball before it exploded, and the demoness hissed in disgust as she was thrown backwards, rolling as she struck the ground and sending up a small plume of ash as she landed. Quickly though, the albino rose to her feet, spitting ash from her mouth as she drew her glinting sword, screeching furiously to the air. "Who dares!?" she called, whipping around to face the tentacled beastie as it lumbered into view.

Growling in disgust, Mirchell began to step towards the alien, the air about her shimmering slightly, and each step she took sent up another puff of charred crops, or whatever this field had been yesterday. Her hand gripped the handle of her sword, lowering it briefly before she thrust her empty right hand forwards, and with a wordless screech she drew upon her spirit, her efforts to channel her rage into a more literal form, as crimson flames burst from her bared palm, streaking through the burnt field towards the grey beast as the albino demoness turned the pent up rage and hunger against it. The angel was forgotten about for now, Mirchell had only even spared her the glance to see if she was the one who had cast the spell in the first place, and having a real culprit made it so much easier to focus her anger. Besides, this was one of the bigger ones. That meant it would be more delicious!

Use Hellfire Blast (single target): 8*(1D6+4).
EP Input: 8
Remaining EP: 39

Dodge: 49
Resistance: 20
Armor: 22
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Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 79/87, PP = 44, EP = 5/47, Status = Lightly Injured, Low on Energy

Mirchell uses Hellfire Blast for X = 8, costing 8 EP and 2 HP.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 4 = 7 * 8 = 56 - 4 = 52 damage on the elder lord.

Ye angel casts a spell!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 1 + 7 = 12 * 2 = 24 - 4 = 20 damage.

Ye floating monster casts a spell in response to being blasted and set on fire.
Casting (Enemy) : Success.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 3 + 1 + 12 + 2 = 17 * 2 = 34 EP damage on Mirchell.

Enemy has taken a total of 72 damage.

Mirchell's burst of crimson flame slammed into the floating grey monstrosity, carving a chunk of flesh from it, but the monstrous creature didn't even seem to register the charred hole in its abdomen. Tendrils writhing, it weaved them in Mirchell's general direction, and suddenly the charging demoness was forced to slow as she felt a portion of her very soul torn off and consumed. Weakness and pain tore through her, very nearly making her black out, and another attack like that would likely be enough to bring the demoness down without ever causing her further physical harm. The angel, on the other hand, continued forward unharmed, sending a bolt of force that pancaked a chunk of the alien monster's squishy body. They were both within reach of it now, and with a powerful beat of her wings, the angel took to the air, and the alien creature shifted downwards, coming within reach of Mirchell's sword even as it prepared to blast the angel out of the sky. A momentary wait on her part would see the angel struck down by their mutual opponent, but if she didn't then kill the alien immediately, she would be facing it alone.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell snarled again, though this time it was in grim satisfaction as her crimson flames scorched a hole through the tentacled monstrosity. Her expression darkened, the grin that had spread across her lips faded though, as she noticed it just kept on coming. She did not let it give her pause though, and shifting her right hand back to the gleaming runic blade she held, hefting her sword to attack the tentacles as they writhed towards her, but then her expression contorted in pain, chest heaving against her breastplate as the alien's magic tore through her spirit. Howling in pain, the albino spun around, and staggered for a moment, before she looked up again, eyes ablaze as the red haze of bloodlust settled over her vision. Her ruby iris' began to glow, though in the harsh light of day, it was barely visible. She shook her head to clear the wracking pain which had spread through her body, and simply tightened her grip upon her sword. Within seconds, she was in melee range, blinking a couple of times as ash was swept into her face by the angel's powerful downbeats.

There was a very brief pause then, she looked up as the angel rose, and then down at the alien. The thought crossed her mind to abstein, but it was but a niggling little thing in the back of her mind. Snarling angrily, the felblooded albino fell upon her foe, her leathery, bat-like wings flaring out behind her back, long tail lashing agitatedly from side to side as she twisted and swung, bringing her gleaming sword up in a devastating uppercut, while her wings gave a single, powerful downbeat to lift her up all that much faster, bringing all that much force into her slash. Her lips parted, fangs gleaming as she let out a vicious screech, the beat of her wings carrying her a few feet into the air, and then backwards slightly, so that Mirchell could land a foot or two away from her opponent, ready to attack once more, raising her sword in preparation to chest-height.

Base melee attack.
Hit roll: +54 from bonuses.
Damage roll: Base 2D12, +34 from bonuses.

Dodge: 49
Resistance: 20
Armor: 22
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Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 79/87, PP = 44, EP = 5/47, Status = Lightly Injured, Low on Energy

Mirchell mows the tentacles!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 12 + 4 + 41 - 4 = 53 damage.

Your damage is 2d12 + 20 (Body) + 8 (Hard Hitter) + 10 (Heavy Weapons Specialist) + 1 (greatsword bonus) + 2 (knight) = 2d12 + 41, not 34

Ye angel descends from on high with dual blades a choppin!
Attacks: Both hit.
Damage: 5 + 6 + 21 - 4 = 26 damage, x 2 = 52 damage total. Tentacle monster down!

Mirchell gains 4 experience!

Mirchell's blade tore through the grey monster's flesh as if it were so much butter, swinging up through its bottom layer of writhing tentacles and up into its body, causing a rain of the severed, twitching appendages in the process. The path set by her jump and the single beat of her wings tore Mirchell's blade through the front of the alien monstrosity, and as she came free the floating creature... Stumbled. Its hovering magic seemed to falter, and its head tilted downward as if it were looking at Mirchell, but in that moment the angel struck from on high. The flow of air caused by the white-winged woman suddenly reversed, momentarily slowing Mirchell's descent by the change in air flow as she suddenly hurled down like a meteor and impaled the grey creature with both swords, right through the head. It fell from the air, the angel pulling her swords out and gliding to the ground a few feet away from its fallen corpse, which separated angel and demon.

If Mirchell was hoping for a meal from the fallen alien, however, she was sorely disappointed. The creature ascended out of its corpse without losing any of its power, and after a brief moment of what Mirchell could only guess was resigned annoyance, it simply flitted away, leaving the battlefield entirely before she could even catch a nibble. The angel, meanwhile, straightened and turned toward Mirchell with a scowl, both of her straight swords dripping with the same foul ichor that was running down the demon's own serrated blade. "So...." she began, "Where were we?"
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell growled as her blade bit deep, her red eyes narrowed, and with a wrench of her powerful arms, her gleaming blade came free of the alien's body, spraying ichor over her side and head, into her hair and across her cheek. She barely noticed that though, and simply crouched slightly as she landed, sending up a plume of dark, loose ash from what remained of the fields. She was about to step forwards again for a finishing blow, when the Angel came bulleting down, and slammed through the alien's head, causing Mirchell to raise her hands defensively, left holding the sword across her chest, while the right covered her eyes from the flying globules of ichor and the little cloud of ash that pulsed out from the impact zone.

The demoness swiftly waved her hand aside though, and a snarl escaped her teeth as the angel jumped away. The albino did not wait long to stride forwards, mouth open and sharp teeth glinting, tongue licking her lips in anticipation, but as the alien simply shed it's body, all Mirchell managed to do was snap at it's trailing energy as it flitted into the air, and she growled in annoyance, looking up at it, and her wings opened up, as if she intended to give chase. It was too fast though, she realised that, and she was too tired to chase it now. So instead she simply watched the beastie's... Soul, or whatever it was, leave, gripping her sword tightly, and teeth bared.

Mirchell was shaken out of her reverie though, as the angel spoke, and the albino instantly turned her head, long ears flicking slightly in annoyance, and feeling dampness on her cheek, she reached up to wipe the ichor off of her grey skin, flicking it away in disgust. "Last time I checked, you were in the process of apologising for your crude misjudgements, Angel." she snapped in annoyance, nostrils flaring as she stomped the ground, sending up a plume of ash, before she turned her gaze to the corpse on the floor, wiping the blade of her sword upon it, before sheathing the blade. Ichor and that particular disgusting flesh would not provide a satisfactory meal, she'd be better off hunting deer later. The angel was not someone she particularly wanted to converse with either, she could feel her blood roiling, the desire to fight and kill, the desire to feed. The wounded angelic beasty looked like a delicious feast, but she forced herself to remember that, despite her pride, it might well have been a closer shave than she would have liked without the angel's aid. And so the albino looked away, reaching up to scrape more ichor off of her face, hair and armour.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 79/87, PP = 44, EP = 5/47, Status = Lightly Injured, Low on Energy

Mirchell's response didn't bring a shift from the angel this time. Instead, the demoness felt the barest stirrings of energy before a wave of water suddenly appeared around her feet, wetting the ash beneath her before suddenly sliding up, under her clothes and over her skin. The magical water, though it appeared suddenly, did nothing but clean the alien's goo from her body and armor, leaving the demoness clean once more before dropping down to the ground. A similar wave of water washed over the angel immediately afterwards, cleaning her of the blood and grime of battle as well, and only then did she offer Mirchell a response; "Yes... That. While you may not have meant ill to this community, and are clearly an enemy of the greys, I can only assume that your true purpose is an ill one. Even so, I cannot.... Damnit!"

The celestial's curse and her gaze were directed off to the side, to the right and behind Mirchell, and if she opted to follow the other woman's gaze, the armored demoness would spot no less than a half dozen hunters breaking from the trees. Shorter than her and possessed of thick, humanoid bodies and long arms, the alien reptiles gazed at angel and demon alike with wide toothy grins and beady black eyes set into their flat lizard-like skulls. Flexing their overlong arms and the razor sharp claws that tipped them, the green-grey creatures slowly vanished as they approached, the only signal of their approach the foot prints that they left in the ash. Her opposite was once more preparing her blades, the stain of blood in her side starting to spread once more, but her eyes flicked between Mirchell and their closing enemies questioningly.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell's scowl quickly changed, and rapidly changed again. As the water suddenly slipped under her armour, a brief expression of panic crossed the demoness' face, but that was quickly replaced by anger as she stomped her feet into the wet ash with a schlorping sound, sending mud splattering about around her. Her wings flexed out, as if to take off, and with them outspread, Mirchell looked far larger than she really was, with the black membrane taking up so much space. She kept her wings raised for a while, hissing in displeasure as the water washed across her body, taking the goo and ichor from the dead alien with it, and eventually, she folded her wings back away behind her back.

As the water dropped away, leaving Mirchell's hair hanging limply down by the sides of her head, clear droplets clinging to her grey skin and black armour, the albino bared her sharp teeth in displeasure, pausing a moment to shake herself like a dog, long ears flapping as she did so. Straightening up again, and flexing her fingers uncomfortably, she looked back at the angel, and her nostrils flared. She would have replied, but it seemed they were not done yet, and Mirchell turned as well towards the approaching aliens, though she kept her ears tilted backwards, imagining the angel would take the opportunity to try and impale her, and she at least wanted a second or two of warning. When it became apparent that such was not the case though, Mirchell looked back cooly at the celestial warrior, and raised a white eyebrow, turning a brief glance down to the wound at her side. "You seem more grievously wounded than I thought." she said idly, as she flexed her arms, tail flicking about in agitation. "So I'll ask, as one neighbour to another, can you spare a cup of energy? I very much imagine that you would not object to me killing these things with fire, no?" she asked, flexing her shoulders, and then turning to find the footprints of the hunters as they approached, slowly placing her left hand back upon her sword and beginning to slide it from it's sheath, cold steel shining brightly in the sunlight that reflected off of it's runic blade.

"I do not intend to abandon you here, but you might want to get behind me, and..." the albino demoness began, wincing slightly before she continued. "'Help' me here. Though I assure you, my reasons are only partially noble, so that I might spare your celestial pride too great a wound, Angel." Mirchell added, grinning slightly at her own joke.

((If Angel shares a cup of energy.))
Should she receive any sort of energy from the angel, the albino would take a moment, enjoying herself, before she went to spot the closing footprints in the ash. She would wait until they were roughly twenty feet away, and then with a grin, she would pull her sword back, holding it in one hand, while she would touch the fingers of the other to the blade just above the crossguard. She would pause for a moment, trying to harness and control the energy she had been given, before concentrating it into her fingertips, as a flicker of flame licked along her grey fingers. Then she swiftly drew her hand from crossguard to tip of her sword, leaving a trail of fire in it's wake, before the demoness howled, and suddenly span, sweeping her sword forwards, and as she slashed across the path of the approaching aliens, a wave of flame roared out from the demoness' sword, sending up a plume of ash from the shockwave, as it spread out, vaguely resembling a cone as it cascaded towards the centre of the hunter's advance.

Hellfire Blast: 30 yard cone AoE
Cost: However much EP the angel shares (X)
Damage: (1D6 + 3) * X

Dodge: 49
Resistance: 20
Armor: 22

((If Angel is a spoilsport.))
Mirchell frowned then, a grimace upon her face as she faced up against the approaching Aliens, and she levelled her sword as she did so, licking her lips as she watched the small plumes of ash that arose from the Hunter's footsteps. The albino held her sword across her chest, knees slightly bent, tail flicking behind her back agitatedly, it almost looked as if she was prepared to defend the wounded angel. That illusion would be dispelled though, as the grey-skinned demon spotted a pair of footprints about ten feet away, and with a howl of fury, she leapt forwards, wings opening and beating down suddenly, sending up a cloud of ash behind her which darkened her features further for a few moments, allowing the glowing crimson of her eyes to show more clearly, though the purpose of the action was to give her a little more speed as she leapt towards the oncoming hunter, and with a loud, high-pitched, ear-hurting howl, Mirchell span, aiming to bring her blade down upon the Hunter's head with a devastating overhead slash.

Close the gap, and melee attack on one of the Hunters.

Base melee attack.
Hit roll: +54 from bonuses.
Damage roll: Base 2D12, +41

Dodge: 49
Resistance: 20
Armor: 22
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 23/87, PP = 44, EP = 6/47, Status = Badly Injured, Low on Energy

The angel donates 10 EP to the cause via Astrologers Boon! Mirchell presumably doesn't try to break her ceiling though, so she only uses Hellfire Blast for 9 EP.
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 2 + 3 = 5 * 9 = 45 - 8 = 37 damage to each hunter.

Ye angel then enters into whirling death mode and attacks with a Flurry of strikes!
Attack: All four hit.
Damage: 3 + 6 + 23 - 8 = 24 damage per hit! She finishes off four of the hunters.

The last two attack Mirchell and the angel, one each.
Stealth: Success.
Attack: Hit and Hit.
Damage: 9 + 7 + 23 = 39 * 2 = 78 damage, 52 on the angel, 56 on Mirchell.

The proposition set forth by the soaked demoness caused the angel to scowl darkly, and Mirchell had turned from the white-winged woman before she actually responded. The sets of soot footprints approached the two of them gradually as the creatures fanned out slightly, all but invisible in the gloomy evening light. It was only when they were within a few feet that Mirchell felt the requested boon of energy suddenly seep into her being, a brief burst of divine strength filling her as the angel offered a portion of her very soul. "Do not give me reason to regret this, demon!" she snarled, but by that point the demoness was already putting the gifted power to use against their common enemies.

The wave bright red flame the swept out from the arc set by Mirchell's blade washed over the invisible hunters before they could even attempt to get out of its path, but when the smoke and ash cleared there were four extremely angry and very badly singed reptiles standing in plain sight. They all hissed in rage and started towards Mirchell, but then the angel sighed irritably and suddenly rushed in front of her. "I knew I couldn't trust you to do it properly!" she spat as she suddenly went into a spin, tucking her wings tightly against her back as she opted to move purely using her powerful legs. Every spin included a deadly arc of steel with it, and the first hunter to approach was cleanly decapitated. That caused the other three to slow, but by then it was too late; they were within the angels reach. Her next whirl gutted the hunter against which she swung her left-hand blade, and then she suddenly reversed her spin and spread her wings, shooting forward and jamming a blade into the chest of the two remaining hunters.

"All too easy~" the angel muttered, turning towards Mirchell with a cocky grin. It was then that the two hunters that hadn't been within the radius of the demon's blast of flame, unnoticed after the appearance of their kin, chose to strike. Claw marks appeared on the angel's collar just beneath her throat, and Mirchell felt rend claws tear suddenly into her back, shredding through her armor and into her delicate ashen skin. Agony split through her body as her flesh was rent asunder, and the angel stumbled aside while clutching at her chest, from which blood was now pouring, leaving the majority of her robe red. If she was in half as much pain as Mirchell was, it was likely that she was on the verge of passing out from its effects, and the warm blood that she felt running down her back was at least slightly concerning given its quantity. The hunter that had come from behind gave her a rictus grin as it advanced, likely intent on seeing her finished with its next strike, and the other stepped up on the angel who was in similarly dire straights.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell was about ready to charge, her knees slightly bent, and her sword was raised, carefully watching the approaching footprints. As however, she felt the rush of holy energy into her body, she blinked, and then grinned wickedly, the glow of her eyes intensifying as the spiritual energy rushed through her muscular frame, making her feel lighter, stronger. There was a brief moments pause then, as she became accustomed to the Holy spirit, before Mirchell twisted, and unleashed crimson, fel-tainted death upon the approaching aliens. Perhaps it did not go entirely as planned, but she surely wounded them, judging by the scorched skin of the unveiled hunters.

"Bah! As if you could have done better, Angel." she spat as she was insulted, readying her grip upon her sword, taking the moment of the angel's charge to recover from expending all that energy. She watched the blood flying as the angel made short work of the injured foes, and she grimaced. "Oh well done, you finished off some wounded aliens, you must feel so pr- Aauuugh!" her sentance cut short as razor claws sliced through the weaker armour around her wing-bases, mostly more flexible leather, and into her grey skin. A red haze descended over the Demoness' eyes, and she stumbled forwards, nearly losing her grip upon her sword, but grabbing a hold of it at the last moment, to use it as a crutch in the ashen field, though the albino still fell to one knee in a small plume of ash.

Feltouched blood poured from the open wounds in her back, and the red haze darkened briefly to black, but then Mirchell inhaled a deep breath, and she roared in uncontained fury, rising to her feet, and she spun around to face her assailant, wings flaring out behind her back to their full size, giving the albino an even larger silhouette than her six-foot-six frame gave by default. Her black tail lashed out behind her, and she screamed again, the volume of her own voice causing the demoness' sensitive ears to twitch.

Mirchell took only a brief second, as the dark haze lifted from her eyes, and a faint red smoke began to emit from the glowing eyes, rolling across her grey skin and up into the air as she gripped her gleaming sword, and attacked, roaring in pain, and furious anger as she swung the blade in a downward arc, aiming to carve the alien open from sternum to stomach. Her mind was clouded by her agonised rage in part though, and promises of vengeance and torture resounded through her mind, such as, wounds be damned, she would bathe in this beasts entrails before she let a scratch put her down!

Base melee attack.
Hit roll: +54 from bonuses.
Damage roll: Base 2D12, +41

Dodge: 49
Resistance: 20
Armor: 22
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell: HP = 1/87, PP = 44, EP = 6/47, Status = Critically Injured, Low on Energy

Mirchell smash!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 5 + 6 + 41 - 8 = 44 damage.

The hunter counter attacks!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 10 + 11 + 23 - 22 = 22 damage.

The angel flurries the hunter attacking her!
Attacks: All four hit.
Damage: 5 + 4 + 23 - 8 = 24 damage per hit, total of 98 damage. The angel tears the one attacking her apart.

The pain dulling her normally deadly combat prowess allowed Mirchell's opponent to avoid the brunt of her swing, and the demon's blade merely cut a shallow gash down the alien warrior's front before burying itself in the ground. Taking the opportunity presented by her moment of weakness, the hunter stepped into Mirchell's reach and slammed its fist into the side of her head, hitting her hard enough to send her back down to her knees. Mirchell's vision blackened around the edges, darkness closing in as she was left momentarily unable to do more than stare at the ashes in which she'd knelt, the sibilant hiss of her opponent rising in volume as it strode in for the kill.

She heard a soft thump from only a few feet away, but in her pain, Mirchell couldn't identify what it was. Her sword was still half-clenched in her hand, and though her blood was running down her back and her ears were ringing painfully, Mirchell felt as though she had strength left for one more swing before the darkness claiming her vision stole consciousness from her completely.
Re: Crimson Queen (Mirchie)

Mirchell growled as she swung, and by all means she was hardly an insignificant sight, six and a half foot of angry, wounded she-demon. However, her injuries made her slow, and with an ominous thunk, her greatsword slammed into the burnt out field, sending a plume of ashes into the air. Her long ears drooped slightly, her skin getting colder as more and more blood gushed down her back. The albino blinked, and then blinked again, her jaw hanging open, fangs glinting slightly as her normally so-acute senses felt dull and drugged. Even the glow in her crimson eyes faded somewhat, barely shedding enough light to illuminate her nobly-carved nose. The large, bat-like wings sagged too, she was injured enough that it was a struggle now to even keep the muscles bound into them working, and so what had been a rather intimidating sight barely moments before now made the demoness look like a beaten and bedraggled doll as she fell to her knees in the ash.

Mirchell's chest-plate hung loosely now, some of the leather straps for binding it in place had been slashed apart by the Hunter's attack, but at least that made her breathing a little easier as she gulped in air. Pain overwhelmed fury now, and with it came the hint of panic, though so disorientated was she that the albino didn't register it properly at first. Thoughts played like a broken record in her head, but one stood prevalent, the desire to murder and feed, to inflict as much pain as she could upon the creature who had humiliated her like this.

With a last defiant roar, the muscular demoness rose to her feet, gripping her sword's handle as she did so, and she swung the blade in a gleaming uppercut, wrenching free a cloud of ash to accompany her swing as she yanked it out of the burnt ground. As she passed the peak of the arc though, where one would usually bring their weapon back around to bear, the albino's fingers slipped, and the gleaming runeblade fell from her hands, clattering into the field in a shower of ash. Mirchell sank into a slight crouch, her will refusing her to admit defeat just yet, and if the hunter still stood, she was quite prepared to continue fighting with tooth, nail and tail, and by all means a savage, almost feral look had sunk onto the grievously-wounded demoness' face, oblivious to all the world but this despicable, reptilian thing.

Base melee attack.
Hit roll: +54 from bonuses.
Damage roll: Base 2D12, +41

Dodge: 49
Resistance: 20
Armor: 22