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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Umm... About 6 feet long, and... well, how wide and how long she is changes a little bit, but USUALLY she has to pop a manhole cover to get out.. If she does.. Corvinus will kill me.. or worse... He'll cut my pay! I need that to buy new clothes! You know how hard it is to keep a nice dress doing this job!? Jessica said, tugging on her hair for a moment as if this were actually a serious problem. And honestly thinking about it, a sudden motion would probably destroy a confining article of clothing in fractions of a second. it was probably annoying.

Walking towards the elevator, Jessica retrieved a large smelly bag of what could only be sulfer, the smell of brimstone overpowering in the confined space. I got her food, we just need to get to her and convince her to eat it, I can do that... but... Oooo PLEASE don't let her get out of the sewers! She alwas panics above the ground, too bright for her. She added, smacking the button for the lobby floor and fidgeting the whole ride down.

Really, she's harmless, usually... I hope she hasn't been building webs.... That would make this tricky... Please don't let her be that hungry...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"And just How do I stop her, pray tell? Something that size, I doubt I can just muscle it aorund..." She asked, following Jessica out the lobby when the elevator stopped.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Blow this. I promise, it works, but it hurts her rather badly, she can't stand the sound. Hervo said it sounds like something one of her predators does before it attacks, it scares her senseless and she hides back underground. Jessica said, handing River an oddly shaped silver whistle, curled into something resembling an eight, and producing a very high pitched, ear scratching sound.

As the elevator opened, Jessica hopped out and moved towards the door, waving the guards aside and moving to stand just in front of the door. Head to the central plaza, it's still too bright out for me to go the normal way, I'll use the access in the basement, hears an earpiece for your phone, we'll stay connected, don't worry, and I'll meet you there. she said, smiling and running back towards the elevator.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Sounds good." River said, taking the whistle and the earpeice. "Should hit central in ten or so, try not to spook it too much before I can catch up, eh?" She said with a chuckle, heading for the door and outside. She gave the guards a nod and set off at a jog, fidgeting with the earpiece a bit to make sure it was going to stay on.

Central was one of her favourite places in town. It was the oldest section, so the roads were narrow, one-way affairs, even though most of the buildings themselves were newer construction. Most of her work led her down there, traffic clogging too much for vehicles to make decent time in.

She stopped her travel near teh fringe of the area, trying to call Jessica as she started climbing, heading for the rooftops. "Hey, before I get too into this, what is the about range of that whistle, here?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Central soon loomed ahead of her, and although the name of the district, and it's design was true to memory, the fringes were always still lined with larger, shining buildings. thankfully, the heart of the district, the Central of Central still housed some of the oldest buildings in the city, and rarely rose above 4 stories. The winding streets and one way gridwork could lose someone as quickly as venice without a map, and it was here that River was in her true form, at the peak of her game.

She knew this area like the back of her hand, quite literally, because if you needed something delivered here, and fast, everyone knew she was the woman for the job and had been pounding this pavement for quite some time. Dialing up Jessica as she climbed a 3 story almost ancient post office, it's gargoyles leering down at her with beastial faces, she still inspired a small appreciation from onlookers as she showed off just how good she was, moving along the wall of the building like a spider herself and soon pulling herself up as Jessica answered.

Whenever you're ready, I found her, just... Damnit! She's moving, Northeast! And fast! She suddenly cried out, the sound of her moving through the sewer playing in River's ear as the direction signaled almost a straight shot across Central itself, it was time to play....
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"On it! You know the place well enough to call out street numbers, or do I gotta watch for manholes under the traffic?" She asked, breaking into a run across the rooftop.

The first jump of the day was always the hardest, your self preservation instinct holding you back from throwing yourself out into the air thirty feet above a busy street. River pushed the sense of dread down, as she had so many times, and leaped off the side of the building, crossing the lane of cars and landing on the building across the street, the rooftop a floor lower. She hit a roll when she landed, saving her momentum and going just as strong when she came back up, a grin spreading along her face. Kong a row of pipes, jump the alley to land gripping the side of a fire escape, take that up a floor to the roof, still running.

She hit the other end of Central, sliding to a stop near the corner of the building she knew gave the best view of a few nearby streets, pausing to breathe and look around. Hopefully the thing hadn't started any trouble, just yet...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

6th and Lane! Moving south again! Jess called out in answer to River's question as the nimble freerunner vaulted from rooftop to rooftop with a show of agililty that defied any and all common sense. Mostly because the normal person wasn't insane enough to get around this way, but it was her pride and she loved the rush, the feel of the world moving around her as she moved through it like a blur. She was on 13th and Harold now, Lane was to the south, as was 6th, it wouldn't take long, but from the sound of things, they were moving down there fast, and Jessica was having trouble reigning her pet in...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River nodded, though the vampire couldn't see her. "Kay." She said simply, kickking off the short wall and heading off to her right, headed south.

Two rooftops over, the far end was cordoned with a chain link fence. Some vandals had circimvented it ages ago, and River slid through the cut gap feetfirst, ignoring the dust and grime she picked up on her running pants. The far side along the edge of the building was fenced as well, but she had opened that side herself, and a second slide put her over the edge, catching it and coming to a full stop, reorienting for the building two stories down. She kicked off and crossed the gap, landing several feet inwards of the roof's edge and rolling again.

She stopped to shake herself lightly, rubbing the shoulder she had landed on to start the roll, then was off again, crossing an alley and climbing a drainpipe t put her ont he taller buildings again. Two more gaps crossed, and she was on Lane, with a clear view of the corner at 6th, as well as 5th and 7th further down the street in either direction.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Damnit! 7th street! She's coming up fast! Jess called into her earpiece as the 7th street manhole practically exploded into the air, landing on the street with a loud clang in full view of... well, thankfully no one due to the huge vent of steam that followed it, a car swirving out of the way just in time to avoid having the manhole cover smash into it's windshield, and speeding away.

River had maybe 4 seconds to act judging by the size of the thing as a long, chitonous leg slid into view through the steam for a moment, before disappearing, something trying to force itself into the open air...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Fuck." River said, forgetting about the open line to Jessica as she saw the manhole cover spiral into the air. A quick look down told her the street was too full to simply jump, so she went a few feet sideways, hopping off the wall and sliding down a drainpipe, some ragged edge tearing her glove and earning her a slice down one palm before she hit the ground. Ignoring the pain for the moment, she booked it for the opening int he traffic the steam vent caused, putting the whistle to her teeth and blowing it as she exhaled, keeping it up until she had reached the open hole.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The pain searing through her palm at the cut was ignored, simply a normal risk of her chosen hobby and profession as the warm, wet feeling soaked into her glove. Hitting the ground without causing too much attention, River darting out towards the manhole while others turned and fled did, and a few people called out to her before covering their ears as the shrill whistle suddenly sounded. She still hadn't gotten a good look at the creature, and as the sound neared rapidly, it let out an out clipped gurgle of it's own before darting back into the sewer, Jessica letting out an audible sigh of relief.

Waaay too close, thank you. She's scared now, headed towards 2nd and Gregorian, but slower now, I should be able to catch her, head their anyway just in case.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Uungh, got it. Blasted pipe." She answered, wringing her hand lightly as she started at a jog, Sticking to the streets for the moment, taking advantage of the thinned crowd.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jessica thankfully called out triumphantly just as River ducked into the narrow, dark back alley where the manhole was located, the cover already removed, but with no sign of the creature. I've got her, she's with me and calmed down, eating. Come and take a peak, she wont bite now that she's with me, promise.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River paused at the open manhole, looking down into the dark. "I'm bleeding, that change anything?" She asked cautiously. Once Jessica ssured her that it wouldn't, she'd slip inside, climbing down and peeking around, using a palm sized flashlight for light is need be.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Climbing down into the sewer, River got her first real look at the "Pet".

Looking at it, she was a little surprised to see it's main body coiled around Jessica, who was laughing and stroking it's wide head. It's body was long, almost serpentine, and covered in thick armoured plates, long segmented legs placed along it's form as they curled around their owner, 10 in all.

Rather then have a mouth to match it's wide face, the creature had 2 long mandibles that were even now buried in the bag of sulfer, drawing it out in chunks and eating it quickly, making a satisfied chirping sound as it nuzzled and hugged Jessica, 3 huge, bright, glowing red eyes illuminating the surrounding few feet.

River, meet Slip. Slip, this is River, Friend, okay? The insect glanced at Jessica, before looking over at River and chirping happily again, apparently forgiving her for the whistle, as well as understanding what was being said. When she gets worked up like that, she's really hard to catch and calm down, Thank you so much for the help River, it means a lot to me, really.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River stopped at what looked to be a safe distance at first, nodding slightly as she accepted the thanks before moving closer. "Yeah, no problem. Felt good to be out and running anyways. Where'd you find a pet like him, wow." She said, finally moving closer. "Slip, eh? is that cause you like to wander, i wonder?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Slip chirped again, seeming happy and content with Jessica and completely harmless like this, reaching a limb out slowly to very gently brush River's arm like a hand shake almost. You'd Never believe me, but I found him in an old castle, It was Hervo that said she was from hell, she's a demon, literally from hell. I never believed such things before I met Slip, or the other things I saw in that castle, but Hervo assures me its all very really, it's where the brunt of his scars came from, he's always careful to cut himself in the same places, three or four spots along his forearms where the scars are a little thicker... everything else, well... he's never shared, but his tolerance for pain is something of legend. As for her name, she's called Slip because well, she slips, Yea, she's always in trouble, but it's just her nature. I can't stand anyone hurting her, so I just keep her from hurting anyone else. As you can see, it's quite the chore sometimes, she can't always deny what she is... Jessica said, stroking a red stripe along the creatures head, Slip closing her eyes happily at the contact.

I'm gonna be here for awhile, I gotta get her back to where she belongs, she's got a special place I carved out just for her, so I'll be gone most of the night, I'm sure Hervo already tattled on me to Chuck, so you shouldn't have any jobs without me to back you up. Thanks again river.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River ran her hand along Slip's offered forearm, feeling the odd chitin with curiosity. "Yeah, sounds like a plan. I'll keep the earpeice handy if you need something else, sound good?" She asked, nodding when it was confirmed. "Nice ta meet ye, Slip." She offered the pet as she turned, heading back for the surface and heading off for home again, at a somewhat reduced pace now that she was in no hurry.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Slip was now giving off a low rumbling purr, chirping again as River said her goodbyes and headed into the alley. She could make it back plenty fast by heading through this narrow, mazelike set of corridors within Central, and do it along the ground as well, which was probably for the best, it was hard to keep running like she had, and now that there was no rush, and Central was fairly safe, she had no reason to move all that quickly. Up ahead there was a split to the right and left, both leading to a set of crossroads between buildings, and continuing into what was almost a literal labyrinthian set of alleyways and back streets. She wouldn't be bothered here by anyone.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River picked a fork at random, knowing the streets well enough to not be thrown off by the seeming maze of alleys. There was the occasional press gang around, but she was known well enough that most didnt bother with her, never having anything of value on hand past whatever package she was delivering, and not having a package if she was moving around the city like a normal person. The last gave her a smirk, shoving her hands in her pockets as she continued on, taking her time.