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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Claire gave another hissing laugh, putting her hand against the wall as she shook with mirth, remembering something, the shadow she cast looking very much like a hag from an old fairy tale, and River could feel it now, it was decidedly different... It seemed Claire's strength actually bled into other things if her emotions were running high... interesting. River had to stop and think about just how dangerous this person could be in a rage...

Wiping a tear from her eye as her laughing died, she nodded. Yes Child, he really is, if you want to see him stomp around his Tower like a man on a hunt, take the small black bottle he keeps in the back. he'll lose his damned mind. I used to have Vorlan steal it and put it on my desk when I wanted an audience. Drove him mad, completely mad. Still, never tasted it... though I recognize the bottle, something old and greek. Ahhh, the world was so different just a little while ago, Vampires were creatures of majesty and power, there was even a lich or two still around that infected the very air with a dread poison. All of this just beneath the surface. If you ever want answers child, Real answers, go to egypt, and dig. Claire said, still chuckling as they got closer.

As they turned another bend, Claire's eyes snapped up and she hissed in fury, before she stopped and raised her eyebrow and a pair of flashing eyes locked on them. "Hello you Two. River... Quite the show I got to watch" John whispered, still staying in the darkness, hidden even from River's other senses, as if he wasn't really there. It was so hard to tell.

"Now now, What was all that for I wonder? You must be Claire, it's truly an honor." He added, looking at River's companion, who still hadn't moved. I am... The other Amalgam? another New thing come to play? Shame you didn't really come though, I have no orders about you, I could drag you away, pick you apart, study you for years.... Alas, that spell must have cost a fortune, forgotten magics... She hissed, seeming both annoyed, and amused.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Small and black, gotcha." She said with a smirk, nodding along to the rest of it. Egypt sounded interesting, but she didn't know if she could deal with getting that sunbaked anymore.

And then the pair found John, River visibly jumping. "Shit, don't friggin sneak up on me like that." She said, doing a doubletake when Claire informed her that it was some kind of illusion. He saw everything? How much did the man know? The smug feeling from the remnants of Old River buried deep wasn't helping things, either.

"Look man, kind of on a job here. Can we catch up a bit later? I'll meet you in the usual spot when i'm done here, kay?" She asked, her perturbed attitude coming through. Which fit perfectly, luckily enough.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Those eyes looked deep into River's own as she answered, and they weren't the same, frighteningly cold, like twin orbs of glacial ice, as if the frozen wind from the poles whistled and howled just behind them. He didn't speak so much that anyone could hear, and River took careful note that Claire didn't notice either, but the voice that pounded into her skull like a sledgehammer made of that same horrible ice couldn't be escaped, pushing aside her untrained mental defenses like they were so much paper left in the wind during a hurricane.

"Where. Is. River." The voice bellowed, carrying with a fury that was only barely restrained, like something in the distance was just itching for an excuse to bring the entire world down around their ears.

"You are not Her. You are not my Sister. You are an imposter, a fake, a Demon. WHERE IS RIVER" He roared into her mind again, the force behind his mental voice enough to actually stagger her now as the Shard screamed and pounded within her prison to answer, and indeed, River could feel the seams of that prison starting to crack. However, whatever rescue the Shard was near to, the old River was on the verge of, was interrupted when Claire stepped in and slashed at the image, a wave of red hot air ripping through it and sending it away when she saw River fall to her knee under the assault.

As the image faded, so did the voice, and the presence, and soon River was back in control, back in her full power, and desperate to get back to the comfort of her Master, the safety and warmth of Hell. Looking down at River confused and intrigued, Claire's eyes were wide. Well well well... Seems someone didn't appreciate our antics... I wonder why that is... Claire breathed, looking at the spot where the image had just been, and then back to River, as if she were a coiled snake for a moment, before River felt the suspicion fade away, replaced again with amusement. I bet he's become a Council Dog now, just another puppet in the show. Cherish your freedom Child. She said, turning to continue the rest of their short journey.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River‘s eyes widened as the image of John mentally assaulted her, there being no outward sign past a slight stiffening. {She‘s gone.} Was her reply, trying to fight back. But as tired as she was, and as new as she was to the concept, she couldn‘t win, eventually staggering enough to slip to a kneww, the mental assault likely only spanning a few seconds in total. Then Claire broke the image, letting River slump with a gasp, panting raggedly. “fucker probably is.“ she replied after a moment, getting to her feet as she recovered. “thanks for that. They must know where we are, now, we should hurry.“ she said, starting to jog the rest of the way.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"They" did indeed know, and the tremors running through the walls said it pretty clearly that John was not happy with the way his interrogation had ended. Jogging quickly turned into running as the sky above them opened, the road splitting with the sound of a thunderclap from the abyss as John unleashed whatever power he now held on their hiding spot.

As the light spilled into the sewer from the now open street, Claire seized River's wrist and her clothes exploded off of her body in a shower of fabric as she fully transformed and dragged River with her at a truly unbelievable speed, fully furred, beautiful, white, regal, and powerful, only barely managing to stay ahead of what River could now see was a brilliantly blue bolt of electricity that was obviously powerful enough to rend anything in it's ozone hot path, the smell of burnt oxygen filling the air before they finally made the Tower grounds, the power striking some kind of barrier that rebuffed the bolt, and killed it, John's assault dying at the border, Though River could feel him glaring, and even place him now, as if she could follow the spell back to it's origin, John standing on top of a large office building, wreathed in power and glaring with hatred, before they stumbled passed the blast doors into the waiting arms of Vorlan and Jess and they slammed shut.

What in the sweet Fuck was that!? Jess shouted, still staring in shock at the solid steel doors where the bolt had been, before Hervo slid through the door, a large rent in his bare chest bleeding furiously into a black, leather book which he was even now straining to hold open. "That. Was an Angel. Or at the very least, Angelic Magic. He said, glaring at all of them, before letting his gaze fall on the transformed Claire.

"What did you steal, What did you do to bring the Wrath of the heavenly host here!" He bellowed at the transformed Lycan, Vorlan moving between them, Claire giving a low and threatening growl as her fur bristled.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River gasped at the speed the lycan displayed, wrapping herself in shadows again to cover herself once the wind shredded her clothing. She paused at the gates, listening in silence and dimming the few lights about to keep them from burning away her modesty. "It's me." She said, finally. "That was John, he's working for the council or something." She paused, then an idea struck her, glancing over to the blood mage. "Hervo, you have to let me through the portal. He'll shake the tower down if i'm still in it, at least there he'd have others to worry about. Guy's gotta be a beacon in hell, right?"She said, letting her panic slow clearly.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hervo's gaze snapped over to River, narrowing dangerously and seeming about to say something, before he collapsed, his eyes fluttering before bloodloss got the best of him and he fainted, Jess muttering a curse before catching him, the book falling to the ground and still feeding furiously on the wound in his chest.

Nudging at Vorlan, Claire whined and pushed at him, the other Lycan nodding before taking her arm and jumping somewhere, probably to get them clothing. As proud as Claire seemed, it seemed she regretted getting old... And would like to deal with Corvinus clothed, and would probably see that River had some clothing as well. It also seemed that as long as the book was open, it would continue to feed on Hervo's blood and keep up whatever barrier was keeping John out.

If it's you he's after, then you're right and he can't argue. Come on, in hell he'll be able to maintain the spell without dying either. It's one of his many secrets, he can't be killed there, something to do with a curse, probably to torture him, it's the hallmark of damned souls. Lets go. Jess said, ignoring Claire and Vorlan, picking up Hervo and the book, and motion towards the elevator. They were headed to the Monolith, and despite the obvious danger, River, Jess, and Hervo, were headed to her Master, and Master would be so pleased things had worked out this way... John's misreading of the situation had played right into Ferenze's hand... and it was beautiful...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River just nodded, helping to move the unconscious man into the elevator and towards the monolith. "We'll call one of the other two to open the gate, right? Don't think he can manage it like this."

Claire and Vorlan were away, likely keeping Corvinus occupied as well. Jess She could deal with, a second gift for her Master, and Hervo himself, the prize, was unconscious, likely to remain so until it was too late. River felt a sexual thrill run through her, even as the cornered shard of her old self wailed and beat at the barriers in her mind. Everything was coming together perfectly, and in plenty of time...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess nodded as they stepped into the elevator and punched in the access code, the metal box rushing down further into the bowels of the earth towards their destination. Dressed in her full gear, Jess reached over to the radio on her shoulder and barked her orders into it, an affirmative coming through immediately. Someone would meet them at the monolith.

Hervo was drawn and pale, and it sent another thrill through River, before they came to a halt and the door opened, an older gentleman waiting for them, the Monolith already smeared with his slashed hand, and at seeing them, he nodded silently, before the portal open and Jess hurried them into Hell...

Hell felt right, Hell felt Glorious! The wind howling over the sands, the runes pulsing in the air around them! They were Master's! And yes, Ferenze was there in his trademark suit and hat, laughing softly as he snapped his fingers and the portal snapped shut behind them.

You! What? How!? Jess shouted, before Ferenze simply gestured, and Jess was thrown over the side of the nearby precipice and down into the desert outside the hellstruck city, a short cry given as she fell. And then Silence....

Well well well~ Well done! Thank you my Pet. Ferenze stalked towards the prone body of Hervo, before he saw the book, and hissed. Why is that here!? Wait... Who's chasing you River! Tell me! Ferenze said, suddenly torn between confused, furious, and... Afraid, that was Fear in his eyes! John... If Hervo died... John would come through... If Hervo's spell failed John... Could he follow them here? He must be able to! If Master was afraid... Pick him up! Quickly, we need to hide, I can't kill him like this! He fumed, raising his arm, a shimmering violent portal opening as he gestured for her to follow. And bring that book!
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River couldn't help but crack a small smile as the warmth of hell washed over her. And Master was right there waiting, sooner than she had expected. Jess was sent flying into the desert, but that wasn't enough to do anything serious to her, she'd be back quickly. Her demonic features came to the fore, wings and tail sprouting from her as she kneeled before him, basking in his presence.

"Another like me, Master, but with access to angelic power." She explained, glancing over at Hervo. he seemed to know well enough that the barrier was keeping John at bay, so she didn't say further. He opened the portal, and she picked up the man and the book, carrying him through to wherever Ferenze was aiming to hide them.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River followed her Master, nude now as her shadows peeled back to show her true features in front of the Demon she obeyed. But a scream of rage followed them from the precipice, Jess scrambling over the side of the stone like an animal, her gun in her hand and bullets ripping into the portal towards her Master, one bullet grazing River's cheek, before the wound closed here in Hell, in her home....

Jess finally saw River and stopped, pale. But.... but... No. No no no... She whispered, drawing a short sword from the back of her belt and suddenly launching herself at River without any more hesitation. You wont take him you bitch!!!
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Faster than she'd expected, damn. River's head snapped back as the shot grazed her, her tail flicking up to catch the blood that shed before the wound closed itself, her tongue flicking out to taste it as Jess' mind sunk in what she was seeing.

Hands full with Hervo, River simply called up the shadows she had dispersed a moment earlier to block the vampire, pulling a sheet of the stuff up to block her attack and pulling it over the woman, constricting her with it until the vampire was bound fully, trapped in the black of her shadowstuff. Shifting Hervo's weight, she looped an arm around the bundle of vampire, still writhing and twitching in protest, and made her way through the portal, moving a bit slower from the combined weight.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Jess snarled with fury and sadness as her blade struck the shadows, and River was surprised at the sheer power behind the blow, but she was here in Hell, here as a demon her power was amplified considerably, and she felt approval from Ferenze as the shadows spread out to constrict Jess.

Jessica struggled mightily, her blade turning to slash through several of the shadows that reached out to snare her, before turning on River again before her sword arm was snared and snapped down to her side, the sword falling to the sands before she was completely bound. And then it was into the portal with her prize and her Master's.

They were back In Ferenze's throne room, the violet crystal welcoming her as her Master worked at a raised altar, his hand reaching out for the book which was taken from River's care, and floated to him, being placed upon the stone. River could still see the tendril of crimson flowing into the black tome, and Ferenze seemed to be bending his mind fully to the task of not only keeping it open, but keeping Hervo alive as well. It was obvious that he could in fact Kill Hervo, but to do so, regardless of what Jess had said, He would be letting John in.

damn. Damn it all. I can't enjoy him. I finally have him here and I can't toy with him, can't see his suffering, can't BREAK HIM! DAMN IT ALL! He screamed, slamming his hands down onto the crystal and glaring at the book.

Jess continued to writhe and shout muffled curses through the shadows that bound her, finally bringing his attention to her, and he grinned. Well, Hervo and his Bitch Lover. This should be interesting. Tell me River? Should I break her to? Or just let her watch? Or maybe have her join you? Would you like a Sister? That can be done... Vampires are made of stronger stuff though, it's their age you see, makes them wiser, more resilient. But I can do it... You deserve a reward~ He hissed, motioning towards the large bed.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Too lazy to edit away the juicy bits this time. if we have any readers, enjoy the show XD

Part 1:
Shrike7: River grinned evilly as Ferenze spoke, hefting the bound vampire and carrying her to the bed. "Mmm, that sounds perfect, Master." She purred, slowly pulling and rebinding Jess into a spreadeagles position on the bed, keeping a band of darkness around her face to keep her blinded, most of the other shadows employed in binding her to the bed.
Courage_Wolf: Ferenze laughed as he watched River, Jess protesting loudly through the shadows as River bound her to the bed, pulling and twisting against the shadowstuff restraining her. Walking up behind her, Ferenze ran a single finger down River's spine, his touch electric, like a drug she'd been too long without, the feel of him against her, the pleasure echoing through her...
Shrike7: River let out a soft coo at her Master's touch, spurring her on. taking a bit of the shadow herself to grow claws with, she tore Jess' clothing off, taking care not to mar the skin, before pressing down on the vampire, nuzzling into her neck. "Hervo too, hmm? You sleep around a lot, don't you? His will be the best, I promise..." She purred into the vampire's ear, her breath hot and heavy.
Courage_Wolf: Jess Mmmphed loudly before a muffled gasp followed the shredding of her clothes, the vampire struggling mightily. Her skin was soft and pale, and here in hell, delightfully warm, her chest rising and falling with her breathes as River laid down next to her. As she spoke, Jess couldn't suppress a shudder, squirming against her bonds as Master conjured up a chair to sit and watch.
Shrike7: River just grinned, claws fading away as she reached up to caress the struggling vampire's face, the sensation transferring through the shadows. "You'll see..." She promised, glancing back to see Ferenze finding a seat. Master wanted a show first, then. River slid down some, drawing hernails along Jess' sides, before leaning down to wrap her lips around the vampire's nipple, suckling at it gently and toying at it with her tongue. She took her time, her movements slow and patient. THey had all the time they wanted, here...
Courage_Wolf: Jess shuddered softly as she felt River's ghost touch through the shadows covering her face, pulling at her bonds anew as River told her she would see. Her touch, her nails drifting down her sides, drew a sharp gasp from Jess, her muscles tensing before a loud, unintelligible curse pushed through the shadows as the demon's lips found the peak of her nipple, her back arching slightly as she writhed and tried to get away, her breaths coming faster.
Shrike7: River groaned slightly as she felt Jess react to her touch, wrapping her legs around a thigh and slowly starting to rub herself as the torture continued, letting the vampire feel her arousal. once the nipple in her mouth was flushed and stiff, she'd give it a stiff bite, pulling at it slightly before shifting to the other breast, repeating the process.
Courage_Wolf: Jess, twisting and writhing, her muffled protests mixed with back bitten gasps and restrained moans, jerked away as River wrapped her thigh in her legs, her hot, moist petals grinding against her soft flesh. The reaction was more then River could have hoped for, Jess pulling and struggling, but not as hard, her more instinctive side starting to pull at her mind as River warmed her body against her will. The bite to her stiff and sensitive peak made Jess cry out in shock and pleasure, her back arching fully before a full throated and heat filled moan rushed into the air as the demon moved to her other breast. She'd stopped pulling at her bindings, finding escape impossible now... Starting to bend if not break.
Shrike7: A second bite, the gentle pull afterwards ending with a pop, River leaned back in again to nibble at Jess' ear, cooing softly. "Yess... I've seen you watching me, I know you've wanted this..." She purred, licking up her neck. a hand drifted down, the nails trailing up the inside of her thigh before cupping her mound firmly. "Just relax, and let it happen..."
Courage_Wolf: As Jess gave no answer other then another muffled, albeit confused and weak protest, her touch brought a far more telling reaction. As River's hand slid up her thigh, and her whisper drew a sharp gasp and a shiver that ran the length of the bound woman's body, River knew she was winning. Jess was hot, slick with unbidden lust, and as River's hand cupped her to feel it, Jess pulled on her legs, her thighs tensing and her hips shaking against the contact before giving a weak, halfhearted buck of her hips, pushing her slick petals against River's hand as she shook her head, her body and mind at war... and her lust starting to win out. Ferenze, enjoying the show, raised his hand behind River, and with a gesture, slid a long, thin tendril from River's back, the shadow sliding down to drift along her own petals, his approval of her tactics rewarding her own lust as the thin length started to tease her with quick, soft strokes.
Shrike7: River moaned deeply as she felt a tendril of shadow sprout from her, under her Master's command. It slid down between her legs, sending a shudder passing through her, spurring her on. She pressed her lips against the shadow binding Jess' face, kissing her though the mask as easily as if it didn't exist, pressing two fingers into the vampire's sex at the same time, the tips curling and quickly setting a slow, torturous pace.
Courage_Wolf: River, pressing her lips through the shadows to meet Jess', met harsh resistance for a moment before her fingers drew another gasp from the vampire, and suddenly her tongue rushed out to meet River's. Kissing her with a passion that had to have been building for awhile now, Jess was still twisting to get away from River's touch, like she knew it was still wrong, but her hips were betraying her, her struggles starting to turn into a slow rollin motion in time with her tormentor's hand as her inner walls rippled around River's invading fingers.
[Wed Oct 16 2013 07:19:46 PM] Shrike7: The tainted wraitling moaned into Jess's mouth, shadow clinging to her tongue and making it longer, sliding into Jess' mouth and probing around, twining around her own. at the same time, the thrusting of her fingers increased, pressing against her inner walls in different ways with each stroke, feeling the vampire's juices start to gush out to coat her fingers as time went on.
Courage_Wolf: Jess was starting to give up, or her body had fully betrayed her. The tainted wraithling wasn't sure, but the teasing strokes to her petals kept pushing her on. As River varied her strokes, and her long tongue twined around Jess' own, she could feel the fires of the vampire's lust continue to grow, and as Jess' first unbidden orgasm rippled through her, the vampire giving a hot and sultry moan into her mouth, Master rewarded her. The tendril that had been teasing her, spread, becoming thicker, wider, and with only a little warning, shoved itself into River's eager petals, starting to thrust slowly, but steadily, and with deep, long, strokes. *Enjoying your Prize Pet?* Master whispered into her mind, the collar flaring around her neck as pleasure rushed down her spine from the point of control, and up from her hips as the tendril continued it's slow plundering of her depths...
Shrike7: River pressed herself against the vampire, mashing thier breasts together as the kiss deepened, moans emanating from both halves. Then the tentacle that had been teasing her ceased to do so, pressing into her slick folds and parting them easily, making her arch her back and moan, breaking the kiss. The shadows around Jess' face slipped away, letting her see River on top of her in all her glory, arched with wings spread wide, the collar of runes flaring brightly. "Oooh, yes, Master!" She answered, leaning back down to kiss and suck at Jess' neck, her hand having frozen at the point of penetration, but now moving again, going faster and faster.
Courage_Wolf: Jess blinked as the light hit her again, her hips having never stopped moving. Her eyes widened considerably when she saw River as she truly was, collared and leashed to Ferenze, the tendril diving into her eager folds, her wings spread wide, and she seemed lost, unsure of what to do. her Body knew exactly what it wanted, her nipples rigid with lust, her folds still clenching around River's fingers as her hips bucked against her hand. River knew the second peak would come faster, that she would be more vulnerable.. She just had to coax it out...
Shrike7: River moaned deeply, sliding her fingers out of Jess, the spare shadows slowly coiling their way down the vampire's front before collecting at her hand, turning the fingers into a flexible tentacle. the writhed in place, sliding along Jess's folds and bumping her clit teasingly before plunging into her, buryingitself in one smooth stroke, pausing a second to let her adjust tot eh filled feeling before starting to thrust, in time with the one pounding into River. The wraithling moaned, grinding her hips harder, reaching with her mouth further down to tease at Jess' nipple once more, sucking and flailing her tongue around the sensitive nub.
Courage_Wolf: As River moaned again, Jess groaned as her fingers slid free, her hips stilling as her eyes closed, fighting hard to regain herself in her brief reprieve, before they flew open as River's new tendril buried itself into her vulnerable folds, her back arching as she cried out in shock and pleasure, her hips rolling against the undulating length as River dropped to torment her chest again, Jess already shaking and twisting, though whether to get away, or to cum again, it was impossible to tell. Master, chuckling, stood up to move behind River, stroking her back and ass slowly with an appraising hand as he watched the show more closely.
Shrike7: River moaned again, her Master's touches electric, making her shake and writhe under his hand, her pleasure mounting as the tentacle continued to ravage her, and hers ravages her friend. Pulling free of Jess' breast, she sat up with a moan, trying to turn halfway around to feel his attention more directly, her breath coming in short gasps as she neared her own orgasm.
Courage_Wolf: Master chuckled as River was drawn to him, away from her task. Running a finger up her chest, between her breasts, he let it settle on her chin, meeting her gaze with his own. "Make her pliable, finish what you've started, and then you can have me, Pet. Remember, never start what you don't intend to see through to the end..." He whispered, teasing her further with a soft brush of his lips against her own, the scent of him wafting through her mind as Jess continued to buck and twist. She was so close, one more little push would make her weak to Master's influence... And if she did it, Master would reward her...
Shrike7: River moaned, held back from her reward, even as Master's touch sent more shivers down her spine. she returned her attention tot he woman below her with fervour, kissing her desperately, tongues twining as her second hand drew more shadow from under the bed. Seconds later, a second tentacle plunged into Jess' rear, writhing slowly as it wound deeper, the tentacle fucking her folds moving at double the speed of the slower, larger one.
Courage_Wolf: That did it. As the second tendril dove into Jessica's ass without warning, Jess arched her back and howled, breaking the kiss almost as swiftly as it had started as her pleasure echoed around the room, her cry of bliss bouncing and reflecting off the crystal of Master's lair as her nectar rushed around River's tendril and her lower holes clenched and quivered in ecstasy. Panting raggedly, Jess went limp, her hips still trying to push at the lengths, but her eyes hazed over with lust, her mind ready to be molded... Smiling, Master leaned in and brushed his lips against River's ear. "How would my good Pet like to be rewarded~" He teased. River knew he could force the answer out of her in an instant.. he just wanted to here her say it...
Shrike7: River moaned deeply, still except for the shadows, still slowly pumping into Jess, keeping her entranced, her mind dulled and receptive. "Oooh, fuck me, Master. Fill me to the brim, I need you so badly." She answered immediately, licking at her lips in anticipation.
Courage_Wolf: Jess, bucking and writhing against the tendrils pumping into her, didn't care what was going on, certainly didn't care that River was about to fucked on top of her, and had forgotten something. something important. It didn't matter, what did were the two tendrils fucking her slowly as she twisted and writhed against her restraints in pleasure, it had been too long... Master, smiling down at River, moved behind her, the tendril still thrusting into her folds pushing harder and faster now, as Ferenze simply snapped his fingers, and his clothing melted. Standing behind her, he ran his hands along her shoulders, and down her back, his rock hard length sliding between her ass cheeks slowly as his hands sought out her chest. Groping her breasts tightly, Master groaned with a sultry pleasure into her ear, before he slid his length into her ass. Pushing slowly at first, he began to make his way deeper, soon filling her completely, and coming to rest. "That's right River, This is all you want, my approval, my touch...
Courage_Wolf: He whispered into her ear, rolling his hips slowly as she heard him laugh softly, pinching her nipples suddenly to get an answer...
Shrike7: River moaned deeply as her Master's hands trailed down her sides, her hands slipping down to plant the shadow tendrils on the bed near Jess's hips, her own hands tracing back up along the tendril plunging in her own depths. Melting into Ferenze's grip, she gave a shuddering gasp as he pressed into her rear, his breath hot on her ear as he whispered at her. "Aah! ...Oooh, yess, Master..." She groaned in agreement, her holes clutching around the invading lengths inside her.
Courage_Wolf: Smiling, unseen to River, Ferenze moaned softly, a sound of pleasure from Master sent a delicious chill down her spine on top of the lengths pumping into her, and indeed, Ferenze slid back, only to thrust back into her rear, matching the pace of the tendril slithering into her folds. While River was fucked from behind, she had the wonderful view of her own shadows ravaging the bound form of Jess who continued to give muffled moans, gasps, and soft, shuddering whimpers of pleasure as she was kept trapped within the prison of her own lust.
Shrike7: River leaned forward as her Master began to thrust, spreading her knees a little wider and rolling her hips back in time with his thrusts. The tendril was fusking her at the same pace, but paired with the glorious sparks of pleasure her Master's touch brought, she could hardly focus on it. Her eyes drifted over Jess's form below her, only half noticing the details under the waves of her own lust, the tainted wraithling as much a prisoner as the vampire was, at the moment.
Courage_Wolf: The throne room that the demon of chaos claimed as his own was filled with a beautiful mix of lustful sounds that echoed around the chamber like a carnal music. Leaning in across River's back, Ferenze stopped thrusting, now simply rolling his hips to draw him in and out of her rear slowly, grinding into her while the tendril kept it's pace, the difference sending shuddering bolts of pleasure through her but staving off any building climax as he groaned into her ear and kissed her as he twisted her nipples again. "Mmmm~ Ask me for anything~ Show me how you'd like to be rewarded Pet~" Ferenze whispered, accenting his words with the slow rolling of his hips. And River felt things flashing through her mind, crystals within the walls of the throne filled with strange creatures and creations of her Master meant to inflict a number of sensations without end... A true hallmark of her new home.
Shrike7: River gasped and shuddered, her own hips shaking as she attempted to match both speeds thrusting into her, and failing. The twist to her nipples brought her upright again, letting him speak softly into her ear once more. She answered with a moan, the images flashing through her mind unbidden, until one seemed to last a breath longer than the others. A shudder passed through her, and she moaned anew. "That one... Please, Master..." She begged, the image solidifying in her mind.
Courage_Wolf: Ferenze chuckled, running his tongue along the back of her neck as he began to thrust again, treating River to the feel of him pushing deep into her once more as he reached over and gestured with his hand. She could hear the crystal walls splitting open, the thing, or rather, things she had chosen spilling out onto the floor and looking blindly around. thin, agile creatures, their bodies seemed to be made of a thin, softly pulsing flesh. Small creatures, they raised themselves up on thread thin limbs and began to shuffle along towards the trio. Running his hand along her front, River felt it slide along her throat, before rising to her cheek to drift a finger across her lips. "They're coming~" He breathed, melting the shadows twisting and thrusting within her and Jess as they neared... "And they're so excitable... very enthusiastic~" he teased as he gave a deep, hard thrust.
River could hear the cracking of the crystal, but of far more importance was Ferenze's renewed thrusting, drawing a light scream from her lips, the finger there seconds later making her moan, leaning forward to suck on it gently. SHe had been puttiy in his grip before, and now was no different. If anything she was even more so, eagerly wanting his commands, instead of simply being malleable by them.
Courage_Wolf: Ferenze smiled as River sucked on his finger softly, thrusting it gently into her mouth to toy with her tongue for a moment. Pulling back, Ferenze slid from her ass with a soft sigh to stand back. "You want me to call into your mind~ To bend and use you~? Mmmm, such a good pet..." He whispered, gesturing at the ground near the foot of the bed. "Unbind Jessica, it wont take but a touch, and bring her to kneel there, and then do so yourself~ You're both going to greet your new friends" he said, his eyes grinding into River's... the Collar flaring around her throat.
Shrike7: River let out a long, drawn out groan as Master slowly slipped from her rear, suddenly feeling empty and wanting. "Yes Master." She replied quickly, already halfway through acknowledging him before the collar flared, Focusing quickly. The shadows around Jessica parted, drawing her towards the foot of the bed and depositing her in a kneeling position, leaving her unbound and unmolested after for the first time since she had entered the chamber. River slid down at the same time as well, smoothly prostrating herself before Ferenze, shaking with arousal and anticipation.
Courage_Wolf: Ferenze smiled, watching them move, seeing the tremors running through River's body, seeing the arousal coursing through her, the need for his touch, the lust boiling over and demanding it, but unable to push or demand... and she loved it... River, inside her prison, shuddered as well... Because as The demon pet watched the creatures slither closer, she saw them as well, crawling into her cage... And she was frozen by the power of the emotions flooding through her... She couldn't escape their touch... As the first of 4 creatures reached River, she felt it reach out, it's small body extending a multitude of thin tendrils that drifted and crawled across her thighs and stomach, searching... As it found the trickle of her nectar, that slickness from her flower, it pulled back, bunching up, before rushing forward. She had no time to react as it slide around her hips and between her legs, and the other behind it was just as fast, rushing across her chest. She felt the tendrils twisting and writhing as they pushed into her, slithering and undulating as they stroked every sensitive spot within her inner depths and rear, forcing pleasure to bolt through her body. She heard Jess, glazed eyes staring at the flood, moan lewdly, before screaming in an almost instant peak as the other two lunged for her.
Shrike7: River let out a gasping scream as well, dropping her chest to the floor as the intrusions at her hips made her shake in response, losing her balance. Jess climaxed instantly beside her, and the wraithling found herself not far behind, the creature's touch expertly and rapidly building her peak.
Courage_Wolf: As River fell forward, she could feel the creatures cementing their grip, the warm and pulsing flesh growing tighter and more insistent as it fed on her release. And she could feel it in her mind, the draw on her energy as she was forced into a shuddering peak as the creature on her chest bound itself tightly across her breasts, the feeling of those thin, insidious creepers twisting and slithering around her nipples only adding to the pleasurable sensations washing through her like a flood, her clit treated to the same as Ferenze sauntered forward. "Did I say you could fall over?" He breathed, chuckling as he watched them both, Jess writhing on the ground, her hips bucking and twisting as the creatures showed no mercy. "Watch her." He commanded, reaching down to turn her gaze. "See the difference between being mine, and being food." He whispered into her ear as he knelt down behind her. Jess, panting and moaning in bliss, was very much a victim. Whereas River's assailants were content where they were, Jessica's were spreading, more and more tendrils reaching out to snare her, bind her. her arms were pulled down and behind her back as she arched in delight, and her legs were bound swiftly in a network of thin flesh as it worked quickly down. As she threw her head back to scream in another swift peak,, more slid up from her chest to push into her mouth, wrapping tightly around her tongue as the flesh crept upwards, before locking around her mouth, muffling more cries and groans of pleasure as Jess bucked and writhed, helpless under the frantic assault... And the sight set River's hair on end just as he issued another command. "On your back Pet... Time for me to properly enjoy you..."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Part 2:
Shrike7: River gasped and moaned as the creatures spread, Ferenze's harsh first words making her gasp, strugging to push herself upright again and avoid his displeasure. That halted when he knelt beside her, twisting her head to look at the vampire to her side, already overwhelmed as the creatures dug deeper, covering her flesh and filling her more with each passing breath. She let out a moan, which turned to a shudder as Master issued another command, one she was all too eager to obey. Shaking with lust, she all but threw herself backwards, hands reaching out to grip her thighs and spread herself wide for him, though the creature's attentions kept her from stilling entirely, writhing on the floor.
Courage_Wolf: Each movement River made was answered by the creatures tormenting her as they dug deeper in response, not liking their prey too mobile it seemed, the spikes of bliss as River obeyed only adding to the situation as Ferenze fell on her spread form with a passion, kissing her hungrily as his cock ground against the warm flesh covering her eager folds. At the touch, River felt the tendrils slide from her flower, spreading her wide for him as he wasted no time in pushing into her depths. Hard, fast, and hungry, Ferenze moaned into her lips as his long and agile tongue twisted around her own, his hips bucking hard and deep into her, fucking her the way she wanted to be fucked, Needed to be fucked. The muffled sounds of Jess being broken in by the same creatures still driving River mad with lust a backdrop to the frenzied demons just beside her, the vampire twisting to roll and watch, her eyes hazed over. She'd be so easy to break when Master got around to it... For now... she was just a toy...
Shrike7: The wraithling moaned into her Master's mouth, the sensations piling on top of each other with such force that by the time Ferenze speared her, her folds clamped down on him hard, a rush of her juices following his first backstroke as she came. And she didn't come down, gripping at him hard enough to leave gashes in a human as the spike of pleasure went on and on, the trapped vampire beside her beneath her notice, unable to feel or think anything past the bliss she felt at her Master's touch, the orgasm sweeping through her.
Courage_Wolf: Her Master groaned into her lips as he felt her release, thrusting back into her as she came, and indeed, she wasn't allowed to come down, more pleasure simply piled onto her body as the creatures and her Master used her for their pleasure. On and on the climax rolled, and River could hear Ferenze speaking again, the words pulsing through her mind, so eager and ready to be taken in. "Always mine... Forever Mine..." They whispered, repeating over and over, each bolt of pleasure crashing against the Shard's cage, the words starting to slip in as the creatures found her within. She could do nothing as they assaulted her, binding themselves to her within her mental cage, that same pleasure starting to break her last reserves as she felt what Jess was feeling, the hungry, craving touch, the tight and inescapable grip as she was bound and gagged, ruthlessly fucked by the small creatures as Master pounded her slit, his cock diving hard and deep, pressing against her inner gates at the depth of each thrust...
Shrike7: Deep inside, the remnant of the old River quailed in her dark corner, lashing out as the lust and creatured seeped in on the remnants of her mental self. Just like Jess in the physical world, she was quickly trapped and bound, the tendrils of the creature seeping in and starting to break her apart, the heavy air of lust in the demonic rest of the mind hanging thick, tainting what little she had left. Demonic River keened for a different reason, the waves of orgasm rising to a fever pitch as Master started to tap against her inner gates, each repetition sending a bolt of renewed pleasure up her spine, Master's words seeping into her unnoticed as she thrashed on the floor, unable to keep from trying to dispell the orgasmic energy any way she could.
Courage_Wolf: River, thrashing on the floor as her Master continued to drive her further and further into a pit of carnal inferno she had never known before, didn't notice the tell tale throbbing of her Owner's length as he neared his own peak, her own quivering, rippling, clenching inner walls rippling along his length driving his own pleasure higher quickly. She did feel him fill her, like liquid fire poured into her womb, the heat, and the bliss crushing along her nerves like liquid lightning as he came, the feeling of his release thrusting her headlong into the abyss as he came to rest on top of her. The creatures, feeling her near some limit, slowed down, their frantic attentions stilling, only keeping her lust at a dull roar now rather then driving her to the breaking point, leaving her body needy, on edge... And they were ruthless... As she felt Master's seed spill into her, she felt several thin creepers reinvade her flower as well... And push into her womb for a moment, before swiftly retreating.
Courage_Wolf: Panting softly on top of her, his length still buried in her depths, Ferenze grinned as jess came again. "You want more don't you~" He breathed, rolling his hips to accentuate her need as the creatures teased her...
Shrike7: Her world was white, her breath coming in ragged gasps as her pleasure spiked past her endurance, the wraithling's eyes rolling up in her head as Master filled her with his seed. The sensations slowed after, River's thrashings slowing and then stopping entirely, the rise and fall of her chest frantic as she sought to regain some sense of awareness. When she finally did, she managed little more than a moan before Master bounced lightly inside of her, making her gasp and scream, quickly becoming aware of the slithering tendrils and dripping spunk. "Please!" She said quickly, bucking her hips despite the oversensitive feeling. "I need you, Master. Don't stop..."
Courage_Wolf: "That's right~ You need me~" He whispered, twisting his hips again a little more, feeling River ripple around him deliciously. As he pulled back to thrust again, There was a loud snap as Hervo staggered upright, and shut the book, a hell shattering thunderclap following as the room was flooded with light and the entire back wall exploded. Rolling off of her with a snarl, Ferenze breathed a single word "No....." River didn't get too much time to ponder the new problem as the creature immediately filled the void her master had left, and they both resumed their rough treatment of her overworked body, the tendrils and the pleasure keeping her as helpless as Jess, even unbound as they twisted into her once more. John was standing in the sands where the wall had been, his hands wreathed in white fire as he glared at Ferenze, and the scene before him, and Hervo collapsed against the pedastal, laughing raggedly.
Shrike7: "Yes, Master, Desperately! I-" She started, before the snap resounded through the room. She twitched at the sound, throwing her arms up towards her Master in surprise and confusion before the creature picked up again, making her scream as it dug into her sensitive passage, quickly reduced to matching Jess in mindless writhing on the floor.
Courage_Wolf: Reduced to a pleasure broken mess on the floor along with Jess, River was unsure of how much time passed while she was held in her own prison. But she could make out parts of the battle that raged around her. Of the flashes of Violet, and blinding, brilliant white that exploded with tremendous force, the throne room being reduced to rubble as John and her Master tore at each other like wild animals. It was Hervo that finally caught her attention, using a shard of shattered crystal to start cutting at the creatures. Jess was freed first, as he looked at River however, he seemed unsure, tired, and confused. Jess was useless. Carrying her, Hervo stumbled towards the book, and with a final flash, Hervo and Jessica were gone. River was left to fend for herself. She felt it... As a single bolt of pain lashed through her body and broke through the pleasure, she felt Ferenze die. The collar around her neck flared, before dispelling, and the Shard that had remained hidden launched itself into her mind, before John's face loomed over her own. Looking tired, and more then a little annoyed, he seemed about to leave her as well, before she felt herself lifted up and the comfortable heat of flames washing over her form as he killed the parasites still holding fast to her. "Are you in there River?" He asked softly, looking into her eyes.
Shrike7: Pleasure, pumped into her unending by the creatures, had both portions of River reeling, insensate. there were things going on around her, but she couldn't focus enough to figure out what, until pain lanced through her. The runic collar snapped, dissipating, and a moment later the creatures were burned off her.The smaller part of River saw her chance as John's face loomed over her, the demonic half still stunned from the pleasure and loss of connection to Ferenze. "Help me." She said quickly, her features distorted into panic, gripping at the man.
Courage_Wolf: John's eyes widened considerably as River, the original Woman dove out of her prison to ask for his help, surprised that she had survived what had happened at all, let alone that she could make a move like this. Shaking it off quickly, he nodded before closing his eyes. In a moment, in the mere span of the breath between one second and the next, they were back on earth, though not anywhere that River recognized. It was cold, shockingly cold, and wind swept over massive snowdrifts before her gaze was drawn up to a massive building. To call it anything other then a Citadel wouldn't do the massive structure justice, and the reaction to their presence was almost as instant as their arrival. Within moments, they were surrounded by crimson and black robed people, all holding staves and ranging from the extremely elderly to barely passed childhood, all looking at the Demon carried by the strange man with a mix of curiosity, hatred, and confusion. "Welcome to the Council" John whispered to her, before one of the men
Courage_Wolf: raised his staff, and John flicked a finger, immediately flattening the man into the snow. "By the Compact of Joshua I call for Sanctuary." He said, loudly and clearly, and everyone stopped moving, or talking, or shifting, and simply stared at him like he was utterly insane. Speaking the simple sentence again, John took a moment to concentrate and River felt the heat pulsing off of him, like the warmth of sunlight bathing the hard ground as his skin turned a shocking, alabaster white and his eyes pulsed with a shimmering gold light. He looked more statue then man... As if he'd literally been chiseled from white stone. The people around them all dropped their weapons and stepped back in momentary shock, before the eldest nodded, and started walking, leaving his dumbstruck peers to stare as John started to follow.
Shrike7: River stiffened at mention of where they were, but just gritted her teeth. both against the cold and the efforts of her demonic half, which was starting to recover. She clung a little closer to her brother, groaning through gritted teeth. "She's coming back. I don't think I can stop her." She warned, knuckles white on his alabaster skin.
Courage_Wolf: "You're misunderstanding Sis" John said softly as they walked, his familiar irish lilt back in his voice, and strangely, it was comforting when compared to the jarring, commanding volume his voice had carried so far. "You can't escape her, just as she can't get rid of you. You're both the same River. We'll get you sorted though, don't you worry" He said, the snow crunching underfoot. "Ferenze was the only person who could actually do that, thank your darker nature for being able to hide so well. Thank the creature that bound you together. It was what saved you in the end" He whispered, speaking of the Wraith as they neared a single story building that had no windows, and a heavy iron door, an old silver cross burned into the steel.
River didn't answer, just clung tighter, needing his warmth to brace against the incredible cold of the place, her nature making it worse. "He's dead?" She asked tersely.
Courage_Wolf: "As dead as he can be. I couldn't unmake him completely, some.... piece of him is still around in hell... But it will be near a millennia before he can piece himself back together." John answered, noting her chill but not doing anything to assuage it. "If you're worried about control, hold onto the cold River" he added just as they made the door. "The dark is cold... Only the fire is warm" He continued as they stepped inside. It was more livable inside the building, the floor covered in a thick brown carpet, and annoyingly enough, they seemed to be standing in a chapel of some kind. The giant crucifix on the far wall was a dead giveaway, as were the pews. The man that had led them, so far passed grey that he appeared as old as Claire, turned around and looked at them. "Jail break?" He said after a moment, his face cracking into a warm smile as he regarded River. I'll send someone shortly Light Singer, you wouldn't have brought her if she couldn't be helped... and don't worry, I'll not speak of a nephilim, most of the others here are too young to even know the word" He added as he simply popped out of existence, off to get whatever help they were going to need. "So River!" John suddenly said, dumping her in a pew at the front and sitting on the altar with a shiteating grin on his face. "Bit off a little more then you could chew? Or just bein you with all yer bad luck" He said, seeming to fight her nature both with pain, and annoyance.
Shrike7: River yelped at the drop, landing in the pew with a jarring thud and a 'hey!'. The cold did help, at least, away from him. "I don't even know. I remember like, five minutes after you finding me in the burger place. Then I woke up in that room, like this." She explained, staring down at her knees like they would somehow keep her herself, glaring at them as she focused on keeping control.
Courage_Wolf: "Well, this will be interesting then, because when we're done here shortly you're going to remember everything, and well, hey, you'll be whole again at least" He said. "Honestly, I'm debating whether or not to drop your name and watch the chaos. Because the Tower will probably go insane, I garauntee their pet bloodletter is going to be interested, He just left you to yourself. Wonder if he thought you were just lost? He's seen a good deal, quite possible. I'm sure we could start WW3 in no time at all!" He joked, taking the time to let the rediculous white visage he had taken fade back to his normal self. Pulling off his coat, a thin leather jacket, he tossed it at her. "Can't do anything about the wings, or... any other things you have to deal with, but we can put your head back together" He continued, running a hand through his hair.
Shrike7: "How did you get like that, if you started like I did?" River asked instead, not really wanting to ponder the things he said. "And alone, too? I feel like i've been chased since I woke up to those alarms, it's ridiculous."
Courage_Wolf: John laughed, long and hard, wiping a tear from his eye as he finally calmed down. "I've been chased constantly, this just... Happened! I was wandering around, stalking you admittedly when I noticed someone else was to, So I followed them, picked his pocket. Next thing I know I'm blind, in pain, and apparently should be dead! Got lucky I guess" He answered, still chuckling at the memory. "Something to do with the magic angels use. Funny thing? Not very nice people! Just big and scary enough to get away with anything. No god either, just another monster it seems. Apparently they've just been making deals with everyone since they were around and promoting a book or 30, so they have a lot of weight to throw around. For creatures that live on light, they certainly prefer the shadowgames. SO! after that happened, I wound up staying with him for awhile, learning things, having information forcibly jabbed into my brain, meeting a few others... And then i saw you again, and then you killed a man... And well....." He finished, spreading his hands.
Shrike7: River dipped her head further at the mention, thinking back on the aged angel. "I'm sorry. I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop it." She said, then blinked as she realized something. "You saw all that? Why didn't you step in sooner?"
Courage_Wolf: "Curiosity" John said simply. Angels are not communal creatures, they don't move in groups unless they want to remake an entire continent, which they can do if they're together. Now they can't be bothered. As for Him... Well. As he'd mentioned, he'd made a deal. That conversation? I heard that to, So I let it happen, got what info I could, and waited. You were either an imposter, or a slave. One way or the other, you had a Master, and I wouldn't be finding or helping you without finding him. Thanks for running right back into his home, made my day real easy." He said, looking a little annoyed. As the conversation got to that point, their old host returned, walking through the door with another man in tow. "Light Singer, by council rule you have 24 hours, so we rushed things along, get her laid down so we can get to work." He said, smiling while the other person behind him pulled back their hood, and turned out to be a woman. Young, but hard, edged, and as cold as the air outside, she glared at John, before turning to River. "You weren't kidding Father, an actual escape. The last one was Hervo, the traitor, who is this?" She asked, brushing raven hair out of her eyes, the black curls spilling to her shoulder as she looked curiously at River.
Shrike7: "Safe to say 'You don't want to know'?" River answered with a grimace, noting Hervo's name. "Just on the pew, or do you want somewhere else? She's getting angrier, not sure how long I can hold still for." She asked, following the woman's directions as best she could.
Courage_Wolf: "Have you tried hitting her with something heavy" John quipped from his position. The woman nodded. "Easier that way I suppose. At least you can still speak and think, usually aren't that lucky." She said, wandering over. Taking a book out of her robe, she flipped it open and just... Tore a page out. The smell that wafted into the room as she tore the page reminded River of a peculiar little yellow flower that she'd seen in the city, and in other places. It was a sweet smell, soft and alluring. Taking that page, the girl bit her thumb, and drew a rough rune with her blood on it, setting it on River's forehead. "Say your name." She said, closing her eyes and waiting.
Shrike7: "I'll hit you with something heavy." River shot back, the edge of a snarl in her voice. Shuddering lightly, she forced herself to lay down, gripping the sides of the pew lightly, holding still for the woman to do her work and lay the page on her head. "River Lyn Faulk." She answered, noting the scent of flowers in the air, a confusing thing in this cold place.
Courage_Wolf: As River spoke her name, she found herself standing back in her Shard's prison with the woman, and both distinct halves of herself. Only now, they were certainly chained together, and as her name echoed in this place, the length of chain between the pair shortened, the smell of that same flower flooding into her mind. As the chains grew shorter, memories started to flood back, flashes, and then entire missing days, and all the sensations that came with as the two halves were dragged inexorably towards eachother... It would be over soon.
Shrike7: Suddenly in ehr mind again, River panicked slightly when she got the symbolism of what was happening. "I want it gone, not melded. Can't you just take it away, erase it or something?" She asked the mental image of the woman in there with them, the demonic half growing closer as it's memories started to mesh with hers.
Courage_Wolf: "No, it's not New, it's as much a part of you as you seem to think the other is. The Demon simply made it more invasive, gave it a little more power. If I cut it out it will shatter what's left of your mind" The woman said, Continuing as the chains continued to grow shorter, they were almost touching now, only 3 links left as the most recent memories started to flood into her mind, of Jess, of her last session with Ferenze and his "pets", herself included... As River reeled from the onslaught of information, as that barrier fell, the shackles reached their limit, and the two River's were melded, she was whole again, herself, a little more... Inclined... and a few less inhibitions, but certainly herself. Snapping her eyes open, River was looking into the face of the woman, who was smiling. "Trust me, it could have been much worse" She said, simply dusting herself off. "I suggest you get back to the Tower before anyone else figures out who you are Wraithling..." She added as a warning to them both... "It's a shame the Traitor is still alive.... Shame indeed" She added as she walked away, forgetting them both.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Part 3:
Shrike7: River gasped lightly as her eyes opened again, glancing about before settling on the woman again. "Thanks." She muttered softly, turning to John as she sat up, finally moving to cover her modesty somewhat. "Back to the tower, then? Can we stop someplace dark, first?"
Courage_Wolf: "Probably for the best, we could even use the front door! Or we could suddenly pop up in front of your boss. I have one more good teleport in me as long as you hav a good idea where you wanna show up." John said, shrugging and tanking the mages who simply left now that their job was done. Seemed Thaumaturges kept to themselves more then the others.
Shrike7: "The sewer would work. Not sure how much you want to go inside, though i'm guessing you must have chatted with them some, if you used the same portal I did. and down there would be plenty dark enough." She answered, glancing around at the chapel now that she had control of herself, starting to shiver at the cold.
Courage_Wolf: "This is just a guess River, but I'm certain the Vampire and the this... Hervo, are going to want someone to vouch for the fact that apart from the wings, and some new tricks, you're still you, and not some demons personal plaything and errand runner..." John said, resigning himself to having to at least show up for a bit. "More importantly, I think that old Kitsune is going to be pissed...."
Shrike7: "I'm not gonna argue with ya, wouldn't really want to find out what they'd try to check that." She answered, sounding tired. "Ready whenever you are, then."
Courage_Wolf: "My guess would be restraints and a padded cell. Hey! A straightjacket would fit you great!" he joked, before reaching out to grab her shoulder. "Alrighty~ Lucky number 7~" he cried, and suddenly they were standing directly in front of Corvinus. Who was.... Surprised. And by surprised he was stopped, frozen with a drink halfway to his lips in front of Jess and Hervo and several doctors who were fussing over the thaumaturge while they talked. Noting Corvinus' freeze, they both turned, and Jess was on her feet, gun in hand in an instant. "WHAT THE FUCK!" She shouted, Hervo trying to turn and gasping in pain for his trouble. "Hi!" John said, waving a hand.
Shrike7: River visibly jumped, trying and failing to cover more of herself with John's jacket, having it tucked uder her arms like a bathrobe, her wings making it difficult to wear it normally. She hadn't really planned what she meant to say yet, glancing around at the assorted group before letting her gaze fall on hervo. "It's me. John took me to the council, I met the same woman that helped you, I think." She told him, meeting his gaze.
Courage_Wolf: "Crazy bitch? Black hair" Hervo said after a moment, taking everything more in stride then everyone else. Jess was still pointing a gun back in forth in a bit of a panic, and Corvinus was just.... sitting there... Drink halfway to his lips, his head drifting to the side. "She really her?" Jess said, freaked out. Hervo rather then saying anything, stood up, the doctors all having fled the room in a panic immediately. Hobbling on a cane, he just wandered over to Corvinus' closet, grabbed a long coat, and tossed it at River. "Answer your question Jess? The nice angel made her all better. All you need or want to know about it, trust me." Hervo said, flopping back down, Jess lowering her gun slightly as Corvinus just drained his entire drink, slapped the glass down, and immediately repeated the first thing Jess had said upon their arrival. "WHAT THE FUCK!?"
Shrike7: River caught the coat with one hand, doing a better job of covering herself with it. "It was the trips to hell. He managed to pull me aside the first time, then blocked my memory of it. Jess too, i think. Then he infiltrated the tower the night after, or it might have been influencing me in a dream, i'm not sure. He had the council woman in his grip for that one, we may have to check her. After that, it was in hell again, with Chuck and Henrietta. He called me off, and that's when all this happened in full. I caught up to them again after. I'm also the one that destroyed the machine downstairs, but i used it first, trying to find some way to get free while i still had some control. past that, I wasn't much more than watching the rest of what happened. I'm sorry." She explained, making sure to Meet Jess' gaze with the last bit, making sure she knew she was doubly sorry for what happened to her, as well.
Courage_Wolf: Hervo nodded. "I had no idea he was this close, or that active. I apologize River" he said simply, shrugging it off. He had been through all of it and more before, this doubtless didn't surprise him overly much, accepting it, and it's explanation quickly. "Your brother sorted it out. Thank you for that John. Jess, just... best you go get a meal and some sleep, I'll check in on you myself in a bit and we can all just... let it go." He said, drained, pale, and tired. Flopping back down, Corvinus soaked it all in, and just looked up at John, who smiled, said "And the last in the day! Number 8!" And vanished again. rather then say anything, he simply poured himself another drink, offered River the bottle, and watched Jess stomp out of his office. "She's gonna be... touchy... for awhile I think" He said, Hervo nodding. "Among other things. I'll watch out for her, I'm sure River will as well. As for the Council lapdog, if Ferenze is gone, then she's not a threat, I'll make sure to send a missive to the Council for her removal and inspection Sir. As for River? well.... Not much really to be done..." Corvinus nodded. "You're grounded. 2 days for observation" He said simply. "Don't leave the Tower, other then that... Well... Claire will be keeping you company for that time. Play nice. You're dismissed." He said, waving his hand and obviously planning on getting drunk again.
Shrike7: "Sure. Does Jess have her own room, or should I find a guest hut? Don't think she'll want to be sleeping in the same place as me for a while." She said, taking all that in with more grace than she usually showed. "Probably better if I avoid her entirely, at least for the two days." Taking the bottle, she looked at it for a moment, then just passed it back with a shake of her head. being drunk wasn't going to help anything, right now.
Courage_Wolf: "Jess will be staying with me" Hervo said as she passed the bottle back. "Mouse would be good company, someone familiar from before the insanity helps." He added softly.
Shrike7: "Maybe in a bit, I should probably sort myself out some before letting him see me." She answered, managing a weak chuckle. "I, uhh... I'll be around, then." She said, starting for the door before stopping again. "Probably shouldn't wander the halls, come to think of it. Just going to my room, promise." She said, dimming the lights and porting down.
Courage_Wolf: River was standing back in her room in an instant, the familiar place a slight comfort at least, and of course now she could put some clothes on. At least this insane day was over... Until the rasping voice of Claire slid over her raw nerves like sand paper. "Well well well, hello Child. Interesting day?" She said, sitting in a chair in the corner and looking at River.
Shrike7: "Thought you'd be here, or at least on your way." She said simply, recognizing the voice as her new ward before she glanced around to doublecheck. "Help yourself to stuff, please don't break anything. Don't have much for a paycheck left, probably getting garnished on the next several as well. I'm gonna go have a shower." She said, slipping into the bathroom.
Courage_Wolf: "Oooo, Sweetheart, you don't get it, You survived something that only 4 other people can lay claim to. And only you and Hervo have come out of it whole. There was one other, but he's so old now I doubt he remembers. You'll meet him at some point I'm sure. I hope you take what you learned this time to survive it... As for your paycheck? You're working under me now, and you're not carrying Child... You're stealing. I'm throwing you in the deep end. So yes, enjoy your shower, then we're going to go over some things. And in 48 hours, you are going to enter this world properly. Like a meteor splitting the sky..."
Shrike7: "I -really- don't like the sound of that." She answered, before shutting the door. The shower started up soon after, and for the first time in her life, hotter was not better. it was barely a minute before she turned the hot tap off entirely, sitting under the cold spray and trying to figure out how her other half had done things, when it was in control. It was simple enough to manage when she just remembered how, and after about twenty minutes, she came back out, wrapped in a towel and looking a fair bit more human. Not speaking to the kitsune immediately, she went straight for her room, though if Claire did start talking, she'd leave the door open so she could dress and listen at the same time.
Courage_Wolf: Claire waited for River to get dressed, still sitting in her chair and sipping on what smelled like coffee. She must have made it while River was showering. "Well, I'm not a fan of drawing things out. So it's simple, there are certain things I'd prefer no one had possession of, Corvinus and the Council included, as well as the Nosferatu, the Lycan tribes, and some of the Demon kings. The Angels have far more on this list then anyone else, but those are impossible without help from John who hasn't given me an answer yet. These items range from simple books and old pieces of information, to artifacts that could altar the face of a country. I'd ask if you're interested, but your only real options are sitting on a leash here under Corvinus, Going freelance and being free game for everyone, or working for me on this. You have a unique skillset I need and you've already been through some of the worst, So I know you can handle this." She said, taking another drink and looking at River curiously.
Shrike7: Coffee. That might help. Pacing over to the kitchen to see if there was any more in the pot, River answered. "I used to lead a simple life. bed, eat, drink, point A to point B stuff. Now look at me. Do you think I want all of this? Even more, you think I want to actively use all of this to put myself in danger?"
Courage_Wolf: There was indeed more coffee made, and another cup out for her. Claire just gave a raspy laugh, parchment grinding against itself, dead leafs in a cold wind... "You really don't get it do you? You don't have that choice. I used to have a simple life, even managed to keep it for 50 years or so, then I wound up like you. Trust me, I get it, but the only thing you haven't really dealt with? Being Hunted. The Council was here for me, they don't have the clearance to run a manhunt, to chase you to the ends of the earth. You're in danger regardless of whether or not you want to be. You could hide I suppose, Maybe last a good 20... 30 years? And then pack up whatever life you've made for yourself as your enemies burn it to ashes. You haven't figured out the implications of your little journey down to hell. If it's a question of longevity, you'll outlive Jessica by a solid millenia, you and your brother are so close to immortal right now that only a few things can actually hope to outlast you if you're not killed. So you can meet it headfirst and put it all to bed now, or you can run, and run, and run. Because you wont be able to hide forever. You can't even hide in your own shadow dimension for long anymore can you? Have you tried? I remember those monsters... You have enemies whether you earned them or not. So I suggest you stop with the self pity and remember where you put your spine before that demon Bent it." She said coldly, setting her empty cup down and looking at River expectantly.
Shrike7: "Yes, clearly in the twenty fucking minutes since i became my own woman again, I've had time to find out if the first thing that screwed with me likes me again or not." River replied, her tone icy as she took the coffee and sat down beside her laptop, flicking it open. "So for the moment. I'm quite content to sit here under house arrest and figure out what's been done to my life, thank you. I'll take a raincheck on your lycans and demons, and whatever the fuck else you want me to steal from."
Courage_Wolf: "20 minutes or 20 years, the conclusion you reach with your gut will dictate the one in your head, and your heart. Just remember... The only way to be free of enemies, is to make sure you have none. And you are Far beyond that possibility without a bloodbath. But sure, you wanna take your time? Be my guest, you'll have the same offer John did. 1 week to make a decision" Claire answered, standing slowly and meandering towards the door.
Shrike7: "Don't stray too far, remember you're supposed to be holding the leash." River answered, turning to watch Claire stride out. She sighed when she was alone again, poking around on the laptop for a while, though nothing really drew her attention. Finally, she decided she should go see mouse after all. Shrugging, she packed up the laptop just in case, and brought it down with her, knocking on the door to his rooms.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

I'm supposed to hold the leash, but I'd give poor Mouse a heart attack. Nice kid. Claire called from the door before vanishing.

Once River had scooped up her things and mentally raged at her misfortunes, her feet took her to Mouse's apartment quickly and without fail, and when she knocked, the door flew open to see the wild haired little wizard in a complete panic.

Seeing River, Mouse calmed down somewhat "O thank god you're fine, I heard all this crazy shit and then the alarms went off and there was the whole building shaking and I'm just freaking out here." Mouse burbled in a rush, ushering River inside and glancing up and down the hallway suspiciously.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

“I wasn‘t really around for most of that.“ She admitted, following him in. “You made out alright, though? Seems like you didnt get much more than a shake up, that‘s good.“
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I'll take your word for it then" Mouse said quickly, letting out a long breath before darting in and hugging River fiercely for several moments.

Pulling himself away, Mouse flopped back onto the couch and poured himself another shot, shaking slightly as he downed it quickly. Seemed he'd been through a quarter bottle of straight gin without her.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River hugged him back after a moment, surprised by the act. Then they sat down, and she saw how much he had already been drinking. “Wow, slow down some, man.“ she said with a chuckle, reaching out to pluck the now-full shot from his hands and downing it herself, coughing slightly and making a face. “Never been a fan of gin, really. Ah well. So, that was all you got from here, then? Alarms, lightshow, some rumbling?“