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Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Her plan worked once, but between the pain she had caused and the flunk of his spell injuring himself, it lasted long enough. Her run turned into a jump, trying to land with her knees on his chest and bear him to the ground, grabbing at his hands with her own to disrupt any more spells.

{You wanted a monster. You didn't even get to see how monstrous I could be.} She spoke to him and him alone, her forehead swinging down at his nose, as her mind started to tear at his defenses.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Carlos went down, and then a different battle took place. The rush of images from Carlos mind, notably a plan to marry and then murder Frey for her families influence was particularly jarring, along with the sheer amount of venom that seemed to be lurking inside the man. He'd killed more then his fair share, and in some particularly horrible fashions.

She found him fighting her for control, but it was 3 minds against one and his defenses crumbled swiftly. It seemed unlike Honorius, he didn't know much about her, he certainly didn't know about her other adaptations, simply that she was some kind of, in his words, unholy abomination created from darkness.

But River found other parts of his mind locked off entirely, his magics, his books, incantations, locks, wards, and other mages were all forcibly sealed away likely to prevent someone like River from ripping his secrets straight out of his head. However, a hand on her shoulder and a cooling presence slid softly into the inquiry. Remember, Appearances Dear. Honorius whispered to her gently. It probably wouldn't do to have her leave Carlos a mindless husk in front of others... then again, he had asked for this... and she was leaving at the end of it all anyway...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

{Are you calling the fight? Cause he sure as hell isn't going to surrender. He deserves every second of this, and you know it.} She shot back, though she did slow some, willing to listen, at least. Instead, she dug through his mind, looking for his knowledge of Claire...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River got the mental equivalent of a shrug in response while she continued to dig. It didn't take long to find what she wanted when she focused on Claire however. He'd been following her for a good while it seemed, at least a couple of days, and of the few notable locations, 2 stuck out as places she'd visited often. 1 an old cathedral graveyard and mausoleum, the other a large market, or rather, the sewers under it.

Both locations were within spitting distance of the Colosseum, and fit what little information that'd already found. But both locations were consistently underground.

The strain of such forceful digging however broke the careful structure of Carlos' mind, she could actually feel memories and experiences bleeding away as if from a mortal wound. She'd opened his mind up, there was no closing it.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Fuck. She hadn't meant to snap the man's mind like that. It felt like the mental equivalent of bleeding out, and she didn't know how to stop the flow.

Well, seemed to be nothing for it. She let her telekine part gorge on Carlos' mind, watching the locked parts to see if they'd weaken or bleed out as well. Maybe she could get something else useful out of the experience.

And then it was over, the body still breathing, but nothing within it, an empty man. The fires had died down a while ago, everything seemed so silent without the roar of the inferno in her ears. She let go, starting to call on the darkness again to coat herself, forming the same dress as before, this time having to replace her undergarments as well. Then she calmly formed a spike from the stuff, and drove it into his chest, stopping his heart.

Standing, she glanced over at Honorius, giving him an apologetic look, turning to leave the arena, pondering the table she had left her drink at, looking over at those she was sitting with previously. She half expected them to look afraid of her, and if that was the case, she'd just keep walking, done with the club for now.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

There wasn't exactly fear leveled at her, but respect and a little bit of confusion, Frey motioning for her to rejoin their table while Honorius took her shoulder and steered her in that direction. Go on, it's important to sit if you can, shows you may have allies, that you're not just an outlier. Your Friend entered awhile go herself, She's down in Fraud. he said with neither anger nor judgement in her eyes.

Right, the victor, Is River, Unaffiliated. And the Wager has been honored. he said loudly, proclaiming that information to everyone who had turned to watch, everyone, especially the older members, inclined their heads in his direction, and then hers politely, before returning to their business, except for 2 men who seemed to be, if she had to guess, Carlos escort for the evening, and an older man who, if not for the lines of age and 3 long, slender scars across his face from cheekbone to jaw on his left side, could have been the dead man's brother.

Well then... Sorts that out, perfectly legally as well. Frey said, the other 2 nodding before Gerald raised a hand and ordered drinks, looking at River. What's your poison? he asked simply, before the lightest of touches from the older man ran across her shoulder and she turned to see the old man just to her left. Frey turned her gaze away, and Gerald likewise, found something very interesting to look at on the table. While Veno just flat out excused himself and retreated.

It's not every day you see a Son's ambition and pride destroy him. Certainly not before your own time comes as a father. he said quietly, before bowing his head to her slightly. May we take his body, Miss. And if possible, extend an invitation. I realize my own son's behavior broached outright insult, and further that the duel is settled, his choice was his own. He held up his hand if River started to speak While I may understand it, I am distraught at this turn. perhaps time to collect myself will see a more two sided conversation. if you accept, then please simply asked Madam Frey here to guide you to my estate. he said, before performing a gesture that caused him no small amount of pain, he stepped back, and bowed, full and low, before standing upright, and, if allowed to at River's choice it seemed, collect his son's body before leaving.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River's eyes widened a bit at mention of Jess. "Thank you. Seems you were right about not having to worry." She told him, moving to sit back at the table.

"Yeah, got what i needed, at least i think so. Rum, usually. Though I've been known to experiment." She answered, giving the group a smile, just before they all started to calm up. She turned and saw the two men from before. Her own smile dropped,

"Yes, of course. I'm sorry for your loss." She answered in a solemn tone, dipping her head in respect for the man as well. She waited for him to collect the body and leave before she picked up conversation, gong over what she had learned of the man while she waited, before turning to Frey. "I don't really know the guy, but that just smells of trap to me. Outside of the clubs neutrality, with the home field advantage, revenge fresh on the mind? Do you think it's on the level? I'm not even sure what he'd want to talk about."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

What? Mer Irrinis? No, no no, that's not his way, if he's offering then he's serious, it's an invitation. There's also the chance he may want to see if you're part of a rival family, and if you're not, make an ally. Could be a ton of reasons but Revenge isn't his way. she said smoothly, while a server brought River her rum and Honorius left to help see the dead carlos out.

Gerald nodded, agreeing. Could be many reasons, I suspect. It wouldn't be dangerous if Frey was to escort you as well. Hers is an old family themselves, a feud over a duel would be a terrible waste, they'd never dare risk it. he said, taking a deep swallow and relaxing.

But I will say it's been awhile since I saw someone who was Fire Proof...
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"Heh, noticed that, did you? I am a woman of many talents." River said with a smirk. "Poor Veno though, just wilted when he came over. Think he'll wander back at some point?" She asked, pondering.

"I'd better take up his invitation, then. Not sure if I have the time right away thiugh, i'll have to check with my friend, see what's going on. Got a phone handy, Frey?"
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Gerald chuckled and drained his glass quickly, before Frey tilted her head. Veno's not one for conflict or power, he's a quiet man. Good brother. As for the invite? I doubt he meant tonight. Likely tomorrow or the day after. But no, let me write down my number for you. she said, reaching down for her purse and fishing out a small notebook and a pen, before ripping off a page with her number on it and stowing the items away again.

Gerald was a bit quicker and couldn't wipe the stupid smile off his face which he then leveled at Frey who blushed slightly and looked away while he slid his phone to River.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

The writhing smirked as well, making a little show of folding the paper and keeping it save in the Void replacement for her bra. "Yeah, figured getting a number wouldn't have been hard after that little show." She admitted, taking Gerald's phone and putting her own number into it, texting herself to get his.

"Alright then. I guess i'll see you two around. Veno too, most likely." She said, passing the man's phone back and standing, giving a little bow before heading out of Heresy, moving to Fraud and looking around for Jess.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

They both waved goodbye, and as River left, several people came over, likely to question Frey and Gerald about her while she headed off to find Jessica.

Jessica had moved apparently, from the dance floor of Fraud to the Bar that was Treachery's only territory, sipping on a margarita the size of her own head and waving spastically at River. She was still in full tactical gear and Honorius was just headbutting the post at the bar in obvious frustration with the vampire.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

River managed to spot the frantic waving from the staircase leading between rings, sighing a bit as she continued down to the center, giving Honorious a knowing look. "Wow. Heard you were in a bit of a scuffle. Figured you'd have spent at least a little of your energy on that, at least." She said in a wry tone, getting a fresh drink for herself.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hmm? I did! Bounty hunters hunting. Not bad either, i'll give their leader credit at least, he lasted a full minute. And then he ran out of ammo. she said, the last sentence punctuated with a very toothy grin that practically screamed 'I ate Him.'

And then I ate Him. Smoked too much, but otherwise worthy of a good drink. she finished, Honorius looking like if he had to listen to her talk any more he was gonna claw his own ears off.

Well, It seems I'm needed in the outer circles. Excuse me. he said politely, a refill for River already set out it seemed if she wanted it.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"No problem. See you around sometime." She told the man, letting him escape, and taking her glass, turning back to Jess.

"Nice. Had a bit of fun here myself. Think I found our next lead. Or rather, two of them, places Claire may have gone after here. Also got invited to a Mage's house, though that wouldn't be for a day or two."
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Hooray! We both had good nights then! Fantastic. Now, it is of vital importance to our mission that I finish this free margarita before Honorius comes back and I have to act like an air headed moron again. she said, finishing in half a mumble around a straw.

We can talk info back at the room though. We're at a club, we can get into trouble and THEN go back to the room. she said, seeming to want to enjoy herself, or at the very least her drink.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

"I was wondering if you were trying to give that man an aneurysm on purpose or not. I guess I now know why." She said with a chuckle. "Well, if we aren't leaving right away, then there were a few other rings of this place I wanted to check out. Come find me if you need me, otherwise I'll see you back at the hotel, eh?"

Taking her drink with her, she made a toast to the vampire's ridiculously sized margarita, before heading back up the steps, stopping off in Wrath and looking around.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Heading to the other rings, River found Wrath without much trouble, which was by far the most well behaved of the rings, if you ignored the cheering coming from a door set at the back of the club, it's raised walkway only accessable from this ring, while another set of smaller doors in the back, really these were all over the damned place, were only available to the lust ring, which... well, their purpose was probably every bit as obvious as River could guess.

This ring was restricted however by the dreaded barrier of a satin rope between poles, and a very large, very imposing, very pale man who looked down at her through his sunglasses and then seemed to come to some conclusion, step aside, and open the path for her.

"Winners are welcome" he said simply, his voice every bit as deep as this barrel chested monster was large. And bald, he was very bald. However, what set this ring apart for River was that several people in this ring, mostly also extremely large people, all male, were... mentally dead. Or, completely unreadable.

They were moving around and talking to each other... so. the latter. And she had the sinking suspicion they were something new to her, but the outpouring of rage here was utterly impossible to miss, only, it wasn't being openly displayed. It was odd.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

Not quite what she expected, she had to admit. "Thank you." She said simply, striding into the ring at large. It was... Quiet, at least audibly. She could feel the rage and malice in the air, but not from or to any particular source. Shrugging it off for now, she went for the walkway, wanting to check out the entrance off of it.
Re: Mazes within a Steel Jungle (Shrike7)

She wasn't exactly ignored as she moved towards the walkway. Without fail, each and every man that had seemed magically and mentally inactive to her, turned their gaze towards her when she passed nearby, and without the glasses on some of them, she saw eyes of the most startling hues and colors.

Emerald greens that truly reminded her of solid gemstones in their clarity, blues, but gold and amber were the most common, a haunting, bright tone that stuck in her mind as unique. She'd seen people with amber tinted eyes, but never with this level of raw color, as if solid stone had been carved into a facsimile of eyesight. But they could see her, that much was certain.

Step by step she made it to the walkway unmolested however, and as she approached, she saw something that probably seemed a bit more expected to her then the initial ring itself, and it's temperament had.

Down the walkway was a large chain link cage where 2 men were engaged in fevered hand to hand combat, each blow and counterblow seeming to be bone crushing in it's raw strength. She could Feel the raw energy from the 2 in the cage, it was like seeing a mage working his magic, only in this case, all the power was strictly internal, every ounce of power went to strengthen the bone and skin, empower the muscle, increase the speed, and indeed, if she hadn't become familiar with Jessica by now, she'd have had trouble following the flurry within the cage.

The cage itself likewise hummed with it's own power, provided by the 4 towering men standing at the posts. She knew in her bones that fence would survive a volcanic eruption before they allowed it to break or be breached. It was sobering, to see power like this harnessed in such a blatant, specialized way, even more so that she couldn't normally see it unless, like these 2 men in the cage, they were actively using it.

The fighting continued for several long moments before her, before a blow caught 1 of the combatants in the cheek, and River watched as his skin cracked, and then crumbled like crushed stone to the floor, the man struck kneeling in defeat as the cage opened, and the victor emerged with his fists high, the crowd losing their minds at the conclusion.

River, or at least her telekine side, which was she could tell, enhancing her eyes to drink in all of what she was seeing, could tell what had happened. This had been a battle of endurance and raw power, and the loser's defenses had finally fallen below what he needed, and he'd been damaged. Even now she could see the currents of that thick, curling power, like lava, and where it had faltered, and... surprisingly, how quickly it recovered as he picked up the pieces, and placed them back on his face, the injury fixing itself as it's broken parts were restored.

The man who'd won was being led through another door, while the loser, a dark skinned man, between tan, and midnight along the contours of his limbs and muscles, stood slowly and stretched, before turning bright white eyes on her, and she saw the first emotion she'd seen out of these creatures, apart from rage since she'd entered. Curiosity. He stepped from the ring, bowing to the assembled crowd, this place seemed full of ancient gestures, and then moved towards the entrance of the walkway, waiting patiently. His eyes sparkled and his lips curled upwards in amusement as if to say 'Do you Dare? Would you Know Me?'