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ADV [Vosmug] Xenotake (RE131077)

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Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I would've preferred more scenes with the humanoid baddies... but I guess I'm just being greedy. Good game, just not quite as much content (in regards to the sprite sex) that I was expecting.

I couldn't really tell if others posted link for full game or not. If not I can bite the bullet and be the bad guy that uploads it.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I do wish there had been at least one gratuitous cum-pumping animation.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I couldn't really tell if others posted link for full game or not. If not I can bite the bullet and be the bad guy that uploads it.

Better not, let's actually support the author by NOT pirating the game. That will happen eventually, but, you don't have to be the guy that started the whole pirating thing. ;)
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I had a number of scenes freeze that I had to quit.

What ones? I played through that thing every which way like 50+ times, this might be an error regarding your computer/OS/some other odd thing.

(There was a bug or two during testing that I could only get to happen on my computer and Vosmug couldn't replicate on his, unrelated to this, and there was a bug or two he had that I couldn't get to happen, so with GameMaker there might be rare cases of odd bugs on certain people's computers)

I do wish there had been at least one gratuitous cum-pumping animation.

Technically, the final boss SORT of has this going on....

Better not, let's actually support the author by NOT pirating the game. That will happen eventually, but, you don't have to be the guy that started the whole pirating thing. ;)

It's like, I understand it's going to get pirated, but if that's the case, do it through PMs please; again I have no way to stop this, but if it's through PMs, again, that's infinitely better than thousands and thousands of people being able to grab the game from a link that'll be up for all eternity on these boards that can be easily googled.

I mean, if you're gonna spread the game around and the author of the game doesn't get $ for it (for the most part, again I understand some people do buy the game after pirating it), the least you could do is keep it to PMs so you have to undergo even a fraction of the work the developer put into the game by having to PM all these people individually. :cool:
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Well worth the $7 is the short of it.

Long of it would be that the backgrounds and enemies seem well thought out and designed, the ammunition thing has already been covered and the robot confused my boner but nethertheless made me go 'ah!' when I found myself flying very quickly through familiar territory.

If there was a way to make it better, the first boss could be added to the gallery cell.
Death/defeat is kind of anti-climactic but isn't that big of an issue.

Also h-cutscene selector: because the throne room, elevator shaft and especially the obelisk core room really massaged my jimmies, and having the final boss bop around shooting me can be distracting when he keeps causing me to restart.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I had no controls when the cutscene stopped after that boss drops from the ceiling. We both just sat there watching each other.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I had no controls when the cutscene stopped after that boss drops from the ceiling. We both just sat there watching each other.

Had that happen too! I just restarted my client and hit load and I was fine.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

This was the only H-Game I ever bought, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Are there going to be any updates to the game?
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I had no controls when the cutscene stopped after that boss drops from the ceiling. We both just sat there watching each other.

Yeah, one other person reported that; I tried and tried to replicate this and couldn't get it to work, so I'm gonna chalk it up to that "rare computer oddity gamemaker weirdness" thing.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Out of respect for any author who spends his time coming and discussing the game with us, I won't pirate it. However, since I am a broke student that simply means I don't get to play it at all : \

Oh well, life goes on.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Certainly one of the best eroge I played on the last months. The wait for it since the dev gave up on the H parts of Prisonkage has certainly paid of, the game ended up a lot more refined than expected.
My only issue: Too easy. It's not really a problem, but I found it funny to have Normal and Easy options for difficult. Normal was easy enough, Easy must be almost spoonfeeding. A Hard option with almost no ammo, health and armor pickups and slower gun recharging would be ideal.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

The robot part wasn't as fun and seemed a little out of place before, but it felt necessary to the plotline (as I was actually following it, which I usually don't.)

Yes, while it did pad the game a little bit for time, it at least introduced a shift in gameplay to make it interesting, explored new areas with new types of enemies, and wasn't just more of what I've already been playing. It shows up, introduces us to a slight change, and then bows out without over-staying its welcome. You may not have liked it, but it was there, and it was handled very well. He didn't make you run through the whole game down the same path or make you grind exp for hours on end in blatant time-padding. It packed a lot of smart decisions and design in a small, humble package. Kyrieru may have the gold medal in "Best local indie H-game" award for actual gameplay and mechanics, but this game gets a strong silver overall for its great art, animation, and directing. It's weak only in that you're essentially running around and mashing the shoot button and boosting through enemies occasionally.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Out of respect for any author who spends his time coming and discussing the game with us, I won't pirate it. However, since I am a broke student that simply means I don't get to play it at all : \

Oh well, life goes on.

Those 7 bucks really killing you, eh?
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

bought the game it was fun and i liked the art but was really surprised how short it was i mean i heard it was short but wow that was over fast i am looking forward to the next game he does a very good job everything ran smoothly i would have played it without the hentai the gorey alien deaths where great i loved killing them the only complaint i really have is no game over rape i bought it thinking i would just enjoy the ride but in the end it just felt like i could not really lose so there was no challenge i mean the word game over was not even there when you die just right back at the check point like nothing happened you just had to try again hope this game gets a little update game over or game over rape would make it one of my all time favorites
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I would've preferred more scenes with the humanoid baddies... but I guess I'm just being greedy. Good game, just not quite as much content (in regards to the sprite sex) that I was expecting.

I couldn't really tell if others posted link for full game or not. If not I can bite the bullet and be the bad guy that uploads it.

Kind of. A broken one that can be merged with the demo in some way to make it normal was uploaded. Though a proper one would be good.
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

Yeah gotta apologize to you about that Wessex ;D

He hadn't released the patch yet for uncensoring but a bit of black magic could probably fix it. Hate to be that guy but you really really aren't missing much. Her crotch is slightly censored for some scenes and uncensored for others so..

So u mean the current version cant be uncensored easily?What a pity!:(
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

For those of you like me who are too cheap to buy the game you need to first extract the 0.3 trial to a folder, then paste XT_Main from vals post ( ) into that folder.
You need to then make several copies of the music files in the sound folder, and name them as such

bgm_#.ogg (# being 1-5)
bgm_ev# (1-3)

At the end of it you should have 28 files in the sound folder
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

I bought the game, 7 bucks is nothing and it will really help out the developer as he clearly put in a lot of time.

As a lot of you are already getting at, the game is not really an h-focused game. It is 2D side-scrolling action game with story and h-content.

Overall it is really good but as long as you don't go in expecting a ton of h-content as there are quite a few in-game animations but only a few different types of enemies. So the only h-content is when an enemy grabs you or during the story segments. There are no game over scenes.

The only way he could have avoided the robot from a story viewpoint is if the male soldier actually entered himself, but obviously this would only be interesting if the developer was either willing to create female aliens or gay animations, but obviously this would turn off a lot of players (the gay animations that is). While the female aliens would then need to be added to the story and would have increased the development time a lot.

An important thing to keep in mind is that Xenotake has really high visual quality thus each thing he wants to add takes quite long (in terms of additional animations and enemy types).

Also to my knowledge its his first game so no matter what his next one should be a lot better (if he decided to make another that is)
Re: Xenotake (Vosmug game)

For those of you like me who are too cheap to buy the game you need to first extract the 0.3 trial to a folder, then paste XT_Main from vals post (mega.co.nz/#!3spDjDgZ!QBwtEzgjLjCPKvIlBNLcty1gvsUv5gRU7uZz8mKM3t0) into that folder.
You need to then make several copies of the music files in the sound folder, and name them as such

bgm_#.ogg (# being 1-5)
bgm_ev# (1-3)

At the end of it you should have 28 files in the sound folder

I just stared at this for quite some time trying to understand it. I feel like a moron right now because I don't. Can you explain that again with a bit more detail please?
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