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Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)


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Nov 11, 2008
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Not many in the village know what happened to Yukihime as she grew up. While dressing in garments she made specifically, she seems to be the higher class members of the tribal society; but, really, the woman tries to be a friend to all. One of several beautiful women raised in the tribe, she's always managed to stay out with her armor and weapon made from an odd rock that, really, even she didn't quite understand what it was. Still, as she wasn't the only person in the village with such an item, she thought nothing of it.

Just a normal day in the village, yet there were unusual events going on; it was on this day that she, and many other Descendants, found themselves drawn to the reports from the village chief's yurt...

[Current Position: Village, 0,0]

[As this is an open-world game, there's not much direction in the beginning. Make sure to check the Village thread for quests and resource pools.]

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

It was another usual day in a life. Waking up, offering a brief prayer to the morning sun, eating a light breakfast before leaving to do things. Like she usual was accustomed to, Yuki had spent the first few hours of her day patrolling the village perimeter and seeing if there was something she could help with. After that, there was a brief moment where the girl thought she could do something else once in a while, even though she was usually quite happy with routines and the daily grind. "Maybe I will go and see what those curious reports are all about. Could maybe see if my presence could be of use there." she thought, tugging up at a primp on her cloth sleeves to fix it before hefting her spear to her shoulder and getting a move on.


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Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

Deciding to head off on her own, Yukihime first preps her clothes - after all, they were one of a kind. The Village needed food and water; maybe she'd stumble upon a something the Elder had spoken about just by trying to help out? Seeing all the other Descendants head towards the North, Yukihime decided to split off and head towards the Northwest. There weren't too many well-beaten paths this way, but that may be for the best; there would most likely be more food and water in the less explored areas.

The trees grew thick about her quickly, the light shaded a deep green as it would sometimes find it's way through the canopy. It was hard to spot the things she was looking for; in fact, this was really one of the first time she had left the village even in search of... something. More than likely, the woman would know it when she saw it. Hopefully.

Yukihime is slightly surprised as a Kobold tumbles out onto the path. The canine is small, even for a 'Bold, and his light brown fur is mostly covered in dirt. He was about to continue on his way when Yukihime caught his eye. The Kobold is able to stop in mid-gait, but his momentum carries him forward, right into a tree! Yukihime goes to help him, when another Kobold comes charging out of the bushes, slamming into his comrade. Another 'Bold emerges, apparently the last, wearing what seemed like tattered twine robes, glaring at his companions.

"Giddy upup!" He barks, "Gotsa gogo to Boss! Quicky, bef-whoa." The Kobold freezes in mid sentence, catching attention of Yukihime. The other two 'Bolds gets up slowly, staring at her in a slack jawed fashion...

[Current Position: -1, 1]

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

As it was to anyone who could see, there was a good deal of trees outside the village perimeter, at least in the direction she was heading into. Still, it was a mostly unexplored area, and thus was more likely to have something of interest or use in there. The forest was really thick and obscured most of the immidiate vicinity, but Yuki paid careful attention to avoid any harm to herself. And as luck would have it, she was not surprised, more like she caught the other party by surprise. There was a good deal of stumbling into trees and other people, but the apparent leader of the kobolds at least had some grace about himself. "Eh... A little carefulness might be good there. But oh me, where are my manners... I am Yukihime, one of no real importance. It looks like you are doing something important. Can I be of assistance somehow?"


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

[Since the answer they have to give her is somewhat important...

Charisma Rolls:]
Yuki: 10 + 8 = 18
Kobold Trickster: 9 + 10 = 19.
Yuki fails to charm the Kobold.

"Duhhh..." The 'leader' looks apprehensive, shifting from foot to foot, then looks back up at Yukihime, "W-We's can't tells ya, Missus Oookiheem." The Kobolds apparently had a lot of trouble with her name. As the last 'Bold got up off the ground, he nods in agreement.

"Yah! You's has ta do somethin' REALLY spesphul for us ta tells ya!" He pipes up, smiling brightly, "We's could prob'ly even shows ya our Den whar you cans meet da Moth-"

The other two Kobolds tackle him at the same time, covering his maw up with their dirty paws as they each hissed "SHHH!". When they landed on the ground, there was a bit of a struggle, but the lone Kobold gave up after a few moments, falling limp and glaring. Their leader looks over at her, smiling bright as his green eyes shone.

"So, Missus Oookiheem wantsa do something speshul to know what's we're doin'!?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

It appeared that her appearance was not totally convincing to the kobolds, as Yuki could easily make out from the body language and speech. Even though she meant no ill will towards the canine folk, the spear wielder could not help but smirk at the way they pronounced her name, a mistake in etiquette that she quickly covered up with a sleeve over her mouth. Still, she did not like what was being suggested, fully able to get what was being suggested. "Well, it seems to be important to you, so I won't pry into it any further. You need not consider me further." she replied to them, backing away slowly and possibly letting the trio of sillies go along their way.


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

"Awww..." The Kobold flattens his ears, looking up at Yukihime with a pout, "Missus Oookiheem dun wansta come wit us..."

One of the little warrior Kobolds looks to be pouting also, before his ears perk up, bounces up and down happily.
"Oh! Oh! I knows! We's can jus' force Missus Oookiheem to come wit us!" He says, the other Kobolds starting to perk up at the idea, looking up at her.

"Da's a GREAT idea!" The other little warrior shouts, quickly drawing his sword and looking up at Yukihime. They begin their advance, their leader's finger tips dancing with fire.

"Dun struggle, Missus Oookiheem! We's jus' gunna hasta hurt ya if ya do!" He says.

[Initiative Rolls:]
Yukihime: 18 + 15 = 33 [1st]

Kobold Soldier 1: 2 + 2 = 4 [4th]
Kobold Soldier 2: 15 + 2 = 17 [2nd]
Kobold Trickster: 5 + 2 = 7 [3rd]

[The Kobolds are all 2 Meters away from Yukihime.

Soldier 1 is to the Northwest, Soldier 2 to the North, and the Trickster to the Northeast.

Yukihime can hit them from her current position with her staff.]

BP: 30/30, PP: 16/16, MP: 32/32
Speed: 3
Dull Cop. Yari: 3d4 (You should fix this in your sheet).
DM: 6 (20 Dura)
MM: 2
Kobold Trickster:
BP: 3/3, PP: 5/5, MP: 50/50.
Speed: 1
Damage Mitigation: 0
Magic Mitigation: 1
Extra spell damage: +2

Kobold Soldier 1:
BP:9/9 , PP: 5/5, MP: 32/32.
Speed: 1
Stone Sword: 2d5 + 1 [-2 to-hit]
Damage Mitigation: 3,
Magic Mitigation: 0

Kobold Soldier 2:
BP:9/9 , PP: 5/5, MP: 32/32.
Speed: 1
Stone Sword: 2d5 + 1 [-2 to-hit]
Damage Mitigation: 3,
Magic Mitigation: 0

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

Yuki's later words seemed to have little impact, and the kobolds began to turn hostile right in front of her. Or at least that was her definition, as she would not be going anywhere without consent, and their lair was definately one of those things. Who knows what they might do? "Why did they have to resort to this... Those sillies, I did not want anything bad for them..." the spear girl thought, truly regretful that it had to go this way. But weapons were out and spells prepared, so there was no going back. With a quick glance, it was easy to discern that the spellwielder would be her most dangerous opponent, so that one would have to go first.

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Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

[Combat Rolls:]
Yukhime's To-Hit: 6 + 15 = 21 vs. 10 + 2 = 12. Hit Mo'fo.
Damage: 8. The Trickster dies.

Kobold Soldier 1 moves South one meter, and attacks.
To hit: 17 + 4 = 21 vs. 12 + 15 = 27. Miss.

Kobold Soldier 2 moves south one meter, and attacks.
To hit: 19 + 4 = 23 = 11 + 15 = 26. Miss.

Yukihime doesn't take any chances; while the young girl was soft spoken and a Descendant of Solaris, she was still a warrior. Not many of the Descendants from her generation had seen battle, but they had trained vigorously. So, when it came to fight, she was prepared - moreso than she realized.

Spinning her Yari into a better posture to strike from, she manages to catch the Kobolds off guard, quickly slashing vertically up his chest. There's a spatter of blood, and a small groan, before his eyes roll into the back of his head, and the little creature collapses in a bloody heap. There's a stunned silence as she quickly spins the Yari around, pointing it at the closest soldier; it doesn't take long for the two 'Bolds to snap out of it, shouting as they charged towards her!

The woman handles herself well, using the butt of her staff to block an attack from the creature on the left, pushing his sword away and bapping him lightly on the nose, nimbly dodging the next attack from the other soldier. Holding their tiny swords, they glare up at Yukihime.

"You's gunna get it now, Missus Oookiheem," The warrior to her left says.

[The Kobolds are 1 Meter from Yuki (directly in front of her).

Soldier 1 is to the Northwest, Soldier 2 to the North.]

BP: 30/30, PP: 16/16, MP: 32/32
Speed: 3
Dull Cop. Yari: 3d4 (You should fix this in your sheet).
DM: 6 (20 Dura)
MM: 2
Kobold Trickster:

Kobold Soldier 1:
BP:9/9 , PP: 5/5, MP: 32/32.
Speed: 1
Stone Sword: 2d5 + 1 [-2 to-hit]
Damage Mitigation: 3,
Magic Mitigation: 0

Kobold Soldier 2:
BP:9/9 , PP: 5/5, MP: 32/32.
Speed: 1
Stone Sword: 2d5 + 1 [-2 to-hit]
Damage Mitigation: 3,
Magic Mitigation: 0

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

A quick twirl and upward slash was all that the situation needed, and unsurprisingly, the apparent magic user fell in hurry as their chest was cut. This was a rude wake-up call to the others, who kind of stumbled into attacking, but the prepared descendant easily fended their attacks off with some agility and use of the long pole's shaft. "You can say that after you defeat me." was the only thing Yuki had in reply after getting a verbal threat from the other remaining kobold.

(Attack the one on the right next.)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

[Combat Rolls:]
Yukhime's To-Hit: 19 + 15 = 34 vs. 6 + 2 = 8. Hit.
Damage: 7 - 5 = 2.
Kobold Soldier 2 BP: 7/9

Kobold Soldier 2 attacks.
To hit: 10 + 4 = 14 vs. 15 (Autododge)

Kobold Soldier 1 moves North 2 meters.
The attacks from the Kobolds were pathetic, even for a relatively untrained Descendant. However, the soldiers seemed to be a different story; as soon as she spunt her Yari around and sliced it down onto the Kobold, she realized his armor was going to take most of the damage.

Snarling, the little soldier she attacked stepped forward, slashing at her horizontally; she simply moved the staff of her Yari in the way, stopping the attack completely.

"K-Keep fighting!" The other soldier started, quickly running towards the North, "I's gunna get moar helps!"

[Kobold Soldier 2 is 1 Meter from Yukihime. Kobold Soldier 1 is 3 Meters from Yukihime, and is out of range.

Soldier 1 is 1 Meter to the West, 3 Meters North; Soldier 2 to the North.]

BP: 30/30, PP: 16/16, MP: 32/32
Speed: 3
Dull Cop. Yari: 3d4 (You should fix this in your sheet).
DM: 6 (20 Dura)
MM: 2
Kobold Trickster:

Kobold Soldier 1:
BP:9/9 , PP: 5/5, MP: 32/32.
Speed: 1
Stone Sword: 2d5 + 1 [-2 to-hit]
Damage Mitigation: 3,
Magic Mitigation: 0

Kobold Soldier 2:
BP:7/9 , PP: 5/5, MP: 32/32.
Speed: 1
Stone Sword: 2d5 + 1 [-2 to-hit]
Damage Mitigation: 3,
Magic Mitigation: 0

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

This time around, there was a little more resistance, a thing that was expected from armored opponents. It might take a bit more to deal with these two than their softer magician leader. And it appeared that their morale was getting lower, but there still seemed to be enough determination to fetch allies and make this even more of a pain than it already was. Blocking a blow quickly and efficiently, Yuki moved to a position where she could reach the retreating opponent and slam them hard.

(Move enough to reach the retreating soldier and Trample them.)


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

[Combat Rolls:]
Yukhime's To-Hit for Trample: 4 + 15 = 19 vs. 19 + 2 = 21. Miss.

Kobold Soldier 2 moves South 2 meters.

Kobold Soldier 1 moves North 2 meters.

Something odd happened to Yukihime, and she wasn't quite used to it. Stepping aside the other Kobold, she starts towards the one trying to escape, driving her spear low in an attempt to trip him... and, well, she missed. It stunned her enough that the Kobold, who was surprised to feel a yari head pass between the head of his legs, let out a yelp, sprinting faster towards the North!

"RUNS! SHE WANTSA NEUTER US!" The other soldier started, quickly turning tail and running to the South!

[Kobold Soldier 2 is 3 Meters from Yukihime and is out of Polearm range. Kobold Soldier 1 is 2 Meters from Yukihime.

Soldier 1 is 2 Meters North,; Soldier 2 is 1 Meter East, and 3 Meters South.]

BP: 30/30, PP: 16/16, MP: 32/32
Speed: 3
Dull Cop. Yari: 3d4
DM: 6 (20 Dura)
MM: 2
Kobold Trickster:

Kobold Soldier 1:
BP:9/9 , PP: 5/5, MP: 32/32.
Speed: 1
Stone Sword: 2d5 + 1 [-2 to-hit]
Damage Mitigation: 3,
Magic Mitigation: 0

Kobold Soldier 2:
BP:7/9 , PP: 5/5, MP: 32/32.
Speed: 1
Stone Sword: 2d5 + 1 [-2 to-hit]
Damage Mitigation: 3,
Magic Mitigation: 0

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

A quick move reached the wannabe help retriever and put him into the range of Yuki's blade, but this time, she only managed to whiff the strike and fail at tripping them. But the attack seemed to be a morale-breaking display as her weapon passed quite close to the canine humanoid's valuables, and soon both of them were on the run. "Hrrr, they just had to do this..." she thought upon seeing the sight of both opponents suddenly running. Maybe they would now be smart enough to let her be and return to their own devices. Unless there was further attempt at her, the maiden began to retreat from the scene herself as well, not wanting to kill her silly adversaries for no reason. She was kind of sorry for cutting down their leader, but it was too late now.

(Back towards the village)
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Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

[Yukihime gains 8 EXP from killing the Trickster.]

Yukihime watches the Kobolds run, screaming silly things as they go. When she disappears from sight, she takes a moment to straighten her outfit, doubling checking for any blood stains. Finding none, she pauses, looking down at the Trickster, before heading back to the village.

[Current Position: 0,0]

The Descendant returns to the village with no troubles, save for the troubling thoughts of having to kill the Kobold trickster. As she approached the outer limits, the quiet woman saw someone she didn't quite recognize from the small village. As she approached, the man with dark hair turned to look at her, his skin an odd brown color. She quickly noticed his eyes: A bright red color, a supposed mark of Demons. There had been several villagers in Yukihime's time with the mark, and she hadn't seen any hint of them being a demon...

As she approached, the man moved to intercept her, not in a hostile way.

"Excuse me, Miss?" He asks, looking at her.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

While she could have continued exploring after the retreat of the kobolds, Yuki kept going back to the village. The necessity to kill one of them had somehow soured her mood, and the majority of her willingness to explore was gone.

Back at the village, a peculiar man with a demon mark approached her. Since the man did not appear hostile at her first look, Yukihime was willing to talk with him. "Yes? Do you have business with me?"


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

"Business with anyone that would have me, Miss," He says with a smile, "I hate ta say, but you were tha first to stop and say 'Hello' - I figure 'cuz of my eyes." The man chuckles a little bit, wiping his hands on his grimey pants, before reaching out to shake Yukihime's hand - only to pause, giving the woman a once-over, pulling his hand back slowly, a look crossing his face. "Ah..." After a few awkward moments, he manages a little, jerky bow, before standing up straight again.

"I, uh, was sent here about findin' some healers and warriors. Our village is in pretty dire needs right now... Surprised ta even find someplace here - didn't know you all even existed, ya know?" The man fidgets a bit, looking at Yukihime in an unsure way, "...So... Uh... Seein' as how your the first ta stop and talk ta me... Can you help us out?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

From what he had to say, it appeared that this man was a simple villager from another place nearby, one that had troubles with defenses. There was still a degree of distrust in Yuki, but she did not want to leave anyone fending for themselves. She did not hesitate to shake hands, but the other side pulled away before any such greetings could happen, the whole thing going into exchanges of bows instead. "I'm not sure how much I can be of use by myself. I think there's need for more than me. If some others come along, I too will join to aid you people."


Former Moderator
Nov 11, 2008
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

The small, hopeful smile from the man slowly fades from the man's face. He merely nods grimly, as if the entire fate of his village had been decided, ringing his hands together nervously.

"I, ah... I understand, ma'am. If ya decide ta help us..." He moves to point behind him, but after a few moments, frowns, and looks up at the sun in the sky; after doing some quiet murmuring to himself, he takes a few moments to point in the correct direction, towards the Southwest, "We're that way, past tha Life-Giver Tree." Yuki had no idea what a 'Life-Giver' tree was, but the man didn't elaborate further, resting his arm at his side as he fidgeted back and forth, before bowing again, murmuring a thanks. If she didn't stop him, he'd start alongside the village perimeter; the Elder had probably forbid the man from entering their lands.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Bound to Secrecy (Guan Yu)

The looks she got were painful for the friendly descendant, but she was not one to blindly get into things like this. Yuki wanted to help, but there was some doubt in her mind as to the honesty of this individual. Still, she would not forget about him and his village, and would bring it up with some other warriors as soon as possible. Together, they'd be able to bring some needed aid for these people. And if two villages were in co-operation, there should be easier times for all. "Alright, I will not forget about you." she told the man as he left.

Having dealt with with the desperate man, Yuki would head back to the village proper.