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Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

[Vine 20 vs Carol 15, AP hit]
[Carol 4-1=3 vs Vine 18]
[Vine 14 vs Carol 19]
[Carol 11-1=10 vs Vine 2]
[Vine 15 vs Carol 3, FP hit]
[Carol cant attack due to Grapple 3!]
[Final result: 1 HP to vine, 1 AP and FP to carol]

[Carol 3/5 HP, 1/10 AP]
[Grappled 3: Cant attack, -3 to escapes, +2 for L. Vine to hit]

[L. Vine 3/5 HP]

Once again Carol found it very hard to get herself free, getting yanked further down the hallway which seemed to be very twisty and turny. There were visible vines now wrapping around the walls and floor so she knew she was being dragged to the source of this giant vine, eventually the vine stopped for a moment but only to tighten its grip around the human girl, binding her arms to her sides and making it impossible to attack.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

With the vine holding her and moving her deep inside the corridor, the young warrior could be see this moment passing for bad to worse when more remains of plants appear as she is pulled to the end of the mysterious corridor. Not feeling than this could be good she tried to fight back but notice how the new vines secured her hands so now she needed to get free before try something more.

With all her might she struggled and tried to free herself of the many vines around .

Escape and then attack.
Also, i think than getting a -1 per ap is a little too much, as even at AP 5 is really hard to hit or defend yourself. Also lost the turn for not be able to hit should change the action to try to escape
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

This is utilizing the old system for EGG, but making it auto-struggle when you cant attack is a good idea, thanks for reminding me

[L. Vine 1 vs Carol 14]
[Carol fails to struggle free]
[L. Vine 20 vs Carol 3, AP hit]
[Carol fails to struggle free]
[L. Vine 6 vs Carol 3]
[L. Vine gets to Grapple 5 and takes Carol out the fight]
[Carol loses...]

Carols struggling was showing off her tenacity quite well, but other than that she wasnt really achieving anything. Struggling with all her might she only ended up tiring herself out as the large vine continued to drag her down the winding hallways until she saw what looked like a massive hole smashed in the dead end of a corridor where the vine was seemingly coming from, a few more yanks and Carol found herself pulled into said hole, but at the last minute managing to get her hands on the sides of the hole preventing herself from being dragged into the darkness. Giving her a faint glimmer of hope as she started to slowly pull herself out the hole and from the vines grip, however this glimmer was short lasted as she heard the sounds of ripping, the sounds of her lower clothing being torn off of her and inspiring panic in the human girl. She would try to struggle free still but she would then feel something very large thrust itself into her rear end, squirming a little bit before starting to thrust into Carol making it that much harder to cling to the holes edges. The vine would pick up its pace and start to thrust harder and faster trying to bring the girl to orgasm, when that happened Carol felt the vine around her uncoil and let go, dropping the violated girl onto the ground, she would stumble out and pant for a little while trying to catch her breath...before many smaller vines lashed out from the hole and grabbed her ankles and wrists, binding her wrists infront of her and keeping her ankles in a spread position. After this the larger vine from before would return again, its thick and rough body now teasing and rubbing against the once again immobilised Carol, then ramming itself inside suddenely, its sheer size causing the human girls stomach to bloat slightly as it started to slowly thrust again, following the same rhythm as last tiem as it started to thrust faster and faster, but this time it forced itself all the way out of Carols mouth as well, just as she orgasmed again, this causing the tip of the vine to bloom into a flower. As if to mock her, her legs were shaking as she felt the smaller vines lift her off the ground, before the large vine carefully snaked its way back into the hole. Dragging the immobilised and aroused girl with it as she disappeared into the blackness...

. . . .

After a short while Carol would wake up, outside the hole that she was dragged into earlier, she had a really bad headache and she noticed that all her lower clothing was missing, her ass hole was slightly stretched from the penetrating vines earlier and she could feel her pussy juice running down her thighs as she panted and tried to recover her stamina from the fucking she had just received...
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Well, the usual rules also said than is a -1 at each two ap points, but anyway the rules can be changed to suit the game

More struggle come from an scared Carol, but it was futile and soon in panic saw how the vine tried to place her inside a hole. Fortunately she hold herself before get inside and desesperately tried to get away.

Soon a rip sound come from the other side, as her lower clothes were removed, this make her to push harder until a vine push himself inside her rear, making her scream in pain as tears get free of her. The torture continue for a while, even her limbs were s4cured as the torture continue, slowly making her cum to release her an instant before start harder again raping her. She was close to break by the strong thrusts until finally in a second orgasm the point vine get out of her mouth.

Exhausted and heavily hurted, Carol dont put too much attention when the flower appear. She have her body shut down, unable to move as she is placed uncouncious inside the hole.

Once awaken, she press her hurted head and touch softly her rear hole, thinking than that was too much, she blushed covering her lower side in a sudden yelp when she notice her lower cloth lack, even her shoes and socks were missing, as she wears just her blouse and bra. She then tried to find something to cover herself as she leave quickly the dangerous place.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Unfortunately Carol couldnt find anything to cover herself up with as she returned to the room she was in before getting dragged to the hole by the vine, having a look around she knew now that taking the staircase downward was the only remaining route, she could however hear what sounded like giggling coming from the darkness nearby...
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Carol curse her luck as she dont got anything, she tried then to return to the next room, yet her lack of chances were the same, as she ponders if she should go downstairs, the giggles near her at the darkness scared her, so she decide to run downstairs before anyone see her in her actual state.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Going down the staircase this time Carol found herself at what looked like a small abandoned camp, a campfire lied in the center of the dark room alongside some old and worn logs, there were obviously signs of people having been here as scraps of food and old worn out bits of equipment were scattered about the place, somewhat haphazardly as well. Carol could still hear the giggling so whatever it was had still followed her, starting to worry her a tad.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Once down, the red hair girl find what looks to be a old campfire, it could be useful for her now to find clothes or equipment, but then the giggle appear again. Scared than this could be another bad creature, she decide to quickly hide herself and check what was following her before attack the possible foe if it looks hostile.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

As she turned around, she saw a woman leaning against a wall near a staircase with her arms crossed, it was rather dark so Carol couldnt make out what she looked like but it was almost certain the woman didnt have a weapon "Woah calm down there....you're more jumpy than i thought~" she spoke, her voice in a somewhat sultry and smooth tone, calming Carol a tad, but she still didnt know if this woman was hostile or not.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Without too much difficulties, Carrol spot someone around her, it was great but also she cant stop of feel ashamed by have a lack of some of her clothes.

oh...Sorry. W...who are you? Carol answer getting close and with her weapon ready
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The woman giggled and said "It is of no interest to you, im here to simply bring you a warning... she said in a somewhat threatening tone "It is not a very good idea to be here human, you are fighting forces of which you know nothing about...", as the woman stepped forward, she noticed that the room was getting brighter as the campfire on the ground had suddenely lit, however instead of a usual orange flame it created a strange black one too, Carol noticed this woman was a succubus, she had the usual daemonic wings, tail and horns, with shoulder length blonde hair and deep red eyes. But she had the same markings Rachel did, on her stomach and face and even her...breasts. Carol noticed that this succubus was lewd even for a regular one as the only things she was wearing was a loincloth to cover her crotch area and some stockings with parts cut off so her toes and heels were visible. She tutted and said "Last warning, leave now and i might not rape you on the way out~"
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Feeling the hostility of this woman and looking in fear how she looks, Carol nodded and started to move to the exit. O...ok, i was not here to face anything, i was just looking around, so please dont rape me. The red hair then leave still ready to dodge any attemp of the naghty woman with horns.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The woman giggled and gently gripped one of Carols wrists as she tried to leave, saying "I said i "might" not rape you~", the woman brought her other hand down to gently caress the sides of Carol. Turning her around and gazing almost longingly into her eyes "Ah...it looks like the others havent gotten to you yet...". The womans voice seemed to be getting...clearer, smoother and sultry in tone. Almost compelling Carol slightly that she should cease any resistance "You know we could avoid all this...if you follow my instructions...would you like that~?" the woman said, Carol didnt notice that she was inflicting charm magic on her trying to get her to give in to the womans temptations. At this point however it seemed to have not fully taken effect, but it was enough to make Carol go along with it. Leaving a chance for her to break free from the control later. The woman gently pulled the somewhat entranced Carol over to a log and sat with her, caressing her face gently as she smiled. Looking down Carol could get a good glimpse of the womans d cup breasts hanging free without a bra, making her blush slightly...
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Carol whimper and closed her eyes at an instant when the woman take her wrist and said than she will rape her anyway. Others? Oh... yes... someone touched me before... but she was kind. i will follow your instructions, if that make it less painful and more easy The redhead said afected by the woman words as she is placed at a log.

It was looking for Carol than there were nothing than she could do to avoid this, her moment with the harpy made her believe than this will end soon if she cooperate, but the woman body was so lewd than she cant stop of blush and feel ashame of the moment, if she could find a way to escape, she could try it, but as how charmed she is now, maybe she will not notice it
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

The woman smiled and intertwined her hands with the somewhat enthralled human infront of her, saying "Very good...lets begin then~", she slowly started to strip Carol, her intentions very clear already but they were missed by the charmed Carol, she let Carols breasts hang free from her upper clothing and giggled, the woman pulled her into soft hug before gently kissing her on the lips, intending to get Carol into the mood before carrying out one of her favorite processes, Carol was still able to shake the charm magic off but whether she wanted to or not was up to her, and she had to decide now or she might not get a chance again, as the woman was now frenching Carol and slipping her hand down her panties to her pussy, gently rubbing it.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Soon the lust demon started to exploit the fact than Carol still was under the charm effect. The young girl remain stunned for a while as she feel the long kiss of the monstergirl and the breeze at her bare chest, but soon both things make her notice than she was exposed now completely, as the last creature has ripped of her all her lower clothes. In panic Carol triedd to recover the control of her body and push the girl away the enough to run away of the place.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Carol managed to get her bearings back, in a panic she tried to escape the clutches of the woman before the charm magic took effect again, the woman gripped her wrists tightly and said "Whats wrong...dont you want to feel better~?", staring into Carols eyes with a very evident lust as Carol tried to get her weaponry ready...maybe submitting could be a idea, but again it was up to her decision.

[Succubus 5/5 HP]
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

Once Carol free herself from the woman spell, she was confused, maybe aroused and of course than ashamed, even then she know than sxhe dont wanted to have sex with each thing than she will find. I dont even know you, go away! She said with the small quantity of courage than she could get hold and prepare to hit the woman if this try to stop her of stop her quick run to get out of there.
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

[Carol sucessfully flees!]

Carol managed to get herself out of the womans grip and flee, leaving her far behind as she ran up the staircase and through the door that presented the only way forward in the room she was in before, she found herself running at full pelt across the bridge that the door lead to and into another spire, this one looking more...refined. After she recovered her stamina she realised that now she was completely naked and going back for her clothing probably wasnt a good idea, having a look around the spire she was in it looked a bit more...empty, there was a distinct lack of furniture and anything man made except for some torches to light up the interior of this spider, there was a staircase leading upwards and a hole in the ground with a ladder leading down...
Re: Isles of Blackrock (plmnko)

After run in panic out of the hold of the woman, Carol reach what she suppose is a better spire as it looks more refined. Out of breath she just lay on the floor for a moment until the cold of the floor make her notice her lack of clothes, she wide open her and scream in complete shame as she cover herself, her hands on her breasts and her legs doing the same to her lower places, she was completely nude as a little animal, not even her underwear or boots and thighs, she has leaved all at the last spire. She was now alone in a dark place filled of monster humans and others creatures. No,no,no,nono, this is not fun at all. She complain to herself as she looks around for her weapon wishing to had at least taken that with her, once then she get up and covering her breasts with an arm, she take a torche and continue, wishing to find something to cover her shame, as she take the hole than she expect have maybe some storage and less people

I will be fine if she have or dont her weapon, be bad with her :p