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Nox Home World

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RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Arriving through the gate, the Etherian's took in the surrounding scenery. Lush plant life surrounded the immediate area near the Stargate, with multi-colored rocks that defied explanation of how they could exist. The most immediate feature though was the view from the top of the 'hill' they were on, overlooking a vast sparkling body of water that appeared to be an emerald green ocean. It would be evident immediately that this area, perhaps the entire planet was about as pristine and unpolluted as one could ever see. As the Stargate shut down, the group would begin to realize that other than the gate itself, everything was completely natural and seemingly untouched by human, or otherwise, hands. The gate seemed out of place for such lovely scenery, the sole 'black mark' on an otherwise perfect paradise like landscape.

Several yellow colored birds flew overhead, chirping their songs of life, seemingly undisturbed by the gate or the people who had come through it. It was if the wildlife around them simply knew they posed no threat to them, one of the birds even being as bold as to fly straight up to Elissia, perch on her shoulder, tilt it's head inquisitively towards her and her companions, and then take flight again to join it's companions.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

The three knights step out first, side by side, soon followed by Sinnve lightly pulling Ayla through the gate by the hand. Blinking a bit as they adjust to the light they all step forwards and survey the surrounding view.

"It's just like the wild gardens back home, except an entire planet of it!" Sinnve exclaims, seeming quite excited by the view now. "There must be billions of animals here." She muses spinning her gaze over the scene. Turning back to spot the yellow bird having landed on Ellisia's shoulder and gasping.

Ellisia likewise was surprised, though merely opening her eyes wider and slowly inclining her head very slightly to look back at the creature. Smiling as it took flight again.

"You know Sinnve, that previous world was very similarly forested. Did you not notice as you crashed through the trees inside Ophlankia?" Ellisia says with a coy smile, at which Sinnve freezes to think.

"I... no, I guess not. It was wasn't it. I guess I was just focusing on the mission or something." She replies, looking a bit stumped by the realisation.

"Well, that's still commendable in itself at least."
Ellisia replies, then diverting her attention to Talok. "So Talok. I see no doorbell. How do we proceed?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

The wraith chuckled as he watched on, turning more serious at the question though.

"I suspect we won't have to do much. Shouldn't be ...."

He was cut off as a woman no more then five foot five suddenly APPEARED, smiling lightly as she laid eyes upon him. She was slender, wearing clothing that appeared to be interwoven plant fibers. She had orange eyes, and her hair was a brownish color but with pink streaks to it. Aside from the orange eyes, she could have easily passed for a human with interesting fashion tastes, and she was quite attractive. She tilted her head slightly, to which Talok responded with the same gesture, before she spoke.

"Talok, it is good to see you again, and I see you brought some friends. To what do we owe the occasion?"

Talok stood again, and then replied.

"Likewise it is good to see you again Lyra. Allow me to introduce Elissia, Sinnve and Ayla. They are from Etheria."

To this, the Nox woman turned to them, smiling brightly as she gazed at each of them in turn.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you, I have heard of you through both Siphon and Talok, in some ways, we are spiritually alike, although your spiritual nature is different from our own. Everything around you, the land, the water, the animals, the forest itself, we communicate with. And yes, there are many more creatures here than you could ever know Sinnve, you would spend lifetimes trying to catalog all of them."

She turned to Ayla, her eyes seeming to focus upon her for a long moment, and then a small, surprised smile crept to her face.

"You possess a form of telepathy! It is rare that we encounter others with those gifts."

A moment later, Ayla felt a small nudge at her mind, and then the soft voice of the Nox filled her mind.

"It is a wonderful gift is it not? With enough practice, you also could possess the ability to communicate with the world around us."

Then, for a moment she was silent, and then with a small frown she added, "Something tells me you did not travel here simply to explore our home. Has something happened?"

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

(Heh, you may have gotten mixed up on how many came along. The three knights (Ellisia, Marik, Thanus), Sinnve, and Ayla. Sinnve and Ayla don't count as or have the 'knight' title by the way, incase you read it that way.)

Upon being introduced, all five of the Etherians perform their typical very slight nodding bow. "We thank you for the welcome. It's genuinely a pleasure to be given the opportunity to visit." Ellisia says in a friendly and only slightly formal manner.

When Lyra's gaze turns to Ayla, the gracefully aired woman is already smiling and aware of what had drawn the Nox's attention. "I do indeed." She answers simply.

<"It is. It does not come readily or instinctively to my people, but all are capable of learning it. I can very much feel the presence of nature here, however reading it's language is beyond me presently. My personal talents lie more in the reading of the individual, and the sentient psyche. The world within."> Ayla replies in likewise manner.

<"There are those in Etheria that do possess very a similar such ability, to atune into the world around them, although I am certain you would find the nature of our home a stark and strange contrast to these pure lands.">

Before the silent conversation goes on too long however, Ayla replies vocally to the query over their business here. "Indeed, and yes. Nothing dire or of misfortune fortunately, but something of significance nonetheless. Talok and our own presence here is regarding an... anomaly, of sorts, that we encountered very recently."

"A hole in time." Sinnve interjects flatly. Fidgeting self consciously only ever so slightly over her straight to the point addition to the elders conversation. "Or something like that..."

Ayla chuckles lightly and continues. "Yes, to the best of our observation. We haven't analysed our data yet, and are still waiting for any word on this phenomenon from our own Etherian archives, but Talok suggested that your people may have relevant knowledge of such things."

The two male knights meanwhile, remained standing by quietly and listening in. Marik seemed to be enjoying the view, and watching some distant animal with his inhumanly keen buzzard like eyes. The subject of his curiosity unseen by the others. Thanus was a chatty as ever, maintaining his trademark statuesque posture and ever vigilant watch over the people present. He knew full well himself that there was almost certainly nothing he need be on guard for here, but over a century of dutiful habit was impossible for the man to just shake off so easily in a new place.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

((I did indeed miscount.))

Lyra tilted her head slightly.

"An anomaly breaching the boundaries of time? Then, you have come seeking the Mirvokian story Talok? That one was strange even to us. Several of the Ancients as you call them, upon their return to this galaxy claimed to have been witness to rips in the fabric of space and time themselves. They claimed creatures that had been extinct on the human planet Earth appeared at will through these time holes, but they also claimed that creatures from beyond our own time came through several as well. It was such creatures that ultimately led them to abandon Atlantis and return, spreading the word of Atlantis amongst the first human tribes."

She trailed off a moment, Ayla able to sense that she was digging deeply into memories long locked away, locked so deeply she might wonder just how old this woman really was, despite her youthful appearance.

"Only a small handful of them were willing to speak of it, apparently they had been forbidden by the high council of the Ancients to speak of it, yet they did anyway under the condition we not bring it up. Given how much time has passed, I do not believe it will be of any harm to pass along what we do know. Within our city there are several accounts of the creatures that came through, some that we believe may have been from the future. The ones we spoke with described the anomalies themselves as a brilliant gold light swirling in mid air, but with what seemed to be shards of clear glass circling inside."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

"Well that description of the anomaly matches what we saw at Mirton." Ayla replies.

"Yeah, that's exactly it. And one of these creatures came through also. With a bit of luck we were able to get it back through the portal-vortex-anomaly thing." Sinnve adds. "Atlantis? Isn't that the big flying city place?" She asks looking to Ellisia who nods in response. Sinnve turning back to Lyra. "Why would they abandon their home because of large lizards?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

Lyra shook her head.

"They would not. However, since you have confirmed that at least part of that story was in fact true, it makes me wonder if the rest of it is as well. According to the story, these anomalies didn't just open into the past, but into the future as well. Evolved predators the likes our worlds have never seen ruled these timelines, as well as an advanced species that the Ancients went to war with after they wiped out an entire planet. As the stories go this species seemed to have a limited control over the anomalies, and they had powerful ships which they brought through ones that formed in space. The Ancients believed this species wanted to wipe life from our time completely out, perhaps because we pose a threat to them in the future, but no one is certain. After almost a hundred years, the Ancients abandoned the city to make it appear they had been defeated in the last great battle. Given these creatures never made it here, the plan likely worked. However, with this one appearing here ... whatever events brought on the first emergence of these anomalies appears to be happening again. If they were right, it does not bode well for any of us."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

All of the five Etherians listen attentively to the Nox's words. Traces of concern easily seen on all their faces. Ayla sighs and takes on a somewhat dismayed expression. "It is truly a tragic world we live in, that there are still civilisations that cannot rise above the consumptive chaos of nature and such primitive things as war. If what you suggest is indeed the case, then I am unsure how to proceed personally. I will have to address my people with this matter." She replies.

"A war from the future? I don't understand how or why that can even be a thing. I preferred it when just animals were coming through." Sinnve comments looking up to Ayla somewhat confused and unnerved. Sinnve wasn't easy to unnerve, but seeing Ayla look genuinely concerned about something was by far the surest way.

"As if times weren't dark enough as it was, without mysterious circumstances casting a shadow over them." Ellisia says frowning deeply and crossing her arms.

Marik looking equally deep in thought turning to Ellisia to comment, "If The Order is forced to react to this, surely Maia-Ve will take advantage of the opening. Do we have enough strength yet to fight two fronts?"

"There is no way to know for certain Marik. There may not even be a determined front to fight on, and we have no way to tell if it will be possible to fight such a foe. Such a power over time itself would suggest a post avarice level civilisation." Ayla replies to the young knight, before looking back to Lyra. "Lyra, is there anything else you or your people might know? If this danger is true, then every minute detail is crucial. I'm trying to understand why they would choose to attack now, rather than when our peoples were first discovering fire. Unless even our current strength is just as meaningless to them."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

Lyra thought for a moment before replying.

"If it is true that they only have a limited control over the anomalies, it may be possible they simply don't have the means to go that far back in time on their own. Or perhaps there is something about this time specifically that interests them for other reasons. It is also possible it isn't even them at all, one theory was that these anomalies aren't just forced open, but natural rips in space and time as well, though no one has any idea on how such a thing could naturally form. Beyond that, I am afraid that the only other answers you might be able to find would be in the secret lab Janus built on Varto Six. He was researching time travel and the anomalies there before vanishing. Unfortunately, no one knows for sure where the lab actually is, and it's a big planet. In addition, indications are it's sun is dying and could go ... I believe the human word is supernova, any day now."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

"Hmm. Well I sincerely hope that is the case then." Ayla replies to Lyra's explanatory offering about potentially limited control over the anomalies, or it being a fluke naturally occurring window. "In either case, we will have to treat this seriously and learn whatever we can. I would assume our best course of action is to head directly for this lost lab then, and uncover what we can." Ayla continues, arms crossed and putting two fingers to her lips in thought. "Who is or was this Janus you speak of then? Is this something you or the Alliance are familiar with Talok?" She enquires. If Talok or Alliance archives were able to fill her in on this particular area, she wouldn't need to take up more of Lyra's time on it.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

Talok nodded.

"I am familiar with the name. Janus was one of the ancients, a rogue in a sense. He conducted numerous experiments, including those dealing with time travel. We've uncovered several of his devices in recent years, including one that may explain why no one can find his secret lab. Janus was increasingly paranoid about the Lantean high council finding out about his secret works, so he utilized two forms of technology to hide his labs and secrets. One used a harmonic resonance that would cause entire walls to simply vanish, only to reform moments later. The other allowed him to shift entire rooms or facilities into a separate, but still on our plane of dimensional existence. Theoretically, if he tapped into a geo-thermal energy source, he could utilize both methods at once. In fact, he might even have tied in a stealth module as well."

Lyra thought for a moment before nodding.

"Yes, that is possible. Our methods of hiding our own city, which you have seen Talok, use a similar method to planar shifting. Not only does it become invisible, but it becomes untouchable by virtually every weapon you can think of. Weapons fire passes through it. That is why the Ori were never able to locate us, they simply did not possess the ability to peek into our own mini pocket of space. If Janus did in fact use that, he very likely based it off our technology, and our own natural abilities."
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Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

"I see. Well then, do we have any leads or potential methods to detect or locate this hidden facility?" Ayla enquires, mainly aimed at Talok, with alliance resources in mind. "If we happen to be lacking such, my people -may- be able to offer valuable assistance in locating the base. Once back aboard our vessel, I can submit a request to have E.O.S perform a scrying mission on Varto Six." She offers, continuing to explain. "E.O.S is an ancient observation construct that has been in the possession of my people for millennia. It's gaze can be as broad as viewing a galaxy through a telescope, or precise enough to read the expression upon a persons face. There is very little in this universe that it cannot see, once pointed in the correct direction. I will confess Lyra..." Ayla says at the end with a humble smile, "That it is capable of observing your hidden city here, and has been periodically for several centuries. The peaceful civilisation of your people is sometimes discussed as a popular example in the schools of our young. I would hope that you do not begrudge the intrusion." She says clasping her hands lightly and letting them hang in front of her.

"I must have missed that class..." Sinnve commnets to herself quietly scratching her head and looking to the side.

"It is also crucial for our defence, and early detection of a certain unfortunate shadow that hangs over Etheria currently" Ellisia adds, regarding the potential use of E.O.S, "But given the importance of this mission, I would assume we could be given a window to call on it's services."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

Lyra smiled slightly at Ayla.

"We suspected as much when we first learned of your people. I suspect somehow the Ori knew, which is why they were so interested in you. Your E.O.S as you call it, would have given the Ori a massive advantage over everyone in the galaxy. We do not mind though, your people seem to have the wisdom on using such a technology properly. I would imagine it should be able to detect Janus's facility, however I imagine that our mental abilities could also detect it if it operates similar to our own methods. I would wish to accompany you if you intend to make an attempt at locating the facility. I've always wondered what became of him, he used to visit my people quite often. We would spend what time he could spare together when I was younger, telling me of what he hoped to accomplish. Then one day, he simply didn't show when we were expecting him. I've always wondered what happened to him, why he never returned. I've never truly had the opportunity to go to Varto Six and try to learn those answers. This ... this is an opportunity I cannot pass on, if you will allow me to accompany you."

Talok had opened his mouth, but closed it when Lyra had begun to speak. For now, he remained silent, picking up the very faint hint that perhaps there had been more to Janus and Lyra's friendship than just that.

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

"It is the type of wisdom learned from a regrettable past. And certainly Lyra, we would be happy to have you with us. Having someone with us that knew Janus will surely be invaluable." Ayla replies.

(Tiny tiny post it seems... :eek:)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

Another smile reached the woman's lips, though it seemed tempered with a type of resolve and emotion that was difficult to explain.

"Thank you. I will inform the others I will be departing for an unknown amount of time. I will meet you by the Stargate in ten minutes. That should give you time to inform Julia of our intentions, Talok."

The wraith nodded, watching the woman head off. After she had gone, the wraith raised an eyebrow.

"So it would seem perhaps we have the chance to find some answers after all. I do admit, given her choice of words, I must wonder if there was more to her relationship with Janus than she openly admitted."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

"Very well Lyra. We shall rejoin with you shortly then." Ayla replies with a simple tiny bow. Next, in response to Talok, "Perhaps. Although any personal familiarity with this Janus should only prove beneficial in helping us find what we need."

"Eh. He sounds pretty crazy to me. Why would anyone build a secret base next to a final stages star?" Sinnve comments with her hands resting behind her neck. "Nice place to get a face melting suntan at least."

"It's a lab, not just a base. And I'm sure there's a good reason." Ellisia answers. "Shall we head back through then?" She says to Talok.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

Talok chuckled.

"Bearing in mind Sinnve, that facility is at least ten thousand years or so old, you can be sure that long ago that sun would not have been showing the same signs it is today of dying. In addition, Janus had the tendency to build labs long before he actually planned to use them, so it may be even older. By the signs today, yes it would be crazy, but it's likely when he first built it that the star there was still healthy and showing no signs of it's age."

Turning to Ayla he nodded.

"This is true, however she seemed ..." He paused, searching for the right words before adding, "she seemed almost pained by the memory. It takes a great deal to 'rattle' one of their people, especially her. I do not believe it will abnormally affect her, not outwardly anyway, however if we were to come across something ... concrete regarding his fate, an indication something bad happened to him ... Well, I'm not exactly equipped to provide any condolences."

Shaking his head to Elissia, he replied to her as well. "I can simply dial the gate and send a brief communication through using the short range stone. If the rest of you wish to explore a little before we go, now would be the time to do so."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

"I guess maybe he thought he'd be finished with the lab by now..." Sinnve comments idly in reply, trying to remember her astronomy lessons. "Or maybe... he did. Finish his research I mean. Maybe that's why no one's seen him for so long. Because he's sitting on a beach sipping drinks with some giant lizards. Eh?" She adds with a small hint of excitement as if she'd just made a brilliant and insightful deduction. But then stopping to doubletake her thinking, and shrugging.

"Or maybe we should just go and find out."

Ellisia chuckles slightly, "That's the plan. And we'll see Sinnve."

"Yes, I did get the same feeling from her. For now we can only hope that we don't uncover anything upsetting for her. Although at least finding some indication of Janus' fate or activity might serve to set her mind at rest." Ayla replies to Talok.

"Whilst I would normally love to spend a while here, were the circumstances any different, it may be best if we proceed with this investigation."

"I would agree." Ellisia adds. "We don't know what a small delay now might cost us in the future."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

Talok chuckled.

"If he did finish his research I can't imagine that he wouldn't have come back for Lyra. If they were as close as I suspect they may have been, it would definitely be out of line for him to have just left her. Although, perhaps he did finish his research and attempted an experiment, and something happened. Likely though, given all the time that has passed and his age when Atlantis was at it's peak ... very likely he's been dead of age for at least five thousand years."

Talok nodded to Ayla.

"I don't think she'll let it adversely affect her, at least not outwardly showing while around us. At this stage she has to know the chances of finding him still alive are almost non-existent. No, this for her is likely to be closure, finding out what really happened to him and being able to finally close that chapter for good. Still, it could be unsettling to discover something terrible happened."

He nodded again at the desire to get things moving.

"Very well, keep an eye out for her, I'll contact Peltas and let them know we won't be home any time soon."

With that. he dialed the gate and set about to updating Julia, leaving the others to do whatever until Lyra arrived.

((Prolly one more post and we can move this to Janus's lab.))

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nox Home World

"Yeah, I suppose just skipping off through time without at least calling your friends isn't something any half decent guy would just do." Sinnve replies casually, taking to watching some kind of birdlike creatures as they flitted through the sky.

The others likewise take in the fresh air and enjoy the suroundings for the time they have left whilst waiting for Lyra to return. To an Etherian the unrestrained and truely wild form of nature here was quite a contrast to the comparably regulated wilderness reserves and nature gardens back home. A limitation of living under an artificial life system and it's finite resources.

"This place. It makes me want to revisit my survival training. No mission, no structure, no backup. Where the only rule, is to live." Marik speaks, gazing out at the horizon with a kind of enthused nostalgia in his eyes. "Can it get any purer than that? What I'd give to relive it."

"You can request to repeat it, you know..." Ellisia comments, expecting him to already know something like that, though with a hunch on what his answer would be.

"Well of course, but how could I? It wouldn't be the same if I had to sleep each night wondering whether I'd return to learn that another purge attack had been launched in my absence." He answers.

Ellisia smiles solemnly. "Mhmm. Indeed. Besides, you'd probably have to trade in all of your personal requisition to have that request accepted under the current circumstances. Though, fond memories huh?"

"Among my best. Had them archived. Toryl still protests that I did, regarding the tree incident. As if I'd forget his ass anyway."

Sinnve blinks and turns. "Hmm? I don't think you ever told me that one... Is the archi open form?"

"Well I mentioned it to..." - "Some memories are best left belonging to Marik alone I think." Ellisia interjects

"Yes... I can't imagine that Toryl would consent to having that shared around." Ayla chuckles.

"Pffft... that only makes it sound more worth seeing."

Thanus... just coughs and rolls his eyes. Closing them instead for a bit, he shifts his senses to focus on trying to pinpoint the moment and spot Lyra would return at, anticipating her to probably pop out of thin air again any moment now. His 6th sense trained as part of his bodyguard's role, was sharp enough to pick up and precisely locate something as small as a mouse within several meters, even if all his other senses left him entirely.
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