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Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Sena couldn't help but feel honored at that prospect. She never really thought herself that beautiful, only being average at best. But to hear that any orc would have done that? That was something else. But she didn't need to worry about them, when she had the best woman the orcs could offer."In a different time and place, I'm sure we could have called ourselves allies. Clan sisters." Sena couldn't help but blush at all the comments, almost making her want the orc more. She knew just what to say to the human who had seen her fair share of brutish lovers. The wandering hands were even a nice gentle touch that she wished more practiced. The usually calm warrior even let out a surprised yelp as her ass was grabbed and she was pulled closer, the member sandwiched between them. "What are you waiting for? Claim your prize. Don't waste the brief time we've been given."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi rose an eyebrow and grinned at Sena's demand. "Your wish's my command," she purred as she rolled her hips back. Sena would feel that powerful cock slowly sliding over her pussy, never seeming to end until, at last, she could feel the glans dragging itself down her slit, caressing her button before it settled between her labia. Chi's mouth opened, panting slightly as she started to press inwards, her large girth making her entry deliciously slow, spreading Sena wider than anything she took before.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Yes her demand may have been sudden, but after being presented with such a...unique opportunity, who would she be to turn it down due to fear and hesitation? Within moments of her demand, the bound woman would feel Chi's member sliding over her lower lips. The teasing just made the warrior squirm all the more in her bindings. But the moment finally came as Chi finally began to press her large member inward. The process was agonizingly slow and the warrior bit her lower lip the whole time as she felt every inch enter her folds. She tried her best to encourage her partner "C...Come on! Show me that thing isn't just a decoration."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi gasped as her massive cockhead popped into Sena's tunnel, slowly burying deeper. The warrior was TIGHT, well-trained and muscular. If every human woman would grip her shaft like that, she'd never take any other race for mates ever again. As Sena kept on urging her on, though, a playful growl escaped Chi's throat. "For being bound t'a bed, y're pretty confident. Are y'sure y'can take me?" And with that, she forsake her slow entry and rammed her hips down, her fat meat rushing into Sena and filling her to the brim. Not a second, and the warrior was impaled on her meat spear, her big, throbbing glans knocking against her cervix with every throb of the orc's heart. "REALLY sure?"
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

As the orcs cockhead finally push through, a satisfied groan could be heard from Sena. Finally they could get down to business. And it seemed her words had also gotten to the orc as she let out the growl. Sena could only smirk in response, further encouraging her eager partner, who seemed to return her taunts in spades. The rush of the orcs member rushing into caused Sena to yell out in surprise. Her breathing grew heavy as he body tried to accommodate the new entry. In her confidence, Sena could not help but taunt. "Course I'm... ah...sure. I fought 5 of my tribes best in nothing but my underclothing. T...this is nothing" She tried to keep a calm face despite the uncomfortable feeling. She couldn't show weakness.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi gave Sena a few moments to get used to her girth. "Mmmph, once w'get out'f here," she panted, "You'n me will have to square off again. Winner's on top," she grinned as she slowly started to roll her hips, starting with minor thrusts and slowly working more and more of her cock in and out of the warrior. Even when she hit the warrior's cervix, though, a few more inches of her throbbing prick still remained outside Sena's body. That won't do at all.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Sena cracked a lewd smile, once again trying to keep a calm face "Y...You're on. And when I'm done with you, I'll be riding you like a Badarian Thoroughbred. Just don't....complain...when I do." The deal made, Sena just kept herself still, intent on letting the orc begin her work with the slower thrusts. Well, this wasn't so bad. Despite the side, she wasn't all that unexpected. A tiny shiver of pleasure from the one eyed tribal accompanied the orc reaching the limits of Sena's body. She couldn't help but notice the remaining few inches unaccounted for. Well, this would be a problem. "W...Whats wrong? Don't tell me you got cold feet already? Sena teased her companion in an effort to start a creative solution to their problem
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

That Sena, so controlled, so calm even while being skewered by Chichira's fat cock. Chi intended to change that. "Haaaa... Not m'fault y'r pussy can't take me," she taunted back, a corner of her mouth curling up into a smirk, and added a panted "yet" as she once more sheathed herself all the way inside Sena. This time though she started grinding her hips downward while swaying from side to side, touching different spots inside the warrior. Slowly, ever so slowly, she could feel Sena's womb opening up to her and pressed the advantage. Finally, with a happy cry, Chichira rammed her hips down once more and slid right through that barrier. As their hips finally met at last, Sena could feel Chichira throbbing deep within her core. "Now, m'prize," she moaned as she lowered her head towards Sena. "Now we fuck." And as she pulled her hips back, their lips met.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"D...Don't go blaming me now! Not...my fault it's too damn big! Sena replied with a coy smirk. But her taunts and jabs would hold little weight as she heard the say "yet". The one eyed warrior looked puzzled for a moment before crying out in surprise. It seems she did indeed find a way to wiggle herself in, causing Sena's heart to race and her breathing to quicken. Much like in the fight prior, the orc had some nasty tricks up her sleeve and she was using them, even making it to her womb. The orc wasted no time and took full advantage of Sena's opening and slid right on through, their hips finally joined and the union complete. The throbbing alone would have terrified weaker women. But Sena was no weak woman. "Claim me then." Was all she could muster before their lips met. Despite her situation, Sena felt right with the world.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

And claiming her she whould, Chi was sure of that. As their kiss deepened and Chi started to let her tongue slide into Sena's mouth, the orc started plunging her dick into the one-eyed warrior with vigor, a far cry from the slow, shallow thrusting she started off with and coming much more naturally to the orc. Every time their hips met, a slap resounded in the small cell, a lewd, rhythmic sound. Chichira's breath became more labored against Sena's face, and she gave short, deep moans into her mouth every time she bottomed out. A silky sheen started to cover her skin, making her gleam in what little light there was in the cell.
For more than a moment, Chi's mind was filled by nothing but her own need to get off, to empty her load deep into Sena until her prize flowed over. But no, she had promised the warrior an orgasm of her own. With a groan, Chi stopped her cock's assault on Sena's depths, keeping her throbbing, virile length seated deep within her prize. Breaking the kiss, she grinned down at Sena. "Time f'r a diff'rent tactic," she gasped, straightening herself. Grabbing Sena's thighs, she took a moment to run her hands along the creamy skin before lifting them both up, placing them on her shoulder. This rolled Sena's hips back a bit. And as Chi withdraw her dick almost entirely and thrust back in, the entirety of her fat length slid along the roof of warrior's pussy, rubbing against a certain spot within her.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

While the two locked lips, Chi would feel Sena's tongue meet with hers, dancing hers around the orcs. The newly invigorated thrusts from the victorious orc were a far cry better from the weaker start and Sena had to show her approval somehow. As the orcs efforts grew more and more impassioned, Sena'd feel her breath across her face and instead of being bothered by this, Sena would only try to urge her lover on more, as well as one could when bound up like her. Everything about this moment was just ideal for Sena. But before long, the virile orc would stop her movements, keeping the member deep inside her waiting companion. She also finally broke the kiss prompting a confused look from Sena, who's body was much warmer to the touch then when she started and her face red as could be. If one paid attention, she could see a similar sheen that covered Chi covering hers as well. But before she could say anything, the Orc grabbed her thighs and began moving her just enough to roll her hips back. Chi would only continue her assault with a bang, hitting that one spot like a pro and eliciting a loud howl from the already tired warrior. "J...Just a little more."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"Yes, that's it! Scream f'r my COCK!" There it was, the lusty being behind that mask of calmness, the savage beast that Chi was yearning to see in Sena. Her own face was a grimace of exertion and animalistic lust as she rammed her hips home, sawing her complete length in and out of Sena's pussy with every thrust, hammering her fat glans against Sena's g-spot over and over. She could feel it, that familiar tightness at the base of her dick, that knot in her underbelly swelling more and more. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum, too! Gonna unload a month worth'f jizz into you," she half-moaned, half screamed. In the back of her mind, she knew that the guards out in the hallway could hear them rutting, could hear their screams of lust, could hear the bed rattling and bumping against the wall, but the orc didn't care. The only thing that mattered was her own lust and that of her Sena.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"I'll scream as...as loud as you want! Just...help me..." She was cut off by the sudden over aggression of her companion. Through her eye, she could see Chi's faces twisted in exertion and animalistic lust. Sena's own was instead one of desperation as she got closer to her own personal orgasm. Every second, every thrust, every movement brought her closer to her goal. Chi cried out herself, announcing the release of her seed. "T...Then do it! Give me every last drop!" She yelled back before her own body shook with orgasm, cumming on the victorious orcs cock. A sense of relief and calm began filling Sena, despite knowing Chi was about to fill her up. It didn't matter now.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"RAAH! YES! COME FOR ME," Chi answered in kind as she felt the human clench around her. From the way Sena's body shook, Chi could tell she did well, and her reward was her own orgasm. Beyond words, all the orc could do was growl and yell as her thrusts grew erratic, the tightness within her growing unbearable for a moment... And then, finally, overwhelming release. Her hips plunged forward one last time, locking herself deep within Sena as that long overdue nut finally busted into thick, creamy ribbons of cum, painting the warrior's womb white with each virile squirt, every wad accompanied by a helpless moan as it was delivered. Chi didn't know how long she spent like this, pumping Sena full with her seed until it flowed back out. All she knew that after a while her seemingly limitless strength had left her body, and she barely managed to roll to the side before she crushed Sena underneath her body.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

To any listening, this was no longer a human and an orc making love. This was primal lust overtaking two rational individuals and turning them into little more than rutting beasts, mating for the sake of it. Sena herself could no longer speak, merely panting and moaning in response to her powerful lover. And then she felt it. The torrent of backed up cum that the orc had been storing. The two were locked together like the animals they were, with Sena feeling each and every ounce entering her. Never before had she had a lover this strong. If this got her knocked up, she would be proud to carry that child, knowing it would be strong. When the orc finished, Sena could feel the excess seed spilling out of her and see her lover flop over next to her. Sena was speechless, her chest heaving fro exhaustion. With what strength she could muster, she tried to turn her head to look at Chi, a soft smile on her face despite the recent fucking.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Pregnancy: ???. (Yea, yea, Fertile+Fertile. But neither of you would know that yet.)
Twins: ???

The cell where the two slaves were to spend the night wasn't one either of them had been in before. That itself wasn't terribly uncommon - they couldn't own property, and cells were assigned more or less at random every night, with a few exceptions for favorites. What was uncommon was that it was the only occupied cell in the room, giving the two a moderate amount of privacy as they explored each others' bodies for the first time.

It was a bit larger than the single-slave cells, with three barred walls and one rock wall, lit by a pair of torches in the hallway outside. It showed signs of recent construction, all shiny new metal, no rust or rot yet. The adjacent cells weren't even furnished with the single wooden bed yet.

A cough interrupted the two women, bringing to their attention the guard holding two wooden bowls of food. He was leering. "Ha, didn't waste any time filling her up, did ya? Well, well. Tom and Barry owe me 5 denarii each, they didn't think you'd go for it." He jerked his thumb at the exit to the little cell block, where previous experience elsewhere in the mine suggested there would be a guard station.

"Well, I'll be back at dawn with breakfast, and a potion for the slut. Can't really whore well with a belly out to here." He gestured, miming a pregnant belly. "And don't think that you're off work just because you have a job at night too. While the orc's in the mines we'll find something for you to do. Or someone, at least." He leered again.

"Well, have fun. Remember, if you keep doing well in the Arena, you'll keep getting a nightly reward. But fuck up and maybe you get to experience this from the other side, eh?" He set the bowls down just outside the door, within easy reach, and walked off.

Feel free to continue, and go to sleep when you're finished.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chichira's hands clenched into fists as the guard left. "Disgusting fucking worm," she growled under her breath at his retreating back. Turning towards Sena, she said, "our child would be stronger than him the day it'd be born. I won't let them take even the CHANCE for this life." With a few steps she crossed the cell and gently laid her palm on Sena's belly, falling quiet for a moment. "When they come tomorrow," she then swore, "they will die. This has gone on long enough."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Sena, meanwhile tried her best to look away from the guard, trying to ignore his crass statements. They really would put her back out there to try and satisfy other slaves and guards. If she could, she would have jumped over to the guard and slammed his head against the nearest wall, but he bindings proved otherwise. Chi however, seemed to have enough rage for the both of them. She too was fed up with all this. She too wanted to protect the life that was no doubt brewing in Sena. And then she heard her say it: "They will die. This has gone on long enough."

"You don't mean...But what could we possibly do? We have no equipment. For gods sakes, I'm still tied to the bed."
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

Chi hesitated. Sena brought up a valid point. Not only was the human still tied to the bed, but she also still wore that collar that kept her from releasing her nature-given powers upon them. "We need their keys," she growled quietly. "We need one of them in here. Perhaps we can lure in the guy bringing the breakfast, he may have them. At the very least he'll have a knife or something similar." There was no doubt in Chichira's mind that she could take on one human. Even if he was armored, even if he had a weapon. Of course, if they simply sent a slave their plan would need to be changed, but the orc worried little.
Re: Blind Revolt (Rule34/Aust) GMed by thetwo

"If it does come to luring in...I won't object to being the bait. Guards and slaves alike won't hesitate to make use of someone whose helpless. Especially men like these. " The tribal warrior let out a heavy sigh, knowing she would have to deal with those lecherous men again. "But say all of this does work. What then? We're outnumbered and out geared. They put us down in seconds. And then, god knows what they might do to us..."