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A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin swore as his glowing starblade cut through the hunter, finally felling the monster that had cut him so deeply. Clutching at his wound, the dark haired Su-Ku-Ta ran forward to join Elowen and the elf girl while the angel trailed grudgingly behind them. Torin's ripped robe hung halfway off of his left shoulder, displaying a lean and lithe figure, albeit one that was sporting a gruesome and bloody slash mark.

"The sewers there, just next to that -- Gah! A grabber!" Reactively, Torin reached inside his sleeve, finding a pouch of corrosive material there for just such an occasion and flinging it at the monster just as he reached the sewer entrance. Hopefully it would be enough to save the beggar.

Spend 8 EP, deal (1d10+2)*8 damage to the creature.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin: HP = 19/48, PP = 46, EP = 33/58, Status = Injured, Astrologer's Boon X = 5, Starblade X = 10, Upkeep = 1, Clothes at 10/25 TP

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 40/96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 57/85, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 6, Wild Shape Wolf X = 8, Upkeep = 3

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine
Valkyrie: HP = 180/190, PP = 125, EP = 88/270, Weakened x3, Energy Blade X = 10

Feral Stalker 1: HP = 26/52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Injured, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 2: HP = 52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Fine, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 3: HP = 26/52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Injured, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 4: HP = 52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Fine, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 5: HP = 26/52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Injured, +4 AV
Feral Stalker 6: HP = 52, PP = 33, EP = 35, Status = Fine, +4 AV

Four Armed Juggernaut: taken 67 damage
Hunter 1: taken 30 damage
Hunter 2: taken 34 damage
Hunter 3: taken 34 damage
Hunter 4: taken 44 damage
Adult Grabber 1: fine
Adult Grabber 2: fine
Adult Grabber 3: fine
Adult Grabber 4: fine

Upkeeps are paid!

Torin covers ye tentacle monster in acid for 8 EP!
Attack: Hit.
Damage: 4 + 2 = 6 * 8 = 48 damage.

The corrosive substance, empowered by a bit of Torin's spirit to increase its potency tenfold, splashed onto the slimy creature and promptly melted through the majority of its body, leaving little more than a lifeless clump that lacked the strength to even enter into any sort of death throes. The newly freed beggar stared down at it in confusion for a moment, but then looked up at Torin and nodded, giving the young su-ku-ta a grateful expression for a brief moment before noticing his wounds. "You're hurt!" he grunted, and then quickly came forth to support the wounded seer. Their way to the sewer was clear... For the moment. There was no telling how long that might last though, and they still needed to remove the iron grate that covered the hole into the city's bowels, which they would quickly find had fused into the stone, either by some accident or by design. It would take a great deal of strength to remove it, or a supernaturally powerful cutting tool to break the metal. The angel who's arrival had preceeded these dire events stood staring out into the street, watching as Torin's people were raped and murdered with a fierce scowl on her face, the beam of energy still extending out from her hand just as Torin's was.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

As Elowen hurried through the throng of Su-Ku-Ta along with the other survivors, she eventually came free of the larger mass of bodies, which came as no small relief. However, it still hadn't stripped the sense of urgency away from her. They needed to find a way out.

It wasn't long before she spotted the old man from before, who had been left to what was undoubtedly a most miserable fate. While her first instinct was to help him, having seen the others who had suffered just moments earlier--women, children, and men alike shown no mercy by the invaders--caused her heart to sink in her chest. Of course, helping him would be the right thing to do, as far as she was normally concerned, but the odd situation had her thinking differently, and for once she began to think of darker things--would it even matter? Would it be worth it at their expense when they needed to flee? How many other instances of this waited in the city? It was quite unlike the normally helpful nymph to ponder such things, but the situation they were faced with now was also unlike any other she had experienced before.

Her uncharacteristic chain of thoughts was broken by Torin simply acting, doing first what she had always thought she would have done in such a case. With his corrosive attack, the stargazer made quick work of the grabber, faster than even the druid had even expected, and she couldn't help but find herself impressed with his initiative. Any other being, especially at a time like this and with wounds of its own, would have kept its priorities mainly to self-preservation, and yet there he was, not thinking about it--just doing it. Elowen had always thought him to be the more contemplative type when she first met him, but she found herself delightfully surprised nonetheless. This is what kind of person he was. For once, she managed a relieved smile.

It turned out that Torin's good deed wasn't for naught, as a look beyond the saved beggar revealed an entrance to the sewers, the escape route that they had thought to use not long ago. Naturally, it was blocked by a sewer grate. Her first thought was that she could channel an aspect of a given animal through her druidic powers to rip the thing away, and so she began to, but a closer look at the barrier confirmed some of her own fears; it was constructed of iron. This wasn't something she could touch herself, not easily. The fae living at the oasis of Elowen's youth didn't use iron in their daily living, nor did they need to. She remembered a time when travelers came to the oasis with iron tools, which she was naturally curious about--until she laid hands on them. That was all she needed in order to know about the metal. The tan-skinned beauty didn't know exactly what it was about the material, but all she knew was that it burned to no small degree, and to grip an iron bar was like a human voluntarily putting their hand into a raging flame.

But a good druid was never without help, and so once again she channeled her immense spirit into summoning yet another squad of assistants. Seeing as it might take a while for the feral stalkers, to catch up, if they did at all, it certainly wouldn't hurt to recruit the strength of kobolds, who, if only by virtue of sheer numbers, would be able to lend a hand to the current dilemma seeing as Elowen was unable to so much as touch the iron lattice herself. Their payment would come in the form of a party later on, though she felt it would be quite a well-deserved one if they managed to make it out of the invasion alive. Nodding to her newfound allies, she turned her eye to the blocked path.

Summon a gang of Kobolds as per Summon Nature's Ally.
Bonus from Nature's Ally aptitude: "Summon Nature's Ally costs 2 less EP statically and has the minimum number that can be summoned using variable numbers increased by 2."
Bonus from Overlord aptitude: "Creatures summoned by the character through Spirit Powers gain a +10 bonus to Body and a +4 bonus to AV. The cost to activate summon Powers is reduced by 2."
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin gladly leaned on the beggar for support, as his wound was relentlessly painful and he was not so proud as to dismiss the offer of aid. He turned around to see Elowen running up the alley towards him. The nymph's beauty was wasted in the hellish environment of the war torn city. Behind her, the wobbly legged elf followed in close, as did the Dok Cat. The angel seemed reluctant to leave the main road, as if the idea of hiding from the overwhelming forces was the last thing she wanted to do.

Torin shook his head. He'd seen what had happened to those who stayed and fought against a direct assault from the invaders. They fought bravely, and the luckiest of them would die bravely. Those that did not - and it was a majority - would discover a far worse fate, and before their souls were subsumed, they would not look so brave.

Torin did not wish it upon anyone, mortal, angel, or otherwise. They had to get away, and harry the enemy from a position of strength and surprise. It was the only way.

He noted the harnessing of inner energies as the druid began her summoning. In the next moment, a pack of strong looking kobolds appeared, glancing expectantly at their summoner.

"Here, the grate!" He yelled at them and pointed. "Lift it up. We'll get out this way and head to the sea."

He looked up at Elowen and eyed her and the Dok Cat, and then the elf.

"Can you all swim?"
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Cosi followed towards the sewer, with constant glances backwards. Of course she was glad if they could be away from the xeno terror, but that didn't ease the idea of abandoning the people. The merfolk was no fighter, but she was probably better than your average citizen, or at least she hoped. To try and help them would be the right thing to do, especially after having experienced the selfless display in the memories of the angel. But, in the face of these odds, it would be less righteous as it was just plain stupid.

The distraction with what may still be following them from behind delayed her reaction to what was ahead: a hunter that was prepared to fell the beggar. She barely had time to ready herself when Torin had already neutralized the alien. That certainly turned out better than Cosi had expected. The appearance of the strange creatures Elowen summoned were comforting as well, what with safety in numbers and all.

Until, that is, the grate loomed over them. The 'elf' may not have had much experience with iron, what it being amongst the worst things you could try and use while in the sea, but she certainly knew that it was not a good thing. The dark glint of the metal was menacing. Still, the iron was only half of the problem. Even if it wasn't a terrible material, moving the grate was beyond anything Cosi could think of doing. However, the goal beyond the grate was clear and, despite the horrendous situation, the merfolk couldn't help but smile at Torin's question.

"Yes, I can swim."
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin: HP = 48, PP = 46, EP = 32/58, Status = Fine, Astrologer's Boon X = 5, Starblade X = 10, Upkeep = 1, Clothes at 10/25 TP

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 35/96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 54/85, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 6, Wild Shape Wolf X = 8, Upkeep = 3

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine
Valkyrie: HP = 180/190, PP = 125, EP = 83/270, Weakened x3

Kobolds: (Overlord Bonus of +10 Body and +4 AV)
Nathye, fine
Beorhtio, fine
Narder, fine
Behrtio, fine
Arket, fine
Gyles, fine
Theoda, fine
Alten, fine
Gilas, fine

Upkeeps are paid.

Number of kobolds: 5 + 4 = 9 kobolds, costs 5 EP after Aptitudes are taken into account.

One short of a half-score of figures materialized around Elowen as she worked her magics, channeling her spirit into a call for help to the very lowest orders of the fey. The kobold party, nine strong came into being from the astral channels that they traveled, burst out into chatter for a moment. Each stocky yellow humanoid was about four feet tall, give or take a few inches, and armed with a primitive weapon of some sort that Elowen knew would be no less deadly for it in their hands. The squad of nine stopped their chatter and looked to Elowen for orders, and after Torin's shout descended upon the grate and surrounding it. The kobolds were fey themselves, and would suffer just as badly as Elowen herself would for touching the raw iron, but the leather gloves covering their hands did not share that weakness, and after a few moments of prying they managed to drag the heavy piece of iron out of its position and away.

Again they began to chatter excitedly, and pointed down into the dark, foul smelling hole while the beggar holding Torin glanced between it and the wounded young warrior. "You can't go down there wounded like that! The sepsis alone would kill you in days even if you managed to get out of the city!" he said urgently, but upon hearing that the angel knight turned toward them and laid a hand upon Torin's chest. His wounds vanished instantly, leaving his body whole once more, and she coldly said; "If we are to flee into the dark, I would have it done now, before my instincts convince me otherwise or something stumbles upon us." She then leaped down into the dark sewer entrance, folding her wings behind her. There was a ladder that the others could climb, which the kobolds started doing immediately, but Snow would need to walk.

The beggar that had been holding on to Torin hesitantly released the now uninjured warrior, and glanced between him and the slaughter that was beginning in mouth of the alley. People began spilling into it as hunters tore into them with maddened hunger and mindless grabbers caught them up in their poisonous tendrils, and the gunfire and spellblasts in the distance started coming more frantically as more and more aliens fell from the sky. If he remained up here, the beggar would surely be among those captured or killed, but even this man who had fallen so far had not the heart to ask permission to join them as they went into the comparative safety of the sewers. It was a complex thing in Su-Ku-Ta culture, asking for permission for something such as this of one's superiors, and that he stuck to those traditions even in a situation like this meant that he was more schooled in etiquette than he appeared.

Regardless, once they were all down the grate, they would find themselves on a straight pathway leading forward and back, East and West, with small ports branching out that were too small even for the kobolds to enter into. It was dark, and the smell of the dank water in which they were forced to wade was impossibly foul, but the angel waded through it without complaint even as it seeped into her robes. There was a narrow walkway on either side of the sewer, but Snow was too wide to stand on it without having to walk bow legged, and it could only be moved upon in single file. Up ahead was a crossways, with routes going in the four cardinal directions, but having no knowledge of the sewers they would likely need to figure out which way they wanted to go from there. The sea lay to the West, but down that way from where they stood was a straight line that started sloping downwards, while the other paths gradually increased in height. Ending up below the water level would drown everyone except for Cosi, and even she likely wouldn't relish the idea of taking a swim in this filth.
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin grunted, mixing relief and surprise as the angel's hands knitted his flesh, restoring it to its healthy condition. Fixing his torn shirt across his chest as best he could he nodded to the celestial.

"Thanks," he mumbled, grateful for her healing touch, but also a little bothered by her resistance to getting to safety. Retreat was clearly not in her nature, but relentless massacres had taught the Su-Ku-Ta what happened to those who stood and fought. Survive, resist, endure, rebuild. That was all that was left for them now, and right now, they had to work on that first part.

"We have to keep moving!" He said, looking over at the beggar. "That means everyone, get in there with the kobolds."

Switching his gaze to the others, he addressed them in turn. "Elowen, get yourself and the elf girl down there. Help Snow down as well. The angel and I will be right behind you. Head in that direction once you're down there," he said, gesturing towards the sea. "There will be a way out, don't stop."

Saying this, the young man-cat, turned towards the mouth of the alley. "Maybe there's a few more that we can save?" He asked the angel. "But then we absolutely have to go."
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Cosi scaled down the ladder after the others, watching the bright sky, filled with descending aliens and their ships, shrink through the hole of the grate. These were not her people, but that did not make the idea of turning and running any easier. That said, she still knew her limits, and fighting these aliens was well beyond what she could do, especially if 'immortal' angels were so easily beaten.

But, it was out of the frying pan and into... a vile, filthy tube of waste. The disguised merfolk gagged on the air, almost wishing to just return to the surface. She made sure to stay on the small walkway on the side. The mere thought of the 'water' touching her skin nearly made her vomit. Still, it was, hopefully, safer down here unless they were pursued, which did not appear to be the case. Cosi released her wild shape. The ethereal shark that loomed over her seemed to dissolve before reforming as an aura about her.

"Which... way?" she choked out.

No more shark/wolf wild shape, keeping psychic shield.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

While Elowen's eyes lit up with pride to see her team performing in just the way she hoped they would, the prospects of what actually lay beyond the grate was far less appealing to her. It didn't take but a few steps to catch a whiff of the terrible stench that filled the sewers. It was unbelievably foul. Few places, if any, in more natural settings would be able to match such an odor! And she was to 'swim' in a place like this? The nymph's mouth crinkled at the idea of it all.

When she lived in the oasis, water was scarce enough that people didn't simply swim in it on a daily basis--or rather, not in any sizable depth of the element normally reserved for hydration. Elowen was no exception to this, and even in the frozen tundra, she found little opportunity or even reason to immerse herself in such frigid waters; they normally lay beneath sheets of ice in lakes or ponds, and the streams she came across weren't nearly deep enough to compare to the vast ocean, where their escape presumably lay. To put it simply, she... couldn't swim. Certainly not competently enough for her to venture out into the ocean's powerful currents, anyway. "I... well, I can't say I'm good at it," she explained with an embarrassed smile.

Of course, her druidic powers would allow her to take on the adaptations of practically any animal... that she had met and 'connected' with previously. If it were a bird, a bear, a large canine or feline creature, or even anything out of the desert, she'd be able to remember their nature quite easily. But a fish was a creature that she hadn't bothered to spend a terribly large amount of time with, leaving that aspect of her power largely untested. She wouldn't hesitate to use it, but it would not guarantee her success in the same way it might for the visibly confident elf standing beside her.

The elder Su-Ku-Ta's words carried much weight to them. Infection in itself was a killer in nature, and Elowen couldn't imagine the foul, terrible odor emanating from the sewers to be any help in easing such a concern. She began to move towards Torin in an attempt to heal him, but the winged messenger was quick to beat her to it. It was an impressive display from such a powerful being, and yet the woman had still suffered such horrendous wounds from the threat that now filled the skies. It only helped solidify her initial suspicion that the aliens, visitors... whatever they were, would not be an enemy they could hold out against for long.

She looked at Torin once he called out his orders, but didn't feel the compulsion, even for a second, to argue with him at a time like this, despite the worries she might have had about the sea. The tan-skinned beauty nodded once and moved alongside Cosi and Snow to the destination pointed out for them. It would be impossible for her to navigate by scent, even if she were to channel the adaptations of a wolf--as everything down here smelled terrible--but the sound of water was an unmistakable one, and so she headed west just as Torin suggested. In a largely unfamiliar setting, all she could do was trust in the others for the time being, and she didn't hesitate to do just that.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin: HP = 48, PP = 46, EP = 27/58, Status = Fine, Astrologer's Boon X = 5, Starblade X = 10, Upkeep = 1, Clothes at 10/25 TP

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 35/96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 54/85, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 6, Upkeep = 0

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine
Valkyrie: HP = 180/190, PP = 125, EP = 68/270, Weakened x3

Kobolds: (Overlord Bonus of +10 Body and +4 AV)
Nathye, fine
Beorhtio, fine
Narder, fine
Behrtio, fine
Arket, fine
Gyles, fine
Theoda, fine
Alten, fine
Gilas, fine

Upkeeps are paid.

Cosi and Elowen jump down into the sewers with the kobolds and Snow. They begin looking for a way out while ye other people fight.

Torin will be directed to fight ye lesser grabbers while ye valkerie fights ye hunters. This will occur for five rounds before serious resistance will appear. On that note, ye angel will activate Energy Blade X = 10 again. Both of them automatically hit, so I'll just roll damage now to make sure they kill one per round.
Damage (Torin) : (7 + 1) = 8, 8 * 10 = 80, 80 + 10 = 90 damage per swing.
Damage (Angel) : (4 + 4 + 1) = 9, 9 * 13 = 117, 117 + 15 = 132 damage per swing.
They put on a pretty badass show, apparently!

The angel paused at Torin's statement, but then she turned with a grim expression and nodded as the blade of glowing energy appeared in her hand once again, a sword of molten gold to contrast the starlight weapon that he himself wielded. "Concentrate your swings upon the lesser ones, the tentacle spawn. Leave the hunters and the slimes to me," she stated calmly as she turned and headed toward the mouth of the alley, where the bloodbath on the street was beginning to spill inwards as people ran for cover. Before they could close the distance once more, Torin and his compatriot were made to watch two men cut down by the knife-like claws of hunters, and a woman was lifted into the air and stripped by a grabber despite her screams of protest and maddened squirming.

His angelic ally was quick to cut one of the reptilian aliens down as she stepped into the chaos, her body flaring with golden light to match her weapon as an aura of quiet strength washed over everyone around them, Torin included. The rebellious warrior was no doubt quick to step up as well, and with a swing of his blade he split the grabber holding the woman aloft in half. She stumbled to the ground, and the beggar quickly called out from the hole leading down into the sewers; "Here! Over here!" She ran for cover as Torin covered her retreat, an act that would occur many times as he and his companion formed a bastion of potential salvation on the edge of the chaos.

The market square had been bustling with activity when they had entered it, and the aliens had seemingly concentrated their attack upon it to capitalize on the crowding. Within seconds of their heroic stand forming a break in the ranks of the aliens produced a flood of people rushing into the bastion of safety, the aliens on the opposite end of the alley busy with the people they had there for the moment. A half-score of the creatures were cut down between Torin and the angel beside him, their blazing swords cleaving through flesh and hide and slime as they directed people to run for the alley and the sewer entrance within. Nearly half a minute passed of desperate battle before the pressure began to mount, Torin needing to cut down a hunter that had slipped past his companion while she dealt with one of the mounds of slime that the aliens fielded and mass produced. The massive four armed creature, still missing one of its massive limbs, appeared in the periphery of their vision, wielding a broken body as a club against the fleeing people as it thrashed in pained rage.

"It may be time to go," the angel said calmly, her stance unfaltering despite the lasting effects of her wounds suffered from falling so far. She didn't turn, however, cutting down one last hunter before starting to back toward the grate where the beggar they'd rescued still waited. More than two dozen people had been saved by their efforts, but if they didn't move quickly it was entirely possible that they would be trapped into a fighting retreat through the sewers while the aliens followed them all the way out into the ocean. Of course, the longer they stayed the more people might be given a chance at salvation with them,

Down in the sewers, meanwhile, Cosi and Elowen found that they quickly weren't alone. The party of kobolds turned back in part as people started pouring down into the sewers, some sliding down the ladder while others simply jumped and thudded onto the narrow stone walkway. The kobolds quickly formed a line to help direct them as Elowen, not needing magic at that point, started heading straight West despite the downward slope via a narrow bridge crossing the river of filth. A city of thousands produced a powerful stench, but the danger they were in with the aliens invading above left the smell as little more than a secondary concern. The pathway continued down into darkness save for the occasional narrow beam of light produced by the grates along the top, leaving all of them blinded for the majority of the time unless one of them opted to conjure a light of some sort.

It wasn't long, however, before they arrived at a metaphorical dead end. Before them was a solid stone wall with a floor of rusty metal mesh hanging over it, the channel through which the city's wastes passed vanishing beneath it and continuing off to the North and South. To their right, the North, was more walkway that suddenly ended in a fetid pool that only seemed to go downwards into murky filth. To their left, the South, was a portcullis that blocked the entire passageway and that both Cosi and Elowen would recognize as solid iron through their faerie heritage. Neither of them could touch it, either with their magic or with their hands, and the kobolds would take time they didn't have to cut through even one bar. A door stood in it, also built of solid iron bars and locked with a padlock as large as one of Snow's massive clawed feet, far too sturdy to be easily knocked aside.

As they briefly appraised the obstacle, the sound of footsteps coming from the passageway beyond it were suddenly heard. Hushed voices, a flickering light, and a few seconds later two figures stepped out into the open through a side passageway. A man, thin and pale and apparently human, or at least lacking any mutations that might suggest he was anything else, peered suddenly at the two and the kobold at the far end of the chain of diminutive faeries guiding the people that had been directed to them by Torin and the angel who still seemingly remained above. There was a beam of light coming from an object in his hand, and he looked confused at their presence for a moment before he suddenly looked alarmed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked commandingly, "And have any of you seen an angel around here? Or can any in your group fly?"
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Wearing only a slight grimace upon her face as a result of the powerful stench wafting through the air, Elowen pressed on ahead. The trip through the sewers was hardly a pleasant experience, but compared to the horrors that awaited them otherwise, it was merely an inconvenience for the time being. She was ever careful with her footing, given the relative lack of illumination in such an environment. But while the darkness made things that much more difficult, the nymph hadn't really the means to generate light at the time; in the wilderness, she relied on her more animalistic forms to see through the darkness. Not that it mattered, as surely enough they came across yet another large iron grate. Another obstacle almost custom-made to block her advance. Elowen couldn't help but frown.

Then, someone from behind it came into view, a pale stranger. Figuring it wasn't the time to be holding anything back, the druid gave her answer. "Looking for an escape from those... things up there," she remarked with no lack of urgency in her tone. There was no use in hiding the angel's presence from him, as her and Torin were bound to catch up soon enough, so Elowen hoped. "Yes, she's with us! This isn't really the place for me to be flying, though..." She decided to make an inquiry of her own about the man's abilities. "Um, can you open this gate?"
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin didn't have the will or the desire to argue with the angel. Even in her weakened state, it was clear that she was a being of immense power, far outstripping what he was capable of. He was simply glad that she was on his side, and left her to contend with the heavier opposition, concentrating his starblade strikes against the tentacle spawn, who were more interested it seemed with the female prey than with himself. He used their preferences to his advantage, angling to sever off their main tendrils and expose their corded inner flesh for a finishing blow.

The woman who was stripped and helpless, held in the grabbers terrible grip, now was freed, and she stumbled forward into the arms of the beggar, who quickly showed her the way to the sewer escape. It was no great plan to go down into that filth, but it was marginally better than the horror that awaited them all should they dally too long up here above the surface.

More people began to run towards them, and Torin felt validated for the moment, having bought the others time to get out of there and give these precious few people in the alleyway a chance at escape. But their window of opportunity was closing. Torin was forced to face down a hunter by himself that had slipped past the angel, and through luck and some rudimentary skill, managed to kill it.

The roar of the multi-armed juggernaut stomping their way signaled the end to his heroics.

"I agree. Let's get to the grate. Hurry!"

Seeing that there was no more point in maintaining his sword, he let the energy fall away to conserve it and ran with the others into the sewer entrance, though he'd make sure that the angel was behind him as well. He didn't want to see her go down after all they'd done to revive her.

If they all managed to get into the sewers, he'd yell at the small group to start heading in the direction he'd sent Elowen in.

"Quickly now! I know it's awful here, but we've got to get to the sea outlets. We've got to get outside their cordoned area, then we can swim for it. Keep moving! We can't slow down for you!"

He knew it was harsh, but in their state of panic, people needed a clear voice and instruction to hold onto. That was what he was giving them, even though he didn't know if he was the right sort of person to qualify as a leader. He ran with them, trying to pick out the slower individuals and staying with them to move them along, lending his own shoulder if necessary.

For the most part he tried to stay out of the sludge where possible. Not only was it unhygenic, but it would also decrease his mobility later on if he became too caked with muck. Keeping his head up, he looked for signs of the others, moving quickly to follow them towards the ocean. He hoped he would get to them in time.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin: HP = 48, PP = 46, EP = 27/58, Status = Fine, Astrologer's Boon X = 5, Upkeep = 0, Clothes at 10/25 TP

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 35/96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 54/85, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 6, Upkeep = 0

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine
Valkyrie: HP = 180/190, PP = 125, EP = 45/270, Weakened x3

Kobolds: (Overlord Bonus of +10 Body and +4 AV)
Nathye, fine
Beorhtio, fine
Narder, fine
Behrtio, fine
Arket, fine
Gyles, fine
Theoda, fine
Alten, fine
Gilas, fine

Elowen barely managed to get her request to open the door out before the thin stranger crossed the distance between the doorway from which he had appeared and the locked iron gate, and the moment that the last syllable had left her lips he replied; "Down here... I don't need to fly down here!" His hand came up against the lock of the heavy gate, the iron hiding perfectly whatever he did, but suddenly it clicked and then casually swung open with an echoing metallic whine. By that point a small pile-up had developed behind Elowen and Cosi, the unarmed people rescued by their efforts and those of Torin and the battered angel on the streets above gathering a ways behind them, but for the moment they merely milled about in confusion.

Stepping out of the way if they opted to pass, the stranger nonetheless continued to address Elowen; "I need to fly up there! Outside! On the surface! I'm only down here in case one of them hit hard enough to end up in the sewers! I need to get up to that ship! There's an elder lord piloting it, if we take that out the aliens stop falling, and the ship itself stops firing! If we want to save the city, that's the only way we'll be able to do it!" The strange man's voice and demeanor were urgent, and possessed of an intensity that ensured that he was one whom Elowen would find all but impossible to ignore, though she would be under no compulsion to speak with him further.

Torin, in the meanwhile, would find the angel backing up behind him, warding off a pair of hunters who tried to stall them but seemed unwilling to risk getting to close to the angel and her glowing energy blade. He was left to jump down into the hole first, followed by the beggar who had been pushing the people they pulled from the crowd into the sewers, and a moment later the angel would follow them down the manhole with her wings folded around her. Turning, she would quickly send a blast up into the air to kill one of the approaching lizards before it could climb down after them, and then it would be their time to rush for freedom before the three armed juggernaut could come after them.

Down below, the squad of kobolds that Elowen had summoned would be found as a chain, the people they had rescued already gone running along it, going no doubt to wherever the nymph druid and the strange elf might have gone in their search for a way to the sea. The kobolds, seeing them coming and no others, followed after Torin and his armored companion, until he had a squadron of the diminutive yellow faeries following after him. No pursuit was immediately evident, but that wasn't to say that they definitely weren't being followed given the stealth possessed by the alien lizards who formed the most commonly dangerous portions of the Invader's attack force. The multilimbed titan at least didn't seem to be after them, however, and they made it a good ways unmolested before coming upon Elowen, Cosi, and the rest of the two-dozen some civilians they had pulled off of the streets.

There, Torin would see a familiar figure speaking with the druid nymph, one whom he had met even before he had met Elowen. The Traveler, as his masters had called the seemingly human man, stood there with an intensely urgent look on his face as he looked to Elowen, looking no different in garb or age than when last Torin had seen him as a child. The strange human had oft been referred to with the utmost respect, verging often on both terror and awe, by the so called wise men who had guided the young Su-Ku-Ta, and at least some of that might very well have rubbed off on Torin. What he might be doing here was anyone's guess, but Torin had been told that the Traveler only seemed to make himself known at momentous events, and while the death of the last city belonging to his people on the whole of the world certainly qualified, the tales of his presence put him only in places where evil was defeated, never where it triumphed and the innocent were left to suffer in droves.

Elowen and Cosi would likely notice the sudden presence of the kobolds, Torin, and the angel who's fall from the sky had preceded the day's dire events, but how they would react to the new arrivals and the reunion of their group was up to them. Cosi would have no more idea who this stranger was than Elowen did, but would for the moment be ignored in favor of the dark skinned nymph, even though she too possessed the ability to grant herself the power of flight. Whether or not she would reveal that fact, or take any action at all, was something that the mermaid would need to choose to do on her own as well.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Cosi eyed the mysterious stranger with suspicion. Appearing out of nowhere, asking if they had met an angel or if any of them could fly. In other words, asking if any of them could even fight back at the alien vessel. He spun some tale about some lord controlling everything to get peoples' hopes up that they can be stopped? What sane person would try such a thing, to leave the sewers that they were using to escape to try and fight the innumerable aliens? To do the exact opposite of what they were doing then? The fake elf could only think that this man was deranged, from who knows how long he's been living in the filth of the sewer, or that he was brainwashed to trap those who wanted to flee from certain doom.

Surely, the only option was to keep moving, the merfolk thought to herself as she looked at the back up behind herself and Elowen. But, if this man truly was brainwashed by the aliens, that would mean that their current path could only be a trap.

Cosi kept herself guarded against the thin man, but she would defer to Elowen for her decision. After all, this was still a new land to her. Perhaps appearing out of tunnels filled with waste was normal despite what the merfolk believed.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

When Torin and his band of survivors caught up with Elowen and the others, he was surprised to make out that familiar face in the dim light of the sewers.

"The Traveler?!" He said aloud, stepping quickly to the fore of his group, possibly interjecting himself midway through the conversation. "Your presence here... did you know that this would happen? Can we still win the day?"

Throughout his training by the priests of the Star God, Torin had come to view The Traveler as some sort of living legend, a mystical figure that signified the fortuitous strings of fate coming to the aid of 'good' and 'order' in the universe, despite those concepts being relative to a person's own perceptions.

Never had Torin had the nerve to talk to the Traveler before, but that had been when he was a mere pupil of the Star Priests, and not on his own, himself a leader of refugees and freedom fighters trying to preserve the last bits of their civilization from a ruthless and superior foe.

The male Su-Ku-Ta gazed intently at the strange man. If there were any sign to suggest that perhaps victory could still be at hand, this was one of the few Torin would accept.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

"Down here? Fly...?" The tan-skinned beauty tried to make sense of what the stranger was saying to her. Certainly these narrow corridors were no place meant for flight, the necessity or desire to do so aside. "Erm, what do you mean?" She had barely finished her question when, to her surprise, the lock came undone. The noise that the barrier made upon swinging open invoked a feeling of hope deep within the nymph, a boon in knowing that they wouldn't find their demise in a stinking sewer due to a mere gate made from a fae's natural weakness.

But at the same time, the man's presence only raised more questions in her head. His peculiar pleas caused her to think twice about simply marching on forward, and her consciousness wouldn't let her move past him without repaying the favor in some form. The pale man had an intensity that was difficult to simply ignore, even if his claims seemed rather dubious. "On the surface? It's practically COVERED with them! I mean, I really can't promise that you'd be able to make it up to that ship, or whatever it is, in one piece," she warned him. The nymph looked past in the direction from which he came, trying to get an idea of where the tunnel might lead to. "Even angels are being shot out of the sky--we've a wounded one with us now." It might not have been a good idea in hindsight to disclose such information, but it was neither the time nor the place to sit and ponder carefully about allegiances. "Where's that tunnel lead? We're trying to find a way out, and I'm pretty sure that the avenue behind us is already clogged with a bunch of things that just aren't worth dealing with! Maybe we could just take a different route, get you up there that way instead?"

However, when Torin and the others caught up, Elowen took note of the stargazer's attitude towards the stranger. It was that of utmost respect. Her brow furrowed as she turned her gaze back to the two. While her instincts were telling her to flee, to escape, maybe there was something more to this interaction between the two... just maybe.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Torin: HP = 48, PP = 46, EP = 27/58, Status = Fine, Astrologer's Boon X = 5, Upkeep = 0, Clothes at 10/25 TP

Elowen: HP = 50, PP = 48, EP = 35/96, Status = Fine

Cosi: HP = 62, PP = 39, EP = 54/85, Status = Fine, Psychic Shield X = 6, Upkeep = 0

NPC Stats
Snow: HP = 32, PP = 23, EP = 25, Status = Fine
Valkyrie: HP = 180/190, PP = 125, EP = 45/270, Weakened x3

Kobolds: (Overlord Bonus of +10 Body and +4 AV)
Nathye, fine
Beorhtio, fine
Narder, fine
Behrtio, fine
Arket, fine
Gyles, fine
Theoda, fine
Alten, fine
Gilas, fine

Cosi's decision to distrust the stranger but not voice her distrust would merit little response from those around her, the kobolds and civilians ignoring her in favor of watching the exchange between Elowen and the strange thin man. Only he seemed to take notice of it, a subtle glare shot her way out of the corner of her eye, that only the disguised mermaid would perceive, Elowen too preoccupied in that moment with her brief fascination with how the gateway had opened.

In turn, the stranger only looked more urgent at Elowen's insistence that the surface was too dangerous and her question about where the tunnel he'd come from would go. "The beams won't fire into the ones falling towards the city" he insisted, "and the ones falling can't attack without disrupting the levitation magic! If we can reach one of the ports we'd only have to get past a few of them before we could get into the passages. If we can kill the lord controlling the ship, the angels can destroy it!"

Torin's sudden intrusion stole the attention of the stranger, however, providing and he turned toward that stargazer and suddenly adopted a slightly goofy grin and said; "Torin! Funny meeting you down here!" He quickly moved past Elowen and clapped the young warrior on the shoulder, but his expression quickly sobered as Torin reminded him of the dire circumstances in which they found themselves meeting again. "Knew it would happen? Not so much" he replied, "but so long as I'm here, and alive, there's no way that I'm going to let this city and everyone in it fall. I can still stop this, but I can't do it alone."

He glanced back at Elowen before continuing; "The passageway I took to get here will take anyone who follows it down to the ocean. There's a hidden dock used by smugglers with a boat, it might be able to get out of here if you're quick enough with it." Elowen, Cosi, and Torin were then presented with a choice. The Traveler turned back to Torin and found the angel whose fall from the sky had preceded this disaster standing beside the the stargazer, who nodded and simply said; "Traveler. I couldn't help but overhear... You have my aid. For whatever it's worth." He nodded in turn, and then turned back to Torin, waiting for him to say what he wished. The kobolds kept the civilians corralled and watched behind them, no pursuit coming as yet but that didn't mean that they had a long time to deliberate things.
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

The male Su-Ku-Ta was taken a bit off guard by the familiar tone that the Traveler took with him. This was after all the first conversation that he'd ever personally had with the strange man, yet still he greeted him as if her were a long time friend. The situation was too urgent however to mull over this oddity, and the stargazer pressed for information about the man's presence here as it pertained to these invaders.

Torin had seen too often what standing up to the invaders had cost his people. Only be hitting them unawares and while they were weak had he been able to overcome them. Whenever the creatures launched their own offensive, the policy of those who wanted to survive was to flee, to fight another day. Up until this moment, Torin had agreed with that logic. They were fighting a superior foe with overwhelming numbers. How could they prove to be a match?

But now, the Traveler had arrived, and he seemed so confident, so certain in his plan. How did he know these things? Had he defeated the invaders before on their sky ships? The thought gave the stargazer a rare glimmer of hope.

Upon hearing the angel volunteer her aid, Torin made up his mind to help as well.

"I don't know how much I can do, but if there's a chance to save this city, I'll help you, even if it means my life."

He turned to Elowen. "You should get the others to safety, through to the ocean. If we fail, at least you can take these refugees and escape."
Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

It seemed that her kind attempt to suggest an alternate solution to the Traveler had little effect, with the man continuing to go on about what he needed to do and how urgent it was. Elowen frowned, but she wasn't about to cause an argument at a time like this. It was natural for everyone to have their own ideas about solutions to a given problem, or so she told herself. But hers, for the time being, was to run. There was no shame in that. Nature didn't judge one for fleeing for their lives, for those who succeeded, lived, and those who didn't know when to run, due to stubbornness or otherwise, were very likely to die. Bravery and cowardice were concepts of civilization--not of the wild.

Then she saw him address Torin with such a familiar tone, the kind that old friends would use towards each other. She couldn't help but stare as they exchanged a few words. Were they old acquaintances, colleagues maybe? But such ponderings would have to be left for another time as the traveler pointed out a more relevant detail--that the passage that she had been eyeing from earlier was, indeed, an escape route. She felt more determined than ever to get herself and the others to that place at the end of the tunnel.

Something resounded within Elowen as she heard Torin's words, 'even if it means my life'. She wasn't sure exactly why it hit her, but the unsettling feeling burrowed deep into her chest. The young Su-Ku-Ta had risked his station for her in the past, and now he was going to do it again for another total stranger? Perhaps it was simply because she hadn't been raised to hold the same sense of responsibility as he did... or maybe it had something to do with the Traveler himself. It was hard to tell. Even the angel they had rescued seemed keen on the idea. Maybe she was just overthinking things.

But despite being willing to shoulder the burden, Torin would turn to the nymph and tell her to escape--to run free, as he had before. She remembered the first time he told her such a thing, and the same regret in her heart that he couldn't come with. Was she going to let him go again?

After he urged her to go on ahead, Elowen grabbed Torin's hand. "Torin, wait..." She hesitated, her brow furrowing as she took on an almost sorrowful look, rare as it was. "Don't... don't do anything stupid, okay? I'll see you on the other side." The druid forced a smile, though it was easy enough to see through for most. Then, slowly, she allowed his fingers to gradually slip from her grasp, feeling the regret grow as the physical distance between them increased.

Elowen turned around in time for the tears to start welling up in her eyes. She wouldn't blink to let them fall, however. 'Idiot. You stupid idiot', she cursed herself as she waved for the other refugees and Cosi to follow her towards the escape route. She failed in convincing him to come with her last time, and now she couldn't even manage to get the words out to even try. Maybe there was something to this concept of 'bravery' after all.
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Re: A Fated Gathering (BlueSlime, Takimaru, and Tsuki)

Flinching at the glare, Cosi turned her head away from the mysterious man as she continued to listen to the others converse. While she still did not trust him, the familiarity with which the Su-Ku-Tah warrior and angel spoke, and their unflinching and immediate resolve to aid this man did ease the merfolks suspicions.

"Are you s-..." Cosi trailed off. It wasn't even about losing what was likely going to be her only chance to learn anything about her quest, but about the sheer weight of the situation against them. How likely were they really to succeed, considering a legion of angels had already fallen? But, it was not her place to judge. She glanced at Elowen, who was gesturing for them to go, before looking back at the brave pair that wanted to head back into the chaos above. With a frown, all Cosi could offer was, "Good luck," before she turned to follow the fae.

"He'll be fine. He doesn't look to be the type to do anything wreckless," the 'elf' whispered to Elowen. It might not have been what Cosi believed, but she was trying to console the other, however pitiful it was. "Besides, he has a guardian angel at his side."