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Party Time (Mads)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Mizuko's existence was, while perhaps an eventful stretch of time, not a particularly complicated one. She had come to the freshly christened demon city seeking excitement, and she had found as much in abundance here. Her two favorite hobbies seemed to be shared by the (some might say arguably at this point) darker half of her bloodline, and the demons had accepted her almost without question. It had been rough, certainly, but also a great deal of fun, and that looked ready to continue as she entered yet another recently established seedy tavern.

She'd gotten to know the place over the years, and despite that few could recognize her as her own race given her small stature in comparison, Mizuko had started to develop something of a reputation among the locals. Upon entering the Writhing Dragon's common room, she was immediately greeted by a cheerful hail from a pair of barhoppers she knew, both demons and both male who had raised glasses in her general direction many times before. She was also greeted by a series of glares from a quintet of goblins, however, and she recognized them as members of a tribe that had grown to resent her after she'd beaten them up one too many times.

The place was newly renovated and clearly had only just been reclaimed from the ruin that it had been until recently, the buildings of Artmirst having fallen into disrepair before the demons had fully claimed it and renamed it into Acheron. It was a small place, and off the main roads meaning that it was more for locals than for tourists. Right now it was also mostly empty save for the duo who'd greeted her and the bunch of goblins that were giving her unpleasant eyes, the only other occupant being a single horned woman with pale blue skin and dressed in a skimpy outfit, the tavern's sole serving girl, and the gruff looking pale woman with pointed ears and a grey outfit that was standing behind the counter, undoubtedly the proprietor and, currently, the bartender.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Mizuko gives a faint wave to the two she knows, her iron bracelets jingling in a rather jovial manner. However, as she turns to the goblins, her half-smile turns to a grimace, vitriol spilling from her mouth as she takes an aggressive step towards them, hands already fiddling with the chains in anticipation of a fight, "Didn't I wipe the street with your sorry hides the other day? And a fuck load of the ones before that, too. Heh..."

She grins, taking a seat beside her friends, topaz eyes rolling to them as she dismisses the goblins for now, "Shoulda expected to see you two here, huh? Can you believe those punks, looking at me like that? I'd show the shitheads their places right now, but I want something to drink" Her knuckles strike the bar counter, leaving small cracks from the force, as she barks out her request "Oi! Get me some ale, and make it fuckin' quick! I don't have all day!"

The little oni rests her chin on her fist, elbow on the now-fractured counter, as she waits, impatiently, for her drink, chatting with her fellows. "Aaaanyway, either of you get into any fun since I last saw ya? Or are looking for more, as the case may be?" She chuckles, swinging her legs below her, her bare feet not quite reaching the floor.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine

The group of goblins sneered back at Mizuko at her taunt, the lot of them looking ready to jump her all at once. They didn't, however, and the pair she'd recognized greeted her again with raised glasses. Kanda, a man with the fairly classical features of a demon, curved horns at his temples, spaded tail, bat-like wings, the whole works combined with pale skin, chiseled features, short dark hair, and blood red eyes smirked at Mizuko as she joined them and replied; "They're a bunch of sour grapes, no doubt about it! No need to start with 'em though. Not worth the trouble." Nigrius, the more plain looking of the two compared to the preternatural handsomeness of his incubus comrade, frowned and nodded in agreement, grunting; "Ignore 'em."

When she slammed her hand onto the counter and called out for an ale, cracking the wood in the process, she got a sour look from the bartender. He came by with an ale anyway, however, and clunked it silently down in front of her while Nigrius replied; "Nah. You're the only trouble I get myself into." Being a city guard (albeit off duty currently) that probably wasn't particularly surprising. Kanda, in turn, said; "I might be looking for a bit of trouble, its been too quiet since last we met!"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"Hey, fun fact about grapes," She grins, downing a good half of her drink, a slight tinge appearing on her face, "If ya squish'em, you can make wine!" She giggles mischievously, waving a hand towards the gang of goblins casually, and leaning closer to Kanda, "You think it'd work with them, too?" Her voice is deadpan, until she breaks out into minor hysterics, laughing cheerfully, a couple seconds after asking her question. Her typical, violent humor, much like most of her interaction, overflows.

She finishes the rest of her ale, flipping the cup over to signal a desire for more, and taking a drink from her gourd in the interim. She shifts her position restlessly, now leaning against the bar, elbows holding her in position as she speaks, "And I didn't say trouble! I said fun! There's a difference, though with all this 'Law' bullshit swimming around, the two tend to come in a pack" She grins wide, her almost crazy lust for excitement overriding any sense of caution she might have somehow picked up since the last time she did anything. Her knuckles pop as she interlocks her fingers, stretching a bit.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive

Booze Resistance damage: 7 from the ale, 8 from her gourd, leaving Mizuko at 4/19 Resistance. She gets an instance of tight and an instance of sensitive.

The ale was alright. Not spectacular, not bad... Not even really noteworthy beyond the fact that it was alcoholic, producing a pleasant fire in her belly that threatened to grow quickly into a lustful blaze if she wasn't careful. "Making wine is messy," Nigrius replied stoically to her comment on the grapes. Being an off duty guard, it was still in the man's nature to try and keep the peace. He merely kept his facade as she burst out into laughter, though Kanda happily joined in on the joke, laughing boisterously and downing some of his own ale in cheers. The bartender was quick to come and replace her ale, though in the interim she took a quick swig from the gourd on her back. The sake contained within, stronger than the ale, had a similar effect on her physiology, warming her up and priming her body for things best not done in public even in Acheron.

"They do tend to be one and the same where you're concerned, Miz!" Kanda said jovially, finishing his mug and doing the same thing she'd done, which the bartender quickly replaced for him. Grinning at her, the incubus added; "Not that a bit of trouble's not worth it!" Downing the rest of his own mug, Nigrius got a refill and said; "Its been a quiet week."
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"Quiet?! Shit! A whole damn week of quiet?! How do you LIVE like that?!" she hops up, standing on the stool, carefully keeping her balance as she raises her voice, stomping one foot onto the counter. "The way I see it, quiet is way too common! Parties, fights, excitement!" She cracks her knuckles, grinning crazily, almost panting from how worked up she has gotten herself, slowly reducing her voice to a volume more suited for indoors, though an pulsing, electric undercurrent of exhilaration thrums in every syllable, "So, who's with me?" Her clenched fists and tense muscles carry the unspoken statement that whoever wasn't was about to be on the ground, and maybe the walls, a little. Her head swivels around, from her companions, to the bartender, and finally to the goblins, a hot, vitriolic glare piercing into them, her barely constrained violence made fearsomely clear by her almost feral snarl.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive

A slightly concerned look came over the bartender and her compatriots as Mizuko leaped up onto her stool and made her loud declaration, and Landa quickly tried to defuse the oni by saying; "Woah there chief! Take it easy, you've only just got here! Come down here and lemme get you a shot, your pick." The goblins glared right back at Mizuko, though they were looking at least as confused as they were aggressive at this point.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"Fuck that! How about you get me some space to wipe the floor with those goblins? They are seriously pisssing me off! " she almost yells, now, fist slamming into her open hand as she jumps off the stool, beckoning sadistically to the goblins, her erratic behavior only half-explained by the drink, though most could hold their spirits better than her. She sways into a fluid, ready stance, eyes narrow as she growls, "C'mon...don'tcha wanna go?"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive

"They aren't doing anything to you!" Nigrius grumbled in annoyance, taking a long draw from his ale and staring up at Mizuko derisively. When she jumped down, the goblins glanced at each other, obviously unsure of how to react, while the bartender glared fiercely at her back and Kanda looked about uncertainly, clearly made nervous by the violent atmosphere. "I don't think they're into the idea so much..." the incubus said feebly, but then one of the goblins hopped out of his chair and walked drunkenly up to the oni, his steps swaying. She didn't recognize him from any of her previous encounters with this group, but after taking a long pull from his mug he said; "What do we *hic* get for fighting you?"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"Get...?" mizuko's brow wrinkles as a deeply confused look washes over her face for a moment as she considers for a moment. After pondering, her face lights up in a wicked grin, "Well, if you beat me, there wouldn't be much I could do to stop you if ya felt like...heh, as if you could, though. Either way, it's just like most fights, winner can do whatever they feel like to the loser." she leans forward, putting her hands on her hips, taunting, "Or is that too scary for you?" then, turning slightly, her eyes narrowing, "The hell are you talkin about? They were glarin at me! 'Sides, I bet a few of'em have got a good grudge they feel like settlin' she snickers, swinging back into her playful, tipsy demeanor, "And fighting's fun! Oh, bar...person... do you have a back lot or something? I like the drinks here, wouldn't wanna wreck the whole place. Not gonna let it stop me, though..."
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive

The goblin narrowed his eyes at Mizuko following her explanation, and Nigrius simply sighed and shook his head, evidently happy to stay out of things while Kanda kept looking around nervously. "Take it out back, aye. Door's right there," the bartender grunted, and pointed toward a back door that led onto a somewhat dirty looking patio that obviously hadn't been finished yet. There was a fenced in yard with some scraggly grass and a lot of weeds, not pleasant to look at but perfect for fighting in.

The drunken goblin to whom she had spoken, so drunk that he was swaying slightly in the process of walking outside, looked up at her with a scowl and said; "I am affronted madame! The *hic* implication that we would take advantage of you *hic* following a mere tavern scuffle is highly insulting! Just because we're goblins *hic* doesn't mean we're *hic* rapists! I find that racist! If I *hic* win, I want.... I *hic* want.... That!" He pointed dramatically to the gourd on her back while the other four goblins filed out, followed by Kanda and Nigrius. "And if you win, you get.... You get... Uhhhhh.... This!" he added, producing a flask from his plain brown outfit and waving it at Mizuko.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

She doubles over laughing, barely standing up, so intense is her mirth. "Did you...j-just... bahahaha, madame?!" she turns to Nigrius, jerking a thumb at the goblin "Didja hear that?! Did he go to charm school or some shit? Fucking hilarious!"
Tossing her gourd to the side and grinning, she speaks again to the goblin "So, you want a friendly wager, rather'n winner take any and all? In that case, what's in yer little bottle to be worth betting my gourd?" she smirks, eyeing the flask intently, already anticipating tasting whatever its contents turned out to be, so certain she was of her victory.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive

The goblin narrowed his eyes up at Mizuko. "Why it's *hic* liquor of course! The best in the *hic* world! Made from fermented fruits and herbs found only in the far *hic* away mountains of the Amazon!" he said, jingling the flask under her eyes and causing the liquid inside to slosh around energetically. "It only takes one *hic* sip to get you totally drunk! Never fails! Buuuuut if you don't want it, we can always *hic* battle under proper *hic* faerie terms!"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"I never said I didn't want it, I just asked what it was. Same as I'm asking what the hell 'faerie terms' are." she scowls, hiding her growing interest in the bottle's contents. Slamming a fist into a palm meaningfully, she continues, "And hurry up with th' explainin'! I wanna get to the interesting part!" Her knuckles pop under her grip as she grinds her bare heel into the ground, waiting impatiently.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive

The goblin grinned, "Faerie terms are a piece of clothing for every *hic* hit! And the loser *hic* bottoms in what comes after!"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"Howzat s'posed to be fair? There's...te-no... FIVE of you! An only one o' me!" she crosses her arms, awaiting explanation.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive

"Five!?" the goblin said incredulously, and then turned to his comrades and narrowed his eyes at them. They glanced at one another and then looked back at him uncertainly, and he spun back to Mizuko and said; "Hah! Don't worry 'bout the clothes part then, if'n yer *hic* shy or someat! Sides, I was gonna fight you *hic* one on *hic* one!"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

"Haha, are you the designated stereotype breaker? Lone goblin is just about an ox...reversey words. If it's a one on one, I'll take ya on with those rules. BUT we wager he stuff, too!" she grins self-assuredly, taking stance once more.
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Onzankai No Mizuko: HP = 82, PP = 39, EP = 41, Status = Fine, 4/19 Resistance, +Tight, +Sensitive

"Hah! That's the spirit! *Hic!*" the goblin said happily, pocketing the flask again and adopting... Well it might have been a ready stance to someone, but he was still stumbling about and swaying heavily. "Lets *hic* do this!"
Re: Party Time (Mads)

Mizuko takes one step forward before unleashing a snapping roundhouse kick at the side of the goblin's head, holding her left hand in proper guard position while using her right to maintain balance. She seems to go silent as she draws into the excitement of fighting, eyes shining with wild fury.
Using stunning blow.