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Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Xenus: HP = 30, PP = 40, EP = 50, Status = Fine

Irise: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

Daleah. That's what this town was called!

Xenus and Irise, having met under unknown circumstances and in a place known only to the two of them, had arrived at the small village nestled in the shadow of the mountains after traveling for days, and it was here that they had come. While the small village might be considered an odd place for the experimental wizard and his assistant to settle given its remote location, there were a number of fairly appealing aspects to the isolated little place. For one, the remote nature of it ensured that what few policing bodies remained in the Amazon would leave him well enough alone. For two, the city of Celesis, one of the greatest and most ancient kingdoms in the world prior to the Invasion, had long held both a garrison and a royal outpost there, including a fairly massive library. That meant both safety and a fount of knowledge, in addition to the isolation and relative prosperity offered by the place. Thirdly, many legends swirled around the place, including talk of a dragon that ruled the village in secret and a great sage that lived alone up in the mountains. Finally, the fact that the village held an active quarry ensured a steady supply of stone and bricks, which would be helpful given the volatile nature of the experiments he intended to be doing out here.

Before he could do any of that, however, they would need a place to set up shop, and on that front there were a number of obvious options. There was an abandoned stone building sitting a short ways out of town that looked to have been a tavern of some sort before it had been left to rot for reasons unknown, and they could simply claim that. Buying a property in town was also an option, and would put them closer to supplies but also closer to people that they might disturb by their actions. Searching for a place to construct a lab of their own, either in the jungle or in the mountains, was also possible, albeit fairly dangerous compared to the other options. Finally, they could simply try to get quarters in a tavern, though that would likely be a temporary arrangement at best unless they started making some income.

For the moment they were standing well away from the town proper, but it was clear that the city guard had spotted them. No hostile actions were being taken, but it was fairly reasonable to assume that they'd be greeted with some sort of suspicion by the locals given the rural nature of the village upon which they looked.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)

After a long nondescript journey to the village, the pair stood outside of the town to take note of the choices they had. For Xenus, the surroundings were almost perfect to set up shop. There was plenty of opportunity for science, an opportunity to replace lost building sections because of science, a place to read about science within reach, word of someone who probably knew science in the mountains, and a nice abandoned building to set of a lab in (For science).

But first, they had to decide on where to set up. Neither of them wanted to settle inside the town, knowing that it would lead to trouble down the road with people interrupting them, or complaining about their experiments. No, they valued their privacy enough to want their own place away from the others, but they still had to be reasonably close to town. As such they decided to settle on the abandoned stone building. It appeared to be everything they needed, all they would need to do is add a new lock to the door and repair anything damaged.

Of course, there are reasons why some places are abandoned, and if the guards already saw them, they may as well ask about it, and see how the neighbours would be.
"Well Irise, I think we found a place to stay. I think we can just claim this place and settle in. But before we do any of that, it would be wise to ask the neighbours. We should talk to the guards and see if they know why the previous owner of this place left, and if there are any dangers in the area we need to be aware of. We should also explain to them that we aren't going to hurt them and see what sort of town this is."
With a single gesture of his hand he motioned for her to follow, approaching the city guard at a leisurely pace.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)

Finally it was over, the long and tedious trip to a location that might enable Irise to work again. She was getting anxious, there had been no real indication as to how this new master was. Xenus appeared to be very passionate about his work, at least. Hopefully he would remain that way as the two of them got to start up the grind of science and work. But at the moment, it appeared that they would need to secure a place to do all that. It was a bit weird, for all of her previous masters had already been fully equipped in this capacity right away. When it came to the choices of what they could use as a base of operations, there was only one real choice in her mind. That would be the abandoned house that was a ways off from the town but still close enough that visiting and restocking was an easy thing. Getting the basic shape of the house in working condition would be easy enough, some molding with spirit would fix that problem. They would still need furnishings and other basic supplies though. Settling into the town itself would be too much of a hassle, so that was not good.

Before she could get too much deeper into her thoughts, Irise was addressed by the master, and she snapped out from her pondering. They would meet some people and get to know them, just because they needed to make them aware and trusting of the two. It was a good enough plan, as angry villagers might drive them away if their paranoia got the better of them. "Alright. Let's hope they are not too paranoid about us..." she replied once Xenus had laid out his plan. The bizarre elf would follow in the wake of her employer, remaining near him at all time, but not coming forward as she was not the face of the pair. Instead, she took up position behind him and slightly off to the side, where she would be visible but not massively so. While it felt safe enough, Irise could not prevent herself from holding on to one of her weapons here and there, the choppers resting in a crossed state within the secure back harness that the girl using them had.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)

Xenus: HP = 30, PP = 40, EP = 50, Status = Fine

Irise: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The city guard didn't do too terribly much of note as the odd pair approached, merely gathering in case they should prove hostile, a squad of three up in the tower and another squad of three down on the street. "Halt!" the guardsman in the center of the landbound trio said commandingly as soon as they drew to within ten paces or so. The guards had their weapons out, spears and shields for those on the ground and repeating crossbows for those in the tower, but the bows weren't pointed at them and the spears and shields were held wide apart and loosely. "What brings you to Daleah?" he asked once they'd come to a stop, then awaiting a response from them.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)

The greeting they were given was far from being a new thing to the withdrawn Irise, she had gotten basically the same thing from every place that she had moved into. All of that considered, she had mostly stopped caring about the apparent hostility, no matter how real it was. These people were one of the lax groups, most likely just putting on a front to try and show that they were doing their job. The way they held their weapons revealed this to anyone with sight on their side. Given shouted instructions, the elf did just what was asked, stopping in her tracks to lock into what was nearly unnatural stillness. "You talk to them, Master. I... Am not good with words." she told Xenus, opting to remain silent unless directly questioned about something. Letting the mage manage their business seemed only natural to the assistant.


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)

The wizard stopped at a distance from the guards, staying several steps away so as to not threaten them unknowingly. He looked up to the guards on the tower and then back to the ones on the ground once they spoke."I am a wizard in need of a laboratory to perform my research in. This building by the side of the road appears to be abandoned and initial investigation shows that it likely suits my needs. Before simply claiming it, I would like to know its history and whether or not the city approves of us moving in there. I would also like to request access to any libraries you may have so that I may expand my knowledge." He stood relaxed and at ease. Clearly not there to fight.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)

Xenus: HP = 30, PP = 40, EP = 50, Status = Fine

Irise: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

"...Oh," the guardsman said, evidently surprised by Xenus' intentions, "If that is your intent, I must warn you that the building is haunted. Evil spirits inhabit it, an imprint of the evils done there. If you still wish to use it for.... Whatever you intend to do, the magistrate has the deed and will undoubtedly sell it to you at little cost, assuming he permits it. You will need the librarian's permission to enter the royal library, and they are currently on pilgrimage to the summit of Mt. Keryoleth to the shrine of the great sage."


Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)

"Very well then. I am certain we won't have too much trouble with ghosts. And if we do, we can just move out. Will you be so kind as to show me the way to the magistrate's office?"

A shame about the library, but that could wait. For now the important part was setting up the lab and making sure they had a place to stay. After that, well. They could figure that out when they got there.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)

Ghosts, huh. That bit seemed a bit weird to Irise, but she could not really find that as a reason to hold back on getting the place as their base of operations. The spirits would just have to deal with their presence, for there was need to perform science and do some work. Traveling for days had already left it's mark on the odd elf lady's mind, and she was getting more and more impatient with each passing hour. Terrible thoughts were making their way in there, and she most certainly needed to do something to her need for labor. To quicken the process, she held back on saying or doing anything for now, instead simply opting to go with Xenus and the guard if they could indeed be guided to the offices for what seemed to be an unnecessary side duty to the girl. Why they could not just move to the abandoned building like that was beyond her comprehension.


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Testy Subjects (XSI and Guan Yu)

Xenus: HP = 30, PP = 40, EP = 50, Status = Fine

Irise: HP = 87, PP = 44, EP = 47, Status = Fine

The guardsman glanced at his comrades, who returned to their stations on the wall, and then nodded to Xenus and Irise. "Follow me." Presumably doing as instructed, they were taken to a large building constructed artistically in the style traditionally associated with the cultures of the Amazon, one shaped clearly like a municipal palace and elegantly decorated to display both the personal wealth of the occupants and the overall wealth of the village to those approaching it. They were led inside and made to wait in a small but pleasant room for some time, before eventually they were allowed an audience with the village governor of Daleah.

The old man seated cross-legged on the floor as they walked in looked up at Xenus and Irise through squinted eyes and bushy white eyebrows. The top of his head was bare, but his facial hair was prevalent and meticulously groomed, and that combined with his rich but efficient robes gave him a muted regal aura. He gave a slight nod of his head as they entered, and Xenus knew that the expected answer to that gesture was important. To respond in kind was to mark himself as a social equal, a fairly haughty statement given his low upbringing and homeless status. To respond with a bow would mark him as an inferior, with how much lower dictated by how low he opted to bow. If he didn't respond at all before sitting down, he would be marking the governor as his inferior. Finally, to speak would be to mark himself as a foreigner, which in Amazonian society left you on the rung just over that of a slave.