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Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

The group agrees to continue forward, Kelly nodding silently at your explanation, and looking at Tana with new respect. However, as the trio approach the final bend, they find a gate, barred from the other side. It might be possible to break it down, but even trying is tantamount to forfeiting any element of surprise. Tana brings up the other three routes, and Kelly simply waits for you to make the decision.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Bree smirks at Kelly's look of respect towards Tana as they went onwards. When they came to the gate around the final bend of the tunnel however, Bree was a little pissed off, almost to the point she wanted to just smash it down, regardless of if they knew they were coming. However Tana brought up the other paths they could take, which she didn't really want to use so they could just get this over with, but she figured that it may be best to go ahead and try to find a way around. "Alright girls, let's see if we can find a way around this thing here. Back to the other paths and we'll take the one to the right of here on the way back," Bree quietly said to Kelly and Tana, starting back to where the path split.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

When the group returns to the main hub, nothing much has changed. The same paths radiate out, though a faint... slurping can be heard from the source of the blur glow, echoed, quieter, in the path from which the green light emanates. The two probably connect, somewhere. Bree's companions wait for her response to the sound, well aware that the only other path is littered with webs.
Re: Can she really be the strongest? (Flayer; GMed by Mads)

Making their way back to the crossroads in these tunnels, Bree heard a slurping sound coming from the lighted areas, though it was a little louder from the blueish glowing path, with the only other path being filled with spider webs. Looking to Kelly and Tana, Bree motioned for them to follow her as she headed down the blueish lit path, moving slowly so as to keep quiet as much as possible.

"Kelly stay behind us a bit, Tana stay between me and Kelly okay, now let's move and be quick but quiet," Bree whispered to her sister and friend, taking the lead and staying crouched so that she could move slower and quieter down the blueish pathway, her sword and shield both out still and ready to be used at a moments notice, the slurping sounds causing her a little bit of concern, but they had to go down these other paths to investigate in any case since it felt like suicide to bash that gate down to get through.