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[PIXEL FACTORY[ parasite in city (RJ123294)

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Re: parasite in city

since this was revived, does anyone know if DOT Slave is working on something else?

I thought he was jumping right into a new project and he would post about it on the Parasite blog, but it's been quiet since March.
Re: parasite in city

I'm sorry if its asking too much dot_slave, but can you make the game play on low resource PCs? Forgive my stubbornness.
Re: parasite in city

i'm still alive

later if you can't see my next game

you can blame canada

On behalf of my country, I would like to apologize for any delays we may or may not cause, any annoyance we may cause and just anything we might do to upset you at all.

We can make you pancakes and syrup if it's any consolation!
Re: parasite in city

Welcome back dot_slave! I was afraid you had passed away.

What happened to your programmer? Why is Canada blocking your game?
Re: parasite in city

just some men try brainwash me

his from canada

and my old programmer he going to some were

buy the way "blame canada!"
Re: parasite in city

And if everything goes great?! Then you Praise Canada for it's Superior Intellect!
Re: parasite in city

In Fact... If we have Awsome new content in a few months then everyone should Praise Canada! But mostly me.
Re: parasite in city

Kyrieru is from Canada; just saying.
Re: parasite in city

Oh thank god. I lost alan smithee and gabyouana but i almost lost hope on you. At least you came out to check on us. Just waiting on any news on whats next.
Re: parasite in city

We really do keep tabs on what is going on, But we have other sites to monitor and when we are deep in creation mode we don't spend to much time chatting. We will have some awesome stuff to show very soon.

Just remember this stuff takes time.

BTW if you haven't already check out Ill's new update to D&P It's really great stuff.
Re: parasite in city

This is all I could think of:
Re: parasite in city

We really do keep tabs on what is going on, But we have other sites to monitor and when we are deep in creation mode we don't spend to much time chatting. We will have some awesome stuff to show very soon.

Just remember this stuff takes time.

BTW if you haven't already check out Ill's new update to D&P It's really great stuff.

damn you canadian!
Re: parasite in city

I am a programmer but my skills are inferior and i think i cant help xD. But what is the language you are using for your game? just curious

i don't care using what but never use flash
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