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ADV RPG Maker [blueaxolotl] Vitamin Plus (Remake launched)

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Re: Vitamin Plus

No, theres a difference:) he didnt ''steal' it, but its his first game and im sure after knowing the guy that he wouldnt steal it if he knew it was wrong. like i said its his first game and he didnt know that he couldnt use the images from butakoma:) anyway, all of that is in the past.. because mega vitamin doesnt exist anymore, and this game DOES have the official approval of butagoma himself:) so it really isnt even worth talking about anymore:)

the ''stealing'' he did was like finding 100 bucks on the street and taking it for yourself, only to have the owner come to your house and requesting it back:) same thing happened there:)
Well, it is in the past by the fact it happened previous to now. This product still is a result of those actions though.

Please tell me how he didn't "steal it" after you go on to admit that he stole it.

No, it's like finding 100 bucks in someone's house, taking it home, then try to give it out to others when the owner stops you.
Re: Vitamin Plus

I mean, you did say stealing, right? Cuz it sounded like you didn't deny that at all, just excused it with the most naive bullshit response I've ever heard.


I wasn't even rude to the guy. I was like "You know you should have just asked him, right?" to avoid troubles with his game and with stealing the artists work and hurting Buta. A lot of people don't seem to understand the problems it causes with copyright and ownership when you take someones art and publish it in a game, free or not. Just because the artist doesn't want to talk to you, it doesn't mean it's okay to just steal it. You don't have the right to take whatever you please.

Worst part is that he was using art Buta was trying to sell in his games on DLsite, not just his random art as well, potentially cutting into his profits. Just some inconsiderate guy that should have been forced to cancel his game. Not like it's that difficult to just replace the images in his game anyways, so it's not like he lost work on his project. He just lost what shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Again, Buta is way too generous in my opinion. I wouldn't help someone that stole from me. It's the difference between asking someone for money and stealing money from them in whether or not you ask permission to use someones art like this. I'd be glad to help most people in the former example in this case.

I just hope some people see messages like this and remember to think about the artists before they use their work without permission.
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Re: Vitamin Plus

again..vitamin plus was never on dlsite and it probably never will be.. its a free game made by someone that has put a lot of time and effort in it..you should give him credit for that instead of just saying that he didnt deserve to be helped:) he made a great game and deserves recognition for it:)

Now, to get to the point, he didnt know he was stealing from the guy because he PAID for his work.. meaning that he bought work from buta from dlsite, thinking that he was free to use it as he pleased..:)
Re: Vitamin Plus

again..vitamin plus was never on dlsite and it probably never will be.. its a free game made by someone that has put a lot of time and effort in it..you should give him credit for that instead of just saying that he didnt deserve to be helped:) he made a great game and deserves recognition for it:)

Now, to get to the point, he didnt know he was stealing from the guy because he PAID for his work.. meaning that he bought work from buta from dlsite, thinking that he was free to use it as he pleased..:)

Why are you talking about this like you're a 3rd party? It's pretty obvious that the creator of this is you. He also called me a troll just for telling him he was wrong to steal Buta's artwork (While trying to insult me). People disagreeing with you isn't trolling. You're saying the exact same things that that guy said before.

Is it that hard to just say "I was wrong to steal his work/use his work without permission, but I'm glad he looked passed that/forgave me and allowed me to use it in the end"? Lol. So many excuses. Even if it isn't you, I don't know why you'd continue to make excuses for the guy.

I wouldn't play this game. It seems like its only good points are Buta's artwork. You don't deserve recognition just for creating a game.
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Re: Vitamin Plus

im not the creator, actually my username on hongfire is Mysticaxeman.. im not creating excuses, im just telling you how things really are.. but if you are too much of a troll to realise how real life happens sometimes then thats not my problem:)

He paid for butas work, thought it was ok to use it, after a while he found out that it wasnt, and he immediately stopped using the images..he didnt continue as you make it appear to be.

now with butas approval he can continue, so either realise that his work is completely legal now, and that he didnt mean to steal anything but thought he was in the right in doing the things he did because he paid for it, or just keep being a complete bitch about it and keep nagging everyone..people that want to try his game will still download it and play it.. even if some random guy(you) tells them they shouldnt because he broke copyright before:) he isnt doing that now, he apologized for it, stopped using it, so stop pestering other people with your childish behaviour:) k thnx bb
Re: Vitamin Plus

Why are you talking about this like you're a 3rd party? It's pretty obvious that the creator of this is you. He also called me a troll just for telling him he was wrong to steal Buta's artwork (While trying to insult me). People disagreeing with you isn't trolling. You're saying the exact same things that that guy said before.

Is it that hard to just say "I was wrong to steal his work/use his work without permission, but I'm glad he looked passed that/forgave me and allowed me to use it in the end"? Lol. So many excuses. Even if it isn't you, I don't know why you'd continue to make excuses for the guy.

I wouldn't play this game. It seems like its only good points are Buta's artwork. You don't deserve recognition just for creating a game.

i dont see how u can think like that if he has permission now i mean if u created a game but took some artwork from another source and then got permission to use with the artist backing you and going out of the way to make art for it it seems like he wants it to be liked (buta that is)also its free it would be one thing if he charged but i don't see a reason to be so up in arms about it thats just my opinion though sorry for interrupting you guys argument i just felt the need to say that also check his blog he does talk about that in the beyond the game section(what happened with the artwork that is)
Re: Vitamin Plus

i dont see how u can think like that if he has permission now i mean if u created a game but took some artwork from another source and then got permission to use with the artist backing you and going out of the way to make art for it it seems like he wants it to be liked (buta that is)also its free it would be one thing if he charged but i don't see a reason to be so up in arms about it thats just my opinion though sorry for interrupting you guys argument i just felt the need to say that also check his blog he does talk about that in the beyond the game section(what happened with the artwork that is)

thanks for proving my point..you are awesome:)
Re: Vitamin Plus

Game file was flagged by my browser as malicious as soon as it finished DLing.
Re: Vitamin Plus

It's pretty malicious if you're not into beastiality and incest.

Other than that... It's pretty harmless.
Re: Vitamin Plus

Just thought I'd drop by...After all I'm getting insulted while I'm not even in the conversation. So for all the people here who don't know what happened, let me sum things up :

- I created Mega Vitamin using Butakoma's Artwork without his permission
- He discovered it and asked me to delete my game (which I did)
- He then came back to me saying he would agree that I keep on working on my game if I respected some conditions.
- I respected his conditions and started working on my game again
- He proposed me to draw 6 exclusives scenes for the game.
- Now the game is out.

And now you have this good old FruitSmoothie who comes on my Hongfire thread (where he never set a foot before) the even day I declare Butakoma asked me to delete my game (so I wasn't really joyful at that time) and here's what he wrote :

Are you fucking kidding me? You took an artists hardwork over years and years of practice and tried to make a game out of it? I just found this thread and it sickens me. You think just because his art is posted online that you can do whatever you want with it without permission? Do you know how badly this guy could sue your ass into oblivion for all the copyright infringement? I've seen people get major shit for using ONE piece of work from an artist and here you have like this entire guys gallery? Are you completely dense to how much work and dedication it took this artist to get as good as they have and build a gallery that big?

I love this artist (Butakoma 300g), and feel so terrible for him for what you've done here. I really hope he's okay.

Ark Thomas you are seriously a terrible person for not considering the artist and how this would effect them. I hope you are punished for this.

So I'd lie if I said I'm not here to argue, but when you say somthing like :

I wasn't even rude to the guy

You seriously need to review the definition of the word "rude".

So of course I insulted you. Your whole point would be valid if the following statement was true : "People can't find his artwork on the net". Which is unfortunately not true. So you want to insult me because I stole his artwork ? Go on. But don't forget to check each thread of each game that has images that doesn't belong the game creator and to bitch about it, and also don't forget to send an email to each person that download illegaly Butakoma's artwork. I think it should keep you entertained for the next 10 years.

I will finish by saying you're certainly the most hypocrite guy I've ever seen, defending an artist on this site where I just needed 2 clicks to find free downloads of dlsite games...

As for the other people, don't hesitate to tell me what you think about the game.

spaminator -> it's maybe due to the fact the the main archive of the game is crypted and your browser sees it as a threat, but don't worry, there are no viruses, malwares or whatever in the zip.
Re: Vitamin Plus

Came out of lurking just to say to Ark: Don't worry about people's bullshit. You made a great game, got an artist's attention with it, and went on to work with that very artist. It's my opinion that people should either thank you for the game they are enjoying or stfu. Also; thanks ^_^
Re: Vitamin Plus

I don't completely understand what I'm looking at. At first, I assumed all of this is for this same game, but is it not? Cuz I'm sure I saw a game there that I've seen before? Is it just a collection of some of that artist's works?

You are thinking of vitamin quest


Well, it is in the past by the fact it happened previous to now. This product still is a result of those actions though.

Please tell me how he didn't "steal it" after you go on to admit that he stole it.

No, it's like finding 100 bucks in someone's house, taking it home, then try to give it out to others when the owner stops you.

It's not stealing if Ark actually paid for the artwork in the first place. At worst, it can be regarded as illegal distribution (e.g. when you upload music from ripped fom a CD you bought), and at best it's simply abuse of fair usage (e.g. you are allowed to make only so many photocopies of pages from a licensed book, any more than that and you are breaking fair usage).
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Re: Vitamin Plus

dam these puzzle at day 11 its hurting my braini canr solving it! :confused:
Re: Vitamin Plus

deathwing25 -> You might want to check the new version I just uploaded. I reduced the difficulty of the puzzles ^^

And thanks for the comments guys ^^
Re: Vitamin Plus

Out of curiosity, are you ever going to look into improving the grammar/writing of the game? Ordinarily when a game's dialogue is spotty or bad, I can just ignore it, but when the game basically has no purpose other than 'dialogue over hentai CGs' it's kind of impossible to ignore. It's all at least understandable, so good job there, but often times the dialogue is so awkwardly written that it just winds up making me laugh. Which probably isn't the intent.

Props for all the work you've put into this game, and for getting the artist's permission, but for me this is a critical problem that makes it kind of impossible to take seriously.
Re: Vitamin Plus

I'd love to correct all the grammar errors. I know there are tons of them. After all english is not my native language. However it seems that the quantity of work a global correction would represent is too much to handle for people who tried it.

In one year and a half, I recruited around 5 people willing to correct all the faults of the game. And I'm still waiting a single one of them to give me something (meaning they've all given up).

I'll post a "recruitment" topic on my blog to see if people are interested, but I'm not sure I'll find someone.

But yeah, correcting the mistakes is something I hope achieving someday, more on the long term than short term ^^
Re: Vitamin Plus

anyone got save file after tetris puzzle!pls!
impossible to get 2500 point at tetris
Re: Vitamin Plus

Hmm. The mediafire link on the blog isn't working atm. Not sure if a problem on my end or yours, Ark. :confused:
Re: Vitamin Plus

What is exactly the problem ? You can't download the game or the file downloaded is corrupted ?

If it's the first problem, I can't help you since I can download it without problem. If it's the second problem, I'll try to see if I can reupload it (maybe something occured during the first upload). Then again I tried downloading it entirely and I had no problem with it.

It maybe comes from your country (you know file hosters and countries -_-). You were having problem with the previous versions, or is it the first time you're downloading it ?
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