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Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Elise: 4 vs. Scylla: 9.

Elise can't struggle free.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Brianna: 19+5=24 vs. Lich Queen: 15.

With a surge, Brianna shoves the Lich Queen off of her!

Brianna casts her Mantra of Speed spell, losing 50 MP. She has 145 MP left.

Attack Rolls:

Brianna: 24+5=29, 30+5=35, 12+5=17, 23+5=28 & 22+5=27 vs. Lich Queen: 13, 20, 13, 14 & 7. Counter Attack = NO.

Brianna launches a flurry of hits, with all of them landing. Brianna does more damage than the Lich has health left, and quite literally beats her until her body explodes in a shower of gore. Then, turning her fury upon the Scylla attacking her lover, Brianna bounds over.

Free Elise Attempt:

Brianna: 28+5=33 vs. Scylla: 10.

Brianna shoves the Scylla off Elise!

Grapple Attempt:

Scylla: 19 vs. Elise: 16. Counter Attack = YES.

Elise is waiting for the Scylla this time, and just as it seems she'll be grabbed again, she twists and lands a counter attack for 400 Damage! The Scylla has 400 HP left.



2: Sympathy Sex/Rape Brianna? :p
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise struggled as best she could to get free of the scylla, who's tentacles were trying their best to bind her back so she could rape her. Brianna she noticed finally managed to get the lich off of her, where she then cast her mantra to give them a better chance to win their fight. While she was struggling with the scylla some more, Elise caught sight of Brianna killing the lich queen before she herself got free, making her feel less useful by the minute as Brianna despite being grabbed was already free and had defeated her opponent, and she'd seemed to have done so every battle so far, Elise thought.

"Dammit, you stupid squid bitch. Gonna make you pay for that making me look bad in front of my Brianna," Elise growled after Brianna knocked the scylla off of her, an angry look on her face.

Watching the scylla come at her again, Elise twisted at the last moment and spun around, slicing her daggers out into the scylla's body and cutting her a bit as she forced her back, a new and determined look on her face to get this over with now. "Come here bitch, you're going down," Elise cried, going at the scylla with renewed vigor as she slashed her daggers out at the thing.

[1. attack using Swift Edge Chain.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

((LOL so apparently I gave Brianna THREE turns on that last run, one to get free and then a second one without the Mantra to cast it. Oops! GM's error in your favor! :p))

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 6 vs. Scylla: 19. Counter Attack = NO.

((Changing the combat system a little, doing the Counter Attack Rolls BEFORE other rolls, then time doesn't get wasted on a series of rolls only to make them completely worthless.))

Elise flat out misses her first set of attacks, and in her anger, she is careless on her second attack, and pays the price for it. Just like how she countered the Scylla earlier, this time the Scylla counters her, and before she knows it, Elise is being raped inside that tentacled pussy! Elise suffers 55 pleasure and gains 75 KP. She has 125 Stamina left, while the Scylla has only 75.

Free Elise Roll:

Brianna: 21+5=26 vs. Scylla: 27

Brianna: 24+5=29 vs. Scylla: 5.

Brianna takes two tries, but she shoves the Scylla off Elise once more.


1: Try again to kill it!

2: Have sex with someone?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Going at the scylla yet again, Elise managed only to muck herself up as she tripped herself up and fell right into the Scylla's waiting tentacles, where she was quickly mounted and the scylla began bouncing on her, with Elise letting out a squeal of pleasure as she felt her dick enveloped within that tentacled snatch. Brianna was on the ball though now and quickly rescued her from the scylla, where Elise got back up, angrier than before even and was about to rush in again before she took a moment to catch her breath and go at this more slowly so she didn't just tumble right into the scylla's tentacles again.

"Alright, Brianna go left, I'll go right, and we'll meet in the middle," Elise whispered to Brianna, winking at Brianna and darting to the right of the scylla, coming in and attacking again in a more calm fashion.

(Same thing, Swift Edge Chain.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Attack Rolls:

Elise: 6 vs. Scylla: 17.

Elise: 28 & 14 vs. Scylla: 5 & 21.

Elise lands one hit for 150 damage, leaving the Scylla with 250 HP. All of her other skills are off cool down.

Brianna: 15+5=20 vs. Scylla: 7.

Brianna finally KILLS the Scylla, the two pronged attack getting the job done!

Loot Phase:

Scylla: NOTHING!

Lich Queen: Map Piece!

Brianna picks up the map piece from the Lich Queen, pointing out the stairwell they need, and shuddering slightly.


1: Move On.

2: Stop and ask her what's wrong.

3: Move on and ask her what's wrong.

4: Other?
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise spun around as she and Brianna went at the scylla again, her daggers flashing out and slashing the scylla a good bit as she went at her. Brianna followed up and finished her off with an attack, her magics taking her out. Once the scylla was dead, Elise saw the lich queen drop them both a map piece to add while the damned scylla left nothing for them.

"Damn... nothing more than the map piece. Was hoping we could get something else nifty, but oh well. Anyway honey, what's wrong? You look a bit down," Elise said, wrapping an arm around Brianna's shoulders and hugging her a little bit as she prepared to move on.

(3. move on and ask what's wrong.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Moving onward, the women continued through a completely empty portion of the place, with Brianna sighing slightly.

"Just thinking about how many times I may have to kill something that's carrying one of my unborn children. I impregnated that Lich Queen Elise. Unfortunately, we may have to do this countless times. I came across a journal a while back, I think it was written by someone who came before us. In it she goes on to describe how children born of a 'monster' mother mature instantly, and attempt to rape their mothers. Not sure about you, but I don't particularly relish the idea of being forced to give up my seed, and then having my daughter, borne of one of these ... THINGS attempt to rape me right after she's born. What scares me though is that if this corruption bit muddles with our minds the way I suspect it might ... there may come a time we don't care, or even enjoy that kind of thing. That ... it really bothers me."


1: Move and talk.

2: Stop and finish this conversation (chance to be caught)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise waited for Brianna to speak, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and silently listening to what her beloved had to say, not interrupting her. "I see... well... I can't say I like it either to be honest honey. But... I don't see any other option other than to suck it up and move forward. I don't want to get raped by any succubus daughters I may have thanks to these... things, but odds are I'm gonna be so I've accepted for the most part that it's gonna be unavoidable in some situations. But I won't let them break me... not that easily. But... I refuse to kill my children though, even if they are the evil offspring of a coupling with anything here," Elise replied, giving her own thoughts on the matter. "I mean, they are still my children, and me their parent. But sometimes a child needs a spanking, so I might do that instead of killing them, to teach them a lesson," she added with a smirk, winking at Brianna to try and cheer her up a bit.

[1. Keep moving and chatting, but keep an eye out for anything useful or anyone coming at them.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna half shrugged.

"I have a feeling it'll require more than a spanking to straighten this bunch out."

Walking along, they came to a gargantuan room, one that seemed to have two different 'rings' in the center of it, with a small demon like imp standing there. When he saw them, he waved to them.

"Hello! I'm the arena guardian. This arena is for pure sexual combat, and you can use it to better understand what you may face off against on this world. The rewards for winning are:

Tier 1 Rewards (Win 3 games to 2): HP Potion (1-250), MP Potion (251-500), Handgun Ammo/Handgun (501-750), Rejuvination Potion (751-1000).

Tier 2 Rewards (Win 3 games to 1): Mervan Magnum/Ammo (251-500), Full Rejuvination Potion (501-750), KL Lowering Potion (751-1000), Map Piece (1-250).

Tier 3 Rewards (Win 3 games to 0): One Use Item (choice) (334-667), KL Lowering Potion (1-333), Map Piece (668-1000).

and the penalties for losing are:

Lose 3 games to 2: 500 KP.
Lose 3 games to 1: 1,500 KP.
Lose 3 games to 0: 5,000 KP.

The choice is yours if you want to participate. If you do, I'll explain the types of attacks you will have used against you, and the types of attacks you may use in here. If you do not, then leave now."

After finishing his little speech, he looked up to the both of them expectantly.


1: Participate in this arena of sex.

2: No thanks.

((First Arena Spawn of the game, this could be fun.))
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"Nah Brianna, you worry too much. I'm sure we can manage it," Elise said, with a smile, wrapping an arm around and holding Brianna close.

As they went, Elise noticed the giant room they stepped into after a bit, where she pulled up her weapons and readied herself for a fight. Looking around at the small demon that spoke to them, Elise narrowed her eyes and waited until he was done. Hearing what the possible rewards were, Elise looked over at Brianna with a curious and rather hopeful look.

"Well honey, things might be looking up for us. I say we do it, because another map piece would be good definitely. I'm for it Brianna. You up for it? A good one on one match will be good for us I think," Elise said, obviously getting riled up at the thought of this arena.

[1. Elise will participate, leaving it up to Brianna if she wants to participate or not.]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Brianna thought for a moment then nodded.

"I'm in. What do we have to do?"

The Demon Imp nodded once.

"First, we see what opponent you draw. Depending on if your opponent is a Male or Female will depend on the attacks you may see, or get to use. Let's see ...."

Conjuring up some kind of magical 'dice' construct, he began to lay the format out for their respective fights.

Elise's Draw: Fallen Angel.

Brianna's Draw: Doppelganger Succubus.

Nodding, the Demon once more spoke.

"Alright, so both of you drew female enemies, which makes explaining things easier. In both of your cases, the attacks you will use, and have used against you are the exact same. Those attacks are:

Handjob - Deals 25 Pleasure.
Blowjob - Deals 35 Pleasure.
Pussy Riding - Deals 45 Pleasure.

Both you and your opponent will be magically set to 250 stamina each. To begin with, you ladies will choose the opening attack to be used. For example, if one of you chooses to start off using a handjob, then both you and your opponent must use that attack until one of you has an orgasm from it. The winner picks what attack they wish to use next, while the loser must continue to use the same attack until they win. A 'game' lasts until someone has an orgasm. The series can last a total of up to 5 games, but can end as quickly as 3 games. Once you are inside the arena with your opponent, whoever can react first once the bell sounds gets the first attack. Oh, and one last thing. An attack will continue until the defender resists pleasure. Then the defender will become the attacker, and vice versa. So while it is possible for you to bring your opponent to an orgasm without them getting a chance to attack you back, remember that they can do the same to you. Are you ready to begin?"
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Looking at the demon man as he rolled the dice to see what their opponents would be, Elise watched the dice fling out of his hand. After he'd rolled per se, Elise saw she would be going up against a fallen angel. When she saw what Brianna would be going up against, she couldn't help but smirk a bit. "Well, you get the succubus huh Brianna. Hope you're not too sensitive right now, I think we both know all too well just how tough they can be to defeat sexually," Elise said with a smirk at Brianna, teasing her a bit before adopting a more serious look. "But seriously sweetie... be careful, and don't give in that easily alright. We can win this I'm sure," she added to Brianna before turning to the man and nodding her head.

"I'm ready when you are pal. Let's get this fight started. Can I know what this... fallen angel can do to me though first at least?" Elise said to the demon guy, wanting a bit of info on her opponent at least, but if he wouldn't tell her, then Elise would just figure that she'd have to do it herself.

When everything was ready, Elise would step into the arena and prepare to start this... sex fight as it obviously was.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

The Demon tilted his head to the side, probably not understanding the question.

"I did mention the attacks usable. If you are worried about full blown corruption from this one fight, I can tell you that won't happen. As for anything else such as what she looks like ..."

He grinned wickedly as he transported her into the arena, adding, "you're about to see for yourself.'

Elise found herself in a medium sized 'dome' with her opponent, a stunningly beautiful woman who had angel wings, save for the fact they were a demonic black in color, and her eyes were a glowing fiery red. Smiling at Elise, the Fallen Angel said, "Yes, you'll do. Choose the attack you wish to begin with from the following three, Handjob, Blowjob or a Pussy Riding. Once you have made that decision, we can begin.

Meanwhile Brianna found herself in a dome as well, coming face to face with ... herself. Blinking several times, Brianna suddenly realized the copy of her was a bit more seductive looking, and it dawned on her that this was the Doppelganger Succubus. Smiling at Brianna, she said almost the same thing to her as the Fallen Angel had to Elise, although she couldn't know that.

Thinking a moment, Brianna made her decision.

"We'll start with the Blowjob then. Ready when you are."

The Succubus only nodded, indicating a line on the ground where Brianna was to stand before taking position herself. Once they were both set, the bell went off, and Game 1 was on!


Brianna: 17
Succubus: 25

Game 1: Blowjob - Deals 35 Pleasure.

Brianna's Stamina: 250/250
Doppelganger Succubus Stamina: 250/250

The Succubus reacted first, making use of her binding spell, trapping Brianna in a familiar place, a magical chair!

1st Attack: Doppelganger Succubus: 3 vs. 25.

Brianna resists the very first attempt to pleasure her, and finds herself free! Immediately, she thinks about the same type of chair restraint, and finds herself as the attacker!

1st Attack: Brianna: 29 vs. 21. 35 Pleasure Done, Succubus: 215 Stamina.

2nd Attack: Brianna: 19 vs. 9. 35 Pleasure Done, Succubus: 180 Stamina.

3rd Attack: Brianna: 26 vs. 20. 35 Pleasure Done, Succubus: 145 Stamina.

4th Attack: Brianna: 4 vs. 23. "Round" 1 of Game 1 Complete.


Brianna: 250/250 Stamina.
Succubus: 145/250 Stamina.

Brianna's attack was resisted, and suddenly she finds herself trapped in the chair again!

1st Attack: Succubus: 24 vs. 1. 35 Pleasure done, Brianna: 215 Stamina.

2nd Attack: Succubus: 19 vs. 21. Resist.

Brianna: 215/250
Succubus: 145/250

1st Attack: Brianna: 22 vs. 4. 35 Pleasure done, Succubus: 110 Stamina.

2nd Attack: Brianna: 14 vs. 30. Set 2 Ends.

Brianna: 215/250
Succubus: 110/250

Brianna finds herself in the chair again!

1st Attack: Succubus: 30 vs. 20. 35 Pleasure done, Brianna: 180 Stamina.

2nd Attack: Succubus: 23 vs. 4. 35 Pleasure done, Brianna: 145 Stamina.

3rd Attack: Succubus: 13 vs. 20. Resisted.

Brianna: 145/250
Succubus: 110/250

1st Attack: Brianna: 21 vs. 24. Resisted.

Brianna again is put into the chair!

1st Attack: Succubus: 21 vs. 13. 35 Pleasure done, Brianna: 110 Stamina.

2nd Attack: Succubus: 8 vs. 16. Resisted.

Brianna: 110/250
Succubus: 110/250

1st Attack: Brianna: 10 vs. Succubus: 29. Resisted.

Brianna is back in the chair!

1st Attack: Succubus: 12 vs. 7. 35 Pleasure done, Brianna: 75 Stamina.

2nd Attack: Succubus: 26 vs. 6. 35 Pleasure done, Brianna: 40 Stamina.

3rd Attack: Succubus: 24 vs. 8. 35 Pleasure done, Brianna: 5 Stamina.

4th Attack: Succubus: 28 vs. Brianna: 21. 35 Pleasure done, Brianna: ORGASM!

The 1st Game went back and forth for a long while, Brianna dealing a decent amount of 'damage' herself, and taking control early. However, the Succubus managed to keep herself in the game, and finally fought back to tie it. After Brianna failed to pleasure her foe again, the Succubus took over, and got a rhythm going. Brianna couldn't fight off the pleasure this time, and slowly she felt herself losing control of this Game. During the middle of the sexual onslaught, Brianna lost control of herself, half enjoying the sensation of being sucked off by herself. For a moment, she wondered what it'd feel like to orgasm into essentially her own mouth, to be deep throated by herself.

Suddenly Brianna realized that she really should fight back, that she shouldn't go down in an orgasm after starting off so well, at least not yet. Desperately, she struggled, thrashing in the confines of the chair, trying to fight her pleasure, but she couldn't. She couldn't stop what had already truly gotten going, and her double continued to mercilessly suck her off, until finally, the pleasure of getting a blowjob from herself became too much for Brianna to handle. Her orgasm came hot and fast, a wild, uncontrollable spurting as she reached her peak. A scream of pleasure erupted from her lips as she felt her own tongue toying with her head, coaxing out her pleasurably spurting seed even as her double greedily sucked her seed down. At the peak of her orgasm, her double deep throated her, and Brianna whimpered in pleasure, toes curling and her fingers clawing at the sides of the chair she was restrained in. Brianna couldn't take it, and lost Game 1!

End of Game 1 Stats:

Brianna: 250/250 (1 Orgasm)
Succubus: 110/250 (Won 1 Game.)

Succubus Leads 1-0.

Game 2 will commence on the next post.

Options for Elise:

1: Select the Handjob.

2: Select the Blowjob.

3: Select Pussy Ride.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

"Okay then... I guess I'll figure things out for myself in that case," Elise said before she was transported to an arena.

When she landed in the arena, Elise looked around and saw the fallen angel before her, black feathered wings slowly waving in the air behind her. When the fallen angel spoke, Elise nodded and thought for a long few moments before looking back up at her, hoping that Brianna was alright in her arena duel.

"Alright my dear... let's start off with dick sucking. I've been told I'm an expert at it before, so let's test it out and see if I really am. What do you say, hmm?" Elise replied confidently to the fallen angel, smirking at her before stepping in close, unsure of how this was supposed to happen exactly, but ready for anything.

[2. Blowjob it up you fallen angel bitch!]
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Nodding slightly, the Fallen Angel took her position, and Elise was shown to hers. When the bell went off ....

Initiative Roll:

Fallen Angel: 7
Elise: 30

Elise was able to get the jump, and found herself using a magical chair type attack! Then came the time for her to try and rape her foe!

Game 1: Blowjob - Deals 35 Pleasure.

1st Attack: Elise: 15 vs 20. Elise is resisted!

The Fallen Angel suddenly was free, and had turned the tables on Elise!

1st Attack: Fallen Angel: 12 vs. 9. 35 Pleasure Done, Elise: 215 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Fallen Angel: 11 vs. 5. 35 Pleasure Done, Elise: 180 Stamina.
3rd Attack: Fallen Angel: 7 vs. 5. 35 Pleasure Done, Elise: 145 Stamina.
4th Attack: Fallen Angel: 21 vs. 10. 35 Pleasure Done, Elise: 110 Stamina.

5th Attack: Fallen Angel: 8 vs. 21. Elise resists!


Fallen Angel: 250/250
Elise: 110/250

Elise's turn.

1st Attack: Elise: 26 vs. 9. 35 Pleasure Done, Angel: 215 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Elise: 24 vs. 25. Resisted!

Fallen Angel's Turn.

1st Attack: Fallen Angel: 14 vs. 26. Resisted.


Fallen Angel: 215/250
Elise: 110/250.

Elise's Turn:

1st Attack: Elise: 24 vs. 18. 35 Pleasure Done, Angel: 180 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Elise: 15 vs. 9. 35 Pleasure Done, Angel: 145 Stamina.
3rd Attack: Elise: 5 vs. 17. Resisted!

Fallen Angel's Turn.

1st Attack: Fallen Angel: 18 vs. 9. 35 Pleasure Done, Elise: 75 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Fallen Angel: 14 vs. 7. 35 Pleasure Done, Elise: 40 Stamina.
3rd Attack: Fallen Angel: 23 vs. 13. 35 Pleasure Done, Elise: 5 Stamina.
4th Attack: Fallen Angel: 20 vs. 9. 35 Pleasure Done, Elise: ORGASM!


Fallen Angel: 145/250, Leads 1-0.
Elise: 250/205, Trails 1-0.

Elise managed a few good attacks here and there, but the Fallen Angel was more consistent than she was, and that proved to be her undoing. After her initial attack was resisted, Elise got sucked on for a few minutes, losing stamina fast. While she was able to then resist and get a few hits in, eventually the Fallen Angel got her right where she wanted Elise, and there was nothing she could do. Trapped in the chair again, Elise could only buck in pleasure as her climax approached, and finally the skill of her foe was too much to ignore. Like a gunshot, Elise wildly spurted her orgasm into the mouth of the Fallen Angel, the intensity of the blowjob finally defeating her! After her orgasm, she found herself still in the chair, the Fallen Angel still on her turn, but waiting.

"When you're ready, I'll proceed to my second attack, and we'll continue."


Brianna found Game 2 ready to start, and nodding that she was ready, she discovered the next attack she'd have to fight!

Game 2: Brianna giving Blowjob (35 dmg), Succubus giving Handjob (25 dmg).

Succubus up 1st.

1st Attack: Doppelganger Succubus: 18 vs. 26. RESISTED.

Brianna's turn.

1st Attack: Brianna: 22 vs. 10. 35 Pleasure done, Succubus: 75 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Brianna: 7 vs. 3. 35 Pleasure done, Succubus: 40 Stamina.
3rd Attack: Brianna: 23 vs. 10. 35 Pleasure done, Succubus: 5 Stamina.
4th Attack: Brianna: 11 vs. 20. RESISTED.


Brianna: 250/250 (Giving Blowjob)
Doppelganger Succubus: 5/250 (Giving Handjob).

Succubus' turn.

1st Attack: Doppelganger Succubus: 13 vs. 8. 25 Pleasure done, Brianna: 225 Stamina.

2nd Attack: Doppelganger Succubus: 27 vs. 8. 25 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 200 Stamina.

3rd Attack: Doppelganger Succubus: 30 vs. 16. 25 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 175 Stamina.

4th Attack: Doppelganger Succubus: 12 vs. 1. 25 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 150 Stamina.

5th Attack: Doppelganger Succubus: 20 vs. 19. 25 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 125 Stamina.

6th Attack: Doppelganger Succubus: 5 vs. 28. RESISTED.

Brianna's Turn.

1st Attack: Brianna: 15 vs. 13. 35 Pleasure Done, Succubus ORGASM!

Brianna manages to suck off her double to an orgasm, tying her series!


Brianna: 125/250, Tied 1-1, awaiting new attack
Doppelganger Succubus: 250/250 (Giving Handjob). Tied 1-1.


1: Continue. (really the only choice, but giving you a chance to respond to the latest outcomes, that and keep this from getting to be too big a post!)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise saw the magical chair spring up and capture the fallen angel in its grasp after the angel failed to capture her and really do anything, where she went down on her and grasped her dick in one hand and wrapped her tongue around the tip, giving it a few tentative licks before wrapping her lips around it and deepthroating it. Elise could tell that the fallen angel was liking her lips around her dick, but it seemed that her blowjob skills just weren't up to par from the looks of it, as the fallen angel was able to resist her advances after a minute or so.

Elise yelped in surprise as she was scooped up and put into a chair herself, where the fallen angel made short work of her, Elise's resistance not even a factor in her onslaught apparently. She moaned and squealed as her most sensitive places were found by the fallen angel, who slurped her cock like a lollipop. She could feel her balls already clenching in preparation to spurt her load within only a couple of minutes, and soon she was squirting her cum out of her dick like a fountain as she squealed lewdly into the arena, likely while Brianna was meeting the same fate, Elise imagined, especially since she was going against a succubus of some sort.

She lay there for a few moments before hearing the fallen angel speak, where she looked down at her as she raised her head up. "I suppose it would be too much to ask to give me a minute to recover. And to ask if you'd use your hands for your next round. If I'm gonna be defeated completely... I'd much rather it be your pussy milking my cum out and impregnating you," Elise said to the fallen angel, panting as she spoke.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

The Fallen Angel regarded her for a moment, then, perhaps to Elise's surprise, nodded. When Elise was ready, round 2 would begin.


Fallen Angel: 145/250, Leads 1-0. (Giving Handjob - 25 Pleasure)
Elise: 250/205, Trails 1-0. (Giving Blowjob - 35 Pleasure)

Game 2, Fallen Angel starts.

1st Attack: Fallen Angel: 25 vs. 4. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: 225 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Fallen Angel: 6 vs. 9. RESISTED.

Elise's Turn:

1st Attack: Elise: 14 vs. 11. 35 Pleasure Done, Angel: 110 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Elise: 5 vs. 16. RESISTED.


Fallen Angel: 110/250, Leads 1-0.
Elise: 225/250, Trails 1-0.

Fallen Angel's Turn:

1st Attack: Fallen Angel: 20 vs. 1. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: 200 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Fallen Angel: 26 vs. 14. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: 175 Stamina.

3rd Attack: Fallen Angel: 18 vs. 17. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: 150 Stamina.

4th Attack: Fallen Angel: 24 vs. 3. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: 125 Stamina.
5th Attack: Fallen Angel: 23 vs. 28. RESISTED.

Elise's Turn:

1st Attack: Elise: 12 vs. 4. 35 Pleasure Done, Angel: 75 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Elise: 23 vs. 5. 35 Pleasure Done, Angel: 40 Stamina.
3rd Attack: Elise: 9 vs. 13. RESISTED.


Fallen Angel: 40/250, Leads 1-0.
Elise: 125/250, Trails 1-0.

Fallen Angel's Turn:

1st Attack: Fallen Angel: 29 vs. 15. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: 100 Stamina.

2nd Attack: Fallen Angel: 20 vs. 7. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: 75 Stamina.
3rd Attack: Fallen Angel: 15 vs. 30. RESISTED.

Elise's Turn:

1st Attack: Elise: 24 vs. 7. 35 Pleasure Done, Angel: 5 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Elise: 16 vs. 25. RESISTED.


Fallen Angel: 5/250, Leads 1-0.
Elise: 75/250, Trails 1-0.

Fallen Angel's Turn:

1st Attack: Fallen Angel: 18 vs. 4. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: 50 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Fallen Angel: 23 vs. 14. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: 25 Stamina.
3rd Attack: Fallen Angel: 21 vs. 8. 25 Pleasure Done, Elise: ORGASM!


Fallen Angel: 5/250, Leads 2-0.
Elise: 250/250, Trails 2-0.

Elise managed to get some more good attacks in, but couldn't keep things going consistently enough. As before, Elise found it a back and forth match, and one that she eventually lost. Elise couldn't be sure of how long it took, but eventually she found herself back in the chair, with the Fallen Angel stroking her dick, jerking her off. Something was different this time though, and Elise could sense another orgasm was building. Unable to resist it and get free, Elise could only enjoy herself as the Fallen Angel's work finally paid off, another orgasm spurting out of Elise's cock as she was literally jerked off to paradise. As before, the Fallen Angel would wait until Elise was ready to go before commencing Game 3, a must win for Elise!



Brianna: 125/250, Tied 1-1, (Giving Pussy Ride - 45 Pleasure)
Doppelganger Succubus: 250/250 (Giving Handjob - 25 Pleasure). Tied 1-1.

Brianna, perhaps realizing she needed a big, fast win to keep things going, elected to use her pussy this time, and went on the offensive!

Game 3, Brianna Starts.

1st Attack: Brianna: 14 vs. 6. 45 Pleasure Done, Succubus: 205 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Brianna: 8 vs. 20. RESISTED.

Doppelganger Succubus' Turn:

1st Attack: Succubus: 7 vs. 6. 25 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 100 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Succubus: 21 vs. 13. 25 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 75 Stamina.

3rd Attack: Succubus: 30 vs. 27. 25 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 50 Stamina.

4th Attack: Succubus: 20 vs. 13. 25 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 25 Stamina.

5th Attack: Succubus: 23 vs. 20. 25 Pleasure Done, Brianna: ORGASM!


Brianna: 250/250, Trails 2-1, (Giving Pussy Ride - 45 Pleasure)
Doppelganger Succubus: 205/250 (Giving Pussy Ride - 45 Pleasure). Leads 2-1.

Brianna's fear of a quick end to Game 3 came true. Despite getting a good start and riding off her opponent for a few moments, Brianna found her attacks resisted, and then found herself back in the chair. This time there would be no escape for her, and her double casually jerked her off, the pleasure mounting. Finally, Brianna couldn't take any more, and with a little bit of a stifled moan, she climaxed, her orgasm spurting out of her dick, stroked right through her orgasm until it ended! By the time she had recovered and was ready for Game 4, it had sank in that she was now facing elimination, and defeat!


1: Continue when ready. (Elise has been so unlucky, and Brianna seems somewhat evenly matched at this rate, though a bit unlucky to get 5 straight handjob strokes.)
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

As the next round began, Elise went at her opponent, sucking hard and licking around the crown of the fallen angel's dick as best she could. The fallen angel though simply wasn't nearly as pleasured apparently as Elise had hoped and their struggles went back and forth until finally the fallen angel stroked Elise to completion, her balls twitching and throbbing along with her dick as she exploded all over the fallen angel's face unless she pulled back to avoid the spurts of her cum.

"N-No... f-fuck me, got to... h-hold on," Elise panted as the next round neared, her loins aching slightly from the previous two rounds and powerful orgasms.

When they started back up, Elise deepthroated the fallen angel as soon as they began, because she could tell that her opponent was near her release already and surely a few seconds of deepthroating her would drag out that orgasm, Elise thought to herself.
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise, Round 3 Start!

As the round started, it was the Fallen Angel who attacked first!

Fallen Angel: 5/250, Leads 2-0. (Giving Pussy Ride - 45 Pleasure)
Elise: 250/250, Trails 2-0. (Giving Blowjob - 35 Pleasure)

Game 3, Fallen Angel Starts.

1st Attack: Fallen Angel: 22 vs. 5. 45 Pleasure Done, Elise: 205 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Fallen Angel: 14 vs. 4. 45 Pleasure Done, Elise: 160 Stamina.
3rd Attack: Fallen Angel: 15 vs. 16. RESISTED.

Elise's Turn:

1st Attack: Elise: 15 vs. 10. 35 Pleasure Done, Fallen Angel ORGASM!

Elise is finally able to get the Fallen Angel to orgasm for her, possibly enjoying her foe quivvering slightly for her.

End of Round Stats:

Elise: 160/250, Trails 2-1. Select New Attack.
Fallen Angel: 250/250, Leads 2-1. (Giving Pussy Ride - 45 Pleasure)


Brianna's Round 4 Begins!

Doppelganger Succubus: Leads 2-1, 205/250. (Giving Pussy Ride - 45 Pleasure)

Brianna: Trails 2-1, 250/250. (Giving Pussy Ride - 45 Pleasure)

Game 4, Succubus Starts.

1st Attack: Succubus: 23 vs. 6. 45 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 205 Stamina.
2nd Attack: Succubus: 18 vs. 3. 45 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 160 Stamina.

3rd Attack: Succubus: 17 vs. 10. 45 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 115 Stamina.

4th Attack: Succubus: 29 vs. 8. 45 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 70 Stamina.
5th Attack: Succubus: 23 vs. 17. 45 Pleasure Done, Brianna: 25 Stamina.

6th Attack: Succubus: 2 vs. 26. RESISTED!

Brianna's Turn:

1st Attack: Brianna: 24 vs. 11. 45 Pleasure Done, Succubus: 160 Stamina.

2nd Attack: Brianna: 3 vs. 12. RESISTED!


Brianna: 25/250, Trails 2-1.
Succubus: 160/250, Leads 2-1.

Succubus' Turn:

1st Attack: Succubus: 9 vs. 6. 45 Pleasure Done, Brianna orgasms and is defeated 3-1!

Brianna gave it everything she had, but being ridden was too good for her. nearly raped to an orgasm without a shot in the final game, Brianna managed to hold back long enough to get one good attack in herself. Unfortunately, it was nowhere near enough, and she was quickly captured in the chair again. This time there would be no escape for her, and the Succubus double of herself easily rode her to paradise. Brianna screamed loudly as she was ridden off inside her own pussy, shuddering as she emptied her load of pleasure inside...

Brianna is defeated 3-1.

Elise Trails 2-1, with Game 4 about to start!


1: Pick an attack and let's go!
Re: Elise Langray Crimea (Mind Flayer)

Elise sucked hard and was rewarded with a mouthful of the fallen angel's seed as it spurted out. She gulped down every drop and sucked for the entirety of the fallen angel's climax, ensuring that she was as sensitive as possible and being honorable and giving her a few seconds to recover before she switched to mounting the fallen angel and riding her, figuring that she would have to pull out all the stops now that she could while remaining honorable about this, as she doubted that she would be able to last for too long against that tight pussy.

"Sorry for doing this out of order from you, but if I don't do it this way, I'm likely to lose. And I can't afford to lose, not now," Elise said as she felt the fallen angel's cock slipping into her slit where she gripped it as tight as she could and began rocking her hips.

[1. switching to riding her.]