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The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Oh no! It's not that at all! I've just... Uhhh... Never taught anyone anything!" Verja replied, and then clapped his hands together, "right! New experiences! Always good! Usually! Well then, why don't you two move your things in and pick a spot. I, uhhh... Don't really have any guest bedrooms, so I guess you'll have to make do wherever you think is comfortable."

Verja paused, spun around to look at something only to spin right back a moment later. "So! New friends... We'll have to pick out a place for you. I suppose you probably don't want to sleep down in the machine room, or one of the basements... The lab is a bit dangerous, but we could clear a corner for you if you promised not to touch anything. The library is the other option, but you'd have to be very... Very... Careful!" He glanced between Zahra and Huldah, beaming boyishly, and waited for them to reply while Sacrimony stretched and clambered up to his metallic paws.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Huldah walked over to Sacrimony, pondering the question while she scritched the metallic pet's head. "Uhh... Where do you sleep?" She asked, just thinking of it.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

"In my bedroom. Top floor."
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

"…kay" Zahra replied after a moment, blinking a little bit at the old cat’s reaction. She could believe that he was no teacher, he seemed a little too weird and eccentric for the task, but still… he would have to do. She couldn’t lose any more face with him than she already had since he already more or less knew her background, so he was still the best option. When he offered that they ought to get their things and move into the tower her ears twitched a little bit again, and she looked over at Huldah petting his part-machine dog. "Ehhh… Ever’place seems dang’rous or loud. Mite stay inna yard. Or onna stair landin’" she said, quickly and with mild suspicion. She didn’t really trust this tower not to try to kill her if she spent too much time alone in it, as if the walls themselves might have a will of their own and a deep distaste for outsiders.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Sacrimony would lean up just like a normal canine would into Huldah's affectionate touch, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he began to pant happily from the attention. Verja, in the meantime, would turn back to Zahra and reply; "Ehhhh.... I guess you can stay outside, if you really want to.... But you'll have to do a lot of climbing!" Contrary to normal su-ku-ta culture, Zahra's refusal of his hospitality had thankfully not been taken as an insult as it probably would have been had Verja been a member of the aristocracy. That in itself could mean a number of things, but it at least suggested that the old scientist wasn't a nobleman, which was rare for one of his level of learning among the su-ku-ta. "Still.... Any way you want it, I guess?"
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Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

"Maybe we could find a place there. Should be better than most of the other places in here, and you don't need an entire floor, right?" Huldah responded, continuing to cautiously pat Sacrimony. "Seems better than the lab, or maze, or outside..."
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

"Uhhh... Well, I guess... I guess that's an option too... I mean, it was, well, private, but eh.... Well... Yeah, you could sleep in my room too. It's not like I'm wanting for space," Verja replied, though he seemed fairly uncertain.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra, of course, had never had the occasion to either accept or reject the hospitality of more or less anyone before. Even after the invasion when she had suddenly found herself free, any offer of “hospitality” had been simply necessary for survival; food or drink when she, Huldah, and anyone else they were with at the time had none, shelter from a sandstorm, things such as those. She grumbled slightly when the old cat mentioned that they would have to climb quite high into the tower each day if they did in fact sleep in the courtyard, which prompted Huldah to suggest that they stay in his bedroom. It was an amusing idea, one she was certain he would instantly reject, though he did offer that it was an option… even if he seemed really reluctant. It was probably the best option, though. The former slave had almost no sense of what privacy was, or why it would be important to people, given her previous experience, so she piped in "sounds good ta me." Of course, then she cast her gaze back to her friend, eyes narrowing as she peered at her. They had had a battle, and the Gemini had taken a bit of a beating… And after that there was that test. "Ya feel okay, Aulda?" she asked suddenly, knowing at least one thing Verja wouldn’t want the two of them to bring into his bedchamber…
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

“Hmm?“ the brutish gemini gave in response, glancing over at her friend. “I feel fine, is something wrong?“ Huldah said, giving Zahra a reassuring smile.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

(I think Zahra speaks of that need Huldah has to NOM ENERGY from people.)

Verja looked briefly glum at the apparent acceptance that Huldah and Zahra would be staying in his bedroom, but then looked confusedly between the two as Zahra repeated an earlier question.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

"Jus' makin' sure" Zahra replied, "ya know 'ow'ya get. Jus' dunwanna 'ave trouble." She looked over to Verja, noticing how he had seemed kind of gloomy about the prospect of them spending the night in his bedroom, which sort of confused her. "You really okay wit'it?" she asked him with an eyebrow raised. She didn't want to impose too much and cause problems for him, at least none that could be solved easily enough by sleeping elsewhere.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

"What? Oh, yeah, it's fine... I'm just, uhhh, not used to not sleeping with someone other than Sacrimony," he said, seemingly oblivious to any wrong ways in which that statement might be taken.
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra's ears perked up a little, and her tail bushed out juuuuuust a bit as she listened to the old cat. What a fucking pervert. Well, it wasn't as if she had never had sex with an animal, but she certainly hadn't done so by choice. Briefly she wondered if he pitched or caught... Then there was the fact that he seemed to be assuming that they were offering to sleep with him. "Ain't nuttin' like 'at" she said sharply, "ya'can keep 'at ta your bed."
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

"If it's an entire floor like you said, there should be plenty of room, and safer than anywhere else in the tower." Huldah confirmed. "We'll just find some corner, nothing to worry about."
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

Though it wasn't completely clear looking at only her wording, Verja seemed to catch on to the implications that Zahra had caught on to by the sharpness of her tone, and his ears flattened into his hair and he adopted a completely flat expression as he responded; "Hey, it's nothing like that! I'm too old for that kind of... Stuff, alright! And I wasn't expecting it, from either of you or from Sacrimony! Honestly, what kind of twisted things did people used to make you do that makes your mind go to that first!?"
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra's expression went just as blank as Verja's did, her tail fluffing out as she realized that she had gotten the wrong impression. This was a conversation that she really didn't didn't want to be having... ever. "Let's... not talk about... that" she said slowly, right ear flicking up and down nervously. "Forget I said anything. Please."
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

"Ahhhh... Alright," Verja replied, tilting his head. "Fine then... I guess you two are staying in my room. Do you have any bags you need brought up? Or something like that?"
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

"Jus' a bedroll" Zahra replied, "nuttin' else. Dun' need ye battle supplies, an' I got nuttin' else."
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

Zahra: HP = 60, PP = 44, EP = 41, Status = Fine

Huldah: HP = 72, PP = 40, EP = 40, Status = Fine

"Well, go ahead and get them... When you come back up the stairs, just keep going up. I'll try to clear up a spot for you somewhere."
Re: The Workings of the Mad (Tiffanian and Shrike)

"You go and help him, Zahra. If your pet comes with, then I should be okay making it through the maze and back, and I can carry all our stuff easy." Huldah said, starting towards the stairs down, stopping after a few steps and giving Sacrimony a whistle and a pat to her thigh in encouragement, which seemed uncharacteristic of the large woman.