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Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
If there is one thing when it comes to the powers above and the powers below, it is simply the sheer fact that both don't really mind meddling in the affairs of life here on the surface. Some like to do it under a pretense of helping them, others like to do it simply for mental or physical enjoyment. Others do it because they're commanded to. Meanwhile, all that those on the surface can do is struggle one way or the other; and hope that either the opposing side knocks the controllers off-balance, or that our new positions are to our liking.

Such was the case of an island, out in the middle of a nameless bay. It was a fairly sizable island; one that some would say almost couldn't exist because of the geological features upon it. But still, it had sat right there for eons, where villages full of natives traded and spent a generally unexciting life. There was always a bit of excitement when explorers stopped by- those who went ashore were almost always never seen again, and those left behind always reported back about a race of feral women, who had ambushed and nearly fucked the men in their party to death. The women were taken... somewhere, but they weren't seen again.

Over time, rumors spread that the island was haunted by demons and she-devils- enough to the point that the island was marked as too dangerous to land on, and the church began full-scale efforts to pray, asking the heavens above to send down and guide a warrior or warriors to finally scourge the island of its inhabitants, to eliminate the darkness.

What they got... was Lucia. One angel, guided to the island rather quietly, with little nudges here and there, in the midst of exploring the world on the surface. The slight tang of darkness hung over the island, almost tempting her with its tropical jungles; off in the distance, there was a mountain range that seemed to rise and cover the northwestern part of the island. A temperate forest covered a large patch of land around and to the east of the mountain range, and past that to the east was a region of badlands that covered from where the forest ended to the coast.

Grasslands split the two halves of the island, but the northern part was marred by a crack in the earth many miles long, and a few miles wide. All signs pointed to it not being natural- the eartquake that would have caused this would have shattered the island apart. Off to the east of the grasslands, the land turned soupy and wet, a number or rivers carrying freshwater off towards a delta on the eastern shoreline. South of this delta was a cove, filled with derelict and wrecked ships.

The southwest area of the island was nothing but a desert, with the occasional rocky bluff erupting out of the sand. Further west was a beach that stretched for a few miles, with a cave that seemed to have been worn away by years of sand, water and wind.Further east of that was a true tropical jungle, which covered most of the southeast portion of the island, except for a small peninsula, which has what appeared to be a collection of thatch buildings upon it. Was it perhaps a village of some sort? Were there people there to save?

Lucia could land where she wanted upon the island, but some places felt darker than others. In the end, however, the choice was up to her.

Go ahead and fill this out, pick a place from the list, and we'll be on our way.

Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils)
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.)
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen)
Monster Girls (from the MGE)
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things)
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa?
Non-Consensual Sex
Sex Change

Roughness- how rough do you want things to get?

Anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above?

This is a list of locations on the island that Lucia can travel to. As a rule, the darker an area is, the stronger the enemies that she has the potential for running into. Over time, these levels can shift due to her actions, or her inaction. Will she be able to save the island... or is she the one who will conquer it once and for all? Only time will tell...

Ranks are out of 5, with 5 being the darkest it can get, and 0 being completely cleared.

Mountains 4
Gorge 5
Temperate Forest 2
Badlands 2
Grasslands 1
River Delta 3
Shipwreck Bay 2
Native Village 1
Tropical Jungle 2
Shoreline 1
Desert 3

The choice is yours- good luck!

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

After a time of exploring the mortal world to try and learn what she could about things, Lucia found herself being guided more and more towards this mysterious island which she'd heard so many rumors about in her time down here. Looking down over the island from above as she flew overhead, Lucia saw the landscape of the whole thing underneath her. Spotting the derelict ships floating around the island and whatnot, Lucia looked around until she spotted the native village below her and decided to head down to it to see what she could learn, seeing as that was the most likely place to learn what she'd been guided here to the island.

Lucia would take it slow and carefully, landing just outside of the village and walking in so a not to frighten anybody that was there. Hopefully she could speak to some of these people and find out what all has been going on here on this island. She was young yes, but Lucia was a warrior and she was certain that she could handle any fight she was forced into.

"Well Lucia, you're here now, so no turning back," Lucia mumbled to herself quietly before soaring down to the ground.

Humans: Y 3/5
Male/Female: Y 1/5
Female/Female: Y 5/5
Mythical Beings (Angels, demons, devils): Y 5/5
Monsters (slimes, tentacles, etc.): Y 5/5
Bestiality (Animals, monstrous animals, beastmen): Y 5/5
Anthros: Y 5/5
Monster Girls (from the MGE): Y 5/5
Plants: Y 5/5
Cybernetic enemies (robots and other metal things): Y 3/5
Futanari - Would you like to start out as a futanari? Would you like to be able to change and/or be changed to a futa?: Y 5/5 (Would prefer Lucia start out as one, but not against there being other girls that get turned into futanari, the 5/5 is me liking other futanari in in case you couldn't tell. :p )
Non-Consensual Sex: Y 4/5 (but not only rape, I don't mind some consensual sex)
BDSM: Y 3/5 (Try nothing more cruel than say using a whip and or riding crop)
Slavery: Y 3/5 (But nothing cruel please)
Sex Change: Y 2/5 (But not Lucia if possible, though I'm not against Lucia gaining some testes to add to her cock, pussy, and breasts to get teased when she's defeated, but would prefer nothing more than that on her.)
Corruption: Y 2/5
Pregnancy: Y 5/5
Birthing: Y 5/5
Oviposition/Seedbearing: Y 5/5
Lactation/milking: Y 5/5

Roughness- how rough do you want things to get?: 3/5 (I don't mind a bit of roughness, just nothing so far as say... her opponent continuing to beat her after she loses a fight, or pissing on her just to be mean.)

Anything you'd like included that wasn't mentioned above?: As for this, um... lets see. Wouldn't mind elves and fey beings and whatnot, but I think you'd be adding that in with the monster girls and stuff. Maybe some driders and centaur girls, and... hell you know what just throw in any kind of monster girl you can think of, I'm not overly picky about them.

Also she's heading to the Native Village, and if you want a difficulty setting I'd almost be tempted to put in the hardest one you put in for Plmnko, but I don't want her to be corrupted too quickly, so I'd say normal for now with the option of changing it up later.
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Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

As Lucia approached the village, she would see that there were a number of buildings, apread all around the clearing. Off to her west was a cluster of three houses. The fire pit that they all surround is burning cheerily, with one hut on the north side of it, the others on the east and west side of it. Off to the east of her position is a cluster of three more huts, near a larger fire pit. A small pile of refuse- old woven grass mats, some small fallen branches, and other natural waste has been piled up in a small patch, but her quick eyes spot something out of the ordinairy. The pile seems to shift a bit as though something were moving underneath it, and as she keeps an eye on it, the pile seems to be wiggled from below, in order to shift it around.

A small pond sits off to the northeast- it looks like this is where the village gets its freshwater. The water looks rather clean and inviting, much better quality that anything normally found on an island like this one. Under happier times, it looks like the kind of place you'd not only see people swimming in, but drawing water from- often at the same time. It certainly looked calm, cool, and inviting...

Off in the distance, she could see another somewhat-large house, this one festooned with all sorts of fetishes and tribal designs painted onto the walls. Something seems off about the building, though it might just be her heavenly upbringing speaking to her, about her deity being the only true one, with everything else just pretending.

Straight ahead of her is the largest hut on the island, and from the open door, she sees a flash of snake coils, in a pattern only found on a large snake usually native to these parts. However, just as quickly as she sees them, the coils are gone, pulled out of view. There are small patches of scales trailing up to the door, however. Whatever it was appeared to be shedding its skin.

Off to the southeast, there was a bit of an overgrown path. A sign in the local language had been carved into a tree trunk, but she couldn't make sense of the language it was in. Though the surrounding foliage was uncut, the trail looked well-used, and it also didn't look like it went very far. There was a faint aroma of sweetness coming from it, though- not like the smell of baking sweets, but more like a cloying, naturally-sweet smell, that could be detected from where she stood. There was something off-putting about the smell, though... In all, it was up to her to decide where to go next.

Detection checks:
(Lucia's rolls are always on the left.)

West Huts: 12 needed.

A: 8, failed.
B: 4, failed.

East Huts: 15 needed.

C: 13, failed.

Refuse Pile: 17 needed


Pond, 18 needed

E: 16, failed

Shaman's house: 15 needed

F: 12, failed

Forest path: 19 needed

G: 14, failed

Chief's hut- 16 needed


To sum it all up:

There's something hiding under the refuse pile- Lucia's not close enough to it as of yet to get a good idea of just what it is, though.

The snake coils she caught a glimpse of in the biggest hut looked to be off of a snake, but the patches of shed scales might tell a different story. But something is definately inside the big hut.

Anywhere else, Lucia will just have to explore on her own.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

As she landed and moved into town, Lucia took in her surroundings, feeling that the town was abandoned for the most part if not completely because of the fact she saw no people about, despite the burning fires around. The deserted feel to the place was actually rather creepy and unsettling, but Lucia kept searching anyway. Spotting the pond of freshwater off to the northeast of the village, Lucia figured she could use it to refill her waterskins before moving on from this place, but for now she figured it was her duty to at least figure out what had happened here and explore the place some.

Looking towards the largest hut of the village, Lucia saw the tail of what she thought was a snake, and was worried about what it could mean for the people of the village. Had they been eaten by whatever this thing is? If so then out of honor's sake she had to at least see what it was to attempt to give whatever people that lived here some small measure of justice at least.

Cautiously heading for the big building, which could only be the leader of the village's hut, Lucia drew her large sword off of her back and prepared herself for the coming possible fight. "Is someone in there? I am not afraid of you, show yourself and I might go easy on you," Lucia called out cautiously as she got a few steps from the door of the hut.


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Each post will describe two rounds of combat, unless you prefer differently. Because you managed to make your check, you manage to avoid the +3 bonus she would have had on you if you'd blindly approached the hut. You still might be in for a fight, though...

Surprise Round:

Lucia 13 vs. ????? 20 Lucia is surprised and can't act for the first round of combat!

Defense Roll:

Lucia 15 vs. Lamia Chieftess 7

A complete waste of a natural 20.

Second Round:

Lucia attacks (15) the Lamia Chieftess (4) for 2 HP damage! (Defense roll was lost by more than 10, for +1 damage.)

Lucia (3) gets a quick grope from the Lamia's claw-tipped hands (4)! +1 AP.

Lucia: 5/5 HP, 1/10 AP

Naga Chieftess 3/5 HP

Lucia's preparedness almost looked like it wasn't going to pay off- a few seconds after the angel had called out, a form appeared in the doorway. It coiled itself up, and then launched into the air, catching her by suprise. If she'd been expecting a snake, well, she couldn't have been expecting this.

(Visual reference in above spoiler!)

Rising up to face her, in the dust and dirt of the well-worn village common, was a rather large lamia. Her long green hair cascaded down her back, almost clashing with her slightly pink skin. Many earrings hung from her pointed ears, and twin fangs appeared as she sized up Lucia and her sword. It obviously didn't help that she had three eyes- two orange ones where they normally should be, and then a third in the middle of her forehead, where many human healers referred to as the chakra center of the forehead. She wore a half-halter of black leather that left her chest exposed, and if Lucia could look without blushing, she would also see that Lamia's nipples were pierced.

"Sssss... we have had many human women here before... but Heaven hassss never sssseen fit to graccccce us with one of itsss own before. Perhapsss it isss only fitting that you have come here... my tribe isss ssshrinking, and you will be a wonderful addition to return it to glory!"

Weaving her upper body, the Lamia did her best to try and throw Lucia off, a drip of drool coming off her mouth as she licked her lips. Finally, she lunged at the young angel, sending herself speeding at her- but Lucia's training had paid off, and her sword cut a great slice down the Lamia's side. But for what the Lamia had lost in health, she had managed to close in on the angel.

Her clawed hands reached out while she hissed from the pain, and each grabbed a handful of Lucia's massive breasts. Taking the firm flesh in hand, she began to squeeze them, leaning her head over to gently hiss into Lucia's ear.

"Your body isss not meant to fight... I have never ssseen a warrior that looksss like you. Put your ssssword down and allow me to ssshow you jussst what your body can be used bessst for..."

With that, Lucia would feel two prods upon her right thigh.If she looked down, she would see something that would bring a blush to the angel's face.

A pair of cocks protruded from the Lamia's waist, one ending in a wedge-shaped head, the opening upon the tip leaking a white, stringy liquid... the second almost shaped like the first, but with a larger opening upon its tip, and a longer shaft. It drizzled clear liquid upon her thigh, the two fluids leaving a mess upon her thigh as the Lamia's hands withdrew from her breasts, and she retreated to a safe distance, a look of crazed passion in her eyes.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Lucia was not expecting a lamia to say the least, though she did know what it was thanks to her studies back home. Taking in the sight of the lamia and what she looked like with a noticeable blush that the lamia would easily see, Lucia gulped a little and looked around to make sure no others were going to come out after her. Raising her sword after a quick glance around her, Lucia watched the lamia in front of her closely, trying to stay ready for any possible attack as she listened to the lamia speak to her.

"Um... I don't think I'm going to just let you do such a thing to me. I'm not one for killing off an entire town though if I don't have to," Lucia replied to the lamia just before she lunged out at her, the young angel swinging her large sword downwards and catching the lamia's side.

Unfortunately Lucia noticed that the lamia used this opportunity to close the distance with her and get in close, where she groped her large sensitive breasts, making Lucia gasp slightly. When the lamia hissed in her ear trying to get to her, Lucia blushed again slightly as she felt a prodding against her inner thighs and when she saw what was there her face flushed further. Stunned for the few moments that the lamia was groping her, as she hadn't quite expected her to do that.

"My body... what is it really meant for then? It is mine to do with as I desire, not yours and I have trained to make my body strong, so you will find me no easy prey. If you'd asked nicely though I would have found some way to help you, but you instead attacked me. Now I must show you why I am a warrior and show you why you shouldn't attack just anyone that comes along," Lucia said to the lamia woman, raising her sword again to fight. She didn't want to kill this lamia if her tribe was really shrinking like she claimed, and she didn't think she was truly evil per se, but more guided only by instinct, which apparently at the moment was to breed. Raising her wings, Lucia prepared to take to the air if the lamia lunged at her again, flipping as she went up and clocking her on the head with the flat of her large blade.
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Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Lucia (10) attempts to smack the Lamia Chieftess (12)! (Miss)

The Lamia (7) tries to pull Lucia (5) in for another bit of fun. Hit, +1 AP

Lucia is at 2 AP, and takes -1 to rolls.

Lucia (11-1= 10) tries to escape and smack the Lamia (1) again! (Hit, -2 FP- 1 FP for the hit, and another 1 FP for flubbing the defense roll (crit failure).)

The Lamia (8) tries to keep hold of Lucia (12 - 1 - 11)! (Miss)

Lucia 5/5 FP 2/10 AP

Lamia Chieftess 1/5 FP

Lucia charge forward again, intent on doing physical harm to the Lamia, but for once, speed wasn't on her side. Striking out where she expected the lamia's head to be, she would feel the flat of her blade woosh through nothing but air as it darted aside, flinging her tail at Lucia from the side- a tactic that managed to catch Lucia off-guard. Soon, she found herself pressed right back up against the Lamia's body, loosely held in the snake-woman's coils. One hand of the Lamia's was struggling to keep her hands occupied, trying to stop her from swinging the greatsword, but her other hand... went on a little quest. Having satisfied her curiosity about Lucia's chest, and what that felt like, the Lamia, without one ounce of shame at all, let her hand caress the front of Lucia's panties, taking a moment to squeeze and admire just what she was packing. Her nails outlined the shaft of the angel's futa cock, and the pads of her fingers played over the restrained head.

"Ssssuch a lovely little... sssurprise you have here for me... and it iss getting harder... isss it making it harder to resisst, little angel? Do you not like it here, pulled againsst me? I can ssmell your body... holy as it may be, it craves my touch... submit to me, little one. I will sssshow you what you have never experienced before... and the heavensss will hear an angel sing in ecstacy."

Of course, she didn't count on Lucia's struggles being enough to free herself from the lamia's grasp- even if her face was a bit red. In a fit of wild embarassment, she swung the blade again, this time, catching the lamia in the forehead as she tried to charge at her. The CRACK! of holy steel and skull might have sounded familiar to a fan of gladiator battles, but to Lucia, it was a sound that showed her that she'd managed to do some real damage.

By this time, the Lamia was wavering, teetering near exhaustion. Her face, however, was masked in pain and her third eye winced, the sword having raised a large bump on her head barely an inch from where the eye rested. Her claws were bare, her twin cocks were oozing fluids, and her eyes sent only one message.

You will be mine, little angel. You will be mine and I will make your screams bounce off the vaults of Heaven and ring the caves of the underworld itself... or I will die trying.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

As Lucia moved in to make her attack, she was unprepared for the lamia matriarch to move so quickly with her tail, which swung around at her side and coiled around her waist, reeling her in in the process to where she was pressed right up against her foe's body. Raising her sword anyway though despite this, Lucia found her wrist grabbed by the lamia and held back while the lamia's other hand traveled down her body, brushing across her navel and tickling her slightly, which coupled with the sudden touches across her penis as her fingers danced across the head of her prick made Lucia's hips jerk left and right as she tried to get away from the sudden jolt of pleasure she'd felt.

While the lamia was busy teasing her penis, which was causing her to become erect a bit and was causing her face to flush, Lucia managed to get to get her other hand up to her sword where she finishing pushing it on downwards, bonking her opponent right on the noggin and forcing her to release her. Stumbling slightly as she landed on her feet once released, Lucia stood her ground and raised her blade as the lamia matriarch spoke up again.

"Why though? I don't want to kill you miss... whatever your name is. But I will if you force me to. And I already told you, my body is mine to do with as I will," Lucia asked curiously, the small bulge that was in her panties and pressing against her battle skirt steadily growing the more blood that pumped into it, likely driving the lamia matriarch even more wild when she noticed that Lucia was shifting her panties and battle skirt a bit to accommodate her increasing girth.

Waiting a moment and taking a defensive stance, Lucia watched to see what she would do and if she would answer her question or not. When the lamia made her next move at her, Lucia would counter and move right at her, intent on finishing this fight as she flapped her wings mightily to get some into the air, where she raised her greatsword up over her head to bring it down at the lamia. However this was only a ruse that she wanted the lamia to prepare to try and block the blade somehow, where Lucia would kick her leg out and catch the lamia in the face with her foot, hard enough to knock her out hopefully. If this plan failed, then Lucia would simply attempt to get a good swing in with the flat of her blade to the back of the lamia's head to knock her out.

(Is that okay adding in a battle skirt to go over her panties even though I hadn't included it in her description and whatnot? I mean she'd have to have some way to keep that monster pent up without people seeing it so easily, so a simple leather battle skirt seemed like a good thing to do so considering she's a warrior angel and all.)


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

No problem at all on the skirt! I think it adds something, even. :) )

Lucia (2) goes for the kick to the Lamia's (1) head! (Hit, 2 FP damage. Lucia wins the fight!)

...really? Et tu, d20?

It was a wild shot- as Lucia predicted, the Lamia did try to intercept her incoming sword from the air- and as her hands caught the blade, she yanked at it with enough force to pull Lucia off-guard, causing her kick to swing wildly-

-square into the lump on the Lamia's head. The impact, while not being that heavy, was more than enough- the lamia went down in a scaly heap, clutching at her head as she lay there, holding her head, all three of her eyes closed. Lucia would be able to set down somewhere else, and watch as the lamia, still clitching her head, pulled herself back to her usual height, and opened her eyes- with none of the lust previously seen in them. Her twin lengths were slowly withdrawing, disappearing back into her belly as the slime they dripped abated. All in all, it looked like Lucia had shocked her system enough to return her to relatively normal.

"Uggggh... my head... I just hurt everywhere... what's going on? What day is- no, what month is it? I feel like I just woke up from a month-long nightmare from hibernation... though this welt on my head's not really helping much..."

Her eyes finally focused, and they locked upon Lucia. She took in her form, and glanced over her body once... twice... three times. Then, without warning, she grabbed Lucia's hand and hauled her inside the house, pulling her through what seemed like a lamia-styled living and entrance room, and into a bedroom.

The bed was little more than a nest of soft grasses on the floor, well-worn, but still sweetly fragrant and soft to the touch. There was a chair, obviously for visitors- there was no real way that she could use it- and there were some poles driven into the ground, past the mats of woven grass that lined the floor. In one corner, there stood a spear, of tribal design. It looked well-worn and well-loved, but the tip flickered in a way that the angel might recognize- it held some small amount of power. The design upon it illustrated a great plant, its roots at the base, and its vines creating a grip where the user's hands might go to hold it. Its tip was illustrated with a carved flower, the point being the flower's pistil as it came out of the center of the flower, forming a point.

"Finally... thank you, I can think like myself again. I am Netis, chieftess of this village. You may have saved me, but there is still much work to be done on this island- and in my own village. I fear my people have fallen to the same thing that took me- something that creeps through your mind, overshadowing your own thoughts with the temptations of lust, trying to urge you forward, to force yourself upon the nearest person... I am not proud of what I did under its influence... there were a number of explorers that normally, I would have welcomed with open arms, but instead... may have ended up either donating their seed to the cause, or have recieved their share of my own seed and eggs before being taken off to the jungle. Normally, we're not like this, you know? I mean, sure, if you're offering, then I'd love to take you up on a nice, good stretching... even better if you'd be willing to take on a load of my nice eggs... but at the same time, I need your help... look, here's what I'm proposing.

If you're willing to help take a little of my load off, I'd be willing to let you take my spear along with you. I owe you that much, but at the same time, a woman's got her own needs... or... you can tell one of the others in the village that I need to see them, and... they can take care of my urges. After that's done, then you can take the spear. I wasn't able to touch it, while I was... well, crazed... (I was doing the hissing thing, wasn't I? Forgive me, little angel, for some reason, when I get excited, I tend to embrace a bit more of my feral side...), but now, I think that if you scratch my back, I might be able to lend you a hand..."

Turning aside, Netia peered out each of the windows in turn, taking stock of her village.

"I remember seeing a few others around, while I was affected... I remember seeing Samara dragging a young explorer woman off to 'commune with the god of agriculture' about a week ago... she's in one of the huts over there. She's the closest thing we have to a priest here- though she just holds rituals and offers herself to the god every new moon, as a blessing for our crops... I'd be careful if I were you, if you go after her. I've never participated, but the ones that do come back sticky with sap.

On the other hand, be careful if you head out to the pond out there. Lyra's been hiding in it for the past week, and her gel coloration makes her incredibly hard to spot. The only problem being that if not for that pond, well... we don't have drinking water without a good bit of a walk. Just don't let her get ahold of you, and you ought to be fine.

There's one of the explorers that chose to stay behind- I think Stria was her name... she took up residence once she went all feral, and hasn't come out... though she did drag some young guy off one of the boats in there and rode him for three days straight... poor guy could barely walk once she was done with him. She's still human, but I don't know how long it will be before she wants to change that...

But you know, speaking of religion, I can't help but wonder just what our god of agriculture really is... judging from the sap Samara keeps coming back covered in, I wouldn't be surprised if it was a plant of some kind... if you have to, please don't destroy it... but Samara might get a bit upset if you tried to destroy it. But if you can disable it, you might be able to help figure out what's going on.

But either way, I wish you luck... I never asked your name... or your forgiveness, did I? Please, accept my apologies, miss...?"

Lucia gains 1 XP!


A: The 'God of Agriculture". Might be a plant of some kind...?

B: Unknown.

C: Samara, the village priestess. Serves the village as communicator between the God of Agriculture at A and the village. Human.

D: Netia. Has a standing offer for you that if you allow her to satisfy her urges upon you, she'll let you take her spear (Longspear +1- adds 1 to attack rolls. Evens out with penalty for non-proficient use, will eventually go +1 after you become good with it) once she's satisfied, or you send someone else to deal with her. Lamia.

E: Unknown.

F: Lyra, in the pond. Gel or goo-girl, camoflauged in the water's depths.

G: Stria. She was left behind by one of the ships, and she might know what's going on outside the island. Human.

H: Brushpile / refuse pile. You know something's here, but what is it?

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Performing her maneuver, Lucia was able to get her kick off, albeit a bit wildly, but she landed her kick and that was all that mattered really, because she was sure that this lamia was about to rape her. Once she was back down on her feet after the lamia matriarch fell unconscious, Lucia caught her breath for a moment before sheathing her sword over her shoulder. She watched as the lamia matriarch clutched her head for a minute or so before getting back up, seemingly no longer half crazed with lust.

Moving over cautiously as the lamia spoke again, Lucia leaned over a bit, about to offer her services to use her angelic powers to heal her a bit, but before she could the lamia grabbed her hand and pulled her inside her house. Alarmed at the move, Lucia began to reach for her blade again before noticing that the lamia matriarch wasn't attempting to undress or attack her any and just seemed to be bringing her inside for some reason or another and decided to go along with her for now.

Lucia sat down in the chair that was in the lamia's bedroom and waited to see what she was going to do, pulling her sword off her back and setting it down in her lap for the time being until she was sure if she could trust her or not. Listening to the lamia matriarch when she began talking, Lucia remained silent without interrupting her so she would be able to hear all she said now that she seemed more talkative and all. She thought about Netia's offer as she listened to her talking, still wondering some what might have happened had she be overpowered. Would Netia have come back to her senses? It was something she might need to ask once she was done.

"I'm Lucia, Lucia Ashford. And since nothing bad happened really to either of us, I won't hold it against you any, especially since you couldn't control yourself. Also yes you were hissing a good bit, if I wasn't fearing for my life I would have laughed a bit. I honestly have never used a spear though, least of all not a longspear like that. You should keep it miss Netia, I wouldn't be very good with it myself after all," Lucia told Netia once she was done talking and had asked her name. "I'll go and talk to the priestess Samara before I do anything else I think. I... I would be willing to... y-you know... satisfy your urges, but I am still pure and... well my parents told me to only give my first time to someone that I loved. So I wouldn't be very good at it I'm sure. I would be willing to help restore your village here as best I can though, that's kind of the reason I came here, to see what I could do to restore this place and help the people that lived here, because I'd heard of demons and devils coming through and attacking," Lucia then told Netia before hefting her sword back over her shoulder for the time being since it seemed that she wouldn't need it for now.

"Could I ask you something real quick before I go though? What all would have happened to me had you... well you know... overpowered me earlier?" Lucia asked curiously before heading out, still blushing a bit about the fondling she'd received.

If Netia was done talking, then Lucia would head on out, first stopping to check the brushpile she'd spotted from before, because she could have sworn she'd seen something there earlier. After that she'd go to find this priestess Samara to see what she could learn about their god of agriculture for Netia.

(Check out location E the brushpile, then unless something happens that requires me to post like say Lucia needing to have dialogue or something of the sort, or a fight of course, then head to location C so she can talk to Samara.)


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Took me most of my leftover caffiene supply to write this, but I couldn't stop. Hope you guys enjoy it! Apologies for the errors, I'm not working with the best word processor right now.

Surprise Roll:

Lucia - 14 ?????? - 11

Lucia knows there's something under the brushpile as it quivers once again... and something pops out from under it and attacks! However, she is able to get a slice off, too!

Lucia (19 - 1 = 18) attacks the spidergirl (14), doing 1 FP damage!

The spidergirl (13) attempts to bind Lucia (10), engulfing her in sticky web. Lucia gains Lv. 1 Bind, and takes -2 to attacks!

Lucia: 5/5 FP 2/10 AP, Bind Lv. 1 (-2 to attack)

Trap Door Spidergirl: 4/5 FP

"Oh... well, thank you for your kindness, miss Lucia. It's too bad indeed that you don't feel like it... but as long as you come to your senses later... or send someone else to do it for you... then it will still be here, waiting for you to handle it, in your perfect little hands. You might find a need for it, you might not. But it- and I- will be here, for when you need me..."

She blushed and shook her head, rolling her three eyes at the fact she'd been hissing like her snake side. It was a trait of her kind- if they let their feral side too far out of the bag, they took on more and more of the traits of the being they appeared to be. It was really rather embarassing for her- but then... Lucia asked what would have been in store for her, had she lost. That caused a bit of a spark to re-enter Netia's eyes, and with another jet of motion, she quickly rushed forward and coiled around Lucia, leaving her touch light, and allowing her to step out should she want to.

"So... you want to know what would have been in store for you had you lost, yet you still persist in clinging to your values, hmmmm? If you give into them out here, nobody will ever know... and why are you so reluctant to ease my urges? Isn't that what an angel is supposed to do, Lucia? Ease the cares and worries of us mortal beings? Or are you simply going to run from your duty? Some angel you are... but why don't I fill your mind with what would have awaited you in my little lair, had you lost... or perhaps, offered yourself up to me, so nobody else would have to? You believe that I did not see you growing larger, due to my own ministrations...? I may have been controlled, but I remember exactly what I did, and how it made you react. But anyways...

Your entrance into my home would have been the same, but from there... it would have been quite different. You would have found yourself up against the wall of my hut, my face pressing into yours, my tongue fighting with yours for dominance in a kiss like you've never felt before. You would have turned your head, trying to avoid it, but in the end, you would have averted your gaze from mine, accepting the fact that you lost... and that you were my prize, and not my equal.

I would have taken great care in removing your clothes- rather than just tear them off, I would have cut through only what I needed to to remove them... teasing your exposed skin with my claws, fingers and tongue... until you begged me to finish the job. You would tell me you wanted me to touch you, and I would comply... after a little preparation work. I would have stripped you all the way to the bare skin, allowing your... spear... to hang freely, and then point outwards, ready to thrust deep into any welcoming, soft hole that you could find. But you... would find none yet.

I would have bound your hands to those poles in my bedroom, and then... I would tease you. I might run my fingers up and down it. I might curl my tongue around the sensitive ring of the head, and use my tongue to tease the sensitive underside until you moaned that you wanted, nay, needed to cum. But I would still deny you. I would curl around you, much as I am doing now... and I would use my tongue to tease your ear... like this-"

Her tongue would flick out, quickly tracing Lucia's ear from top to bottom, once, then twice, the hot, moist appendage doing its best to work its magic upon her ear. There would be no dripping spittle, no copious amounts of saliva- just a quick streak of warmth, followed by a quick bit of cool as it dried, and then Netia's voice was back, speaking quietly into her ear.

"I would hear you ask my permission to spurt your seed all over my bedroom. But just asking wouldn't be enough. I would want something out of it, myself. I would want you to ask me to let you take my brood inside that virgin body of yours. To let me, a lowly lamia, be the first to taste the soft, tight, unspoiled insides of your angelic body, to hear you gasp and cry as I took what I wanted, for myself, not caring anything for what you desired.

And while I was telling you to submit, I would be keeping my hands awfully busy... wrapping one of them around that spear you have hidden away, and start working it, up and down, watching you bob, shake and twist your head as you tried to deny the pleasure coming from your body being put to the use that your heavenly father designed it for... and the other hand? I would only need one finger of it... questing for your lips, rubbing up and down your virgin hole, finding your stiff little point, and introducing you to the wonders of what pleasure can feel like at the hands of a verrrrry experienced partner. You would beg to take my young the second you experienced your first peak from both sides of your body- your womanhood trembling, spitting its honey all over my floor, while your spear jets out its white seed, spurting all over my wall and floor, unable to contain the intensity of your first orgasm at a capable partner's hands.

Once you were all nice and submissive... I would slither in between your legs, and lift your body with my own hands. I'd have you look down at my twitching cocks, each lined up for one of your different holes, and have you watch them drip with fluid before I slowly let you sink down upon them, your body's struggling letting them work deeper and deeper into your body as you struggled to get them out. And once you were hilted, that's when I would show you the true joy of being mine.

I would grasp hold of your body, and force you to ride my body at first, letting you feel my body rise to touch your deepest parts. I would make you cry out for those feelings, until you were ready to ride me yourself to accomplish those sensations. I would make you lose control and cover me in your seed as you spurted uncontrollably, my cocks growing harder and longer inside you, letting you feel the bulges at the base of each starting to gather, and you would look up into my eyes, and ask me to plunge my eggs deep inside of your body, to show you what it truly means to be female. Our voices would rise together, until we peak at the same time, and I held you down by wrapping my arms and coils around you while I fill your womb full of my seed, letting you experience the hot warmth permeating your belly. But I would still hold you, even after that was done. No, you would feel a burst of slime into your rump, followed by a procession of hard spheres as I laid my eggs deep into your canal, leaving you to do nothing but watch as your stomach grew a bulge as you took more of my eggs, unable to do nothing but let your tongue loll out of your mouth as the feelings overwhelmed you. But even after I laid a clutch in your perfect rump, your ordeal would not be done yet.

I would twist under you, manuvering until I was at your back, with my cocks switched, ready to lay my clutch in your full womb, and to fertilize the ones in your rump. You would lower yourself onto me, bucking your hips as you work for my second clutch, your firm, tight walls squeezing and milking my ovipositor, your body practically begging me for a second batch. You might lean your head back and kiss me, opening your mouth to let me explore yours... one hand fondling those soft breasts, the other working your rock-hard spear, keeping your mind adrift in a sea of pleasure, until one last time, you slam down while I slam upwards, and you feel your canal fill with hot, oozing lamia seed, fertilizing those eggs in your rear, while your sex clamps around my ovipositor, allowing you to feel the outline of every hard orb as they pump into your womb, bathing in the sea of semen already there. You would spurt one last blast of your sweet, angelic seed onto my wall, thanking me for the effort, and for the honor of helping my village of girls repopulate, and you would fall asleep, exhausted, in my coils, happy that you accomplished the most primal of urges- to forgo all the terms and conditions beaten into your head, and to just breed. I might have to keep you out of sight for a few days, but eventually, you would be laying two clutches of our eggs... can you imagine it? Coming back to the village, and watching the other girls playing with a horde of lamia- some with blue hair... others with wings... maybe even some with massive spears of their own... half-angel lamia would be so cute, wouldn't they...? But I've taken up too much of your time, dear Lucia. Why don't you run along, then, and go on your way? ..and when those thoughts finally overtake your sweet litle mind... I will be here... calmly waiting for you to discard any notions that love needs anything to do with your physical pleasure."

Her lips would press a kiss to Lucia's cheek, and then Netia would untangle herself gracefully from Lucia's body, and slither off into the bedroom, lowering a curtain behind her.

Lucia, obviously feeling very, well... either scared, excited, a combination of the two, or maybe even none, would walk to the brush pile. It would quiver as she approached again, allowing her time to prepare her weapon. When she was close enough, though, the brushpile would suddenly bounce up, revealing it to be the lid of an underground burrow. Lunging out of it would be a young female spidergirl, with silver hair, pointed ears, and a black carapace covering her lower half's spider abdomen and legs. In her hands, she held a ball of webing, which she ended up trying to use to glue Lucia to the ground. It would cost the spider girl a strike to the belly, but that clump of webbing had Lucia's foot stuck to the ground something fierce, and if she wasn't careful, Lucia was going to find out just what was down there in that hole.
Last edited:

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"W-Well kind of, yes. It might be good to know, plus I'm curious, I... I mean I did come down to the mortal realm to learn things after all, and this isn't something I've ever really explored any," Lucia muttered before Netia launched into her very... detailed description of the events that would have followed if Lucia had lost to her.

Listening to the beginning of Netia's description, Lucia blushed a little bit, tensing slightly as she coiled around her, but deciding to stay in her coils for the time being. When she paused and ran her long snakelike tongue up her ear, Lucia shuddered a bit, gulping a time or two as she felt Netia's tongue leave her ear. She continued listening to Netia as she spoke of what would have happened, her face flushing further until she was to the point that her whole face was blushing just about. When Netia got to the part detailing about how her eggs would enter her, Lucia felt a stirring under her skirt as her penis started to get erect some, getting about halfway, maybe a bit more before Netia finished talking and kissed her on the cheek.

"I um... I'll s-see you later then miss Netia. A-And I'll call for you if I need you," Lucia replied before heading out, obviously affected by the lamia matriarch's words and Netia would notice that before she went back inside, that the seed from her words had been planted and that Lucia was thinking on what she'd said. As she made to leave, her heart was racing a bit and she found herself thinking on it for some reason, the fact that she'd be a mother was one of the main thoughts she kept coming back to, which she of course wanted wanted to be a parent to be someday, she just wasn't sure she was ready for that.

Heading on out, she headed to the brushpile, where as she got closer it quivered a bit before a spider woman or drider as she'd been taught they were sprang from underneath it. Still blushing a bit and still nearly half hard from Netia's words, Lucia drew her sword and prepared for a fight, despite being still within shouting distance of Netia's hut. Well at least she could still call for her if things started going south on her... though at a price obviously she knew.

Swinging her blade out at the spider woman, Lucia caught her across her belly with it, though at the cost of her foe throwing a ball of her spider silk and catching her foot with it, sticking her to the ground some. Sure that she could handle this, Lucia pulled her foot up, then poked the tip of her blade into the webbing around her foot, cutting the silk off so she could fight without any hindrances to keep her from fighting at full strength. If she could manage to get the silk off of her foot quickly enough, Lucia would follow up with a quick attack, using her wings to propel her as fast as she could around the drider girl so she could bonk her on the back of the head with her sword, though if the webbing wouldn't come off, Lucia would continue attempting to get free from it while staying in a defensive stance, ready to keep her foe at bay.

(I also don't have a problem with orgasm denial if you'd like to have any of her foes that manage to get her tease her with that.)


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

If at any time you want to up the difficulty a bit, outside forces can play on Lucia's FP and AP. For instance, listening to Netia's little speech back there could have raised Lucia's AP by 1 to 4 points. Pulling something flashy during combat could risk burning an FP just through sheer effort.

Lucia (10 - 3 = 7) tries to get free of the web (1)! (Lucia is free of the web!)

Spidergirl (20) strikes at Lucia (14)! Lucia takes 2 FP damage from a pair of legs planting themselves in her stomach!

Lucia (16 - 1 = 15) strikes at the back of the spidergirl's (10) head! Lucia deals 1 FP damage!

The spidergirl (12) creates another ball of webbing and tries to sticky up Lucia's (16 - 1 = 15) wings! (Miss)

Lucia: 3/5 FP, 2/10 AP

Spidergirl: 3/5 FP

The webbing seemed to fall away from her foot as Lucia's sword cut through it, but it had succeeded in doing its job- it had bought the spidergirl enough time to lunge forward, driving her two front legs square into Lucia's stomach, knocking the angel back a few feet, and simply standing there, waiting for her to strike. There was the barest hint of a smile upon her features, almost as if she was biding her time. Her hands began weaving a ball of silk again, but this time, Lucia was ready for it. As it flew through the air, Lucia managed to swerve past it, flashing past the spidergirl, smacking her on the back of the head with the flat of her sword as she did.

As she landed, a strangled whine emerged from the spidergirl- she was holding one hand to the back of her head, and the look on her face was one of a young woman who was slowly losing her temper.

"I felt you pass earlier... you went to see Netia before me, didn't you? I'm so hurt..."

From the look on the spidergirl's face, she really did look hurt that she'd been left behind. It was almost as if she had been expecting the young angel to come visit her from the moment she'd stepped foot into the village.

"It's not fair- every time someone comes here, they always go see HER! I have to fight tooth and nail to even get a shot with someone new... by the time I get a chance at them, they're all stuffed full of someone else's seeds or eggs or young, and they don't have a drop of seed left... here I am, all ready to drop my first sac, and I can't find anyone to fertilize them for me... won't you please let me have some of your seed? I just need one load, that's all... you don't look like you ended up stuffed full from Netia..."

The spidergirl's voice marked her as a rather young adult- her carapace was fresh, shiny and new, almost as if she'd molted no less than a few days ago, and the tantrum she was throwing seemed like one a frustrated older teen might have thrown. In essence, Lucia had stumbled across the first lair of a young-adult who had just struck out on her own.

In the end, though, she punctuated her whining with yet another lunge, trying to either make Lucia give up through force, or to make her agree to help her because she was feeling left out by the rest of the village.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Slicing through the webbing, Lucia managed to get her foot free from the stuff, but as she got free, she received a double kick from two of the spider woman's legs right to her stomach. Stumbling back a coupe of steps, Lucia planted her sword in the ground to use as support as she caught herself. She then noticed the spider girl weaving another ball of her silk to throw at her, and took the initiative and darted in, swinging her large blade around and catching her opponent on the back of the head as she went past her, landing a few feet away.

"Yes... yes I did see her first, because her hut was the largest. I assumed that meant she was the leader here. I honestly had no idea you were right here, and I bonked her on the head and knocked her out for a few minutes, so she wasn't all feral any longer," Lucia told the spider girl cautiously as she circled her, preparing to continue the fight. "I'm sorry though but I can't just give up like that, and you all have a funny way of asking for help when you're attacking me. I-I'm still pure, so that's why I can't. If you defeat me though I won't have a choice I suppose. But if you damage my wings then I won't pull my swings anymore to keep them from causing lasting damage to you. My wings are delicate too and hard to clean, so please don't throw that in them unless you plan on helping to pick it out after this, regardless of who wins... but I don't plan on losing," Lucia then added with a blush.

With that, Lucia darted to the side and ran in, folding her wings back behind her so they didn't get damaged or the webbing in them any. Moving in, she swung her large sword at the spider girl, making it obvious where she was targeting with it so that her foe had ample opportunity to lean back, and as she did so, Lucia kicked a leg up and right into the side of her head as she stopped leaning out of the way of her sword. The young angel hoped this plan worked, because if it didn't then she'd be quite close as she might not have the chance to back away quickly enough if it failed.


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Lucia (18 - 1 = 17) aims a kick at the spidergirl (12)! Lucia deals 1 FP damage!

Spidergirl (16) pounces on Lucia (11)! Lucia takes 1 AP damage!

Lucia (19 - 1 = 18) strikes at the spidergirl's (5) stomach! Lucia deals 2 FP damage (one automatic, 1 for beating defense by 10 or more) and defeats the spidergirl!

Lucia: 3/5 FP, 3/10 AP

"So all I have to do is defeat you, then...? That should be easy enough! After all, what hope do you have? Even if you beat me, you're an angel- you have to comfort those in need... and I'll be in need of your comfort!" The gleam in her eyes seemed to sharpen, and then she grinned, showing her sharp canines.

"Oh, but it IS easy to give up! All you have to do is drop that sword, let me web you up a little, and I'll take you down into my little lair for a lot of fun! Come on.... your creator wouldn't have given you a body like that if they didn't want you to enjoy it, right...? You can't tell me that they don't get a thrill out of seeing you in that outfit... If they wanted you to be all nice and pure, wouldn't they have put you in a robe, or at least a tunic that covered more of you? You think you're so high and mighty, just because you're an angel... when you really want to be down here, experiencing life with the rest of us!"

Lucia's kick came right after that, her foot crashing into the side of her head.The strike was hard, causing her to list a little bit, but she still had the presence of mind to grab Lucia's leg as it came down from the kick, raising it up and forcing the angel to stand on one leg, much like a ballerina's pose

"Hmmm... a nice, big surprise for me here... now this is proof you were meant to experience more than they ever let on... after all, why would they give you such smooth, toned legs... such a sweet little behind... what I can only assume is a wonderfully soft opening... and a large, wonderful cock that seems to be responding to my touch!"

Her right hand- the one that didn't have Lucia's ankle held up above her head- slipped up and under her skirt. As she listed off each of Lucia's body parts that she admired, her hand glided up her leg, the smooth palm squeezing and caressing the thigh, before her nails lightly traced a little design, drawing ever closer to her rump, before she outright grabbed hold of Lucia's ass, taking care to rub and knead it through the fabric of her panties, before she gave that a quick squeeze, admiring how her fingers sunk slightly into the soft flesh. Moving on, her fingers brushed over the spot in front where she estimated Lucia's lower lips to be. Her fingers pushed in, ever so slightly, and rubbed, looking to generate a bit of warmth down there. Finally, her hand moved upward, and started rubbing up and down her shaft, using the palm of her hand to stimulate the entire bottom of the head and shaft that she could feel, stroking up and down gently, teasing Lucia as best she could... feeling the semi-firm shaft continue to slowly firm under her touch-

-until the now (blushing fiercely) angel flexed her leg, pulling it from a relaxed hand to deliver a second kick to the side of the head, before following it up with the flat of her blade to the other side of her head, sending the spidergirl down to the ground in a tangle of limbs and hair. That would give Lucia enough in the way of time to adjust herself again and catch her breath, while the spidergirl came to, remaining on the ground while holding her head in her hands.

"Uhnnn... why does my head hurt so...? What's going on...? Who's there?"

As she noticed Lucia, however, her face went as white as her hair.

"Oh, no... you're here... which means that wasn't just a dream... all those things I said... how I touched you... d-don't smite me, miss angel, I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me- I don't know why I was attacking you like that, I've never even had-"

She managed to stop herself, a massive blush taking over her features as she suddenly got to her feet and ran for the safety of her nest, pulling herself into the silk-lined nest under the brushpile, letting the trapdoor close for a second before it lifted enough to reveal the spidergirl's face, which was still blushing.

"I... I'm sorry, miss angel, I really am... I hven't been able to think straight for a while now... the only thing that's been on my mind has been finding someone to help me with my first egg sac... it's not easy to find someone you approve of that's not just out for the sex, but that's all I could think of... can you forgive me?"

The trapdoor lowered a little, until the only thing Lucia could see were her two large shining eyes, ones that practically screamed embarassment.

That makes two sex-crazed females in the same village... one might be a coincidence, but two...? Lucia would be bound to think there's something going on.

You can continue on to another location- you wanted to hit C, but any of the others are good, too- or you can talk with the spidergirl for a little information if you want to.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

"I... I wouldn't know what reasons they had with letting my body get like this, and I came down here of my own accord I'll have you know," Lucia replied,the flush on her cheeks deepening with each passing moment. After her high kick hit her foe's head, Lucia was about to bring her leg back down when the spider woman grabbed it, which wasn't something she had expected her opponent to be able to manage considering the blow she'd just taken. When the spider girl finished speaking again, Lucia's face was red as a beet while her leg was hiked up in the air, exposing all of her privates pretty much to the spider woman. Lucia was stunned for a few moments at her foe's touch, which gave the spider girl ample time to feel Lucia up. "I... I take very good care of myself is why my body is... well as nice as you say," Lucia stammered out as she was touched.

When her butt was grabbed, Lucia instinctively let out a soft sigh, unsure of why it felt good to have her rear groped like this. As the spider girl's fingers traced across her panties down to where her sweet angelic folds were, Lucia let out a little gasp of pleasure, quickly throwing her hand over her mouth to stifle it, the spider girl's ministrations causing her to get a little wet down there as well as hardening her member up some more. Then when her hand went further and began gently stroking Lucia's rod she bit her bottom lip to try and endure it, her penis nearly fully erect.

By the time she was able to kick her leg free, Lucia was nearly quivering with need, but she managed to endure and swung her leg around, kicking her foe again in the side of the head before spinning around with her sword and clubbing her with it again. Looking down at the spider girl as she collapsed to the ground, Lucia took a few moments to catch her breath, keeping her weapon ready just in case.

"It's okay, I'm not angry and I'm not going to smite you sweetie. But this seems to be the case with Netia too. I'm sorry though if I hurt you, but I couldn't just let you take me like that," Lucia told the spider girl, kneeling down beside the entrance to her nest. "I'm Lucia by the way. And Netia asked me to help find out what was wrong around here and I promised to help. Do you by chance know what's going on? And are you a part of her village here?" Lucia then said, introducing herself to the girl.

"If um... if you'd be willing to help me out a bit if I get in trouble, like if I scream then you'd come to my rescue. W-Well then... I suppose that I could... help you out somehow too. T-Though I'll tell you the same thing I'd tell miss Netia. If w-we did that, then you'd do as I asked... a-and be gentle, b-but that'd be for later obviously a-and only w-when I'm ready or need to repay you and or Netia," Lucia would tell the spider girl after finding out her name and when she was preparing to leave.

Once the spider girl had told her all she knew about what was going on Lucia went on, deciding to explore the village a bit before heading to see Samara, figuring it might be best to see what other sorts of races might be in and or around the village, and to see if more than just the two she'd met so far were sex crazed, figuring it best to find out before attempting to go check out this god of agriculture. But before she went to do that, Lucia went back to Netia's hut to ask her the same thing she'd asked the spider girl, if she'd come to her rescue if she screamed for help, because for some reason Lucia felt that she could trust these two at least enough not to try and force themselves upon her to make her repay them for any help they give her... at least surely she could trust them not to anyway. She felt quite certain though that she wouldn't be corrupted any from having sex with them despite them being monster girls, because they weren't demons, and sure she was an angel, but that didn't mean she was forbidden to have sex at all, else she'd have never come into being because her parents had to have had sex to make her. She just wasn't sure if she was ready for sex herself... though considering what had already almost happened to her twice here, she figured that eventually her luck would run out and she'd be forced into it... but if she could do it on her own terms... then at least it wouldn't be as bad as being raped like some others of her kind had been from what she heard.

(What's the unknown locations at B and E? Like where are they supposed to be I mean? Inside the town, or outside somewhere? Either way she'll take a look at the closer of those 2 locations, though if she finds nothing at them then she'll go on and find Samara at location C.)


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

(We need one of these... excuse my bad MS Paint skills... also, yes, I borked the lettering, so just use this as the default location list for the village. The map and other character pics of the village inhabitants you've met are in an album on my profile. This should make things much easier!

Location List:
A - A hut in the west part of the village. Kujin claims a catgirl lives here.

B - Another hut in the west part of the village. According to Netia, a human woman named Samara lives here, acting as the village's priestess to the God of Agriculture they worship.

C - A hut in the eastern part of the village. Netia claims that a woman named Stria is living here, after she was left behind by an exploration ship.

D - Kujin's underground lair. From what Lucia could see of it, her burrow is padded out with what looks like her own silk. The trapdoor in and out is located under the village brushpile.

E - The village pond, and a source of fresh water. According to Netia, Lyra- a slime or googirl- has submerged herself into the water, waiting to attack any nearby trespassers.

F - Village shaman's house. Kujin says she might know something about the frenzy the village has sunk into.

G - The site of the village's God of Agriculture. Netia believes it to be a large plant.

H - Netia's hut. The only building in the village with more than one room, Netia does her best to run the village from here. Lucia has a standing invitation to stop by anytime...

Lucia is currently at D. The closest formerly unknown is A, with F being the other one. Just because I had to change things around, I'll give you a chance to consult it and decide where to go- or if there's something else you want to do.

"Uhm... it's nice to meet you, miss Lucia. I'm still sorry that I tried to attack you... but I want you to be careful. I see plenty from here- more often than not they forgot I was here... but you need to be careful. There's a catgirl, over by where the priestess lives- I think her name is Hestia... but every night, I hear her yowling, looking for a partner... next to Stria, she's the newest here. She might have been brought in along with her, for all I know... but she's really fast. You might have trouble against her if you can't get her to slow down.

Also... you might want to step lightly around the shaman's house. She was creepy before- all chants and everything, telling us we needed to relieve our urges for the good of the island gods... a lot of the others refused, but after they went to see the shaman, it was like they never were the same... she might know what's going on..."

When asked if she would rush to help her, Kujin looked away for a second.

"Uhm... normally, I don't like to get all nosy, but... as much as they hassled me, I'd like it if the village got back to the way it was. I don't like everyone thinking about sex all the time- I can't go to the water without worrying if I'm going to be jumped on the way there, at the water, or on the way back. So yes, I'll help you. But..."

Kujin came halfway out of her trapdoor, looking up at Lucia.

"I... you know, if the urge ever gets to be too much- you are kind of... excited... down there..." At that point, her face went bright red, and she turned her head away, trying to force the words out.

"Well... if it ever gets to be too much for you to handle... Iwouldn'tmindyoubeingmyfirstandvice-versa."

Working up a bit more confidence, she managed to look Lucia in the eyes- her eight to Lucia's two.

"I-I said, I wouldn't mind it if I was your first... or if you were mine. Just... promise me you'll think about it, okay? You're really nice... and I don't want to see you get taken by someone who's just out for their own good. Netia's a good chief, but she gets everyone. I can't tell you how many times she's threatened to tie me to those posts in her bedroom and try for a load of spider-lamias or lamia-spiders... is it wrong that I want my first time to be more than that? Or that I want it to be with someone like you?"

With a wave, Kujin sank back into her lair, propping open the trapdoor with one of the sticks that usually topped her entrance, and she sank out of sight, with one last blush at Lucia. If Lucia were to turn back on her way to Netia's, she might even see the shy spidergirl blow her a simple kiss. There was no doubt- the young drider had something for Lucia.

Once back at Netia's, Lucia would find the front room empty, but there would be grunts, groans, and the occasional muffled pop from the back room. Poking her head inside would reveal... Netia, her eyes closed, twisted around the two poles in her bedroom, flexing her body and coils this way and that, enjoying the stretching sensation and contorting her body in a number of ways that might get Lucia a little more hot and bothered.

"Aaaaahhhh... that's what I needed. Between going lust-crazy and getting my scaly bum handed to me by the most beautiful thing I've ever had a desire to make little lamias with, I haven't had a chance to get limbered up again... maybe if I stretch out and get more flexible, Lucia won't have a choice next time I see her... I'll just wrap her up, silence her with a kiss, and she'll jump on me... hm?"

After one last good series of popping and cracking that seemed to start at her shoulders and end near her tail, Netia sighed and uncoiled herself, taking a deep breath before finally opening her eyes- and seeing Lucia, who'd been watching her.

"Uhm... you weren't supposed to hear that, miss Lucia. I, uhm... did you come to your senses yet? You want the spear? Oh... my help? Well... I'll hold you to a bargain for that, then... when you're feeling up to having fun with me... I want your mouth on me- anywhere I want it. You may drink some of my goo, you may even swallow a few unmatured eggs- or even a few matured ones, if you want to feel the little ones squirming through you... sound fine with you?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

(No worries about your paint skills, they're about as good as mine if not better. XD. Also I'm assuming that this isn't the whole village, just the main part of it that Lucia's seen so far, as it seems awful small to be a settlement that's been there for a while.)

After hearing that Kujin as she'd introduced herself as would come to help her, Lucia felt more than a bit relieved to say the least, as she felt that she'd made an ally of sorts. Hearing all she had to say, Lucia actually didn't feel too surprised when Kujin told her what Netia had threatened to do to her, merely nodding at that. "Thank you Kujin, I feel that I've made at least one friend here in this seemingly hostile place, and while I think Netia could be a bit less demanding or at least a bit less forceful, she seemed like a good person to me, aside from being overwhelmed with desire... for me from the sounds of it. I assume that I'll have to get used to that, considering my choice of attire that is. I was told by a couple of my friends back home that I dressed a bit... sexy as they put it," Lucia told her, thanking the drider girl with a smile. "And... I've only ever really felt... you know... pleasure a few times. And those times were in the bath on accident when I was washing myself down there. But... I'll certainly keep it in mind for sure. I just... it's embarrassing to promise that sort of thing, even if I've been curious about it somewhat about it a little recently... heh, thanks to those few times in the bath actually," she added with a bit of a chuckle, though she was obviously embarrassed as she spoke for she was still blushing.

Heading on after waving by to Kujin once their talk was ended, Lucia glanced back to see her blow a kiss at her, which made her smile and wink back before she made her way back to Netia's where she came upon the lamia matriarch of the village in what could only be described as a compromising situation. Listening to Netia talking about what she seemed to be planning on doing the next time they met, Lucia gulped a bit and felt her member, which after her battle with Kujin had ended had begun to go down a bit, was now stiffening up slightly again. The way this kept happening ever since she'd arrived here was beginning to make her believe that the next girl she ran into here might not give her much of a choice if she couldn't endure... but she'd endured up until now, so surely she could manage at least until she'd solved what was going on here.

When Netia opened her eyes, Lucia cleared her throat as she was spotted, the blush on her face saying all Netia needed to know that she'd heard all she said. "I um... haven't come to my senses in the way I suppose you might have... you know, wanted me to. But I met another one of your villagers, name of Kujin. Also... n-no I don't quite think I'd enjoy any eggs like that to be honest, s-sorry. But as for the other... then yes, I'll kiss you wherever you want... if that's what you meant that is," Lucia told Netia with a blush, thinking to herself that maybe whatever was affecting the rest of the village was still affecting her. Lucia looked directly into Netia's eyes for a few moments, thinking about what Kujin had said the lamia matriarch had threatened to do to her, but she decided that she could talk to her about that later.

Once that was done, Lucia made her way on out again, this time heading towards the shaman's house and taking Kujin's advice that said shaman might be able to help her out somewhat. She didn't know what to expect, or even what race she was, but if she had to guess she was probably another lamia like Netia. She would keep her guard up on the way there, glancing over towards the priestess's and the catgirl's houses to her left as she made her way out of Netia's central hut to the shaman's, figuring if anything came at her it'd be one of those two most likely if she had to guess.


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

There are more regions to the village, but Netia might have something to say about that. There's more than what seems to be going on around here, and there's more areas to the village. With Netia's libido, there's got to be somewhere for the resulting brood to go... also, there's a lot more island to cover, too- this might not be the only settlement out there!

Not to mention Lucia's going to have a bit more to worry about than the other areas of the village shortly...

Perception vs. ??????????: 15 (Passed!)

Yeah... there's something not quite right here. She avoids taking 1 AP damage from the environment!

Contested Perception: Lucia: 20 vs. ??????????: 4

Lucia's angel eyes see right through the shaman's illusion!

Strangely, the village was quieter than usual as Lucia walked from Netia's place towards the shaman's hut. There weren't any calls from birds, the wind didn't even blow, and everything seemed to be holding its breath. There was a general sense of unease as she approached, almost as if something was trying to look unassuming, or it was trying to outright hide from her.

On the outside, the shaman's hut was covered in strange symbols and a collected mess of animal bones, each covered with strange paint markings.The door to the hut was open, and there was smoke coming out the door.

Inside, Lucia would find a number of dried plants hanging from the roof, and several ropes hanging from the ceiling. A massive fireplace takes up the opposite end of the hut, and standing in front of it is a young woman, with dark skin and dark hair, pulling off a golden mask set with a few rubies as she wiped her brow. She bore a staff topped with a skull that she used to poke around in the ashes, and wore a metal torc with a skull pendant over it. Bracelets wound up and down her arms, and a strange leather wrapping, almost like a cord, wound up her left arm. Surprisingly, she was the most-dressed person Lucia had seen so far, wearing a loincloth and animal-skin halter.

Turning around, the shaman would catch sight of Lucia, and she paused. Casually reaching aside to a small table, where she picked up a cluster of leaves and threw it over her shoulder into the fire. Immediately, light but strong smoke started to fill the hut, wafting over the both of them with an earthy, sweet aroma. A slight blush appeared upon the shaman's face, while one whiff of it brought back a quick memory for Lucia.

The same smell, though faint, had been present upon Netia's body- most of it coming from her hair- and Kujin's burrow had held the same smell, just lighter. It wasn't the best of connections, but faced with the similar smell, it meant that both of them had spent time here at least sometime in the last few days.

While she was thinking this, however, the shaman... just stood there. While she seemed to be affected by the smoke, she wasn't outright attacking Lucia in a sexual frenzy.

"Uhm... welcome, traveler. I am this village's shaman, the one who heals and communes with the spirits. You are the first visitor I have had the past few days- apparently the villagers have... other things in mind, for the time being. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Lucia's mind, armed with information, would quickly tear apart her claims- the smoke means at least Netia and Kujin were both there in the last few days. Serving the spirits and healing was Samara's job, and given the fact that the woman hadn't tried to jump her outright, but was acting like nothing had ever happened...

Something tickled her mind, and that could honestly mean only one thing- there was a good reason she'd been drawn here. It was the feeling that one of her polar opposites was right here, in this very room with her- a succubus. It was obvious, when she looked back on her short time she'd already spent in the village- the sex-crazed monstergirls, the scent of specialized herbs, grown for their properties to increase lust in a manner that most would overlook...

By this time, the 'shaman' realized that something was up, and she shot Lucia a toothy grin before replacing the mask on her face, flashing Lucia a glance at sharp fangs before they disappeared behind the mask.

"So you figured out my little secret... I honestly didn't expect you to find me this easily... but there's no changing that fact now. I never expected you to free that slut lamia, or that... virginal... drider... but the fact of the matter is... no matter what she thinks... I had her first. ...would you like to see?"

The shaman disappeared as the fire suddenly roared and threw everything into shadow, before a ghostly scene played out in front of Lucia. The shaman was there, still wearing her mask, as Kujin stood behind her, holding one hand to her head, several of her eyes closed, with two or three of them glaring accusingly at her back.

"My head hurts... but why is this happening? My mind keeps telling me that I need to give in, to allow one of the others to deflower me... but I know that's not right. I've been... relieving the urge... myself... for the past few days, but it just keeps getting worse and worse... I wanted to ask Netia's advice, but I got close enough to her house to peek in a window, and I saw her pounding into Lyra, the both of them crying out in... pleasure? Suddenly, Netia stiffened up and let out a cry, and... she was filling up Lyra with her white fluid, that was coming from one of her... things... it was squirming and throbbing, and the little slit on top was just... blasting more into her, flexing open as she kept thrusting into Lyra. I swear Lyra was doing her best to get more of that fluid out of her..."

Her face flushed, but she kept going.

"Lyra was almost completely white, but she still kept on moaning and groaning like she was in pain, but she kept rocking back and forth on Netia's lap, and leaning back to kiss her, until she was completely white and translucent... and then... Netia let out a cry, and did her best to hold Lyra to her. Suddenly, her bottom... thing... started squirming inside Lyra, and I could see... things... moving under Netia's skin. They were little... bulges... and they were lining up, and then..."

Kujin's face flushed the rest of the way, and she looked away, obviously embarrassed.

"Little balls started popping out of her lower thing... and Netia was a drooling mess as they kept coming out. They all clustered together inside Lyra's insides, and the white seemed to drain into them... she gradually faded back to blue, but at the same time, Netia stuffed her with so many... eggs, I think they were... that it looked like she'd grown a core of them. I must have stood there, transfixed, for what felt like hours, watching them finally disengage and separate. I had to run back to my lair to relieve myself of the pressure between my legs, and then I came here... do you have anything that could help eliminate this... this feeling?"

Kujin could only watch as the shaman focused on the fire, and then removed her mask, a slight grin on her features as she regarded the young drider.

"...who's to say I want it to stop, when I spent so much time putting the village under this in the first place, silly spider? If you're asking questions like this, I guess it means that I'm going to have to put insome personal time with you..."

The shape of the shaman flickered for a second, and then, in her place, stood a barely clothed being with blue hair, which was gathered into a short ponytail in the back. Two black leathery wings, too underdeveloped for flight, sprouted from her back. She only wore a black thong, and a black cloth strap that barely covered her nipples. Coiled around one wrist was a whip, that she uncoiled with one flick. Kujin gasped, but as she tried to back away, the succubus lashed her whip upwards, into the shadows- and though it took another second, it was all she needed.

Multiple cords came down from the ceiling above Kujin, and interwove around her body, forming complex knots that bound around her body, pulling her up into the air with both arms tied behind her back, and each leg with its own rope to keep it immobile. Her chest was thrust out, enough that her chestplate popped off with a little prodding from one of the whips, revealing soft curves, untouched by any but their owner. They were quickly bound in cord, pushing them outwards and boosting them up. She struggled against the shibari weave for as long as she could, but every time she moved, it seemed her breasts were squeezed harder, or this cord- that seemed to be in exactly the right place, would run directly over her slit, causing strong feelings of pleasure to throb through her body.

After she was finally secure, the succubus let go of the whip, and left it dangling in the air as she lightly stepped over to the bound drider, a smile growing on her face.

"Hmmmm... like a delicious, low-hanging peach. It's time for the both of us to treat ourselves to a little sweetness... you, to the sweetness that can only come from exquisite physical pleasure... and me, to sample the incomparable taste of a virgin's first time."

Stepping up to Kujin's front, the succubus reached out, with warm hands, and cupped the drider's breasts, her blue skin standing out against the pale cream of her prisoner. Fingers squeezed the pale flesh, causing gasps and low moans that were quickly bit back. Thumbs quickly began to work back and forth on pert, pink nipples, causing them to quickly engorge with blood, filling up and out as two prominent nubs, further teasing Kujin. Her eight eyes were closed in shame, but when she opened them again, they met the ice-blue eyes of her tormentor.

"Your body wants this. Don't try to deny it- just give in, take a few deep breaths of my little herb, and I'll take you to pleasures you would never have known otherwise. All I need from you... is one kiss. Give me a kiss, and all your dreams will come true..."

Kujin tried her best to resist- though the fact that her captor's wings were gently fanning more of the smoke into her face didn't really help things either. Finally, though, her lips parted, as if they were about to say something- when the uncolored lips of the succubus crashed down against them, covering Kujin's muffled shrieks as her tongue wrestled for control against the forked invader. Gradually, though, she lessened her resistance- the kiss of her tormentor further clouding her mind, she settled down, and accepted the attentions lavished upon her as she blushed- the hands upon her breasts had not stopped their attentions, and the experience was quickly causing Kujin to get more and more excited.

Abruptly, the succubus puller her tonge from Kujin's mouth, and started sliding lower down her body, planting licks and kisses along her chin... moving downward along her neck, over her collarbone, and then down the swell of her breast until she began to tease her right nipple with her forked tongue. That pulled more gasps and quiet cries from the drider, none that were bit back at all. It was quite obvious that the smoke had gotten to Kujin, and she was under its effects. Her moans increased in intensity when those pale lips locked around her pink, hard nipple, the short licks alternating with long, slow swirls around the areola to drive Kujin completely crazy- all the while, the succubus's thumb was being used to mimic those actions on her left nipple, pushing Kujin even higher.

After several minutes of this, the nipple was released, slight bite marks around the nipple indicating that her teeth had been used to keep her im place, and as her tongue retreated, a string of saliva stretched from the nipple's very tip and finally broke when the succubus closed her lips. By now, Kujin's face was a mask of pleasure, her own tongue lolling out, a noticeable wet spot forming between her front legs. With a harsher smile, the succubus sank to her knees, extended one long arm, and began to rub the wet spot, nudging the folds of skin back and forth, until the inner folds were exposed, and that single finger found Kujin's little button.

The first stroke set off a cry from Kujin's mouth, and the succubus looked up, a harsh grin on her face.

"Hmmm hmmm hmmm... you enjoy my attentions, little pet? I can make you feel so much better... all you have to do is swear to be mine. I just need to hear the words 'I swear myself and my firstborn to you, Mistress Heriko' and I swear, I will show you pleasures like you have never experienced... you'll be mine, forever..."

Kujin had needed no prompting- at each flick of her button, she squirmed, until she blurted out the same words.

"I... I swear myself to you, Mistress Heriko... and my firstborn! Please, take me to new heights!"

The bite mark around her right nipple suddenly glowed with an ominous light, slowly forming into a small rune tattoo that formed there, which glowed with an unearthly light. Heriko smiled, and slowly leaned forward, until her breath washed over the lips, causing Kujin to squirm even more.

"Very good, little pet... now, experience my gratitude... I will expect you to return it in a few minutes... so do try to pay attention, yes?"

With no more words needed, Heriko dove in, using both of her hands to spread Kujin wide open before leaning forward to give one long lick up her inner lips, letting her tongue pause at the top to swirl around the clitoris, sending Kujin into a moaning, groaning mess of squirming and rocking. That continued for a few minutes, until one finger pulled aside an inner fold long enough to expose her entrance, and that was all the time she needed to push her tongue deep inside the drider's folds, sending Kujin into a screaming fit as her body responded to the new pleasure. Higher and higher that tongue seemed to drive her, seeking out and teasing her sensitive spots, until she seemed inches away from the point of no return, at which point Heriko... just stopped, and leaned back, spreading her own legs in front of Kujin, her fingers dipping into her own folds, stroking her own clit.

Heriko gasped quietly as her own expert fingers played across her folds, finding her sensitive spots inside and outside. Her voice gasped and cried out as her body reacted, in full view of Kujin's desperate eyes, who had been so close to her peak, but was feeling her body back off, the feeling almost excruciating for one so close to reaching her first peak. Her eyes focused on those fingers, diving back and forth into Heriko's well-used slit, and her mouth opened desperately, almost read to beg for her peak to be reached somehow, someway.

Heriko watched her eyes, and smiled, her teeth reflecting some of the light.

Do you want to cum for me, my little pet? I see your eyes watching my fingers, diving in and out of my wet, wonderful little hole? I know you want them back in yours... or are you missing my wonderful tongue, instead?" She ran her tongue over her own lips to further torment Kujin, who shook and groaned at the sight. Heriko got to her feet, and turned around, allowing Kujin to gaze at her back- feeling her eyes trace down her back, along the curve of her spine and then down over the gentle swell of her rear... and over her flicking, spade-tipped tail.

"If you so desperately want to cum, my pet... show me how much you have learned!"

With no warning, Heriko flexed backward, standing on her hands, until her legs rested against Kujin's shoulders, and then locked her legs around her neck. Two more cords descended from above and wrapped around her ankles, providing just enough support to not wrench Kujin's head out of place. Her own face was next to Kujin's aching slit, her breath playing over it.

Now, my little spider, show me what you've learned... if you earn it, I will send you through the highs that you will beg to revisit..."

Kujin's eyes were locked on Heriko's slit- her smell was flooding the drider's nose, and she opended her mouth... and gave a tentative lick. Liking the taste, she dove in, her tongue taking long strokes up the clean-shaven slit, coaxing Heriko's honey to flow out. small drips oozing out. The succubus moaned lightly and reached up with both hands, spreading herself open long enough for the drider's tongue to dive inside, letting her inexperience and sense of discovery fill her with pleasure. She sighed as the warm muscl moved back and forth, seeking out what it could, until she was satisfied that she'd done more than enough to earn her release.

Pulling her hands back down to her face, she suddenly spread Kujin's lips wide and stuck her tongue in, swirling it about to hit every single point inside she could, one after another. Her thumb worked the drider's button, and before long, she was crying out, again headed for that peak- and this time, Heriko let her reach it.

The wail that burst forth from Kujin's chest seemed to echo through the room, coinciding with a veritable fountain of her honey bursting forth from her lips. Heriko's face was covered in the first true peak that Kujin had ever had, her inner walls crushing the tongue in between them, feeling it squirm as her stomach muscles tensed over and over, allowing her to ride the feelings as she cried out, the succubus relishing in those cries that were like a symphony to the ears for her kind.

Face flushed, chest heaving, Kujin gradually came down from her first peak, her eyes opening to find herself... staring at the fireplace, but still hanging from the cords. The only thing that had changed... was that Heriko had unwrapped herself from around her head, and was standing in front of her. One hand was between her legs, and the other was on the handle of her whip, to which she gave a swift tug.

The cords holding Kujin suddenly shifted, pulling up on her arms, and lowering her torso, until she was hanging vertically spread-eagle (think like , but imagine a drider in there...), her spider torso almost brushing the ground as she panted, her fluids still leaking out from her well-tongued slit. After she'd been hanging there for a few minutes, Heriko's hand pulled out of her, long enough to let her look over Kujin's body as she smiled, this time regarding her like the prey, trapped in the gaze of a predator.

Walking over to the bound spiderling, she knelt in front of her, running her hands over the furred underbelly, probing, stroking, listening to Kujin's moans until she suddenly cried out, finding a depression on her thorax. Using her fingers to spread the fold of skin apart, she pressed her face to it, and inserted her tongue, swirling it around, causing deeper moans to emerge from the young drider. It took about a minute, but suddenly, Heriko pulled back as Kujin twitched, gasping and moaning as a tube began to emerge from the hole, stretching out as it finally came to full length, standing straight out in front of her. One hand would come down, and started to stroke the tube, watching as Kujin instinctively jerked her hips forward, pumping the ovipositor in front of her, taking advantage of the hand wrapped around it.

"No wonder you were transfixed by the sight of Netia stuffing her eggs deep inside the little goo slut... did you know that she loves to be egged like that? How she tells me it's her dream to have Netia and you to stuff her completely full of eggs at the same time? How she wants nothing more than to Be caught between the both of you, your ovipositors touching each other, screaming in pleasure as you both use her as your little breeding toy? To be forced to walk around with a mass of both of your eggs inside her, with everyone seeing your handiwork?"

Kujin groaned again, and this time... there was a slight shift of something behind the slit. A thin stream of slime started leaking down the tube, and that was enough for Heriko to pull her hand away. Her tail started squirming about, and after a bit, it started to stiffen up, and she quickly curled it up between her legs , where the shaft of the tail split her lips, making it look like she was riding her own tail. The spaded tip swelled up, and she reached a hand down to rub it, moaning slightly as it filled out even further, until it stiffened up enough to where it stayed put.

"It's too bad you never had anyone to teach you about how drider reproduce... but the only thing you need to know is that there are three ways that you can do it. You can weave yourself a little nest and lay your eggs into it, and then allow your partner to spurt all over them... you could do like Netia does, and lay your eggs in someone... but that might need a third party to donate some seed... perhaps Netia would be able to donate some for your partner? But the third..."

Heriko lunged forward, the spaded tip of her tail-cock easily inserting itself into Kujin's ovipositor, causing the drider's eyes to roll back into her head at the feeling of having her tube penetrated. Heriko pushed forward, until she was completely buried inside, and then began to thrust forward, pumping in and out, letting the drips of her pre that were already coming out due to all the stimulation she'd received lubricate her way into the tube. Her mouth slowly opened as she pounded the tube, her black tail-cock spasming as it dumped more pre into the tube, until her length was pounding into the tube with wet squelching sounds as the pre and the slime mixed together.

Kujin was completely gone, her eyes rolled back, and her tongue lolling about as her mind struggled to process the pleasure. Heriko had seen it many times before, though- her elders had called it 'the mask of pleasure', only shown when someone who had completely given themselves to the pursuit of pleasure chose to let it be known. It was a point of accomplishment for a succubus to put a partner at this state, and for Heriko, it was also highly erotic. Just the sight of that face was enough to get her to pound Kujin's tube that much harder.

Kujin's tube started spasming, and her eyes finished rolling up into her head, and if there wasn't any other sign that she'd just peaked again from having her ovipositor pounded, the gush of honey spurting out over her body- and all over Heriko's legs. The end of the tube clenched down, and Heriko moaned as the tip contracted around her shaft, causing her to pound it harder, and harder... until she took hold of the ovipositor and started pumping it while she pounded it, causing the tube to clench harder, adding to her stimulation-

With a scream of "Take it, my pet! Take every drop!", her tail-cock exploded a massive load of white seed, pumping it straight up the ovipositor, sending waves of pleasure surging through both their bodies. The ovipositor, reacting to the surge of seed, pulsed, pulling the seed up into Kujin's body while she moaned lustily, feeling part of her abdomen suddenly awaken.

After another minute, Heriko's tail-cock finally softened, and she pulled it out of Kujin, pulling it out from between her legs before she fell and landed square on her rump, watching as a bulge began to build up behind the tube, Kujin's body quivering as she appeared to be readying herself for something.

"The third way... that a drider can reproduce... is by taking a partner's seed up their ovipositor... to fertilize their eggs right before laying. You remember wondering what Netia felt like when she was laying her eggs inside Lyra, little pet? You're about to lay yours... and they will get such a good education, too... they'll already have my hunger as part of their being... and once we raise them to be loyal to me- I mean, us... we'll be that much closer to attacking the mainland. So come on, my little spider breeding pet... let's have those eggs...!"

(More to come in next post!)
Last edited:


Mystic Girl
Jun 21, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Heaven Sent? (Lucia/Mind Flayer)

Kujin twitched a bit, and suddenly, an orb appeared at the back of her tube. It slowly moved forward, followed by more as she twitched, her sexually exhausted body pushing towards one last peak. Snapping her fingers, Heriko summoned a basket- one with a black pillow on the bottom of it, with a black ribbon tied around it- and it dropped to the ground, right beneath Kujin. Picking herself back up, she walked over on unsteady feet- her own peak had been so powerful that all the energy she'd absorbed had left her more than a bit loopy for a while- and grasped hold of the ovipositor, starting to pump on it just like she had before.

Kujin's mouth opened, and she began to moan out loud, the feeling of her first eggs moving down her ovipositor magnified by the smoke and the pumping motion as it forced more and more eggs into her length, watching them creep forward, slowly reaching the tip- causing Heriko's hand to release the end, lightening her touch long enough to allow the first egg to pass through her opened hand and press against the tip.

With a quick jerk of the tube, the first egg passed out the end of the ovipositor, and dropped into the basket. Kujin moaned, her honey leaking out of her sex in a constant dribble as the eggs kept on coming, dropping out of her tube and piling up in the basket. Heriko's soft pumping made all the difference- and after five minutes of constant laying, Kujin finally finished, dropping the last egg to top off a basket of eggs. Her torso was soaked with her own honey, and she was incoherent, completely exhausted from her efforts.

With one last yank on the whip, Kujin was dropped unceremoniously upon the ground on her back, her legs akimbo, head lolled back. Uncaring of the condition of her latest conquest, Heriko picked up the basket full of eggs and stepped on another plank- this one triggering a portion of the floor to tilt up. Kneeling and grasping the panel with one hand, she pulled it up to reveal a staircase, leading down to a small room that was already occupied by two things. One was a black crystal on a stand, that just stood there. The other... was an unconscious figure tied up with a similar cord and stashed in a cage. She sat the eggs down next to the crystal, and then walked back up, closing the trapdoor with a clunk as she shifted back into her shaman disguise.

"Now, my pet, what to do with you... I always put my toys away... mmmm, I know... my pet, your mistress commands you to return to your burrow, and forget whatever happened here... for now. You will keep on watch for the next explorer ship, and assist the others when they subdue them for our use."

In a daze, Kujin stood, and dragged herself out the door, a blank look on her face. Heriko turned her attention back to the fire, sated for now.

The vision faded, and Heriko appeared in front of the raging fire, and shifted out of her shaman disguise. She looked up at Lucia, a smirk on her face.

"Here's the deal, angel girl. Monster girl eggs take seven days to grow and hatch, and once they do, they pop out mostly grown. I think it has to do with the energies swirling about the island. They're still downstairs... and that's where you come in. I have a little... preposition for you. You understand how things work around here, do you not? We require that they catch all explorers who land here, so they can be used... or even changed to suit what they want to be. You, however, throw a wrench into this deal. If you, say... submit to me just once... I'd be willing to allow you to take the drider's eggs back, and I'd even erase the memory of what happened here. If you give me enough, I might even take my mark off of her... wouldn't you like that? To be her... first, as she thinks? I'd even throw in the rest of the villagers, too- all I ask..."

Suddenly, the whip uncoiled from her wrist, and played about in her hand.

"...is that we exchange a bit of our seed. You take mine, and take it all the way to term... and I do the same with yours. Just for a little effort, you get to free everyone and look like a hero, and you don't even have to fight! On the other hand, if you fight me and lose, I'll treat you just like I treated your little friend... maybe even more... and I'll take the eggs with me- and restore Kujin's memories to what happened here. You'll have a hard time convincing her this didn't matter..."

She cracked the whip once, in Lucia's general direction.

"So, what will it be, my future angel pet? Will you let the village suffer, or will you do the goodly thing and take it all on yourself?"

Ugh. That took a lot of work. I hope you like it! Anyways, time for a bit of choice.

If you choose to fight, give me two actions- you can fight, try to break a bind, or call for help. This will be a tough battle, so good luck!

If you choose to submit, however... that could be interesting, too.

And yes, I beat the character limit- post limit is 25,000 characters, I topped out at 29,470 characters of post. I'll get more pictures loaded to the album in a bit... I'm just happy to have this thing posted!
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