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Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Can someone put a link up or send me a version already
and than everyone who doesnt want to get it like that pay the $ 30 and dont download it from here simple as that.
for me im just a student and that is a lot of money for a hentai game no matter how good(or bad) it is.

The thing is that there is a link posted, is ok to be lazy and all that but there is a search function for the thread, oh well, look at page 12
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

The thing is that there is a link posted, is ok to be lazy and all that but there is a search function for the thread, oh well, look at page 12

And now i feel like a idiot.
Thnx for the help
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Think anyone could add the 0.4 version on Mega (or as a torrent) as well? It is one of the few ways I can get something of that size to download where I am.
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

I find this statement completely illogical. He has already made half the money of his best seller which is survivor sara, and the game is still in development and has even hit store shelves yet. 30$ is a donation and for the impatient, but if the final game cost 30$ then yea I say go ahead and pirate the shit outta this game. It probably cost him (I assume he is doing this by himself with no paid staff) nothing to make the the game except time.

Objectively this game aint worth 30$ when you compare it to other eroge rpg maker games such as ROBFU or Ariadyne. rpg gameplay is subpar (somehow panty pull does like 40 hp shame dmg while Student does like 3 actual hp Physical dmg), doesn't even attempt at animations or animation like stuff, 3D graphics is okay(I can make better looking 3d characters in skyrim for free, have free awesome sex mods, and I bought legendary edition for like 15 bucks on steam sales), story so far is not very compelling, and the game still uses rpgmaker xp which is like 10 years old (seriously survivor sarah made like 15000$, and he cant even upgrade software. Yesterday on 12/23/2014, RPGmakervxace, 14$, on steam was cheaper then this indie game). I can't come up with any more off the top of my head feel free to come up with your own stuff. But its in native English so that magically makes it worth more. Compare English dlsite sales to Japanese dlsite sales. Its like 2:1.

You are actually hurting his game sales data on dlsite if you donate and instead of officially buying from dlsite( if this was on steam early access then go for it). This guy's dream is to make a living making games like this. I mean if you really support this guy you would donate crap tons of money to meet his goal on patreon so he can quit work, or you buy officially from dlsite (maybe somebody would notice this guy and hire him you know). I dunno maybe I'm stupid. Feel free to point on bad grammar, and I'll pm you when I need you to revise my essays for school. oh and thanks karel5587 for the share of demos.

I agree mostly with this post. His games r ok, and story of this one is interesting, battle system and some art r bit weird, but cant really ask perfection in rpg maker hentai game.:D

Problem is that some ppl r very unrealistic, many complain on hentai sharing sites about piracy and they r really selective which authors they defend. If really someone believed this game wont be pirated they r incredibly naive - author included. You simply must expect this will happen sooner or later.
Author made around 50% of his planed money before completing the game and that is very good result for him, he will most likely pass wanted number when completed game hits dlsites. Its truth like some said that 30$ for such game is just too much, titles that have entire studios behind them dont ask so much or go around that price(and some sell very little anyway), AAA games get to that price after a while.

And about sales, i checked his blog few times, and mostly donations were at 250+ last few patches that werent pirated, so it really isnt that he was selling tons, then after new leak it just stoped. Most people that wanna buy this game will just wait full realease, vast majority wont spend on porn games anyway, if game doesnt leak they simply wont play it.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Originally Posted by lordmidboss View Post
I find this statement completely illogical. He has already made half the money of his best seller which is survivor sara, and the game is still in development and has even hit store shelves yet. 30$ is a donation and for the impatient, but if the final game cost 30$ then yea I say go ahead and pirate the shit outta this game. It probably cost him (I assume he is doing this by himself with no paid staff) nothing to make the the game except time.

Objectively this game aint worth 30$ when you compare it to other eroge rpg maker games such as ROBFU or Ariadyne. rpg gameplay is subpar (somehow panty pull does like 40 hp shame dmg while Student does like 3 actual hp Physical dmg), doesn't even attempt at animations or animation like stuff, 3D graphics is okay(I can make better looking 3d characters in skyrim for free, have free awesome sex mods, and I bought legendary edition for like 15 bucks on steam sales), story so far is not very compelling, and the game still uses rpgmaker xp which is like 10 years old (seriously survivor sarah made like 15000$, and he cant even upgrade software. Yesterday on 12/23/2014, RPGmakervxace, 14$, on steam was cheaper then this indie game). I can't come up with any more off the top of my head feel free to come up with your own stuff. But its in native English so that magically makes it worth more. Compare English dlsite sales to Japanese dlsite sales. Its like 2:1.

You are actually hurting his game sales data on dlsite if you donate and instead of officially buying from dlsite( if this was on steam early access then go for it). This guy's dream is to make a living making games like this. I mean if you really support this guy you would donate crap tons of money to meet his goal on patreon so he can quit work, or you buy officially from dlsite (maybe somebody would notice this guy and hire him you know). I dunno maybe I'm stupid. Feel free to point on bad grammar, and I'll pm you when I need you to revise my essays for school. oh and thanks karel5587 for the share of demos.

I agree mostly with this post. His games r ok, and story of this one is interesting, battle system and some art r bit weird, but cant really ask perfection in rpg maker hentai game.:D

Problem is that some ppl r very unrealistic, many complain on hentai sharing sites about piracy and they r really selective which authors they defend. If really someone believed this game wont be pirated they r incredibly naive - author included. You simply must expect this will happen sooner or later.
Author made around 50% of his planed money before completing the game and that is very good result for him, he will most likely pass wanted number when completed game hits dlsites. Its truth like some said that 30$ for such game is just too much, titles that have entire studios behind them dont ask so much or go around that price(and some sell very little anyway), AAA games get to that price after a while.

And about sales, i checked his blog few times, and mostly donations were at 250+ last few patches that werent pirated, so it really isnt that he was selling tons, then after new leak it just stoped. Most people that wanna buy this game will just wait full realease, vast majority wont spend on porn games anyway, if game doesnt leak they simply wont play it.

This 2 posts is just damn good. Faith in humanity restored.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

At this point I almost feel like apologizing for steering the thread back on topic
But how the heck do you get the "teacher's password"?
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

You don't. This game is still in development. Maybe the password will be available in the next update if you want to donate.

Hopefully you'll get a chance to play the finished game.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

For those of you who have access to the game, is it better or worse compared to his previous titles?
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Besides the fact that he won't upgrade to better versions of RPGmaker (No text skip or dash options? Still?) I'd say that overall the quality is the same. The plot is still somewhat on the outrageous side and the graphics have not noticeably improved. I suppose that the scenes are better, but to justify such a high cost before the game is released, around twice as much as Survivor Sarah, is rather difficult.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Besides the fact that he won't upgrade to better versions of RPGmaker (No text skip or dash options? Still?) I'd say that overall the quality is the same. The plot is still somewhat on the outrageous side and the graphics have not noticeably improved. I suppose that the scenes are better, but to justify such a high cost before the game is released, around twice as much as Survivor Sarah, is rather difficult.

He asked for feedback from those that have donated, not from the moochers. You obviously aren't someone that would contribute to the "betterment" of his games. From someone that HAS contributed I'd say this is quite adequate for this stage of development and lack of English and cg style offerings.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

He asked for feedback from those that have donated, not from the moochers.

Are you serious dude? Are you really that short-sighted? Do you really think because you shelled out 30 dollars you're more reliable as a source of feedback?
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Are you serious dude? Are you really that short-sighted? Do you really think because you shelled out 30 dollars you're more reliable as a source of feedback?

Yes I enjoy the games he has made so far to put my money where my mouth is. I mooched his first game like the rest here but I enjoyed the fact that it was different by being in English and art style that I've made sure to help the cause. If you've put money into it then by all means speak on it but I doubt that because the ones that care enough to donate wouldn't disparage something in such short supply.

And yes because I've been in on the conversation about the development of the game that would make me a bit more reliable. The game is about 60% done which means this is quite a bit more put into it than his first game and even the second. Even though I really enjoy the games it doesn't mean I'm not objective. I don't care much for scat from the prior games but that seems to be a bit toned down.
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Yes I enjoy the games he has made so far to put my money where my mouth is. I mooched his first game like the rest here but I enjoyed the fact that it was different by being in English and art style that I've made sure to help the cause. If you've put money into it then by all means speak on it but I doubt that because the ones that care enough to donate wouldn't disparage something in such short supply.

So honesty is something I can't do unless I donate.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

How can someone be trusted with an opinion when they don't have anything invested?

If you don't care for his games by all means see yourself out. When the game gets released to the moochers please don't bother with downloading it since the quality is not up to par for you.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

How can someone be trusted with an opinion when they don't have anything invested?

If you don't care for his games by all means see yourself out. When the game gets released to the moochers please don't bother with downloading it since the quality is not up to par for you.


Since you have something invested, your opinion is actually less trustworthy.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Right so getting back on topic since fighting will only cause the thread to close. Anyone else have a hard time with the basketball part, or is there no way to win?
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)


Since you have something invested, your opinion is actually less trustworthy.

Ah I see. Since you don't appear to like his games but yet happen to have played all of them for free I'd say one of us is full of bs.

Please don't go into psychology with me. I break the mold. I'm objective enough to recognize and appreciate something I like instead of saying I don't and yet have played every game at no cost. Please donate or see your way out, this guys games obviously aren't for you and you shouldn't waste your time playing yet another when the free download comes around.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Right so getting back on topic since fighting will only cause the thread to close. Anyone else have a hard time with the basketball part, or is there no way to win?

Its not an easy thing to do but you have to make it to the hoop. I've done it once by sheer luck and curiosity to see it done. More or less I'd rather lose.
Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Ah I see. Since you don't appear to like his games but yet happen to have played all of them for free I'd say one of us is full of bs.

Dude what is wrong with you? First you go around sprouting utter garbage saying people who didn't pay have no right to point out flaws with the game, and now you're saying this?

Please don't go into psychology with me. I break the mold.

No. You don't. You're not breaking any molds, you're just being recalcitrant and pretentious. Ignoring the fact that anybody who says "I break the mold" is supremely egotistical, you're just another random person that can't even recognize his own inherent bias. You are a poster child of for the You haven't actually debated whether or not my criticisms have merit, but rather have questioned whether or not I, as someone who didn't pay for the game, have any right to criticize it. In fact, it's you whose criticisms carry less weight, because you paid money and you're being influenced, so you're definitely not reliable. Again, you are under the sway of the endowment effect and possible cognitive dissonance. I have full right to go into psychology with someone uneducated in it like you because you're being a case study for it and you don't even know. The delusional are always good examples.
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Re: Agent Alona (Combin Ation Game)

Are you serious dude? Are you really that short-sighted? Do you really think because you shelled out 30 dollars you're more reliable as a source of feedback?

In fact, it's you whose criticisms carry less weight, because you paid money and you're being influenced, so you're definitely not reliable.

Yes, the game has flaws, yet despite that, the author does manage to create some erotic situations in my view. He plays to the general things that people seem to crave (exhibitionism, corruption, etc.). Yet, it is undeniable that he takes some shortcuts by not improving the basic RPG Maker engine with readily available scripts (text skip, dash) or not editing his work adequately (although, this game seems to be an improvement in that area). In fact, I've wanted to email the author a dash script more than once with the heading, "Just copy and paste into your games." :D Good thing we got Cheat Engine.

@cavcricket48: The reality is that if you are not a paying customer, your feedback IS less important. Sure, it may still be "reliable" and address things that should be improved, but the author of this game is attempting to make money off of doing this. Therefore, satisfying his paying customers should be his first priority and attracting potential customers his second. You would fall in the latter. If you really feel strongly about influencing the development of this game, then contribute. EDIT: Just reread this, and did want to add that I'm not saying you can't offer feedback. If the author is like me, he should appreciate all feedback. He should just focus more on responding to customer feedback.

I will say, it is surprising how heated people get about this game. That would be an interesting psychology question in itself.
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