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Sonja (freeko)

Re: Sonja (freeko)

The hell was Sonja doing, now she was losing her panties and acting all weird. Well, she had bigger things to fry. Like lizards holding nets. It was heavy on her, but she didn't mind a little backburn to hurt someone who deserved it.

She released her flame out towards the closest lizard with a snarl. One thing at a time, she;d deal with the club wielding threats, then figure out what Sonja's problem is.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The eternal struggle between Sonja and the invisible monster continue, fortunately for the woman this creature was busy caressing her round ass to place more apendages to remove her sword but then Sonja recover herself the enough to get out of this problem kicking the creature and managing to get her weight over her weak legs.

Meanwhile the mage girl shoot and miss again, she reached the boiling point and used all her power and then she made by mistake an explosion, just when the invisible creature tried to jump over Sonja turning by mistake into a meat shield, the clothes over Sunflower turn pn in fire hurting her as she see in anger how that damn last man cover himself in the last time with a statue. the invisible thing manage to escape hurted but still unoticied by the mage.

Sonja: 1hp -3 at rolls thanks to an strange substance at her
Sunflower 2/5hp Burned
1hurted maybe trying to run and other healty and perfectly fine
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja would not allow that damned thing to escape if she had anything to say about it. As she got herself back onto her feet she got one leg outside of her panties, so they were just hanging down around her ankles now. Sonja just instinctively kicked them off from where they were, not thinking that she would be completely exposed until she could pull them back up. The only thought that she had going through her mind that mattered was killing that damned invisible monster. Given Sonja's current state, this may not have been the wisest of choices, but damn it all if she wouldnt repay that monster for all the crap she was put through by it.

(pursue the fleeing mob, offensive stance)
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower hissed in pain as her flames backlashed over herself and charred her robes. Wouldn't be the first time. What was strange was when the flame, fired off course hit something she couldn't see. What the hell was that? Was that what was wrong with Sonja? Damn it, she couldn't track it. She;d have to leave that to Sonja, who seemed definitely worse for wear. She focused on that damn lizard before she got even more tied up.

She growled and tried to roll a wave of flame at the damn lizard, hoping it;d get around the blasted statue. Least she had him pinned down for now.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja decide to take the full ofensive, dont caring to let exposed her virginity as she hunt the invisible and burned beast. Her panty fall away of her and then rush to the monster with all her strenght but it was part of the trap than the monster have for her, she follow where she suppose he was and then when she almost tried to do the last swing the creature whip her strong enough to make her drop her weapon as he jump over her. Just in a second Sonja dissapear from the view of anyone between the statues and soon her captor started to seal her moves and mouth.

Meanwhile this happen Jean was very focused on her evasive foe, she follow him and prepare her spell after turn off the fire on her robes, her wave spell of deadly fire hit him with that huge area, but he remain alive and ready to hit her but it was so painful move than he stop himself and tried to just get a better cover before think in some way to end this terrible witch.

Sonja: 0hp Kidnapped and muffed
Sunflower 2/5hp Burned
1hurted maybe trying to run. Finally the last guy has been wounded.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower growled in anger at the fleeing enemy. No, he caused enough trouble, he was gonna pay and then... Where'd Sonja go? Blasted hell, she looked away for a second! Nothing she could do now, she'd track her down soon as she was done here.

She skirted the statue in a wide arc to keep her distance and sent another wave of flame at the beast, hoping to end this quick before figuring out where Sonja and that... Whatever it was that Sonja was fighting got to.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja was seemingly all too eager to walk right into the trap. Was it her building arousal or was it her building rage from being hit so many times that caused her to make such a mistake?

Sonja was now knocked out and helpless, completely at the mercy of the monster that had now grabbed her.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

The duel against the last foe started and so it turned into who could find an opening first, Sunflower supposed than he was running so she trying to use the statues as defense she tried to shoot in a safe range just to see the damn guy waiting for her as he remain hidden behind a staute, the two attack each other and even when Jean manage to do a great wound with her fire, she meet again the terrible club at her head, there was an struggle than ended with her robe at the skilled guy's hands. He was almost defeated but still ready to beat her too and then who know what could happen to her.

Defeated, Sonja could just sense being draged far away of the battlefield as the horrendous creature hide her from anyone else she hit some stairs than make her groan weakly and these were soon muffed by the creature apendage wraped around her mouth., lifted she soon get her legs spread and her virgin flower exposed, her hands over her head couldnt aid her now without a weapon.

The defeated swordswoman was almost uncouncious yet the battle has leave her unable to even struggle, there was not time for a foreplay for the creature so soon a direct penetration come to Sonja, making her bleed and awake even more by the pain, her body bouncing helpless at the wall where she has been secured, it was then when the apendage inyected more fluid inside her and soon the pain turned into lust by more venom placed direct in her lewd private. The feeling of be tied and also the aphrodisiac made the moment pleasant, she couldnt see too much of her kidnaper just an invisible monster face close her breasts, it was almost a mic between a stingray and a demon than could perfectly mimic the tone of the floor and walls so her body was out of view as she saw a wall color body, there was not hope than she could see where she is now.

Sonja: 0hp Kidnapped and muffed
Sunflower 1/5hp Burned
Finally the last guy has been placed close his death
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower hissed, the beast she fought was fast. As she manoeuvred, it rushed her, her flames striking but so did it's club. Worse, the beast reached out and yanked the robes right off of her in the struggle, exposing her bra and panties. She snarled, eyes narrowing as she glared at the creature. Her vision was a little dizzy, this would be the final volley she suspected.

"I won't lose here, you'll burn and I'll get everyone taken from here back!, Snarls Sunflower, heat radiating off her as she pulled up the last that she had and sent an arc of flame at the beast, hoping to beat it before it could beat her. It was her only chance.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja now defeated and trapped, was still completely at the mercy of the monster that had defeated her. Already having lost her sword, it was now only a matter of time before Sonja would lose her virginity as well. An appendage of this beast was wrapped around her mouth, so she could not so much as moan, much less cry for help as the monster began to enjoy its spoils of the battle. Sonja could feel herself pinned against a wall soon after having her mouth gagged by the appendage. Being able to still somewhat see what was happening, she could not tell where she was, but was able to finally make out the shape of the creature that had defeated her as it pinned her arms above her head along the wall.

No sooner did her mind process what was happening to her, Sonja was able to make out a grin from the monster leering at her exposed but as of yet unmolested breasts. The monster was grinning for an obvious reason, it had just penetrated Sonja and taken her virginity. With all her clothing aside from her skirt removed, there was no further obstacles between the monster and Sonja's flower. On top of that, the fluid that the demon was injecting Sonja with during the fight would now be injected directly inside Sonja's defenseless pussy now heightening its effect. The fluid was able to interact directly with Sonja's blood that had come from her hymen being ruptured. This fluid aroused Sonja to the point that the only feeling she had was the pleasure being felt from this sexual act, completely overriding the pain that she should be feeling from being knocked out and her hymen ruptured. Sonja could feel her body giving in to this pleasure fully now, and an orgasm was in her very near future if her situation were not to change. How many times would Sonja be made to orgasm before the monster was done with her seemed to be the only question now.

Sonja was now unconscious and pinned up against a wall with an invisible demon raping her. Her only hope of escape from this predicament, would be her partner. Would Jane be able to even defeat the remaining lizard that she was fighting when Sonja so foolishly decided to chase down this monster and seal her own defeat? Nevermind try to figure out where this monster had taken Sonja were Jane to be victorious.
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

The fire mage casted her last try to fis¿nish her foe, fire engulf the area close her making sure than he would be killed, then a last move was maded giving to her a strong pain at her head. Sunflower's spell ended she was alone just using her underwear and with some blood coming from her head as she slowly start to lost counciest after receive the last attack than the guy has made before die, unable to do more she faint uncouncious at the warm floor surrounded by statues and pictures than havent receive any kind of damage at this fight.

Meanwhile Sonja continue being asaulted without mercy by the vile creature, bouncy faster as she feel the hard rob tremble and then fill her with warm juice not stoping at all at the penetrations from her already wet hole, the monster made some small sounds like laughts before start to lick her body, pinching her nipples and pressing her rear, it enjoy every inch of her as the lust drive her to the uncouncious before get mad in lust by the terrible vemon, even at her sleeps the creature rape her for a long time making her rest a hell between dreams.

Sonja awake chained to the wall with her head almost touching the floor and her legs spread and above her head, her hands were chained at her back and her pussy filled with loads of the evil seed, her mouth taste different and it made her clear than not only her most precious hole has been taken as her whole body have remains of white jizz, too much for be of just a single creature, her skirt was still on her but dont hide anything as it rest at her belly to looks to have some dark lines.

Sunflower then awakes after a long rest, her head still feel the pain of the many hits and her mantle has meet the same end of the guy fighting her, with her powers she has turned two of these males into ashes. She was now alone and still needing to decide what to do now, the large room still only have two options to continue that door at the left of the stairs going up.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflowers flame engulfed her opponent. Sunflower laughed triumphantly over the flames. Then the club flew out as a parting retort and then she saw stars, and blackness. Her last thought before going down was Damn. A draw.

Eventually she came too. She had a splitting headache, and her back definitely didn't appreciate her time on the stone floor. She winced as she slowly got to her feet and got her bearings. Looked like she was alright. Battered but alright. That she was still here and Sonja wasn't didn't bode well though.

It looked like her robes were a wash. Least she was wearing something still. And seemed like her pack with her spares went up with it. Joy. She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. The logical course would be to pull out, rest, get re clothed and tackle this again fresh. But that'd take a lot of time and that Sonja girl had either run off or had ended up dragged off too. She felt a little responsible for the girl, she was clearly over her head.

"I'll check the surrounding area, and if I don't find her, I'll head out and come back.," muttered Sunflower to herself before going and checking the door the reptillian mutants had come out of.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja awoke, and as she tried to right herself, she realized that her arms were bound to the wall. The shell shock of what she was about to come to realize as her senses came back about her, would be rather much. First she tried to look around, and all she could see was nothing. Was she in a prison cell?

As her panic starts to set in, being chained to the wall she starts to take inventory of herself, and pretty much everywhere there was the jizz remains of what had happened to her. Her mouth, pussy, body, and just about anywhere else was covered. No way only one monster did this Sonja thought, and that would mean that Jane had lost. Though Jane was not in this room, Sonja now could only really think that her sacrifice was in vain, and Jane had suffered either the same fate or worse than Sonja. About the only saving grace for Sonja was that her skirt was still there. So long as she had her skirt on, she would have hope. (Yes, she is that shallow)
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Maybe their time together was not so long to continue exploring without be in perfect shape, but Sunflower decide to risk herself in order to give her temporal partner a chance to survive. It was difficult to try to find her, she havent seen where she has decided to run and what she only found was Sonja's panties half burned at the floor, maybe she has killed by accident, it was a possibility.

Then she decide to check the left door at the left where the foes has come, it must be for sure her best bet and so she whent there to found at the way the used sword from her comrade, but also there were some stairs and two passages at her sides, there was not any clue at first sight of any clue. At the room there was just dust and webs.


Meanwhile Sonja remain at the same state, drenched in cum and starting to feel some pain at her head, there was not sign of possible monsters waiting their turn to rape her and the shackles on her werent of the best quality, now after the shock from before she could notice a strange feeling at her belly and also a continuos tickling at her used pussy, these beasts had made maybe more than just rape her but at least she cant heard them and she could detect a door at her left than looks to be made of old wood.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Before doing anything else, Sonja would need to address the elephant in the room as it were. The shackles holding her to the wall had to be dealt with. As it currently were, Sonja was still in the position that she was when she had first awoken. She was laying along the ground, her legs spread apart in a "Y", and drenched in the seed of at the minimum the invisible demon that had defeated her. She was obviously just left there in that very same position once her captors had finished with her.

Sonja would now attempt to see if she could maneuver herself into a position where she could attempt to break herself free from the chains holding her to the wall. However, while she would do this she would feel something inside of her pussy shift around. Whoever had captured her, had left her a present of some kind it seems. This would redouble Sonja's efforts to get herself free of the chains holding her along the wall. Hopefully, Sonja would at minimum make enough noise as she attempted to get herself free of the chains that if Jane were somehow able to have won, it would give her a guide in the way of a noise to follow. Sonja, other from her chains rattling around every so often, had heard an eerie level of silence around her. If Sonja were in fact in some manner of prison cell, she would at best maybe alert the guard outside her cell that she were awake. Small price to pay Sonja figured since she was already very likely violated by the guard, if there was one.
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Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower grimaced as she crouched, looking at Sonja's charred panties. Had she incinerated her? No... There weren't any extra ashes, and she was certain that she had not hit the girl. Well, she hit her clothes, but not her. This probably came from when she hit her skirt.

She moved on, following into the next room and spotted the girl's sword. She looked at it, and then the three ways she could go. The sword wasn't particularly close to any of the three routes sadly. She looked at the sword then sighed. "Blade, show me the path to your master." She then gave the sword a good nudge to make it spin, waiting to see which way the sword pointed. She'd take that route, cautiously.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Using her mystic powers Jean channeling her soul at the blade then made a powerful request before spin it to decide her path, the sword spin for some seconds before slowly stop pointing to one of the the choices than she could decide.

Meanwhile Sonja decide to solve her actual state, her legs were bound at the wall so she only could move above her hips to revert this, fortunately her arms were only tied behind her back so she could make some exercise as the struggle broke the silence around her. she could sense some of the cum at her filled pussy slowly make a new trial as she try to move, then with some more she notice than her hands werent perfectly trapped so she could pull to free one of her hands what could be a little difficult if she werent drenched in the slimy cream, after a time she was just close to release her hand when someone opened the door at front of her and then Jean could enjoy the moment to see the swordswoman in that pityful position.

Sunflower has found Sonja yaaay
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja, still thinking that Jane would have been similarly defeated, figured that who or whatever it was that was that was coming through that door was the next contestant for the "who wants to savagely rape Sonja game". So Sonja would make one last attempt to try to get her hand free so she could possibly offer up some manner of resistance to whatever it was that was about to have its turn with her.

Though now that she had started to remove her hand, she had also realized that her legs were chained as well. Making her situation a rather complex one, at best. Even if she gets her hand free, there would be little time for her to remove her other appendages. Maybe if she could get her one hand free she could surprise her new rapist while they were pleasuring themselves with her.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sunflower had spun the blade and followed the choice, taking the blade as she went. Her flame was probably superior, but one never knew when they needed to butter toast. Plus Sonja would want it most likely.

Moving through the door it chose, she was, well, "treated" to the sight of Sonja, filthy, chained up, exposed and on display for all to see and abuse. She promptly turned bright red with a cringe at the display. "Ugh... Guess you've been doing yoga. Let's get you loose, girl. That's not something I want to be staring at.," grunts Sunflower, trying not to look directly at the sullied woman as she walked over, clad only in her bra and panties as she looked the chains over.

"Tch, they don't look that sturdy. I imagine you don't want burn scars along your wrists from me melting through the chains, so...," Sunflower mutters as she looks the chains over, before taking Sonja's sword and starting to use it to chip and clear away the mortar between the brick that held the chains in place then used the blade to try and get leverage to wriggle the bricks loose to get Sonja down and in a less... Offering position.

"Once we're loose, we should fall back and find a safe place to recover. You're probably in no shape to keep moving on and need clothes.," muses Sunflower as she worked.
Re: Sonja (freeko)

Sonja now having one hand free was able to point to her backpack over on the other side of the room.

"My backpack is right over there. Unless they took everything there should be 2 sets of clothes in there. You are welcome to use them yourself, unless you want to keep on with that current style. Aside from getting fucked silly and this thing still inside of me, I am fine.

Sonja would now go about attempting to remove that thing still inside of her.