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Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Sup, I think I got Helle calmed down enough for us to keep going. And... I see. Well, the hive isn't too very far, so I suppose we might be able to send Helle back with them to show them the way, if you want to move onwards now that is. But you're right about putting the mission on hold for now I think, because I wouldn't feel right about sending them by themselves," Telara said when she saw the new girls, looking sadly at them.

Telara moved to help get the three new girls freed before helping them all to their feet. She was up for whatever Taeyani decided here, though she was leaning more towards taking these girls back to the nest before continuing their mission. "If Melissa stops us, then I'll handle her, so don't worry about her. Let's just focus on helping these girls. Oh and by the way, are there any other places in the house that we need to check before we leave?" Telara said, feeling confident that she could get Melissa to understand their reasons for not going straight to the town.

"Hey there girls. I'm Telara. Taeyani here is my friend, and we're going to take you to someplace safe now okay. Someplace that you can rest, and where Taeyani and myself can make you feel good when you need it too," Telara told the three new girls before checking the rest of the house to make sure nobody else was imprisoned in there, taking the mask she'd had before and putting it back on just in case.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Quickly the winged girl placed her right wing to rub her hair before nod in somesault. O-of course, my name is up to you to decide Mistress or you can decide than i dont deserve one, please forgive my arrogance. Cheerfuly and in giving a bow she said, ready to accept the human command.

Taking the choice of get close the spider woman, Taeyani notice her get on guard, but the training placed on her made her be docile and dont cause any harm to the human. The bug girl growl softly between her distorted babbling caused by the oral ring, her purple tongue sometimes needed to get softly out and it give to Taeyani the chance to see a piercing ring incrusted in her tongue and a little piercing in the posterior lower part of the tongue too, both of silver.

Ahm...as you wish Mistress. Sylva said ready to translate, but she was shivering in fear as she said what the bug girl tried to the human. Aryana ask what kind of magic you know...witch? Also than she dont want than the humans corrupt and use her rope web and race to trap more creatures... she begs, in trade of her loyalty, im sorry my Mistress... Aryana is good, please dont punish us. The bird girl begs for mercy after translate the poisoned begs of the other slave.

When the rest get to the next room where Taeyani and the three slaves prepare all to leave, Helle just exclain an amusemed expression as she tried to calm her fear of had said such things to her friendly killer.

Amazing, an half breed, oh sorry...can we feel good now? Oh or we can run quickly to the nest now, please fill ours filthy holes Taeyani's friend... we havent feel a delicious dick in days. The winged girl pronounce one Telara introduce herself to them, she could feel her dick getting the attention of the three, as if were the last hamburger in a fat guys on diet convention.

The wooden house was just of three rooms the ones had been already explored by Taeyani, this was not more than a temporal campment and has been unnocupied by maybe weeks or months, if any of the three werent broken when they get in the jail they should be already pretty broken to dont think in something more than let any human fuck them or futa if they accept.

The group soon get ready to depart and would be at least two or three hours walking, as they come here flying. There were many objects in the cabin, but they could take them later.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani blinks then groans. "No, no, your names are fine. I meant don't insult yourself. I don't want slaves who don't think good about themselves. I want you to be confident and proud, not just toys. I'd buy sex dolls if I wanted that. I rather have people, and that means acting like them, hm?," says Taeyani, giving the harpy a pet.

Taeyani noted the poor pierced Arachne seeming worried. After being translated for she responded. "I'm a druid, Aryana. I work with nature. Plants, animals, that sort of thing. And your rope will only be used for constructive purposes or to restrain people who attack us. We aren't going to be capturing people. And you don't need to give up your free will over it. I never intended to in the first place. Honestly I;d let you three free but well. I get the sense that Sylva doesn't want to be and well, our poor cow girl seems utterly out of it until I can fix it. So I'll roll with it."

Once Telara came in though, all attention was on her and her impressive cock though. Taeyani mentally sighed a bit. Well why wouldn't they be? She was impressive and far more flaunting. She thought she was aggressive but this place seemed to mess with her a bit.

"Let's get somewhere safe before we go doing that. Insatiable much?," smirks Taeyani to Telara. "Guess you're the popular one still. Let's get you and your ridiculous seed factory to the hive with them so you can give em what they want and I can see if our plant friend is willing to help with the vine weaving I was doing and such."
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Oh...did Sylva insult herself? The winged girl said scratching her head again. Act followed the spider woman tried to express herself making the bird girl turn and then chuckle. Uhm, oh i said airhead... oh sorry Mistress.

L-look, this is the mark than i got as a baby with all the love of my mother and first owner. She turn softly her body so Taeyani could see between her rear and tail feathers, there was a pink heart with a huge "S" close a "4" Sylva's four names start with "S" uhm is Silly Silva Sex Slave... dont remember the order... but define me pretty well, isnt♪? Im pretty good only understanding sounds and talk, lay eggs , not much flying because fly high make me faint of fear and yes as the rest i cant stop having sex with humans♪..ahm Sylva stop her cheerful introduction as she tried to remember the words than her mistress said after the ones about insult herself. It was needed for Taeyani to talk with Aryana to get the time to remember.

The arachne tried to talk again, giving some calm and relief to Sylva. Aryana said: We will be honored to serve you as sex slaves, as is the only thing than we are, but you must be loyal to your word and be a kind mistress and not a slaver... Heh, for Sylva is fine than you are a slaver, Mistress. Sylva is now yours and will protect you and love you, because that is what make Sylva be proud of herself ♪ The winged girl opened her wings and get closer as she blush, certainly trying to get another hug from Taeyani.

With Telara joining the group with Helle and the plant woman, soon the human feel herself degraded to a second place. Just then suddenly Sylva jump in front of Taeyani. No! no! no! Mistress is the most popular and virile of all! Sylva wants than only Mistress touch her because her naughty sluty body belongs only to her Mistress... please, please fuck silly Sylva when we get to the nest Mistress. She ended jumping at the human's arms huging her and her eyes softly close to drop teardrops.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani blinks and watches the harpy and spider bemusedly. "Sylva I'm sure you can do more than talk lay and have sex."

Taeyani nods to Aryana. "You'll be more than sex slaves, dear. But I promise not to abuse you or mistreat you. I was serious about trying to get that thing out of your mouth. Being stuck like that... Sounds horrible to be honest. And if I'd hate it I won't do it to you. Unless you ask anyways."

Taeyani blinks in shock when Sylva leaps into her arms, being upset. She hadn't said anything. What... Oh...

"...Sylva, are you a telepath? Can you hear things people are thinking? Is that how you understand Aryana?," blinks Taeyani, blushing deeply in embarrassment. Well if she wasn't unsure about having slaves, having one who'd know her on the deepest most insecure level of herself... She wasn't sure if she was relieved or terrified of that idea. But this wasn't something Sylva could help, so she wouldn't blame her for it. Guess she'd just have to get to know the fluttery woman more.

"And it's okay to sleep with Telara if you want to. You won't upset me or anything. You can sleep with anyone you want to.," says Taeyani with a smile, trying to reassure the harpy and to not humiliate herself in front of Telara by letting her know how jealous she was of... Well everything. She didn't envy what was done to these girls, but she did find herself amazed by their superior bodies and such... Definetly would be working out her frustrations when she's back.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Seeing the exchange between Taeyani and the "slaves", Telara couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "No hon, she means that we don't want mindless slaves like that," Telara said softly to the trio, patting her on the shoulder. "And sorry Taeyani, I didn't put my clothes on yet because I didn't want to get them all sticky and dirty," she added in a whisper to her friend about being naked.

"Once we've gotten you girls somewhere safe, then we can worry about having some sexy fun times with you girls. But we want you to be healthy and everything, so come on and we'll take you to Helle's hive so you can rest. Her people will take good care of you girls for us until we finish our mission," Telara told the monster girls with a kind smile.

Telara then decided to look around for a towel or something she could use to wipe her body off so that she could redress. Once she had done so, her clothes were put back on, and she offered to help the poor cow girl to get up, letting the poor huge breasted girl lean against her while she also carried the plant girl they'd found before.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Hearing her mistress's say than she could do more, the winged girl smirk with a soft giggle and nood. Yes, i can fly just a little too Mistress and i can be your personal fan ♥ As she ended to say it she spread her wings and use them to send some cold wind to taeyani, at least she show enough inteligence to produce sudden innuendos.

Maybe the human earned temporaly the trust of her spider slave, this decide to just nod and proceed with her work to sattle enough the cow girl so this could focus in something more than masturbate herself and moan.

Most of the attention was placed in Taeyeni, but the dark elven's words make Sylva turn and point to the cow girl with her wing when Telara talked about midless slaves, but only made that before return to focus on all what surround her mistress, acting to defend her mistress honor when it was needed before hug her.

Telepa...? Sylva is only good at hearing sounds, Mistress. The winged one said with a chuckle. That is why i can understand Aryana and find out than i should say what i think of my mistress... Sylva dont needs your friend, as she know than Mistress is better to make Sylva moan as the whore than she is♪

Telara needed to help the poor cow girl to stop herself of rub her clit and ample breasts, making her notice what was happening around her, the poor thing easily controled to get up and lift some bottles in her dazzed state, from time to time makings moos between moans, it was like Telara could guide her with her manly member in display.

The winged girl fly at a max of 2 mts, her sharp claw at her legs carried with few problems two gallons of the precious liquid, making the arachne need to carry the most heavy part of the collected product. Telara could also help to carry things from the cabin, but she already needs to carry both the bee girl and plant woman, both already exausted to walk or fly. They were in a critical state, but at least before leave Telara found easily a towel in the second floor, so she was dressed again and would not call so easily the attention of any creature.

It was strange, so weird than they walked for hours without find anything, it was like something around them was making the monsters dont get closer, the now lively inner part of the forest remain safe for them and the huge tree was now visible in the distance.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"But I didn't say anything, Sylva. I only was thinking. Sounds like telepathy to me. In any case you're welcome to play with Telara if you decide to."

With everyone carrying things, Taeyani helped carry a couple vats herself along with a grunt. She wasn't as strong as Telara but surely she could carry one at least. Though she wouldn't be too shocked if she couldn't. Aryana was carrying the most, but as the biggest and likely the strongest, is she operated anything like real spiders anyways, She likely didn't have to worry about much.

It was surprisingly quiet on the trip thus far. She hoped it stayed that way, or at least they only met friendly people. She suspected sooner or later they'd attract bandits after their cargo. Hopefully they got to safety before then. Chances were though that Melissa was watching.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Our personal fan huh. Well I don't think we'll need that. But thank you for offering it sweetie. And you're good at so much more than that. I know you are, I can feel it," Telara told the winged girl, patting her on the head and praising her to try and make her feel good about herself. "And once we're done with what we have to do, Taeyani and myself will give both of you an incredible time and make you feel really good. But we have to finish our work first," she added to the monster girls.

Heading out, Telara kept her right hand on her axe while she carried the plan girl in her left arm, thankful that she was as strong as she was. "Soon as we get you girls back home to the nest, then we'll head back out to finish the job we were supposed to do. I think Helle should stay back too, because I outright refuse to risk her being taken by cruel slavers and left mindless," Telara said as they neared the nest.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Uhm... so if Mistress dont said anything then Sylva just imagine it...hmmmm... telepathing... The birdhead ponder as scratch more her head with her wings, as she accept than her mistress was right in her lack of words and strange power, because Mistress was so wise and always was right.

duhmmm... Sylva is Mistress Unique Personal Fan ---♥ said huging the human after Telara words of said than was dont needed a fan for both. Thanks, Mistress's friend, but Sylva only needs Mistress to feels good♪~ The bird girl said still close Taeyani when Telara said than she should be good for many more things and than they can give them fun later. Practically Sylva show in her low capacity how devote was with her Mistress.

The path was...very peaceful to be normal, there were some clues than point than there were creatures just some moments ago, fruits half eaten were in the floor as also footsprints of sliding creatures, distant of these orcs footsprints too.

But... i must go too Telara, so i can talk with Mellisa in how she can get inside. We cant risk her to get inside that town, only few weak creatures like us can avoid call the attention of humans. Helle said back to Telara who wanted to leave her in the hive, still flying weakly after such huge quantity of sex. After a while they reach the giant tree and all the slaves get amazed with the size of that tree, but mostly Sylva was frozen in the hair and very white as she looks her mistress with pleading eyes and tears starting to drop. I-is so hig, M-mistress, can Sylva live in a hole near the tree? Sylva can use her claws to make it and eat worms... Her cut voice plead as the spider girl easily could carry the cow girl and the equipment by herself, as if she dont care too much of Sylva being a chiken just now.
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Might be empathic, but you've been a bit specific.," muses Taeyani. She'd need to experiment. It wouldn't be unsurprising to her. If she had been purposefully bred and changed to be a perfect sex slave, it'd make sense to give her means to be able to respond as soon as her master thought of it, or to do the same for slaves.

Taeyani looked to Telara and gives a shrug. "Guess she's only really interested in me. The others might be up for it later?," she offers. She did kinda enjoy the attention though it felt less due to her comparative worth than simply she was the first woman they had seen in god knows how long and bound to her or something.

Seemed like there had been creatures but they were giving them a wide berth. Either due to fear of Melissa or fear they were slavers.

Either way, they reached the great tree. Taeyani smiled and hugged Sylva close. "Sylva, I know heights are scary, but I live up there. Would you make me live in a hole in the ground so you can be with me? So trust me, I'll bring you up myself and you'll be safe inside the hive, okay?"

She concentrated and had the vines lift those who needed it back up to the hive, holding Sylva close, her face into her chest so that she couldn't look away. She brought her inside once done, then let her look about. "See? Safe and sound and secure. Let's get this stuff set up and let the beegirls know you'll be living with me here. And that we brought something helpful for them all."
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"First off Helle, you're not a weak creature, you've just been through a lot and it's left your body a bit weak for now until you get some rest. Second of all, I don't want you to get hurt, and I think Taeyani would agree with me when I say that you're in no condition to accompany us this time around. I'm more concerned about you getting hurt or taken from us though Helle. And I think the two of us can handle it. Surely they've seen elves in town before, and Taeyani's human so they wouldn't do anything to her most likely," Telara said to Helle, petting her gently on the head as she kissed her on the forehead.

"Sylva honey, Taeyani's right, you don't need to be scared of living up there. Besides, the nest we're taking you to isn't that high up," Telara told Sylva softly after Taeyani spoke to her. "Hey Taeyani, do you think we should leave Helle here? I personally do because I'm worried something will happen to her," she then asked Taeyani, wondering what her companion thought of Helle's condition.
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani mused over Telara's question. "Mmm given the lack of time I think we're done for today. If she's recovered by tomorrow I think we should let her come. I mean yeah, she had trouble, but she's right that we'll need her, unless you're hiding elf wings somewhere. And nobody pays attention to slaves. She can be helpful in many ways."

Taeyani didn't want Helle getting hurt either. But she wasn't going to risk going into this place without someone who had an idea how this world worked.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

As Taeyani ask for the others, the arachne just nod and really the cow girls was just so broken than anyone could fuck her there or later. Sylva only was really interested in that inner power than her Mistress talk about, but soon she focus on others things. Mistress is so kind, smart and many others good things... that is why she is the best Mistress. The winged girl said as the druid ponder things and was time for the slaves to prepare all to move.

It was a mystery why they have so peaceful walk through the forest, but when was time to go up to the hive, Taeyani needed to talk with Sylva to make her follow them, the monster girl was very white and shivered each instant. Her light body son look for the safety of her owner, as the druid ask her about if a hole suit the mistress of mistress, what make the winged girl shake her head between teardrops. P-please forgive me... Mistress... for be so coward, help me please to reach... your nest. Sylva answer with weak tone, trying to hide her vision between the.... Taeyani's chest... clothes and her petitte cup size.

Helle manage to reach their side, the weight in her and all the sex taking her cuote, her eyes tired with courage on them to have the two sade all than she could made her answer to Telara meanwhile the elf wait for the human's answer. I really need to go too, there is not another way to call for Mellisa and make her get inside, safe. We must do our best to help her and so she can finally find a suitable mate. Hearing how worried was helle and wanted to help the deadly bug girl, the group move up until reach the hive.

Once on place Taeyani talk with Sylva, where the druid notice the avian girl completely uncouncious on her arms, looks like was too much for her at the end, Aryan placed all in a corner and after tie a rope in Sylva, the arachen decide to get a rest in a dark corner. There were some bee girls close the entrance, all looking to be busy doing something when they notice the group return and the strange monster girls with them. We were all worried for all of you, it was not fair than you take the two Helle, so selfish... something new on you than we will make you pay later.A silver haired beegirl said, as she have the support of at least five more who gaze at Helle who looks to just blush and remain mute until a red haired one point to her belly small buldge. Looks like she collected a lot of pollen, just see her body all drenched and filled with it and maybe nectar.

Helle get more red as she tried to cover her nude figure before run to another rooom. Sorry, i-i will prepare all this pollen myself. Of course than she havent collected such thing inside her, but say than it was cum maybe would had make the others more mad with her.

The cow girl was already having sex with others two bee girls and the plant woman was still sleep at a side of the group, certainly all the monster girls noticed the monster cum but were already pregnant and busy thinking in Helle to focus on that.
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Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"Girls, be nice to Helle, we need her if we're going to get your males back. Besides we're here now so you can play with Taeyani as it is.," sighs Taeyani, watching as the other bee girls chastise Helle. Helle was good at putting her foot in her mouth but Taeyani wasn't going to let her be criticized for something not her own fault.

Taeyani let Aryan take Sylva, chuckling amusedly at her passing out, and noted how the cow and beegirls were going at it already. She decided to move the plant girl to the room with all her vines, figuring it might make her feel more at home. It'd also give her a chance to check up on the bumblegirl she'd been taking care of too.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani words make the bee girls get filled in part with ponders and maybe some anger against Helle for put the two in danger. Exactly how Helle will help you to bring back the males? Are you talking about the males taken by the humans...right? We dont need any male, with Telara is more than enough, we could build a huge hive and be safe of anything.

The many bee girls talk against the idea, until a terrible roar beyond any humanity and then some words come out from far away but still really strong to need to cover the ears. IT WAS MY PLAN, WHO IS AGAINST IT COME OUT NOW! ITS HARD TO CONTROL MYSELF WITH THAT SMELLY JIZZ, SO I DONT PROMISE A PEACEFUL TALK!

The scary event make the rage melt down a little of the hive, what could give peace to Hella as it was not her fault. Dont let her take both there again, not many than visit it for first time return.

The human druid decide later to place the plant girl in a safe place where this could help them later if she mix her powers, but the little bug girl was not in that place. Time later Taeyani or Telara would find the small girl at the same room as Helle, it looks like Helle was getting all ready when she lay her eggs, the breeder chambers have holes like bed too and where many similar rooms.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

"I... alright Helle, if you're that set on going, then I won't stop you. But if we tell you to run and fly back here and leave us, then you must do it without question. It would break my heart to see you get hurt because of my actions," Telara said softly to Helle, caressing her cheek gently before the other bee girls began teasing and criticized. "Hey girls, be nice to Helle. It wasn't her fault, none of it. There was certain circumstances that caused everything that happened, so don't you be mean to her, and she didn't put us in any danger," Telara went on to tell the other bee girls, defending Helle and petting her head.

When Melissa came in and shouted aloud at them, Telara looked around at he with a serious look. She had been expecting Melissa to come in angry, but not this angry. "Melissa... calm down right this instant. It's doing nobody any good and you're scaring these poor girls. We rescued them from that cabin we found on the way to the town. We were all exhausted, and I doubt we could have managed to do much even had we gotten there to the town in the shape we were in. It was unfortunate, but necessary. Taeyani and I will stand by our promise to help, but we only have so much energy, and if there are any more traps like those in the cabin we found them in, then we'll have a tough time indeed," Telara told Melissa, trying to calm the big monster woman down so that she didn't scare the others any more.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani smirks amusedly as Melissa roared from a distance. "Quite the senses on that lady. She really does need to get laid. And not eat her partner in the process. Get her a nice muzzle while she's at it."

Hunting around for the little bumble girl, Taeyani eventually found her in the room where Helle was settling, Taeyani blinking in surprise. "Oh hey, are you about to give birth, Helle?," she asks curiously, moving over. She also looks to her small ward. "Oh hey. How you doing, sweety? Why are you in here?"
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Beyond the fear than any bee girl could have or any worry than they could be thinking, the attention given to Helle from the virile dark elven dont passed out of notice by the huge group of bee girls. Helle of course enjoy them happily and naive enough to dont pay attention to the growing jealous area toward her, the blonde friendly insect girl scratch softly her other cheek before hug the dark elf in affection. Then of course the worry for what she have inside come and let before the next words about Mellissa come out.

When Telara turn to meet the mantis girl, the elf notice than mostly Mellissa shout in part because she was not close of the tree, but she must be in the area to heard her all what she needed to say... that of course not mean than she will answer back.

That settled it... sorry Telara, but you cant go back to that cabin, we cant risk to lost you or get hurt by these human's traps. The silver haired bee girl said, a little weak in tone to try to dont be heard by the maniac bug woman.

Why cant you just leave your friend human go alone? She will be completely safe and the humans in the town would let them do as she need without try to enslave her. The red haired one add, the rest of the group pretty much should think the same. Meanwhile only the bird girl remain in the same place sleeping peacefully afterfaint just some moments ago before being taken up at the tree.


Once the druid leave to look for the small bee and then find her, the little one move quickly to happily hug the human.

Helle shrug softly by the question, as her hand move ro rub one of the small chambers meanwhile. Uhm... i guess than could be soon. I cant be sure, as it my first time. So, im trying to have all ready when it happens.

All here looks to be talking about lay eggs soon without know really how... Vivi had been asking them and its really boring get the same answer. The small one said back a little later after Helle, her little frown as she answer looks to show somehow how bored she is to be just inside the hive without be able to go outside. Do you know about babies, larvaes and lay eggs? she ask to Taeyani with some shinning in her eyes, sure than the skilled maged could know something.
Re: Mind Flayer// Zilrax (Taeyani/ Telara)

Taeyani nodded to Helle, who was going with safe than sorry. Seemed smart. Particularly if both her and Telara's seed had taken in her. She blinked a bit at the young girl's questions, and evidently lack of satisfactory answers.

"Me? I know it about normal tiny bugs, but I don't know it about bee girls like Helle. I assume that when the eggs reach a certain maturity in her she'll lay them, then the eggs will mature then hatch into larvae, which will be tended to by the girls until they form pupae, then hatch into adults. Course, that's how it works in normal bees, so uh... I dunno how different it is. For humans it's less complicated. We get impregnated, the baby forms inside us for 9 months, it get's pushed out, then is tended to and grows up over 18 years or so.," explains Taeyani, at least to the best of her ability.

"Many species have their own methods of breeding and reproduction. It's usually designed to help their species thrive under specific environments and conditions. And to be honest I'm only really familiar with humans and animals and plants, not uh... animal girls, plant girls and so forth."

She hugged the bumblegirl back either way, smiling happily at her.