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Jean (Zilrax)

Re: Jean (Zilrax)

We dont know, most of the problem is the translation, as some words get mixed or are confused with others. But im working hard on decode these errors on the march Jean could see than the magic window was in constant use, as they continue talking, but this dont looks to be a problem as the alien woman continue looking for answers.

Once again the alien looks to have some problems to get what Jean was saying, most at the start when she talked about the demons and angels. "Angels" "Demons" "souls"... I may need to work on these words later, for what i get is than these two groups are fighting against each other to get these named souls from your kind. Even the word war is close to dissapear of our knowledge, there havent been any confrontation, it would be terrible if we get involved in this fight. I must suppose than you are at the side of the creaturs named angels.

She take a moment to move these words to another screen and then nods before continue with the other topic. Im really interested to make a research about that reanimation through dimensions, can you explain a little more about it, if you had already tested it. About your...mate, i will just make the words elf and elven synonyms from her fruit type.

The demoness, then giggle softly, looking how concerned was Sunflower about the impregnation. It would be a great news, this world will enjoy that new addition, if your race populate it... but i suppose than you want to take... Sola, with you. If that would happen, then i will require some of your seed to try to pollinate anothers subjects, there could be a small chance to do this, but we could still try it.

Finally the alien hugs her, looking at her words and gaze how Sunflower feels so worried for what her body was passing now. I may give the reason from some of them. There are just male on wildness creatures than dont evolved like us, so the word male is not used for fruits, but there are many of them like you and these changes ussually happen when they share theirs genes in the collector machine. Maybe all of them are for this... fruits dont need to eat, their diet is mostly fluids... as also our diet is similar. The residues get out as fluids from her secretor organs, so is normal than you have such quantity of juice. About Sola weight, she could be also having changes... what make me wonder what caused that quake, it was you or her?
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Ah, fair enough.," nods Sunflower.

Sunflower tilts her head at the alien girl then nods, musing. "Yeah wars and fighting are real common where I'm from. You really don't have violence? Then why do you have security and stuff? Surely there must be conflict here... Anyways, I'm not on anyones side. I just do what I believe is right. That usually conflicts with the demons more though, so you could make that correlation I suppose. And souls are what's left after your body dies. Without a soul you have no consciousness, you're just so much limp flesh."

Sunflower shakes her head at the next question. "Nope, never tested it and I don't want to. Nevermind the risk to Sola, I don't like the idea of dying or what not. But hey, if you wanna find out for yourself, you could always come along. Following me all the way to the demon dimensions would be really dangerous but you could maybe just follow me to the inbetween space?"

Sunflower blinks then looks at the woman, a bit confused. "Wait you... Want me to reproduce out here? Why? I mean, I'm a foreign species, from an entirely different dimension. Wouldn't that be risky? I mean if it's not obvious, I'm not like most of your fruits and such who seem happy to act as you all want them too. I'm as independent as you all are."

Sunflower listens raptly and nods, looking to Sola worriedly. "She likely has my demon blood in her now. She's really smart you know. She's how I left the room all those times. I guess she watched what buttons you all pressed. I've been strengthening our bond, now I can sorta intuit things she knows. Anyways, she caused it. I was trying to see if she had magical capacity and what kind. I think she's a... We call them druids. I'm what we call a warmage. My specialty is energy, especially fire. I can do a few minor tricks but yeah. Hers is nature. So she can talk to and affect the natural world. That's why I asked for the potted plant, I wanted to make sure. It worked but... Something about it really upset her. Evidently being with me helps with it but... I dunno. I'm worried for her and our kids. Whatever they end up being."

Sunflower sighs and looks to the woman. "You maybe know more, you have all these magical devices in your home too. These magical translators are way better than anything I could make. I made a ring into a sound dampener for Sola so anyone from my dimension talking won't hurt her..."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The alien woman turn around and then giggle when she got what Sunflower point. Oh you mean the segurity doors!? It take me a long time prepare my own house to have you here, each of these rooms get sealed once the segurity find contamination from outside and then clean it. And of course i needed to have you protected from the rest of us. No doubt than we have little conflicts when the food is not enough, but this dont go so far of some spank marks and hickeys on the neck, There arent bad or good sides here, neither an interest after what happen after die, just unity between our kind and more to have each of us with the needed to survive and progress. She said showing how little of interest was for her the afterlife.

The alien then quickly shake her head when the possibility of interdimensional travel could be for her. I may pass, if you come here by mistake then it could be too risky and i would be in problems if i dont get the enough fluid than i need. Beside i must take care of my niece and i have my work too... i would love to learn more and study that gate with that inbetween space between dimensions, but only if i could come back when i decide to do it.

Sunflower could still have the chance to take any of these aliens with her, but only if she find the way to segure them than it would be all fine for them. With a chuckle and nodding, the alien girl soon proceed. It could be hard at the start, some of us could have problems with sentient food walking among us, but im fascinated with the idea than two so different and inteligent races could exist in my world. Our race is close to be able to travel trhough the space and our most important motive was find others races to share our knowledge, what best than we have one already in our own home.

The lab woman looks to had ponder some of the problems than this could lead, maybe not all as she has ponted lack of conflicts among her people, they were the dominant race so the monsters outside werent a problem for them, but the intelligent humans would maybe not pass it right without the help of these aliens. Hmm, so you are a demon in part, but you were helped by an angel... i guess then than you shouldnt get worried for Sola, from the start she show a really huge intelligent and creativity than looks to be even beyond yours, its mostly normal than her race make this bond as you call it with who would be their mate to turn later after some time into a tree and create new beings. Now... the important question is if she had these powers before or they come with the intelligence than she got from you when your genes get mixed. Also what will happen if you reproduce with someone else? would they have "magic" powers? We really dont have this than you call magic or at least we dont know it by that name. All these devices are profuct of our wisdom and intelligence, with effort and time our civilization grow until look as this, everything is connected and we work hard even today to get improved.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Huh... I guess I can't really conceive such an idea. but then far as I can tell you guys don't share the world with creatures bigger and stronger than you. Where I'm from, there's far fiercer creatures. Intelligent reptiles the size of buildings who can fly, exhale elements, and get bigger and stronger the older they get. Plus they're as powerful mages as well, often stronger than all but the greatest of human mages. If they weren't comparatively rare, and fought each other just as much, they'd probably take over way more places than others. And that's not even scratching the surface...," grimaces Sunflower.

"Well, I'm not really certain. But you can at least come with me to the gate and find out. I have to seal the demons side off, but leaving this one open probably won't be too big a deal. And I can just ask the entity on the other side. She's really nice. Kinda scary, she's so powerful. But she seems to mean well.

Sunflower listens to the woman and chuckles. "Where I'm from, some use magic to travel through space. Though not many come back, it's real inhospitable I'm told. And the creatures out in it are real vicious. But well, that's my dimension. But yeah, living with new races isn't a new idea to me. There's thousands of species on my world, not even counting subspecies, artificially made species, and the living dead. Mine aren't that strong though or native to this land. They'd need protection until they adapted."

Sunflower smiled wryly at being told Sola was far smarter and more creative than her. "Yeah yeah, rub it in. I already know that. She certainly didn't get those from getting my genes. Wait, you don't have magic? But then hows all this stuff work? Magics how I make fire and stuff. Not acid or anything. Anyways, I don't know if she always had it or not, but I showed her how to tap it. And nah, pretty sure it's not granted sexually. I mean, genetically maybe, I mean those with unusual heritages like mine often inherit magical abilities. Demon blooded like me tend to have an inherent knack for summoning forth more demons and for destructive magics. Those with angel blood tend to be good at healing and constructing things, and so forth."

Sunflower shakes her head and paces a bit, "that said I can't even begin to guess the fucks going with my body now. Or what it might after whatever enhancements you plan to do to my body. but well, we had erm, sex, so we can see if I can show you how to use magic. If not, then there we go. If yes, then we see if someone I haven't had sex with can use magic. Then we'll know for certain.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Oh, sounds like your world is still pretty primitive, but is just matter of time for all the races of your land can find a way of coexist... of course than there is a possibility than this dont happen soon. For our part we also dont had it easy, from the start there is only a source of nutrients for all the races of this world and we fight against each other until find out than only working together we could have a future. The red alien answer, looking to use her knowledge to make a supposition of a good end than all the fights at the Earth could lead, also show to Jean than this place is in peace by being earned with the teamwork of the aliens, maybe there were others races at the start or they mixed, that she could find it out later. Honestly, i would love to explore and find that gate, once there we find out if is safe to use it to return here again, i want to meet that creature between dimensions, maybe we could share our knowledge.

Certainly heard about new races was an interesting topic for the lab woman, but she looks to preffer dont get in danger too, she looks to sigh and nods to find what to do now with what Sunflower has inform her and shake softly her head when Sunflower asked if they have magic. Im intrigued by know how many intelligent races are in your planet, ours only have mindless beings and they mostly want to take our food... well Sola people. You know, we must do another scan to both of you, it will solve all ours doubts about your changes and then, well... we will talk about enhancements if they are needed. her eyes made a deep look at the human body, stopping a moment in each of her naughty areas before proceed.

Hmm, now lets talk about that magic. It could take me hours to explain ours devices and how they work, but in resume all are based in physical laws and technology. They have many different sources of energy, the most olds use electricity and the most news ours own bodies. Maybe we dont know this magic, but each of us have different skills, most of them made us inmune to many dangers and others help us to feed ourselves. The woman slowly get up of her seat and check a panel before help Jean to raise up if she was using a seat too. I still have some hours before return to my lab, i want to analyze both of you using magic and then you can try to teach me, always is good to learn new things.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Some more primitive than others. And heh, probably not before a few races get wiped out. A few races want to do nothing but destroy everything they can. Other's want to own and rule all the others. Endless diffrences. Plus different lifespans, needs, cultures. There aren't any natural species that lvie off of sex like you guys do in mine.," says Sunflower, "Sure, I'd love to bring you along. And don't worry, if there's trouble I can protect you. I've been fighting most of my life."

"Well you told me I'd need them to survive outside without turning into a tree or something... I definitely don't want that. Turning into trees isn't normal for my species and I have too much to do. Besides, chances are you already did something when you fucked my brain, heh. I was hypersensitive for a long time after. Anyways I trust your judgment on the subject."

Sunflower nods, listening to the woman, before stretching a bit. "Analyze away then. And yeah, you're big and seem pretty strong and can do weird sex things. Seems even around here my species isn't too strong or unique. Ah well. So is Sola a pet or something, cus she thinks of herself as your guys pets. Thinks of me as it too, but guess she never considered the alternatives. Oh, and I'll be happy to run you through the same ritual as her. Mind you even if we don't find the spark, it just means you lack the knack. People can develop magic many ways, even tap it artificially if they know how. Some can even use it to transform and stuff."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The red alien sigh and cross her arms worried and pondering a little after heard about the violent creatures who put themselves in extinction. Thinking at it for a moment, maybe we should prepare our kind better before try to find any new race in the space. We only have stun and sleeping weapons as methods against threads.

Hearing than Sunflower accepted any enhancements than they would place on her in order to defend herself of such terrible fate, the alien girl placed her hand at her red chin in a thinking like expression and her tentacles move until Jean's breasts making them rise up and press at them softly. Its imperative focus on these glands first, the hormones used at this improvement will eradicade the pollution turning this into harmless secreted fluids as it does your phallus. Her tentacles then move toward the human head as she made a sexu giggle. Do you loved that little present, isnt? Some of us can press some little buttons on yours brains or even connect with it to cause interesting effects, that time was just a small sample of what i can share with you~ The tentacles rub and coild placing small drops of slimy sphrodisiac as owarm oil in her face and ears but then the woman stop and rise up again moving to where Sola was resting and leaving the mage with needs for more pampering and touch of the tendril hairs.

Of course than she is so soft and cute than anyone could think as her as a wonderful pet, but we dont see her race and any other like that. Maybe some think mostly at them as food, however for all of us they are essencial to survive and so we do our best to protect and take care of them. Her hand moves and she rub softly Sola's lips with her red index before in a second the elf move to suck cutely at it as her cheeks turn red in the process. We never expected than one could be smart enough to think herself as a pet. Her other hand moves and get between the elven's thighs, soon making her other finger do the same rub at the elevn's lower lips what made Sola instinctively spread softly her legs and press ahead her hips to expose more her baby hole, making muffed cute sounds in the process. But our race would be always at their side to protect them, make their kind increase their number and of course make them continualy do these cute sounds, its our nature.

Just in seconds her skilled hands made Sola arch her back and cum still sleeping, leaving the door open to her sex juices to get out her dirty hole and drench the bed where she was resting. The alien then take away her fingers what made the elf mumble and slowly calm her exhalted breath with her afterpeak slowly fading. Its up to her decide if she want to be a pet or something else, as her mate you can help her to decide, you know than your fate is bonded with her, i suppose.

She then lift Sola with her hair tendrils helping her to give her sweet dreams and then nods to Jean.Im always open to new knowledge and if i would guide you to that gate and maybe get inside then i must have something else to defend myself. She then pointed to the exit, ready to lead the human to the house lab where the scaner wait for them.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Well you'll have my magic too if this works. And I can teach you how to swing a sword well enough or shoot a crossbow. I rarely need to turn to such methods but I'm not inept in it. Warmages often get some training in that stuff.," smiles Sunflower.

She blinked as the woman informed her they were going to start by altering her milk and breasts. "Huh? Pollution? Ack, hey!" She chuckled as the girl teased and drooled her tentacles along her head, making her burn with need and shudder. "Hng, aw why did you have to do that... I've so much trouble with my sexuality already right now..., pouts Sunflower as the alien just teased her and walked off after drugging her again, leaving her with her hard shafts again.

Sunflower watched the red woman molest her mate a bit, her listening even as she tried to ignore her brain saying to mount them both. "Not sure if it's just her or not but they can talk you know. I can talk with her after the link gave me it, but I gather they're sentient too, just not as well learned. You should maybe work on trying to develop a translaty thing for them too.

Sunflower followed the scientist out as they went back to the lab and scanner. "Of course. I've been improving our link, to hopefully give her leeway so she won't die if away from me. I hope that I can give her a good life... I'm scared to bring her along but I have to. I do dangerous things after all. Oh um, what's your name, by the way?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Of course, a training to prepare all of us against any circunstance must be a priority, we have stun crossbow arrows and guns, but handle that magic would be our main goal. She then frown and turn to a side before ask with curiosity. Now with that clear... what is a sword? must be a weapon, im at the correct, right? how is it? She ask showing how peaceful they were or advanced to know about the basic war tool.

Heh, yes pollution. Most correct we can call it pollen and is the reason to activate all yours systems to turn you into a tree. The red woman said between giggles, loving to see how her easy tease turn the human into a hard post again. Im sure than we can solve that sexual need easily, it was just to show my point at the last topic.

Do you want to try to talk with normal fruits? We could try, but be ready to get dissapointed. Her itelligence could come from you, we will never know, find someone like her could take us years if we are lucky.

The three were soon ready to go, as they move Sunflower asked something more what the red alien answer without they need to stop. Are you scared for the future? You should know than both of you must now continue together or she will not be the only to die, you need her to survive as much as she. She made a stop, not sure why the human asked for her name, it was funny than she needed to introduce herself to an alien fruit. Hyñalwi, that is my name translated to your lenguage.

Then they reach the lab, opening the door where all the machines were ready to get used, the tentacle machines would be placed on Jean all ready to use theirs sensors to discover what she calls magic.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Dunno what a gun is, but you have crossbows but not swords? Well swords are basically sharpened shafts of metal with a hand guard. They come in many shapes and sizes for different combat styles. The most common is the longsword, which can be wielded with one or two hands. Other more specialized ones exist like the falcata which has more of an axe like quality, or the lighter Rapier which focuses on piercing rather than slashing.," says Sunflower with a shrug, "I'm amazed that this place has always been so peaceful to never warrant it. Well... Guess better you learn now and never have to use them, than to never have them and be in a position where you needed them."

Sunflower pouts a bit at the womans teasing, though nods as she listens. "Whatever it takes. Don't wanna be tree. And I'll probably need all the help I can get. The weakest of demons can overpower a trained warrior, and I may see the greatest of them soon enough."

Sunflower shrugged at the mention of the fruits. "It's worth trying. Maybe they are smarter than you all think, maybe they are not. Might be something about me. But well, better they be equals who share your pleasure than being just, well, cattle."

Once inside, Sunflower hopped up where directed as she answered. "That's gonna be hard for me to say. Hynalwi? Best I got for now. Anyways, yeah I'm scared for the future. But I just got to go forwards anyways. Others have tried and failed, so far as I know there's just me now. That's part of why I need to find my equipment. There was a doll, and a glove, the rest I am okay losing. The doll holds a friends soul in it, and the glove belonged to my mother."

Sunflower sighed and stretched a bit. "Anyways... You want me just to use my magic for you to scan, or... What do you want me to do exactly?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Guns are like sophisticated ranged weapons than shoot ammunitions. The red alien said showing a stun gun weapon gif where Sunflower could see the gun shooting some kind of ray. The alien also was interested to find out what was a weapon and her mind tried to draw with Jean descriptions one, after end the image she show it to Jean with her face requesting if she was right. At the screen was just some kind of dildo sword mix than could be used in two persons the owner and the target. I dont see why it should be sharp, but this old toy was used many ages ago for ours ancestors less evolved in ours struggles to get our food. Im sure than i can easily learn to use these things named sword for you. The red woman soon giggle and started to save this info in her devices so all know what was a sword.

Her red hands softly move to rest at the mage, rubbing softly and pulling softly her cheeks to erase that pout from her as the alien cooed. Are you requesting my help to fight these named demons? Im just a woman scientists but certainly i could make some of them summit, of course than the idea of fight is not of my like. Is a shame than the races in your world and these demons cant sattle these fights with gropples and cuddles. The woman's face was so close of Jean, just some inches and theirs lips would press against each other, but she slowly get away, not without notice how instinctively Sunflower's hips pull toward her to try to enjoy her flower one more time.

And, if they arent like both of you? Would you accept to gift me your seed to create ours equals? It will not take more of a pair of hours to process it and share it with some subjects. She ask when Sunflower asked about the others of her kinds in this word as Sola rest at the alien's shoulder, lovely caressed by the tendrils as hairs, some of them drinking the juice frowing from her wet elf cunny.

Is Hyñalwi. The alien said back with a giggle as she see the problems than have the human to say her nickname. But its fine if you call me "Mistress" "Beauty" "Mommy" something like these or any word than you can say easily from my translated name. She chuckle and opened the lab door, her belly then grow softly making her blush but nods to Jean. They must be at the lab at work, sometimes the collectors get some objects with the fruits, maybe with luck we can find your things.

Once in the lab, Sola was placed in a table than the alien woman cleaned as much as she could to make her fit and rest peacefully, tubes and suction hollow tendrils were placed on the elf, some tiny ones get inside her ears making the little one whimper softly, but the ones at her pussy looks to feel amazing to calm her. We will do first the scans and then i will compare them with the old ones to see the changes on both of you, meanwhile i need you to drink this pill, is a sensor than will take lectures from inside your body. The lab woman said to Jean as she fill a vase and draw a white pill from a little package box.

Of course than soon after Sunflower drink the pill she then was invaded by these synthetic tentacles at her body, just as Sola some were discomforting but others could stay all the day without she get any problem, two of them were tubes than get all the way inside her urethra, so thin than she almost dont notice them, then a mechanical noice from the hollow tubes at her breasts come and with almost invisible needles they get inside, taking samples of her milk as they goes deep inside. The tubes were so well made than if she move not a single of them would hurt at all.

Interesting... after end this can you please copulate with your mate to sense if there is any effect? We must find out if your body is changing by your bond with her or there could be another cause. The alien ask, still reading the data than both subjects were giving.

After that we will use all the sensors on this room to see you cast a small spell, please try to dont use that flamable acid or as you call magic.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"So... Better crossbows. Kay." nods Sunflower as she looked at it, "Or actually, fires beams? So more like a wand. I can do that too with my magic." She looks at the "sword" and bursts out laughing. "Ahaha, yeah something like that, but way less sexual. I'll draw you one later. Whoo man, be a way different world if orcish hordes came charging with those things at you."

Sunflower grumbles as her cheeks are captured, begrudgingly tolerating it. She shakes her head with a wry smile. "Nah, I'm not going to put you in danger, you big tease. You can come in if you want though. I mean demons might try to violate you so there is some of that. They certainly raped my friend. Jumped her, chained her up and raped her until I found and freed her. Anyways, it's your call. I can try and protect you or you can hide back while we fight."

Sunflower blinks at the idea then blushes. "Long as you promise to make sure you treat them as equals and work on tools so you two can communicate. I don't want to make a slave race. I want them to have the same chances as all of you."

Sunflower raises an eyebrow at the titles, shaking her head with an amused smile. "I doubt you want me as a daughter, and you certainly don't own me so Beauty will do. And yeah I need those bad. Far as I can tell the gate is in there so I wanna find that before I find the gate."

Sunflower took the pill when asked and shuddered, clearly not a fan of being invaded by these tubes but appreciated the lack of discomfort. She waited patiently, then blushed embarrassedly when she was asked to have sex with the somehow still sleeping Sola.

"I am amazed she can sleep through all this. Erm, a-alright. And uh, right, cast spell, don't use firewall spell. I'll, maybe make a lightning charge or something. Maybe a snowball..."

She nodded and moved to get between Sola's legs, bright red at mating with her while her partner was asleep in front of an audience. She looked to the tubes in her shafts before looking to Beauty. "Uh... How can I while I... have these in me...?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Not exactly like crossbows, but yes both are range weapons than we use to stun ours targets or scare away the wild creatures when they try to steal the farms or kidnap could be a better word to say. The alien said as she nods with interest the image than Jean wanted of the orcs wearing so sophisticated weapons. Oh... i was sure than a sword would look like this, but i preffer then to wait for your sketch instead place something false in our research.

The grumbles than the human show soon turned the little tease in a warm hug, the alien placed her red hands behing her not in a pervert or sex driven way, but most like a woman do to the little childrens in theirs visits.

Hmhm, you arent mad, right? Both of you are so adorable than i cant always resist me. Sunflower could notice the great strengh at her lovely hug, but she only pressed the enough for theirs breasts enjoy each other, her red skin so odd yet seductive, Sunflower could pass her time touching it and licking to enjoy her flavor, sucking any of the four ample breasts at her body pressing her belly and own future large breasts. Do you know than i have a life here, right? There are a lot of work and my niece need me, but if these demons are affecting your world, maybe later could come here and this place cant lost this peace... That is why is hard for me decide now, just let me think this for a while, ok?

The red alien then went with Sola andwith all ready they walked to the lab before Sunflower share her opinion about bring new life here. Of course than they will be ours equals... Sunflower. The alien answer maybe smiling kindly as she tried to remember the human's name. I already show my intetntion to share our knowledge and change this world for one where we could grow together as they learn. Hmm... just look us now, we are just that now, im not looking you down... of course than you are a little cute thing than i could rise to kiss you, but im threating you now as i want than any other of your or my race treat me.

Oh but you are already part of our family sweetheart And maybe i lack of the experience of have one daughter, but uff i had a lot of nieces, all with different ages. As my point of view... how about you call me "My Beauty Mommy" from time to time? I will call myself Beauty in that way you can call me just by my name when we meet someone than you know. The alien said making a line of her six eyes wink.


The lab scanners were going fine, at least by how the lab woman was taking notes. Oh Sola. Yes, her race is so peaceful than they loves to cuddle and do funny sounds with her mate resting below them for hours, in that way when the intercuse start she can do her best for the other, but if you call her for her name or ask her to awake correctly she will awake.

I would preffer some light first, then if you really can increase the temperature with a little flame or reduce it with a snowball then i guess than we can get enough data for this time.
The woman said as she pressed her magic window.

Then Suddenly Jean find a little mistake at their little experiment what made the alien girl blush, showing than she was very focused on her notes to find it out for herself. O...oh silly me, i cant believe to had caused this mistake, sorry. She said as she get where the two fruits were, her hands pressed some parts of the tentacle what caused it to separe and then turn as if it were a little worm coiling the end at the humans' cocks but without affect the pressure and loads than could come soon as they were really thin. Now with all ready Sunflower could fuck Sola in any way than she likes as the alien see and save all.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower squeaks as she's hugged, unable to help but cuddle into the strength of the larger female, finding her greater size and strength rather comforting. She easily could lose herself in pleasuring and being pleasured by the big woman. "Take all the time you want. I won't force or cajole you. This is my fight but you're welcome for certain. But I won't think less of you for not doing so. Just helping me find the portal is plenty.," smiles Sunflower, shivering and trying not to get harder and start grinding against the woman.

Sunflower nodded as she walked with the big woman, smiling. "Then I'll help you make new intelligent life. I erm, I always just destroyed things. All I was ever good at, breaking things. So I always just tried to break bad things and people. But doing this, I can help without breaking things. It sounds nice..."

Sunflower blinks, then blushes embarrassedly at being welcomed into her family, squirming a bit before answering quietly. "Thank you... Mommy..." She tried not to think how she wanted to fuck her "mom" again.


Sunflower blushed once everything was set away, the tubes connected to her made non interfering. She swallowed a bit, before settling over her mate once again, before sinking her twin shafts into her mate once more.

She groans, thrusting slowly at first, wanting not to take things too quickly so that her "mother" could get enough data.

While thrusting into her mate, Sunflower started thinking a bit, considering the future. It was good that she had a way forward but she was still worried about everyones safety. She definitely wasn't happy her mates life depended on her own. She didn't much like the idea of others being dependent on her. But they were. Possibly entire dimensions worth of lives were dependent on her.

Sunflower shook her head and pressed forwards, picking up the pace as she leans in, suckling on Sola's nipples with a blush, thrusting eagerly. One time doing this would have been an absurd depravity but now... Now playing with another female was natural to her. Suckling at another's breasts. It felt like no time at all but now she was embracing sexuality and all sorts of depravity, her body no longer human. Part plant elf of sorts from another dimension.

Sunflower started to thrust faster as she kept suckling, teasing Sola's other breast and nipple with her hand, naughtily chilling her finger just a bit to ice her mates nipple and tease it more as she worked to drive them both to climax. Whatever she was, human was becoming less and less the main component. But she was her, and if sacrificing her humanity protected everyone elses purity and freedom, so be it. Better she pay the price than forcing someone else to do it.

She just hoped that paying it felt as good as doing all of this did.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

The red alien ended to hug Jean at her room, giving a nod she answer in a kind tone using her tendrils to create her seductive voice. Im close to leave in some hours to work, but for our own safety we should plan this with more caution and do it tomorrow, if you are fine with this. She placed the last choice to Jean who could just prepare herself and Sola better or make a surprise attempt to get to the unknown localitation of the gate.

Yes. Thanks Sweetheart,once we end the scans we can talk a little more about this, there are at least three methods and i can give you time to decide which one you want. She said about the reproduction as they walked, her new Mom blushed by heard so cute calling from her new adoptive daughter, touching sosftly her shoulder to make her stop and kiss the human's forehead with her tiny invisible mouth, around the fissure of what can be called mouth were a pair of soft warm lips, Jean remember the exquisite touch of them as theirs mouths fuse together in that last time filled with lust.

Aw, thanks to you babe. Lets do our best working together to do this a lovely family~ I cant stop to see how happy my niece will be with these news..


The time for the experiment started, with the alien scientist trying to analyze each thrust and change than the coition produces, in order to be perfect she let the two fruits and new members of her family act by instinct.

Jean soon find the rythm, bumping her hips against the ones of her mate to produce so indecent sounds, theirs juices mixing soon and rubbing at theirs warm aroused bodies. The elf softly started to moan as her dreams were disturbed, creating a pleasant smile in her face and moving her body automaticaly as it was made. Jean stop the elven's ample breasts to bounce, tasting her nipple who soon would start to leak milk for her babies, by that motive maybe Sola's breasts were more easy to seduce than before, her pleasure let escape a droll of saliva and her thigh walls pressed even more at the massive staffs than pound continualy inside her.

A lustful squeak come out by the cold at her nipple thanks to the human's magic, her eyes opened still gazed between the two worlds. If Sola was awakening she couldnt move an inch of her body, her body was acting by its own and her mind just couldnt find out if she was awake or sleeping dreaming about Jean, her middle sleeping naughty moans just get out in complete happiness, soon her body made it best to call for a peak for both of them, but Sunflower still have a pair of minutes to fill her once again, deep inside her already pregnant womb.

It then finaly comes, loud and potent as always Sola made her cum, it feels so great and lasted for so long than Sunflower continued thrusting between leaks of her seed inside the elf's cunny. No doubt Sola was awake now, but unable to act out of hug at her partner, happily merging in one as much as Sunflower wanted, her twin swords ready to enjoy her mate for many minutes more, but at what could had been ten minutes the experiment ended, not like her Mom dont wanted to get more data, it was just too much to just look for her, her own invisible mouth was drolling and her tentacle hairs carresing two of her breasts, her eyes aiming to Sunflower holes, but both she and Sunflower were still in control if the human wanted to stop her.

Once decided this, Sunflower would let an elf in bliss getting recovered in the table, her weak words calling her name and saying how much she loved her, her words werent needed with the feelings mixing between theirs souls, but they were just growing theirs feelings. Now sattled if she want Sunflower could start her magic show in a safe corner where she wouldnt destroy something easily by mistake.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"Tomorrow is fine. You know the planet better than I do, I'd appreciate you being able to lead me through on the search.," smiles Sunflower.

She blushes embarrassedly at being kissed, trying not to remember how wonderful it felt to have sex with her "mother's" mouth. Still, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. She never had a mother before. And well, it wasn't like she was promiscuous due to any sort of depravity, in this reality sexuality and food were inseparable. It was just how her species was.

Sunflower tried to not think of all the naughty things happening around her as they continued to the lab.


Sunflower moaned loudly in pleasure, thrusting into her mate, feeding on her elven milk a bit. It was certain her mate was pregnant, with what well who knew. Elfs, humans, half elves, male, female, both, neither, demons, angels, unicorns. Could be any or all of those.

Sola's eyes opened as Sunflower kept mating with her, but she didn't seem to all be there. Sleepwalking to sleep sex it would seem.

Soon enough, Sunflower pounded in before spending her seed, thrusting as she unloaded herself in. She supposed she'd find out if that had been meaningless or she'd somehow gotten her mate even more pregnant.

Once finished, her mate was sending feelings of love to her, Sunflower sending them back in turn as she looks and seeing the clear desire on her "Mother's" face. "Heh... Think you want to play with your erm... Daughter, mom. Could do that. Or show the magic. You really enjoy sex with me huh?"
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

After Jean words, the alein woman noticed the liquid leaving her mouth, using a tentacle to clean it as she tried to drink the remain of her saliva inside her moutht to talk correctly. Please excuse me, honey. I havent tasted any food today and your performance was more than explendid i must admit. Said this she went closer, her tentacles eagerly move, many pointing to the pair in the scan desk. I wish to have the time to enjoy ourselves until get sattled, but i must work in some hours, but dont worry, Mommy will give you all the bliss than you want, cutey.

Her mouth whisper close at the end, leaving to Sunflower to taste her sweet nectar than started the fire again at the human body, so potent and addictive aphrodisiac. Why dont the three have a new sesion like the last time, dont worry i will dont mess with your mind this time. She chuckle and then went close her back, her hair tentacles moving to use the human's lower holes as this was incited to continue pounding on the blissfull Sola, her liquid soon making a pool below them which the tentacle hairs used to drink from it, the mix of both fruit girls maybe giving to the alien what she needs in part, but soon more of them invaded theirs holes to eat some of the cum than Sunflower released and Sola juices direct from her honeyflower.. I think than i could resist the work with this, but do you want to enjoy some more time with your beauty mommy? The alien said after at least Jean cumming two times, her fingers spread her red lower lips inciting the mage to take her sweet place or mouth where she could bet to find her womb. Meanwhile Sola was close to the seven cloud, panting in happiness after such amazing moment
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

Sunflower blushed at her "mother" deciding to join in, if less intensely than last time. "Guess we can go more full out later... I mean, it was really scary to me but you didn't do anything bad. And I;m trusting you with mutating my body so um... If you want you could do so again later..."

With that said, Sunflower groaned as her mother's tentacles slid into her, encouraging her to start thrusting hard into Sola again, enjoying the feelings of both her male and her less used female half being stimulated.

With the aphrodisiac burning through her, Sunflower moaned lustily at their strange threesome, thrusting hard and eagerly as much to sate her lust as to feed her mother. Their mutual fluids soon soaked the area, all for her mother to sample.

Soon she slipped from Sola again, shivering eagerly to feed her mother directly. "Um... Your mouth is the best... Can't help but be drawn to it...," says Sunflower embarrassedly, hard and eager to fuck her mothers face once again but unable to help feeling a bit ashamed about it or that she was mating with her "mother."
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

You dont have anything to fear Jean, i would never wound a setient creature and even less someone of my own family, you can be sure than we will have a great night than no one of us will forget. The red alien said, using her right hand to kindly softly rub Jean special hair and cheek before slid down and cause some shivers before their apetizer for their great fest this night.

Beauty, moan in delight, so precious huice from both was certainly the best than she has tasted for maybe years, taking it eagerly by so loved ones just spice it correctly, as more naughty Jean and Sola sound theirs bodies look to produce a better top quality product making an endless circle as this increased the pleasure than her mom share with them..

With Sola still in joy by the last sesion, Sunflower made so naughty request to her new mother who should at the time smile and wet her inner walls than soon could enjoy so perfect rods. And i cant stop to ponder which of your phallus is the best, darling. I must find it out if you are right with this~ The alien pointed her attention to the first one than sprout from Jean, her other member dont escaped of be drained by one of her tentacle tails which deepthroad her second dick as a second cunny, both members overflow with huge loads of pleasure until the point than Jean couldnt decipher what was inside, tentacles, tongues a potent suction in correct harmony than make her just wish more, for minutes she only could do more than moan in bliss, maybe taking her mother head to make her move as she wish, her hands getting coaxed in the tentacle hair than coil and pleasure her finger and some lift to caress her exposed chest and lips inviting to suck of them if she want it.

The perfect warm lips of that invisible mouth made her cum maybe two times more than her lower dick, but then the Alien trade places and started to enjoy the second member, her tentacle tail do the same for the one than she leave. If this was just a little of what she would have in the night, maybe Jean must be ready for the night of her life. Jean cum for a last time, her mother cheeks inflated again as the lasts times but this time she get up and without drink it she went to kiss the human, hugging her and allowing her to enjoy her own seed than in a possible case is already creating a children on her own mother.

Really hard choice, isnt? your nectar is just the best and you could be famous if we distribute it, of course than this last is just a joke~

Do you need some minutes to get ready for check that called magic?
The alien said getting up kissing the human forehead motherly like before return to her magic screens and illuminate the room with a soft green light.
Re: Jean (Zilrax)

"I know. Still can't help it, bit scary to know someones messing with your brain. Still, trusted you with everything else, and lord knows I'm no human anymore. Doesn't make much difference now heh.," blushes Sunflower as she's patted, the smoke from her hair tips moving around the hand to escape as always.

Sunflower separated from Sola, blushing embarrassedly as her mother decided to take both her shafts in two separate ways. She groaned as she felt her mom's strange pleasurable mouth and her just as alien feeding tentacle. She held her mother's head steady to thrust into it eagerly, craving the strange pleasure from both her shafts.

Sunflower worked until she spent her seed, feeding her mother, before her mother swapped shafts, now working her lower one with her maw and the above with one of her tentacles.

Spending from her newest shaft, she was a bit surprised when this time her mother came up and snowballed her. Her altered brain accepting feeding on her own seed quite lovely, much to her embarrassment. Still, she swallowed it easily.

Sunflower didn't consider she may have impregnated her new mother. She figured they weren't compatible and it didn't really occur to her. Nor did she consider she may have impregnated her new cousin either.

Once they were finished, Sunflower shuddered, before grinning at her mother, looking a bit embarrassed still. "I've been having sexual marathons since I woke up out here. I erm, getting used to it. I'm ready to show you when you wanna see."

Sunflower went to the spot she had been shown earlier, before raising a hand, and condensing the moisture in the air into her hand with chill, freezing a ball of ice in her hand, concentrating, cold taking her a lot more effort.