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(While that is good news, isn't that news for the Fairy Wars thread?)

Nope, that patch is nothing to do with me. I imagined there was probably a more professional translation effort out there somewhere. I just changed the names in each individual text file. Hence why the characters and monsters I didn't think worth while haven't been translated in my version.

But you say the menu's are translated in that one? That sounds very useful. Never figured that out myself. Not compatible with the version I have right now, neither my mod version nor the original I kept. Can't quite see how it works either... '_'

*A few minutes later*

Found out you can make it work with older/other versions of the game by removing most of the text in the "English" text file in the language folder. Just delete everything bellow 'EngMenu'. You lose the attack and item descriptions, and some of the revised names getting the engrishy file names instead, but it does work with any version that way. Even works with my mod version now, although it overwrites the names I gave, so a one or two of my custom creatures and tweeks will revert to their default/file name. My bee girls for example will all change names to bee girl D/bee girl P etc. I might fix that and upload my custom monsters separately. Not sure exactly what the issue was before I removed that part of the text file. If you know where I can get a complete "latest version" that's properly compatible with the patch I'd be grateful.

Kinda gotta wonder now, why I took all that time clumsily editing individual text files when I could probably have googled and found this translation. ^_^'
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While it's almost certainly way out of date, I've actually done a fair bit of other tinkering with this mod version of mine. Changing enemy attack frequencies, removing attacks I found boring or annoying, making alternate versions of enemies (beware the nurse bees), making a few balance changes (nothing major) to some of the player characters, seemingly have broken one or two minor parts of the game, and all sorts that I forget the details of. I've flatly removed certain characters and monsters that were just plain bad. Gave each colour of slime a unique style of attacks (which I've totally forgotten). Added a slightly modified and recoloured character, and even made my own enemy. My friend to this day has no idea that his twisted doodle is being used as a sprite in an H game. Fear the terrible (& absurd) Arachnogasm! Laughing at it's appearance only gives it another hole to fill.

Sounds great.

... unless you removed the Rebirth attack from enemies. Then it would sound terrible.

Hell no, attacks like rebirth were the kind I was making more common. Not over doing it of course, and keeping it to appropriate monsters, but I was generally trying to reduce things like the strange wormhole attack the lilim's use, and adding more kiss attacks and the like to compensate. I modified one of the slime girl colours to specifically focus on the rebirth attack for example. Gave em each a theme of some kind. One slime used split self to multiply, while another focused on parasite planter, one used more aggressive attacks, etc. I've forgotten entirely which colour was which, and not sure I quite finished them either, but I generally consider them an improvement. It was all small changes here and there.

I always had odd plans about trying to make a more balanced version, and devising some method to have a planned route or set of challenges the player needed to accomplish. Didn't have close to the motivation and understanding of the game required for that though. =)

apperantly i still need some sort of player to run it.....

apperantly i still need some sort of player to run it.....

Hmm. How far do you get then? Any error messages or screens? Were you trying to run my upload or another?

I certainly don't know of any player or separate program required to run any of the games. I've run it under both XP and Vista without problems before, though I'm pretty certain Japanese regional settings are required. Remember that (incase you haven't already,) you'll need these settings activated before unziping the rar file. (Or so I keep hearing. I've had JapReg settings turned on for years and never had issues with anything that needs them, so I'm hardly an expert with the issues that come from them.)

Aside from the new look, some new moves (maybe), I failed to see anything else.

I kept trying to download things but some parts are add-ons and some parts are w/e. Look, point is, I have no idea what anything is anymore. Is this like the preview to a "sequel" or something?

I get no descriptions about ROA anymore. And break it down like I was a child.

I don't know know about new moves... but better animations, definitely. They're actually much more detailed than before - like when the girl hits the wall, she actually slumps on the floor before she gets up. Just small Quality of Life stuff.

Aside from the new look, some new moves (maybe), I failed to see anything else.

On hongfire it was mentioned that the update is more like a complete remake of the game. Smoother graphics, better moves, etc. But only one level and one character currently.

It's a improved version of the 20 ray gauntlet version.

veeeerrrrryyy improved....:D

I think the PotR was way better than fairy wars. Much better mechanix

EL GASP :eek:

Ok, so I'm not very good at this whole 'first impression' thing, but you've indirectly been the source of quite a few of my... actually yeah, that's probably a bad first impression.

Hi my names Toxic, you make good games.

That almost sounds like I've already started working on it.
...which I haven't, aside from collecting ideas.

Oh, don't mind me, just coming out of lurking.


nice one.

EL GASP :eek:

Ok, so I'm not very good at this whole 'first impression' thing, but you've indirectly been the source of quite a few of my... actually yeah, that's probably a bad first impression.

Nice to meet you too.
First impression? Don't worry about that, since I've been visiting this board from time to time even before I made games. Good source for games and links. I like it here.

you make good games.
Thank you.

So, the new ROA-version - where did it surface? I visit the "developer's warehouse" frequently, but haven't seen it there. I even thought ROA was dead. Good thing it's back.

I'm gonna take a guess, since i'm not able to play ROA atm.

And say fan-made add-ons.

I too would like to air out my respect for the good sir Toffi. So, thank you for the great games, and hopefully we'll be seeing more of those in the future

So, the new ROA-version - where did it surface? I visit the "developer's warehouse" frequently, but haven't seen it there. I even thought ROA was dead. Good thing it's back.

Click on Home and click...

Yeah, I didn't notice it either until it was brought up on Hongfire. I used to check regularly, but I thought it was abandoned.
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