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Jessie (Bloodshifter)


Dec 9, 2010
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Jessie Arwell, a 38 old salarywoman was married to one thing, and that was her job. With her job now lost, an invitation to test a new product was given to her soon thereafter. Having lost out on the prime chances for romance, Jessie figured this would be a good idea to try it out. Having confirmed her appointment with the facility and filling out a few things online beforehand, she was greeted by a fairly nerdy man who looked like he was more of a gas station attendant than a technician. The name "Rizzo" being visible on his suit.

The pair would walk through a hall that would make you think that it were a hotel as there were doors lining the area every 20 feet or so. Turning left at the end of that hallway, they finally arrive at the room that Jessie will be using.

Please, take a seat in the pod so we can get you started.
This would be about all that was said by this man. As he would leave shortly after securing Jessie in the pod. As the door closes the pod activates and a screen comes up listing options that are seemingly to be selected. Some options were already filled in, though it looked like she would be able to make any changes she so desired.

Weapon of choice: Axe
Humans: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5 where 1 is rarely and 5 is often)
Male/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Female/Female: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Birthing: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Non Consent Sex: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
BDSM: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Slavery: Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y/N
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Body modification (You can gain tentacles among other things during the game): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y/N (if Y, frequency of 1-5)
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): This is left vague on purpose, a number can't properly convey this setting.

Extras: (Put whatever extras you want right here, I'll do my best to add it in wherever I can, also add a frequency to whatever you put in if you don't mind, it'd help me out a bit.)

With this screen completed another set of variables are displayed:
Describe your desired setting:

Choose your difficulty level:
Easy (+2 to all rolls)
Medium (no modifier)
Hard (-2 to all rolls)
Rapebait (-4 to all rolls)
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

To say she was nervous is an understatement, the odd dress of Rizzo only made Jessie even more so. The silence of her technician was at least somewhat comforting to her, reminding her of her days at work just handling paper and numbers. The layout of the building reminded her of an hotel doors to rooms, she guessed for what else could it be? Broke the monotony of cool white walls. Jessie jumped when Rizzo spoke, having wandered off mentally into her own world.

"Ah thank you, Rizzo? Is there anyway to contact an Administrator during play?"
Jessie wouldn't admit it but, the impersonal feel of the place made her oddly comfortable, she was more at home with machines and walls then people, something that she intended to fix... here hopefully.

Once she was settled in and the world of the room faded away she was surprised by The Pop Up for settings, she glanced through the options and read all the tooltips available before she began.
Weapon of choice: Axe
Humans: Y 2
Male/Female: Y 4
Female/Female: Y 3
Pregnancy/egg laying/seed implantation: Y 1/4/3
Birthing: N
Non Consent Sex: Y 4
Slavery: Y 2
Monsters (Tentacles & Slimes & Likewise): Y 5
Mythical like beings (Angels, Succubi, and other stuff I can think of like this etc...): Y 3
cybernetic enemies (Robotic tentacles, androids, and other ones of the like): Y 4
Anthros (Catgirls, Wolfgirls, Bunnygirls, Cowgirls, etc...): Y 1
Fey beings (Nymphs, Elves, etc...): Y 3
Body modification (You can gain tentacles among other things during the game): Y 5
Corruption (Your character can become corrupted, which can lead to some serious side effects in game, though what those are won't be known until they happen): Y 5
Roughness: (How gentle are the monsters when you lose?): Rough, yet no permanent scars from it and no blood!

Symbiotes (Living Armor, Living Weapons, Air filtering tentacles, anything that assists the character... that is alive.): Y 4
Animated Objects (Rope Demons, Living Beds, Suits of Armor, etc): Y 5
It made her blush, and somewhat annoyed at the Weapon Selection even if it was what she planned for. Still she looks over her choices, "And I'm more at home with monsters fucking me then people. Even in a game..." As she mutters to herself her cheeks heat up at the BDSM and the Slavery option and how her hand had betrayed her in choosing such a high value and not shutting down the second. "Well I guess it wouldn't be expanding my horizons if I dictated all the encounters..." The Body Modification and Corruption needs to go together as she isn't changing her own body she didn't care about what happened to it, afterall she wasn't intending to lose. She pushes on to Extras and promptly nods her experience with toys on herself at least showing through, nothing bad could go wrong there its not like everything in the world would be infused with the need to fight and fuck her. Also things to talk with that aren't people perfect!
Describe your desired setting: Ancient Deep Jungle Temple.

Choose your difficulty level:Medium
Someplace wild that she could imagine sparse population of tribal Men... and Women! Mixed with lost magic and forgotten horrors that need a good ax to the face. Yes she could see it now her delving into the temple, or even completing a Grand Quest and men honoring her for her bravery, "Perfect." She said as she finished And her adventure began.
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Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

Jessie would address Rizzo one time before getting into the pod. Rizzo would not answer her query. Rizzo only assisted Jessie in getting her situated into the pod then left the room. Jessie would select her settings, and upon completion the pod acted as if it were starting up. Only to completely shut down on her. Jessie now possibly a little startled at this would start to look around the pod to see if there were some way out. No sooner does she lean back in the pod and relax herself a bit, she realized that she was no longer in the pod.

Jessie was now in what looked like a hut. Around her she could see a few things of interest. One being her trusty axe, and beside it was a backpack that looked fairly small. If there was anything in the backpack, Jessie would not be readily able to tell from where she was. Jessie was laying on her side while on a makeshift bedroll. There was no other bedroll in the hut, so it was safe to assume that she lived alone. (I do not know if you want to keep with the character description for what she is wearing or go with something else that you think might fit the scene better, so if you want to go over what she is wearing that would be a good thing.)

Jessie could presently hear some commotion going on outside her hut, but it was not loud enough for her to be able to tell exactly what it was that causing it. Once Jessie got her bearings, she would need to decide what to do. She could simply gather her things and then see what the commotion was all about, or heck just sit back down on her bedroll to see if she could climax herself faster than usual if she really wanted to.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

"Uh? Hello? This thing turned off!" When no one comes out and she tires herself out in thumping the pod with her fists, she huffs and leans back into the seat.

She gasps as she notices she was no longer in the pod, the first thing she noticed is her ax and her pack. Looking down on herself she notes that she is clad in furs of some animal. Her breasts are somewhat on the small side, a solid B-cup if one was generous, yet she noted her physique was alot better then the business woman remembered it had been, not that she is complaining. A river of teal hair spools down her back, standing up she is glad to note her height is unchanged.

Looking at her clothing she notes rather... minimalistic trends. Leather wraps cover her hands and lower thighs those leading into fur boots. A loin cloth of fur covers a leather thong being the sum total of her lower wear, her shirt if one could call the thing a shirt covers the upper portions of her chest... and no lower leaving the underside of her chest and her, admittedly well toned, body to the elements contrary to this her... shirt rises to her neck swaddling it in soft fur covering her shoulders and upper arms.

'Well at least I don't have to worry about sagging.' Poking at her chest as she takes in her smaller perky assets. She notes there seems to be a commotion outside, grabbing her Ax and Pack she goes outside to see the trouble.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

(Dunno if I would call it trouble, at least not yet...)

Jessie now awake this morning would find her axe and backpack nearby. Without really doing anything more than looking things over, herself included. Jessie would head outside to see what all the fuss was about. As she leaves the hut, it was clear to her what was going on. A ritual dance was being performed in the middle of the village

For who or for what, Jessie did not know. She would find out soon enough though as once she was spotted, people started to line themselves up so that Jessie could only move in a very predetermined path. This path would lead her to the village elder who was waiting at the end of it.

"Jessie it is time for you. We have placed a few things in your backpack that may help you. Your trail lies before you here. When you reemerge from it, you will likely not be the same person that you are now.

Not willing to speak on the matter further, the elder waves to a pair of guards to escort you to the entrance area.

What would otherwise look like a simple dwelling was where you were taken. The entrance way had six different short hallways all with a different marking on them and ending with a door to which you cannot see anything past that. The two escorts are seemingly standing watch just outside the entrance way.

Jessie would now need to determine in what way she would move forward. The area she was in might reveal some secret meaning were she to investigate further, or she could pick a path and be on her way with minimal amounts of looking about the area.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

Exiting her hut/tent/hovel? Jessie is immediately the center of attention and for half a second thought she was the target of an Flash Mob. Before she noticed she was infact having a preset route chosen for her.

She followed the path? Laid out to her until she came to the Village Elder, who then told her of a vague and fairly mysterious chosen one spiel before having her manhandled by thusly named tweedledee and tweedledumb.

The place she was taken to was a hut one entrance six hallways ending in doors. She decidedecides now is a good time to inspect her ax, pack, and the room around her.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

(I hereby blame my phone and infinite 522 errors now and forever hencewith)

Jessie was lead along toward the monument. Upon entering she took inventory of what she had with her. One trusty axe, check. There was nothing really spectacular about this particular item aside from it being a thing that tends to chop through other things. It was however Jessie's axe, so maybe there was some fond memory she had with it?

The backpack contained a few things, and they all looked like mundane items. A few whetstones to sharpen her axe, patches of furs likely meant to repair or replace any damaged or destroyed clothing, but one thing stood out. A bracelet that was clearly not something that would fit this settling. When Jessie had touched it, the bracelet seemed to turn itself on with the display having the word "Axe" visible on it. This bracelet looked more like a digital watch would upon further inspection. There were two small buttons with one being on each side of the bracelet.

Jessie knew this monument as a sacred place to her people. Generally no one would be allowed entry inside, so this was a special occasion to be here. What exactly that occasion was, Jessie could not remember or simply did not know at all. The design was stone, through and through, with pictures similar to heiroglyphs throughout the walls. Some upon a further inspection were rather lewd in nature. Over top of each of the doors was a symbol. From left to right the symbols on the doors were:

Earth, Life, Water, Fire, Death, and Wind

Jessie would have to pick a door. She could simply admire the view of the stone walls as well, but that would not really do much to help her now would it?
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

Her Ax, an magnificent stocky bearded one she had remembered when she first chose it on her ascension to adulthood it served her well since. Her backpack was less impressive whetstones and replacement fur and leather for her clothing. 'Not the most exciting things.'

That was until she saw an very odd device, "Hello beautiful what are you doing in a bag like mine?" placing on her and locking it there she continues searching her bag but, nothing of note appears.

Looking at the rather bawdy inlays and the paths Jessie was stumped, she tried to see if her fancy watch did give any clues And when it doesn't she sighs, "I hate guessing... So I guess I'll follow where the ax lands." Placing her ax against the floor Jessie lets it drop choosing that door First.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

(The bracelet is the EGG interface, it is not factored by the game to be a real thing, although you can interact with it freely if able to do so. It may never come into play, or it might.)

Fiddling with the bracelet, Jessie would come to the conclusion that it had no immediate relevance after putting it on her wrist. Still stuck on what to do with the choice of 6 doors confronting her, she would place her ax at the center point of this room and let it fall. Of course the first time the ax falls, it falls backward toward the guarded exit as if to tell her something. The second time the ax falls, it points directly to the Symbol of Life.

Her decision made, she proceeds to enter the door underneath this symbol.

Jessie pushes the door open, and finds something that is not at all natural for where she currently is. Everything beyond this door was in the act of procreation with something else. Though none of the pairings were natural. A dog humping a cat, an angel getting plowed by a demon, and all manner of other pairings could be seen. Just what was going on here?

As Jessie starts to survey what she is seeing, the doorway behind her closes and seals itself shut. The scene is rather surreal. Before her was a fairly simple path laid out for her. On each side she would see pairings of all manners and kinds just having sex all right there out in the open for everyone to see. After walking the path somewhat she would encounter the master of this area.

"Hello there, I see you are new to this place. Here you may endlessly enjoy yourself with whoever or whatever you would like. Just say what it is you wish, and it will be yours."

The "man" says this while changing his form a few times into something that might please Jessie more. Obviously a shapeshifter, Jessie now needs to find out how to get through this "ordeal".

(I blame 522 bad gateways for being too vague, if you need clarification feel free to pm me)
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

'So, not part of the scenario eh?', I ingore the bracelet and continue with my test... it fell towards me, or more to the point to the entrance, where the tweedle's were still standing guard. I look to the top of the arch and around the portal in hopes of divining a reason, knowing that going back out of the entrance... well I liked my insides not decorating a effigy.

With that done I ply my axe again this time Life is chosen, "Well lets hope it doesn't need me to carry life to pass." Gripping my axe tightly, I enter the path. Only to almost immediately stop and stare as mis matched pairs went at one another carved into the stone lining a path.

"Adventure my ass couldn't railroad harder unless you added rails." I muttered as I followed the path Door having shut behind me. Following the path and trying not to focus on the more involved reliefs, 'Oh god that women must be a contortionist.' She is only marginally successful.

Upon meeting the man and watching as he not only slims down but, shoots up and what revealed skin he has gains muscle tone. Jessie bites her tongue not to say him, "If I say I wish to leave? Will I receive that?"

(Not to vague thankfully also she is complaining IC I'm not complaining she doesn't like not being able to pick everything.)
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

(Jessie would think the bracelet to be something of a "menu screen". Its that plot device that really isnt a plot device, but the game world does not actively recognize the bracelet so it cannot be bartered or taken were a situation to arise.)

This being continues to change shapes every so often. Some forms female, others male, and some of no gender at all.

"Have you found something that pleases you yet? To earn this seal, you must bring life into this world. Any life will do, and the choice is completely up to you how you want to do it. You will not be able to return until a life is achieved."

With this said, Jessie would realize that this thing was going to violate her. Was there anything that she could do about it? Would there be anything that she wanted to bring into this world as she had the choice to do so? Escape was likely not an option as the door to this chamber was sealed.

How would Jessie attempt to deal with this. Was it just a sick game or was there a greater purpose to this as there were 5 more doors that Jessie would have to go through after this one.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

"Any creature?" I can't help but blush, that is a wide and varied assortment of creatures. 'I wonder if that means simply summoning things not of this world, binding a demon or a tentacle... No what am I thinking! Dealing with those things to avoid...' My face turns crimson in embarrassment.

"Right then, I only need to bring life to the world, can you become a dryad?"
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

To Jessie's inquiry of becoming a dryad, the shapeshifter replies:

"I am time, I am anti-time

I am matter, I am anti-matter.

I can become any thing you can imagine.

Though I think you assume too much in thinking that you only need to bring life into this world. There are five other doors that you will face. I control all things within my chapel. Lest I remind you, you are within my chapel. "

What exactly was this shapeshifter on about? Was this a hint toward what was to come in the other rooms? Was it just some wandering spirit looking to have some fun?

"Would you truly wish of me to become a dryad?"

With this, Jessie's answer was awaited.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

"You know I really hate, enigmas. Master of time and matter in your place, only limited to my poor excuse for an imagination. Can you become a egg?" I sit down legs cross and arms under my reduced chest staring at the weird shapeshifter.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

"Maybe we can broaden your imagination then.

An egg? No, I cannot become an egg.

I can however become something that would lay an egg inside of you."

Now almost taunting Jessie, the shapeshifter would turn into an exact copy of Jessie now.

"Maybe what you truly want is to just be ravaged by yourself? As much fun as that sounds, that will not help you with any of the trials.

Oh, I know. I could turn into a slime and envelop you.

Hmm.. all jokes aside now. I would prefer to just fuck you senseless though I am supposed to "assist you" with the other 5 trials. You should think in terms of bringing life to something that would help you to overcome the other trials."

It would seem the shapeshifter had given Jessie a hint as to its true intentions.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

"Wait so your saying you can." I wave around my Axe, "Bring my weapon or armor to life?" I, imagine being surrounded and fucked by a slime and wondered how that would even feel?
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

The shapeshifter starts to laugh at Jessie's latest inquiry.

"You think me to be some petty mage using some parlor tricks to make a broom dance around? I bring life into this world, not add life to something that has none.

The life you choose to bring into this world, should be something that would help you when you go into the other rooms I think. Though maybe you are on the right track with thinking of something that might be able to shape itself as armor.

Consider what may help you to overcome the elements. As for Death, I cannot help you with that one."

With this minor revelation it was fairly obvious now that this whole monument was a puzzle. What perverse being would have someone birth their answers to finding a solution to a puzzle? Or was it all just a ploy from this shapeshifter to fuck Jessie silly because it wanted to.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

"Its obvious that the Elemental rooms each will need me to use their namesake in some manner as I need to bring 'life' in for yours." I move to stand up eyeing the shapeshifter, "Fine then, I want to survive the other tests and I want to... try something new so I want you to be slime armor?" Jessie was uncertain if she had chosen correctly but, slimes allowed her to breath inside them and were natural filters right?
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

"You want ME to become a suit of slime armor? I think you are missing something. I turn into something and fuck you silly. You then birth that thing into this world. So if you want a suit of slime armor to go play in the other areas with, you are going to have to earn it."

With this, it would be just the formality of asking the shapeshifter to become something, fuck her silly, and then she would give birth to whatever it was that she wanted. Once this process was complete, the shapeshifter would allow the door to open again.
Re: Jessie (Bloodshifter)

"Oh? Was I not clear? You asked me what I wanted to lay with and bringing life into the world. I don't remember asking for you to come with me only for you to turn into a suit of slime armor." Jessie was now much more sure of herself knowing she had possibly tripped up the guardian. "If its odd for you then I guess your power isn't as good as you proposed?"