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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"Follow Us."

The communication between Rumia and these spiderbots would be crude at best it seems. With Rumia's compliance, one spiderbot would get in front and lead the way while the other would follow a few feet behind. They would go through the hallway and through the next set of doors. Another fairly large room with a void of anything useful being within was next on this little trek. There were 4 doors that all seemed to be going into different areas here. One each on the left and right, with another two divided along the far wall.

Every one of these larger rooms seemed to have a hallway with at least a door here and there along them, though the spiderbots were moving in a very specific direction. Upon reaching their destination, they would arrive in what could basically be described as a control room or security of sorts. Large banks of computer screens seemingly monitoring places within the facility. As you look around, you find a few of the monitors showing lewd sexual acts.

Not only are plant like things involved, but other monstrosities as well (feel free to expound on what you see). Once Rumia is done enjoying the view, she turns to one of the spiderbots that escorted her here.


As if to ask you if you were either willing or able to exterminate the problem in these areas.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The trek was uneventful, without much of interest happening or anything valuable showing up. It wasn't long, though, and soon Rumia found herself in what appeared to be some kind of command center. And as she examined her surroundings in search of a clue about her task, she noticed that some of the monitors were online. And displaying something rather disturbing.

Various kinds of overgrown plants, not only vines, but strange flowers and traps as well, molesting whatever they could ensnare. Other monitors showed different, but not necessarily better pictures. Strange animals in a mating frenzy, displaying little concern about who or what they've captured. Various humanoids, each different from the last, but none human, engaging in all kinds of debauchery. And then were the really bizzare... Things, many of which Rumia couldn't quite identify, and what even looked like animated items! A whole collection of depravity, on display for her like some kind of a sick tv show.

Tearing her attention away from the monitors, the girl stared at the spiderbots. It took her a moment to process the request and understand what was going on. The big room before had to be some kind of a hub area, leading to different parts of the complex, and she was being tasked with clearing each of these parts in a quite permanent fashion. "Yeah, sure." Rumina nodded. "I got fire, I can do that. Purge it all. Just tell me when to start."
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would agree to help the spiderbots. They would likely go into some silly story here were they able to communicate better, about how their facility was overrun by whatever it is that has overrun the place. Instead Rumia sees this on the spiderbot's communication array:

"Plants first, this way."

One spiderbot seemed willing to lead the way and go with Rumia, along with one of the other spiderbots bringing up a map of the area with almost all of it being infested with some manner of corruption. This map did not look like a whole map of the area, but instead just a small section that was infested with these plants.

The spiderbot seemed wanting to go as quickly as possible. Rumia could just go right for it, or instead attempt to gain more information.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia nodded, accepting the map. She did not stop for more. Interrogating the spiders would likely be an exercise in frustration with their limited speech patterns, and she would probably learn more on her way. She followed her mechanical guide, cracking her knuckles as she went. It seemed that the good old fireball would be getting a lot of workout in the foreseeable future. "Right, time for some gardening."
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was quite wanting to get things started. The spiderbot had lead her through a few small corridors and into what looked like a maintenance elevator. The spiderbot seemed to be the only way to control these doors as they were otherwise locked save for attempting to destroy them with fire. Aside from the whistle you heard before, the spiderbots seem incapable of otherwise attacking.
(They can whistle every 6 rounds, though it has the same chance of affecting you as it does anything else.)

As Rumia leaves the elevator, she knows that there are two larger rooms ajoined by a simple hallway here. That second larger room has one more small room adjoining it. The elevator will leave her just outside the first large room. It would look as if by the designs they were coming in through the "back door" as it were. The only problem with this is, no matter what, Rumia would not know until she opened the doors what was on the other side of them.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

As Rumia watched the mechanical spiders, she began to understand why they requested her help. They were capable of defending themselves, sure, but they were not built for combat. Their attack, while effective, was not something that could be used often, and if it failed, then the construct would likely get scrapped by an irate monster. Staff in hand and magic at the ready, the girl emerged from the elevator that took her to the first area, moving forward to enter the first of the rooms she was supposed to clear. Whatever was inside, she'd have to find out by going in.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Gosh all the things I want to throw at you here..)
The spiderbot opens the lock on the doors, and Rumia opens one to see a room with small vines going up and down the walls. A pair of venus fly trap like plants adorn the frontal area of this room. There are again vine plants present, but they are currently only covering the far wall where the map said the door to exit this room would be. Also of interest was a large patch of moss on each side of the vines.

Rumia no sooner finishes her cursory evaluation of the room as the venus fly traps attack her spitting some manner of toxin her way.

Trap1 Attack:
Trap1 10(-1) - 6 Rumia - Hit

Trap2 Attack:
Trap2 4(1) - 11 Rumia - Counter
The trap plants both fire away, with the first one catching Rumia by surprise. The spittle does not seem to do much as it contacts her, but it would likely become an issue were she to be hit repeatedly by it. The second one Rumia saw coming and instinctively fired a shot off that hit the thing square.

Much like before, the vines were agitated by the fire, however none were presently able to get within range of doing anything about it. Rumia still had the issue of just the two venus fly trap plants directly ahead of her.

Rumia: 5/5 FP, 1/10 AP, 1/1 DP clothing

Trap1: 3/3 FP

Trap2: 2/3 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"Gah!" Rumia cried out as she got hit by the strange substance, interrupting her attempts at mapping out the whole room. Unfortunately, it seemed that she'd have to deal with the two fly traps first before she had a chance of continuing. Fortunately, it appeared that the liquid they were firing wasn't acid or glue. It didn't damage her skin and clothes, nor did it impede her movements. She could tell it was affecting her somehow, though. She could ignore the effects for now, but she'd have to avoid being hit any more, and deal with the plants fast. The fireball she launched agitated the vines, but they were too far away from her to harm her. More importantly, it wounded the second plant, interrupting it's attack. The girl's arm shot forward, sending another fireball as she continued her counterattack, focusing on the second, damaged plant first.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was none to pleased about being hit. At least she was able to score a hit back on the other fly trap. Rumia was now looking to being exterminating the local vegitation.

Rumia Attack:
Rumia: 3 - 4(-1) Trap2 - Hit
Trap1 Attack:
Trap1: 3(-1) - 3 Rumia - Miss
Trap2 Attack:
Trap2: 4(-1) - 5 Rumia - Miss
Rumia Attack:
Rumia: 3 - 3(-1) Trap2 - Hit
Trap1 Attack:
Trap1: 2(-1) - 4 Rumia - Miss

Rumia flawlessly dodges the next flurry of attacks from these fly traps. She was also able to finish burning the one plant down to nothingness. All that remained was the first fly trap plant, with which she could attempt to avoid it while moving further into the room. Not knowing how far the plant could reach with these toxin attacks though could make for a risky proposition. Still remaining in the room were the two patches of moss and the wall of vines irrespective of what Rumia would choose to do.

Rumia: 5/5 FP, 1/10 AP, 1/1 DP clothes

Trap 1: 3/3 FP
Trap 2: Dead
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia felt good. Despite the suprise attack the plants hit her with, she had no trouble terminating one of them. In fact, a pair of flawless attacks finished the second fly trap shortly after the battle began - her performance was even better than her first battle. Emboldened by her success, the girl turned her attention on the remaining fly trap, launching more fireballs with the intention of bringing the thing down quickly so she could examine the room in peace. No point leaving something that can spit poison from a distance alive, especially with other potential threats around.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia continues on to have at the remaining fly trap.

Rumia Attack:
Rumia: 5 - 4(-1) Trap2 - Hit
Trap1 Attack:
Trap1: 5(-1) - 8 Rumia - Miss
Rumia Attack:
Rumia: 3 - 7(-1) Trap2 - Miss
Trap1 Attack:
Trap1: 7(-1) - 8 Rumia - Miss
Rumia Attack:
Rumia: 7 - 7(-1) Trap2 - Hit
Trap1 Attack:
Trap1: 11(-1) - 9 Rumia - Hit

Rumia would continue to have her aim be true, landing a hit on the plant that had originally hit her. This plant seemed to be a little more able, as it was finally able to avoid a fireball from Rumia. However it had missed in return from moving itself around so much. Rumia was able to again hit the plant, but this time the plant fired right back and hit Rumia as well.

Now slightly affected by this toxin, Rumia would have to hope it did not have any lasting effects or things could become quite inconvenient for her.

Rumia: 5/5 FP, 2/10 AP, 1/1 DP

Trap1: 1/3 FP
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Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia cursed. She landed two hits out of the several shots she had fired, but she got hit in return as well. And the strange toxin was slowly starting to affect her with that second hit. It was nothing she couldn't deal with, but she was beginning to feel a little strange. An odd, numb feeling that sapped her strenght a little. With a frown, the girl continued her barrage. Sure, she was a little weakened now, but the plant looked far worse for wear - one more hit ought to put it out of it's misery.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(You can call in the spiderbot at anytime to attempt to blast whatever is in the room, of course if it is not on a recharge that is. The difficulty of getting free would be an opposed roll against whatever the spiderbot initially rolls. Just in case that ever becomes relevant.)

Rumia would look to finish off the fly trap.

Rumia: 4(-1) - 6(-1) Trap1 - Miss
Trap1: 9(-1) - 5(-1) Rumia - Hit
Rumia: 7(-1) - 4(-1) Trap1 - Hit

Rumia would miss her first attack after being hit by the fly trap. The fly trap was seemingly starting to find a groove now as it landed another toxin attack on Rumia. Rumia seemed to focus herself just a little bit better for this attack as she nailed the fly trap dead on and watched it burn to ash.

Rumia still had a few options. She could try to do something about the toxin, but since it looks as if it had already dried off there would be little she could outwardly do about it affecting her. She could advance into the room further and investigate the moss patches along with the vines. Retreat was not really an option since there was no real gain by doing so. How would Rumia handle the rest of this room?

(gonna be gone for about 2 hours again)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia watched the plant burn down, satisfied with her victory. Getting hit annoyed her, but now that the plants were dead she didn't have to worry about more toxins flung her way. With both traps down, she paused for a little while to catch her breath. The poison she was splashed with was something she couldn't really help with, unfortunately. The girl decided to stop for a short while to see if she could wait the effects out, watching the vines and the moss from a distance. Once she rested up a bit, Rumia would take another good look at the whole room again, to check if she hadn't missed some important detail during her fight. Then, she'd investigate the moss from a safe distance. With fireballs.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was unable to shake the feeling inside of her. Unlike her fatigue from before, it would likely take her finding a way to release herself to fully relieve this feeling from her. While trying to examine the room that she liberated from the local vegetation, she found little that was otherwise out of place.

Moving onto the rest of the room, there were two moss patches that Rumia would attempt to exterminate next.

Rumia: 6(-1) - 10(-3) Moss1 - Miss

Rumia takes the chance to fire off a shot at extreme range. She would miss, but in turn sprung the trap waiting for her. Two oblivion moss creatures were hiding on the ground. Springing into action, Rumia would be able to take one more shot at them before they would shamble her way.

Rumia: 8(-1) - 4(-3) Moss 1 - Hit
Moss 1: 8(-3) - 9(-1) Rumia - Miss
Moss 2: 5(-3) - 11(-1) Rumia - Counter

Rumia: 9(-1) - 3(-3) Moss 1 - Critical
Moss 1: 7(-3) - 9(-1) Rumia - Miss
Moss 2: 4(-3) - 9(-1) Rumia - Counter

Rumia got off to a bad start, possibly getting scared a bit as the trap was sprung. The first fireball from Rumia was off target. The mossmen however attacked so slow that Rumia was easily able to land a point blank blast on the second moss as it wildly missed her. The first moss earned the full power of another point blank blast from Rumia next. After evading their attacks Rumia again ignited the second moss. Maybe the fear of knowing these things were playing for keeps was enough for Rumia to keep her focus so far.

Would Rumia continue to have at these things? Maybe she would try to communicate with them somehow?

Rumia: 5/5 FP, 2/10 FP, 1/1 DP Clothing

Moss1: 1/4 FP
Moss2: 2/4 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Holy crap, talk about brutal rolls.)

Rumia frowned as she missed her target. It would appear that fireballs were harder to control than she thought. Before she could contemplate it further, though, she was ambushed once more. This time, her opponents seemed to be some kind of... Moss men? Whatever this biological travesty really was, the girl was not in the mood to attempt communication. They were clearly lying in wait to ambush her, and unlike the spiderbots made no attempt at communication by themselves. Sure, she might have lobbed a fireball at them, but if they were anything like the other plants, they'd probably just try to rape her. And besides, her mission was to exterminate the overgrown plantlife anyway.

The first few moments of battle were a confusing melee, owing to the fact that unlike the fly traps, the mossmen were quite capable of moving around. However, Rumia would not fall for an ambush so easily after her previous suprise, and with adrenaline still burning in her system after the previous battle she rallied quite quickly after her first terrible shot. The mobile plants were too slow to land a blow on her and her response was devastating. One of the moss piles was already almost completely burned and the other one took a pair of heavy hits. With her enemies on the ropes despite the numerical advantage, the girl decided to deal with them the same way she dealt with the fly traps. She'd start with the first one, since one fireball would likely be enough to finish it off, then incinerate with the other creature.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Oh, just wait til you see these babies..)
Rumia did not even think twice about her course of action. Looking to burninate all the things in her path, these mossmen needed to go.

Rumia: 11(-1) - 12(-3) Moss1 - Hit
Moss1: Dead
Moss2: 10(-3) - 7(-1) Rumia - Hit

Rumia: 6(-1) - 10(-3) Moss2 - Miss
Moss2: 8(-3) - 3(-1) Rumia - Hit

Rumia: 7(-1) - 9(-3) Moss2 - Hit
Moss2: 3(-3) - 8(-1) Rumia - Counter

Rumia would continue on to finish off the mostly roasted mosspile. The other one however was none to pleased to learn of its inevitable fate and clubbed Rumia upside the head as she was celebrating her victory. Rumia could not quite recover enough to fire an accurate shot toward the second moss and again was clubbed by the moss. Rumia at least this time stumbled away far enough to get a second to focus her shot. Hitting the remaining moss, it charged at Rumia one last time only to be met with a point blank blast that incinerated it on contact.

Now all that remained was to burn away the vines that were covering the remaining wall. Once this was done, Rumia would be able to move into the hallway adjoining the infested plantlife rooms together.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia massaged her head, waiting for the pain to go away. It seemed that she got a little bit overconfident after burning the first animate moss pile and it's comrade capitalized on the opening she gave it quite nicely. Fortunately, it didn't quite have the punch to finish her off right then and there, allowing her to recover and kill her opponent. With all enemies in sight reduced to cinders, the girl settled down for a bit to recover from the punishment she took. Once she was good to go, Rumia simply lobbed fireballs at the vines from outside their range until there was nothing but ashes left, then moved on to the corridor. All things considered, she wasn't doing too badly thus far.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia: 5/5 FP , 2/10 AP, 1/1 DP Clothing

Rumia having exterminated the plantlife within the first room, looked to move into the hallway and continue her task. What she would see in this hallway was more vines. Alot more vines. Already agitated, they lash out at the door as it opens. Rumia would have to be careful not to eat a face full of door.

Vine1: 5(-2) - Rumia 2(-1) - Hit
Vine2: Idle
Vine3: Idle

Unfortunately for her, the Vine moved a bit faster than Rumia was able to react to. Each vine was looking to grab her now. What would happen after she was grabbed, I do not think she would want to find out.

Rumia: 6(-1) - 5(-2) Vine1 - Hit
Vine1: 11(-2) - 4(-1) Rumia - Grabbed
Vine2: 3(-2) - 9(-1) Rumia - Counter
Vine3: 8(-2) - 9(-1) Rumia - Miss

Three vines in total were trying to maneuver around Rumia in an attempt to grab her. The first one took a good blast, but was in turn able to grab Rumia around the waist. The other vines were still kept at bay, with Rumia able to get a countershot in on a vine as it tried to bound her arms. The remaining vine seemed to just simply flail about fairly uselessly.

Rumia was now grabbed around the waist. She could just give herself to these vines as they did not look to be aiming toward hurting her if she wanted. The whole throw fire at them thing had to start to be getting boring by now did it not? If the other vines were able to grab hold of her, they would likely be able to bound her arms at that point leaving her helpless to attack.

(The escape action is in addition to the regular attack round fyi)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

"Fuckin-" Rumia's curse was cut short as the large door slammed into her, forced open by the agitated vines. Her response was nearly automatic - after throwing so many fireballs, the action was becoming something of a reflex for her. Sure, maybe she wasn't the most skilled or accurate fire mage around, but she sure as Hell was able to dish them out no matter what got thrown her way. Altough being snared by one of the vines did not help her mood at all.

"Getting real tired of this shit!" Rumia continued to toss more fireballs. In addition, she worked as hard as she could on separating herself from the vine grasping her. Sure, sex and by extension, rape was part of the game, but that didn't mean she was going to let some plants have their way with her halfway through "first stage" without a fight. And she wasn't bored of tossing fireballs just yet. In fact, in light of what just happened to her, she was considering a policy of using fireballs on every door from now on, just in case something was waiting behind.