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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(haha, best policy ever, exploding doors! Totally forgot the status at the end of the last post.. hurr durr.)

Rumia 4/5 FP, 2/10 AP, 1/1 DP Clothing - Grabbed around waist

Vine1: 2/3 FP - Grabbing Rumia
Vine2: 2/3 FP
Vine3: 3/3 FP

Rumia is none to pleased to have been caught unaware of her surroundings. Currently being grabbed around the waist by one of these vines, the other two were looking to finish her off before they all ended up being turned to smoldering ash.

Rumia Escape: 5(-1) - 7(-2) Vine1 - Fail

Rumia: 6(-1) - 4(-2) Vine1 - Hit
Vine1: 9(-2) - 5(-1) Rumia - Getting closer to home
Vine2: 7(-2) - 11(-1) Rumia - Miss
Vine3: 5(-2) - 5(-1) Rumia - Miss

Rumia was unable to escape, but in doing so got a good shot in on part of that vine that was not holding on to her. The vine in response started to tighten its grip with the tip now rubbing against her pussy. If Rumia did not do something soon, that vine might well find its way inside of her. The other two vines seemed content with flailing about trying to grab onto Rumia's arms and legs. Neither able to find a good grip on her.

Rumia Escape: 5(-1) - 11(-2) Vine1 - Fail

Rumia: 8(-1) - 11(-2) Vine1 - Miss
Vine1: 6(-2) - 8(-1) Rumia - Miss
Vine2: 5(-2) - 7(-1) Rumia - Miss
Vine3: 6(-2) - 10(-1) Rumia - Miss

A whole lotta nothing going on here. Rumia not able to get herself free, but still mobile enough to stop anything bad from happening to her otherwise. The vine that had a hold over her was unable to find its mark, and the other vines were still unable to track down a moving target so easily.

Rumia Escape: 9(-1) - 2(-2) Vine1 - Much success!

Rumia: 5(-1) - 9(-2) Vine2 - Miss
Vine1: Burninated
Vine2: 11(-2) - 10(-1) Rumia - Miss
Vine3: 3(-2) - 7(-1) Rumia - Miss

Rumia was able to get herself free of the first vine, burning it into oblivion in the process. The other two vines seemed to still not be able to get hold of Rumia, however the fight was certainly looking better for Rumia now that one vine was eliminated from the equation.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

So, yeah. Stuff happened. Bringing this game back into the forums.

Rumia was currently in a valley outside of the facility she started in. Mountainous areas on both sides made the terrain impassable save for the path leading to and from the facility. With one of the robots and a spider along with her, Rumia had encountered a pack of jackals, 5 to be exact.

As the fight began, the cowardice of the jackals as an individual being would show itself as when they were hit the only thing they did was simply recoil in fear. When that fear started to become so great that they felt their lives were in danger, they would turn and run. 3 of the 5 jackals were able to escape while the other two were killed.

Taking a moment to rest up from the one hit that was taken, Rumia would be able to continue onward. As she did, there would be a few small alcoves starting to form. Some would look to be simply spots to sit and wait out rain or maybe camp out for a while, though others looked to be almost like a small cave.

Rumia could take her time and look into these, of course at the risk of either finding something worthwhile or something finding her. The other option would be to simply try to ignore these alcoves and try to get to whatever it is that Master had targeted as the objective at the end of this particular path.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia gave the natural hiding spots a curious glance. While the enemies so far were easy, there was no guarantee this trend would continue. Still, exploring side paths had yielded some nice findings for her in the past, and exploring some of them would take only a couple moments. Shrugging, the girl decided to go and take a look at these alcoves. While it was unlikely she'd find anything unusually powerful or particularly useful, every bit and piece she could get her hands on would be looted. She instructed Master and her pet spider to keep an eye on incoming threats while she went to pillage the side paths.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would start to search some of these alcoves. With her staff, Lassic, in hand she would move about and find one of the jackals cowering in the back of one alcove. Irrelevant of if she were to ignore it or finish it off, what she found in one of the larger alcoves was a little more threatening.

Master was able to spot these things, though they were tough for Rumia to see as they seemed to blend into both the mountainous terrain around them and the somewhat lack of light in this particular alcove. Three cloakers would besiege Rumia, and her spider companion was seemingly unable to help since it could not go where Rumia was.

Rumia is fighting at +1 vs these enemies, Master is at -1 vs these enemies, and the spider is -1 as well if it can join the battle.

Cloaker1 Attack: 9 - 6(-1) Master - Hit
Cloaker2 Attack: 10- 6(+1) Rumia - Hit
Cloaker3 Attack: 7 - 8(+1) Rumia - Miss

The cloakers start to emit sounds, for all intents and purposes these felt almost exactly like what Master used to project a sonic boom. The likelyhood of Master's sonic boom being effective in any way was assumed to be little. The other cloakers seemed to be unaffected by each other's attacks.

Master seemed to have no ill effects aside from being pushed backward about six inches. It would seem that Master was immune to the sonic effects of the cloakers as well.

Rumia Status: 8(+1) - 5 Fear - Success.

Rumia was affected by what sounded like a shrill moaning, possibly meant to instill fear or paralysis. Rumia was able to fight off the efffects for now, and dodged the third enemy as it tried to lunge toward her. As such, the third enemy was now able to be seen alot clearer. However the other two were still going to be a problem as Rumia would need to turn her back to them to be able to attack the cloaker that had just attempted to ram her.

Rumia: 6/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/2 CP
Master: 5/5 FP
Spider: 3/3 FP

Cloaker1: 4/4 FP
Cloaker2: 4/4 FP
Cloaker3: 4/4 FP - exposed(+1 to hit)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia cursed as she noticed the illusive foes, barely giving her enough time to prepare for a fight. Their ability to look like their surroundings made aiming for them difficult, but she was confident she could handle it. Their sonic attacks were worse - not only she couldn't rely on her mechanical companion's own sonic blast to clear them, there was a chance they'd be able to affect her badly in the fight. Thankfully, she managed to shrug off the effects for now, but she'd have to end this fast.

Barking orders, she told Master to engage the first one of the creatures with his stun net. The girl decided to focus on the one that charged her first, hoping she'd be able to take advantage of it's momentary vulnerability. Charging up her forked blast, she let loose with a pair of fireblasts, showing both of them in the third beast's direction.

(Forked Blast at number 3, net attack against 1 from Master.)
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Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(The spider is currently unavailable in this alcove)

Rumia would avert the ambush relatively unscathed. Her ears would ring for a moment, but that was about the extent of the damage these overgrown stingrays would seem to manage. Having clear sight of the cloaker that had missed charging into her, Rumia would let fly with two bolts headed toward that monster. Leaving Master to hopefully bring one down with its snare net.

Rumia Forked Bolt: 8(+1), 6(+1) - 9,7 Cloaker3 - Hit 2x
Master Snare: 7(-1) - 3 Cloaker1 - Hit
Cloaker1 Escape: 9 - 10(-1) - Snared
Cloaker2 Attack: 6 - 8(+1) Rumia - Miss
Cloaker3 Attack: 8 - 4(+1) Rumia - Hit, Held

Rumia and Master would counterattack these cloakers, and to great effect. Both hitting their intended targets. Rumia would land both bolts fired and Master would cause another one to come crashing to the ground ensnared in his net. The snared cloaker would simply flail about and would be vulnerable to whatever followup attack Master were able to consider.

Rumia however was not so lucky. The cloakers seemingly were smart enough to not bother with Master any longer, and focused their sonic attack toward Rumia. The lone untouched cloaker was still ineffective in its attempt to affect Rumia. The damaged cloaker would however change its tone to one that was far more dangerous. Rumia was stopped in her tracks, held in place and unable to move. If she were unable to get free of the effects, she would have to depend on her staff, Lassic, to continue the fight.

Rumia: 6/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/2 CP - Paralyzed
Master: 5/5

Cloaker 1: 4/4 - Snared, Exposed
Cloaker 2: 4/4
Cloaker 3: 2/4 - Exposed
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

At first, the fight seemed to be going well. With both shots landing on the cloaker that charged her before and Master snaring another one, Rumia was starting to gain an advantage. Shouting at the robot to use activate the electric components of the net - he had an ability to run a current through it or some other stunner, if she remembered it right - she focused back on the two monsters that remained free. The one in the back remained ineffective in it's attempts at fighting her, despite the brief opening it had.

The damaged one, however, was starting to prove dangerous to the fire mage. The tune it was emitting now had some kind of paralyzing effect that froze her movement. She wasn't beaten yet, but if this was allowed to continue she'd either end up raped or be forced to rely on Lassic's power to fight. While extremely strong, it was something of a double-edged sword. For now, Rumia tried to focus her will on breaking free from the melody's effects, hoping to resume combat quickly.

(Break free and attack number 3 if successful, make Master zap his victim.)
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Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would try as she could to regain control of her body. If she could get herself free, she would try to finish off the cloaker that she already had injured. Master had one caught in its net, and was about to make a barbequed cloaker.


Rumia Escape: 7(+1) - 10 Fail
Master Attack: Autohit
Cloaker 1 Escape: 5 - 8 Fail
Cloaker 2 Attack: Pass
Cloaker 3 Attack: Grapple Rumia - Autohit

The trapped cloaker could not escape and was starting to become desperate to discontinue the shock therapy that Master was administering. It was far too big to get out of the net with any level of haste, and took a significant amount of damage from the electric shock. The second cloaker moved around almost as if it was trying to hide itself again.

The third cloaker which was damaged already, had something else in mind. Having paralyzed Rumia, it would move to wrap itself around Rumia. Its next move was fairly obvious as its tail was starting to make its way toward Rumia's lower area. The effects of the paralysis on Rumia were likely to last so long as either the cloaker stopped making noise or Rumia could muster the mental strength to break the hold on her.

For Master, things were looking alot better as it would seem all that needed to be done was send another charge through the net to finish off the snared cloaker.

Rumia: 6/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/2 CP - Grappled by Cloaker 3.
Master: 5/5 FP - Snared Cloaker 1.

Cloaker 1: 2/4 FP - Snared, Electrocuted
Cloaker 2: 4/4 FP - Hiding
Cloaker 3: 2/4 FP - Grappling Rumia - looking to foreplay
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia struggled against the paralysis inflicted on her by the strange creature. Screaming back at Master to hurry up and fry the captured beast as soon as possible, the girl tried to gather her strenght once more, fighting to break out of her predicament. As the cloaker wrapped itself around her, it's tail prodding at her pussy, she knew it was only a matter of time before she was raped if she failed to fight the creature off. And while she might have occasionally enjoyed being fucked around these parts, the girl was not so far gone as to mate with every beast that found her.

(Continue struggling, attack the same targets as before if possible.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was unable to get herself free of the wailing from the cloaker. Having now enveloped her, the cloaker was going to try to punish Rumia. Master would really only have to see if he could charge up another jolt before the ensnared cloaker managed to wriggle free, which judging by the large amount of involuntary twitching going on was unlikely.


Rumia Escape: 7(+1) - 10 - Fail (I call hax.. same exact rolls)
Master Attack: 3 - 8 Cloaker 1 - Counter
Cloaker 1 Escape: 4 - 10 - Fail, Counter
Cloaker 2 Attack: 5- 10(-1) Master - Miss
Coaker 3 Penetration: 10 - 9(+1) Rumia - Miss

Rumia again was unable to get herself free. Master's net seemed to start recalling itself and dragging the cloaker that was ensnared within along the ground. Just as it starts to slip away, the cloaker starts to flap its wings and ends up flying right back into the frying pan as Master jolted the net one more time. That cloaker was now dead.

Seeing the carnage, the cloaker in hiding decided to become more aggressive. It failed the attempt lunge at Master and ram into him, simply flying overhead. Rumia seemed to have just enough fight left in her to keep the tail of the cloaker that had enveloped her from finding its way toward its target.

Would Rumia continue to try to break herself free? Could she still try to channel something through Lassic as her staff was simply pinned against her body and arm by the cloaker. Master seemed to have a new friend, and it would take 2 more turns before the net was able to be fired again.

Rumia: 6/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/2 CP - Grappled by Cloaker 3.
Master: 5/5 FP - Recalling net (2 turns cd)

Cloaker 1: 0/4 FP - Dead
Cloaker 2: 4/4 FP - Exposed
Cloaker 3: 2/4 FP - Grappling Rumia - looking to foreplay
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Still struggling to escape her opponent's grip, Rumia quickly assessed the situation. Master killed one, but she was still trapped. What was worse that for now, her companion was utterly defenceless until he managed to recover the net. While he could probably last long enough to use it, there was a chance he'd miss or fail to kill the enemy before it got away. Much as she hated the thought, she'd have to rely on Lassic's power again. Focusing, she called upon a bit of the being's power down upon the enemy restraining her, seeking to fry the monster and turn it to ash, while shouting at Master to keep dodging.

(Channel 1 AP, target number 3.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia began to get desperate. Figuring that her mind being manipulated by Lassic was far less painful than what this cloaker was trying to do to her. Lassic would begin to show Rumia a few faint hallicinations of some of the things it would do to her were it still human. Rumia had given herself to Lassic to escape this predicament.


Rumia Escape: Lassic 6(+3)- 9 Cloaker 1 - Hit, Escape
Rumia Attack: 8 - 6 Cloaker 1 - Hit, Dead
Master: No Action
Cloaker 1: Dead
Cloaker 2 Attack: 6 - 6 Master - Miss

As soon as the images started to faintly feel like reality, Lassic would pulse and throw the cloaker to the far wall. Rumia now free would follow up and finish the thing off. Master was still in the process of recovering his net, but the remaining cloaker could only manage to scratch the paint off of the top of it with its attack.

With only one remaining, this should almost be a formality to finish the last one off.

Rumia: 6/6 FP, 2/10 AP, 2/2 CP
Master: 5/5 FP
Cloaker 2: 4/4 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia let out a frustrated growl as she felt Lassic's pressure upon her mind, visions of debauchery being visited upon her body making it difficult to maintain focus. Just as the phantom sensations of indulging in carnal pleasures forced upon her began to get a bit too distracting, she felt her staff pulse with power as a magic blast was unleashed, thankfully throwing the damn monster off of her. Growling, the girl regained her focus and followed up with a lance of fire, killing her foe. Now with only one enemy left, she'd keep bombarding it with fire magic, casting her Forked Blast whenever she had the energy to utilize the spell at it's full power, and not stop until it was ash.

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The last cloaker was a mere formality. Simply put, it had no chance to do anything but attempt to flee. Master took care of that contingency by snaring it in his net as it fired off again. Aside from the experience in battle, there was little to be found here aside from ashes, burnt cloaker, mountains and sand.

Rumia knew there was a good bit of distance between what she perceived her objective to be and where she was. Looking about as she left this particular alcove, Rumia could try to make a beeline straight for the end or continue trying to explore the alcoves as she progressed.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The remaining cloaker posed little challenge to Rumia and her ally. Sadly, it seemed that there was little loot to be found here. Nothing of use, really. Feeling disappointed, she decided to continue on, checking out the remaining alcoves as she went, hoping that one of them hid something worth her while. No point in rushing as far as she was concerned, might as well search everything.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would find little of value along the way. These alcoves along with this area seem to be simply abandoned. The decay on skeletal remains would indicate that there was little that survived around these parts. It was almost a wonder that there was a pack of jackals roaming around.

That would at least indicate that something was living, or maybe only dead for a short time. Something was around here, that much was for certain. From how the mountains were starting to come back together in Rumia's view, it would seem that she had made it roughly two thirds of the way through this valley.

(*Cue obigatory rest area*)

One of the final alcoves seemed to provide a fairly fresh water source. Nothing was visibly there, and either Lassic or Master could not "see" anything using other methods. For all intents and purposes this area was currently safe. Rumia would be able to rest here and restore herself before moving on. If there was anything that was needed to be done before moving on, now would be the time.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The final alcove was a welcome reprieve after the fairly disappointing detour the place turned out to be. It would appear that whatever lived here was long since dead and there was nothing to scavenge either. Still, the girl would gladly welcome a chance to rest. Sitting down for a bit and having a drink of the water, the girl took a moment to have a small breather before moving on. She was still in relatively good shape and had no damage to recover from, so she didn't need to linger long before moving on. Might as well find and dispose of the source of local troubles without further delay.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would take a short break. Taking advantage of the water and relative safety of the area. Until a rumbling would start. Rumia was already on her way out of the alcove and as the rumbling started to turn into tremors the likes of which would make it difficult to keep her footing.

What happened next was certainly a sight to behold. A large worm would burrow through the rocks. About 50 or so feet in length. It almost felt like a freight train moving past at a decent clip.

The tunnels created by this thing could be explored. The lore behind these things being that they feed off of minerals found in the mountains. Master knew that these tunnels would not lead to the end objective, but who know what would be found in the wake of that great worm.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia watched the giant worm with a great sense of awe and amazement. She was barely able to remain standing as it moved, the tremors nearly sending her to the ground. And yet, seeing the massive creature carve it's way through rock like this was quite possibly the most impressive thing she had ever seen. It was stuff like that which made her regret having only one eye. And the tunnels it left behind... Sure, it was definitely not what she came here for. But at the same time, her curiosity was driving her to see what was inside. After a moment of hesitation, the girl set off. She'd explore the tunnels left by the worm and see what they had to offer. A bit of conjured fire ought to provide enough light inside.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would be quite entralled by the giant worm tunnelling its way through. Quite the unforseen event, but one that was worth seeing since she did not have front row seats. Probably could have a minature town inside of that thing it was so big.

Looking through the tunnels, partially thanks to Rumia being able to conjure up a fire, there was metal everywhere. Some were easily identified as fairly simple ones that were probably of little use, but Master would collect a few samples anyway. Iron, Tin, Copper, Zinc, and one more metal that Master seemed unable to readily identify. At the least, there seemed to be a good amount of metals and minerals here. The likelyhood of the rest of Master's robot breathren could put these samples to use in some way was very high.

Rumia could stay here, try to go deeper into the tunnels, or head back out. If Rumia were to stay in the tunnels one way or the other, it would allow Master more time to gather materials. Going deeper into the tunnels may reveal different materials at the risk of wandering into something or someone that was also in the tunnels as well. Leaving would bring her back out near to the alcove that she was previously resting at. Not too far away from where Master had identified the problem originating from.