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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Exploring the tunnels turned out to be quite the good idea. Metal ores were everywhere, useless to her at the moment but bound to turn into something valuable once processed. Master and the remaining mechanoids would likely have little trouble turning them into upgrades or tools. There were also some metals they couldn't identify, though, something that merited further research. By now, Rumia's curiosity was definitely piqued. She'd venture deeper into the tunnels, her gut telling her that even if it was risky, the potential payoff was well worth it.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would press her luck and go deeper into the tunnels made by the giant worm. It seems that not many things would be brazen enough to attempt to give chase to something so massive. The metals and minerals that were found seemed to be more of the same basic components. Master would take a few minutes to gather what it could, and Rumia again would have the choice of exploring this newly made tunnel or attempting to complete the objective that Master had set forth.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia wasn't exactly planning to chase the worm. That being said, she'd take the chance to explore the tunnel as far as she could, letting Master collect anything that seemed useful along the way. Once she was confident there was nothing else left to be found - or looted - from this place, she'd probably get back to finishing the objective. But until then, there was much more exploration to be done.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Kinda figured as much, I had you moving through the tunnel away from the worm's direction not following it.)

Rumia would continue to explore the newly made cavern. There seemed to come a point where the worm had turned. A fairly sharp decline for about 15 to 20 feet. She would possibly consider going down there, but the likelyhood of being able to climb back up herself would be low. Simply jumping down would be a slight bit of a task as well due to the height of the drop.

As it stood, Master was scouring what he could through the tunnel. Most all of what has been gathered so far was basic in nature though it could still all prove useful in some way. A few more pockets of the unidentified material that Master had found previously were found.

Rumia could attempt to go down (literally) the tunnel further, or start to head back toward the safe haven and the end objective. However Rumia would need to find some method to get back up were she to go down the tunnel further.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia sighed, disappointed. She really liked the idea of exploring the tunnel further, but she wasn't sure whether she'd be able to get back. Turning her head to Master, she began to ponder. "You think it'd be possible to use your grappling net to lower me down?" The girl inquired, planning. If Master could use it to let her get down safely and then bring her back up once she was done, she'd use this opportunity to explore further. If not, she'd turn back and go looking for the objective.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would ask Master to just fire off his net. Getting herself tangled in it on purpose to see how strong it was. The net itself certainly had the length to reach the ground area below. This would certainly work to get up, but Rumia would likely have to rappel herself down the line as there would be no method to control her descent otherwise. This seemed like a fairly decent option.

The downside would be that Master obviously had to stay above so that it could fire the net down again if it were recalled back by Master. The spider seemed willing to go with Rumia now as there was certainly enough room for it to maneuver through this tunnel. Were there any further twists and turns, Rumia would need to potentially find another solution. The spider was not quite ready yet to be able to handle Rumia.

Seeing a way to get herself down into the tunnel, it was now a matter of actually going through with it or not.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

With Master's net turning out to be capable of getting her down, Rumia quickly established her plan. The robot would let her rappel down and remain at the top of the tunnel to let her climb back up once she was done exploring the lower levels. She'd be one companion less for this, but the spider was proving itself to be quite capable anyway, so she wasn't afraid. She ordered Master to fire his net at the bottom of the tunnel, then began to rappel down, letting the arachnid follow her at it's own pace.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would continue her exploration of the tunnels. Finding a few more places where the giant worm must have moved in some fashion, as the terrain would slope from time to time one way or another. After about half a mile of walking, Rumia would realize that this was a solid mountain at one point and the giant worm made these tunnels within a few minutes of now. Aside from a few rocks here and there that might be worth while, there was little else that would be found.

This of course would not stop Rumia if she really wanted to keep going. Though the pipe dreams of finding some magical treasure or gold mine were starting to come crashing back to the reality of this being a tunnel inside of a mountain.

(Your hidden rolls suck in here.. wow..)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia sighed. She was starting to get tired from all this walking around. Unfortunately, though she had high hopes initially, it'd appear that nothing special would be found here. With a sigh, she decided to return back to Master and leave the tunnels. At least they've managed to gather some metals for later. For now, it seemed that there was no reason to put off fighting the source of the area's troubles any longer.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would start to get discouraged a little bit upon the realization that there would not be any big treasure at the end of these impromptu tunnels. Having Master bring her back up, they were going to be off to figure out what exactly was causing all this trouble.

Soon Rumia would find out. Not seeing any need to stop at the safe haven that she found previously, she would proceed out of the tunnel and into the valley. What awaited her was a coiled Behir. By the looks of it, there were a few shredded corpses that had a doglike composition to them strewn about the area. Possibly the fate of the jackals that had escaped from the earlier encounter with Rumia?

At least this were a very wide open space, though the Behir was far too big to be snared in any way. The thing was colored predominantly gray with a few brown spots and such. Apparently an attempt to adapt to the current surroundings. Having 12 legs, the monster might become a problem were it able to grab onto Rumia. The body of the beast looked almost like that of a snake or lizard.

Rumia might just be lucky, in the myths that she can remember, a Behir was certainly alot larger than the one that she is currently encountering. Probably about 15 feet long from the looks of it, this thing was likely very young.

Rumia: 6/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/2 CP
Master: 5/5 FP
Spider: 3/3 FP

Behir Head: 6/6 FP
Behir Body: 6/6 FP
Behir Tail: 6/6 FP
(Defeating 2 sections will kill this beast)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Yay, Monster Hunter! Wonder what kinda carves I'll get out of it.)

Rumia watched her opponent with a fair bit of trepidation. A behir... Not something she saw often. This thing was big, and likely would not be an easy opponent to fight. She likely couldn't immobilize him with Master's net, making him somewhat less useful unless she had to pull a getaway. She ordered the robot to stay out of the way until she gave a signal to use his sonic pulse. The spider was also ordered to keep back and just use it's spitting attack from a distance. The girl would carefully approach the best, trying to quietly move closer for a sneak attack. Now, what was the procedure for killing large monsters... Ah, right. First, you went for the tail.

(Forked Blast on the tail. Focus attacks on that part first.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would develop a plan, and from the looks of it she figured that removing the tail of the beast would be the best place to start.


Rumia Attack (Forked Bolt): 12, 6 - 7, 8 Tail - 1 hit
Spider Attack: 4(-2) - 10 Tail - Counter, Wild shot
Random Wild Attack: 10 - Miss
Behir Body: 6 - 9 Rumia - Miss
Behir Tail: 4 - 9 Rumia - Counter

Rumia would fire two shots in rapid succession toward the tail. This seemed to work though only one of the two blasts landed. The spider tried to get in on the action, but the Behir seemed to swat the poisonous blob away with its tail. This time the attack ended up being redirected harmlessly. Master did not seem to have any method of attack so it would stay back and seemingly watch this battle.

The Behir lunged at Rumia, and it seemed to be fairly predictable as the attempt was easily thwarted. The tail attack was even more so obvious and Rumia would simply let the tail swing into a waiting ball of fire.

Rumia: 6/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/2 CP
Spider: 3/3 FP
Master OOC

Behir Head: 6/6
Behir Body: 6/6
Behir Tail: 4/6
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia frowned as she watched the Behir move. This one would be a tough fight, no questions about that. She'd have to use Lassic's power sparingly, if at all. Perhaps as a finisher? That being said, despite the spider's shot getting slapped away (thankfully without landing on anyone) the battle began well. The monster was taking damage to it's tail and had yet to land a hit of it's own. She really had to admit, despite the fact that she was using magic this really felt like Monster Hunter. Except that this time she literally was the player character. Stamping down on her fear, the pyromancer faced the monster once more, letting loose a lance of fire at it's flailing tail. The sooner it went the better.

(Keep attacking the tail.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The attack would continue from Rumia, and it looked like Lassic wanted in on the action providing a lightning strike of its own creation toward the Behir.


Rumia Attack: 5 - 8 Tail - Miss
Lassic Lighting: 9(+1), 5(+1), 5(+1) - 7, 4, 10 Behir(Head, Body, Tail) - Head Hit, Body Hit, Tail Counter - Wild Shot
Wild Shot: 6 - Spider Hit
Spider Attack: 6(-2) - 3 Tail - Hit

Behir Head: 7 - 6 Rumia - Hit
Behir Tail: 5 - 10 Rumia - Counter

Rumia would miss the tail this time, Lassic would hit the Behir with its chain lightning, and the Spider would get in on landing a hit as well. However the Behir was able to deflect the lighting blast as it went through its body and it hit the spider this time. As Rumia turned to look at her companion, the Behir lunged toward her and got a good grip on her clothing ripping some of it away. Rumia was somehow able to react again to the followup attack with the tail by getting her hands up and conjuring a small firewall to singe the tail again.

Rumia: 5/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 1/2 CP
Spider: 2/3 FP
Master OOC

Behir Head: 5/6
Behir Body: 5/6
Behir Tail: 2/6
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia let out a string of curses. Once more she ended up in need of repairing her clothes. She quickly focused back on the fight, hoping she could avoid getting them completely destroyed - she had only so much supplies left. Her spider companion also took a hit, which wasn't too good. Ironically, said hit came from Lassic's lightning bolt, which did an admirable job of raking across the creature before being redirected.

Still, she was making progress. The Behir was taking damage and it's tail was close to being burned to a crisp. She rallied, telling the spider to keep shooting but retreat immediately if it got hit again, hoping it'd be able to get out of battle on time if that happened. In the meantime, she kept up her barrage, trying to bring down the tail as quickly as possible. Mentally, she began to count down to the moment when she'd be able to use the forked blast again without sacrificing it's power.

(Keep attacking the tail, spider retreats immediately if one more hit is taken.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(next turn on forked attack, fyi)

Rumia was none too pleased that her clothing was damaged, which seemed to steel her resolve in wanting to defeat this beast. The fight would continue on.


Rumia Attack: 2 - 4 Tail - Miss
Spider Attack: 4(-2) - 8 Tail - Miss

Behir Body: 2 - 10 Rumia - Counter
Behir Tail: 7 - 12 Rumia - Counter (lol)

Rumia would fire off a shot toward the Behir, seemingly just to goad it into attacking her again. She was quite angered that it had damaged her clothes, so she would atttempt to goad it into attacking and have it walk right into a flame wall that she would erect after it had attempted to attack her.

This plan worked masterfully. The behir was so attracted toward attacking Rumia it missed a chance to bat away the spider's venom spit attack. Of course Rumia would see the Behir coming from a mile away again and erected her flame wall for the Behir to walk right into similarly to a bull charging into the red cloth of a Torero. The Behir was able to get its head high enough in an attept to check up and avoid the wall, but the momentum of the beast carried the rest of it through the fire wall burning the body and tail of the Behir.

Rumia: 5/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 1/2 CP
Spider: 2/3 FP
Master OOC

Behir Head: 5/6
Behir Body: 4/6
Behir Tail: 1/6
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Smirking to herself, the girl continued her assault. She'd pick off the tail first, then target the creature's bulk. It took more damage than the head, but if somehow the trend were to be reversed she'd change her targets. In the meantime, she'd keep pounding the beast with fireballs and streams of flame, idly wondering if it'd be stupid enough to try charging blindly like this again.

(Same as before.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia seemed to figure this thing out as it were. Almost easily able to counter this beast at will. Rumia would continue her onslaught and hopefully find a way to finish this thing off soon.


Rumia Attack: 6 - 4 Tail - Hit, Destroyed
Spider Attack: 5(-2) - 6 - Body - Miss

Behir Head: 6 - 5 Rumia - Hit, Clothing gone
Behir Body: 5 - 4 Rumia - Hit, Ensared

Rumia would give the tail the final attack it needed to be seperated from the Behir's main body. A fine trophy if nothing else were she to survive this battle. The spider seemed to be fairly incapable of hitting the Behir.

At this point though, the Behir seemed to move differently and possibly faster somewhat. Again a biting from the Behir would do away with the remains of Rumia's clothing. The remains of what was left would not really cover anything of importance any longer. Seemingly stunned somewhat by the loss of her clothing, the Behir now looked to punish Rumia by coiling its body around her. With its 12 feet at the ready, it might be a rough day at work for Rumia if she is unable to get herself free.

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 0/2 CP - Naked, Grappled
Spider: 2/3 FP
Master OOC

Behir Head: 5/6 FP
Behir Body: 4/6 FP - Grappling Rumia
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

With the crack of an exploding flame lance, the tail was severed from the body, available for being carved later. Shame she didn't bring a carving knife, not being a proper monster hunter and all. Still, she had yet to finish off the beast and it didn't look like it was planning to flee as MH creatures did. A bite she barely managed to get out of before the fangs sank into her flesh tore the rest of her clothing into shreds, leaving her with scraps that didn't cover anything. The thing she really didn't see coming was the followup attack. She figured the loss of tail would impede the beast, but that was clearly not the case. It wrapped itself around her, trapping her. She'd have to get out of this quickly, before it's limbs got a hold of her. The girl dreaded what kind of cock a creature this big might have.

(Attempt to escape, have spider keep hitting the body.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia wanted to get herself free so that she could resume her attack on this thing. Hopefully she would not see what happens when something gets defeated by the Behir.


Rumia Escape: 9 - 7 - Escaped

Without its tail to really restrain its victim, Rumia would find a way out rather quickly. Slipping out the back door as it were while the Behir tried to lock in the coil on Rumia.

Now free, Rumia needed to decide on a course of action.