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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Watching the ice begin to melt, Rumia kept her attention focused on the two water serpents in case they've tried to attack. Thankfully, they seemed rather docile, or at least not overly aggressive. However, this caused her to miss the entrance of her real foes, at least until they've decided to startle her by roaring. With the element of suprise shattered, she quickly whirled around, staff at the ready as she took a look at the pair of yeti. Probably nothing she couldn't handle, really, but they could prove annoying to fight. "If you know what's good for you, you'll get out of here." She began, flames igniting around her as she signalled at Master and the spider to get ready. "This place ain't going to be your playground. Get out and go somewhere else." Should they prove uncooperative, she'd simply blast them like everything else.

(Diplomacy first. If they refuse to listen or attack, Forked Bolt against both. Master uses the net against one while spider attacks the other with poison spit.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would attempt diplomacy. Her diplomatic mission would end about as fast as it started as one of the pair would simply chuckle a bit and then fire off a snowball toward Rumia. With this, the fight was on.

Yeti 1 AOO: 12 - 6 Rumia - Knockdown
Yeti 2 AOO: 8 - 10 Rumia - Fail
Rumia Forked Bolt: 9 - 6,5 Yeti 1&2 - Both Hit
Master Snare: 7(-1) - 4 Yeti 2 - Success
Spider Attack: 7(-1) - 7 Yeti 1 - Miss

The yeti would catch Rumia by surprise with the snowball that nailed her square in the chest, knocking her to the ground. The other Yeti would look to drop down on top of Rumia, but failed. Rumia would take the opening to right herself and landed both halves of her forked bolt on each of the yeti. Master would take the opportunity to ensnare the yeti that had attempted to drop down on Rumia while the spider was not effective with its attack at the remaining yeti.

With this battle starting, Rumia would have to watch her movements as the pool of water in the middle did have two serpentine creatures within.

Rumia: 5/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/3 CP (3 turns on forked bolt)
Master: 4/5 FP - snared Yeti 2
Spider: 4/4 FP

Yeti 1: 7/8 FP
Yeti 2: 7/8 FP - snared
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia swore as she cleaned the snow off of her. Yeah, no point talking with those fucks. Angry, she began to focus, drawing upon her power. She was going to incinerate them both. Calling out to her minions to continue their attacks, she decided to put the new spell to good use. She'd try to avoid targeting the serpents, altough being underwater they'd probably not end up on fire. All she needed was just a bit of time to complete the spell.

(Channel Dancing Flame. Master and spider both go for damage on their targets.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(ugh, infinite field trip week..)

With one of the yeti snared by master, Rumia would hope to channel her newfound ability and unleash it upon the pair of yeti. With the spider acting as a decoy for the time being, this plan would look sound from a outside perspective on things.

Rumia: Channeling Dancing Flame
Master: 8(-1) - 6 Yeti 2 - Hit
Spider: 8(-1) - 6 Yeti 1 - Hit

Yeti 1 Attack: 4(+1) - 9 Spider - Counter
Yeti 2 Escape: 9 - 8 Success
Yeti 2 Attack: 10 - 2 Master - Critical

Rumia would begin her chant, and her allies would serve their purpose and engage the yetis to distract them. Master would electrify his net and the water remaining in the area would seem to enrage the Yeti from the charge. The yeti was clearly affected as it let out a rather feral scream and started thrashing about so violently that it broke the net completely. With Master's net now out of commission for a while, he would be defenseless against the yeti's attack.

The spider however was putting in some work on the other yeti. Not only would it land an acidic spit, when the yeti went to attack back the spider swatted it right into the wall. The yeti certainly had its bell rung, but it was still certainly in the fight. Not seemingly suffering any ill effects from the collision with the wall.

Rumia was about to unleash her spell, though with the way the battle was going she may want to issue a few commands before her attack was completed.

Rumia: 5/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/3 CP (2 turns on forked bolt)
Master: 3/5 FP (net broken)
Spider: 4/4 FP

Yeti 1: 5/8 FP
Yeti 2: 6/8 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Well, that's half of Master's arsenal down the fucking drain. Might need to send him off for repairs.)

Well, this could have gone better. On one hand, Master managed to electrify the yeti he caught quite successfully. On the other hand, that only pissed the furball off, to the point where he simply tore through the net and began to rampage, hitting the robot pretty hard. Rumia called the spiderbot off, it was getting banged up and there wasn't much it could do against the beasts with the net broken. Her pet arachnid, however, she left to keep attacking. While the yeti it was fighting was hardly down, it was looking worse and worse, taking a fair bit of damage and failing to do much do the spider despite the advantage in strenght it seemingly had. With the robot pulling back and the monster on the offensive, the mage completed her new spell, unleashing Hell upon the Yeti and praying it was effective.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)


Rumia would finish casting her spell. The dancing flames would shoot out in all directions, with two heading for each yeti and two heading for the serpents within the water. Upon impact with the water the flames that were aimed at the serpents simply dissipated. However the rest of the flames were about to do put some work in.

Rumia Dancing Flame: 6,6
Yeti 1: 9 Miss
Yeti 2: 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 9 (yeti2 - 3 hits, yeti1 - 2 hits)
Spider Attack: 10(-1) - 8 Yeti 1 - Hit

Yeti 1: No attack, putting out fire
Yeti 2: No attack, putting out fire

The first yeti was able to avoid the flame sent toward it, as it simply impacted into the wall and snuffed itself out. The second flame hit the other yeti and pinballed back and forth between the yeti for some time before dying out. The yeti were both having some issues with their fur starting to burn off which did not sit well with them. Taking the time to put out the fire, Rumia would be left to potentially captialize on the opening with a follow up attack. The spider also seemingly cognizant enough to realize the opening would capitalize on it and land an attack on a Yeti.

Rumia: 5/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/3 CP (1 turn on forked bolt)
Master: 3/5 FP (net broken)
Spider: 4/4 FP

Yeti 1: 2/8 FP
Yeti 2: 3/8 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia smirked. From the looks of it, the spell had some traits she'd have to be mindful of - specifically, it seemed to target any lifeform or being within range that didn't qualify as "ally". Thankfully, the water easily stopped the flames that went after the serpents. Accuracy was also something of a concern, though maybe it was just the yeti being good at dodging. The second one was not so lucky, however, and the fireblast kept slamming into the two repeatedly like a ping-pong ball. On top of that, with all the fur on their bodies the two went up like really ugly christmas trees. The spider was proving himself effective against the creatures as well, piling on the damage. Rumia focused on the one he just wounded, motioning at the arachnid to do the same. They'd kill that one first, then finish off the other.

(Attack Yeti 1.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would see her handiwork and decided it was time to isolate one of the Yeti and pick them off. Motioning for the spider to do the same, Rumia would set out to have one of the yeti to be erased.

Rumia Attack: 10 - 4 Yeti 1 - Critical
Spider Attack: 12(-1) - 7 Yeti 1 - Critical
Master: Looks silly cause can't do much

Yeti 1 Attack: Ded
Yeti 2 Attack: 11(+3) - 6 Rumia - Critical [/spoiler]

Rumia would notice a change in plans from the pair of yeti. Seemingly sensing a threat that was too great for them to overcome, the yeti both made a beeline for Rumia. The first yeti was simply charred to a crisp and then the spider piled on a needless bit of overkill. This would leave Rumia open to the second yeti, as it was able to bodyslam Rumia to the ground before she was able to react.

Clearly some kind of induced rage was affecting this Yeti now that its brethren was dead. Rumia may need to find some way to weather the storm.

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 2/3 CP - Knocked Down, forked bolt ready
Master: 3/5 FP (net broken)
Spider: 4/4 FP

Yeti 1: Dead
Yeti 2: 3/8 FP - Enraged
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Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia smirked as she watched the first yeti fall, reduced to a charred corpse. Huh, maybe she should have told the spider to attack the other one? No matter. Now that only one enemy remained, the battle would be much easier to win... Or so she thought. The death of it's comrade seemed to trigger some kind of berserker frenzy in the remaining monster, hitting her hard and sending her sprawling. Gasping as she tried to catch her breath, the mage struggled to stand up and resume fighting.

Mentally, Rumia ran through her options. Master was kinda useless. The spider was usually relegated to lobbing acid, but it had other abilities - maybe one of them would be of use. She could also try calling upon Lassic, but that was a risky move considering how much faster and stronger that thing suddenly got. No, she'd try to fight more carefully and see if it was possible to outlast the monster. Maybe his energy would run out soon or something.

(Get up and forked bolt on the bastard. Get the spider to try and snare the thing in a web or something, if possible.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was certainly at a disadvantage presently, a quick analysis of her situation would not give her an idea for how to get out of her predicament. Possibly simple instict taking over, Rumia would try to get herself upright again and hope for the best.

Rumia Standing: 8 - 10 Fail
Rumia Forked Bolt: 7 - 3,6 Yeti - 2 Hits
Spider Web: 7(-1) - 9 Miss

Yeti Attack: 3(+3) - 5 Rumia - Hit

Rumia was unable to get herself back on her feet, the yeti was simply too aggressive to allow her the opening needed to get back up. Rumia however was able to use this to her advantage as she fired off a forked bolt and scored clean hits with both. Her companion however was unable to make an effective attack, the yeti simply shredding through the web that the spider attempted to weave.

Unfortunately that was not the only thing the yeti was going to shred through, as Rumia's clothing was torn asunder. Leaving a few large gashes, Rumia's dress was reduced to a two piece ensemble with the scales of her newly made piece starting to crumble. It was still enough to cover her, but her clothing was likely falling apart now and another good hit would render it useless.

With this the yeti was seemingly starting to slow down a bit, either simply from the amount of damage that was taken or the high it was on simply starting to fade away. Rumia was still on the ground

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 1/3 CP - Knocked Down (3 turn cd Forked Bolt)
Master: 3/5 FP (net broken)
Spider: 4/4 FP

Yeti 1: Dead
Yeti 2: 1/8 FP - Enraged (fading)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia swore. Getting stripped in this still not quite warmed up room was NOT her idea of fun. She wasn't able to get up either, the yeti forcing her to keep rolling away to avoid getting smashed. At least she was able to score some clean hits, the forked blast striking true and frying the beast quite nicely. Not enough to kill, but enough to weaken severely. Unfortunately the spider was not able to immobilize it, but at least it seemed to be running out of steam. And with how damaged it was, Rumia would likely be able to kill it off soon. Shouting at the spider to spit poison again, she tried to get up and fire off another blast of flame, hoping to end the battle soon.

(Shoot to kill.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would take another shot at the remaining yeti while she was still on her back. This seemed to work as the yeti was almost immediately annihilated. Deciding that a yeti carcass being on top of her was not the best of situations to be in, Rumia would almost instinctively kick it off of her.

The yeti carcass would splash itself into the water behind her where the 2 serpentine creatures were. Sensing the blood in the water as it were, they almost immediately became aggressive and attacked the corpse leaving an unsightly mess behind while the water started to turn itself red.

Rolls: unnecessary

Rumia would now have a few options. It was clear to her that the serpentine creatures were both an enemy potentially and now aggressive. This may need to be dealt with, or ignored at Rumia's discretion. At present the creatures were content with what was given them and at no point were they aggressive toward Rumia.

The more pressing matter was Master. With some level of inspection, Rumia would realize that the break was somewhat clean and the net itself was intact. It was simply seperated from the snaring mechanism. Master would still be able to fully restore this room to its intended natural settings, though by the looks of it, most of the ice that had built up was starting to break apart and filter its way into the pool within the middle of the area where the remaining serpentine creatures were being held.

Rumia had to decide if her time in this room had come to an end and it was time to move on again, or if there were still things to do in the room. All told, Rumia was not under any immediate duress at this point.

Rumia: 4/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 1/3 CP - (all spells ready)
Master: 3/5 FP (net broken)
Spider: 4/4 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia watched the two serpents voraciously devour the yeti carcass she accidentally dumped into the water. Yeah, after being frozen like that, she'd probably end up hungry too. She'd leave them alone and let them play with the cooked corpse on their own. All that was left to do was tending to the group's damages and the room as a whole. She'd order Master to ensure that all the systems in the room returned to their designated functions and normal operation was restored. Meanwhile, she picked up the metal net and inspected it. It was definitely salvageable, thankfully, but it'd take a little while to fix.

Once the situation was normalized, Rumia would leave the room along with her entourage, asking the robot whether it was possible to fix the net out here or whether he'd need the tools at HQ to repair the damage. If it couldn't fix it in the field, she'd send it back to base for repairs while she moved on to talk with the hunter from before. If it was possible to restore the net, she'd aid in the process as much as she could before the whole group continued on.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would look to make sure that the room was restored to its original purpose. Ordering Master to make everything as it would normally be. While Master was doing this, she would inspect the net further. Master surmised that a little custom welding job could be sufficient to restore the capability of the net. How well it would work out going forward though would depend solely on the quality of the work done. Being a fire mage, Rumia could consider this a solution albeit a temporary one. Rumia would need to make a decision on this one way or the other. Once this was settled, she would confront the huntsman again.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Hmm, this was tricky. Rumia didn't want to screw things up with a rushed job, but having Master on hand would be helpful. Granted, it was probably all but guaranteed the net would fail again at some point, but having him on hand was rather convenient. Also, his ability to operate machinery was invaluable at times. And besides, there was something she really wanted to try. The girl grinned, closing her fist before extending one finger forward, summoning a short stream of flame from the tip and focusing it until it was an incredibly hot fire jet, like a blowtorch flame. With this, she'd work on welding the broken pieces of the iron rope together.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would start to further examine the damage caused by the yeti. It would look simple enough to repair the damage once Rumia were to figure it out. Rumia would use her mastery of fire to form what was a small focused flame. The intent of the flame was to almost custom weld the net back into place.

Finding where exactly the net was snapped was somewhat difficult, though not impossible. The operation was underway to try to weld the net back into shape. Rumia would find the sparks given off when she brought her improvised torch to be a bit of a nuisance, though it was nothing that she could not adapt to all told.

At the end of about 10 minutes or so, the operation was completed. Master seemed satisfied with the work that was done. However it was clear the repair was only temporary, and would need to be properly addressed at some point.
(-1 penalty on the net keeping something snared until properly fixed)

With the custom welding job complete, Rumia would see no reason to remain in the room that she was in. Leaving the room she would confront the huntsman once more.

"I see you've handled the last room well enough. Ok, since I did say if you survived that room I will unlock the door to the outside.

Just do not bring anything back with you that you are not leaving with."

It was clear enough what he meant as he pointed to the spider that was probably about twice the size he was.

"One last thing, if you use the door here as a reference, you will want to head north and east if at all possible. Try not to head south as not even you will like what you find there.

This door will not reopen if I see anything else other than what you already have with you after you go out."

With this, the huntsman was ready to open the door to the outside area for Rumia. The implication that there was some way for him to observe what was on the outside of the walls was pretty much implied, though that may not exactly matter to Rumia. What did matter was this could be a one way trip, so if there was anything Rumia wanted or needed to do, this would be the time to do it. Once she stepped outside, there was likely no turning back.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The sparking during the repair job was annoying, but nothing a fire mage couldn't deal with. The quality of her welding was a bigger issue, really. The patch-job she gave the iron rope was sub-par compared to the work of a professional and would not hold forever. She'd have to look into finding someone capable of doing better or a place where Master could address the issue himself. Still, it'd hopefully do for the the time being. Her job done, Rumia moved forward, though for some reason she had this weird impulse to start collecting random scrap and add it to Master to make him "proppa flash". Hm.

Pushing weird thoughts out of her head, the girl went to confront the huntsman who proved himself to be quite the good sport, much to her approval. "It was a bunch of mephits and some yeti. Not that much of a threat." She shrugged. "And got it, no extra pets. I'll definitely keep it in mind." A shame, really, but on the other hand the spider was an unusual case. No other creature had proven willing to follow her thus far and that wasn't likely to change. "Also, thanks for the advice. I mean it." Though she had to admit, she was rather curious about what was located to the south. Maybe she ought to check it out later?

Either way, Rumia was going to try to get some last minute preparations done. She doubted she could do much to repair Master more unless welding was necessary. The spider required no maintenance, at least, and she... Truth be told, she could try to do something about her torn up clothing. Repairing the armor parts would likely be difficult, but if she could fix up at least a few of the biggest holes in her clothing to make herself presentable she'd call it a success. Whether she was successful or no, as soon as she was done she'd move on through the door, ready to face whatever was located behind them.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would get herself distracted by the results of her impromptu repair work on Master. A few ideas for how he could be redesigned would dance about her head to "Pimp her Robot". A few awful "Yo dawg!" lines later and Rumia would approach the Huntsman again.

Heeding his advice, Rumia would take some time to gather herself. Though there was little she could do to help Master structurally, she was able to at least make her clothing and cloak more presentable. Moving a few things around here and there, she ended up with a backless dress that at least still covered the more important areas.

As the Huntsman were to open the exterior door, it was no real surprise what was on the other side. A somewhat open area with another mountain face a few hundred yards away. There were three openings visible. Judging from their size, they looked to be left behind tunnels from a giant wurm that had tunneled through the mountainous area ahead.

Far to the north, There seemed to be what looked like a Roc's nest visible atop the peaks of the mountains. To the south, Rumia would be able to trace the mountains until they disappeared into the horizon with little of interest currently visible.

Rumia had a few options for where she could travel. Heading North toward the Roc's nest, Heading South into the valley of the mountains, or Heading East toward the tunnels.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(Was thinking more about "makin' spider-bot Orky", but that works too.)

Rumia wasn't entirely pleased with the state of her attire. She liked it's usual state much more and the lack of proper armor stung, but this was the best she could do in her current situation. She'd have to address that problem later. Now that she was looking somewhat presentable again, if a little daring, she'd find herself surveying another open area. She had several different choices to pick from: worm tunnels, a nest to the north and a valley to the south. She'd likely have to visit all of those places, or at least most of them, in order to progress, or so she guessed. Question was, where was she going to go now?

South was tempting, but the Hunter warned her to stay away from whatever the Hell was there. The tunnels were probably the easiest to reach, but unless something set up shop there they wouldn't be very interesting. As for north, fighting flyers in the mountains could be rather dangerous. After pondering the possibilities for a while, Rumia decided to head north first. She'd like to see if there was anything worth checking out there before going elsewhere. Who knows, maybe she'd find some kind of massive bird or harpies out there, in addition to other possible mountain dwellers.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would survey the area for a while, her eyes taking a short while to adjust to the difference in lighting between being indoors and outdoors now. Looking around she could go in any direction. A few points of interest immediately being apparent to her, she chose to go for the Roc's nest up north and would proceed out into that direction.

In the immediate vicinity there was nothing of any significance. A bit of sand, and clay seemed to be intermingled throughout the very seemingly flat and smooth mountainous terrain. As Rumia would move herself toward the nest, she would start to see a few bones here and there strewn about the area. The only real hint of their shape being at least humanoid was a few bones that would have passed for being humanoid leg bones.

Travelling about a thousand yards at this point, Rumia would start to see the mountain face close in around her. At least from this distance, Rumia could not see any clear path that led to the Roc's nest.

Rumia could inspect the bones further if she so desired. She could also attempt to move closer to the Roc's nest. If Rumia wanted to she could reverse course and attempt to explore another one of the landmarks she had seen initially.

Rumia: 5/6 FP, 1/10 AP, 1/3 CP - All spells ready
Master: 4/6 FP - All skills ready
Spider: 4/4 FP - All skills ready