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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia discarded the tools with a sigh of disgust. They could hardly count as forged: flimsy materials, poor craftsmanship. No, this place required some serious work. The lack of a proper, non magic-assisted fire was the first concern to address and hopefully one that wasn't much of an issue to deal with. It was simply a matter of building a proper fireplace and setting up a chamber to melt the materials in - a primitive smelter. She didn't have anything on hand that could be used to make one, but she knew where to look. There had to be a water source the orcs used around here underground, from what she could gather. She'd have them guide her there and survey the area in hopes of finding some clay. Forming a kiln out of that and firing it up should give her a relatively sturdy structure for future use.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia after inspecting the tools would give them a failing grade. Just poor on every level, they were clearly insufficient to use for the tasks at hand. Making the kiln all the more important and her highest priority. Deducing that the most likely place to find clay would be near wherever there was a decent water source, Rumia would head off with a few water buckets to see what she could manage simply gathering the mud and attmept refining it into clay.

The trek to the river was easy enough. There were plenty of orcs around as it was a well travelled area. With the underground river in plain sight, it was now just a matter of finding some marshy area where there may be some standing water around the river banks. With the tools available to her simply lacking, the group of them would need to first identify some mud deposits that were useable. Which would be easy enough given the locale they were in.

The next steps however were a little more tedious. The mud would need to be purified and made into a fine powder. This would involve taking the mud they harvested from the river banks and simply letting it dry. The obvious impurities would be easily removed like small plants and rocks at this point. With the mud now dried, it would need to be crushed and made into a powder that had as few impurities as possible.

Rumia would hit her first obstacle here as there was not a readily available method to sift through the powder. Having at least been able to accelerate this process using a low level flame of her own to dry the mud and crush it into a powder, the process that likely could have taken days has only taken a few hours so far. With the orcs working with her at least able to comprehend what she was doing, gathering more mud for this process would not be difficult. Finding a way to purify the mud to a point where it could be reinfused with water to make a clay sufficient enough to fire into a kiln.

The last part would be the most fun as Rumia would need to generate enough fire to get to about 1000 degrees to complete the process and fire the clay properly into a useable kiln.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia sighed as she watched her progress. It was a lot of rather menial labor, to be honest. Finding the river was easy. Finding a decent clay deposit was less so, but only marginally. Digging it out was just tedious, and drying it after removing the biggest trash from it somewhat annoying. Still, it was all withing her ability to achieve, especially with the help of orcs. It took her a few hours, but at least she now had something to work with. Assuming she managed to sift through the stuff to confirm there were no more impurities.

Thinking over the problem, the girl decided the easiest way to do this would be to make a sieve of some kind. The one thing that came to her mind would be to use the weaving equipment to create a sort of yarn net with very small gaps so that only clay dust would fall through them. Hopefully it'd stop everything else while they worked their haul through it, collecting the clay dust as it fell through. Once it was (hopefully) clear, she'd work on mixing it with water, then baking a proper kiln out of it over the firepit.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would lament the manual labor involved in finding, harvesting and drying out some mud that seemed to be suitable for turning into clay. Certainly something within her capacity to do and even the rather stupid orcs were able to understand what they needed to be doing. The mud was probably a little difficult to really work with since it was the first time doing it and a few small pebbles and roots would sneak by. By no means enough to destroy the batch of clay they were attempting to produce.

Rumia now wanted to sift through the dried mud so that she was able to leave only clay dust and remove the finer impurities from the mud. Going over to the crafting area, she would repurpose one of the looms. Her technique was originally a little flawed as she tried to simply sift it through the yarn. That had little effect, though Lassic simply suggested adding a little water and then sifting it through the yarn at that point.

With the suggestion being made, Rumia would give it a try. The which was now almost clay at this point would fall through the yarn and the smaller pebbles and roots were still stuck above the yarn. This would prove successful in making a muddy residue that was for all intents and purposes clay.

At this point it was really only a matter of being able to generate a fire that could bake the clay into the pieces that would be used to construct the kiln. Finding a flat spot on the ground, Rumia would attempt to generate a fire great enough to bake the clay into a solid form capable of both generating and maintaining enough heat to be able to properly utilize the ores both already available to her and those that she knew would be of more use down the road.

Rumia would channel the energy in herself for a few seconds. The level of concentration that was needed was intimidating at first, but Rumia seemed to be up to the task. As she concentrated, she summoned forth a raging inferno that easily breached the 1000 degree barrier. About the only minor flaw that was had in the clay was that it was somewhat porous, so it would not really be able to be used to deal with anything that was aqueous in nature. However it was more than sufficient to be used for its intended purpose of constructing a kiln.

All that remained now was hopefully not breaking the clay as it would be possibly broken if it were dropped improperly. Rumia and her helpers needed to be careful as they started to construct the kiln. Though it would probably only slow the process down if a mistake was made, it would require the refining process to be done again to replace the broken parts of the kiln. With Rumia successful at every aspect of the claymaking process, it would only be a matter of time and possibly patience now before she had a working kiln that was ready to be used to make whatever it was that she intended to work on next.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Watching the muddy clay get sifted through the makeshift sieve, Rumia felt a sense of accomplishment. Gathering all that mud, going through it to eliminate the biggest pieces of trash, drying it, crushing it and bringing it in for cleaning took a long time, and even now as it was being put through final steps of preparation before being used as a material she felt a little tired. A lot of this was improvised, but as long as it worked, she felt confident the whole setup would work just fine. The fact that she had helpers aiding her with the whole process simplified things greatly for her.

All in all, sifting through the powder was the hardest part of the process due to lack of proper tools. She had to make due with yarn, while a more string-like material would probably make for a better sieve, but with some thinking and a little help Rumia was able to make it work. The impurities would be gathered and discarded. She'd briefly go through what was found in the clay in case something useful was found, but that was unlikely. Now the girl was watching the orcs work the clay through it while she prepared for the next step.

Once the clay was clean, Rumia would guide the orcs through the process of forming pieces of the smelter she had planned to create. She'd have to do a lot of work here herself, as she was the only one here with a clear concept of what needed to be made. Granted, some of the bigger parts, the chamber in particular, were much easier to make when the orcs were helping her. First, however, she had to show them what exactly needed to be made. Same went for other parts, like the drain through which the metals could be collected. Once they got the idea, though, things would go a lot smoother.

Finally, after completing all the necessary parts, the fun part could begin. After ensuring that all the orcs were standing well away from the blast zone, Rumia would fire up her magic. Achieving the lever of firepower necessary required a lot of focus and effort on her part, but she managed to complete the task easier than she thought. The effects were pretty to look at, too. A massive fire that quickly hardened the clay into useful pieces. Sure, the finished works were a little shoddy, but considering this was her first time she was willing to take the results.

Now came the hardest part. Carrying the ready pieces back to the forge so that they could be placed over the firepit and assembled into a proper kiln. She urged the orcs to be careful as she got them to help her carry the components. She'd keep supervising the job until the kiln was properly constructed in it's intended place. Then she'd take a break to admire her handiwork for a bit before testing it out.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would look back on her efforts and pat herself on the back. A little help from the orcs went a long way to allow Rumia to realize her vision of a kiln. Firing the clay was simple enough once it was made.

The only issue left was getting the finished pieces down to the soon to be forge area. Again the orcs were able to assist Rumia as they wete easily able to handle the larger pieces for transport. What might have surprised Rumia the most was how gentle the orcs were capable of being. Not even breaking one piece of the kiln either in transport or during the final construction in the forge.

With what may have been the hardest part of this while undertaking drawing to a close. Rumia would simply slump down along a wall and admire the view of her now completed kiln.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Once more Rumia was suprised by the abilities displayed by the orcs. Despite their brutish looks, they were suprisingly good with fine motor control and quick to learn. Perhaps it was Lassic's influence, but the kiln was put together without much issue. Hell, she didn't even have to rebuild anything or make spares. Now that the project was ready, she could take a moment to rest and appreciate it. Though as she settled down, the girl began to realize she was actually a bit dirty and definitely hungry from all the work she'd done. This made her decide her next stop would be washing herself - the river would be nice for that in case she could find no other place - and getting something to eat.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would take a short while to admire her work. A working kiln being the fruits of her labor. After taking a short while to admire her work, she would look at her hands. Filthy and dirty from working over the mud, Rumia would realize that a good deal of her was covered in some manner of dried mud or clay at this point. Also the minor detail of feeding herself was starting to creep into play as it has been almost a full day now that she was outside the base that she was using to stage her missions from. Getting some food might not be all that bad of an idea at this point either.

Knowing where the river was, Rumia would start to head over that way again. Still basically being ignored by the orcs, there would be no obstacle in her way. Though once she started to disrobe herself to get in the water, that seemed to cause a problem. Three orcs who were responsible for carrying water to various places would stop her from entering the river. Attempting to explain herself got nowhere as they were still fairly stupid orcs, though they also did not take it as a sign she wanted to sexually interact with them either.

Two of the orcs would seemingly have an idea of what Rumia was trying to do. Simply grabbing her and dragging her off as she held her newly made top, they would stop at a different area. One that seemed to have standing water. A hot spring perhaps? A simple bathing area? One thing was for certain, Rumia was not going to get anywhere trying to bathe herself in the river which seemed to be their main water source.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Now that she had a plan, Rumia set out to execute it. A bath would come first, to let her clean up after a hard day of work. The river seemed to be the most logical choice from what she had seen and not like she could ask the orcs about any baths. Still, once she got there and began to take her clothes off, several orcs apparently read her intentions and objected to them. At first she wondered if they took her actions as an invitation to have sex with her, but she quickly realized that was not the case. Still, if they didn't want her to bathe in the water source, she could hardly object to that. Plus, they seemed eager to lead her somewhere.

Though she objected a little to being dragged, Rumia followed the orcs to a new area. One that contained a pool of some sort. She wasn't sure what it was, but apparently this was what served as a bathing area if her suspicions were correct. Shrugging her shoulders, she took off the rest of her clothing and set it aside, noting she probably ought to wash off the clay stains off of it later. For now she was going to take a dip in the water. She entered the pool very carefully, not quite knowing how deep it was or what the temperature would be like. Still, she doubted it'd be anything bad.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would be carried off from the river and as she was likely tired from the day's activities so far, she would offer little in the way of resistance. Sensing no ill intent, she simply went with it. Taken a little further down the way from the river opening, she was left in an area that had some standing water in it.

Looking it over, there seemed to be little wrong with the place. Simply choosing to cast aside her clothing, Rumia would take her chances with the water presented to her. As she got closer, she would notice a few things. This almost looked surprisingly like an actual bathtub, but on a larger scale. A few rocks were placed almost strategically throughout to allow for places to sit so that she could wash her legs or arms while propping them up. The water itself was seemingly clean, so it had looked like barely anyone had used it recently.

All told, Rumia was able to unscum herself successfully. Looking over her clothing she would see that it was easy enough to unscum those as well given the opportunity arising to do so. About the only real problem was the water maybe being a little too cold for Rumia, as it was not a hot spring but a simple cleaning station of sorts. Probably good timing on her part that there were not a gaggle of orcs around her.

With her cleanliness settled and clothes both cleaned out and dried out with the help of a little focused application of fire magic, Rumia was off to find herself some food. Wandering about the place, Rumia would feel left out somewhat as the orcs mostly ignored her. Though her wandering about would end up proving fruitful as her nose would catch the scent of food. Following her nose would result in finding the dining hall.

With a little more action here than in the area she cleaned herself and her clothes. Rumia would find about 20-25 orcs spread throughout a few long tables. Food was everywhere, and it looked like it was decently prepared to boot. Mostly simple fare, Rumia would almost start to wonder where some of it had come from. Not exactly things you would find within a mountain range were on offer. Various vegetables were on offer though potatoes and carrots were the most abundant. A few other leafy offerings were available which could be anything from cabbage, lettuce, or kale from a distance.

A few meatier offerings were available, as there were what looked like the forms of jackals were on massive spreads in the middle of the two large tables. Rumia certainly had a few options to consider, along with how much she trusted what was available to actually be edible. Then again she might just simply be hungry enough to get right in there and throw caution to the wind. At least she would not have to worry about eating any raw meat that she would encounter having a portable flame handy to deal with that issue were it to arise.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Looking around all over the new area, Rumia noted it was suprisingly similiar to a communal bath, if a primitive one. Hell, it probably was one. Setting her clothes down, she slowly entered the water, shivering at how cold it was. Still, beggars couldn't be choosers. She'd have to wash herself with what she had. Thankfully she was able to do so without trouble, at least. Hell, she was even able to clean up her clothes as well, then dry both herself and them off with some small application of fire magic. With that, she was presentable once more and able to continue with her day.

Moving on, Rumia began to look for food, wondering whether there was some kind of communal eating place too. She also couldn't help but note that the orcs were ignoring her completely unless she did something to get their attention. Was it because she wasn't an orc? Or was there some other reason for that? She had no idea. Maybe she ought to try and get their attention, though she couldn't think of any other way to do that besides inviting them to fuck her again. And frankly, if she wanted that she could probably go visit one of those places where they were all busy mating.

Fortunately, the mage was able to pick up the scent of food being cooked nearby rather quickly. She followed it to a large hall that seemed to serve as a gathering place for meals. Looking around, she'd notice a decent number of orcs as well as a supply of food available. Simple stuff, but good enough for her. Rumia would approach one of the tables and look for a place to sit down and eat there. She opted to skip the leafy stuff, at least until she was able to confirm what it was. Some potatoes, a carrot or two, and perhaps a bit of that meat. She wasn't sure whether it was edible at all, but she was hungry enough to try it at least.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would somewhat ignore the orcs that were in turn ignoring her. Finding it almost interesting that they would be doing so. Though thinking not much of it over the long run. Rumia was far more interested in dealing with her present needs and that involved food.

Picking up the scent of something, Rumia would find herself in another communal area. Though again the recent battle would leave the place far less crowded than it may have been in the past. Not much for formality, nor silverware for that matter, Rumia would dive right in.

The vegetables on offer seemed good enough, though the meat was still raw. Rumia was able to fix that issue rather easily and frying it to a well done hockey puck almost would take the edge off the almost inedible taste of it when she sampled it raw.

Having satiated herself, Rumia was feeling better now. Still seemingly free to do as she pleased, maybe it was time to address another issue with the forge she was attempting to construct? Without the proper tools, it would be pointless to go inspect the mining areas. Then again Rumia could think of something else entirely that needed to be done as well.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Cooking her meat as she munched her veggies, Rumia considered her next move. Logically, she'd need to test the kiln and make some better tools before setting out to mine the ores Lassic found. The orcs would likely be incapable of doing so on their own. She'd have to make the first steps, make proper mining and smithing tools, then work on getting some orcs to help her dig that out. Rather tiresome, all things considered. Still necessary, but maybe it'd wait a little bit. She wanted to relax somewhat as well, really.

Thinking about other things to do, Rumia returned to her earlier musings about orcs and their treatment of her. So far they seemed to tolerate her and didn't bar her from anything. They didn't seem to demand anything from her either. All in all, she had a rather large degree of freedom from what she could tell. The mage decided to test it. She'd try poking all around the settlement, checking out every place, then try to go outside for a bit. The purpose of this exercise was simple: she wanted to see if the orcs would try to keep her away from somewhere or keep her in their village. Also, it'd let her check if they'd come with any demands if she just wandered idly for a while.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia decided to test her boundaries a bit. Having only been taken away from the underground river when she tried to bathe herself in it, the orcs otherwise were leaving her alone. Having already seen most of the remains of the settlement within the mountains, Rumia would check out some other places.

The orcs simply ignored her at every turn. Even as she got near the archway leading out of the area, nothing barred her movement. Curiousity is a fickle thing however and it can sometimes lead to trouble. A wandering pack of Jackals that got sight of Rumia would attest to such. Probably wanting to look for seconds from the battlefield that was purged by Rumia's fire previously. Without Lassic, Rumia would be a little handicapped in this fight. Still armed with her magic and her newly made knife, Rumia was likely still up to the challenge.

Rumia: 6/6FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2CP - (Forked Bolt ready, Dancing Flame unavailable)

Jackal 1: 5/5 FP
Jackal 2: 5/5 FP
Jackal 3: 5/5 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Scouting out the village, Rumia found out rather quickly that the orcs seemed to care little about where she was going or what she was doing. A little odd, perhaps, but in a way convenient. Still, as she left the settlement for a brief walk, the girl ended up walking into trouble. A trio of jackals that were apparently hungry enough to wander all the way over here. She was much weaker without Lassic, unfortunately, but likely still strong enough to handle them. Gripping her knife tight in one hand and summoning her magic with the other, Rumia launched a Forked Bolt at the first jackal, intending to focus her fire on one at a time and force them to flee one by one.

(Forked Bolt at Jackal 1, then attack normally until spell is ready. Switch targets if it tries to flee.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was without Lassic, so she was unable to use her greatest skills as it required her to channel through his essence. At least she still had her forked bolt. A fact she would use to scare these cowardly jackals off. Rumia was not going to be dinner tonight for a group of lowly jackals.

Rumia Forked Bolt: 9 - 4,5 Jackal 1 (3 hits)

Jackal 1: Gotta go!
Jackal 2: 11 - 7 Rumia - Hit
Jackal 3: 7 - 3 Rumia - Hit

Rumia would unleash her attack, sending two fireballs at one single jackal. The attack seemed to be extremely effective as both landed with one landing center mass to do some extra damage. That particular jackal was paralyzed and it looked scared. The other two jackals at least for now would attack like the desperate and hungry animals that they were. Both would slam into Rumia from opposite directions and scamper off for another pass at her.

Rumia: 4/6FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2CP - (Forked Bolt 3 turns cd)

Jackal 1: 2/5 FP - preparing to flee
Jackal 2: 5/5 FP
Jackal 3: 5/5 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia winced as she took the attacks, sending one last angry glare at the first jackal before turning to face the others. One salvo was somehow enough to wound it to the point where it wanted to flee already. She took some blows in retaliation, but overall she wasn't doing too bad. Now she just had to keep this up and avoid getting hit again. She focused on the second jackal, intending to fry him up like the first and send him packing. All she'd have to do was to be mindful of their attacks, though, to avoid going down.

(Attack Jackal 2.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Leaving the first jackal to simply run away, Rumia would now go after the next of the trio. Without her forked bolt at the ready, Rumia would resort to mundane spells to repel the remaining attackers. As the first jackal started to flee back under the archway it had appeared from, Rumia would engage the other jackals.

Rumia: 11 - 8 Jackal 2 - Hit
Jackal 2: 7 - 9 Rumia - Miss
Jackal 3: 9 - 10 Rumia - Miss

Rumia: 5 - 7 Jackal 2 - Miss
Jackal 2: 2 - 4 Rumia - Miss
Jackal 3: 8 - 10 Rumia - Miss

Rumia: 7 - 9 Jackal 2 - Miss
Jackal 2: 6 - 6 Rumia - Miss
Jackal 3: 12 - 4 Rumia - Critical

Rumia would lead out well enough, hitting the jackal with a blast that caused it to redirect its charge away from her. Knowing where the other Jackal was coming from would allow Rumia to evade that one as well. This dance would continue for a few moments with all of them unable to deal any damage until one of the Jackals simply lunged at Rumia taking her to the ground and doing a good bit of damage to her freshly made top.

The jackal seemed to be wanting to gnaw on the leather and everything attached to it. Simply refusing to let go of the leather it could sink its teeth into and parts of the yarn would go flying around as it would break apart from the Jackal thrashing about. At least this Jackal was not currently interested in doing anything to Rumia as it was occupied with the Leather pieces. The other jackal seemed to be lining itself up for something though as Rumia could see it out of the corner of her eye pacing around to her legs.

Rumia: 4/6FP, 0/10 AP, 1/2CP - Grounded (Forked Bolt ready)

Jackal 1: Gone with the wind.
Jackal 2: 5/5 FP
Jackal 3: 5/5 FP - Atop Rumia
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia let out a cry of outrage as she saw the jackal on top of her savage her clothes. The fact that she could barely tag one of them on her own was annoying - she needed to build up her own power without relying on Lassic so much. However, seeing her clothes, which she spent time and effort on, get gnawed to pieces by a hungry canine just plain pissed her off. Compared to that, being knocked down was only marginally annoying. She was going to tear the little bastard to pieces for this!

Noticing the second jackal approach her, the girl realized she had little time. She'd have to try and blast the one currently on top of her off, preferably with her Forked Bolt spell now that it was ready again. Should she prove incapable of casting magic in this position, well, that's what the knife was for. Either way, she was going to force that little shit to back off and run away one way or another. Both of them.

(Attack Jackal 2, with Forked Bolt if applicable.)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

(lel, you remembered the knife, I didn't!)

Rumia would get knocked to the ground by one of the Jackals, and it would start to gnaw away at her clothing. Rumia would start to realize that she had the knife for a reason and would slash out with it. Her arms not being bound by the Jackal she was still free to perform most actions, though were she able to get back to her feet it would be ideal.

Rumia Knife: 5 -8 Jackal 2 - Miss
Ruma Forked Bolt: 9 - 11, 7 Jackal 2 - Hit
Jackal 2: 11 - 3 Rumia - Critical
Jackal 3: 11 - 6 Rumia - Critical

Rumia would unsheath her knife and her arm was deflected away as she looked to swing the knife toward the jackal. This time the attack was ineffective though her forked bolt would prove to be of some value knocking the Jackal off of her though only one part of it were able to strike true from point blank range.

The pair of Jackals were seemingly desperate for food. Their assualt would come quickly and fierce. Just as Rumia would start to stand herself back up the other Jackal had lined her up and cut Rumia down at the knees. One of the legs of her pants would go flying around like stuffing from a pillow as both Jackals would now have a taste of the leather of her previously intact outfit just a few moments ago.

Now that the Jackals had a piece of leather each stuffed in their snouts, It would seem that their next plan was to mate with Rumia. The jackal that was on the business end of her previous attack did not seem to be deterred by being damaged like its pack mate. With Rumia already on the ground and squirming to keep the last Jackal away from her, the last jackal simply stood over her face and started to ram its member down her throat.

The desperation of the Jackals and their plight to find food would reward them with a little bonus gift it would seem.

Rumia: 3/6FP, 1/10 AP, 0/2CP - Grounded, Penetrated (Forked Bolt cd=3)

Jackal 2: 3/5 FP - Pinning Rumia
Jackal 3: 5/5 FP - Humping Face