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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The flames in Rumia's hands focused into a small bead of fire that slammed into the Yuan-ti with explosive effect, frying the snakeman completely. Now that her enemy was dead, the girl could take her time to savor the spoils. Unfortunately, the monster's sword turned out to be far heavier than she thought - too heavy to use. She could carry it, maybe use it as bait, but that was a risky tactic and she was loathe to bait a trap with something that could be used against her. Not to mention, lugging it around would slow her down. No, she was just going to dump it in the river, in one of the deeper holes.

With that out of the way, Rumia would sit down to recover from the fight. Sure, it'd take time the others likely spent moving, but she wasn't too worried. They also had to contend with the dangers of this place. The girl would rest up, then move on. She'd rather find a safer place before looking for food, as this seemed to be snake people territory. She'd stick to the river and keep moving south, having a landmark to help her navigate easily.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would sit along the river bank and almost surprisingly have a decent time of it. Peaceful times were had in an otherwise chaotic game. Able to rest herself for a while, Rumia would choose to follow the riverbed south. With the sun directly overhead now, she could tell it was about noon and she had been at it for about 4 hours now.

Rumia would continue along the river and find a canister. There was something inside of it, and it was odd to say the least. Maybe a hidden item? The canister was clearly marked EGG on the side of it. So it was possibly meant to be found by a player. Rumia might want to question why something like this was left in plain sight. Then again it might just be part of the game and a reward that was meant to be found by players who explored the area.

Whatever her choice may be, Rumia would need to address this as it was the current elephant in the room. Her stroll along the river being otherwise uneventful.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia eyed the canister with some suspicion. She assumed it was either a prize, or a trap. Possibly it was trapped by some other contestant, if they found this place first. She carefully studied the area, looking for places that could hide traps or ambushes. Any such place would quickly eat a fireball as she methodically eradicated each potential threat. After that, she'd blaze a path to the canister - literally, as she intended to burn anything in front of her on her approach, using flames to reveal any sort of concealed pitfall or tripwire or any other trap. Only once she was satisfied that all was in order would she approach the canister and attempt to open it.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would secure the area by causing a full on forest fire. Burning almost anything that was not the cannister itself. Probably a good idea as if someone had been here before her, there would be a trap of some kind. There was not, and for the most part Rumia would only waste a little energy before reaching for the cannister.

Screwing off the top there was a note along with something inside,

"Greetings competitor. Enclosed in these capsules you will find various bonuses. Good luck."

Reaching her hand further into the canister, Rumia would extract a canteen. Easily large enough to hold water that would last her about 2 days. Being so close to the river already, it was natural that she fill up the canteen.

As she would turn to leave, it seems that the very ground itself was moving toward her. An opaque form that was difficult to see save for the indentation made in the grass. It would seem the firestorm Rumia caused had attracted the attention of a gelatinous cube. The cube easily ambushed Rumia and would start to bind her arms making spell casting difficult at best.

At this point Rumia was not in immediate danger. The cube would suck its prey in and attempt to violate it in a multitude of ways. For now Rumia were she to slip her arms free would be able to either run or attempt to fight the cube.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was pleased to find herself carrying a canteen. It seemed that those pods would be worth seeking out in the future. Of course, other contestants would likely seek them too. She'd need to take care to avoid running into traps or competition when collecting those items. For now, however, she had the means to carry water with her in she decided to venture away from the river. Now equipped with a supply of water that'd last her a while, she was ready to move on. Unfortunately, it seemed that her burning spree attracted some unwanted attention.

A living mass of slime snuck up on her, wrapping itself around her hands in an effort to trap her. It was trying to pull her in, no doubt to violate her. The girl was not going to give up without a fight, however. She set her feet and pulled hard, intending to free her hands, then give the cube some good old fashioned roasting. She was not going down without a fight, especially not to a pile of gelatin.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would find herself the target of some unwanted attention. A gelatinous cube would ambush her and bind her arms. Rumia could find shelter in the cube, though being a perpetual toy was likely not the best way to pay for shelter. Attempting to resist, Rumia would hope to get herself free.

Rumia: 6(-1) - 7 Miss
Cube: 6 - 4 Hit

Rumia: 8(-1) - 5 Hit
Cube: 11 - 7 Hit

Unable to muster the strength to get free, Rumia would manage to cast a flame spell before being sucked in completely but the cube. The blast would cause the cube to recoil somewhat and undo its previous progress in enveloping Rumia. However the cube did not seem to be denied as it still made an advance toward envleoping Rumia. It would seem that every time she would damage the cube, it would release her somewhat. If she could struggle somewhat as well, she might not get enveloped by it.

Rumia: 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP - Grabbed

Cube: 9/10 FP - 2/4 stages of envelopment
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

With brute strenght failing her, Rumia resorted to blasting her way out of the cube. A tactic that seemed to work, actually, as her flames forced the thing back. Unfortunately, the monster responded by redoubling it's efforts in trying to absorb her. And while she'd be relatively safe inside of it, being constantly violated until she broke was not a worthwhile price. The mage decided to just keep burning her enemy constantly, hoping that repeated assaults would keep it off of her long enough for her to finish the job. She was not going to give up so easily, not when she barely began.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would resolve to keep herself from getting absorbed and violated by the cube. So far the cube was making some progress against her, so Rumia would try to hit it some more so that it would recoil away from her.

Rumia: 6(-1) - 10 Miss
Cube: 4 - 4(-1) Hit

Rumia: 5(-1) - 4 Hit
Cube: 8 - 5(-1) Hit

Rumia would seem to realize that the cube did not respond to every attack. Even though her attack hit it, it did not seem to respond this time. Rumia was further enveloped by the cube soon after. Rumia would get a little more desperate now. Redoubling her efforts she would ignite the cube and cause it to temporarily receed, only for it to reclaim most of Rumia as it would surge forward after Rumia's attack had ended.

Rumia could feel the desperation inside of her now. The desire to not be enveloped by the gelatinous cube had made her desperate. Desperation of course being the father of invention would trigger something deep inside of Rumia. It would seem this desperation had unlocked a spell that Rumia had either forgotten in the past or maybe did not even ever know she knew in the first place.

Rumia: 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP - Grabbed

Cube: 8/10 FP - 3/4 stages of envelopment
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was beginning to panic. It was hard to keep her fire going while the cube continued to engulf her and the damn thing was gaining ground steadily. She wasn't going to give up and let herself be raped, though. The girl stood her ground, fighting as hard as she could. And as she did that, an odd feeling began to develop within her. Starting as a sort of low burn somewhere in her chest before erupting forward, increasing in power and intensity as it traveled down her arm. She embraced it, and to her amazement her magic responded. A jet of liquid fire shot out of her hand, the flames sticking to whatever they hit, burning for a good while afterwards unlike her regular spells.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would feel herself manifest a spell. What ended up emerging from her body was a ball of fire that would not only damage the cube on impact but continue to burn as well. Were Rumia to be lucky, she might be able to get herself free from the clutches of the cube entirely.

Rumia (skill): Auto success - Hit + Burn
Cube: 3 - 8(-1) Counter

Rumia: 4(-1) - 7 Miss
Burn - Hit
Cube: 4 - 9(-1) Counter

Rumia would use this manifested ability to help get herself free from the cube. The cube would react so unfavorably to the flame enveloping it that the cube would try to extinguish the flames only to cause itself to ignite further. As the cube would recoil itself in an attempt of self preservation, Rumia would free herself from its grasp.

Still ignited by the flames, the cube would make another attempt at restraining Rumia, and it would be met with fire. Rumia had the decided advantage now on this cube. She could just as easily flee as possibly finish the thing off.

Rumia: 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP

Cube: 4/10 FP - 0/4 stages of envelopment - burning 1 more turn
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia smirked. Whatever this new power was, it was roasting the monster quite thoroughly, her own spellfire adding in extra damage as she blasted the damn thing off of her. She slipped free of the gelatin's grasp and regarded her foe carefully for a moment. It was tough, yes, but she was doing a decent number on it. The girl decided to stand her ground and fight, intending to reduce the offending creature to component materials and end the battle. A few more fireballs ought to do it, she figured, especially since the cube hasn't put itself out yet.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would give herself a moment to admire her handiwork. She was rather impressed with the ability that she had unlocked inside of her. This might be useful in more ways than just immolating gelatinous cubes. That being said, the job was not yet done. The cube seemed to be adjusting and starting to extinguish some of the fires that it was creating.

However this was not enough as Rumia would not be denied. Making one last attmept in vain to grab at Rumia, there was nothing the gelatinous cube could do now. Except be broken into its component materials, which left bits of inanimate gel smoldering about the place.

Now that Rumia had a canteen, and a desire to explore the area around her. It would only be a matter of finding a direction to go in.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia stared with satisfaction at the cube, now blasted to little pieces that could do nothing but smolder quietly. Satisfied with her handiwork, she paused to check whether all of her supplies were in order and that the canteen was filled with water. Figuring she could try to explore a bit further from the river now, she decided to head to the east a bit, see what lies in that direction. With her newfound power, she now had an easier time dealing with strong foes, granting her some protection from the enemies she'd face in the future. The girl still intended to remain on guard, though.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would admire her work yet again, as she had defeated the cube. Choosing to go east Rumia would find herself with a change of scenery. The forest would give way to a lot more of a ruined area, a blighted land almost.

In this particular section of the game, there were alot of rotted things here. The terrain was also very tough going as it was a constant deluge of fallen trees and rocks making travel inconvenient. If Rumia needed to escape something, it would be harder now in this area as the terrain would not yield itself to quick movement. In the distance Rumia would be able to see some caves. Probably the sleeping area of some monsters, though were Rumia to annihilate the monster inhabiting the cave it would allow her to claim that space for her own.

Looking upward the sun was starting to make its way down, by her estimate it was probably around 1:30-2pm now. What may have mostly surprised Rumia was that there were a lack of traps here compared to the area she had started in. As she started to traverse the now rocky terrain, her eyes would catch sight of another one of the EGG canisters on the ground. It was still off in the distance somewhat, but the design was unmistakable as to what it was.

Rumia: 4/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 2/2 CP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia surveyed the devastated area carefully. She couldn't imagine anything living in such a blighted land, but the few things that did were probably quite hardy. She'd have to tread carefully to avoid troubles. Still, the caves in the distance could probably provide her with shelter if she were to clear one out. Glancing up at the sun to confirm it's position, the girl made up her mind. It was getting close to the time when she'd usually have dinner. She'd do a quick survey, try to see if she could capture something edible, then maybe clear out one of the holes for herself.

As she considered that plan, Rumia suddenly spotted something in the distance. Another canister. Eyes narrowing, the girl immediately set off towards it. Those things were best captured whenever opportunity presented itself. She'd have to tread carefully though, this area was prime grounds for setting up traps or ambushes. Still, if nothing stopped her, she'd approach with intent to claim it's contents for herself. Hopefully no one else was here before.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia looked around, and seeing that the coast was clear she would take advantage of the small game around the river and instantly cook up one with a well placed fireball. It would seem as she looked about, there were no creatures immediately in the vicinity of the caves or alcoves that she was able to see in the distance. That however did not mean they were vacant by any stretch. Having eaten the meat from the instant fried rabbit, Rumia would set out toward the caves and investigate further. Though something else caught her eye, another canister was on the ground.

Rumia would head toward the container that she hopefully had found first. However her journey would be cut short as she stepped on a pressure plate hidden in the ground. Rumia heard the click of the plate, but it was too late for her. A trap sprung up binding her leg. A bear trap though it did not seem to have rigid spikes, instead it would constrict about her leg a little higher than her ankle.

Rumia was trapped now. She could not move her left leg until she found a way to free herself from the trap. The only solace that Rumia could take was that there seemed to be nothing in the immediate area. The sound of the trap however echoed about the immediate area, likely drawing the attention of anything nearby.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia had to admit that the fried rabbit could have used some work, but it was the best she could manage given the conditions. Hell, it was still palatable and cooked reasonably well, so she couldn't complain too much. Fortified by some meat and with clear plans of how to survive in this place, the girl moved on to the next part of her plan, claiming the canister. And this was when she hit another snag in her path - a modified bear trap. A somewhat painful, but not too dangerous an experience... Yet. She was certain that the loud noise could attract something and didn't want to take any risks. She'd have to dismantle the trap or even force it open quickly and pray she wouldn't get in worse trouble.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would realize fast that she needed to get out of the trap. It was clear why it was there, and she seemed to be lucky that the snap of the trap did not attract any immediate attention. Her first attempt to get herself free was useless. Her foot felt like it was cemented in place so trying to use her own physical strength was simply not going to help her here.

Rumia would attempt to disable the trap, and the easiest way she could do it was by fire. The metal would heat up and start to warp, though she needed to stop otherwise she would barbeque her own leg. Waiting a little longer she would finish warping the trap with fire and get herself free. Now setting her sights on the canister, Rumia would hope the next 300 yards or so was not trapped.

Rumia being aware of the types of traps in the area and they were likely to be pressure plates on the ground she would avoid another trap entirely about 40 feet or so away from the container. Rumia was in fact the first one to reach this container as she opened it up she would find a knife inside along with a note.

"Congratulations on being the first to find this container. There are other containers around that would give you other simple items to aid you. A canteen for water, which a few can be found along the rivers and lakes. A flint for creating fire which can be found in various places near the edges of the playing area. Lastly others like this one may contain a knife to help you contstruct simple structures to keep you safe from the elements around you. Good Luck!"

It would seem that the containers were now all but useless to Rumia. A flint to make fire for a mage who can freely manipulate fire? Humorous to say the least, though it was pretty clear that the other competitors were unable to conjure fire at will if one of the basic items were a flint to help with creating fire.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was rather annoyed with the trap. The amount of effort and time she had to waste on getting out of it was staggering for such a simple mechanism. She was ready to curse herself for falling into such a predicament. She was forced to slowly warp the trap, stopping to wait whenever it started to get too hot, eating up a lot of her time. Eventually she was able to get free. She briefly considered reducing the trap to slag for what she had to go through, but thought better of it. Instead, she carefully made her way to the container, watching out for traps on the way. Thankfully, she managed to avoid them.

The spoils were a little underwhelming. A large knife to serve as her tool in this area. Certainly very useful, but hardly something that could give her an edge. She'd take it, though she wasn't planning to actively seek more containers. Flint was all but useless to her, what with her mastery over fire. Still, this meant others were most likely less fortunate. Worked for her, really. Now that she picked up the knife, the girl had two options to choose from. Try to construct some shelter herself, or take over one of the caves. After a while, she settled on the latter, figuring that it'd be more inconspicuous to other contestants.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was less than thrilled to find what was in the container after she opened it. At least it might prove handy at some point she figured, and it did come with a pouch she could affix to her belt so carrying it was easy enough. Now Rumia had a decision ahead of her to make. It was starting to get to the point where the sun was setting, and Rumia would consider her options for what she would attempt to obtain for shelter.

Having considered using what was available and her knife, she would opt to try to occupy a cave. Walking about, Rumia would investigate the caves. She might well have struck gold with the first cave she found. A single raptor was seemingly sleeping on the ground inside of the cave. Rumia could certainly ambush it, but she was dealing with a known predator. It would be just as easy to walk away and try another cave as take the intiative against the raptor.