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Rumia (cross_grave)

Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia frowned as she saw the arrow sail past. Well, so much for her earlier idea. It seemed that the Yuan-ti brought in reinforcements. The girl let out a sigh, deciding to pull back. Fighting a single weakened monster was something she could do. Fight a pair of armed monsters, one of them an archer, less so. She opted to leave before the fight was over, letting the two sides finish this by themselves while she went to go look for some game to hunt. In the end, she came here to look for food. Hunting monsters was more of an activity to be pursued when she had a good opportunity, not a necessity.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Deciding discretion was the better part of valor, Rumia's day was not quite off to the best of starts. However it was not really going badly either. Choosing to get out of dodge as it were, Rumia would head south a ways.

Heading back into the forested areas, Rumia would spot a trapwire on the ground and choose to not spring the trap. However a few more feet and Rumia would head a sound coming up from the trees above. A snake would drop down that looked similar to a cobra and start hissing at her. Knowing enough about snakes, Rumia knew this thing could spit at her.

Running might be an option, but so would fighting. Were she to run back the way she came she would have to hope she remembered where the tripwire was hidden among the foliage of the ground.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia frowned. She didn't like the looks of that snake at all, especially since it could just spit venom at her from a distance as far as she could tell. However, she wasn't sure about her ability to outrun the thing and the tripwire was potentially a very dangerous hazard to her. The girl decided to fight this one out, opening with a sticky fire bomb to try and get an advantage early in the fight. It'd likely be a tough battle, but she was sure she could handle it.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would engage the snake. Deciding to stand her ground and fight instead of run and likely not be any better off. Choosing to try to burn the snake, Rumia would attempt to use her newly learned skill again and gain the early advantage on the monster.

Rumia: 2(1-) - 7 Snake - Counter
Snake: 8 - 9(-1) Rumia - Miss

Rumia: 10(-1) - 2 Snake - Crit
Snake: 7 - 6(-1) Rumia - Hit

Rumia would start to manifest the spell and the snake would simply have none of it. Hitting her with an poison spit attack that made her drop the thing at her feet. Not fully finished, the spell thankfully had no effect when the ball dropped to the ground. Rumia would pay more attention to the snake and evade the followup attack.

Rumia would refocus her efforts, and as the snake started to close the distance between them nailed it with a spell. The direct hit on it's head causing it to lunge at her. Landing on Rumia now it would be a struggle between the two. The snake seemed to want to render Rumia helpless, though it was only fairly lightly wrapped around her belly currently.

Rumia: 5/5 FP, 1/10 AP, 0/2 CP - Grabbed

Snake: 7/9 FP - Grabbing
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was suprised by the snake's quick and rather accurate reaction. Her spell fizzled out without causing her damage, but now she had to contend with an angry snake that was starting to poison her and latching onto her body. She still managed to get a decent hit in, but she'd have to fight harder if she wanted to win this. The girl knew she had to blast the snake off of her quick, before it had a chance to coil itself around her completely and leave her entirely helpless. She focused her entire strenght on that task, knowing she had no choice but to remove it before she could even attempt to think about fleeing, if the battle turned out to be too difficult for her.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

The snake would latch on to Rumia with its intentions for the time being pretty clear. It wanted to suffocate the life from her and leave her helpless to resist. Rumia would want none of that as she realized the most important thing to do would be to get the thing off of her.

Rumia Escape: 10(-1) - 6 Snake - Free
Rumia Attack: 7(-1) - 6 Snake - Hit
Snake Attack: 8 - 8(-1) Rumia - Hit

Rumia would without much effort be able to fling the snake away from her. She was able to quickly enough fire off a spell that would connect right after. The snake however was none to pleased with this development and would spit at Rumia again. This time Rumia could feel herself getting a little weaker from the poison.

Rumia: 5/5 FP, 2/10 AP, 0/2 CP

Snake: 6/9 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Thankfully, the snake wasn't very adept at constricting people - probably because it was poisonous. Rumia threw it off quickly and followed up with a nice fireball, damaging it more. Unfortunately for her, however, the snake was proving to be very accurate with it's poison spit, hitting her again. She was starting to become weaker already. However, she wasn't going to give up yet. The girl planned to continue fighting and take it down fast, before it had a chance to weaken her further.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would throw the snake off her, but that did not seem to deter the snake. Trading blows, the snake would weaken Rumia with its poison. Still looking to end the fight favorably, Rumia would press the attack.

Rumia: 9(-2) - 9 Miss
Snake: 3 - 4(-2) Hit

Rumia: 7(-2) - 5 Hit
Snake: 8 - 8(-2) Hit

Rumia would miss her first attack, though the Snake was right on top of her now. As it attempted to grapple her yet again by entangling itself around her body. Able to remove it with fire this time, Rumia would keep the thing closer so that it would not spit at her but again attempt to latch on to her. Which unfortunately for Rumia, it was successful in doing so.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia grit her teeth. The snake wasn't trying to spit more poison, which was good. It was still bloody persistent, which was bad. The girl was getting tired of it's attempts at wrapping itself around her, and the way the snake kept making repeated successful grapples worried her. She knew she had to end the beast quickly, before it got too problematic for her to handle. She couldn't escape while it was still on her anyway. So the mage had only one choice left - keep blasting.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would have a rather persistent snake on her hands. Having landed a few attacks that had poisoned Rumia's mind, the snake now seemed to be shifting gears and attempting to wear her down physically. Constantly throwing itself at Rumia in an attempt to constrict itself around her, Rumia would try to remove the snake no matter the cost.

Rumia: 6(-2) - 10 Snake - Miss
Snake: 9 - 8(-2) Rumia - Hit

Rumia: 12(-2) - 4 Snake - Critical
Snake: 11 - 9(-2) Rumia - Grapple

Rumia would be unable to shake herself free of the snake. The snake would not seem to be so wanting to mess about anymore as it quickly constricted around her belly forcing her breath from her body. Rumia would dig deep and find the will to yet again escape her predicament as she simply grabbed onto the snake and fought through the pain to simply barbeque the snake. Recoiling in pain it would release Rumia only to regoup a few seconds later and begin the process of strangling her anew as it jumped right back onto her.

Rumia: 4/5 FP, 2/10 AP, 0/2 CP

Snake: 4/9 FP
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia gasped as the snake began to strangle her, desperately grabbing onto him and letting loose with everything she had. The massive blast of flame wounded it pretty badly and forced it to back off, but once again it simply latched onto her and began squeezing. She briefly wondered why it wasn't using poison anymore. After all, she was still fighting back and quite hard at that. If she kept it up, she could kill it. And yet the snake seemed fine with taking such a risk. Oh well, if it wasn't going to be smart then she'd capitalize on this and just keep burning the damn thing until it died. Now if only she could get it off of her again...
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia was tiring of this whole snake tries to grab her, then she throws it off routine. The snake however seemed to think that Rumia was weak enough already that it could overpower her. Rumia was thinking the snake was not smart, though the snake was taking the quickest path to subduing Rumia.. or so it thought.

Rumia: 8(-2) - 8 Snake - Miss
Snake: 8 - 9(-2) Rumia - Hit

Rumia: 2(-2) - 7 Snake - Counter
Snake: 10 - 7(-2) Rumia - Hit

Rumia: 6(-2) - 8 Snake - Miss
Snake: 8 - 6(-2) Rumia - Hit

Rumia: 10(-2) - 7 Snake - Hit
Snake: 7 - 10(-2) Rumia - Miss

Rumia: 7(-2) - 7 Snake - Miss
Snake: 7 - 5(-2) Rumia - Hit

Rumia: 8(-2) - 10 Snake - Miss
Snake: 8 - 5(-2) Rumia - Hit

Rumia seemed to be in the wrong with how this all was going to turn out. The snake was able to coil around her yet again and found little in the way of resistance as it was able to get a good squeeze in before Rumia could even react. The continued pain was starting to get to Rumia as she was fading fast at this point. Finding that last ounce of reserve energy Rumia was able to delay the inevitable for a short while as she would get an arm free and burn the snake one last time.

However that last ditch effort was for naught. Rumia was far too weak to be able to do anything as she was already slumped on the ground gasping for air. The snake would have no more resistance offered by Rumia as it would choke her out soon thereafter. Rumia would recover quickly enough as she started to gasp for air a few minutes later with a feeling not of pain but of pleasure. The snake had fully immobilized Rumia now as it had her arms and legs restrained. Rumia was laid prone on her stomach while her arms and legs were held upward by the snake and it's tail was already invading Rumia's insides. The hemipenes of the snake were spraying seed up and down Rumia's womb.

Having earned Rumia's submission, the snake would continue to thrust it's tail inside Rumia, the hemipenes of the snake scraping against the walls of her womb causing a sensation that Rumia had never felt before. It was like a trident inside of her with three prongs dragging up and down her womb, though it was not painful in any way at all. The concept of time for Rumia was lost amidst the pleasure overtaking her body. What could have been minutes or hours had passed with the snake maneuvering itself around her body.

The snake would finally finish in Rumia and with Rumia after building itself up to a big finish. One final splash of the snake's seed would be released inside of her and she would feel her arms and legs dropping to the ground. Rumia was knocked up by the snake, though at least for a short while she would not see or feel any signs of it.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia gasped and struggled as she felt the snake wrap itself around her and choke the air out of her lungs. She managed to get out one final blast of flame off, but in the end it was useless. Her vision was flickering as pain shot through her body, her head feeling heavy as she was deafened by the sound of her own pulse. Slowly, her consciousness was choked out of her, the girl eventually losing all contact with reality as her body went limp, no longer able to stay awake and resist as she was strangled by the snake. Leaving her at the mercy of the creature that caught her.

By the time she finally woke, her body shaking off the effects of oxygen deprivation, Rumia found herself completely bound by the snake. She could also feel something inside of her pussy, stretching it and releasing some kind of warm, thick liquid straight into her womb. It took her a moment to realize that she was being raped and filled up with cum by the serpent, the realization clicking when it began pounding her cunt once more. An involuntary cry of pleasure escaped her lips, the pyromancer horrified by the realization that her body was enjoying being used as a cumdump.

Rumia wanted to struggle, to fight back and escape, but she was too weak. She could only lay down helpless and restrain, unable to keep track of time as the pleasure of being fucked by the snake eventually overwhelmed her. It kept pumping in and out of her, hitting all the deepest spots while hot cum sloshed around her insides, driving the girl wild. She writhed and moaned, giving into the extasy as she was being bred by a wild animal, slowly but surely reaching her limits. Eventually, she couldn't hold on any longer. With a loud cry, she came hard, squirming as a powerful orgasm rocked her body.

The snake's stamina was far greated than Rumia's. Before it was done, she ended up climaxing many times, leaving her exhausted. Eventually, however, it would work itself to it's peak too, releasing a final load into her womb. Once it was done impregnating the girl, it released her and presumably retreated somewhere. The mage was left to slowly recover from her ordeal. Eventually, she'd pick herself up and go back, hoping to wash herself up a little in the river, then return to the cave. With what just happened to her, she was no longer in the mood to hunt, nor did she have the strenght to do so.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

With the snake having its way with Rumia it would go about its business leaving Rumia to awaken in peace. Wanting to wash herself, Rumia would need to contend with getting herself to the river in one piece. The pride of lions that were there previously had moved along, though she could see the crocodiles still within the immediate area. If she did not do anything to alarm them to her presence she could certainly use the river to clean herself.

The battle between the Yuan-ti and the Treant seemed to be picking up some steam however. Rumia would hear a commotion coming from that direction and as she looked over a full blown brawl had developed with chaos spreading everywhere around them. It was far enough away that Rumia was not going to involve herself directly unless she chose to do so, but what had started with a single Yuan-ti and a single Treant had now escalated into lines about 6 wide and two deep being formed on either side with weapons, vines, and projectiles alike being flung about constantly.

Neither side seemed to have an advantage though the casualties were starting to build on both sides. Were Rumia lucky, or possibly unlucky, a stray wounded Yuan-ti might be able to be picked off as it attempted to withdraw from the battlefield. Now that she was at least cleaned up, Rumia would want to get away from the river sooner rather than later. One of the Crocodiles had started to move her way.

Rumia: 5/5 FP, 0/10 AP, 0/2 CP - Pregnant (12)
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia stayed away from the crocodiles as she washed herself, thankful that the lions were gone. That was one problem less to deal with. She quickly cleaned up her body, then turned her attention to what once used to be a duel and now was a regular battle. It seemed that neither then Yuan-ti nor the treants wanted to back down and the conflict simply escalated from there, resulting in a quite the brawl. There seemed to be a fair few dead, wounded or dying on both sides by now, too, which wasn't suprising considering they must have been at it for a good while. With neither side looking like they were about to break and run, which was how battles usually ended, it seemed this would go on for a while.

Glancing around, Rumia would note one of the crocodile beasts approaching her slowly. Rather than wait for it, she decided to get away while she still could, leaving the river. Still, she'd try to find a different place to watch the battle from. She'd rather stay at a distance, not seeking to interfere or pick off any stragglers. With both sides likely to be hostile towards her anyway, she'd simply watch and see which one of them emerged victorious. Looking at the Yuan-ti lines, she realized they had to have an outpost or settlement around this place somewhere. Maybe she ought to consider looking for it at a later opportunity? Or she could try searching through the treant forest, depending on which side lost. She glanced up at the sun to determine what hour it was, then returned to watching.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would choose to watch the battle, though even then she was not entirely out of the line of fire as it were. With more Yuan-ti approaching from the south were she not careful they might approach and attack her instead of joining into the melee that was currently about to escalate into a pier 6 brawl by the looks of it. As she looked upward, she would notice that it was around 3pm or so judging by the position of the sun. She would surmise that she was out about 6 hours or so after the snake had defeated her.

Rumia had a thought cross her mind, that the Yuan-ti had to be coming from somewhere, and for now she would notice that at a basic level the Yuan-ti were coming from the south and attempting to push north while the Treants were the opposite. Currently she was south of where the main battle lines were drawn, and it would be likely easier to find where the Yuan-ti encampment was than join into the fray to get on the northern side of the melee.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Noting the position of the sun, Rumia figured she'd have a bit of time left to do a few things today. Altough the realization she'd spent about 6 hours as a snake's fucktoy was a bit unpleasant. It was swiftly pushed out of her mind, though, as she was busy watching the battle while moving out of the way of incoming Yuan-ti reinforcements. She could actually roughly track their path now that she was paying attention, noting that they were coming from the south. Figuring that the fight wasn't going to end anytime soon, the girl decided to go and try to find the snakemen camp, though she made sure to keep distance from the path they were using. No point running headfirst into warriors heading for battle.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia would consider the options available to her. Choosing to take a roundabout way, she would try to keep out of view of the Yuan-ti as they moved into battle positions against the Treants. Rumia would lose her focus for a few seconds as her head was turned. Forgetting that the playfield was heavily trapped for those few seconds could have been catastrophic, as the wire on the ground was triggered by Rumia's foot.

A somewhat large net would fall on her, pretty heavy and weighted it would be almost impossible for Rumia to carry it. Though the net itself did not seem to restrain her very well as she was petite and the trap was still designed for someone or something larger. As the net would fall, it would attract attention toward her as well. Though the Yuan-ti were still more interested in fighting off the Treants than Rumia as they would march back into the fray.

Rumia was able to get herself near what looked like a primitive camp. There were about 8 teepee's set up around a central fire and a larger structure on the far side. From her vantage point she could see roughtly 10 Yuan-ti still in the camp itself.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia swore as she felt the trap trigger, though thankfully it was just a net. One that seemed to be made with much bigger prey in mind. The girl squeezed and struggled to get out of it, thankful that the Yuan-ti were preoccupied with the battle. She could also see their camp, some sort of big building and several large tents around a fireplace. Fairly primitive, all things considered, but it worked. Noting the number of snakepeople still inside, she realized that moving in would be a suicidal plan. The girl decided that now that she knew where her potential enemies were, it was probably time to retreat and go get some proper rest. Maybe grab a bit of firewood on the way, too.
Re: Rumia (cross_grave)

Rumia figured that resting might be the best course of action. It was still a few hours before night would fall, but once it did she knew from the night before that there were just as many things out at night as there were during the day out to get not only her but the other players in this game as well. Gathering some firewood was easy enough as it was still a forest and she knew where the traps would be between the one she had just triggered and the cave that she was using as a hiding spot. Starting a small fire that would keep her warm as the temperature dropped, Rumia would sleep for a few hours.

Surprisingly uninterrupted in her sleep, Rumia would awaken in the dead of night. With the light of the fire being the only source of light around her currently, she could see that the cave was not occupied by anything else other than herself. Though as she would move to the edge of her cave she would see alot of the nocturnal predators were out and about. The Ocelots from last night were sniffing about the area, possibly trying to steal another kill as food for the night.

Rumia would need to find a way to see at night, though being a fire mage would likely trivialize this. If she wanted to venture out under the cover of darkness, this might be the time to possibly surprise attack something.