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[Megrim] ラブラブ!マイばでぃ / Love Love! My Buddy (RJ149926)

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Demon Girl
Oct 27, 2013
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Megrim's new game will be finished on July.
But, anyways: the demo is pretty awesome for just a... demo. There are some scenes to find and i actually managed to play it for hours.

I didnt really understood the story, to be honest. If anyone could explain it, i would be happy. :)

You can have two party members in the demo. If you have one of them, you cant get the other one (i think). Also, i dont think you can go for the whores in the pub if you're with a second member in your party.

I'm SO looking for this one.
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Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

You can have get both heroines as companions, but not at the same time. press S to start a dialog with your companion and you can dismiss them and then choose the other one.

the house with the smiling face on gives you jobs, do 10 and you can go to your house and talk with your mother, after that the gates out of the village will be opened.
there is another town and some more charaters to meet to the north
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

You can have get both heroines as companions, but not at the same time. press S to start a dialog with your companion and you can dismiss them and then choose the other one.

the house with the smiling face on gives you jobs, do 10 and you can go to your house and talk with your mother, after that the gates out of the village will be opened.
there is another town and some more charaters to meet to the north

Oh, there we go. I didnt knew i could just press S and bam, problems solved. Thanks for that.

And i did opened the gates, but i didnt really remembered how. :eek:
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

I'm at 7/10 quests; but everything being in moonspeak is really difficult. I don't know what the quests are asking- can anybody provide a walkthrough? I haven't even seen a scene yet.
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

I'm at 7/10 quests; but everything being in moonspeak is really difficult. I don't know what the quests are asking- can anybody provide a walkthrough? I haven't even seen a scene yet.

There are two scenes with the two prostitutes in the first pub. You need to be alone and pay them 300g each.

With the heroines, fight a lot. When you do a critical/dodge/certain amount of damage, their "horny meter" will raise. When they're at 100, go to the inn and pick the first option with the guy. In the room, just pick up the third choice.

Also, after saving the warrior that was trapped with the tentacle monster, she also has a scene. :)
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

You can also meet another prostitute in the town to the north, but her scene is censored. to the west is a house with a women and a blocked road, I have not been able to do anything there.
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

I couldnt find the scene with the maid. Where is it? Searched pretty much everywhere.
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

please help - had joined the party as a woman thief
at the entrance of the left bar

1. need take the work lumberjack
2. scratch up 50 or 40 trees in inventory open scene woman in out sawmill. scratch up a tree, you can open the scene

sorry is my very bad english.
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Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

there are three women you can have in your party (I think):
one from the church
and two from the bar/inn
one of them meets you outside your house, the other one stands to the left on the bar (I do not know how to make her join, or if she can join you in the demo).

scene: take work as a lumberjack, collect 50 wood pieces and you will get a scene. Save the girl attacked by slime in the dungeon, and talk to her at the inn (must be alone) and you will get a scene

there are two prostitutes in the first bar, 300 gold each for a scene, there is one prostitute in the next town, but her scene is censored
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

one of them meets you outside your house, the other one stands to the left on the bar (I do not know how to make her join, or if she can join you in the demo).

very thanks
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

A new version of the demo is available. You can explore more areas and have sex with more prostitutes, as well as find new partymembers.
Does anyone have a savegame with the full gallery? or knows how to extract the images from the game?
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

If it's anything like his last game then there's going to be a lot of scenes where I'm like, "I... I don't want to put my dick in that".
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

july almost over.

any news?
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

I really doubt it'll be out in the next couple of weeks given the tone of his blog. He had bigger ambitions for it and has had to dial them back, probably going to release a completed version soon with the intention to add more to it over time.
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

This game is really good and i hope that the creators find the time to put all of their pending ideas into it.

From what i understand, the main character is the son of a well-known hero (you can chose to inherit your fathers profession and skills-manual) who settled down with his family in the starting village. The father died not too long ago and the mother had to work as a housemaid for the local mayor and from the looks of it, she's not very happy with it but the family is struggling for money, since the father didn't really leave anything much behind, for all his fame.

The main character, Slayne, is now old enough to take up jobs from the local guild or pursue just about any odd job out there. At first you won't be able to leave the village. Your key items feature an inherited skill-manual. you can unlock those with lore points you gain from your travels and exploits. There's also something of a diary, which tells you interesting things about important people. This one is constantly updated and it recognized your choices during your your travels.

The first girl you meet is your childhood friend. She wants you to pick up a guild job that involves the exploration and monster eradication of the eastern cave/ruins. You can pick her up in the local inn/pub.

Right now, the game features this buddy system, which is sort of a relationship-building thing. When you press the "s" key while there's a party-member present, you can chat her up, touch her up, kick her out of the party.

The buddy system creates various environmental changes. People react different to you, as does your party. Which is to say, many events will only happen while your buddy is present or while you're alone. The world you live in recognizes your fathers exploits (sexual exploits really) and they expect you to live up to his example.

Your buddy will gain relationship points, as well as lust points. The girls will swoon over the hero when he pulls off critical hits or special attacks. They will also react to your decisions, which are tied to a Karma system for good/evil choices. For example, you generally gain positive Karma for selfless deeds and generally performing well but you also gain negative Karma for killing strong monsters (those spirit-like sprites with a question mark above them, most will require an item to be lured out). Killing those monsters will net you fame and relationship/lust points with npcs or buddies though. You will probably have to juggle with the impact.

The creators eventually plan to implement a marriage system which is available at 100 relationship points (it takes some time to fill those up). The lust points fill up faster (especially with the first charming skill from your manual) and you need 100 to engage in sexual events while resting at an inn.

Anyway, for a demo this game game has a surprising depth to it. You can already see a lot of choice and consequence and a form of "living" environment. While you gain fame and collect lots of artifacts/lore, the people will react to what you did. It's really quite nice.

The game will probably be delayed for a while, because that interactivity was a lot more complicated than the creators thought, but they wrote that they managed to get most bugs under control. The marriage system is not yet implemented but they are making daily progress.

I'm really looking forward to the finished version.
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Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

yes me to cant wait till this game is out the art is real good and worth playing
just hope this one is long the demo is real long his last game was real short but was still fun to play
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

Just wanted to give a word about this.

Probably everyone knows about it at this point, but the game is coming out in late September now. As meikun described, Megrim is working really hard on this game. From what i could understand, there are even different paths and scenes to get in the game, a marriage system, actual NTR, a huge amount of quests and stuff. No problem with waiting: the game is only getting better and ready.

This game is going to be really good.
Re: ラブラブ!マイばでぃ (Megrim)

Reeeally close to the end of September. If everything is ok, the game should be ready this week/next week. :)
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