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Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

I don't recall the name, but he
works for Osira. He's present in both previous games (I think. I'm not sure in the first).

OHHHHH THAT GUY. I remember him now, don't remember the foreshadowing though.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

His name is Valencio and idk why but i would like for him to join my party :D
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Ah, Valencio, I remember seeing him in the pub, but I never noticed that he disappears after a while.

Does anyone know how to unlock CG scene picture #9 I assume it's a variant on some sex scene? Is it to have sex alone with young Farah in the Highland Inn?
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

Ah, Valencio, I remember seeing him in the pub, but I never noticed that he disappears after a while.

Does anyone know how to unlock CG scene picture #9 I assume it's a variant on some sex scene? Is it to have sex alone with young Farah in the Highland Inn?

Can confirm it's not that for sure, since I did check for it. The alone scene shares the slot for scene with the dog.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

The save file a few pages back is missing quite a bit in the art gallery section. Does anyone have that part filled out?

Also it looks like the progress tab has a mention of a special gallery. Its 0/0, but maybe thats part of the secret?
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

The save file a few pages back is missing quite a bit in the art gallery section. Does anyone have that part filled out?

Also it looks like the progress tab has a mention of a special gallery. Its 0/0, but maybe thats part of the secret?

That's something I've been wondering as well, but my guesses are:

- Not all of the potential pictures have been added yet.

- The special gallery content hasn't yet been implemented.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

You purchase the "progress" book (I think that's what it's called), and then there's a tab in there somewhere that allows you to purchase upgrades based on how many golden tokens you have.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

You purchase the "progress" book (I think that's what it's called), and then there's a tab in there somewhere that allows you to purchase upgrades based on how many golden tokens you have.

You don't buy that book, you start with it. The books you buy are the art gallery, quest book, and some other useless book. You start with progress which lets you check stats and use golden tokens.

And as for missing stuff, a lot of things are either ungettable in the current version or just don't exist.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

uhm...there are some locked fornitures that i can't open even with the lvl 2 tool, like the one in the emperor room, in Colussia's castle...
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

That's to be expected. They're tied to the level 3 lockpicking tool that you can't get yet, which is called something dumb like, "Grand Lockpick", but I don't remember exactly. There's at least one other cabinet like that, in the noblewoman's house. Even if you could get the right pick in this episode, all they're set to give is salable items, e.g., the one in the castle gives a "Diamond Pitcher" that sells for several thousand gold.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

That's to be expected. They're tied to the level 3 lockpicking tool that you can't get yet, which is called something dumb like, "Grand Lockpick", but I don't remember exactly. There's at least one other cabinet like that, in the noblewoman's house. Even if you could get the right pick in this episode, all they're set to give is salable items, e.g., the one in the castle gives a "Diamond Pitcher" that sells for several thousand gold.

well, if advanced lockpicks are obtained by titles, the next one is at 20 lockpicks...i'm pretty much sure there aren't enough in this episode T.T
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Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

You don't buy that book, you start with it. The books you buy are the art gallery, quest book, and some other useless book.

Ah, I stand corrected. Thanks. :)
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

well, if advanced lockpicks are obtained by titles, the next one is at 20 lockpicks...i'm pretty much sure there aren't enough in this episode T.T
That's why I said you can't get it yet. I just looked at the events on the map resources to see that that those spots won't "open" unless you have the level 3 pick ("Glorious Pick"). I guess Gabe left those for the next episode, or maybe even episode 3.

I can't tell if this game is too cluttered or too sparse. Right now, it feels like you can progress too far in some things for additional episodes to really matter. For example, if there are 5-6 pick items, it'll get to be a little annoying, but if there are only 3 picks as currently planned, it'll be just as bad having to keep track of level 3 pick spots through all of Episode 2. You're already handed everything you need to hunt the wily Beetleblade as easily as possible, as if Gabe realized that would be tiresome, and built in a way to mostly avoid it. The Broncallos, Dark Bats, etc. are enemies for later in the game, as strong as they are. It feels like those areas should be completely quest-locked and more planned for Fairlight than just a side-trip for two sets of enemy titles. The game already uses a bit less than or a bit more than a quarter of the available maps, depending on whether the Egypt maps are cruft or yet to be introduced in-game. Yet somehow, the overworld feels remarkably cramped, and none of the area maps are all that expansive. Although, I think part of the problem there is that Gabe hasn't hit on the classic RPG trick of having all your small maps combined into one, so that entering two different one-room houses sends you to different, isolated locations on the same map. Presently a 7x10 tile room takes up as much of the map limit as the largest forest area, and two more towns with a good number of interiors like Colussia will use up about 33% of the remaining maps. Based on the world map in the resources, and the way the plot appears to be going, it looks like we'll have three more regions to explore, and a likely trip to Egypt through a portal or some damn thing.

It just seems like the pacing is all wrong. As if Gabe didn't plan out the whole game and divide it up into thirds. It's just being mostly thrown together one piece at a time, and occasionally Gabe forgets that the content and gameplay elements have to support two more episodes.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

i am stuck at when i rescuing farah and go to port ronod and says need information a about that frahs necklance thing! where is it that person????
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

i am stuck at when i rescuing farah and go to port ronod and says need information a about that frahs necklance thing! where is it that person????

On a ship in the port.I think she had a cloak.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

thanks i find out but after where should i go?

Go and take the gold from the shrine. It's on the eastern part of the town. It has to be at night.
Re: Legend of Queen Opala: Origin

After finishing Origin chapter 1, I decided to go back and try LoQO II Gold but it freezes when I try to enter a name for my character.

When I tried opening it in a Windows XP VM, and it wouldn't even load up. I'd get a pop-up saying "Script Hanged" and the game shuts down.

How can I fix this? I didn't really find much when I tried to google it. :(

I installed (and uninstalled then reinstalled) the rpg maker files provided with the game, but it didn't seem to change anything.

I do also have some VX and VX Ace files installed, but I don't know if that hurts anything here.
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