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ADV [ Kunka Kunka Empire] くんかくんか帝国 Trip in Search of a Saint Shield セントシールド~淫洛のムーラ神~ RE156972 RJ156972 (loli)

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Feb 7, 2014
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Re: Saint Shield (セントシールド~淫洛のムーラ神~) [RJ156972]

If I'm not mistaken it's made with SRPG maker, something akin to RPGMaker but for the more strategy type i.e. Fire Emblem.

Heck I'm pretty sure those map sprites are stock ones.

I'm 95% sure this thing is made with as much effort as those H RPGMaker games where you go through a linear story and get H scene, no choice involved whatsoever, usually with massive grind in between.
Stock assets or not, it's enjoyable to play. Sticking with something simple that works is better than releasing a half-thought-out, occasionally broken mess. I'm not saying it's perfect, or that there aren't improvements that could be made, but there is more enjoyment to be had than ~just~ getting to the H-Scenes. There's really no grind either, been pretty smooth sailing all the way through so far, and there is a branching path.

I could have phrased that first sentence better. When I say other games should strive to be like this, I don't mean that this is the "pinnacle" of these sorts of games or anything (though I stand by that it's a good experience), but that it offers a functional game, as well as a bit of H-Content. It's still leaps and bounds ahead of the numerous games that are nothing more than a gallery of some amount of random pictures done by an artist, stringed together through some barely-existent game that can be finished in 30 minutes or less while offering zero replay value.


Jungle Girl
Nov 23, 2012
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Re: Saint Shield (セントシールド~淫洛のムーラ神~) [RJ156972]

Can someone PM me a link for ver 1.03 or point me in the vague direction of where I might find 1? My googling skills are inadequate it seems :(


Tentacle Monster
Oct 17, 2013
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Re: Saint Shield (セントシールド~淫洛のムーラ神~) [RJ156972]

•Insignificant Tangent•
Actually, I'd say that this game is very good, and is what other H-Games should strive to be. It is just a mediocre Fire Emblem clone, but it's still quite solid (though a little unbalanced,) in terms of gameplay. It doesn't have a significant abundance of H-Scenes, but it's an actual game. It's not like the plethora of H-Games out there that offer a small and poor gameplay experience which is ultimately just an excuse to put their H-Content on display. And yes, while the H-Content is quite likely the main reason you are playing a game like this in the first place, there's no reason you can't have both a good gameplay experience, ~and~ the H-Content. It's absolutely fantastic when you can find a game like this that can offer both.

Now on to the game itself, from what I've seen in the first few stages: You don't have to lose to the stage's boss to get the H-Scenes, certain units just have to be defeated on certain stages. What I at least intend to do over... Some period of time (depending on busy I am, and how long this game turns out to be, though judging by the number of CGs, I can't imagine there will be too much to go through) is try to find and list three things on here within the game: Where and when the support conversations between each character occur, where to find each character, and how to get the H-Scenes. Although since I don't speak the language, I'll be using phrases like "The Orange-Haired Horseman" and "The Large House". But I'll try and put it in context so that it's all easily identifiable. If anyone has any useful information, or notices that there's something I missed, or knows of a guide that already exists making my efforts here entirely pointless, you are more than welcome to point it out.

•Guide• (Incomplete)
  • H-Scene 01 unlocks.
Stage 1
Support Conversations
  • Talk to your Brown-Haired Archer with your Protagonist.
  • Visit The Large House below the boss with any unit, and a Purple-Haired Griffon Knight will join you.
  • Allow your Protagonist to be defeated by any unit. (Game Over) H-Scene 02 unlocks.
Stage 2
Support Conversations
  • Talk to the Blond-Haired Swordswoman with your Protagonist.
  • Talk to the Black-Haired Mage with your Protagonist.
  • None.
  • Allow your Black-Haired Mage to be defeated by any unit. H-Scene 17 unlocks.
Use my save i got all stage 1 to 16 save start and end (total of 32)
I dun know what happen but i somehow lost the MC at stage 7/8 due to some quest. And i do lost the loli dragon girl on stage 13/ 14 due to a event i make she go into a village.


Demon Girl
May 31, 2013
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Re: Saint Shield (セントシールド~淫洛のムーラ神~) [RJ156972]

So you have to lose with a certain girl on each stage? How do you know who and such?


Jun 10, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Saint Shield (セントシールド~淫洛のムーラ神~) [RJ156972]

is there a full cg save?
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